Power Ranger Mania The Fanfic Shoppe The Yost  


Legal Disclaimer: This is the second part to the Yellow Chronicles, and is probably inaccurate to boot, since I'm working off episode synopsises, and my own fuzzy recollections. Also, to keep your sanity, read Trini first!!!! Now, to keep my sanity, espisodes in parts will be filed together. Saban owns them which is a pity. However, I heard that Disney bought Saban Ent. Is that true?
Author's Note: Due to the reversal of time caused by MasterVile in Rangers In Reverse, I am taking the rest of the episodes that Aisha featured in, and you can read it in Tanya, where she writes the next stage of the chronicles.

by Mistri, Cho's Observer

Hi. I'm Aisha Campbell. A while back myself and two friends, Adam Park and Rockford [Rocky] De Santos found out that six of our friends were the Power Rangers. Then Jason Lee Scott, Trini Kwan and Zack Taylor got chosen to be in this Teen Summit. We replaced them as the Rangers. For the sake of those who won't know, entry formats will be like this: Entry ##-##. The first two ## mean that it's the ## entry of Rangers, and the last two ## are the number of entries I've done.


Entry 88-01. The Power Transfer, Part 2.

Zedd instructed these goons, Baboo and Squatt, to release a Sleep Machine. It sent out a poisonous sleep gas that knocked out almost everyone, except Rocky, Adam and me. We tried to break the machine. but we had no luck until Adam pulled a Roberto Baggio. Then we get teleported to the Command Center and the Powers are transferred. Adam got the Black, Rocky got the Red, and I got the Yellow. Then Zedd sent down Silverhorns. I'm pleased to say that we held our own against him.


Entry 89-02. Goldar's Vice-Versa.

Adam just got the worse thing that could ever happen, happen to him. It was time for the Sadie Hawkins Dance, where the girls ask the boys out, instead of the other way round. Love was in the air for everyone....Well, almost everyone. Adam didn't have anyone. Then he met the girl of his dreams. Sabrina. She turned out to be Scorpina in disguise. What a shock for poor Adam. He dealt with it well, however.


Entry 90-03. Mirror Of Regret.

Adam had his insecurities that he had as a kid come back when he got a less than stellar student. His insecurities came back even stronger when Goldar's Mirror of Regret is looked into by him. Zedd sent down Skellarina, a killer hyena skeleton. By forgetting about being picked last and taking on Skellarina, Adam saved the day.


Entry 91-04. When Is A Ranger Not A Ranger?

Adam's kaleidescope was stolen by Zedd so he could create the Scatterbrain Monster. Tommy, Kimberly, and Adam went to fight Scatterbrain. Unfortunately, he turned on them, and they lost their memories, and as a result, were force-demorphed. We teleported them back. Billy figured that prisms might reverse the effect. So we got some, and we all teleported to the park. We were hit. Now we all had no memories. Bulk and Skull saved the day, by spying on us, figuring out that we were the Power Rangers, and then sacrificing their memories for ours.


Entry 92-05. Rocky Just Wants To Have Fun.

Ernie got a new game. Rocky helped set it up. 'It' being a new Pachinko machine. Zedd cast two spells. One made Rocky think about having fun, only that. No Ranger duty, no school duty yada. The other one transformed the machine into Pachinko Head. He turned us into Pachinko balls. Zordon and Alpha got us out of that predicament, and then we kicked it's ass out of town.


Entry 93-06. Lights, Camera, Action.

The Rangers were invited to be on a television talk show. After some nifty talking, Zordon allowed us to go. Bulk and Skull got the idea of unveiling us on TV, and they failed. Zedd created Showbiz Monster. We made our apologies, and got out of there. We used Tor, only to find out that Zedd forgot to recharge Serpentera. Sheesh Zedd, if you're that desperate for air time, go on Ricki or something. I'm sure she's looking for guests to appear on her "Universal Dictators and the teen-aged superheroes who thwart their plans" show.


Entry 94-07. Where There's Smoke, There's Fire.

