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Someone To Watch Over Me
by Mele (ktutt@earthlink.net)

February 22, 2025 - The Other Side
Adam and Billy looked around the decorated church with a feeling of deja vu. They'd seen this scene quite a few times. However it had been a while, at least in their friends' lives. And this wedding looked like it was going to be big. The church was decorated to the rafters and extra chairs had been set up behind and beside the built in pews. They looked around at the early arrivals, trying to guess who the couple might be. They finally conceded defeat and wandered to the entrance to see if they could see any of the invitations, which would list the bride and groom. Adam was the one who found out who it was first.

"Oh, boy, Billy. This is too weird. We are going to be related now. Semi-related at least."

"Pardon me?"

"My son is marrying your sister."

"What? Adam and Jaymie?"

"Yep. Your half sister is going to be my daughter-in-law. My son is going to be your, um, half brother-in-law?"

"Okay, you're right. It is weird. And your son better be good to my sister!"

Adam laughed at that. "I'm sure he will be. Trini and Rocky would make sure of it. Man, this feels weird. They are all getting so much older. My son is now about the same age I am. I was. Whatever. I mean, look at Kim and Tommy there." He pointed out the Olivers, who arrived hand in hand, along with their younger daughter, Megan. While still beautiful, there was no mistaking that Kimberly was no longer a teenager. Her figure was fuller in the hips, slight lines now visible on her face. Tommy's hair, much shorter now, was streaked with gray, and his face was more deeply lined, giving him a rugged appearance, which suited him well. They were still a striking couple.

"I know. At the risk of sounding like a cliche, time is moving much too fast. Of course in our case that is especially true. Oh, Lord, look at that." Billy pointed to the entrance, where his father and Anne, and Adam's parents stood talking.

Wallace and the Parks were all well into their late sixty's, Anne her late fifties. While the Parks looked younger than their years, Wallace looked older. Given his slight physique, the years seemed to show up on him more than on the others. Or perhaps it was the struggles in his younger years, pain and grief having made their mark on him early. Whatever it was, he appeared to be a very healthy eighty-year-old. Billy felt sorrow wash over him as he looked at his father.

Adam felt unreality steal over his mind as he looked at his parents. They couldn't be that old. As far as Adam was concerned, they would always be thirty-five, or so. Surely they couldn't be approaching seventy. He looked to Billy for support, only to see his feelings reflected in his friend's eyes.

"I think this falls under the heading of 'I will think about it tomorrow'. I am looking forward to my son's wedding. And seeing Trini and Rocky again."

"I concur. And there they are now," Billy commented.

Trini and Rocky entered the church together, along with their younger son and daughter. Trini looked remarkably unchanged in the last twenty years, but Rocky had grown more mature looking, more dignified. He looked every inch the successful surgeon he was.

"They look great," Billy noted as Adam looked at Trini with a longing expression.

"Yeah, they do," Adam's voice sounded far off, his gaze still fixed on Trini.

Billy put a comforting hand on Adam's shoulder, knowing his friend still found it difficult to see Trini with someone else, even if it was one of his closest friends. Adam finally released a deep sigh and turned his attention back to his companion.

"Looks like they are gearing up to go," he observed.

He and Billy took their usual place behind the priest, and waited for the service to start. Billy's eyes misted as he watched his father walk Jaymie down the aisle, he looked proud enough to bust. It turned out to be a remarkably beautiful service, and it went off without a hitch. Adam and Jaymie Park were ready to start their lives together.

Billy noted as he and Adam prepared to move on to the next event that Katherine had not attended the wedding.

June 29, 2026-The Other Side
They found themselves on the Angel Grove University campus, directly underneath a sign welcoming the Class of 2001 to their twenty-fifth class reunion. Tables had been set up, covered with white paper tablecloths, plastic bowls of nuts and trail mix were already set out. There was seating at the tables for over two hundred, the number the reunion was expected to attract.

Billy and Adam wandered around, anxious to see which of their friends would be in attendance. They both realized this was a golden opportunity to check out the current events in their friends' lives, get a sort of status report as it were. Here they would be telling people they hadn't seen in years of the events that had transpired since graduation. Billy and Adam were looking forward to eavesdropping.

June 29, 2026-Angel Grove, California
Trini and Rocky found themselves surrounded by other former pre-med students. Rocky had been a popular student, and well remembered by the others. Trini was growing a bit tired of the 'shop talk', as they all compared notes where they had gotten in their careers, what they still wanted to do, how much money they had in their retirement funds, etc. Finally she simply excused herself and wandered off to try to find someone who was not engrossed in the medical world.

She eventually found Tanya, who was here with her husband, Paul, who had been part of their graduating class, though none of them had known him at the time. (Tanya had taken a two-year program.) Tanya greeted Trini warmly. Though the two women were not particularly close friends, they got along very well.

"Hey Trini. Where's Rocky?" Tanya greeted her.

"Surrounded by other doctors, discussing doctor-type things. I was so bored my teeth started to fall asleep, so I left in search of more congenial conversation."

"I guess I can understand that. When Paul gets around other engineers and they get into talking about work I have this almost unbearable urge to fall asleep," Tanya commiserated.

"Where is Paul?"

"He went with some of the others to look over the new lab facilities. He was active in the drive for the funds to upgrade the labs, so now he wants to assure himself it was not a wasted effort."

"I'm sure it wasn't. How are you two? I never seem to see you, though I hear you every morning. You show is terrific. And belated congratulations on your award. You certainly deserve it."

"Thanks. Paul and I are fine. No problems that I am aware of. We are both very busy with our careers, but when we get some time together we make sure to put our work aside and enjoy each other. It took some hard lessons to get that through to us. How are you and Rocky doing now that the kids are all grown and gone?"

"Okay. I'm toying with the idea of going back to school for my law degree. You know I gave that up when I had Adam. I got my paralegal license, but that is not enough for me. I still have the urge to be a full fledged lawyer."

