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Dorks 'R' Us

On the Line

I finally saw "On the Line" yesterday (Saturday, November 2nd, 2001). I wasn't sure how I'd like it, considering Lance didn't strike me as the most convincing of actors. Joey, I wasn't worried about. I'd heard a lot of various mailing lists that people were liking the movie a lot more than they expected to. And guess what? They were right! (I'm going to attempt to review this with no spoilers, so if you haven't seen it, feel free to keep reading.)

Okay, so "On the Line" is not exactly quality material. The script has a ton of unecessary plot points and loose ends that never get tied up in the end, which is a bit annoying, but the characters are so loveable and believeable for the most part that it doesn't really matter. Lance, Joey, Emmanuelle, and that other girl who plays Kevin's rival at the ad agency all do wonderful jobs, as do Kevin's roomates and Jerry Stiller as that copy room guy. Unfortunately, the copy room guy part is one of those completely unecessary things about the movie. There's a bit in the middle involving him that comes out of nowhere and really has no point at all but to give Kevin a reason to keep going on his quest—an objective that could easily have been accomplished in another, more logical way. The dubbing out of certain words is also a bit annoying and distracting, as when Kevin originally said, "What the hell is going on here?" and it's changed rather sloppily to, "What the heck is going on here?" I mean, come on.

But really, the absolute best part of the movie is the closing credits. I won't give anything away for those who haven't seen the movie yet, but do stay through the credits! You probably have already heard that Chris and Justin have a cameo, and it is hysterical. The best part of the movie, in my opinion. I plan to buy the DVD the second it comes out, so I can just watch the closing credits over and over and over and over and over....

So, in conclusion, not the best of movies, but a fun diversion nonetheless. A must-see for any Lance or Joey fan (and as someone who simply cannot see Lance as a sexual creature, even I have to say he was lookin' fine) and a definite must-see for any Chris or Justin fan, even if they are only in it for about 3 minutes. If you don't go to see it in theatres—which I do recommend if for no other reason than to help the numbers—then get it on home video or DVD when it comes out. If we're lucky, the DVD will have some nice goodies included along with it.

Oh! And do get the soundtrack. It rawks.