I got appointed Fire Safety Captain for Angel Grove. I guess I took it too seriously. Bulk and Skull went around trying to prove they would be better. Zedd went into pyromania mode and sent down Flamehead Monster to torch Angel Grove. I took things a bit too far and tried to take Flamehead on by myself. Luckily, the others saved my butt!


Entry 95-08. Scavenger Hunt.

We went on a scavenger hunt, for our school. We were doing pretty good, and Zedd interfered. He sent us to the Lost Dimension. Goldar came down to steal Cannontop, and we managed to escape, kick butt and win the hunt! Ernie helped us with the last rhyme.

They're the colours of the rainbow, and they fight villains too.
Find a picture of them, and this will do.


Entry 96-09. The Great Bookala Escape.

Angel Grove was visited by an intergalactic traveler, the Bookala. Ufortunately, Bookala's Diamond Power Source was wanted by Zedd to power Serpentera, and we had to pull some fast switcheroo tricks to enable the safety of the Bookala. Zedd then created an evil Bookala for no other reason than spite I, guess, we reigned triumphant, and not much else.


Entry 97-10. Forever Friends.

My friend Shanna visited Angel Grove to compete against Kim in a gymnastics comp. Shanna was jealous of Kim, because she and I are close. The boys were making ashtrays in Shop. They don't smoke however, so why would they need them? The Jaws of Destruction was sent down, kidnapped Kim and Shanna, and we rescued them. After all that, Kim and Shanna tied.


Entry 98-11. A Reel Fish Story.

Well, today's been interesting. Zedd resurrected Slippery Shark, Pirantishead, the Toxic Goo Fish and Commander Crayfish. Of course, since we beat them the first time, we were able to wipe the floor with them. Zedd then created Tube Monster out of an inner tube. Oh well, at least we can get a workout.


Entries 99-12; 100-13. Rangers Back In Time, Parts 1 & 2.

We were talking about our favourite memories, and Lord Zedd decided to turn back time. Then the Z-Putties were sent down, and we defeated them, and then Photomare captured us in a photograph. Bulk and Skull took the photo and went back to school, where Alpha restored us to normal. We destroyed the rock that was doing the timespell, and everything was all right again.


Entries 101-14; 102-15; 103-16. The Wedding, Parts 1, 2 & 3.

We got a vacation to down under. Meanwhile, Rita returned and married Zedd. Finster was sent down, and he reprogrammed Alpha. Alpha took control of the Command Center, disabled Zordon, and sent us to an abandoned theatre, which happens to double as an interdimensional vortex that nullified our powers. Secondary magic spells would work, and for that reason, we would be morphed, but powerless, as Billy explained. We eventually made it out of there, after fighting every single monster that was ever fought! But no sooner then we were out, then we were back! We made it out a second time, got to the Power Chamber, deprogrammed Alpha, and managed to ruin Zedd and Rita's honeymoon.


Entries 104-17; 105-18; 106-19. Return of the Green Ranger, Parts 1, 2 & 3.

As we wondered what periods in the past we'd like to visit, Zedd and Rita got the Wizard of Deception to help them out. He then created the Green Ranger, and then sent myself, Adam, Kim, Billy, and Rocky back to Angel Grove's colonial days. We were thought to be witches, and then ran all over the place. A girl called Marissa helped us out. Tommy back in the future/present? is preparing for the battle of the century. White vs Green. The Wizard was kind enough to create three rat monsters out of three rats, and we discovered we couldn't morph. Billy said that was because we hadn't been given our powers yet. Tommy came back and rescued us, and the end of it was that his clone stayed in the past.


Entry 107-20. Best Man For The Job.

With student elections, plus Rita, lovebirds Kim and Tommy are not so lovey. If they hadn't smelled the roses, don't even wanna go there....


Entries 108-21; 109-22. Storybook Rangers, Parts 1 & 2.

Angel Grove's book fair inspired Zedd and Rita to trap Kim, Tommy, Adam within the book 'Grumble The Magic Elf'. They had to escape by helping Grumble deliver toys to a group of kids. Bulk and Skull tried making monsters. I helped return the toys to the children, with my art skills. We defeated another monster!!