"Well, all I can say to that is: 'you go girl!', as we used to say in our misspent youth," Tanya enthused with a bright smile. Trini was smiling back when suddenly her expression altered to one of concern.

"What's wrong, Trini?"

"Well, I'll be darned. She actually showed up. I was beginning to think she was going for a new career as a hermit." Tanya followed Trini's gaze to where Katherine was strolling across the lawn.

"Wow. I haven't seen her in a long time. I understand she blew off Adam and Jaymie's wedding."

"Yeah, she was a no show. I called her a couple of days later to check on her and she said she had been sick. But personally I wondered about that, and since then she has been harder and harder to contact," Trini replied. She raised one hand to catch Kat's attention, then waved the blonde woman over.

Though they kept their expressions carefully neutral, both Trini and Tanya were shocked at Katherine's appearance. She had grown so thin her clothes simply hung on her, her eyes were lusterless and even her hair was limp. Trini's first impression was that Kat was depressed. Deeply depressed.

Tanya put on a cheerful front. "Katherine, it is so good to see you. How are you? What have you been up to?"

Katherine's smile was sad. "Nice try Tanya, Trini. But I know what I look like. And to forestall your questions, yes I am seeing someone professionally. I've shut down my practice temporarily while I try to get myself together. Right now I am in no condition to help anyone. That's why I missed the kids' wedding. I do apologize for that, I did not mean it as a snub."

"Don't even think about it," Trini said with quiet emphasis. "You getting better is the most important thing. Can you talk about what it is exactly that is causing you problems? If you don't want to talk about it we will understand, but if you do want to talk, well, I'm here."

"Me, too," Tanya added.

"A lot of the problem started 25 years ago, not surprisingly. Everyone has been too kind, or too timid, to say anything, but I was always aware of the looks I'd get. Looks that seemed to say, 'I wonder if she's gotten over Billy yet?' And some of it goes further back than 25 years ago. But the catalyst was eighteen months ago when one of my patients died. A stupid, senseless death. Sound familiar? It reopened old wounds I thought had long since healed. Seems they hadn't and now I have to try to heal them for good," she noticed Trini's expression. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I forgot myself there for a minute. You had the same loss as I had, how could I be so thoughtless? I didn't mean to stir old feelings up for you," Kat apologized.

"I'm fine. It's you I'm concerned about. Why did you come here today?"

"To begin to face the past, as per my therapist's suggestion."

"Can we do anything to help?"

"You already have."


Zack Taylor strolled around the University campus greeting those alumni he recognized, and being recognized himself by many he could not recall ever meeting. Now a successful producer, Zack was a recognized celebrity. He was the talent behind one of the most successful sitcoms on television that season. His picture showed up periodically in magazines such as "Entertainment Weekly" and "People".

But for once, Zack found no pleasure in being recognized. He had come to this reunion in order to touch base with his past. Recently he had found his life spinning almost out of control, he needed to feel grounded again, and he figured coming to Angel Grove would help. His marriage to Angela was struggling, his son William was trying to make a go of an acting career, and his dad had recently been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. In the harsh, dog-eat-dog world of entertainment he found no source of solace. That was what he was seeking in his old hometown.

He wandered until he noticed a small knot of women that made his heart lighten. He said nothing as he snuck up on three old friends.

"Boo!" he cried, followed by an outbreak of giggles when the three women jumped. They turned as one to face their attacker, then relented when they saw it was Zack.

Trini was the first to respond. "Really, Zack, aren't you a bit old for this?"

"Tormenting beautiful women? I don't think I'll ever be too old for that."

"Oh, keep that up and we may just forgive you in a couple of hours or so," Tanya said with a grin.

Zack grinned right back at her, but noticed that the three of them looked pretty solemn for such an occasion. And Katherine wasn't looking well at all. "So what were the three of you discussing that made you all look so serious?"

"Old friends that couldn't make the reunion," she said softly.

Zack's expression indicated he knew exactly who they were referring to.

They stood without speaking for a few minutes, each lost in his or her own thoughts. Tanya was the first to break the silence.

"I'm going to find Paul and tell him I have somewhere to go. Then I'm going to the cemetery to say hello to a couple of friends I haven't visited in a long time. Anyone want to come along?"

"Count me in. Angela didn't come with me so I'll just meet you by the banner, okay?" Zack replied.

"If you don't mind, I'll wait with you and you can regale me with stories of your fantasy life in Hollywood," Katherine said to Zack.

"It ain't no fantasy, but I'll come up with something to 'regale' you with," he replied equitably.

"I have to find Rocky and let him know where I'm off to. He may want to come along. In either case I'll see you in a couple of minutes," Trini added.


Five friends stood in a semi circle around the Adam's headstone. For a while no one said anything, each lost in thought, remembering the shy young man they had known a quarter century before.

Rocky put his arm across Trini's shoulder, as much for his comfort as for hers. They rarely came here together. Rocky had made it a habit to come each year on the anniversary of Adam's death, and he knew Trini did as well. But for some reason, they almost always came separately.

"Maybe it sounds strange, but you know, I still miss him. I'll see the promo for some movie, or see a book on display, something like that, and I'll think 'Adam would have loved that', but it's, it's almost an unconscious thing. An automatic thought. Almost like, even after all these years, I still think he's going to come back. That he didn't really die, just, you know, went away. That sounds weird, huh? Think the guys in the white suits with the straight jackets should come and get me now, Katherine?" Rocky tried the weak joke to lighten up the mood a bit. What he had seen in the others' expressions was recognition, not censure. They did understand, had even experienced the same thing.

"No, Rocky, I don't think they should come for you. I have the same thoughts about Billy. Sometimes I fancy he is still here, that I just can't see him. So you don't sound weird at all to me."

