by Kittie and Thanatos

At the hospital - outside Tommy's room

Rocky: So are we going to tell him?
Adam: Tell him what?
Rocky: Tell him about Billy being the new Red Zeo Ranger, duh!
Kat: (Whining as usual.) But Raw-kee! It'll break his ha-art! We can't!
Adam: Kat's right. But he is the leader of the team. He deserves to know and it's our obligation to tell him.
Rocky: I suppose you're right. So we tell him. But who's the lucky person who gets to do it?

Everyone looks at Adam.

Adam: (Sigh.) All right, if I'm the only one with the guts to do it...

They open the door and walk in, closing the door behind them. Tommy is laying on a hospital bed with the blankets thrown back, presumably because it's too hot. It's always hot in Angel Grove. At the moment, Tommy is devouring what passes for food in the hospital. The lights are off and the curtains are closed.

Tommy: (With his mouth full.) Hey guys. What's up?
Adam: Well, there's a lot of things up. But how are you feeling?
Tommy: (Swallowing.) Well, have you ever been run over by a Zord? That's about how I feel. I can't move because they don't want me to cause further damage to my cracked and broken ribs. I've got a concussion that hurts like hell if I see bright light. The food is terrible, a haven't had a shower for days and I'm going to get out of shape if I don't get some exercise soon. Oh yes, and I want to beat the living hell out of Billy.
Adam: (Uneasily.) Well Tommy, that's one of the things that's up. Are you comfortable? Can we get you another pillow? Something else to drink?
Tommy: Enough, Adam! What about Billy?
Adam: (Even more uneasily.) Well, you see.. That is to say...
Tommy: (In an irritated British tone.) Get on with it!
Adam: (Hurriedly...) HestoleyourZeonizerandmodifiedit andwegavehimyourpowers andnowhe'sincharge.
Tommy: (Bolting into a sitting position) He did what!! And Zordon! And he! And! What! But I! (And so on and so on and so on.)
Adam: Yeah. 'Fraid so. But listen-
Tommy: I don't want to listen! Where is he! I'm going to rip out his spleen! I'm gonna unscrew his head and shit down his neck! I'm gonna borrow Dark Helmet's Schwartz ring! I'll find the man-eating baby carriage! I'll make him listen to country music! I'll make him listen to rap! I'LL MAKE HIM WATCH BARNEY!!
Adam: Shut up, Tommy, and listen!
Tommy: No! I can't believe this. I can't believe I've been betrayed like this.
Adam: He was frustrated. He's been a Ranger since the beginning. Three years! And when the end of the Power Rangers came and the Zeo Rangers were formed, he got the shaft! He should have been given the Power! He should have been where you are! He deserved another chance!
Tommy: He could have killed me, Adam! He should be punished, not rewarded!
Tanya: Keep it down, Tommy. Adam has a point. We did treat him pretty badly. I took a Zeo Crystal shard that I wasn't entitled to. He gave it to me, but what did it cost him? You lost your powers once. What did it feel like? I've talked with Billy. According to him, you would have done anything to get them back. I don't approve of what he did, but we have to try to understand why he did it. He's given us a lot, and we can't just throw him out like yesterday's garbage.
Tommy: (Coldly.) Why not?
Adam: You don't appreciate any of it, do you? All he's done? Do you know how many times he's saved our butts? I can't even count that high! He built most of our equipment. He built the Zeo Zords and the Red Battle Zord! Built them! And what he hasn't built himself he's at least fixed a million times. The Power Rangers would never have defeated the Fighting Flea, the Saliguana, the Grumble Bee, or a dozen other monsters without him. If it wasn't for Billy, we would have stayed children cause Billy's the one who made the device that used the Zeo Crystal to set time straight again. And even though he hasn't been a Zeo Ranger, it's because of him and his inventions and devices and technical expertise that we're even around today. How can you just forget all that because he made one mistake?
Tommy: (Even more coldly.) That's a hell of a mistake.
Adam: (Picture icicles forming in the room.) You know what your problem is Tommy? You don't appreciate a good thing till it's gone. You're like the master who treats his dog like shit and then wonders why it turned vicious. You are an ungrateful, self-centered, egotistical, pessimistic, blowhard. And I don't have anything more to say to you.

With that, Adam turns and walks out of the room leaving Tommy and the others gaping after him. Adam fumes as he stalks away from Tommy's room.

Adam: (Muttering to himself.) Big bastard doesn't even care about anybody. Billy was right to kick his ass... (Etc, etc, etc...)

He suddenly bumps into someone.

Someone: Ouch! Watch it!
Adam: Billy! You came!
Billy: I'm beginning to wish I hadn't. I thought you were visiting Tommy?
Adam: (Muttering again.) The bastard son of a--
Billy: Hold it, I thought I was one one who hated Tommy with a passion rivaled only by... well, by nothing.
Adam: Not anymore. I can't believe him.
Billy: What did he say?
Adam: I'm not telling you. You'll kill him.
Billy: I'll do that anyway, if you let me. What did he say?
Adam: You will? But Zordon'll be mad.
Billy: Screw Zordon, he's just a big head in a water cooler.
Adam: He could be watching, you know.
Billy: (Gives the air a one-finger salute.) Well, if he is, I've got a message for him. Are the others in with Tommy?
Adam: (Somewhat nervously.) Yes. What are you going to do?
Billy: Watch and learn.

