The Purple Ranger Story
The Purple Ranger. An accident gives a friend
of Adam's powers that Mondo wants badly: no matter the cost
Think Pink. It's up to the ladies to save the
day when all the guys are in more trouble than they can handle!
Brains Over Brawn. The Rangers have enough problems
of their own without Mondo interfering: not that he cares!
Knight in Shining Green Armor. Alex is trapped
in a strange world, and only a Powerless Adam can save her..
Unda Da Sea. The Alien Rangers came to help Earth;
now it's time for Earth's Rangers to return the favor when three of the Aquations
Two Become One. Alex has been on vacation, and when
she get's back, nothing is the way she left it!
The Virus Hunters. Divatox's evil has always
been sickening. Her newest plan, however...brings that meaning to a new level...
The Fan is Mightier Than the Sword. A bully is bothering Billy, so Trini steps in with her own special weapon.
Tearin' Up My Heart. Carlos needs someone to talk to.
Of Swords, of Wolves, and of Shadows Met.
When it rains, it pours.
A Rock Feels No Pain. In the aftermath of
his accident, Rocky is feeling left out, but an old friend returns to help him
Quantum Blues. Dr. Sam Beckett leaps into
the Rangers' lives: and makes more of a difference than he'll ever know.
A Different Shade of Blue. What would have
happened if Zordon had made slightly different choices in his first team of Rangers?
The More Things Change..... This sequel
to "A Different Shade of Blue" ties up some loose ends....
You Can't Always Get What You Want. When
Divatox's newest plan leaves the new Rangers without powers, the old Rangers
must step in to defend the Earth.
Share My World. A song helps bring
two Rangers together. March 5, 2000
Heartbreak. What happens to Kat when
Kim and Tommy reunite? April 30, 2000
Backstreet Boys Zeo. What could happen
if a boyband could become Power Rangers...? April 30, 2000
Lemonade. When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.
Echoes of Distant Rangers. A strange
experience leaves Billy unsure of his future as a Ranger.
Finding Her Niche. Kat is having trouble
learning the martial arts, so the Rangers have to get creative.
Crimson Dawn. Andros reflects on days gone by.
This is one of our most popular pages, and with the Personality Conflicts Series
and more, it's no wonder!
Last Updated: July 4, 2000
The Ultimate Armageddon. Every universe
is in danger.
History's Echo. Things come back to haunt the
Reunion. Rocky finds his sister that he thought
was dead.
Identity Crisis. Two very strange visitors
Nature's Fury. Mother Nature turned violent.
Remember Me. Is something from Kris's past hunting
The Crossing. Dead doesn't mean gone.
Lightning Crashes. A rock concert across
the country changes two of the Rangers lives forever.
Tekno Ranger. The Turbo Rangers are stripped
of their powers and captured, requiring the aid of the old Power Rangers.
Moments in Time. Two friends-turned-lovers
look back on their past and how their relationship came to be.
My Best Friend's Wedding. Two ex-rangers
are getting married, and one of their friends just can't share their enthusiasm.
In the Blink of an Eye.... Jason and Tommy
met for the first time at the Karate Expo. At least that's what they thought...
A Matter of Trust
Kim is giving Billy a makeover... whether he wants it or not.
To Teach A Genius. Billy's very smart —
but there are a few things that are hard even for him to learn! August
27, 2000
Season's Greetings. Four former
Rangers visit a friend on Christmas Eve... December 29, 2001
Letters. Kim had a reason to write "the
letter" to Tommy -- only, it's kept a secret. Over the years, other letters written
by the Rangers determine what Tommy's future will look like -- and if it'll include
the first Pink Ranger. February 16, 2002
Perfectly Good Reasons. Ever wondered
how the first five Rangers met and became close friends? This is how it could
have happened ... or couldn't it? May 18, 2002
If I Could Turn Back Time. Emily left
Angel Grove and Jason under a cloud. Now, years later, she's coming back... October
20, 2002
Brother. My Brother. Tommy wants his
brother and best friend to meet. But how will David react to the closeness and
affection Jason and Tommy share? October 20, 2002
Seasons to Remember. It is Christmas Eve, and Tommy and Kat share important news with their family. Together, they then take a long walk down Memory Lane. May 17, 2003
Ranger Passing. Tommy has a new job...
but is it his last one?
Siren Song. A new girl has entered the Rangers
lives', with a dark past of her own.
Tomorrow's Green Ranger. A girl from the future
wants to change the past.
Sentinel Zeo. A young girl is learning
to use heightened senses, and learns of the Rangers.
Sentenel Zeo 2. Two of the Rangers have
more than just their Ranger powers.
Family Reunion. The Rangers, both past and present, are going to have to pull together to help one of their own survive.
Dragon Rangers: Beginning of a New Age. The Rangers encounter some friends from very far away.
The Beginning of the End. Far from Earth, another set of Rangers is facing a difficult time.
Angel Grove, City of Angels. When an
ex-ranger dies, can an angel save Billy's soul, before it's too late?
The Darkside of Genius. Little did Billy
know of the fate that awaited him, when he recieved his powers on Phaedos. January
30, 2000
Interview with a Power Ranger. A reporter's
life is never dull, but one reporter found more than she was expecting when she
went in search of truth behind the one-hundred year old myth, known as the Power
Rangers. January 30, 2000
The Hardest Thing. What is the hardest part
about loving two women? It's telling one of them, 'Good bye'. January
30, 2000
"The Once and Great Power"
The Power. When the Lightstar powers aren't
enough to fight Astronema, the Rangers must find more power.
The Missing. Astronema has a new weapon to
use against the Lightstar Rangers. January 30, 2000
The Gathering of the Rangers. Can the
Lightstar Rangers gather together all of the former Rangers, before Astronema
can get to them first? January 30, 2000
Wolf in Water. Once on Aquitar, the Rangers
are finally able to find Billy. But...where is he? And why won't anyone tell
them where he is? January 30, 2000
"Ranger of Light"
Every Hero Has A Beginning. Billy's loneliness
may be causing him to have some bad dreams, but are they only dreams, or something
A New Ascendancy. There is new evil and
new Powers. January 30, 2000
Intercalate Maleficence. Billy seeks out
the meanings of his dreams, while Sedra and Locan put in an apperance for the
Rangers. January 30, 2000
Dawning Light. The 'Light' has been found,
and Sedra goes to college to find the Power. January 30, 2000
Kidnapped. Can Ahzza find the 'Wolf' before
it's too late? January 30, 2000
Taming the Wolf. Will Billy give in, or
get out? January 30, 2000
Rocky's Day Out. Rocky's out on the town
by himself? Uh-oh.
Rebellion of the Power Rangers. Tommy
always gets all the glory, but not anymore!
The Unseen Scene. These teens lead such
perfect lives... sometimes.
"Home Again"
Home Again. . .Home Again. ... Trini meets
some "interesting" people when she goes to New York.
Make New Friends, But Keep the Old. Billy makes
an appearance in New York.
The Wait Is Over. Garrett and Trini go on their
first date...sort of.
Starting as Friends. Kim has returned
to Angel Grove, to talk with Tommy at last.
Rasslin' Rangers. You've got a ringside
seat for the wrestling match of the century!
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