Power Ranger Mania The Fanfic Shoppe The Yost  


Keep The Faith
by Georgia Peach


When the two landed in the Power Chamber, the sound of voices was omitted. Alpha, Zordon, and Tommy had mysteriously disappeared.. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of heart monitors, and the light sound of everybody breathing.

"Hello? Is there anybody here?" Billy dared to ask.

Tommy came running out of the zord room." Billy! Adam! Oh, thank God!" Tommy said a bit exasperated. "I was beginning to get worried·. Adam, you okay man?"

Adam looked up somewhat startled. " Yeah, I just fell· My head hurts a little."

"Adam, why don't you go and sit down in that chair." Billy slowly led Adam over to the chair, and sat him down." You just rest." Billy ordered.

Tommy grabbed Billy's arm and pulled him over to a console. He lowered his voice." Do you have the plant?" He spoke with authority.

Billy sensed some serious concern, with a touch of fear. " Tommy·what's wrong? Are the others okay?"

Tommy gazed down at his ratty shoes." Tanya and Rocky, are okay so far· Katherine's getting weaker, but she's okay· Leeza·. Leeza's not doing so good· She needs the plant immediately· I don't," Tommy paused beginning to see tears in Billy's eyes· Causing him to develop his own." I don't think she's going to last much longer·"

"And by the time it takes for the plant to get into her blood stream· And take affect." Tears began to stream down his cheeks. He couldn't think· All he new was he might lose her· And that he couldn't. " Here's the plant· Dissolve it." He gazed around the Power Chamber· Someone one was missing." Where's Zordon and Alpha?"

Tommy looked over to Billy while putting the plant into a special machine to dilute it. "As an extra precaution , we put Alpha and Zordon in a special and safe place· That way they wouldn't come down with this thing· It's been pretty quiet the past half hour."

Billy spun around." Tommy,·how long were we gone? "

Tommy shrugged. "Around two hours· Billy·. Do you think you could help a little· You know how much I love science."

Billy chuckled and walked up to him. Even though he was extremely worried about Leeza, it might be good for him to work on something that would distract him for awhile. He pressed a few buttons on the diluting machine. It began to spin around, slicing the tiny flower to smithereens. Within five seconds it was completely diluted. He took a needle and removed some of the diluted form.

He walked up to Leeza's bedside. He felt like he might faint as his eyes fell upon her unconscious form. She looked as white as a ghost, and the only vague movement you could see was the slow motion of her chest rising up and down. He took the needle and stuck it into her ivy. The diluted cure went slowly down into her blood stream, hopefully healing every sickened part.

Tears welled up in Billy's eyes as Tommy walked up to him. " You okay?" Tommy whispered.

" How long?" Billy asked spinning around." Did Zordon say how long it would take?"

Tommy lowered his head. " He said we'd know two hours, at the most, from when the dosage was given·.I already gave Katherine her dose· We better go give it to the others."

Billy didn't want to leave Leeza's side, but he knew that the other's needed his help· And that ultimately it was in God's hands now.

Adam had staggered over to Tanya's side and was sitting there as Billy walked up with her dosage. Billy repeated the same process as before. He bent down slowly and looked Adam in the eyes." How are you feeling?"

Adam shrugged. " Physically· my head hurts pretty bad·. Emotionally· I'm really worried about Tanya· And the others·"

"She'll be okay, Adam·Tanya's gonna be fine."

"You sure?"

"Positive·. Com'on· Let me bandage your cut·" Billy gave his friend an arm up· For the first time he truly envied Adam· The person he cared about would be okay·. But Leeza might not be· He had the oddest feeling that the next two hours, were going to be the longest of his life.

An hour and a half later the effects of the were plants beginning to show. Everyone's vital signs were building·All accept one·.

Rocky was already beginning to return to semi-consciousness while, Tanya was becoming aware of the real world again·. While Katherine and Leeza maintained in their meditative state· The only difference between Leeza and Katherine was, that Katherine's vital signs were building, and Leeza's where staying right where they were. The good news was, that they weren't dropping anymore.

Zordon and Alpha still maintained in their hideaway. Even though the cure had been found and almost everyone was getting better, Zordon had given specific instructions not to call them back until it was all over. The question was, "When?"