In Tommy's Room....

Rocky: Tommy, try to understand Adam's point of view!
Tommy: I can't believe this, I simply cannot believe it.
Kat: I know, Tommy, they don't care about you at all. They don't appreciate you.
Tanya: He loves Billy, they're best friends. He just can't give that up like it was nothing.
Tommy: Hello?! What about me? I almost died! This is attempted murder we're talking about!

Billy walks in calmly, followed by a meek-looking Adam.

Billy: Exactly. And I'd watch what I say if I was you.
Tommy: Bastard, what are you doing here?
Billy: (To Adam.) Did he call me what I think he called me?
Adam: Um... I think so....
Billy: Big mistake, ponytail-boy. I'm in charge now, like I should have been a long time ago. And if you think I'm going to give this (Holds up the Zeonizer.) back to your sorry ass, you've got another think coming.
Tanya: Um... Billy, didn't you say you wanted to apologize?
Rocky: That's what I heard him say. Kat?
Kat: (Glaring at Billy.) Yeah, sure.
Billy: I did say that, didn't I? Silly me. (Walks up really close to Tommy and leans down into his face.) I'm sorry I didn't kill you, you shit-faced wank.

Billy's communicator chimes.

Billy: Oh, crap. (Into communicator.) Yes, Oh floating head?
Zordon: Billy, I am troubled by your actions.
Billy: Hey, Z, relax. I'm just teasing them a bit. You know, as in a jest? A joke? It's called humor. Perhaps Alpha can look it up for you?
Zordon: I am beginning to regret giving you the red Zeo powers.
Tommy: (Under his breath.) Any idiot can see that wasn't a good idea.
Billy: I'm sorry, I'm just a little tense. Really. I'll behave. See you. (Turns off communicator.) Now where were we?
Adam: You were apologizing.
Billy: Right. And Kat, I'm sorry I punched you in the nose. You didn't deserve that.
Kat: (Surprised.) I didn't?
Billy: No. You deserved much worse, but my conscience got in the way. Hitting girls, and all.
Kat: (Muttered.) You son of a--
Billy: What? I can't hear you. (Puts a hand to his ear and leans closer to her.) Son of a what?
Kat: (Viciously.) Bitch! YOU ROTTEN SON OF A BITCH!!!
Billy: (Slaps her across the face, hisses at her.) Don't you ever talk about my mother, understand? Call me whatever the hell you want, but you say one bad thing about my mother and you will regret it. Understand that. (Turns to Adam.) Shall we go?
Adam: Um...

Adam looks at Kat, who is holding her face, shocked. At Tanya, who looks a bit sad, Rocky, who is staring at his shoes, and Tommy, who looks like he's ready to shit bricks.

Adam: I... I think I'll stay for a while.

Hurt flashes briefly in Billy's eyes, then they harden and he speaks coldly.

Billy: Fine. (He turns and walks out.)
Adam: (To Tommy.) I'm staying but it's not for you. (Looks to Kat.) Or you, either. You're both.. cold. You won't see that we've turned him into what he is.
Tanya: (Softly.) Then why are you staying?
Adam: Because I don't want to lose your friendship, Tanya. Or yours, Rocky. I know you understand what I'm saying, even if you don't agree. And I thank you for that.
Rocky: Well... you mean a lot to us, too. (Pauses, looks at Tommy and Kat.) Come on, Tanya, let's go find Billy.
Adam: Really?
Tanya: Yes. Let's go.

They start to walk out.

Tommy: Traitors! Ungrateful, Psycho-loving traitors!
Kat: He'll turn on you, too. You'll see!

Adam, Rocky, and Tanya leave without turning back.

Billy walks swiftly toward his lab.

Voice: You see? Even Adam has turned on you now.
Billy: He didn't. He has loyalties, he can't help it.
Voice: You just don't want to admit that you're all alone, do you? It's a hard thing to accept.
Billy: I won't accept it because it's not true! Shut up!

Adam, Rocky, and Tanya notice him in the distance and approach.

Voice: Come on, Billy, you know better than that. He stayed with them. With Tommy. It's obvious where his "loyalties," as you call them, lie.
Billy: He's part of the team.
Voice: And you aren't? You're supposed to be the leader, are you not? Where's their loyalty to you?
Billy: Loyalty has to be earned.

Adam and the others are getting closer, they notice Billy talking to... no one?

