Note: All the usual disclaimers in Part One. Some bad language, sex, some very mild bondage (nothing really kinky, though) ... if you're offended by, or too young for this, GO HOME! DB

Golden Ecstasy
by Dagmar Buse

The Rangers stared at their leader, stunned into speechlessness. Only Billy nodded slowly, as if he'd somehow expected Tommy to say something like this. He exchanged a glance with his old friend, letting him see that he understood.

"Have you thought this through, Tommy?" Zordon's voice rumbled through the Power Chamber, freeing the teens from their momentary paralysis.

"Yes, Zordon, I have." Tommy's voice never wavered, although he had to swallow hard.

"Jason is my best friend; he's always been there when we, or I, needed him. Now he needs one of us--I can't just let him down."

Kat walked up to Tommy and put a trembling hand on his arm. Her voice was even softer than usual, and she was very pale as she sought out his eyes.


"Please try to understand, Kat. It has nothing to do with us, with the way I feel about you. It's just something I have to do. I couldn't live with myself if I let this happen to Jase when there's something I can do about it."

"I....I understand; he's my friend, too. But...."

"Do you know what you're gonna have to do?" Rocky forced the words out, all his previous banter forgotten. "You have to go and have sex with him! Let him take you up the...."

"Rocky!" This time, the exclamation came from Adam. "There's no need to go into detail, is there?"

"N-no, guess not. But still...." The Blue Ranger stared at Tommy, shaking his head. "I can't believe you said that, man!"

Tommy just stared back. "Wouldn't you have offered, if it had been Adam instead of Jason?"

Both Rocky and Adam blushed; they had no ready answer for that.

Katherine had calmed down somewhat by now. She listened to the exchange for a few moments, then spoke, a thought slowly crystallizing in her mind.

"Isn't it just because Jason's a guy that we're so upset? I mean, would it really be so strange if one of us girls had drunk that stuff? The solution would still be the same, and none of you would have thought twice about offering to help. If you really care about a person, their gender shouldn't make a difference, should it?" Tommy hugged her briefly, grateful that she seemed to understand.

"You're right, it shouldn't, but just does," Adam mumbled, the colour still high in his face. He turned to Tanya, who had remained silent throughout the exchange. He noted the thoughtful expression on her face. "Tanya?"

The dark-skinned girl looked up slowly, meeting her boyfriend's eyes. The expression in hers was unreadable, then a look of determination settled over her lovely features. Addressing both Adam and Tommy, she came forward.

"Tommy...what does Jason say?"

"I said I'd agree, but only if it's the absolute last resort."

The deep voice came from the back and sounded strained. The teens turned around to watch as the former Gold Ranger came out of the shadows, to stop a few feet away from them. His face gleamed with a light sheen of sweat, and if he hadn't crossed his arms in front of his waist in a familiar gesture, they would have seen his hands trembling slightly.

Jason turned towards Tommy.

"Have you found anything?"

It was among the hardest things he'd ever done, but the Red Ranger managed to meet his best friend's eyes. Swallowing hard, he shook his head, once.

"I'm sorry, bro."

Jason tried to smile, but couldn't pull it off. His expression was bleak and his voice barely more than a whisper, as he searched the brown eyes for any sign of hesitaton. Jason didn't want to do this, desperately wished to do anything but take Tommy up on his offer, but he'd noticed the progression of symptoms in his body. He knew that time was running out on him, fast. He just hoped that he and Tommy--and their friendship--would survive this. Tommy met his gaze unflinchingly, as he had outside on the cliff. Both young men were pale, but determined not to let Mondo win.

"It's not your fault. I know you did everything you could."

Tommy nodded.

"Guess it's you and me, bro."

The others noticed that their leader's voice was shaky, despite his resolve. Before Jason could answer, though, another voice interrupted.


All turned to Tanya, who had uttered the single syllable. Feeling all eyes on her, she came forth. The Yellow Ranger sent a glance towards Adam, then approached Jason until she stood only a couple of feet away from him. This close, she could make out the fine tremors racking his frame, and the control he was exerting not to let them show. It gave her the courage to continue.

"It doesn't have to be Tommy. I know you two are close, closer probably than we all know, but do you really want to do this with him?"

Jason couldn't answer her for a moment. On an emotional level, he wanted the affection and trust Tommy could give him, but he was deathly afraid that he might inadvertantly injure his friend. Practically, though, he felt slightly uncomfortable about the thought of being with a guy, even considering how close he and his best friend had always been. Hopelessness and the beginnings of despair made his tone harsh as he turned away, not wanting the others to see his turmoil.

"I don't want to do this at all, dammit! But I also don't want to hurt someone, or worse. It's something I'll have to do, if I'm gonna have any chance at all of beating this. It's not as if I can just go to the next girl I see and ask her, ‘Excuse me, will you fuck me for the next couple of days, or chances are I'll rape you eventually?'" The others flinched; Jason's distress was all too evident in his language. He laughed, a short, bitter sound.

"Who else is there?"

In the silence that followed his outburst, Tanya's soft voice fell like a small stone.



The shocked exclamation came from several voices, and Adam automatically stepped forward, to reach out for his girlfriend. Tanya's eyes held him back. Her voice was very low as she addressed all of her friends, but somehow singled out Jason and Adam.

"You know that Billy is right; one of us has to be there. We've always used these big words--that we'd do anything for each other; well, it looks like now's the time we have to prove that it wasn't just words, but that we actually mean it."

She spared a quick glance for Tommy, who kept his face expressionless, then returned her attention to the two black-haired boys, one broad-shouldered and solid, the other whipcord-lean.

"This is not a spur-of-the-moment thing; I've thought about this ever since I triggered Jason's condition."

"Tanya, you're not responsible for this!", Jason protested, trying very hard to fight down the temptation to just grab her and give in to his body's demands. Ever since her kiss had sent him into hormonal overdrive, he had been plagued by the memory of how soft her lips had felt against his, of how she would feel under him, her cocoa-coloured skin gleaming in soft light as she opened up to let him ease his straining erection inside her wet heat. To hear her offering herself like that was almost his undoing. However, just one look into Adam's anguished eyes was more than enough to refuse her while he still could. Jason couldn't help the tiny spark of hope, though, which lit his eyes.

"In a way, I am," Tanya replied. "Wait, hear me out," she continued, before any of her friends could protest further. "We all knew that Jason's problem was sexual; I should have known better than to kiss him, however innocently I meant it. It's only fair that I at least try to correct my mistake. Besides--there's another reason why I should help Jason, rather than Tommy."

"What's that?" Rocky asked, when none of the others seemed able to get a word out.



"Think, Rocky. I guess we all know that the emotional ties between Jason and Tommy are strongest, but there's one thing about me that makes me far more suitable--I'm a woman."

The Blue Ranger shook his head. "I still don't get it. I mean, basically the same, right? No matter if you're with a girl or a guy."

"I think Tanya means that speaking from a purely...mechanical...point, the female body is biologically better adapted to what is needed here. While the male body can serve, it is not what nature intended." Billy's dry tone lowered the emotional level in the Power Chamber to more manageable levels. "Mind, I'm not saying that male/male, or female/female liaisons are unnatural; after all, sexual orientation is far less environmentally influenced than a lot of people think. However, the fact remains that Tanya, or any woman, is simply better equipped to handle a situation like this."

Rocky blushed. "Okay, okay, I get the point," he mumbled, not looking at either Tanya or Jason. He was far too embarrassed by the things his always fertile imagination was coming up with, even though Billy had tried to discuss this as clinically as possible.

Tommy had said nothing so far, but watched his best friend instead. He was still prepared to go with him, if Jason wanted it, but a small part of his mind couldn't help but be relieved that he wouldn't be called upon after all. It made him somehow ashamed; after all his big words outside, he'd thought himself above this reaction. Then, he saw the minute lessening of the tension in Jason's muscles. He knew the former Ranger would protest this as much as possible, but time was running out on all of them.

Tanya had gone over to her boyfriend. She lifted Adam's hand to her cheek and gently kissed the palm, as she tried to make him understand.

"Sweetie, you know it's the only way for Jason. He needs someone, and I'm here. When I gave him the key to Auric's tiki, I told him there was no-one I trusted more. I think I can trust him not to hurt me."

Adam looked at his girlfriend with pain shining in his dark eyes. It had taken him so long to find the courage to ask her out, even longer to kiss her, and he'd thought himself the luckiest man alive when they'd consummated their relationship that magical night when his parents had been out of town and they'd ended up at his house after a date. Even though he certainly wanted to help Jason--they were not particularly close, but still good friends, and fellow Rangers--it caused him almost physical pain to think that another man would get to touch his Tanya. All he could utter, though, was a strangled question.

"But...what about us? I understand where you're coming from, but...."

Tanya kissed him, then, although she knew Adam preferred any kind of affectionate displays in private.

"Adam, I love you. You. This doesn't change anything between us. It doesn't have to. A friend needs help, and I can give it to him. Do you really think I could live with myself, if I refused that help? Does it matter all that much?"

Adam hung his head, utterly miserable. He wanted to contradict her, to shout out that yes, it did matter terribly, but couldn't find a convincing enough argument. Tanya raised his head with gentle hands and looked deeply into his dark eyes.

"If it had been me who'd gotten that potion--and if Jase hadn't noticed the patch of grass--five minutes later I'd have had one of those sodas, too--wouldn't you want him to help me, if it became necessary? We're all extremely lucky that we're not all in the same situation right now."

The Green Ranger had no answer to that. He swallowed hard, then stepped back from Tanya's gentle touch.

"It's your choice. I wish it didn't have to be this way, but ... I'll accept your decision."

Tanya kissed her boyfriend again. "Thank you, sweetie. I promise, whatever I'll have to do, it won't come between us. Not if we don't let it. I love you, and that won't change. Everything else, we can deal with later--together."