The others murmured their agreement. Rocky looked around at the others in evident relief. "I thought I was going nuts. Thanks, guys, I feel a little better now."

"You know, it just occurred to me. Billy has now been dead twice as many years as I had known him. That is a sad thought all by itself, it can be cut so short, you never know what will happen or when something will end," Zack muttered, more to himself than to the others. By now they had left Adam's marker and were moving over to Billy's.

Trini nodded in agreement. She had become friends with Billy the same summer Zack had. That accident had not only robbed her of the man she loved, but a cherished friend as well. "I still miss them both. Oh, what I would have given to have them see the wedding last year. Adam's son and Billy's sister. And you know we are going to be grandparents late this year."

Zack and Tanya hadn't known about the pending birth, and both offered their congratulations. But Zack still seemed a bit distant, lost in thought.

"Zack, are you okay? You seem a little distracted," Trini asked gently.

"I am a little distracted, I guess. My life has been pretty screwed up recently, but coming here and seeing you all again, remembering what happened with Billy and Adam, well, I guess it is giving me something to think about. I got very caught up in my career, wanting to get ahead, be a success, and have it all. Angela is fed up with me. William barely speaks to me since we clashed over his pursuing an acting career, and my dad, well, my dad isn't going to be around a whole lot longer. He has an inoperable brain tumor. I was feeling lost, I guess you could say I couldn't find my center. I guess I needed to be reminded of what is important. Thinking about Billy, and how suddenly I lost him, well, it reminded me that the people I love are the most important thing. I've been under a lot of pressure at work, trying to do it all myself. I think I need to relinquish some of my control there and take time for Angela before I lose her, repair the rift between William and me, and spend time with Dad while I still can. At the risk of sounding like a Hallmark card, I need to be close to the ones I love, while I still have them. Good grief, I'm getting maudlin in my old age," he concluded with a self-conscious look.

The others didn't reply, simply surrounded Zack in a group hug, lending emotional support the best way they knew how.

Standing a little ways away, Billy and Adam exchanged looks. At least they now had an idea how some of their friends were doing. Maybe someday, somehow, they would be able to find a way to help.

November 24, 2026-Angel Grove, California
"I do not believe I am going to be a grandmother. Who would have thought it? And what is taking so long, they have been in there for hours!" Trini was pacing nervously, thoroughly startling Kimberly, who had never seen her reserved friend so anxious.

"Easy Trini. You know full well that these things take time. Just settle down, you are making me nervous," Kim finally said in exasperation. "Why are you so upset about this?"

Trini sat down beside Kimberly, and glanced around the waiting room. The others did not seem to be paying any attention to her, but still she pitched her voice low as she spoke to Kim.

"I'm sorry, I've just been on edge lately. I have applied for law school. I decided I want to try for the degree I intended to get twenty five years ago. Rocky is not exactly being supportive about it. He is ready to start slowing down in his career, and it seems he wants me to be available to take off at a moment's notice, not tied down to a school schedule or something. We have been fighting about it a lot. I put everything on hold when I had Adam, then again when I had Theresa and Jackson. Sure, I kept my position as a paralegal, but only part time. My real career was as wife and mother. Don't get me wrong, I don't regret it, but now I want more and he doesn't understand." Trini suddenly looked at Kimberly in dismay. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have dumped all that on you, you don't need it."

"Trini, you needed to get it off your chest! That is what friends are for. I'm glad you finally said something, I was starting to worry about you. It has been kind of obvious recently that you have not been terribly happy."

Trini gave Kim a searching look. "Has it been that obvious?"

"Only to those of us who love you," she replied reassuringly.

"Great, I'm unhappy in my marriage when I'm about to become a grandmother. Doesn't seem real logical, does it?"

"Who said life was supposed to be logical?"

"Good point," Trini started, but was interrupted by the arrival of her son fresh from the delivery room. He walked straight up to her as Rocky came to her side. Adam took both of her hands in his.

"Congratulations, grandma, grandpa, you have a brand new grandson. Charles William Park. You have a grandson Mr. Cranston, Mrs. Cranston," he added for Wallace's benefit as he and Anne hurried over. "Jaymie's doing great."

Standing in their usual place off in a corner, Adam and Billy exchanged grins, laughing softly as they moved on.

July 30, 2028 - The Other Side
It was another hospital waiting room. Their first thought was that another child was being born to the 'next generation', but something told them this time it was different. There was a small knot of people waiting, but there was no feeling of anticipation, expectation. This group was solemn, unhappy.

Billy noticed Jack and Marjorie Scott, who were holding each other's hands as if they would never let go. Sitting beside them were two beautiful, dark-haired girls who were both in tears. Marjorie freed one of her hands to enable her to put her arm around one of the girls, who immediately leaned into the older woman. The other girl leaned into the one Marjorie was holding, so Marjorie managed to reach enough to embrace both.

Billy was the first to surmise what was going on. "I think something is wrong with either Jason or Emily. I'm pretty sure that is Heather and Haley Scott, their daughters, sitting with the Scotts. I gotta go find out." With that Billy hurried through the door in search of his oldest friend.

What he found filled his heart with dismay. Jason sat beside a bed that was surrounded by machines, tubes going every which way. He held the hand of the patient on the bed. It was Emily, barely recognizable. The last time Billy had seen Emily, at Jaymie and Adam's wedding, Emily had looked great. She had been blessed with the kind of looks that aged well, and she had taken good care of herself. The figure now lying on the bed was a skeleton, translucent skin stretched over the protruding bones. Jason was speaking softly to her, tears evident in his voice.

"It's okay now Emily. I'm here for you. I love you, I have always loved you. Thank you for our life together, and our two beautiful daughters. I will stay here with you until you are ready to go. Don't be afraid, darling. Everything will be okay, you rest now. You have fought so hard, so long, you deserve a rest...."