Adam: Who's he talking to?
Tanya: I don't see anyone...
Billy: I know I have, but Tommy has, too. He's been their leader for a long time now.
Rocky: Oh my God, he's talking to himself!
Billy: I know that, but that was my job. It's what I do, I build things. I build them and they use them.... I can't help being smart! I hate it! Why do I have to be the one? Why do I always have to come to the rescue?
Adam: Billy?
Billy: Nowhere, that's where. They'd be washed up. Up the creek without a motorboat, as it were. And you know what else? I BUILT THE CREEK, TOO!!!
Adam: BILLY!
Billy: (Annoyed.) What?! Oh, it's you. I thought... I thought you stayed with Tommy.
Rocky: Nah. He was starting to get on our nerves. (Nervously.) You okay?
Billy: Yeah, sure. (Suspiciously.) Tommy got on your nerves?
Tanya: Yes. We wanted to give you another chance, Billy. God knows you deserve it.
Billy: (Sarcastically.) He does, does he?
Adam: Sure. Look, Billy, what you did was wrong, but... we can't forget all you've done for us. You're right, you did... build the creek... and we never thanked you for it.
Billy: Damn right. But do you trust me?
Rocky: (Slowly.) I think you have to earn that, Billy. I... I'm scared of you.
Billy: (Looks hard at him.) You admit to being frightened of me? I suppose you're not as much like Tommy as I thought you were.
Rocky: (Eyes narrowed.) Never. He wouldn't even try to understand!
Tanya: He could have at least listened. (Shakes her head.) And Kat is too busy trying to get Tommy in her bed to care about you.
Billy: (Angrily.) What do girls see in him, anyway? Every girl we meet lusts after him!
Tanya: Not me. (Looks shyly at Adam, who blushes under her gaze.)
Billy: (Sighs.) Brother. Look, King Mondo and Machina are sure to attack sometime soon, so let's be ready, all right? I'm going home.
Rocky: You want company?
Billy: No, thank you. I'm sure you have something better to do.
Rocky: Well....
Billy: Or maybe not. (Sighs.) Come on, then.

Back at the hospital:
Tommy is laying on his bed just staring off into space. Kat is sitting very near the bed holding his hand. They're both silent in light of what has just happened in the room.

Tommy: I just don't believe it. I just don't believe it!
Kat: (With a sneer.) Which part?
Tommy: (With disgust.) Billy! He attacks me; nearly kills me, then he steals my Zeonizer and spins everyone a tale so absurd that it's not even half believable and cold bloodedly uses all the years we've known him and all the good things he's done for us to cram it down our throats!
Kat: I know. I can't believe I used to actually worry about him. After a battle with Zedd and Rita's latest monster, I'd always ask him if he was all right and he'd give me a warm look as though he appreciated my asking him. And I looked up to him! He was always so smart about everything but he wouldn't throw it in my face. If I just didn't understand, he'd go over it a dozen times or however long it took until I got it. He was the gentlest guy I knew. And now he's turned into this.
Tommy: I don't know why he did it. I just don't know why. And why me? What have I ever done? He's completely turned against me. And now he's trying to turn Adam and Rocky and Tanya against me too.
Kat: (A little dejectedly.) I think he's already got Adam. Now the two of them are going to work on Rocky and Tanya. Then it'll just be the two of us as the sole voice of reason.
Tommy: I just can't believe it. (Looks at clock.) Visiting hours are almost over. You'd better go.
Kat: (Also looking at clock.) You're right. I'll see you tomorrow?
Tommy: Sure. See ya tomorrow.

Kat gets up and walks out the door giving Tommy a final half-smile as she closes the door behind her. Tommy stares at the ceiling.

Tommy: What am I going to do? What am I going to do?

Power Chamber:

Alpha: (Sadly.) Zordon, I just don't know what's wrong with him. He's not under the influence of any spell, there's no outside force affecting him. Billy has truly become the monster that we've seen.
Zordon: I know Alpha. But Adam was right. Billy did deserve chances. And we denied them to him. Giving him a chance to play Ranger again may well purge this anger and hatred from him. And it is necessary, because whether we like it or not, we need him. We need the mind, that holds so much knowledge, that is locked inside his head. And we cannot avoid that issue.

There is a flash of pink light as Kat teleports into the Power Chamber.

Zordon: Greetings Katherine. What brings you to the Power Chamber?
Kat: I want to know exactly what the hell is going on here, Zordon! How could you betray Tommy and give his powers to an unworthy homicidal madman!?!
Zordon: Calm yourself Katherine. Surely Adam told you his reasons for declining the Powers. He must have explained his reasoning to you and the others.
Kat: Oh he tried to explain. He gave us some half-garbled, incoherent gibberish about how Billy deserved a shot at the throne or some such nonsense. I couldn't listen, I was too angry. Don't you realize that Tommy is laying in a hospital bed recovering from near fatal injuries!? Billy could have killed Tommy and instead of punishing him, you reward him! Error! Error! Does not compute! Does not compute!
Zordon: Please Katherine! Compose yourself! Yes, Billy deserves his "shot at the throne". He has been a member of the Power Rangers since the very beginning. He is the only remaining member. It was his destiny to be a Power Ranger. But the time of the Power Rangers is over. And that part of Billy's life is too. But Billy is hurting inside. You have been a diver your entire life. How would you feel if you were suddenly unable to dive anymore? You would be angry. You would be bitter. And you would do anything to be able to dive again. That is how Billy feels. Perhaps if he is allowed to work through his anger and bitterness, he will be purged of it. At any rate, it cannot hurt.
Kat: But Zordon! He said he was sorry here (Points to her mouth.) but he didn't say it here (Points to her heart.) You haven't been there when he walks in the room with that smug look on his face that says "I'm so much better than you." You haven't heard the sarcasm in his voice when he talks to m- us. You don't know how condescendingly he treats me. US!
Zordon: I'm sure it's just your imagination Katherine. You are understandably upset over what has happened to your lover and this is making you perceive things that are not really there and to over-emphasize those things which are.
Kat: (Stunned.) Lover! What the-! You asshole! You've been spying on me! And now you-! (Suddenly enlightened.) So that's what you use the Viewing Globe for when we're not here! Ooooooohh! I'm leaving. Don't expect to see me for a while.