It was very quiet in the Power Chamber as the others listened to the quiet exchange and watched as Adam hugged Tanya, hard, burying his face in her curly hair. When he released her, he looked at Jason. He could see the relief in the dark gaze. Swallowing hard, he begged with words and eyes.

"Just...just don't hurt her, okay?"

The former Gold Ranger returned the look equally seriously.

"I promise. I'll do whatever I can. Thank you--both of you."

Jason turned towards Tommy. Before he could say anything, the Red Ranger nodded.

"I understand, bro. Just remember, if the two of you need help, I'll be there--for both of you."

"We all will," Billy added. Rocky and Kat, who had listened with growing amazement, nodded their agreement. Rocky went over to his oldest friend and draped a brotherly arm around his shoulders.

"Don't worry, Adam--Tanya and Jason will be alright. And we'll be here for you, as well."


Zordon's rumbling voice drew everybody's attention to the plasma tube.

"Rangers, Jason only has another hour before his condition becomes irreversible. If you are decided on a course of action, you should implement it now."

"Right. Has anybody any idea where Jason and Tanya could go?" Billy's question brought everybody up short. They had been far too preoccupied with the discussion of who would help Jason, that the where had never entered their minds.

"Uh--a hotel? We could afford that," Rocky suggested.

"The time's too short. Besides, what if there's an emergency and one of us needs to get them?"

Tommy thought for a moment.

"My uncle's cabin," he exclaimed suddenly. "It's secluded, private, and we can get supplies in by teleport without being seen."

Within minutes, the Power Chamber was a flurry of activity. The Rangers and and Billy were teleporting to and fro, while Jason went outside again---on Zordon's advice, Tommy had gone to get some clothes and toiletries from his home. He would teleport to the cabin, but anything more than that might actually aggravate his condition.

He slowly made his way over to where he had sat with Tommy such a short while ago. Jason couldn't quite believe what was happening to him. Within an hour at most, he was supposed to make love to Tanya for two days? It was just too incredible. He liked the Yellow Ranger well enough, even found her attractive, but never in a thousand years would he have thought of becoming intimate with her! For one thing, their relationship was that of friends; there was no spark, no chemistry beyond their friendship; for another, she was already taken--by another friend, too. If anything could turn him off a girl, it would be that! He felt as if he were betraying Adam's trust, and that thought made him even more uncomfortable. A small part of his mind reminded him that Tommy's offer was still open, that he could still call upon his best friend to help him, but Jason wouldn't listen. True, the emotional attachment was there, but it was that same feeling that made it impossible to use Tommy like that. Try as he might to deny it, Tanya's and Billy's argument was the most valid--as a woman, Tanya would be better able physically to handle what had to be done. Jason had only a very basic knowledge of homosexual sex, but knew enough to fear his own strength if his need became overwhelming--Tommy's optimism notwithstanding.

Even now, everything within him screamed to just grab any one of his friends and ease the growing urge to thrust himself into a warm, moist, tight sheath until the pressure in his groin abated. Jason swallowed hard and looked at his hands; the tremor was increasing, and he was soaked with sweat. Just then, the access to the Power Chamber opened, and Tanya stepped out hesitantly.



She slowly came closer, but kept at a careful distance.

"We're almost ready. are you?"

It was on the tip of his tongue to say he was fine, but a look into her eyes changed his mind. She was offering so much to him, giving of herself in spite of the uncertainty he could read in her expression--the least he could do was be totally honest.

"Not so good." Both teens were astonished how rough his voice sounded. Jason tried to clear his throat.

"Tanya, I...I don't know what to say. ‘Thank you' seems just so inadequate...."

Tanya smiled, as a little of her nervousness left her. She could read in Jason's face the same doubts she was feeling; perversely, it helped her get over them.

"Thank you is more than enough, Jase; I know that you'd do the same for me. Besides, what are friends for, if not to help each other in tight spots?"

"Somehow I doubt that whoever coined that phrase had something quite like this in mind," he replied drily. It surprised a giggle out of Tanya, and he had to smile, too, if only briefly.

"Tanya....I just hope you know what you're getting into, because I sure as hell don't. I mean, I'm not all that experienced..." He couldn't help the blush rising up his neck.

"Neither am I. I..."she couldn't look into Jason's eyes for a moment, but made herself. After all, there were bound to be even more embarrassing moments ahead for both of them. "I haven't been with Adam all that often. don't think we have to do any kinky stuff, do you?" She sounded very young and uncertain, and the former Ranger hastened to reassure her, his face flaming.

"Not if I can help it!"

Both looked at each other, smiling shyly through their embarrassment. Then, Tanya reached out a hand that was remarkably steady.

"Come on, then; I think the others have everything ready."

Jason hesitated only briefly before he took the slender dark hand in his. Their fingers closed almost convulsively around each other, then he took a step forward. The touch warmed him, and although his heartrate sped up, he felt the tiny sliver of hope gain a firmer hold within him. He sought out her large eyes, marvelling at the trust he could read through her apprehension.

"Y-you're really sure about this?"

The Yellow Ranger nodded. "Really."

Jason briefly closed his eyes, then committed himself to accepting his friend's generous help. Inhaling a deep breath of the dry desert air, he closed the distance between them.

"Then I guess I'm ready, too."

Both young people went back to the Power Chamber. Inside, they separated once more as Kat wrapped her arms around her friend in a wordless hug. The Pink Ranger admired the courage and compassion Tanya was demonstrating, her own emotions still in an uproar. She felt as if she was letting someone down, but if it was Tanya, Jason, Tommy or the rest of their friends, she couldn't say. There would be time to think about this once Jason and Tanya were safely at the cabin. Billy and Rocky also hugged Tanya briefly, and gave Jason brief words of encouragement. They knew better than to touch him--his control was slowly slipping, as they could see by his increased trembling. Adam held himself in the background; he knew, if he touched Tanya again, he was likely to beg her to reconsider, and even though he hurt at the thought of her going with Jason, he also knew there was no other way. Tanya looked over at him when Billy released her from his hug, and smiled reassuringly; she understood her shy boyfriend far too well, and smiled her acceptance.

Just as Tommy was about to teleport out with the Yellow and former Gold Ranger, Alpha shuffled forward with a small vial. "Tanya...."

The squeaky voice seemed almost ... apologetic?

"Ah, yes." Zordon's voice echoed his trusty helper's tone. "Tanya, this is a contraceptive I had Alpha prepare for you. It not only prevents pregnancy, but will also facilitate things for you in the beginning. Take one now, and the others in twelve-hour intervals."

Blushes spread over all faces except Alpha's. Tanya took the dark vial from the little android's hand and managed a shaky "Thank you", unable to meet anyone's eyes.

May the Power protect you, Rangers."

The three teens teleported out in flashes of red, yellow and gold-tinged white, leaving their friends behind.


At the cabin, Tommy gave Jason and Tanya a brief rundown of the place, pointing out the supplies they'd brought in.

"There's enough food for two days without you having to cook all that much, the water heater's on so you can take a shower, towels and sheets are here...."

"Tommy, you're not a bellhop," Jason admonished his friend, his voice strained. He earned an astonished look, then comprehension dawned.

"Oh. Yeah. Right. I...I'll be going, then." The Red Ranger looked his friends over, stepping back. Just before he activated his teleporter, he assured himself one last time.

"Guys ... I mean it. If you need any help.....any help at all...."

"We know who to call," Tanya said, hanging on to her composure now that she was about to be alone with Jason. "We'll be fine."

Tommy cast about for something to say, couldn't find the right words. With a last "Take care," he vanished from the semi-dark hallway in a flash of red.

Jason swallowed hard as he found himself alone with Tanya. Everything within him screamed to just get on with it, but he exerted every ounce of his formidable willpower to hold back, to let the girl have all the space she needed. Still, he couldn't keep the note of supplicaton out of his voice as he softly called her name.

Tanya closed her eyes briefly, praying for strength as she turned back towards Jason. Seeing the need in his eyes, she took a step towards the sleeping area. Her legs were trembling so hard all of a sudden, that she wondered how she was able to move at all. Keeping her voice even with an effort, she produced a shaky smile as she edged past Jason.

"I--I'll go to the bathroom get ready, okay?"


Jason watched her disappear behind the bathroom door, pill vial tightly clutched in her hand. He made his way over to the bedroom, where the bed was already made up, ready to climb into. He blushed again; it was a very blatant reminder of why he and Tanya were here. Slowly, with shaking hands, he began to slip off his clothes, folding them far more meticulously than he usually did. He grinned mirthlessly; his mother would never believe he was capable of this. Come to think of it, his mother would probably have a heart attack if she knew what he was about to do for the weekend. She probably thought he had no experience at all, at least that could be inferred from her comments once he'd started dating Emily seriously. He pushed thoughts of his girlfriend to the back of his mind. He knew about her decision to wait for marriage to become intimate and respected it; they hadn't been dating all that long anyway, and he was content to wait in which direction their relationship would develop. Jason gave only a brief thought to the concept of cheating on her. He knew that he never would have contemplated having sex with another girl while he was dating someone else, but it wasn't exactly as if he had a choice. He only hoped that Emily would be able to accept that, once they got out of this.

These concerns, along with how his relationship with Tanya and Adam would survive, were secondary right now. He only hoped he could control himself enough initially that he wouldn't hurt Tanya. Billy had said it would get easier once the initial stage was past, hadn't he?

Jason stopped undressing as he reached his briefs. The black cotton was uncomfortably tight, confining his straining erection, but he felt even more uncomfortable waiting for Tanya to emerge from the bathroom wearing nothing at all. Looking around, he thought for a moment, then wandered over to the linen closet and deposited a few small hand towels next to the bed, then padded into the kitchenette. As he returned with some bottled water and two glasses, Tanya came out of the bathroom, wearing a yellow terry robe and fuzzy slippers. Jason couldn't help a grin, even as his pulse rate soared at the glimpse of cleavage the robe's lapels revealed.