Billy quickly left the room, leaving Jason his privacy. He literally bumped into Adam as he was leaving.

"What's going on?" Adam asked, seeing how upset Billy was.

"Emily is dying. Looks like she has been sick for a long time. Jason is saying goodbye, I just couldn't stand there and listen to him," Billy replied, struggling with tears himself.

"Oh," Adam said as he turned to follow Billy out. They stopped in the waiting area and stood beside each other, both shaken.

"God, now we're going to have to see them die? I really don't know if I'm up for this Adam. Jason is hurting so bad. Emily is only, what, fifty or so? Too young to die, that's for sure. And our parents, they will all die soon. I don't know if I can do this," Billy's voice was ragged sounding. Through his friendship with Jason he had become close to Emily, and he hurt for her, for Jason, and for their daughters.

Adam tried to comfort Billy, while dealing with his own feelings. They had been moving so quickly, they rarely had time to consider what all they could end up dealing with. Adam realized there was a school of thought that considered death a good thing, the doorway to heaven. Riley had basically told them there was indeed 'Heaven'. So, Emily's death could be considered a good thing. But the one thing he and Billy had discovered, was that life was good. Something to be cherished and held on to. It was very confusing, to say the least. Even knowing the afterlife was going to be good, he still grieved for Emily's loss of life, and her family's loss of her. He could only figure Billy felt the same way.

Billy had regained his composure and he and Adam had been discussing their thoughts on the matter, when Jason walked slowly in from the ward. Jason was immediately surrounded by his sobbing daughters and distraught parents.

Billy and Adam watched with tears in their eyes, wondering how they might help in this matter, when suddenly they moved on.

February 13, 2029 - Angel Grove, California
Trini DeSantos hurried to answer the knock at her front door, muttering at the interruption of her baking. She opened the door to find Rocky standing there.

"I have the final paperwork. If you want to sign it now, I'll take it back for final filing, or I can leave it with you to do. Whatever works best for you," he said diffidently.

Trini sighed, "I'll sign now. Come on in while I get a pen."

Rocky followed her into the house that until the middle of last year they had shared. It was up for sale, and he and Trini would split the proceeds. Trini had already packed a lot of her stuff to move into a smaller place, probably an apartment. Their daughter, Theresa, was living in Colorado, working for the State Forestry Department. Their son, Jackson, was graduating from college in New York in June, then would start work with a large stockbrokerage firm there in August. Adam and his wife and son lived in Angel Grove.

Rocky looked around again, remembering the good times. There had been a lot of them. Their marriage didn't exactly turn sour, it simply seemed to die a natural death. He still cared for Trini, he just didn't love her any more. And she had indicated she felt the same way about him. As a doctor, he supposed he could have made a diagnosis of 'terminal apathy'.

"Here, signed and ready for delivery. Thanks for bringing them by Rocky, that was thoughtful of you."

"You're welcome. I guess I'd better go now, get these in today before I forget. Um, will you be okay now?" he asked tentatively.

She smiled at the question. "Yes, I'll be okay. If I need anything, I will call you. And you know the same goes for you. If you need something, even if it's only someone to talk to, you can call me."

"Thanks. Good luck with law school, I hope it lives up to your dreams. Take care, Trini."

"You too, Rocky."

She closed the door behind him, and leaned against it heavily, letting out a shaky sigh. "Well, guess I'm on my own now." A tear slipped down her cheek, and she wiped it impatiently away. This is what she wanted. She was enrolled in law school, still working part time. Come what may, she was going to be a lawyer.

Watching from across the room, Adam admired her strength. Trini would get her dream at last.


Katherine opened her front door and ushered Jason in. They were still chuckling over the movie they had just seen, trading jokes about the lead character. Jason sat down on the couch as Katherine went into the kitchen to make them coffee.

Jason looked around the room curiously. Katherine had lived here for years, yet he had never been in here before. This had been their fourth date, and the first time he had been invited in. It occurred to Jason that most of them knew very little about Katherine's private life, she tended to keep to herself a lot. He finally stood up and took a quick walking tour of the room. She had a large assortment of dainty knickknacks, mostly china, overstuffed comfortable furniture, and framed traditional art on the walls. Except for the north wall, which was covered in framed photographs. He walked closer and looked at the pictures. He recognized a few of the people in the pictures, including a picture taken at her graduation from Angel Grove University. There were pictures of the Zeo Ranger team, the Turbo Ranger team, and the Ninjetti Ranger team. Billy was in the pictures of the Ninjetti and Zeo teams. Jason himself was in the Zeo picture, standing beside Billy.

"See anyone familiar?" Katherine asked from behind him.

"A couple of familiar faces, yeah," Jason smiled. "My God, that was so long ago. How young we all were, and we were saving the world. I don't know if I would trust it to any teenagers I have encountered recently."

"Oooh, spoken like a true old 'fuddy duddy'," Katherine giggled. "You know the kids haven't changed all that much, you just got older."

"Thanks for reminding me. That's a nice picture," Jason pointed out, looking at a picture of Katherine and Billy, probably taken less than a month before his death.

"Yes, we were very happy then," Katherine said in a tone and manner that made it clear she did not want to discuss the matter further. Jason took the hint and sat down again on the couch, while Katherine took the armchair.

They talked of work matters, family, current events, just about anything that had nothing to do with the two of them being together. Jason was getting a little impatient. He cared a great deal for Katherine, he thought they could be good together. He had been lonely since Emily died. He had loved Emily with all his heart; he was not trying to replace her. But he was the kind of man who needed to be with someone. And he suspected Katherine needed someone too. They were already friends, he wanted to see if love could grow from that friendship. But he felt Katherine resisting him, and he wasn't sure why. If it was due to him, or something to do with her and her past.

A silence fell between them, and Jason finally ventured to break it. "Katherine, are you at all interested in having a relationship with me?" He knew it sounded blunt, but the direct way was his way.