Billy sat quietly by Leeza's side. To anyone who saw him he looked totally calm. But on the inside, his inter body was racing. Different scenes flashed through his head. Past memories, present memories· And memories that he had hoped to have. He felt angry as he heard Adam whisper to Tanya, and she responded back. Rocky was vaguely conscious, but not up to talking· He still seemed out of it, when Billy had left his side a moment earlier· This was in fact the first time he had been with Leeza since those five seconds when he had given her the cure· It wasn't that he hadn't wanted to be next to her· He had wanted it more than anything· He was just afraid to be next to her· Afraid to see her the way she was at the present moment· Afraid he might never be able to talk to her again· Watch her train at the rink· See her out wit him fixing one of the Zord's·. And just to be in her company· See her soft smile· Her shining green, blue eyes· Her long dirty blond hair, that always had to look perfect· Everything about her just made him feel incredible· He loved her in a way· Maybe not a serious love· But a love of some kind.

Adam ended his conversation with Tanya, to check on Billy. He was worried about him· Billy had been extremely quiet·. To himself· He was afraid of what would happen to Billy· If Leeza didn't make it· He didn't even want to picture what life would be like for Billy· Or any of them for that matter·. Leeza was a very special part of all their lives, now· And without her there· He immediately shook the thought from his mind and proceeded over to Billy.

He gently placed his hand on Billy's shoulder." How are ya doing?"

Billy jumped. He had thought he was all by himself· He froze for a moment· Unsure of what to say· Should he admit that he felt as if he were about to have a complete nervous breakdown? Or should he put on his front and pretend that everything was okay? _Why bother?_ He thought. _Adam will see through it anyway·. I might as well say the truth._ " Can I be honest Adam·" Adam gave a slow nod." I feel like I'm going to lose my mind, and that·" His voice began to crack. " And· That I· I might lose her·" He turned, to try and hide the tears.

But Adam already saw them·" She'll be okay·You haven't been through all this to have God leave you now·. She'll pull through· You're the one that's always saying Leeza's strong willed· Maybe now its a good thing she's like that."

Billy had to chuckle at that· Leeza sure was stubborn·. No matter what she never gave up until she got what she wanted. She was a special person, and he felt honored to know her." I guess you're right."

Unknown to the rangers, Katherine began to return to consciousness. She felt herself give a silent moan· Too exhausted to be aloud·. She forced her eyelids open· They felt like lead· She glanced around the Power Chamber· A red blur caught her eye·_Tommy!_ She thought· She tried to get that thought into a word." Tommy?" She asked. Her voice was so quiet it was a shock if anyone could hear it.

But Tommy being so in tuned to Katherine, heard her soft cry. He ran from Rocky's side to Katherine's· He stared down at her· Her eyes were open and alert to him. "You okay?" He whispered softly.

She blinked a few times. His concerned face snapped into focus. She smiled weakly. "I feel fine· Just.. A little tired· How's Tanya?"

Tommy just smiled and took hold of her hand." She's fine· I'm just glad you're okay."

Billy took himself away from Leeza's side to make sure of this. He checked her readouts· Everything was fine, and her vital signs were building. "You're going to be all right, Kat·"

Tommy gave him a look to make sure he was telling the absolute truth. " Trust me·You're gonna be fine." He stepped away slowly and headed back over to Leeza.

The others stared after him· Their was really nothing they could do· They had done everything they could do to help comfort him· Now all anybody could do, was wait.

He sat down next to her· He dreadfully glanced up at her readouts· He didn't want to know· Part of him wanted to look up and see that she was totally fine· But a part of him dreaded it· He felt like there was nothing anybody could do.

He finally found the courage deep within himself to look up· As his eyes fell upon the readings he felt his heart skip a beat· Her vital signs were climbing!!! She was going to be okay!!! His soul was screaming yes, but on the outside his inter body remained unusually calm·He just remained there· In some distance place staring at her·Almost wishing he could help her return to consciousness· But all he could do was pray, and let her know he was there for her, always.

A half hour passed as Leeza still remained in an unconscious sleep. Billy kept blinking his eyes forcing himself to stay awake· The Power Chamber was extremely quiet·. Rocky, Tanya, and Katherine, had fallen into a save, and comfortable sleep· While Tommy and Adam went to go and get something to eat at the Juice Bar quickly. Plus, Zordon and Alpha were still being kept in their protective spaces.