Kat touches a button on her communicator and teleports out in a flash of pink light.

Alpha: Ay-yi-yi Zordon! Do you really do that?!
Zordon: No Alpha, but you can see it in her face, her words, her every action; they are lovers.

In the park...
Billy is leading Rocky, Adam, and Tanya toward his lab, and the voice inside his head is protesting angrily.

Voice: What are you doing? How could you invite them into your home? Are you listening to me? How many times do I have to tell you... (Etc etc etc.)

Billy stops walking suddenly and Rocky slams into his back.

Rocky: Whoa! Sorry.

Billy closes his eyes and presses the heels of his palms to the lids, wincing.

Adam: What's wrong?
Billy: I... have a headache.
Tanya: Are you okay?
Billy: Yeah, sure, I'm... fine.
Voice: Never. You will never be "fine" until you get rid of these so-called friends of yours, starting with Tommy and Katherine!
Billy: I just... I need an aspirin.
Voice: You need to get your head examined! These people have betrayed you again and again, and you keep going back to them. Boof! BOOT TO THE HEAD! Oh, thank you massa.
Billy: Oh... my... God....
Rocky: What?
Billy: I need to lie down. (Sits down heavily on the grass.)
Adam: (Kneels down next to him.) You look really pale, Billy. Maybe we should get some help?
Voice: There, you see! He wants to lock you up! He wants to throw you away and forget about you!
Billy: (Whispered, to the voice.) They won't throw me away....
Voice: You always learn too late.
Billy: (Clears his throat.) Actually, I feel a little better. (Stands.) I'm fine now.
Voice: Boof! BOOT TO THE HEAD!
Billy: (Ignores it.) You guys can help me with my work.
Rocky: What exactly are we doing?
Voice: OWWWW, YOU BOOTED ME IN THE HEAD!!! Thank you, massa.
Billy: Oh, it's just a small adjustment to the Red Battle Zord. To tune it to my Biorhythms instead of Tommy's.
Rocky: Oh. Okay. Well, what should I do?
Voice: Go to Hell, that's what.
Billy: Go to... I MEAN! I'll explain it as we go along, was what I meant to say.
Rocky: Oh. Okay.
Billy: Actually, why don't you go on without me? You all know where the lab is. I... have an errand to run.
Adam: Um... what?
Billy: It's okay. I'm sure you can find some gadgets to play with. I've forgotten to... I need to... buy something. That I forgot.
Tanya: Oh.
Billy: So go! I'll... meet you in a little while. A bientot.
Tanya: Huh?
Rocky: It's French. It means see you soon. Sort of.
Tanya: Oh.

Later, at the hospital...
Tommy is resting in his bed. His eyes are closed, and his breathing is slow and regular. Someone creeps into the room and stands by the bed, looking down at him.

Person: You look so peaceful lying there.
Tommy: (Jerks awake.) What do you want, Billy?
Billy: You'll find out soon enough, spit-wad. Soon enough.

Billy reaches behind his back and pulls out a weird device that looks vaguely like a laser pistol. He points it at Tommy.

Tommy: (Nervously.) What is that Billy? What are you going to do to me, now?
Billy: Shut up! Just shut up.

Aims the pistol at Tommy's head and pulls the trigger. Tommy flinches back expecting death to come. A small beam of light attaches itself to Tommy's skull seeming to go right through it and into his brain. After a minute, Billy releases the trigger and the beam shuts off.

Tommy: (Shaken.) What was that?

Billy doesn't reply.

Tommy: (Loudly.) What was that, Billy? What did you just do?

Billy finally turns to Tommy with a look of sheer disgust.

Billy: It was a neural scanner. I basically just got the entire lowdown on your current state of mind. With this information, I will be able to gain full access to the Red Battle Zord. Once I have that, I will be making extensive modifications to it so it will never recognize you again. It will recognize only me. (Viciously.) I'll never let you have the Red Zeo Powers back! They're mine! You're finished Red Ranger! Or should I say, "Tommy"?
Tommy: You can't do that! It's impossible! When I first got it, you said that it would only respond to me! You said... (trails off)
Billy: Exactly. I said! And how do you know I wasn't lying? Besides, even if I wasn't lying, I built that Zord. Every design, every schematic was my creation. And what I can do, I can undo and do over again. Only this time, I'll do it right! Good-bye, Ex-Ranger.