"Is that the newest item from the ‘Victoria's Secret' catalogue?"

"Huh? Oh, you mean the slippers." Tanya returned his grin. "Actually, it's from the ‘Things For Rangers With Perpetually Cold Feet' catalogue. My feet have been freezing ever since I came here from Kenya."

Both teens laughed, even if it was somewhat forced. Tanya dared not look at Jason; had it only been a few hours since she and Kat had positively drooled over Jason's physique? The light sheen of sweat on his skin let his muscles appear oiled and outlined in stark relief; suddenly he seemed so very strong and formidable. She swallowed past her suddenly dry throat, then gestured to the bottle and glasses he still held.

"May I have a sip of that?"

"Hm? Oh, sure." Jason poured some water for the Yellow Ranger; she tried not to notice how much his hands were shaking.

Grimacing, she shook out one of the pills Alpha had handed her and washed it down. Jason watched her, curious as something occurred to him.

"What exactly did Zordon mean when he told you these things would ‘facilitate' it for you?"

Tanya looked at Jason, grateful he couldn't see her blush in the gathering darkness.

"It...I think they're supposed to stimulate my Bartholin glands."

"Your what?" The young man looked at her uncomprehendingly.

"Have you no idea of how the female body works?" she asked, exasperated. At his headshake, she went on. "The Bartholin glands take care of....lubrication. They make me wet," she explained, perversely grateful to see the embarrassed blush on Jason's face. It made her feel more in control. However, the moment of levity their exchange had brought passed all too quickly. Tanya came closer to Jason as she placed her glass on the nightstand, and the warm scent of her skin enveloped him. A fresh wave of arousal washed over him, and he swayed slightly. Automatically, Tanya reached out a steadying hand and found herself suddenly caught up in a desperate embrace, crushed to the broad chest as Jason sought out her mouth with his.

She stiffened as Jason tried to kiss her; despite her best intentions, she just couldn't bring herself to relax as his hands began to roam over her body. Tanya closed her eyes, breathing hard, as Jason pushed her robe open and touched her naked skin; nobody but Adam had ever touched her breasts, unclothed or otherwise, and her boyfriend always was so tender, so gentle... it just didn't compare to the desperate need she sensed in Jason. It took all her resolve not to fight him off with a well-placed knee to a sensitive spot, but she couldn't suppress a painful whimper as the former Ranger closed a hand over her breast, squeezing hard. The slight sound penetrated Jason's need, and he shook his head once to clear it as he looked at his partner. He drew a hissing breath as he saw a slow trickle of tears slip down her softly rounded cheek. With an exclamation of disgust, he tore himself away from Tanya, taking a few steps back. Trembling from head to foot, he tried to find his voice. When he finally did, both teens hardly recognized the raspy tones.

"This isn't working. I should have known..."

Tanya sobbed once, before she could open her eyes. Instinctively, she clasped her robe high up to her chin and watched as Jason stared at her. The tears continued to flow as he turned around and walked back into the living room, to stare into the gathering darkness outside. Before he turned away, she couldn't help but notice the considerable bulge in his briefs.

As soon as she was alone, Tanya sank onto the bed, trying to dry her tears. She silently chided herself as her racing heart slowed down.

What did you expect? This is not Adam; you're not making love with him, you're trying to help him get relief. It's purely physical! The thought didn't help much. You knew Jason is strong; you also knew that it could get rough, at least in the beginning. So why are you behaving as if this was a stranger trying to rape you?

Tanya had no answer for herself. She just sat, feeling miserable, waiting for her breath to stop coming in short gasps. When she felt she had herself sufficiently under control again, she hesitantly approached the silent figure at the window. Her voice was barely more than a whisper as she once more reminded herself of all the reasons why she had agreed to come here in the first place.



Jason barely made it out of the bedroom; he went blindly to the window and grasped the thick drapes to prevent himself from turning around, grabbing Tanya, throwing her on the bed and easing his burning need within her. His manhood was rock-hard and throbbed in rhythm with his rapid heartbeat; the tight cotton briefs chafed and he was sorely tempted to just rip them off. The touch of her smooth dark skin, the feel of her soft globes under his hand had almost robbed him of what remained of his sanity; only her exclamation of pain, and the sight of her tears, had enabled him to stop at all. He had that much honour left, at least. Question is, how long can you hold out? And what happens if you frightened her so much that she leaves you?

He had no answer. Tiredly closing his eyes, he leaned against the glass pane, feeling his own eyes overflow. His hands cramped in the soft material framing the window as he felt the heat rise higher in his blood. He almost didn't hear the shaky whisper from the door.


He didn't turn around, but Tanya could see the muscles in his back tense even further. He didn't acknowledge her right away, but when he did, she was shocked to hear the note of defeat in his deep voice.

"Go away, Tanya."


"Go, Tanya--before I really hurt you."

"No! Jason, I...."

He interrupted her before she could finish whatever she was going to say.

"Tanya, it's no use. You tried, and it didn't work. I'm sorry--I thought I could control myself better, but...." Jason shrugged.

The Yellow Ranger hated herself for the brief flash of relief his words brought. Then, she recalled herself.

"No. Jason, I'm not leaving you. I promised I'd help you, and I still mean it. surprised me, is all."

He turned then, still holding on to the drapes. His dark eyes were bleak, but Tanya could still make out the small flicker of hope.

"I...I can't promise you that I'll be gentle. I thought I could, and I tried, but...."

She ventured a bit closer.

"I know you did. I don't know what I expected--maybe a little warning. Now I'll know, and...." her voice trailed off. Helplessly, she shrugged.

Jason spared her a weak smile before he turned back towards the window, his hand wandering up and down the curtains.

Tanya tried again. She hated the sound of her voice as she blurted out what was foremost in her mind, what had thrown her the most.

"It ... it's just... you're so much stronger than I thought!"

"I'm afraid there's nothing I can do about that." Jason began to tremble visibly with the need to hold back. "Short of tying me up, I don't know what could make this easier for you." His fingers absently fumbled with the soft cloth ropes and tassels holding the drapes back.

Something drew Tanya's eyes to his hands. While she was still thinking over his words, trying to come up with an alternative, the strong fingers suddenly stopped their nervous wanderings. Jason let go of the fabric and unfastened one of the short ropes. Tanya stared uncomprehendingly at the supple length of twisted yarn, when Jason lifted his head to look at her.



The deep voice was slightly hoarse, with strain and ... excitement?

"Tanya, would that help? At least in the beginning?"

"Would what help?"

Jason blushed--again. But he forced himself to continue; maybe this was the only way they would get past Tanya's fear, and stop him from hurting her.

"Would it help you if you had control? If you could set the pace?"

"I--I think so. B-but how...?"

"These ropes.... there's a headbord at the bed. If you could tie my wrists to one of the rungs, I couldn't grab you like I did before. It means that you would have to do most of the work, but remember, Zordon and Billy said my control would get better as soon as the immediate pressure is off."

"I can't tie you up!" she protested automatically, but it was only half-hearted. It would help if she didn't have to fear Jason's great strength. She regarded the young man standing before her. In his eyes, she could read renewed hope. It decided her. Swallowing hard, she nodded.


The two looked at each other for a few moments, then Jason removed the second rope from the drapes. Holding them out to her, Tanya took them gingerly from his large hand. The memory of how it had felt against her skin sent a tiny shiver down her spine, now that she was in no immediate danger of being grabbed again. Together, but still with a few feet between them, they went into the bedroom.

Once there, Jason wordlessly began to knot one of the cloth ropes around his left wrist. He managed a fairly secure loop he couldn't easily get out of, but which left enough room not to cut off his circulation. The other was more difficult--being right-handed made him a bit clumsy, and being able to use only one hand didn't help. He held out his hand to Tanya.

"Can you pull this fast?"

"S-sure." She managed, but only barely. Standing so close to him, she could actually feel the heat radiating off his body, even through her robe. She also became aware of a slightly musky scent that was vaguely familiar, but which she'd never noticed on Jason before. Sex....he smells of sex...but we haven't even started yet! Tanya shook herself mentally. Don't think about this now! As soon as she was finished, she stepped back again, and watched mutely as Jason turned back the sheets and lay down, his arms reaching towards the headboard.

"You'll have to help me..."

"I know." Tanya approached the bed on legs that refused to cooperate. Somehow, though, she succeeded in fastening first one, then the other cord around the wooden rungs at the corners of the mattress. Straightening, she watched Jason test his bonds. He then turned his sweat-streaked face towards her; she realized with a small start that her proximity had to have excited him even more.

"These won't hold me indefinitely," he warned her, his voice raspy with strain. "But if we can only get past the beginning...I think I'll be able to hold back that long." Jason swallowed hard and licked his dry lips. "Just...Tanya, please...I don't know how long I still can hold back."

The dark-skinned girl closed her eyes briefly. She'd thought she could approach this like some kind of nursing duty, with compassion and detachment, but she hadn't counted on how the sight of Jason's strong, tanned body, stretched out on the cream-coloured sheets and tied up, waiting for her touch, would affect her. Tanya felt her pulse rate quicken slightly. In a far-away corner of her mind, a little voice told her that she shouldn't be enjoying this, that she loved Adam, but another, stronger voice told her that this was a good thing, that her own excitement would make it easier for her. She shut both voices out.

As she stood beside the bed, she tried valiantly to keep her eyes on the handsome face, but didn't quite succeed. Involuntarily, her dark eyes swept over the muscular chest and arms, as she had done on the beach only that afternoon, and her own words came back to haunt her. He's such a hunk... Tanya had to swallow, or her throat would have constricted. Almost against her will, her gaze wandered further down, where the tight black briefs were tented with a considerable bulge.

