Secrets That We Keep III
by Cheryl Roberts


The next morning, Emily awoke early not that she was missing out on anything by staying in bed; even after her final trip to peek in on the boys, she had been unable to sleep. Even when she had managed to drift off, her dreams insured her rest was anything but easy. Kimberly was still sound asleep (Emily envied her peace of mind), and she didn't imagine their husbands would be up yet.

They're probably going to be hungry, she mused as she abandoned the bed she and Kim shared. Making breakfast would give her something other than last night on which to focus.

However, the Fates conspired against her.

As she ambled down the hallway, the sounds of running water forced all thoughts of omelettes to the back of her mind. Someone was in the shower, and since Kimberly was still abed, it had to be one or both of the boys.

" can do me in the shower in the morning...." Jason's sleepy promise floated to the surface of her recollections, and Emily quickly scurried down the stairs. Even as she put the sounds of the shower behind her, she came across a trail of men's clothing strewn around the living room.

I can't ignore what happened last night, can I? she entreated, raising her eyes heaven-ward.


Clad only in pajama bottoms and still damp from his shower, Jason rummaged about the kitchen, searching for the fixings for a good-sized breakfast. He felt better than he had in weeks, as attested to by the size of his appetite.

Pancakes maybe? Or waffles? he considered as he moved to the refrigerator, emerging moments later with eggs and bacon. How about some hash browns with these.... When he turned to grab a cookbook, he was startled to find his wide-eyed wife standing in the doorway.

"Good morning, Em!" he greeted cheerfully. Feet slapping against the cool tiles, he hurried over and wrapped her in a hearty hug.

"Good morn...."

Her salutation was cut off with a heated kiss.

"Jason?" she eeped out in astonishment when she came up for air.

"Thank you for the best birthday I've ever had," he murmured, gazing deep into her eyes and gently stroking her cheek. He held her tighter, burying his face in her sleep tousled curls. He wanted nothing more than to feel her all around him... to show her just how much she meant to him.

"If you're down here, then who's in the shower?" she asked, even though the answer should have been obvious. She was thoroughly off balance.

"I guess Tommy must have woken up," Jason replied distractedly, running his hands all over his wife's curves. "He was still asleep when I came down."

It was so difficult for Emily to think when her husband was flicking his thumbs across her nipples through the fabric of her nightgown. She nearly blurted out, "What about promising Tommy some fun in the shower?" Instead, she stammered, "J-Jase, what are you doing?"

He had inched the flimsy garment up to fondle her behind even as he began nibbling on her neck.

"I'm trying to show my wife how much I love her," he murmured between kisses.

Emily already felt her knees getting weak in spite of herself. Jason knew exactly how to get her to respond. With a small moan, she arched into him.

Jason skimmed his hands up her bare sides, pulling off her sleepwear. He filled his palms with the delightful sweetness of her breasts, tantalizing her rosy buds into taut peaks.

"Jason!" she gasped, liquid heat pooling between her thighs. He couldn't possibly be serious... in the kitchen... with guests in the house.... She tried to push him away as he bend his head to her bosom. "W-what about T-Tommy?"

"He has his own wife to play with," he mumbled around his mouthful of tender flesh. "Besides, he'll be in the shower forever anyway."


Waiting until after Emily had left the room, Kimberly sat up. She had awakened as soon as her bedmate began stirring. She hugged her knees to her chest and rested her chin on her kneecaps.

She was very concerned about Jason's wife.

Emily's restless night had translated into a sleepless one for her as well. She had been aware when her companion had awakened in the middle of the night and stealthily made her way down the hall. The fact that the bathroom light hadn't gone on told her that Emily was peeking in on their husbands, not answering nature's call.

Though she longed to go to her unsettled friend, she had waited in the dark, feigning sleep until at last Jason's wife returned to bed. At first, she thought Emily had gone right to sleep; however, a few moments later, she became aware of the other woman's muted sobs.

"What's wrong?" she had asked. When Emily didn't respond, Kim thought she hadn't heard, but her shuddering had increased, as had her tears. Finally unable to bear it any longer, Kim rolled her companion over and pulled her into her arms, offering her whatever comfort she could. To her surprise, Emily clung to her like a frightened child and cried herself to sleep, her only words having been, "please don't tell Jason."