Entries 109-23; 110-24. Wild West Rangers, Parts 1 & 2.

With a convenient rip in time, Kimberly got transported back to 1880, Angel Grove. There she met our great-great-great-grandparents. Zedd sent back NeedleNose. Kimberly ran to the Command Center of 1880, and got the Power Coins. Our ancestors and Kim ran them out of town! Then they came back to the future, where we destroyed NeedleNose.


Entry 111-25. Blue Ranger Gone Bad.

Rita created a clone of Billy, and he stirred up things in Angel Grove. With mirrors, Billy foiled the plan and saved the day!!!


Author's Note: From all the research I've done, this is the episode where the timelines split into Movie:- Ninjetti, and T.V.- Ninja.


Entries 112-26; 113-27; 114-28. A Friend In Need, Parts 1, 2 & 3.

Kimberly had the flu, so she missed out on an interesting journey. Alpha had received a distress signal, and we had to go to Edenoi, to help defend it. Tommy got beaten up by Dex, and the rest of us were assaulted by the Honour Guard. On Earth, Repellator was released, and Kim recruited Bulk and Skull to help fight. On Edenoi, Dregon also released monsters, and we beat them, came back to Earth, and helped get rid of Repellator.


Entries 115-29; 116-30; 117-31; 118-32. Ninja Quest, Parts 1, 2, 3, & 4.

Well, yet another game of volleyball was ruined, but this time by the arrival of Rito Revolto. Zedd and Rita, sicced him on us, and because Tommy refused to pull out of battle, the Zords and Power Coins were both overloaded, and destroyed. When we reached the Command Center, we had to go to the Desert of Despair. After walking, we were the first to ever cross the Desert, and then we were attacked by Tengas. We found the entrance to the Temple of Ninja Power, and it admitted us. Ninjor reforged our Coins, to draw Ninja Power. Rito attacked the city, we took him on and won, then we attacked Vampirus at the Temple and kicked his butt. Bulk and Skull begin a stint as Junior Patrol Officers.....


Author's Note: Apparently, this is where the timelines merge again.


Entry 119-33. A Brush With Destiny.

Kim's mother is getting remarried, and they might move to the City-of-Lights. Finster capitalised on Kim's worries, turning them into a bad monster, named Artist Mole. Since we wanted our colour back, we had to defeat him.


Entry 120-34. Passing The Lantern.

At a family reunion, Adam was entrusted with an ancient lantern, which was said to have magic powers. Of course, Zedd and Rita got involved. Rito came down to steal it, and stole everything but the lantern! Rita and Zedd created Lantera, and he came down to finish us off, but we finished him off.


Entry 121-35. Wizard For A Day.

Billy is now a red belt! YAYYYY!! Mr Wilton, and Rocky swopped placed in school today, and Rocky taught a chemistry class, and Mr. Wilton hung with the teens. It was bad. Mr. Wilton got transformed into Marvel the Meanie, oh no!! We saved him, and still got an A in his class!!!


Entry 122-36. Fourth Down and Long.

Rocky's uncle was to give a talk to the footy team. Alan couldn't go if he flunked chem. Zedd and Rita sent down Centerback. Rocky, had to fight him off. And he did IT!!! Then we found out Alan had dyslexia.


Entries 123-37; 124-38. Stop The Hate Monster, Parts 1 & 2.

My family doesn't make enough money to qualify me for entry into the Angel Girl's Club. I'm a bit bummed out. We had to fight a monster called The Hate Monster. He turned us against each other. Billy trapped me inside the Power Chamber by cutting off it's main power source. I had to think happy thoughts, and I did and we kicked butt!!


Entry 125-39. Stop The Hate Monster, Parts 1 & 2.

We Rangers had to to study the country of Kahmala, and it's history of mask making. Rita freed the Face Stealer from one of the urns, and with our knowledge, and some 'borrowed' masks, we deafeated him.


Entry 126-40. The Potion Notion.