A hot blush spread over her face and neck as the girl realized she would have to remove Jason's last garment. She froze for a moment, but a slight shift in position and a shudder wracking the powerful frame recalled her to the present.

Yes, it's intimate if you take off his briefs, but you're about to get even more intimate with him in the next few minutes! Stop procrastinating and get on with it!

Taking a moment to steady her hands and calm her racing heart, the Yellow Ranger closed the distance between her and the bed, and gingerly placed her hands on the waistband. Jason moaned slightly and his trembling increased, but he didn't open his eyes, for which Tanya was grateful. Carefully, she slipped her hands inside and down, pulling the material with her. The young man yelped softly. Her eyes flew towards his face, and she was surprised to see a small, lopsided grin play around his mouth. The dark eyes were glittering with arousal and ... humour?

"What?" Tanya asked, confused. She was very much aware that her hands were cupping Jason's buttocks. He lifted his hips slightly, and she automatically drew the fabric further down.

"Your hands are cold."

"Oh--!" Her eyes instinctively went to her hands, and she blushed fiercely as she saw her friend fully naked for the first time. Jason's erection seemed gigantic, though in reality he wasn't that much larger than Adam; maybe a bit longer, a bit thicker, but nothing to be afraid of. Still, Tanya shivered once more. Wordlessly, she worked the black cotton off his legs, trying to deny the increasing moisture between her legs. It's just Zordon's pills working; it's a good thing, too, or it will hurt! It couldn't possibly be something else--it couldn't!

Tanya took another sip of water, but knew she was stalling. Offering Jason some and holding his head as he thirstily drained the glass bought her a few more seconds; then, she ran out of excuses. Straightening, she slowly untied her robe's belt, very much aware of the dark eyes looking at her with barely-concealed hunger and need.

"Tanya, please...." the hoarse whisper was barely audible. Closing her eyes, Tanya let the yellow terry cloth fall from her shoulders.

The silence in the darkening bedroom seemed to fill every corner, until it was broken by a needy moan from the bed.

"Oh God,'re beautiful!"

The Yellow Ranger slowly opened her eyes. The admiration in Jason's look did wonders for her self-confidence, which had been almost non-existent only seconds ago. His almost-panting breaths and the rapid rise and fall of his chest as he looked his fill called forth the woman in the girl, and a tiny smile fought its way to a corner of her mouth. Her movements became slightly more fluid, almost sensuous, as she knelt on the mattress, running a hand from the broad shoulder down to the narrow hips. Tanya was still apprehensive, but no longer terrified. She'd seen the same look in Adam's eyes the first time they'd made love; only she'd been too inexperienced at the time to know what it meant. Now, she did. Her eyes locked with Jason's as she moved over him, positioning herself directly above his straining phallus. She grasped it with only slightly trembling fingers and guided the tip to her sex. Tanya marvelled at the throbbing heat, but all that vanished as Jason thrust slightly upwards, parting her moist folds. Very slowly, she sank down, impaling herself on him, but cried out in momentary shock and slight pain as he bucked up sharply all of a sudden, burying himself to the hilt. Her soft voice was drowned out, however, by Jason's sharp bellow of release as he ejaculated forcefully within her as soon as he was fully sheathed. Tanya's inner muscles instinctively clenched around the hot shaft, and she had to reach out and steady herself on his chest as Jason began to move. Desperately, she tried to match his rhythm, and only dimly could make out words in his almost animalistic groans as a second climax flowed into her.

"Tanya...oh sorry...."

Everything else was lost as the two began to ride out Jason's need.


Tommy and Kat were at Kat's house, trying to watch TV, but neither's attention was on the screen. Both were far away with their thoughts--up in the mountains, in a secluded cabin, thinking of their two friends who were involved in their own fight against Mondo and the Machine Empire. The stakes this time--not the destruction of Angel Grove, or dominion over the Earth, but Jason's health and sanity.

As the station went to commercial, Tommy looked at Kat, then switched the TV off. The blonde girl didn't seem to notice; her eyes were still fixed on the now-dark screen, and she didn't move into Tommy's embrace, as she usually did. He sat up slowly and brushed a pale gold strand of hair behind her ear. Slowly, her blue eyes focussed on his face, and she essayed a smile. It wouldn't quite come. The Red Ranger gently tilted up her chin, brushing his fingertips over her soft cheek.

"What is it, Kat?"

She lowered her eyes, but he wouldn't let her.

"Talk to me, honey." His gentle voice made it at once easier and harder to tell him about the decision she'd struggled with over the last hour--ever since her best friend had teleported with Tommy and his best friend to his uncle's cabin. Unable to sit still any longer, Kat got up and wandered over to the window, looking out into the garden and the gathering shadows. She could feel Tommy waiting on the couch. Not daring to meet his eyes, she cleared her throat and drew a deep breath.

"I'm going up there."

Tommy didn't quite believe his ears.


Now that it had been said, the words came easier for Kat. She was able to look into her boyfriend's eyes, even as her fair skin slowly flushed almost as pink as her dress.

"It's not right that Tanya is up there all alone with Jason at your uncle's cabin. You heard Billy and Zordon--it would be better if there were more than one person helping Jason."

Tommy got up and went to her. He regarded her solemnly, carefully considering his next words.

"Why, Kat? I mean, it's very generous of you to offer, but why? And--why now?"

"Because Tanya is my best friend. Because Jason is yours. Because nobody should have to go through this, either giving or receiving. Because I can't just sit here and do nothing when two of us might need help! Because...oh Tommy, I don't know! I just know I have to go there!"

Kat almost sobbed. She felt an inexplicable sense of urgency, but there was more to her decision than desperation. If only she could put it into words!

"Please try to understand, Tommy; I just have to go!"

The Pink Ranger hadn't known what to expect from her boyfriend; relief for Jason maybe, reluctance, like Adam--she was not prepared, though, for the smile she got, and the hard hug.

Tommy pulled Kat close and buried his face in her silky hair. He couldn't say exactly what he was feeling, but right now the foremost emotion was the sudden certainty that with both Tanya and Kat, Jason would be alright. Everything else, they could deal with later. He looked deeply into the anxious blue eyes.

"Kat...this is going to sound really weird, but...thank you."


Tommy tried to put his feelings into words; it was just as difficult for him as it had been for Kat.

"Kat, I...I don't know how to say this, a way, when Tanya offered I sort of had hoped you would, too."

"Then why didn't you ask me?"

"I couldn't. Not for something like this. It's one thing for me to offer to help Jase, but I didn't want to put you under any kind of obligation. You have to do this because it's what you feel you have to do, or want to do, or maybe because Jase is your friend as well--not for me. Does this make any kind of sense?" He smiled a bit sheepishly.

The Australian returned his smile, a bit more confident. "It makes a lot of sense, at least to me. But you're wrong on one thing."

Tommy kissed her cheek and held her close as the two of them slowly wandered back into the room. "What's that?"

Kat picked up their glasses and handed him his car keys. Her eyes were serious as she elaborated on her reasoning.

"I'm doing this for Jason, sure. He's a friend, just like Rocky, or Adam and Billy. More for Tanya, though; it must be hard for her being up there, having sex with Jason when she doesn't know him all that well yet, and also knowing how hard Adam is taking this."

They were at the front door by now, and Tommy was preparing to leave.

"You don't know Jase any better than Tanya," he pointed out reasonably.

Kat hugged her boyfriend. "But I do. You've told me so much about feels as if I've known him almost as long as the rest of you. And that's the third reason why I'm going--because if you lose Jason, or something happened to him, you'd never forgive yourself, or anyone else who could have done something and didn't. I'm going up there more for you than for anyone else." Her gentle smile turned slightly lopsided.

"What a thing to tell one's boyfriend. I'm talking about having sex for"--she checked her watch--"almost forty hours with another man--an extremely good-looking one at that--for your own good."

Despite his worry, Tommy cracked another smile. "I'll take that in the spirit it's been said, not the way it sounded." Serious again, he drew her close. Kissing her very gently, he reminded her of the promise he'd given Tanya and Jason only a couple of hours before.

"Remember, if you--any of you--need me...."

"'re just a communicator call and teleport away. I know."

The Pink Ranger watched her team's leader get into his car and drive away. Drawing a deep, fortifying breath, she walked back into the house and packed some necessities, then teleported out. After a small detour via the Power Chamber, to pick up a second bottle of the pills Alpha had handed Tanya, she arrived in the living room of the cosy cabin only a few minutes before Tanya stumbled weakly out of the bedroom, tears beginning to flow.


Tanya had lost all track of time as Jason ejaculated within her again. She was sore, exhausted, her legs were cramping badly from being held in one position for too long, and it was getting harder and harder to stifle her sobs. She knew her cheeks were wet; she hadn't been able to stop the tears from overflowing, but she was determined not to make it any harder on Jason by crying openly. Whenever she'd looked into his face, she'd seen that, though his numerous climaxes brought him momentary relief, it wasn't exactly easy for him either.

Both were sweat-streaked, their bodies trembling and straining; only gradually it registered on Tanya's mind that the taut muscles between her thighs and the hard chest under her hands began to relax. She lifted her head. Hardly daring to believe, she concentrated on the hardness still buried within her. Experimentally, she shifted her position, wincing at her protesting knees, and felt Jason's cock slide out of her. It was an effort, but she managed to climb off his hips which she had straddled for so long. As the warm weight left him, the ex-Ranger tiredly rolled his head towards her. The dark eyes looked as exhausted as she felt as their eyes met.

"Is..." The young woman had to clear her throat. "I-is it over?"

"For now." Jason's tone was bleak. He'd seen what it had cost Tanya so far, and he wished with all his might that he could find another way. But they had explored all options; this was the only solution Zordon and Billy had found, and if the past two hours shouldn't be totally wasted, he and Tanya had to continue. He had found physical relief from his potion - induced arousal, true, but emotional--that was another matter. A bitter smile played around his lips as he tried to ease his aching shoulders; the joints hurt from being held in one position too long, but the decision to untie him would have to come from Tanya.