Katherine considered his question. "I am, but I'm not. I don't know, Jason. I am attracted to you, definitely. But I don't know about anything long-term. I'm not ready for that."

"So, we could try short term. Katherine, we are not kids anymore. But we are both alone, we get along great, and, I, for one, do not like being alone. If you don't want a relationship with me, then we will remain friends. I care too much about you to abandon you. But, I will pursue other relationships. I want someone to be with, someone to love and be loved by. You were my first choice."

Katherine looked a little unsettled by his words. Tears came to her eyes as she considered what he had said, what he was offering, and the feelings he had ignited. Jason knelt at the foot of her chair and took her hands in his.

"Think about it, Katherine. I know you have been hurt, a lot. I don't want to hurt you. I want to love you, to be with you."

"Will you give me some time to think about it?"

"Of course, as long as you need," Jason was quick to agree. He was almost shaky, after laying it all on the line. He knew he really didn't need time to discover if he was in love with Katherine, he knew he was. He just hoped she would reciprocate.

"Are we still spending tomorrow at the lake?"

"Absolutely. And considering that, I should be going," Jason stood up to leave.

"Thank you for a wonderful evening. And I promise I will consider everything we talked about," Katherine said as Jason took his leave.

She went into her bedroom and readied herself for bed. She couldn't see the lone figure standing by her desk, just as she had not seen him listening in on her conversation with Jason.

Billy was considering his options.

February 13, 2029 - The Other Side
Billy stood in Katherine's bedroom, thinking about the conversation that he had overheard, trying to sort out his own feelings. For the first time he realized he had been honored by Katherine's not finding someone new. It some twisted way he liked her loyalty. Now he realized how selfish he was being, how wrong it was.

How could he help set her free?

He glanced around, his eyes settling on her personal computer on the desk. Suddenly inspired, he concentrated on his hands, and was able to start the computer. Opening a word processing program, he reset the font so his message would fill the screen.

Then he began to type.


Katherine got out of bed with the ringing of her alarm, and quickly headed in to take a shower and dress for the day. She was ready for Jason's arrival when she went into the bedroom to find a scarf and noticed the message on her screen.

She sat down on the bed, her hands going to her breast as if to steady her racing heart. Once she got past the shock, she began to seriously consider the message, and what it meant to her. She was still thinking when Jason arrived.

She greeted him at the door, and led him into the bedroom without a word. She pointed to the computer screen, and said softly, "This was on the screen when I looked at it this morning. I didn't type it, I don't know who did."

Jason looked at the message, considering. The message was in large, bold font:



"Any idea who said that?"

"No, I don't remember ever encountering that saying before. But, Jason, it is so true! I just forgot. When I was younger, and I taught dance, I told my students that they had to dance for themselves, not the audience. That they had to be brave and let themselves go. I taught students that, but forgot it myself. You are going to think I'm nuts, but I have a wild urge to dance. And an even wilder urge to find love. Think you can help?"

Jason took her in his arms and answered without words.

Billy was satisfied with the success of his plan, and scarcely noticed when he moved on.

January 1, 2030 - The Other Side
Adam looked over at Billy as they found themselves in a church again. "Where were you?"

"Kat's place. Seems she was having some problems letting go of the past, allowing herself to start a new relationship. I did what I could to help. What about you?"

"Trini and Rocky are divorced. I was watching her reaction to the finalizing of the divorce and the pursuit of her dreams. She's going to law school."

"Good for her! Sorry her marriage didn't work out, but after what we heard at the reunion, then at Charles's birth, I can't say I'm surprised."

"Me neither. Wonder who is getting hitched this time?"

"I have my hopes. Let's wait and see."

They passed the time checking out old friends. Tommy and Kimberly, Tanya and Paul, Zack and Angela, and Trini were all in attendance. As was Rocky, with a dark-haired woman on his arm. Several of their friends' now adult children were also in attendance. For all that, it was a fairly small group, an obviously less formal wedding.

When Jason took his place in front of the minister, Billy gave Adam a triumphant look.

"They did it, Adam. They fell in love. Geez, it's about time."

They looked up with a smile as Katherine made her way down the aisle on her father's arm. The simple ceremony was completed quickly, but there was hardly a dry eye in the house. Everyone was thrilled that these two had found each other, and had found love again. They both deserved any happiness they could get.

Shortly after the completion of the vows, Adam and Billy moved on.

January 2, 2030 - October 13, 2050 - An Interlude
Billy and Adam entered another phase of quick stops as members of the 'next generation' got married, and had children. Adam's son would eventually have three children of his own, Billy's younger sister married and produced four children.

Rocky remarried three years after his divorce from Trini. His wife, Denise, was a nurse he had worked with. They were very happy together.

Also during this time, they found themselves at a depressing number of funerals. Among those who died during that twenty year span were: both of Adam's parents, who died in 2038, of cancer; Jack Scott who succumbed to a heart attack; Marjorie Scott who didn't survive a bout of pneumonia; and Anne Cranston, who lost her life to a brain embolism. Ironically enough, Wallace Cranston was still alive.

October 14, 2050 - The Moon
At the deserted, semi destroyed palace once occupied by Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd, a new evil was taking up residence. Known as Emperor Malfeasance, he had terrorized and tyrannized twelve other planets before setting his sights on Earth. He planned to overthrow the planet and use the inhabitants for slave labor. He considered there was no one there to interfere with his plans.

Assisted by his royal servants, and his royal warriors, known as Hoolithugs, he believed Earth was no match for him.

October 14, 2050 - The Desert Outside Angel Grove
In a deserted corner of the desert, a structure suddenly began to erect itself using materials found around the site. Pieces of a previous structure, indigenous rocks, and other materials came together to form a domed shape, with what appeared to be a smoke stack protruding from the middle. Deep inside could be found a complex system of computers, monitors, and consoles. Looming above all was a clear cylinder, containing what appeared to be a giant head. Working at the various consoles was a robot, approximately five feet tall.