Kim had given her word at the time in an effort to sooth her distraught friend, but now she wondered if that had been a good idea. Sure, she had cried with her confusion and tumultuous emotions back when she'd first come across the guys in bed, but then she had had no warning... no chance to prepare. And yet, the shock had been short-lived, replaced by relief, gratitude, and lust.

Emily's reactions seemed different somehow. There seemed to be more hurt in her tears... Kim couldn't quite put a finger on what her instincts were telling her, but Emily was not all right with what happened last night.

Abandoning the bed, Kimberly was determined to have a talk with Emily. Perhaps the light of day and a few cups of coffee would make it easier for Jason's wife to share whatever it was that was troubling her.

Kim paused by the bathroom door, wondering if Emily might be in the shower. She didn't imagine either of the guys would be up for hours. Well, if Emily was showering, she'd just head downstairs, put on the coffee and maybe even start breakfast. However, as she reached the bottom step, she heard a commotion coming from the kitchen: the clatter of falling pots and pans.

Curious, she tiptoed forward. Could one of the guys be awake after all? Still, something urged her not to go bursting in. As she drew closer, she could hear other sounds... soft, creamy noises that brought a smile to her lips: the sounds of lovers passionately engaged.

"Oh, God, Jason... please...!" Emily moaned, and Kim had to bite down on a knuckle to keep from chuckling out loud as more sounds of kitchen disarray wafted through the closed door.

Deciding to let the lovers have their fun uninterrupted, Kim retreated upstairs. Again, she paused by the bathroom door. If the Scotts were being amorous in the kitchen, that left only one person who could be in the shower. She opened the door a crack and was met by a thick cloud of steam. It was all the proof she needed; her husband was hogging all the hot water as usual.

"Got room for one more in there?" she called out, shucking her nightshirt. Before Tommy answered, she popped her head around the curtain and smiled up at her startled spouse.

"There's always room for you, Beautiful," he invited, "but wouldn't you have been embarrassed if I'd have turned out to be Jason?"

"Maybe... maybe not," Kim replied with a saucy smile. She didn't feel like telling Tommy that she already knew the coast was clear.

His response to her flippant reply was to eye her archly.

"So, did you have fun last night?" she purred as she threaded her arms around his waist. She knew the answer before he spoke, feeling the insistent pulsing of his happy anatomy.

"Did I ever!" he gushed in a heated rush, crushing his wife to him and devouring the depths of her willing mouth.

"Mmm... care to share?" she murmured, suffuse with her rising arousal at his touch.

"What kind of lover would I be if I kissed and told?" he asked with mock wounded pride.

"The kind with a horrible case of blue balls if you don't 'fess up," Kim threatened evilly. "Besides, I know you. You're dying to tell me."


The last class was just letting out when Kimberly arrived at the dojo. She took a seat on one of the benches as she watched Tommy demonstrate a kick to one student and Jason conversed with another and her parents. She hated to bother the boys at work, especially on Monday, but she had to talk to Jason.

"Kim?" Jason queried, catching sight of her at last. His words caught Tommy's attention, and he wandered over as well. "Is something wrong?"

"I wish I knew," she sighed heavily.

"I thought you and Emily were having dinner," Tommy said.

"So did I. She canceled the second time she's done that."

"Canceled? Why?" Jason asked. "All day yesterday she talked about how much she was looking forward to doing dinner with you."

"I don't know why; all she said was that she had to call it off tonight." Kim wiped her eyes, annoyed with herself. There was no reason to get so upset, and she hated getting overemotional about little things, but for some reason, she just couldn't seem to help it.

"Second time?" You didn't mention that she canceled on you last Monday," Tommy interjected.

She shrugged. "It didn't seem like a big deal that once, but today.... I don't know; maybe I'm imagining things, but it seems like Emily's trying to avoid me. She doesn't return my phone messages, and whenever I do get through to talk to her, she's so curt, like she's nervous or something. Plus, she's backed out of every outing we had planned. Earlier, she was saying that you two might have a change of plans for Thanksgiving something about family coming in from out of town."

"That's news to me," Jason murmured, trading puzzled glances with Tommy. Since his birthday, the four had been planning to go all out for the Thanksgiving holiday. The girls had been having a grand time planning the festivities, or so it seemed to their spouses, who, more often than not, were shooed out of the room when plotting was in effect.