She saw the slight grimace as she slowly climbed off the bed, hanging on to the bedpost and supporting herself on the nightstand, until her aching legs would hold her. She couldn't help but wonder at it.

Lifting the dark, damp head up, Tanya held another glass of water to Jason's parched lips. She could tell he was tired; well, so was she. Mutely, she gathered up her robe and slipped it on, painfully aware of the fluids running down her legs in sticky rivulets. Just as she was about to turn away, the deep voice held her back.

"Y'know... this is every guy's fantasy; being all alone with a gorgeous girl for two days, doing nothing but making love all the time.'s turning out to be less a dream than a nightmare."

The Yellow Ranger's lips began to tremble. Fresh tears began to flow as she responded, her voice husky.

"I've wanted to have time like this with Adam, ever since we made love for the first time. Guys aren't the only ones who fantasize."

The two young people regarded each other silently for a few moments, then Jason closed his eyes, giving in to his exhaustion. Tanya stood rooted to the spot a while longer, then made her way to the door on unsteady legs. Before she left the almost-completely dark bedroom, she paused at the door. Without turning back, she said, in a deliberately calm voice, "I'll take a shower and rest a bit. Call me when you need me, okay?" She got no answer. Looking back to the dark form on the bed, she could just barely make out his face. It was several moments before she heard Jason's voice drift over to her.

"Thanks. And....Tanya?"


"I'm sorry."

Blinded by a fresh rush of tears, she slipped out of the room. Jason couldn't be sure, but he thought he'd heard her whisper brokenly, "So am I."


Katherine watched her friend with concern as she steadied herself against the nearest wall. Tanya hadn't seen her yet; she was trying too hard not to break down where she stood. With a few steps, Kat walked up to the Yellow Ranger and pulled her into a warm hug. Tanya barely registered the pink t-shirt before she gave in to everything that had piled up on her in terms of stress over the afternoon and evening. She let herself be guided to the soft couch and held on to Kat with desperate strength as her tears continued to flow. When her eyes started to burn, she sniffed and slowly sat back up, reluctantly meeting the blue eyes. Kat looked at her worriedly.

"Was it that bad?"

Tanya gratefully accepted the tissues Kat held out to her. Between sniffles, she thought back over the time she'd been up here.

"N-not really. I mean, he ... he scared me a bit, at first, when he got a little rough, but..." She noticed the slightly alarmed expression on the porcelain face, and hastily amended her report.

"He didn't mean to be; it's just, he needed bad, he couldn't quite control himself. He didn't hurt me, though."

Kat considered this.

"How did you manage, then?"

"Well, as soon as I'd tied him up, we..."


The dumbfounded expression and startled shriek surprised a small snort of laughter out of Tanya. Grinning slightly, she looked at her friend out of the corner of her eye.

"It was Jason's idea, really. He was standing at the window and sort of playing with the drapes, when the suggestion kind of slipped out. Of him," she added, at Kat's still incredulous look. "Anyway, there was this idea, and these cords at the drapes, and things...kind of went on from there. It really was easier for me that way; he's so strong..." she shrugged helplessly. "With him tied up, I had control. wasn't too bad, really."

Kat shook her head, still stunned.

"I can't believe you actually tied Jason up!"

"Just his wrists, and I think if he tried hard enough, he could get out; this is not some S&M set-up, you know!"

The Pink Ranger suddenly grinned; it was a bit unfair, maybe, but she couldn't help it, despite the situation being so serious.

"If you say so. But..." her grin grew even wider, "Can you imagine what Rocky would have to say if he knew about this?"

Tanya started to giggle through her sniffles. "Oh, God, yes! Jason's going to owe me for life just so I keep this to myself!"

The thought of the Blue Ranger's reaction to that little tidbit lightened the mood considerably. Tanya finally began to relax--and feel every aching muscle. She also was in desperate need of a shower. Just as she was about to get up from the couch, Kat's presence suddenly registered. Wasn't she supposed to be alone with Jason?

"By the way, what are you doing here?"

Kat blushed, but met Tanya's eyes steadily. "I thought you might need a little help."

"With what?" Tanya's tone was suspicious, but she couldn't help the small frisson of hope that raised its head. She was so tired...

"With ... uh ... taking care of Jason. It can't be easy, doing it for so long. I mean, aren't you sore?" Kat blushed even more.

Her friend considered for a long moment, then conceded.

"You have no idea. Zordon's pills helped somewhat, but...."

"Oh yeah, that reminds me." Kat dug out her own vial of tablets and swallowed the first one dry. Committed, she looked at Tanya. "Why don't you take a shower, have a sandwich or something, and crash here on the couch? I'll look after Jason, and we can switch off after that again."

A bit nonplussed, but too worn out to really care, Tanya just nodded. She plodded over to the bathroom while Kat began to change into her own white, pink-trimmed bathrobe. At the door, the dark-skinned girl looked at her friend wonderingly. "You're being awfully practical about this...."

The blonde shrugged as she briefly ran a brush through her hair.

"I've had a bit more time than you to get used to the idea. Besides, what would be the use if I went into hysterics?" She inhaled deeply. "I may not be the most experienced woman around, but it's not as if I had never done this before. Jason's a friend, not some stranger, and I usually stick to my decisions."

Tanya nodded. There was one other thing, though.

"Does Tommy know?"


Tanya waited a few moments, but Kat wouldn't elaborate. Accepting her friend's silence for the moment, she smiled her thanks and slowly went down the hallway to disappear in the bathroom. Katherine watched her until the door closed with a soft ‘click', then turned towards the bedroom. At the door, she hesitated for a moment. Despite her brave words and seeming nonchalance towards Tanya, she couldn't help the flutter of nerves as she slowly let herself into the dark room.

As her eyes adjusted to the dim light, she could make out the bed with the solid figure stretched out on it. Moving silently, she turned on the nightlight, angling it in such a way that she had enough light to see, but wouldn't blind Jason. He had fallen into a restless sleep, his limbs spasming slightly as his body tried simultaneously to recover from his exertion and the potion reasserted its hold over his nerves and hormones. Kat winced slightly as she took note of his posture; it had to be extremely uncomfortable for him to have his arms stretched out like this! However, she recalled Tanya's remark that he'd been a bit rough in the beginning; if Jason could hold out a bit longer, she would prefer if he stayed like this--at least until she'd gotten over the awkwardness of starting!

Kat thought about her next steps; Tanya needed rest and probably some time alone; Jason definitely needed his sleep--it wasn't going to be long anyway, if Billy's prediction of two-hour cycles proved accurate; so, what was she going to do? She was already undressed under her robe; taking a shower now would be pointless....that gave her an idea. While she hadn't really looked at the former Ranger, the air in the room was stuffy, and reeked a bit; Kat knew that Tanya was rinsing away all traces of the past couple of hours, and quite honestly, she wasn't exactly keen to touch the young man--he was sweaty, and probably rather sticky, too. Picking up a couple of the small towels she spied on the nightstand, Kat went to the kitchenette and moistened them. On her return, she sat down next to Jason and carefully began wiping him down, from his face over his torso to his genitals, blushing hotly as even that fleeting touch made his penis twitch. Finished, she covered him lightly with a sheet and went to the window to let in some fresh air, staring out into the darkness. A half-crescent of waning moon cast silvery light over the small clearing, making the trees surrounding the cabin on two sides loom darkly against the sky. Just around the corner, she could make out the lake, its calm surface glittering in the moonlight.

The Pink Ranger sighed as she tried to control the rush of blood to her face. Tending Jason like this had at once been easy and hard. Easy, because it gave her the opportunity to get to know his body at least a bit before they went on to more... intimate...activities, without having to deal with his reaction to her checking him out; and hard, because he was oblivious to her scrutiny; somehow, it didn't seem ... fair...that she had seen all of him without his knowledge. I feel like a Peeping Tom, somehow! Zordon's pills seemed to be working, too; the blonde could feel it in her slightly accelerated breathing, her rapid heartbeat and the gathering moisture between her legs. Well, at least I'll be ready; the way he's tied up, he can't do foreplay, and I certainly am not going to play with myself in front of him! Even the thought brought a fresh rush of colour to her cheeks, and Kat breathed deeply of the clean mountain air as she stayed by the window.

Jason awoke from his too-brief nap as a shiver that had nothing to do with sexual excitement coursed down his body. Opening bleary eyes, he noted that he was covered by a thin sheet, and that a cool breeze was coming through the open window. Thankful for the fresh air, he filled his lungs, then sought out the slim silhouette at the window. Something wasn't quite right about the young woman, and it took a moment for his sleep-muddled mind to come up with an explanation. The colours were all wrong...that wasn't Tanya's dark hair and chocolate-coloured skin, what he saw instead were pale-gold strands of fine hair blowing in the breeze, and the creamy skin belonging to....


The Australian turned at the sound of his voice; concerned, she wandered over after closing the window again. She'd never heard Jason sound so hoarse, or so weary, either--not even when he was fighting off the effects the loss of the Gold Power had on him.

He tried to lift his head, but his awkward position wouldn't let him.

Jason looked at his best friend's girlfriend with eyes that had dark circles underneath them. He took in her bathrobe, the long, smooth line of her neck rising from the lapels, and noted her bare legs underneath as she sat down next to him and lifted another glass of water to his parched lips. He gulped the tepid liquid gratefully, then lay back again, puzzled. He tried to shift his shoulders and concealed another wince; his biceps were beginning to cramp and the temptation to jerk free of the soft cords was nearly overwhelming, but exerting every ounce of willpower left, he managed to restrain himself--barely.

"What are you doing here?"

Kat wiped his brow once more with a moist towel, then let it fall to the floor.

"Relieving Tanya."

Jason looked at the Pink Ranger with sudden concern.