With that, Billy turns and walks out the door leaving Tommy to despair over his situation.

Tommy: I've got to tell Zordon what Billy has planned. And Zordon will strip him of the Red Zeo Powers. That's the only way.

Tommy turns to grab his communicator from the table next to his bed.

Tommy: What the-! It's gone!
Billy: (from doorway) Looking for this? (holds up Tommy's communicator) I'm afraid that it would not be at all conducive to my plans to leave this in your possession. After all, who knows what the Giant Floating Head might come up with? He might be able to thwart my plans, but I doubt it. Still, it's better not to take chances.

Billy leaves, this time closing the door behind him. Tommy tries to get comfortable, but he can't. Billy had carefully left him no options. He couldn't get in touch with Zordon, Kat wouldn't be back till tomorrow and by then it would be too late. There was only one option left. With a sigh and a grunt of pain, Tommy starts to pull himself into a sitting position. He reaches towards the chair next to his bed where they had left his clothes...

Meanwhile, back at Billy's lab....
Rocky, Adam, and Tanya have been waiting for 20 minutes. Adam has relaxed in a chair with Tanya. Kinda hard to squeeze two people in a chair made for one, but they managed to do it. It was either that or stand. Everything else even remotely resembling a sitting device is covered with stuff. Rocky is pacing a circle in the floor impatiently. Silently, Billy slips up behind him, signaling the others to be quiet. He follows Rocky for about a minute leaving Adam and Tanya trying not to burst out laughing. Rocky stops and looks at the blood rushing to their faces.

Rocky: (Irritably) What's with you two, anyway?
Adam & Tanya: (giggle, snort)

Rocky shakes his head and keeps on walking. Billy follows. Suddenly, without warning, Billy raises his hand and claps Rocky a stunning blow on the shoulder.

Billy: Surprise!
Rocky: Aaah!

Rocky leaps 3 feet in the air, grabbing on to a beam in the ceiling and pulls himself up to get away from whatever it is attacking him. Then he looks down to see Billy standing there with a big grin on his face and Adam and Tanya laughing their fool heads off.

Billy: Sorry, Rocky. Didn't mean to startle you that much.
Rocky: (shaken) Yeah, uh..I'm fine Billy.
Tanya: (Giggle) So Billy, (Giggle) did you get what you needed?
Billy: Yeah. I've just got to gather a few things and we can go work on the Battle Zord.
Adam: Okay. What do you need to get?
Billy: Well, there's this, that, this scanner, (etc, etc)
Billy: (after everything has been gathered up) Are we set? okay, then. Let's teleport.
Voice: (from outside) Not so fast, Billy.

Billy stops and looks around. He sighs, puts down the stuff he's carrying and opens the garage door.

Billy: Didn't you get enough last time, Tommy?

Tommy steps into the garage and looks at the others. He is pale, with bloodshot eyes and large purple bruises around them. The left side of his face is swollen up and he walks with a limp, favoring his left knee and the right side of his torso.

Adam: Tommy! What are you doing here?
Tommy: I'm here to stop him (points to Billy) from taking away the Red Zeo Powers from me permanently.
Billy: (sneering) Forget it Carmel Boy. I'm Zeo Ranger V now and there's nothing you can do about it. Now why don't you head back to the hospital before I send you there.
Tommy: (pleading) Billy! Why do you hate me so much? What did I ever do to cause this anger and bitterness?
Billy: (angry) Think back, Muscle-head. Remember when you first showed up? I was one of those who didn't want to destroy you. Why, I don't know, but I didn't. But as time went on, I started to regret that decision. Your worthless DragonZord got the heaviest beatings in every battle. And whose job was it to fix it? Mine! And then you were trapped in the Dark Dimension. I built the device that got you out of there. And you never said thank you. You never said thank you when I risked my neck to get you out of a jam. Some of the stuff I did to help you out could have killed me. When I was making that device you used on the Saliguana, it almost blew up in my face when I was testing it. You never appreciated me. It was your ineptness that cost us the Dino Zords. Cause you were too weak to fight, we lost those great fighting machines. When we got the Thunder Zords, I was glad you didn't get one. You probably would have trashed it too. But when you got your new Powers as the White Ranger, it was me who repaired your Tiger Zord after every battle cause it used to get the shit beaten out of it when you insisted on playing Hero. And it was because you were too stubborn and proud to retreat that we overloaded the power circuits in the Thunder Zords and we lost them too. And when we heard about the Ninja Powers, it was me who figured out where we had to go. And when we were surrounded by the fire, I was the last to jump so you guys could get out. And I wanted to save the map. But you wouldn't let me cause you didn't want anyone to be the hero besides you. And even after that, I remembered the map well enough to find the Temple. I was the true hero there. And what did I get for it? I'd been with the team since the beginning. And I deserved to fly! But what did I get? I got to be a Wolf. But as it turned out, I was glad for that, because the Falcon turned out to be an arrogant, self-serving dizbuster who liked to play Hero. And when we were faced with the Shogun Zords, it was me who wrested control of them from Zedd and Rita. And when we recovered the Falcon Zord, you could have given the White Shogun Zord to Katherine. But no, you wanted to be in there so you could play touchy-feely during a battle. And it was thanks to your inability to defeat the Tengas that Rito was able to plant the Orb of Doom. And if that wasn't bad enough, when I built that device, you took off running with it and Goldar took it away from you and we lost our Power Coins. When we finally got the Zeo Crystal back and the Command Center blew up, I was in the center of an explosion. But all you were concerned with was your precious piece of ass. And we went looking for the Crystal, I saw it, and you claimed to have found it. And the final insult came when there were only five Zeo Crystal shards and six people. I looked at your face and saw there was no way you were going to give up your shard. I looked at Kat and saw she wouldn't give it up either. I didn't want Adam or Rocky to give it up cause they deserved to be a holder of the Zeo Power. But when I looked into Tanya's face, I thought, 'She's the one who has to go.' but I absolutely did not want to wear yellow. So I was left with no options. The only choice left was to give up my entitlement. Cause don't get me wrong, Thomas Oliver, I was entitled to be a Zeo Ranger! I deserved to wear the Blue Costume. For hear me, it was not the Red Zeo Ranger who was intended to be the leader; it was the Blue Zeo Ranger. And I should have been it. Adam should have been Green as my second-in-command, Rocky should have worn Red as Zeo Ranger III, Trini should have been Yellow, and Kimberly should have worn Pink. And you would have gotten dick. You were a disgrace to the Power Rangers and you're a disgrace to the Zeo Rangers. And you will never be one again.