"Jason, what did I do?" Kim asked forlornly, unable to hold back her tears. "Did I do or say something to drive a wedge between me and Emily? I thought the two of us were starting to get closer... y'know, to be really tight friends like Trini and I or Aisha and I, but now...."

Jason sat down beside her and put his arm around her shoulders. Tommy quickly took up a seat on the other side.

"Kim, I don't think you've done anything wrong," her long-time friend said consolingly. "I haven't noticed Emily being particularly standoffish towards you. In fact, she asks me questions about you all the time. I thought you two were getting along fine."

Kim wanted to tell him that things hadn't been 'fine' since his birthday, but she couldn't bear to. She didn't want anything to spoil the memory for either of their husbands. That was why it was so important for her and Emily to bond, not drift apart. She couldn't help if Emily didn't confide in her.

"Like I said, maybe I'm just being overly sensitive," she mumbled, trying to calm herself. "It's just that I miss having a really close friend around. Trini and Aisha are so far away.... I have the girls at the school, but I can't really confide in them. There's too much they don't know... that they can't know. I guess I was hoping to find a friend like that in Emily since she knows all the inside stuff now."

"Emily wants the same thing, Kim," Jason answered her. "Ever since her falling out with her best friend, she's been looking for someone, too. Maybe she's afraid of getting burned again."

"You think maybe that's all it is?" Kim sniffled hopefully.

"She'll come around," he replied confidently.

"She may also be feeling extra vulnerable right now," Tommy added. "With everything that's been put out in the open between the four of us, maybe she's feeling a little too exposed and needs to retreat a little. After all, not everyone can be as outgoing as Aisha."

"I hope you guys are right," Kim murmured, still feeling uncharacteristically weepy.

"Jase, can you finish up by yourself? I want to head home with Kim," Tommy requested.

"I'll be okay, Tommy," Kim demurred, feeling foolish for getting upset over nothing.

"It's no problem," Jason said. "You guys go on, and I'll close up here."

"Thanks, bro."

"Bye, Jason."

"And don't worry, Kim. Things have a way of working out in the end."


Jason meant to discuss Kimberly's concerns with Emily as soon as he returned home Monday night; however, his wife had gone to bed unusually early. The only time she ever did that was when she wasn't feeling well, so he let her sleep.

At least there's a logical explanation for Kim, he remarked at the time.

Satisfied, he wasn't going to pursue the matter further until a few days later when he overheard a bit of phone conversation. He was relaxing on the couch, and Emily was on the extension in the kitchen.

"I don't know, Kim," he heard Emily say hesitantly. "I can't get anything definite out of my folks... I know; Jason and I were really looking forward to doing Thanksgiving with you and Tommy. I especially wanted to see how the Grill Master intended on cooking the turkey on the grill...."

He said nothing until Emily hung up and had wandered into the living room.

"You know," he spoke up, setting aside the newspaper, "if your folks are going to be here for the holiday, they'd be welcome. I imagine both my folks and Tommy's will be invited before the planning is all finished."

"Oh, I hadn't thought of that," Emily mumbled.

"By the way, why didn't you tell me your parents were coming?"

"I wanted to wait until I knew for certain."

After that, nothing more was said about Thanksgiving.

However, by the weekend, Jason really did want to talk to Em. Kim wasn't imagining things. He'd seen his wife freeze up around his childhood friend on more than one occasion. She appeared to be at ease when Tommy or he was present, but Emily seemed to go out of her way not to be alone with Kim.

Quite a switch from a month ago.

In spite of his resolve, Jason was having difficulty finding time to sit Emily down for a heart-to-heart. In fact, out of the blue, she decided to clean out all the closets. It felt as if she knew he was wanting to talk to her, and she was stalling for some reason.

Having hauled yet another box to the garage, Jason went in search of his wife and found her seated in the closet under the main stairs. She sat amid a pile of old yearbooks and photo albums high school mementos. She hadn't noticed his approach, her attention totally absorbed by a framed picture.

"Who's that?" he asked, peering over her shoulder. He recognized the younger version of Emily but not the auburn-haired, blue-eyed knock out standing next to her. The girls couldn't have been more than sixteen.

"That's Jen," Emily answered, her momentary start giving way to wistfullness. "This was taken shortly before she moved at the end of our Sophomore year. I didn't see her again for almost three years."