Zordon and Alpha Five were back.

"Alpha, it is time to assemble a new team. Make the selection and teleport them here."

In short order five very confused teenagers stood before Zordon. He quickly explained about Emperor Malfeasance, and the threat he posed to mankind. He offered the youngsters the chance to save humanity as Power Rangers. Whereas the first group he had chosen over 50 years before had no idea what a Power Ranger was, these five had grown up hearing stories of the heroic deeds of the Power Rangers, and were more than willing to serve. Zordon asked each to step forward and accept their Power Scepter, and control of their Animal Zord.

"Luke James, you shall be the red Scepter Ranger, and command the powerful Lion Zord. You are team leader." The tall, red-haired teenager accepted the powers with a solemn look, already feeling the responsibility.

"Joseph Briggs, you shall be the black Scepter Ranger, and command the mighty Horse Zord." Joseph grinned as he accepted the powers, his dark features reflecting his joy and pride.

"Michael Jeffrey, you shall be the blue Scepter Ranger, and command the stalwart Ox Zord." Michael accepted his powers with a sense of wonder, running his hand through his dark hair.

"Marcia Bradley, you shall be the pink Scepter Ranger, and command the graceful Swan Zord." The statuesque brunette was smiling as she felt the powers surround her.

"And Panda Lee, you shall be the yellow Scepter Ranger and command the swift Giraffe Zord." Her intelligent eyes sparkled with questions as she accepted her powers.

"Please observe the viewing globe. Your five zords can be merged together to form one Ultrazord, which has enough firepower to defeat just about anything the Emperor throws at you."

"Just about anything?" Marcia asked with a worried look.

"There may be times when you will have to find other solutions, rather than just firepower. I have chosen you because I believe you have the capabilities to look beyond simply overpowering an opponent, and find whatever solution is needed in each situation. There are three rules you must observe, or risk loosing the protection of the powers. One: You must keep your identity as a Power Ranger secret. Two: You cannot escalate a fight unless the Emperor forces you. Three: You cannot use your powers for personal gain. If you don't have any questions, Alpha will start acquainting you with the Power Chamber, and the various devices you will need to know how to operate."

With that, Alpha began the intensive training the new team would need in order to stand a chance against Emperor Malfeasance.

June 6, 2051 - Angel Grove, California
Kimberly Oliver, Katherine Scott, Trini DeSantos, and Tanya Simpson were enjoying a quiet afternoon together. They tried at least once a month to get together to visit, shop, or whatever else they might want to do. Today they were sitting on the Oliver's patio sipping coffee or tea and visiting. Or gossiping, as Tommy would call it.

"Did you hear of the latest exploits of the Power Rangers. They were able to defeat that monster that looked like a doorknob without doing any damage to the town. I was pretty darn impressed," Kimberly said. "It always drove me nuts that we would end up knocking down buildings in our fights."

"Yeah, this new group seems pretty efficient. I guess now I know how Bulk and Skull felt, I would really love to know who these kids are," Trini noted.

The others all agreed. But they knew better than anyone that they had to maintain their secrecy.

"I keep looking for teens with a wrist device like Billy made for us, you know. But they probably have something completely different," Kim commented.

Tommy, who came out onto the patio with a look of suppressed excitement on his face, interrupted their conversation.

"I've got a little surprise for you ladies," he announced, then stepped aside to reveal a petite African American woman standing behind him.

"AISHA!" Kimberly squealed, sounding for all the world like the teenager she had once been, not the seventy two year old grandmother she was.

Aisha was promptly enveloped in a group hug, as the five women all began speaking excitedly. Tommy went back inside, laughing to himself at their antics.

"Aisha, what in the world are you doing here?" Katherine asked at last.

"I have decided to come home. My husband died last year, my children have all come to America to pursue their dream here. There was nothing to hold me in Africa. So, I decided it was time for another adventure." The others all chuckled to hear her, she had not changed at all. "So, get me up to date with you all, please. I haven't heard anything new from you guys in a couple of years, so 'fess up."

So they passed the afternoon getting Aisha up to speed on everyone's activities, and especially on the emergence of a new team of Power Rangers.

Little did they know they were the subjects of conversation among the Power Rangers, even as they spoke.

June 6, 2051 - The Power Chamber
"Zordon, I am getting readings that indicate Emperor Malfeasance has activated a teleportation beam into Angel Grove. I am trying to discover its intended target right now. There. He has actually teleported someone to his base! I have the location, let me see if I can get a name. Stewart, Justin Stewart. I'm getting a visual on the viewing globe now," said Panda Lee, the Rangers' technical expert.

Zordon and the Rangers turned their attention to the viewing globe, which was replaying the kidnapping of Justin Stewart. It showed the man, clearly in his mid-sixties, sitting comfortably in his living room, watching TV with his wife, when suddenly he was surrounded by a reddish glow, and disappeared. His wife was heard screaming in the background.

"Why would Emperor Malfeasance kidnap an old man?" Michael wondered.

"He was not just any 'old man'," Zordon announced, "Justin Stewart was a former Power Ranger."

The current Rangers turned to each other in shock. "He's targeting former Rangers? How many are still around, Zordon?" Luke asked with some concern.

"There are sixteen surviving former Rangers, all of whom are currently in this state. We must try to contact and teleport the rest of them to the Power Chamber before it is too late. Alpha, initiate a search utilizing the biorhythm information we have on file for each of them," Zordon commanded.

"Emperor Malfeasance got another one, a woman named Cassie Douglas. Was she a former Ranger?" Panda asked.

"Yes, she was. Please hurry Alpha, if you find any, teleport them immediately to the Power Chamber, we don't have time to waste."