With that, Billy spins a roundhouse kick at Tommy's head. Tommy blocks it instead of avoiding it. Billy immediately follows with a kick to the midsection. Tommy retaliates with a sweep which Billy disdainfully jumps over. The fight rages on for minutes, the other Rangers looking on in shock. Finally, having worn himself out, Tommy attempts a roundhouse kick at Billy's chest. Billy catches his foot and twists so Tommy is balanced on one leg trying to keep his balance as he tries to turn around. Grasping the foot in one hand, Billy points his elbow and drives it into the back of Tommy's knee. With a scream of pain, Tommy falls to the ground. Billy had hit the left knee, the one he'd been favoring as he walked in.
Billy drops the leg and kneels at Tommy's side. Tommy is writhing on the floor, clutching his knee in agony. Slowly, deliberately, he raises his fist and smashes it with blinding speed into Tommy's left eye. He raises his fist again and smashes the right eye. With deliberately slow movements, he raises back his fist a third time and unclenches it to strike with the palm of his hand. He waits there, motionless until Tommy is rational enough to see what Billy was about to do to him. Like a flash of lightning, Billy's hand descends and Tommy flinches back involuntarily, waiting for the sweet oblivion of death. But it doesn't come. Cringingly, he opens his eyes to see Billy's palm about half an inch from the tip of his nose. With a brutal laugh, he smacks Tommy across the face and lets his head drop to cement floor. He lays a small device on Tommy's chest and presses a button. With a flash of white light, Tommy disappears in a teleport beam. Billy stands up and dusts himself off.

Billy: Shall we go?
Tanya: I can't believe what I just saw you do!
Billy: Oh that? (shrugs) He came here looking for a fight and he got one. He came here looking for an explanation and he got one. He might as well get used to the fact that he's not a Ranger anymore. Maybe then he'll start to understand what I've gone through.
Adam: Then the white light we saw?
Billy: Is nothing more than a simple teleport beam. He's back in his hospital bed feeling new pain and he doesn't even know how it was caused. That's the wonder of that device I used. (holds up device) It teleports the subject, but is not teleported itself. And it blocks out all memories of what happened in the last hour. For all he knows, some psycho nurse came in and they were doing the nasty and then she beat the hell out of him. Which is probably what I'll tell him. And the reason it was white? Well that's because he doesn't possess a Zeonizer anymore. He doesn't have a communicator (holds up Tommy's communicator), and he doesn't have the Power...anymore.

Billy picks up the things he'd put down when Tommy walked in.

Billy: Shall we go?

Adam looks at Rocky, then at Tanya. They both look very unsure.

Billy: Well? Make up your minds. Are you with me or not?
Adam: Um... I....
Billy: I didn't kill him, did I? I could have, and I didn't. Doesn't that count for anything?
Rocky: Um... I...
Billy: Come on! He came here looking for trouble!
Tanya: Um... I...
Billy: (throws his hands up in the air) Fine. Fine! I should have known.
Voice: I told you so. You can't win.
Billy: I can't win. No matter what I do, I can't win.
Adam: Okay, okay! I'm with you!
Rocky: Uh... yeah, okay. I'm with you.
Tanya: Yeah. let's go.
Billy: Oh. (considers) Well, I won't get my hopes up. Okay, let's do this.

They teleport out in beams of blue, green, yellow, and maroon.

The Power Chamber...
They teleport in.