"I take it you guys were really tight."

"Like you and Tommy."

"Or Kim and Trini," Jason added. "It's hard losing your best friend."

"And some friends you can never replace."

"Then don't try to replace them, but there's nothing wrong with making new ones. And who knows, you might wind up finding someone just as special."

"Why do I have the feeling there's a lecture behind all this?" Emily sighed as she tucked the photograph away.

"No lecture, but I am concerned about you and Kimberly."

"Me and Kim?"

"You're not the only one to lose a best friend to a move. And Kim knows what it's like to be the new kid on the block; it was pretty tough for her for a while in Florida. Even though she moved back to Angel Grove, her two best friends hadn't. They're on other continents. Kim's just as lonely as you are; in a lot of ways, you two are kindred spirits."

"You can't force a friendship," Emily asserted.

"No, but you can't form one unless you try," Jason sighed. "I know it's really none of my business, but it's rare that Kim cries over little things. Apparently, forging a connection with you is very important to her."

"Kim was crying?" Emily reiterated concernedly.

"It was Monday night when you canceled. She was just so hurt and disappointed," he explained. "She was afraid she had done something to make you give her the cold shoulder."

"Of course she hadn't!"

"She did say that she was probably over reacting," he said soothingly. "Kim's always had a knack for making friends; I think she's just a little frustrated that you and she haven't clicked yet. She misses having someone to share girl talk with; it's not like she can open up to just anyone."

"I want to have that kind of friendship with Kimberly," Emily said. "It's just... hard for me to trust...."

"I know, hon," Jason agreed warmly, taking her into his arms. "And Kim will understand that, too. Things will come in time. I just had to ask because Kim was so upset about it. Of course, if she finds out I brought this up, I'm toast."

Emily shared her husband's infectious grin. Softly, she added, " Maybe someday Kim and I will be as close as you and Tommy at least I hope we will."


Kimberly lay on the couch with her glass of juice. She hated being sick or even remotely feeling like she was coming down with something. She wasn't feverish, and she still had her appetite, but she was so lethargic and tired; she seemed to have absolutely no energy whatsoever. She had just given up on trying to watch television, deciding to take a nap, when she heard a knock at the back door.

"Kim?" her visitor called out diffidently.

"I'm in the living room, Emily; come on in," she called back, all thoughts of napping cast aside. She wondered what brought Emily over; she had thought Em and Jason had plans that afternoon. Belatedly she recalled that Jason had asked Tommy over to help him move some things out of his parents' basement.

"Help yourself to something to drink," she instructed, hearing movement in the kitchen even as she mustered the wherewithal to sit up. She supposed she could ask Emily to come back later, but she was dying to know what made Jason's wife seek her out after weeks of avoidance.

"Hi," Emily greeted, somewhat awkwardly.

To Kim, the blonde appeared highly agitated and ill at ease. Her glass of iced tea shook in her trembling grasp. She looks terrified!

"Are you okay, Kim? You look a little peaked," Emily observed.

Kim dismissed the comment with an airy wave. "Nothing a nap won't fix."

"Is this a bad time? I can come back ."

"No, please. Sit down." Privately, Kim reflected, you couldn't pay me to sleep now, and if I let her get away, she probably won't come back.

Emily took the offered seat on the couch next to her. In fact, she was practically sitting in her lap. Kim didn't try to move or pull away. There was plenty of room on the sofa, so there had to be a reason why Jason's wife had chosen such a close proximity, and until she knew what was going on, Kim was determined to follow Emily's lead.

"Jason told me you've been pretty upset lately ."

Kim wanted to throttle Jason for opening his big mouth! She hadn't wanted to make Emily feel guilty.

". . . and you're wondering why I've been so standoffish," Emily concluded.

"I've just been worried about you," Kim confessed. "ever since the night of Jason's birthday . . . you were just so upset when you came back to bed ."

"I suppose I should have told you what set me off," Emily sighed. She stared absently into the amber liquid in her glass. She had yet to take a sip.

"If there's something about what our husbands did that upsets you, don't try to keep it in. Tell us. Tell Jason," Kim implored. "If it's not all right with everyone involved, then we have no business continuing. Neither Jason nor Tommy want to do anything to hurt us or our marriages. They'd rather never have sex together again than do that."