During an extremely tense few minutes it seemed the Power Rangers and Emperor Malfeasance were in a race to see who could collect the most former Power Rangers. In the end, Zordon came out ahead, getting ten of the sixteen. Zordon successfully teleported Kimberly, Tommy, Katherine, Jason, Rocky, Trini, Tanya, Aisha, Zack, and TJ.

Emperor Malfeasance captured Andros, Zhane, Cassie, Ashley, Carlos and Justin. Within an hour he contacted Zordon, offering to exchange the former Rangers for the current team.

"There will be no exchange, Emperor. If you do not release your hostages immediately, you will suffer the consequences."

"Zordon, you have absolutely no sense of humor. Tell you what, you don't want to exchange for them, then how about a little contest. I will put these six little old former Rangers in a forcefield, thusly. Now all you have to do is defeat my monster, the Battering Ram, and reach the forcefield controls in one hour. See, the forcefield will be contracting as time passes, in an hour's time it will start to crush the people inside. Deviously clever, isn't it. Well, good luck, and all that." With that the Emperor terminated contact with Zordon.

"Rangers, you must act swiftly. The Battering Ram is a very powerful adversary, capable of delivering a blow that can level a mountain. It shoots projectiles at tremendous velocity, they can punch a hole through a zord. Be careful to try to avoid getting within his reach. May the Power protect you."

With that the five teenagers called upon their Scepter Powers:

"Red Scepter Power!"

"Black Scepter Power!"

"Yellow Scepter Power!"

"Blue Scepter Power!"

"Pink Scepter Power!"

They teleported into battle in a veritable rainbow of colors.

Standing to the side of the Power Chamber, ten former Power Rangers were still trying to come to grips with what had just happened. They had been suddenly taken from their placid afternoon activities and rudely teleported to the Power Chamber. They were still reeling from this when they were listening to Zordon and Emperor Malfeasance discuss what needed to be done to rescue the former Rangers Zordon hadn't been able to protect.

"Well, you wanted to know who the current Rangers are, now I guess we know," Tommy muttered. "How good is this team, Zordon?" he asked.

"They are very skilled, and they work well together. The only lack some seasoning. Much as you all were at first. They have a good chance."

"I hope so, those are old friends out there."

"I know, Tommy, I am worried too. I wish there had been more time to analyze the threat from Battering Ram. I have not discovered a weakness yet."

"Here, why don't I take a look? I used to be pretty good at this as a youngster," Trini offered, unable to simply stand by and watch.

She went to work at one of the consoles, testing and analyzing, trying to find a weakness that would help the Rangers. The rest watched the battle with increasing dread. The fight was not going well at all.

"The main power source for the Battering Ram is in his horns. But they are protected by a forcefield of some kind. It's weird, it can fire through it, but it is impervious to our weapons. I don't know if it is a directional thing, letting energy out but not in, or if it is somehow tuned to only allow certain types of energy to pass. Damn!" Trini was getting frustrated. "It's been too long, I don't know what to do. Alpha, can you figure this out?"

"I'm trying, but there is too much to analyze, and we are running out of time. Ay-yi-yi, this is a disaster!"

June 6, 2051 - The Other Side
Billy was as frustrated as he could ever remember being. The lives of six former Rangers hung in the balance, and they couldn't do anything for them. Or could they? He continued to peer over Trini and Alpha's shoulders, watching the data as it scrolled by. Suddenly he noticed something they did not seem to see. A bit of information that showed how the forcefield worked. If he hadn't been looking for just such an item, he would have missed it, as Trini and Alpha had.

"Adam, it is a directional forcefield. If I can recalibrate it somehow, reverse the orientation of the field, I can make it so when the Battering Ram fires again, it will in effect shoot itself. I'm going to have to push Trini and Alpha out of my way to do it, pretty rude, and it may violate the rules some, but I have to try. Will you help?"

"Of course I will."

"Good, let's concentrate, and get this job done."

They both focused on their hands and arms. Past experience had showed them they were actually pretty weak in comparison to living people, but they were hoping Trini and Alpha would get the hint and not fight back.

Billy pushed Trini aside, and Adam pushed Alpha. Both reacted with shocked surprise to find themselves being forced away form the console. Adam backed Billy, jabbing Trini or Alpha anytime they came close to the console. Meanwhile, Billy was punching in data as quickly as possible.

Finally he straightened with a sigh of relief. "I think that's done it." He and Adam turned their attention to the viewing globe, where the Battering Ram was obviously preparing to fire again at the Megazord. As soon as the weapons were activated the forcefield reflected the energy back onto the Battering Ram, effectively blowing its head off, destroying it.

June 6, 2051 - The Power Chamber
The assembled former Rangers gave a cheer as the Battering Ram was destroyed, and they saw the current Ranger team release the captive former Rangers. They all turned to Trini and Alpha, curious as to what had happened.

"I don't know how you guys did that, but it was great!" Rocky enthused.

"We didn't do anything, someone else is in here. Zordon, can you identify who it was that helped us?"

"I am attempting to do so. Alpha, I believe they are still here, please scan the Power Chamber for their biorhythms." While Alpha did the scan, the current Rangers arrived with the last of the former Rangers. The Power Chamber, large as it was, seemed crowded with twenty-one people there.

"I have a fix on them, they are over there," Alpha indicated a spot across from where the others were gathered. "I am sending the data to you now."

Zordon smiled gently. "Alpha, see if you can make them visible to us. Use the molecular echo device, it should work."

"Right away, Zordon." Alpha aimed a device that looked like nothing so much as a high tech flashlight to the area of the room he had indicated before. The device hummed, and suddenly two figures began to show up, shimmering slightly. There was a collective gasp from the former Rangers.

"Oh my God," Jason breathed, barely able to believe his eyes. He heard the soft exclamations from the others, could almost hear their eyes tearing up. Katherine's hand in his trembled suddenly.