Billy: Hey, Big Z, wassup?!
Adam: (warningly) Billy....
Zordon: Hello, Billy. How are you feeling?
Billy: Fine, and you?
Zordon: I am fine.
Billy: That's good. If I was a head in a water cooler, I'd probably be pretty pissed.
Rocky: (quickly) Shouldn't we get to work or something now?
Alpha: Oh, Ai-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi!
Billy: Yes. You're right. Adam, hand me that scanner please.
Adam: Right. (hands it to him)
Billy: Rocky, take this control panel and teleport to the Battle Zord's hiding place. I'll instruct you on what to do once you get there.
Rocky: Right. (teleports out)
Billy: Tanya, I'll need you to watch these readouts, here, and let me know immediately if the number goes above 70.
Tanya: Right.
Billy: Why does everyone say that?
Adam: What?
Billy: Right. Every time I say something, you guys say "Right."
Adam: I don't know.
Billy: (Sigh) All right. Rocky are you in place?
Rocky: (thru the communicator) Yup. Ready when you are.
Billy: Good. Adam, your job is one of the most important. All you have to do is push a button.
Adam: Push a button?
Billy: But if you don't push it when I say to push it, you'll blow us all to kingdom come. Can you handle it?
Adam: (gulps) Kingdom come?
Billy: Yes or no?
Adam: (nervously) Okay.
Billy: Good. Tanya, what are my readings?
Tanya: 42.
Billy: Perfect. Rocky, are you in position directly below the main control panels of the Battle Zord?
Rocky: Um.... I'm near a little hatch....
Billy: Perfect. Open the hatch and climb inside. There's just enough room for one man--
Tanya: Ahem!
Billy: Or woman...
Tanya: Thank you.
Billy: (Sigh) to lie down. Got it?
Rocky: (Grunt) I'm in. Now what?
Billy: Do you see the panel that's covered with blue wires?
Rocky: Blue... blue... blue... Yes.
Billy: Good. Rip it out.
Rocky: Rip--?
Billy: Yes. Just rip it on outta there.
Rocky: (Grunt) Done. It's ripped.
Billy: Tanya?
Tanya: 51.
Billy: Good. Okay, Rocky?
Rocky: Yes?
Billy: Take the panel you're holding and shove it in the spot the old one was in.
Rocky: Right.
Billy: Quit saying that!
Rocky: What?
Billy: Right!
Rocky: You don't want me to say what?
Billy: Right!
Rocky: Right.
Billy: No! Don't... never mind, just say anything you want. Tanya?
Tanya: 58.
Billy: Damn. Adam you'll want to be ready soon, okay?

Alpha 5 creeps up behind Billy and looks on curiously at what he's doing.

Adam: Ri- I mean, Okay.
Billy: Rocky, move your hand far away from that panel. It's gonna spark a bit.
Rocky: What? Oooowwwww!
Billy: (Sigh) Sorry about that. You okay?
Rocky: Oh, well, is that the witch? Toto? Toto!
Billy: Brother. Rocky, snap out of it.
Rocky: Wooo. We are definitely not in Kansas anymore.
Billy: Alpha 5, if you don't get away from me I am going to turn your ass into a trash can!
Alpha: Oh Ai-yi-yi! (scurries away)
Zordon: Billy, there is no need to bully those smaller than you.
Billy: (whining) He star-ted it!
Tanya: Billy? 68!
Billy: Crap! Rocky, are you there?
Rocky: We're off to see the wizard....
Billy: Good enough. There's a little button by the panel you just put in. It's bright yellow. Do you see it?
Rocky: Buttons and wires and sparks, oh my!
Billy: (Sigh) The yellow brick button, Rocky, do you see it?
Rocky: Push the yellow brick button...?
Billy: Push that button. Now!
Rocky: I do believe in spooks I do believe in spooks I do I do I do...
Tanya: Whew. We're back down to 57.
Billy: Good job, Rocky. You're done. You can teleport back here.
Rocky: (teleports in) There's no place like home, there's no place like home. (looks at Zordon) Auntie Em? (collapses to the floor.)
Billy: Damn. Adam, I'll need you to push that button... right....
Adam: okay...
Billy: about....
Adam: uh-huh...
Billy: NOW! (Points the scanning device at himself and pulls the trigger.)

Adam stabs the button, and the beam of light goes through Billy's head and reflects back into the panel the button is on.

Billy: (wavers and drops the scanner.) Good... job.... (slides to the floor)

Alpha: Oh, Ai-yi-yi-yi-yi! (runs to Billy and starts to scan him with one of those weird thingys)
Billy: (opens one eyes and glares at Alpha) Touch me there and you're scrap metal.
Alpha: Ai-yi-yi! He's all right, Zordon.
Billy: (stands) Yes, I'm fine. I just got dizzy for a second.
Tanya: What about Rocky?
Alpha: I scanned him before. He'll be fine.
Billy: You really get a kick out of scanning people, don't you?
Alpha: Well.....
Billy: Fine, you can scan me. But watch where you put that thing.
Alpha: Oh, thank you Billy!

Kat teleports into the Power Chamber in a column of bright pink light.