While Kim was making her plea, Emily set her drink on the coffee table.

"It's not the guys," she responded. "To be honest, one of these days, I think I'd like to see the whole show, as it were. You were right; they are hot together. It's just that seeing them together made me so envious I wanted so badly to be able to do the same thing ."

"You want to join the guys in a three way?" Kim interjected with what she thought was comprehension. "I'm sure they wouldn't mind, and neither would I. I think I can handle sharing Tommy with you as long as Jason is there, too."

Kim truly had given thought to whether or not she could deal with Tommy and Emily together. She'd always been leery of Tommy being with another woman, but a threesome with Emily and Jason wasn't quite the same as a one-on-one encounter. Plus, she knew she wouldn't have any niggling doubts about Emily becoming too attached.

"That isn't what I meant!" Emily exclaimed with a sob, startling Kimberly. "You just don't understand!"

Kim instinctively pulled her distraught friend into a comforting hug.

"Tell me," she urged, guiding the blonde's head to her shoulder, smoothing her hands over the wavy curls as she had on the night of Jason's party. "I want to understand. I want to help."

"Y-you do?" Emily sniffled hopefully.

"Of course. We may not be close, but I am your friend," Kim assured her.

"You want to understand what it's like to need another woman so badly it hurts? You want to know what it's like to hold another woman in your arms? To touch her soft skin to kiss her and taste her to feel her naked body warm against your own to feel her nipples harden at your touch ?"

Kimberly's eyes snapped open wide. She barely had time to digest Emily's words when she felt a hand at her breast. Emily gently stroked and caressed her through the skimpy spaghetti strap top, under which she wore no bra. She sucked in a sharp breath as her companion's fingers closed about her suddenly stiff bud, tweaking it into a wild state of excitement that sent shockwaves shooting through every nerve ending like lightning.

"Do you know how frustrating it is to sit back and watch your husband indulge in the very thing you've denied yourself for years?"

Kim couldn't quite grasp what was happening as Emily continued to play with her breast. She should have probably said something tried to stop things somehow but she had no voice for words, only for a low moan as her body responded to the stimulation. Her only coherent thought was her awareness of how thin the barrier between her flesh and Emily's fingers.

"You have such beautiful breasts," Emily murmured thickly, her voice husky with arousal. "So nice and round firm but soft . I've been wanting to see them for so very long, and when you changed out of your party dress that night, I could hardly keep from staring. Your nipples are so pretty and perfect . That night, you were so excited after watching the guys your tits were so hard and flushed they looked like they wanted to be sucked, and I wanted to taste them so badly .

Throughout her breathless litany, Emily never looked up at Kim, her attention wholly absorbed by the heaving mounds beneath her fingertips. It was as if she were mesmerized by the object of her desires.

Kimberly, meanwhile, had closed her eyes, lost in the sensations rippling outward from the blushing center of her bosom. Emily's touch was incredible: delicate, knowing, exciting and she couldn't help the way her body arched in response.

Emily shifted her head slightly so that her lips grazed the side of Kim's neck in a gentle, wet caress warmed by the heat of her breath. She continued her sensuous murmurings even as she slid a flimsy strap down Kim's shoulder, tugging at the left side of the tiny pink top, baring that which she so yearned to see.

"Ohhh," Kim sighed as her companion's lips closed around her straining bud. Always highly sensitive, Kim's nipple furled into a throbbing knot of bliss, not caring that it was Emily's tongue, not Tommy's, teasing it to an impossible stiffness and sending fiery waves crashing through her body. Emily's mouth was warm and wonderful, stoking her passions to a fever pitch. Already Kim found her body arching into every lick, her hips rocking back and forth needfully. She made no protest when Emily shifted and slipped the strap off her right shoulder, exposing her other ripe swell.

Kimberly's moan was intoxicatingly heavy as Jason's wife turned her attention to her other pliant mound. The blonde edged off the couch without breaking contact with her succulent treat. She took her time feasting on the soft globes, driving Kim utterly mad with desire. The brunette's hand crept up to cradle Emily's head to her chest.

However, Emily had other ideas, and she pulled back. Her eyes drank in every detail of her partner's passion-flushed features, from her heavy lidded eyes and blushing cheeks to the glistening points of her breasts.