Love was certainly in the air, thanks to a new monster. However, Goldar couldn't handle it, and an antidote was created, which drove Miss Chief insane, and we were called in to action. Aycheedubbletoothpicks has no fury like a Miss Chief scorned....


Entries 127-41; 128-42. A Ranger Catastrophe, Parts 1 & 2.

I speak from hindsight. My kitty... My kitty wasn't a kitty. This kitty worked for Rita, and could transfrom into a human, which was her real form, and was called Kat. She lured Tommy into a warp zone. There, Tommy battled Goldar, while we battled Kat and Rito, at Zord size. Afterwards, Kat made friends with us.


Entries 129-43; 130-44; 131-45. Changing of the Zords, Parts 1, 2 & 3.

The ancient ShogunZords were revealed to Lord Zedd. He kidnapped Ninjor for a power source, Kat stole Kim's coin, and the FalconZord was taken away from us. Kim held back, until Tengas attacked, and then got captured by Goldar. We were told to pilot the Zords, or watch Kim's life-force dain away. Billy hotwired them, Tommy freed Kim, and we then severed Kim's connection to her coin, gave her some energy, and she was fine.


Entry 132-46. Follow That Cab!

Kim got a fabulous chance. Gunthar Schmidt was in Angel Grove, annd her car was stolen. Bulk, Skull and Kim grabbed a cab, and they went off in pursuit. Zedd then created Crabby Cabby out of that cab.


Entries 133-47; 134-48; 135-49. A Different Shade Of Pink, Parts 1, 2 & 3.

Kim was working double time to qualify for the Pan-Globals. Rita and Zedd tripled their attacks. She fell under the pressure. Kat kept an eye on her, we found out. Her selfless act broke the spell, and she befriended us for real. Zedd and Rita sent down Garbage Mouth, which we destroyed, and Kim pulled out of the Globals. Then she had to be given up for Ninjor, and we said nope. Kat was napped, and she rubbed Rito the right way and escaped, brnging Kim's coin with her. Katherine Hilliard became the Pink Ranger.


Entry 136-50. Rita's Pita.

The Ravenator infected a pita of Tommy's and he had to consume all things edible, being filled with a desire for such. We managed to save him!!


Entry 137-51. Another Brick In The Wall.

Kat's design for low cost housing won her an award from the Homeless Humanitarian Housing organisation. Rita then created Brick Bully, which turned us into bricks. Kat and Billy's knowledge and talents sure did come in handy.


Entry 138-52. Chimp In Charge.

Kat's chimp, who knows sign language, was transformed into the Sinister Simian courtesy of Rita and Zedd. We then got a sample of fur, and using a rocket, we freed Kellie. Kat was quite jumpy throughout the process.


Entries 139-53; 140-54; 141-55. MasterVile And The Metallic Armor, Parts 1, 2 & 3.

MasterVile arrived, and thanks to that, we got Metallic Armor. He was searching for the Zeo Crystal. He released Blue Globber, and Kat offered herself to be evil again to Rita and Zedd, while Tommy snuck into the Caves of Deception to retrieve the Zeo Crystal. While that happened, Billy tried to regain control of the NinjaZords. Tommy brought Kat and the crystal back, but both sets of Zords were sent to Planet M-51. Then we broke the connection to the Zeo Crystal, and then hid the separate shards inside a rip in space and time.


Entry 142-56. I'm Dreaming Of A White Ranger.

Rito and Goldar held Santa's workshop hostage, forcing the elves to mass produce toys to make children of the world their slaves. With Christmas Cheer, we freed the workshop and celebrated Christmas in True Angel Grove style.


Entry 143-57. The Sound of Dischordia.

The streets of Angel Grove might never recover. We were turned into dancing machines by Dischordia. But by using our Metallic Armor, we kicked butt.


I, Aisha Campbell, having done my duty, hand this chronicle to the next Yellow Ranger. I know not who it will be, since there are only five Zeo Shards. The next Yellow Ranger shall chronicle the Zeo saga, and I have sent back my Zeo Shard with Tanya Sloan. Good luck, my friends. You'll need it.