"H-how is she? I...I didn't hurt her, did I?" The sudden fear for their teammate in the dark eyes reassured Kat as nothing else could have done. As long as Jason still cared about the possible consequences of his actions, things couldn't be quite that bad.

"No. No, you didn't." Her calm voice soothed the young man, and he relaxed noticeably, closing his eyes in relief for a moment. Then, he sought out the azure orbs once more.

"Where is she?"

"Resting; in the living room, I suppose. I told her to lie down a bit. She's beat."

Jason winced at that, and turned away from Kat, flushing a dull red. She gently turned his face back towards her. Earnestly, she tried to calm him further.

"Look, Jase, it's not your fault. We should have expected that. Remember, Billy told us it would be better if there was more than one person helping you out. That's why I'm here."

His breath was laboured as he shook his head.

", not you too! It's bad enough that I'm intruding on Adam's and Tanya's relationship; I couldn't do that to Tommy and you as well...!"

Kat was getting just a tad annoyed. She and Tanya had struggled enough with their decision; was it fair that they almost had to beg this mule-headed ex-Ranger to let them help him? It must have something to do with the colour; didn't he used to be a Red Ranger, too? There's little difference between him, Rocky and Tommy when it comes to asking for help! Out loud, she only said, "I'm here with Tommy's knowledge and consent--not that I'd have asked him. Why can't you get it into that thick skull of yours that we both care about you? For the umpteenth time, we all know that you'd do the same for any of us, if it had come to that; we're all Rangers, whether we still hold the Power or not. Rangers look after their own!"

Jason managed to look sheepish; if he'd been able, he'd have turned away, but tied up as he was, he could only lie there and hope that the dim light hid his blush. He had the feeling, though, that it didn't. Kat's smile only confirmed his suspicion and let the colour wander from his cheeks down to his shoulders. Kat patted his shoulder consolingly, her slight bout of temper already forgotten again. Unobtrusively, she let her gaze wander down the powerful body, taking note of Jason's erection, which seemed to grow almost while she was looking. It was time. Getting up, she took a calming breath, then dropped her hands to the knot in her belt.

" want my help, or not?"

The former Ranger swallowed hard. He would have given anything to be able to tell her no, that he and Tanya could manage without involving anyone else, but he remembered all too clearly the exhaustion in the Yellow Ranger's face, how she'd been trembling just before she left. In all fairness to her, he couldn't afford to refuse Katherine's generous offer. A fresh surge of arousal sent more blood into his already swollen cock, causing almost physical pain.

Finally, he raised defeated eyes to his former teammate.

"Kat, I..." his voice failed him, but the blonde understood the unspoken acceptance. Briefly touching his cheek, she dredged up a smile as myriads of butterflies began to dance in her stomach. For all her determination and bravado, deep down she was still shy and somewhat insecure about having sex with anybody, be it her boyfriend, whom she loved, or his best friend--whom she didn't know nearly as well. Tamping down on her anxiety, she called forth the spirit which had convinced Zordon that she was worthy of Kimberly's choice to name her the successor to the Pink Power. Mentally squaring her shoulders, she untied the belt and let the pink-trimmed white robe fall to the floor. Her fair skin heated up with a fiery blush as Jason let his eyes roam over her, his appreciation evident in his accelerated breaths and the noticeable twitching of his manhood.

"Oh, man...!" He moaned and closed his eyes. Kat noted with surprise that he almost instinctively snapped his hips, as if he were preparing for what lay ahead. Somewhat gingerly, she knelt on the bed, trying to work out the mechanics in her mind. Tommy had never made love to her other than by covering her and holding her close in his arms, giving her an added sense of security. Now, it was up to her to be the aggressor; she would have to give instead of take. The thought sent a small jolt of arousal into her, and made Kat catch her breath. Almost involuntarily, a thought crept forward in her mind. Maybe this isn't going to be so bad, after all!

Jason watched her with barely concealed need and eagerness. His balls were aching, and he could feel his control slowly slipping, but he pushed it to the back of his mind. For the moment, he was far too busy drinking in the sight of Kat as she crouched next to him, her knees touching his hot skin. Looking at Tanya's smooth, cocoa-coloured skin and lush figure had been exciting enough, but Kat...! He'd always had a thing for blue-eyed blondes--it was what had attracted him to Emily in the first place, before he got to know her--but the Pink Ranger fulfilled a lot of his most private fantasies, with her creamy skin and pale-gold hair. Her curves weren't quite as generous as Tanya's, but he admired the long, graceful limbs with their smooth muscles; Kat might not be the fighter Tanya was, but her physique was honed by years of diving and dancing, and she exuded a subtle, very feminine power in her movements which made her extremely attractive to him. Jason had thought her beautiful when he'd first met her, but since she was his best friend's girlfriend, he'd automatically shoved his attraction as far away as possible. He'd managed to conceal it well, and he'd met Emily soon after, so that he was in no danger to lust after Kat. Now, however, he couldn't help himself. Just the thought that in a few moments she would lift herself above him and take him deep inside of her, encasing his straining cock within her moist heat, was enough to make him moan with need and anticipation.

Kat took the strained sound for a sign of pain; gathering her courage, she swung a leg over Jason's hips and positioned herself. Her hands shook slightly, as Tanya's had done, as she took hold of his pulsing flesh and eased the tip between her moist folds. Adjusting herself, she held on until he'd slipped past the entrance to her body, then braced herself on either side of his head, leaned forward and slowly lowered herself onto the hard rod. It brought her full mounds with their soft, rosy tips temptingly close to Jason's face, and it was all he could do not to reach out and wrap his tongue around one of them. You're not here to have fun; she's trying to keep you from becoming a sex-crazed maniac! He closed his eyes, as much in desperation as in bliss as her tight folds gripped him in a velvety embrace; then his need once more took over and he thrust upwards, beginning the circle of drug-induced ache and release again.


Kat had lost all sense of time as she finally felt Jason relax under her; by now she knew how Tanya had come by her wobbly legs. Her own sex ached from the constant friction; although she'd lost count how often Jason had come inside of her, she hadn't found relief of her own, and it added to her general discomfort. Both were sweat-streaked, he from thrusting so long and hard--and holding back, she knew; he could have been much rougher, but had retained at least that much control; she, from holding herself in position so long. Her arms and legs ached, and she was trembling with strain, and it took great effort not just to collapse on the broad chest and fall asleep. It was quite late by now; it had been a long day, from school in the morning through their watery romp in the lake and the stress and anguish of the late afternoon and evening. Kat didn't even want to begin to imagine what it must be like for Jason, who still wasn't back at full strength after losing the Gold Ranger Power. Still, I suppose it's a good thing, in a way; if he'd been fully recovered, I doubt these ropes could have held him! Even her thoughts sounded tired; Kat moved sluggishly off the narrow hips and just sat for a moment, trying to regain her physical and mental equilibrium. She felt Jason shift beside her, and looked up into his sweaty face; she couldn't help but notice the pained grimace as he tried to move his arms.

He must be in agony! How long has it been that Tanya tied him to the bed?

Clearing her throat, she drew his attention. Jason looked at her, his expression strangely unreadable.

"W-what?" Kat was astounded how hoarse her normally light voice sounded. "Jason?"

He closed his eyes briefly and turned away, then faced her again. The deep voice was strained and raspy, as he confessed what she'd begun to suspect.

"I--It's not helping much. I...I don't know how to explain it; I've come so often, but somehow I feel as if I hadn't come at all. Right now, it's almost bearable, but it won't take long...."

Kat swallowed, but fought down a sudden panic attack. This was not the way it was supposed to be--not the way Billy had said it was going to be! But she had absolutely no idea what they could do differently.

"Maybe....maybe it's just taking longer," she suggested hesitantly. "After all, you got a pretty strong dose of this ‘Ecstasy' stuff."

"Yeah, maybe. But what if that's not the problem?" Jason couldn't quite keep his anxiety out of his voice. He didn't even want to think about what would happen to him, and to these two wonderful girls, who'd already done so much for him, given of themselves so generously, if their solution wasn't going to work.

Kat shook her head.

"Don't even think about it! This is going to work; it just has to!"


"No! Don't say it! We're getting you through this; Tanya and I will manage!" She was getting slightly hysterical, and they both knew it. Wisely, Jason said nothing, and Kat gulped in deep draughts of air as she tried to rein in her wayward emotions. She fought down her tears. Resolutely, she got up, steadying herself on the nightstand, as Tanya had done. Once she could stand unaided, she turned to Jason.

"I...I'm going to take a shower, and look after Tanya; see how she's doing."

"Okay," he sighed, trying once more to ease his aching arms. He winced sharply as a muscle in his right shoulder cramped. Kat stopped on her way to the door. She could only imagine how he must be feeling; her own legs hurt in places she'd never known existed--how much worse must it be for Jason, who'd been tied into the same position for hours? Coming to a decision, she approached the bed once more.



"Do you think you can control yourself enough to at least take a shower?" She looked at the wet, wrinkled sheets with an expression of distaste. "I'd also like to change the bed, if you think you can get up."

He thought for a moment, trying to assess his condition.

"I think it'll be okay for a while, if we don't take too long." He made a face as he got a good whiff of himself. "I'd really love to take a shower myself." Another need suddenly made itself known. Jason grinned ruefully as he identified the sudden pressure in his groin. "And use the bathroom!"

Kat covered her mouth with her hand, her eyes suddenly wide.

"Oh my God...! We never even thought about that!" She blushed with embarrassment and hurried over, fumbling with the knots which had tightened considerably since he had strained against his bonds quite a bit.

Jason shot her a lopsided grin as he twisted his wrist to give her more room. The first cord fell away, and he rolled over, closer to the edge so that there was more slack in the second cord.