They all stared at the two young men across the chamber. Two young men who reminded Zack of a couple of deer caught in a car's headlights, unable to decide whether to stay where they were or leap away.

"Who are they?" Marcia asked in the silence.

"There were eighteen Rangers used during the last part of the previous century. These two were killed shortly after the last Ranger team was disbanded. Their names are Adam Park and Billy Cranston."

"How is this possible? Why are you still here?" Trini asked, tears flowing down her face unheeded.

Adam and Billy exchanged a look, unsure what to do. Zordon's voice got their attention.

"If you speak, they will be able to hear you."

"Oh, okay. Um, we were just here to help," Billy said. Though his voice was mechanically simulated, it still sounded like Billy to his friends.

"Just here to help? For how long?" was Jason's question.

"Well, we have sort of been around for the last 50 years, but you are on your own now. See, we were given the opportunity to see 50 years in the lives of the people we loved, and we took that opportunity when it was offered. So, for the last 50 years we have sort of watched over you all. Most of the time we couldn't do anything to change how your lives went, and sometimes we could. It was better than nothing," Adam explained.

"What do you mean, we are 'on our own now'?" Kimberly asked.

"The fifty years is up now. We will go on to Heaven, I hope. Unless we get in trouble for this little stunt. We never did get a good briefing on the rules," Billy concluded.

"When do you leave?" Tanya inquired.

"Probably around 6:00, I think that is about the time we died."

"That's like 5 minutes from now," Zack commented, with a sob in his voice.

"Guys, I'm sorry, you were never supposed to see us. We didn't want to hurt you again, we just couldn't resist the chance to help," Adam sounded as distraught as the others.

"It's okay, you saved our lives, we were not going to be able to beat that monster the way things were going. Thank you for your help," Luke said, upset himself even though he didn't know these two young men.

There was an awkward pause, then Trini walked across the chamber, toward Adam. Billy wandered a ways away to give them some privacy.

"Adam, if you have been watching, then you know you have a son?"

"Yeah, he's a pretty terrific guy. He had great parents."

"Yes, he did. I just wanted you to know, I never forgot you. Never. I've had a good life, a lot of good years, but I still missed you. Thank you for showing me that eventually I will get to see you again."

"Absolutely. It wouldn't be Heaven for me if you won't be there. Just, don't hurry, there is plenty of time."

Trini reached out tentatively, stopping before she made contact with his face. "I wish I could touch you."

"I wish I could touch you, too. Someday I will be able to, and that is all that's important."

While Trini and Adam were talking, Jason and Katherine walked over to speak to Billy.

"Hey, little bro, guess you have had yourself the greatest adventure of all. Man, I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you guys, too. Just watching wasn't the same as being there. I'm glad you two got together, though. You waited far too long for happiness, Katherine."

"It only made it better when I found it. And Jason and I agreed long ago, when we first got together, that we would always cherish our first loves. My memories of you, and his memories of Emily, are parts of our relationship. I have never forgotten you, and I always figured it would be you I would spend eternity with. Thanks for proving me right."

"You're welcome. And I'm sorry I caused you such pain, I never wanted to do that."

"I know, it wasn't your fault. Was it?"

"I don't think so, if memory serves, I was the passenger," Billy actually smiled at her question. Then his expression changed to one of despair. "Adam, do you feel that?"

"Yeah, it's almost over, isn't it?"

"I think so," Billy replied.

"What is it?" Jason asked.

"Our time is up. We are going to move on. It's the same feeling we would get each time we would 'hop' forward in time. It was so good to see you all again, and we will see you sometime in the future, quite a ways in the future, please. Remember that I love you all. Always have," Billy's voice was fading, as his body seemed to fade away.

"I love you all, too, and as Kimberly was so fond of saying in the good old days, catch ya on the flip side!" Adam faded from view with those words.

For a long moment the only sound in the Power Chamber was the soft sniffling of suppressed tears. Then Zordon spoke.

"Alpha, I believe it is time to send our guests home. I hope that what you saw today will give each of you some comfort."

"Thanks, Zordon. It was good to see you again, too. And you as well, Alpha," Tommy said as Zordon and Alpha prepared to teleport the former Rangers back to their homes.


Katherine and Jason sat on their bed, each still contemplating what had happened that day. Katherine reached into her bedside table and took out the small ceramic gnome with a green hat that Billy had bought for her just before his death. She held it in the palm of her hand, remembering with greater clarity the young man who had gotten it for her half a century before.

Jason looked over at her. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I think so. It was quite a shock though. Though it was nice he seemed to accept our relationship without any problem."

"I think it is more than that, Katherine. Remember the message you found on your computer screen. Who do you think was responsible for that?"

Katherine gave it some thought. "Oh, I didn't even consider that. It would be like him to do something of that nature."

"Yes, it would. He loved us both, I don't think he would want either of us to be alone. I have to admit, it was good to see him again, and to be sure he wasn't upset. And it's nice to consider we will see him, and Emily, again, someday."

"Yes, someday."


Trini was almost ready to go to bed. She had developed the habit of taking a cup of herbal tea out on her terrace and sipping it just before she went to bed. It was a relaxing ritual she treasured.

That evening as she looked at the stars she fancied she saw a new one. For despite what had been said, she knew in her heart that he was still watching over her. Just as he always had. Just as he always would. Until they could be together again.


Author's Note: If you made it this far, thanks for coming along for the ride. When I came up with the idea for this story, I did not consider that writing 50 years in about a half dozen characters' lives would be such a major undertaking. I figured it out when I got to page 60 and realized I was only halfway there. The quote Billy left on Katherine's computer I could not credit properly. I received it on an email forwarded to me from a friend, but I thought it was so cool I just had to use it. If someone out there knows who said that, I would be interested in knowing. And of course, any comments on the story are appreciated.