Billy closed his eyes· He was exhausted· It wasn't that he was physically tired, it was more emotional· The waiting was very draining· Leeza's vital signs had been climbing for the past half hour· It was hard to believe that she hadn't returned to consciousness yet· Unless something else was wrong·

Billy's eyes shot open· He looked at her chart· If anything else was wrong, it would show on there· He was positive of that· He gazed down at her and felt his heart soar· Her eyes were vaguely fluttering open·. She was returning to consciousness!

He slowly bent over her." Leeza?" He whispered gently." Leeza, can you hear me?"

Leeza gave off a small cough, that brought movement throughout her body. She slightly moved her legs, and slowly brought her hand to her forehead. She vaguely moved her head from side to side·.Than She tried to open her eyes· She felt so stiff· Every part of her body felt like dead wait·even her eyelids· They felt like a pound of iron was on top of them, ceiling them shut· She coughed again·" Billy?" She faintly said.

Billy just smiled. He had missed hearing her voice·" How ya feeling?"

She finally was able to open her eyes· Not that it really mattered considering the fact that she couldn't see anything anyway· All she could make out was a blurred figure in front of her, that had to be Billy·"Can a think about that question, and answer it later?" She asked in a very weak voice.

Billy just kept that smile on his face," Sure· Why don't you get some sleep· I'll be right here."

Leeza nodded." Okay· I am kinda tired." She was curious as to what had happened and how everybody was, but she was to tired to ask now· She grasped Billy's hand and fell into a save sleep.


Two weeks later, Billy stepped into the ice cold area at the Youth Center. He watched as Leeza completed a triple toe loop/double loop combination, perfectly. Leeza had gotten back on the ice just four days ago, but she looked really strong out on the ice· She looked as if nothing had happened to her. Billy watched as she finished a combination spin with a flourish.

He stood by the entrance to the ice, and applauded. " And the crowd goes wild as, Leeza Anna Romone has captured the Olympic gold medal, at the 2002 Winter Games!!!!"

Leeza stared at him hands on hips. "Oh, aren't you funny today." She skated up to him.

" Just telling the truth· How does it feel to be back on the ice?" He asked.

"Great· Yet exhausting!!! I'm still kinda worn out from the virus."

Billy nodded." Yeah, the others are to· Zordon said it could take up to a month before you all completely recover to your old selves."

Leeza shook her head." Honestly Billy· I don't ever think any of us will be the same again· We all had a bad experience.. That changes people· Physically we'll be the same, but· We've grown as human beings· We can never return to the seventeen year olds we were before this thing happened·. At least I know I can't·" She lowered her head, than quickly changed the subject." Were are the others?"

"Well· Rocky and Adam are sparing· And Tanya's enjoying just watching them· Tommy and Kat went to a movie, I think."

"It looks like things are already changing·" Leeza said.

"Not, everything·." Billy slowly leaned down and kissed her." I still owe you nine hundred dollars, remember?"

Leeza chuckled." Eight hundred now·Did I tell you I changed my new program?"

"Yeah, I remember you mentioning something like that· You changed the music, didn't you?"

"Ysup·You want to see the routine· I must warn you, it's not the best because it's new."

Billy shrugged." Skate away!! I'm gonna go sit in the stands· It's cold down here."

"Okay!" She shouted. She skated up to the music booth and put the tape in. She skated to the center of the rink and got in her opening position.

Billy anxiously awaited in the stands·. You never knew what to expect with Leeza· He had a bizarre feeling though, that the music to this routine would have something to do with what happened two weeks ago·. And he was right too·. He chuckled to himself as she finished the routine· The music was 4him's, " Where There is Faith."

I believe in faithfulness
I believe in giving of myself for someone else
I believe in peace and love
I believe in honesty and trust but it's not enough
For all that I believe may never change the way it is
Unless I believe Jesus lives

Where there is faith
There is a voice calling, keep walking
You're not alone in this world
Where there is faith
There is a peace like a child sleeping
Hope everlasting in He who is able to
Bear ever burden, to heal every hurt in my heart
It is a wonderful, powerful place
Where there is faith

There's a man across the sea
Never heard the sound of freedom ring
Only in his dreams
There's a lady dressed in black
In a motorcade of cadillacs
Daddy's not coming back
Our hearts begin to fall
And our stability grows weak
But Jesus meets our needs if we only believe

A wonderful, powerful place
Where there is faith

Part 1 | 2 | 3