"Neither did I, to tell the truth." Both teens smiled a bit sheepishly as the second restraint came loose. Kat straightened and watched as Jason tried to sit up. He gingerly moved his arms down his sides, wincing at the shooting pain in his cramped muscles and stiffened joints. He had to lie still for several minutes, waiting for his circulation to return to all areas with burning intensity, until he could even try to support himself. Kat rubbed his wrists gently, where even the soft material had chafed and left red welts. It was nothing too serious, she could see that, but still....

Kat watched, relieved, as he finally managed to sit up and move his shoulders; for someone who'd been so eager to get to a shower, she found herself strangely reluctant to leave her friend alone. At last, an expression of relief crossed the handsome face, and the dark eyes met hers. Smiling slightly, he gave her a gentle push.

"Go on, take your shower. I'll be fine for now."

"You're sure?"


The blonde got up and noticed to her astonishment the tiny flame rising in Jason's eyes. Momentarily bewildered, she followed his gaze and found it fastened on her breasts. Only then did she realize that she'd never stopped to put on her robe and was still completely naked.


She blushed furiously and all but ran from the room, managing just barely not to slam the bathroom door behind her.

Jason couldn't suppress a chuckle as he watched her cute firm behind vanish through the door, her robe still forgotten on the floor. When it closed, his good humour evaporated as soon as it had come. He rubbed his face wearily, then poured himself some water and sipped it thirstily. He had honestly expected that his need wouldn't be so great anymore; after all, he'd been with both girls for...he checked the bedside clock; it confirmed what he'd thought--close to four hours, his brief nap not included.


It was past midnight; he was deathly tired, and not only from his exertions, but also from stress. Jason just sat on the rumpled bed and tried to relax his aching muscles. However, he knew that true rest would come for him only if Tanya and Kat succeeded in giving him enough relief so that his body would take longer to recharge. Right now, it seemed as if that would be a long time in coming. Wearily, the former Ranger propped his head in his hands, letting his exhaustion sweep over him. He never heard the shower in the nearby bathroom, or Kat's soft steps as she returned, wrapped in a large bath towel.

Kat watched Jason for a few moments as she reentered the bedroom, fresh linens over her arm. She hurt for him, more than she'd thought possible--he hadn't looked this defeated even when he'd lost the Gold Power. Somehow, ‘defeat' was not something any one of them associated with Jason, and it only strengthened her resolve to somehow give him the help he needed. But, first things first. Slowly, she approached him and carefully touched his shoulder. Blinking, he lifted his head and regarded her with bleak eyes. Her voice was rough with compassion as she spoke to him.

"The bathroom's free, if you want to use it. There's still plenty of hot water left."

"Okay. Thanks."

His movements were a bit sluggish as he got up and moved to the door, not caring about his nudity, but then, it was too late for false modesty anyway, after what they'd been through so far, and Kat herself wasn't moving that quickly, either.

Before he left, Jason turned around once more.

"What...what about Tanya?" He waited anxiously for her answer, afraid he might have hurt the Yellow Ranger after all.

Kat smiled reassuringly as she started to strip the bed. "She's asleep on the couch. Don't worry, she'll be allright."

She noted the relieved expression cross the handsome features. It seemed as if Jason wanted to say something more, but he only shrugged and shuffled off, to take his own much-needed shower. Kat opened the window again, breathing deeply of the fresh night air as she returned to the task of putting clean sheets on the bed. She also got a fresh bottle of water out of the fridge, then looked out into the night, slowly sipping a glass of water and waiting for Jason's return.

The former Ranger closed the bathroom door behind him; almost immediately, he was hit by a fresh wave of arousal and barely bit back an anguished groan. It took him a few moments to identify the reason--Kat had showered before him, and the warm, moist air still carried the citrussy scent of her soap. Controlling himself with difficulty, hesaw to his needs, then dug out his own toiletries which Tommy had deposited here earlier, and stepped into the shower stall. Setting the temperature as hot as he could stand it, he let the sharp needle spray massage his still-aching shoulders and back muscles as he washed himself. As the hot water sluiced away the suds, he tried not to think of how it would hurt if Kat or Tanya decided they needed him tied up again. The desire to just rip lose and fill his hands with either tempting pair of breasts had been almost overpowering, but he was determined to follow the girls' lead in this; it was enough that they were there for him. He didn't need to make it any more difficult.

That decision fixed firmly in his mind, he shut off the water and towelled off, finding that even his own actions caused almost unbearable friction on his overly sensitive skin. Seems like another side effect of this ‘Ecstasy' crap that nobody knew about! Jason sighed. He briefly ran a comb through his hair, squared his shoulders as much as he was able, and left the bathroom. He was about to reenter the bedroom, when something made him stop. Wrapping his towel around his hips, he padded towards the living room, where he stood for long moments looking at the sleeping Tanya. Her lovely face was relaxed in slumber, and he was glad; when she'd left him, her expression had been obscured by tears, and full of anguish. Resisting the impulse to touch her, Jason turned and trudged back to the bedroom, feeling as if he was on his way to his execution rather than to a gorgeous blonde, who was willing to serve his need. Already, he could feel his cock fill with blood again.

Kat closed the window as she heard the door open; no sense in getting chilled when they resumed their....activities. She noted the signs of Jason's arousal with an inward sigh. She still felt sore, and it was not going to be easy for either of them. The young woman made her way over to the bed, where Jason poured himself a glass of water. He drank it down without looking at her; only after he'd finished did he turn and sought out her eyes. Kat tried to smile reassuringly. His only reaction was a slight twitching of a corner of his mouth, but it was enough. He let his towel fall and sat down. Gesturing towards the cloth ropes, he kept his voice calm with an effort as he asked her.

" think we need these again?"

Faltering momentarily, Kat swallowed hard. She wished she could spare him this, but a part of her still heard her friend's voice--"He was a bit rough....he's so strong...." Blushing slightly, embarrassed at her own timidity, she managed a whisper.

"If....if you don't mind?" It was a stupid question, and she knew it, but Jason only grimaced his acceptance and lay back on the crisp sheet, stretching his arms out towards the bedposts.

Kat knelt on the bed, reaching over his broad chest for the first rope, when her towel slipped, baring her breasts. She wasn't going to bother with pulling it up again--he'd already seen it all, and would see more once they started again. Leaning forward, she fumbled for the brown cord which was wedged halfway under the mattress. She never noticed the sudden hot flame which lit the dark eyes.

Jason wasn't looking forward to the next hour or so; his shoulders still ached from the time he'd spent tied in the same position so long, but if that's what Kat needed....resigning himself to the inevitable, he lay back and moved into position, eyes closed, waiting for his friend to secure his wrists once more,when his nostrils were suddenly assailed by a scent he'd escaped from only shortly before--citrus, soap, and something that was distinctly and uniquely Kat. His eyes snapped open just as the white towel slipped, exposing those creamy globes right in front of his face. He'd ached with the need to touch them all the time she'd ridden his engorged cock before, bouncing so temptingly, their rosy tips just begging to be licked and suckled, but he couldn't, tied to the bed as he was. Now, his hands were free. Need and instinct overcame his control, and with a desperate groan, he closed his arms around the slim back, pulling the Pink Ranger onto his chest.

"Oh!" Kat yelped slightly as she felt herself crushed against the hot, hard body beneath her. Automatically, her hands came up to push him away, but Jason held her too tightly. She stiffened slightly in what was not quite fear. His breath was coming in quick gasps, and she could see the glitter in his eyes as he strove for the last remnants of restraint. The strong thighs twined with hers, and she could barely make out the words, his voice was so raspy, as he rolled her beneath him.

"Kat...Kat, please...don't fight me...I...I can't..."

The young woman heard the despair in the deep tones and realized that it was too late to resist; the only way now was to ride out this latest cycle and hope for the best. Gulping down her fear, she could only mumble her assent before the firm lips closed over hers, to plunder her mouth with more force than she'd ever felt.


Jason barely heard her; his body's needs screamed at him to take her, to bury himself within her as hard and as fast as he could, but he still tried to fight. While his mouth crushed hers and his tongue forced its way past the soft pink lips, his mind screamed at him not to do this, to let Kat go, let her set her own pace, but his drug-enhanced instincts wouldn't let him listen. He moaned his own anguish into her mouth, answering her frightened whimper.

Kat lay stiffly in the hard embrace, not daring to move for fear of provoking an even stronger response. She could do nothing against Jason's great strength, and knew it; all that remained for her was to accept his ‘attentions' and pray that he could control himself enough not to hurt her. She struggled to unclench her jaws and let the insistent tongue past her teeth; the urge to bite down hard was nearly overpowering, but she exerted her own control over her response. Instead, she opened her mouth slightly, trying to ease him and herself over this, when her tongue inadvertantly tangled with his. Almost immediately, Jason captured her and instead of just thrusting into her mouth, it changed into a savage kiss. Helpless, Kat submitted to him, responding instinctively. As she reached back with her own tongue-tip, however, something strange happened.

As soon as she began to reciprocate, the demanding thrusts grew less so; gradually, the hard lips softened on hers and the exchange became less frenzied. It took a while, but bit by bit she could feel Jason regain control of his runaway instincts; while he was still devouring her, the frantic edge was gone. Finally, just as her head began to spin with the need to breathe, he slowly withdrew,all the while licking at and tasting her. She moaned with a mixture of relief and ...delight? Did his hard kiss really excite her?! She dragged her eyes open as he lifted his head at last. Jason was breathing fast, but his arms didn't crush her anymore; while she still couldn't move away, Kat no longer felt as if she was caught in a vise. He didn't release her; instead, he planted kiss after kiss on her face, her neck and her shoulders, rubbing his muscular, sculpted body against her soft curves, letting his hands wander down to cup her buttocks and squeeze, but without hurting her. Her own breath became laboured. Unbelievably, his caresses, as demanding and rough as they were, began actually to excite her! As his mouth closed over hers once more, she couldn't help her own moan, dragged from her depths unwillingly, as she kissed him back almost as hard.