"I have to fee you against me," Emily gulped. Already she had worked Kim's down to her waist, the tiny straps imprisoning her arms at her sides. Now, she pushed up her own knit top, baring her heaving mounds with their turgid peaks. Then, she pressed herself forward until she and Kim were breast to breast.

"I've dreamed of being with you like this for so long," Emily confessed breathlessly.

Kimberly, however, was unable to comment, for the blonde had captured her mouth in a stirring kiss. Emily teased her with lips and tongue, causing her to gasp. When she did, her partner's tongue darted in to engage hers in an erotic tango. Between the sensuous duel of mouths and the exquisite friction of their breasts rubbing together, Kim was nearly delirious. Liquid heat pooled at the apex of her thighs, and she felt her hips thrust forward, trying to engage her lover who knelt between her parted legs. Emily's hands had already drifted down to skim across Kim's thighs as she pushed her skirt up to her waist.

"So hot so wet so ready," Emily cooed thickly, her hands cupping the damp panties that covered Kim's sex. "How I want you!"

With a parting lick at Kim's mouth, Emily began nibbling her way down the former gymnast's body. The sweet torture nearly brought tears to Kim's eyes. The fleeting caress of a hot, wet tongue across her nipples had her all but begging for more. As Emily worked her way down her abdomen, Kimberly tried to squirm away from the ticklish sensation.

Even as Emily's mouth worked down Kim's abdomen, her fingers had found their way to the waistband of Kim's panties. Slowly, she worked the silky undergarment down her hips and tossed them aside, leaving Kim's damp curls naked to the blonde's avid gaze, and Kim trembled in anticipation.

Emily's fingers explored the hot flesh of Kim's sex, drawing heavy moans and needy whimpers from deep within Kimberly. A finger slowly traced down the wet pink folds, driving Kim wild with the need to be touched and tasted. Emily sat back suddenly and fixed her partner with a wolfish smile. With a predatory lick of her lips, she lowered herself to Kim's anxious womanhood. At the first touch of Emily's tongue, Kim's entire world went up in flames.


"So your front door really does work," Jason teased as Tommy let the two of them in. "I guess it's not just for decoration after all. So, what's the occasion?"

"Funny—not," Tommy muttered good naturedly. "Kim put that stuff I borrowed in the front closet. You said you wanted to get in, out and back to business as quickly as possible. Hence, the short cut."

"Short cut?" Jason snickered.

"Before Tommy could shoot off a rejoinder, the two became aware of moaning wafting out from the living room.

"What the ?" Tommy began.

Jason grinned hugely. "Maybe Kim's watching a dirty movie without you."

"Yeah, right," Tommy snorted. Curious, he softly traversed the foyer and peeked around the corner. The sight that greeted him struck him dumb with amazement.

"What is it?" Jason asked, intrigued by the expression of astonishment on his best friend's face. He came forward to see for himself.

Too late, Tommy realized that Jason was probably better off not seeing what was happening in the living room. However, the former Red Ranger already had an eyeful of their wives making out on the sofa.

Emily was kneeling on the floor, her face buried between Kim's splayed legs. Even as she ate Kim out, she was trying to peel off her shorts. Kim, her body arched, taut with pending orgasm, had one hand buried in Emily's blonde curls while the other tugged at tight nipple.

"Oh God!" Kim gasped, her eyes opening wide. For a moment, Tommy felt his wife make eye contact before drifting back into passion's embrace.

"W-what ?" Jason stammered in confusion.

Something in the tone of his strangled exclamation communicated the depths of his turmoil to Tommy, who decided that retreat was the best course of action.

"C'mon," he urged softly, tugging Jason along, making a beeline for the basement stairs. He wanted to offer the girls privacy to finish, but he wanted to be close by for some answers when they were through.


Kim had known in that inexplicable way she always did that Tommy was present. Her eyes briefly met her husband's dark gaze, and she felt as if she'd been suspended in time, her body engulfed in mind-reeling pleasure. And yet, her already enflamed senses flared off the chart. It never failed to heighten her enjoyment when she knew Tommy was watching her; this time was no different. She barely had time to digest this before her senses went into overload.

With a guttural cry torn form the depths of her being, Kim hit her peak. The sensual maelstrom exploded within her, carrying her through endless, searing waves of ecstasy. She tightened her grip on Emily's head, her anchor against the delicious onslaught. She rode out the raging, fiery storm until the last ripple of delight calmed. At last, almost senseless, she collapsed bonelessly against the cushions.