Kat: Billy, I should have known you were behind this!
Zordon: Behind what, Katherine?
Kat: Tommy has suffered a whole bunch of mysterious new injuries, Zordon, and he doesn't remember how he got them!
Zordon: What is the meaning of this, Billy?
Billy: It was self-defense!
Tanya: (quickly) It wasn't his fault, Zordon. Tommy provoked him.
Adam: Yeah. We were in Billy's lab when Tommy showed up and... um... provoked him.
Rocky: (mumbling, from the floor) Yeah, I was there too. There was much showing up and provoking going on.
Kat: WHAT?!
Billy: I can't believe you would accuse me like that, Kat. I'm really hurt.
Kat: Oooh, you bastard. You... you....
Billy: I can't heeeeeear you!
Kat: You worthless, homicidal, psychopathic...! (etc etc etc)
Billy: (covers his ears) lalalalalala, I'm not hearing you, lalalalalalalala.......
Adam: Um... guys? guys? GUYS!?!
Billy&Kat: WHAT?!
Adam: (meekly) Cut it out.
Kat: I simply cannot believe you all are letting him get away with this!
Zordon: I am beginning to think Katherine is right, Rangers. Unless your attitude improves, Billy, I will be forced to strip you of the Red Zeo Powers.
Billy: What? I didn't do anything!
Zordon: You called me "Oh floating head", you've insulted my water cooler. You've threatened to turn Alpha into a trash can, a mail box, and scrap metal. And you didn't do anything?
Billy: Well, if you want to get technical....
Zordon: (grimly) I do. I have given you several chances to prove yourself worthy of these powers, Billy, and you have failed each time. Do not force me to do something we will all regret.
Billy: You won't regret it. You want to see me fail. You want to hurt me.
Zordon: I hope you don't really believe that, Billy.
Billy: Why shouldn't I? In all these years I've done nothing but serve you, and without a word of thanks. Again and again, you booted me in the head. Boof! BOOT TO THE HEAD!

Adam jumps slightly.

Zordon: Alpha, encase Billy in a forcefield please.
Adam: Wait! Don't put him in a force field! Wait a second! (Runs up to Billy and slaps him across the face)
Billy: HAHAHAH-- Ow! (rubs his jaw.) Thanks Adam.
Adam: No prob. You okay?
Billy: Yeah. Got away from myself for a while, there huh? (laughs nervously)
Zordon: Billy, I have made an important decision about your powers.
Billy: (steels himself to hear the worst) Yes?
Zordon: Since you received the Red Zeo Powers you have been rude, mean, cruel, bad-tempered, and all-together unpleasant to be around. For these reasons, I have decided to take the Red Zeo Powers away from you. Alpha, proceed.
Billy: (threateningly) You can't do that old man.
Zordon: Yes I can, Billy. You have proven yourself to be totally unworthy of-

The red klaxon alarms go off.

Alpha: Ai-yi-yi-yi-yi, Zordon! The Machine Empire has sent down a monster!

Zordon looks at Billy with great distaste.

Zordon: Very well. There is no time for that now. You must go and defeat this monster. If you manage to do so effectively, I will reconsider. This is your last chance, Billy.
Billy: Yeah, yeah. All right. It's MORPHIN' TIME!
Kat: Zeo Ranger I, Pink!
Tanya: Zeo Ranger II, Yellow!
Rocky: Zeo Ranger III, Blue!
Adam: Zeo Ranger IV, Green!
Billy: Zeo Ranger V, Red!

The Rangers appear on a street on the outskirts of Angel Grove. A weird-looking monster is running towards the city.

Billy: All right you giant tin can! That's far enough!

The monster turns around. The Rangers recoil with disgust. This monster has the face of a serpent, twisted in hatred. It's body resembles a bear, powerfully muscled with patches of fur scattered randomly. It speaks with a hissing snarl.

Monster: (hi-i-i-iss) Rangers, prepare for eternity! I, Serpent Spring, shall destroy you!
Billy: Wrong, twit! We're gonna kick your ass!
Adam: Yeah!
Serpent Spring: Then let's get on with it.

The monster moves in for the attack. The Rangers counter-attack and each side takes heavy blows. Finally, Billy loses what little control he's held during the battle. With a scream of rage, he launches himself at Serpent Spring. Faster than lightning, he strikes many blows in rapid succession. Serpent Spring slowly retreats under the steady stream of Billy's attack.

On the moon:
Machina: Oh my. This isn't going well at all.
Mondo: You're right as usual my dear.
Sprocket: Why don't we send down Klank and Orbus to make Serpent Spring grow?
Mondo: Excellent idea, Sprocket. You heard him, Klank. Go!
Klank: Right away your Majesty!

Back on earth:

Klank: 'R ya ready, Orbus?
Orbus: Ready to fly!
Klank: Around and around and around you go!

Orbus lands on Serpent Spring and gives him a recharge. Serpent Spring grows to gigantic heights.

Serpent Spring: Now you are doomed, Rangers!
Billy: Whoa! We need Zeo Zord Power, now!

Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four