Jason swam in sensation; his body clamored for relief, but it felt so good to press himself against the cool, creamy skin which slowly heated under his marauding hands, that he was loathe to let Kat go. He explored every inch of her face and neck he could reach, leaving wet trails as his lips wandered up and down, only to return to that sweet mouth which promised so much pleasure if he could only feast on it a while longer. He revelled in the taste and feel of Kat, not noticing that he no longer held her quite as close, but had moved away slightly so that his hands could roam the tempting curves more freely. He gathered her close with one arm, while the other hand wandered upwards from the firm cheek, over the hipbone to the silky flesh of her belly, still further northwards until he reached the soft swell of her breast. As his fingers traced the smooth mound, teasing the rosy nipple into hardness, her throaty moan penetrated his consciousness and he was able at last to release her lips and look up.

Blue eyes met dark brown ones. Both glittered with arousal, but there was puzzlement, too. Kat was trembling, and instinctively, Jason gathered her close once more, to share his heat with the woman in his arms. He had to swallow several times and clear his throat until he could get his voice to cooperate. His fingers were still playing with the hardening little nub, sending small shivers up and down her spine. She arched slightly into his touch.

"Kat? Wha-what's happening?"

"I don't know.....oh!" Unconsciously, Jason had pinched her slightly, causing her nipple to throb. He looked down, surprised. He hadn't even been aware of what he was doing; he only knew it felt absolutely incredible to be holding her like this, to feel her smooth skin pressed all along his body. He left off the pressure and instead circled his fingertips whisper-soft around the dusky areola. Kat felt her breast begin to swell and ache pleasurably and shifted in his arms.

Jason pressed another hungry kiss against the moist lips, unable to resist. Then, he tried to think, although everything in him begged to just get on with it, to make her as hot as he was and bury himself in her tight pussy, thrusting until he filled her with his seed. It took all of his willpower to hold back, to talk to her.

"K-kat...I...I think, when you just...kissed me back...the pressure got less, somehow..."

The Pink Ranger's thoughts were in a whirl; she was very much aware of his roaming hands, touching her most sensitive spots and making it extremely difficult to concentrate. Katherine moaned as Jason slid his fingers between their closely-pressed bodies, seeking out the moist heat between her legs. She'd assumed that responding to him would make him even more aggressive--at least, it always seemed to excite Tommy more, but what if the potion in Jason's bloodstream had a different effect? She gasped out her thoughts, in between the hot kisses he was still dusting over her face and neck. It was enough to give him a moment's pause.

"A-are you saying that...that if we started to, y'know...make love instead of you just holding still, it'll actually be easier?"

She arched under his questing fingers which explored her sex, brushing against her clitoris. Another moan escaped her, and Jason tightened his hold, but it wasn't the almost desperate grip he'd used earlier. Breathless with her growing arousal, inhibitions melting faster than snow in the desert, she tried to spread her legs a little, to give his hand more room. Her voice came out low and sultry, as she couldn't quite suppress a smile when he seemed to get the blatant hint and concentrated his attention on the throbbing little kernel of flesh.

"Isn't it worth a try?"

Jason claimed her mouth once more, nearly delirious with excitement and a new kind of urgency. Shifting so that he could hold her while his lips and hand began to converge on her heaving bosom, he growled his assent.


Kat whimpered as his lips fastened on her hard nipple, sucking and biting gently until she thought she couldn't stand it anymore. His hand massaged the other globe, and her head fell back. Tommy had shown her how sensitive her breasts were, but what Jason was doing to her far exceeded anything she'd known so far. Her senses began to reel as a finger slowly but insistently entered her tight channel, preparing her for what was to come. She clung to the broad shoulders as he drove her higher and higher into a sexual frenzy, gasping for oxygen. She could do nothing but follow his lead as Jason finally moved between her legs and centered himself. Both were trembling with desire, and moaned in unison as he slowly but surely entered her until he was buried as deeply as possible. He lifted his head and sought out the blue eyes which were half-veiled with excitement and need, then bent toward the swollen pink lips. The thrust of his tongue echoed the first snap of his hips, and the two teens were lost. Nothing mattered but the insistent rhythm driving their bodies deeper and deeper into a sensual game of domination and submission--only neither could tell which was which. Their skin became slick with perspiration, and they could see the fiery abyss open before them behind their closed eyelids. It became a race who would plunge in first.

Jason won, but Kat was only seconds behind; his shout of release was followed almost immediately by a not-quite silent scream as their orgasms peaked and subsided. He continued to thrust into her spasming canal, until he was completely spent; then, for the first time that night, all the tension left his body, and he collapsed on top of her. She held him until she could feel the tremors subside in both of them, waiting for her heartbeat to calm down and her skin to stop tingling.

It took long minutes until he was able to shift his weight so he was no longer crushing her, extremely reluctant to move away from her soft hands which stroked his back soothingly. Jason raised his head and looked at Kat, dark eyes bright with relief and wonder. He was still breathing fast, but he managed to form a few words.

"Kat...oh Kat...I..." he couldn't go on, but the kiss he gave her explained his feelings better than words could have done. There was need still, but no desperation; instead, he tried to convey his relief and gratitude in the way his tongue sought out hers, stroking it gently until she responded with small thrusts of her own.

They had to separate eventually for lack of air, and Kat smiled at him in hope and triumph.

"Did it work?"

His answering smile equalled hers.

"I dunno, but something did. Oh God, Kat..." Jason buried his head in her neck, hugging her hard. She could barely understand the words he mumbled into her skin, but the repeated "thankyou, thankyou, thankyou" was unmistakeable. She let out a relieved breath. They'd finally found the right way; now, it was only a matter of time and being there for each other. Kat couldn't help a tiny smirk as Jason shifted slightly; he was still buried deep within her, and the movement sent a renewed tingle of arousal through her. Looks like this is going to be a lot more pleasant than I thought!

She ran her hands gently over the muscular back, her memory of the previous afternoon, when she and Tanya had admired Jason, taking on a whole new dimension. Who would've thought.... She felt him tremble slightly. Grinning to herself, she wandered down to the tight butt and felt it flex under her teasing touch. She remembered that Tommy was quite sensitive there, too; debating with herself if she dared apply the caresses she usually gave her boyfriend, she smoothed upwards again. Jason was still shaking in her arms; it dawned only gradually on Kat that the tremors racking the broad back were not pleasurable shudders, but.....what?

Oh my God...! He...he's crying?

Concerned, she tried to lift the dark head from her shoulder.

"Jason? Jason, please...."

She succeeded at last to look into his face. The firm lips were quivering, and his cheeks were indeed wet with tears. Jason managed a shaky smile, though, and kissed her gently.

"God, you have any idea what you've done?"

"I think so, why?" She couldn't help her laughter bubbling over. It earned her another kiss, this one a bit more demanding.

"You know... this is the first time all night that I actually feel some kind of relief? I mean, I know it's not over yet, but still...!"

"I told you it was worth a try, didn't I?"

He had to smile at that. It was still only a shadow of his normal expression, but a large part of the former shadows were gone. He wiped his cheeks dry on the pillow.

"So you did."

Jason moved within her, relishing the tiny gasp he produced in her. It sent a new surge of arousal into him, and his cock, which had never quite softened, firmed again. The blue eyes widened in amazement as Kat realized what was happening. He had to chuckle--another thing that had been absent for too long. He leaned over slightly, shifting most of his weight onto one elbow. With his now-freed hand, he skimmed down from her hair, over the smooth shoulder to the creamy swell of her breast. He hefted the sweet mound, and bent his lips to the already-hardening bud. Teasing it into a turgid peak with slow licks, he softly blew across the wet surface, delighting in her soft hiss of pleasure. He looked at her, his dark eyes alight with a hint of laughter and a hot flame Kat was learning to recognize. It caused a responding heat to coil deep within her and she clenched her inner muscles around the throbbing shaft, making the tiny flame burn brighter. Jason took her in his arms again. His lips brushed feather-soft against hers as he asked for what she was becoming increasingly eager to give.

"Think we can do it again?"

Her voice was a sexy moan which almost sent him over the edge.

"I sure hope so!"

His mouth claimed hers in a searing kiss as they gave themselves up to ancient instincts, moving together towards oblivion.

This time, the cycle passed in passionate exploration; Kat couldn't always keep up with Jason, but it didn't matter. Ultimately, she was the vessel for his need, and if he climaxed more often than she did, so what? She certainly had no reason to complain! Slowly, she noticed a lessening of the driving thrusts; while for a time, Jason had concentrated more on his own needs, he was once again paying very satisfying attention to her. Her orgasm built up gradually, helped along by his skilled hands and maddening mouth, and she was content to let him carry her along. When the sensations finally crested and crashed, he was close behind, swallowing her ecstatic cries in his mouth. Then, it was over. They lay for long moments, arms and legs entwined, when Kat actually felt his penis soften and slip from her. Spent and satiated, they untangled themselves, and Jason gathered her into his arms once more.

Kat turned her head on the pillow, smiling tiredly into his eyes. His expression mirrored her own, and it was the most natural thing in the world to kiss gently, even lovingly, expressing emotion rather than desire, then curl up against each other. Words weren't necessary right now, and Kat let her thoughts wander aimlessly. After a while, she looked at her lover again; the dark eyes, no longer rimmed by dark circles underneath, were closed, and his breath was regular and deep. Jason had fallen asleep while he still held her. The Pink Ranger smiled indulgently; while she hated it when Tommy got tired after making love, she couldn't begrudge Jason the relaxation. Snuggling against the broad chest, she savoured the last tingles in her body; in a minute, she would get up, take a shower and leave him to his rest.

Slowly, blue eyes drifted closed and the only sound in the dimly-lit bedroom were the soft breaths of two good friends sleeping in each other's arms.

Section One Section Two Section Three Section Four