Emily, however, was not quite through. She guided Kimberly until she was totally supine on the sofa. Then, she abandoned her place on the floor to straddle the one-time Pink Ranger's hips. Eyes closed, face aglow with passion, Emily resumed pleasuring herself.

Kim could only watch, fascinated, as her partner's body trembled in the throes of mounting sexual bliss. All too soon, Emily reached the same sensual summit from which Kimberly had just descended. With a wanton cry, the blonde fell forward, her warm, quivering body pinning Kim, and her lips sought out her partner's

Tasting herself on her lover's lips, Kimberly succumbed to the kiss , and Emily devoured her mouth until their bodies stopped quaking and the need to breathe asserted itself.

Oh, wow! Kim sighed to herself as she basked in the afterglow of her orgasm one of the most powerful she had had in a long time. The last time it had been this intense was when she, Tommy and Jason....

Tommy... in the doorway... with Jason... saw her and Emily...

Oh boy.

The petite brunette forced herself out of her post-climax lassitude and opened her eyes. Thankfully, their husbands were gone... but not far, I bet!

If Kim had to guess, she'd say that the guys had headed for the basement, probably to beat the stuffings out of the punching bag. Oddly enough, her thoughts turned to Jason first.

Poor Jase! What must be going through his head? She had the feeling that this was as big a surprise to him as it was to her. And what of Tommy? Kim didn't think she had anything to worry about on his account. After all, he'd often said he wished she could experience same-sex love making so she'd be able to see what it was like for him.

Setting thoughts of the men aside, Kim turned her attention to Emily. The blonde was still resting heavily atop her. Kim contemplated the best way to rouse her when Emily began stirring. A triumphant flush filled her cheeks and a satisfied smile curved her lips. For a moment, she beamed down at Kim; suddenly, reality came crashing down on Jason's wife. Her face paled, and her eyes grew wide with fear and unshed tears.

"What have I done?" she gasped, backing away, trying to untangle herself from Kimberly.

"Nothing that I wasn't willing to allow," Kim tried to reassure her. Granted, at first she had been too shocked to protest and then pleasure made it impossible to think rationally, but even if she had had the time for rational thought, she would not have refused Emily, for Jason's sake if for no other reason.

"But you're not...." Emily stammered, scrambling off the couch and knocking into the coffee table, sending her neglected glass of tea spilling to the floor, soaking both the carpet and her discarded clothing.

"But you are," Kimberly said gently, her comforting tone belying the steel- like grip she had on Emily's arm. She was not letting Emily run away from this. She had the suspicion that running away was what led to this explosive moment.

"Are you bi or are you a lesbian?" Kim asked for clarification.

"I'm bi," Emily confessed tearfully.

Kim felt a knot of tension inside her ease. She hadn't realized it, but she had been all but holding her breath with worry over how all this was going to affect Jason. Had Emily truly loved him? Or had she married him to hide? She was relieved to know that the feelings she had always seen between her oldest friend and his wife were genuine.

"Have you ever told anyone else?" Kim pursued.

"Only one other person knows... Jen... my best friend...."

... the best friend whom Emily said was a lesbian and who had tried to make her into someone she wasn't. They all had assumed that Jen had tried to turn Emily onto lesbian sex and that Emily wasn't into it at all. Now, Kim realized, that there was much more to the story. As that thought crystalized, another came to her in a sudden flash of insight.

"When you dumped Jason... it was to figure out if you were into girls, wasn't it?" she queried.

"Uh huh," Emily admitted with a tearful nod.

Kim hugged her fiercely, unabashed that they were all but naked. "You poor thing! How confused you must have been... just like Tommy.... Would you like to talk about it?" When the distraught blonde seemed reluctant, she added, "After all, I spent a lot of time counseling the sexually confused."

The blatant reference to Tommy produced a timid smile form Emily. "I guess I do owe you the truth."

"Come on. Let's get cleaned up then we'll talk," Kim suggested as she began righting her clothing. Emily bent to retrieve her shorts; that's when they both noticed the sodden carpet and garments.

"Don't worry. The rug will keep, and you can borrow a robe or something," Kim offered with a rueful sigh. With that, she led a compliant Emily up the stairs.

Chapter: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
