In the approaching space armada of an entire race that protectively cocooned its own god with unparalled might, the first stirrings of interest began at the birth of the Phoenix on that distant world.
Ilana the Silver Nid-hi entered the presence of the One and, barely managing to control her awe even after all this time, knelt in obeisance. "Preserver of Order, Protector of all that is Good ... the sensitives of your devoted worshippers have felt the awakening of a vile force against you."
"I know of this." The voice should have been powerful, reverberating with a dangerous quality, but it was not. It was gentle, rich with depth and compassion and from the heart of the darkness a familiar shape coalesced. Ilana's breath hitched. The One did not always manifest, but when he did he was of such beautiful purity that her heart was totally lost. The Nid-hi shape that appeared was a glorious gold, with liquid warm eyes in which she could swim forever. Her adoration of the One was both personal and spiritual; she would not hesitate to die for him the same as she would for a soulmate.
The Zha'kha-rhee'aa laughed. "It makes the effort worthwhile. Nothing worthwhile is easy."
"Order wrought from Chaos is the purest form of Purpose." quoted Ilana boldly.
"Indeed, my silver one," praised the One. "The greater the chaotic force, the more magnificent is Order's triumph. They have awoken the legendary Shahin Tara Zed. "
"I am sorry, my Master." The Silver Nid-hi bowed her head. "The mission to Phaedos failed to uncover and destroy this weapon and you would be spared this opposition."
The golden-furred hand touched her gently. "This is our strength, my young one ... to see every Path and always plan an answer to any question. Order sees the solutions to any problem. That is why we inevitably win."
Ilana bowed, not doubting that for a moment. She had been taught from birth that Order could not fail and it was part of her understanding of the Universe that this was so.
"Where was the presence sensed again?" The Golden Nid-hi form of the Darkness Visible asked curiously, sitting once again though it obviously knew the answer.
"Phaedos, Protector of Order," Ilana replied humbly. "It would seem that is the stronghold once more."
The Golden dragonface frowned. "It makes no sense. It would not be there ... not knowing I would return."
"These are creatures of Chaos, Lord." The Nidhi suggested a little hesitantly as if this would explain the bizarre behaviour.
"And all the more dangerous for the fact they can use the tools of Order against us. The Council of the Wise hides something from us - and one of them will know where what I seek is hidden." The Zha'Kha-ree'aa smiled. "You did well in your attempt to force the Blue Wolf Spirit to speak. These so-called 'Wise Council' have not even the trust in their Chosen Ones to reveal this Power that they protect." He sounded scornful. "One should follow Order, not blindly but because it is right - which places great responsibility on those higher in the scheme of things to behave correctly. The Guardians of Chaos will not speak, so they must be beguiled." The golden warmth of the liquid eyes blazed fiercely. "And they will ... they will. Have them brought unto the phased Satellite Fortress that was once the traitorous Astronema's. There will we find our answer and from there our Destiny of Light."
Bowing deeply, Ilana left the glorious presence of the Nid-hi deity and hurried to accomplish this fact, spurred on by renewed zeal. She had experienced an inner uncertainty after meeting the Blue Wolf Ninjetti. For a vile Creature of Chaos he seemed ... a gentle, bright soul. But that was blasphemy; and seeing the One again had melted away doubts with the strength of his presence. The Council of the Wise would be brought and questioned by the Zha'kha-rhee'aa himself, and the information would be theirs at last!
Back at the Power Chamber again, the group of Master Ninjetti sat around the conference table, wrangling backwards and forward about what to do now they had what they required, or at least the firepower to do something about it. This galaxy-affecting meeting took place amid home-cooked offerings from all the parents and resembled a food fight as much as a council of war. Even so the content of their discussion was deadly serious.
"Yes, but what can these abilities actually DO?" Aisha asked again, bringing them back to the crucial point. "I feel like someone has handed me a nuclear warhead without instruction, said 'use it wisely' and left me to it."
"Yeah ... I can feel the power there ... but that's not a lot of good if we don't know what to do with it," Zack pointed out. "Give someone a loaded gun, don't tell them how to use it and they'll shoot themselves in the foot!"
The others nodded as Dulcea spoke up. "It is the Council of the Wise that has this information. In fact we have all been entrusted with secrets."
"A lot of good they are worth when the Council of the Wise is captured," Tanya pointed out a little bluntly. "Which points to one conclusion, doesn't it?"
"We have to get them back," Jason said finally.
That produced immediate agreement, but Billy held up a hand. "I agree, but ... there is a lot going on. We have refugees pouring towards Phaedos and being shipped here, we have running skirmishes taking place by the Chi'iten armada as they advance, the Ninjetti are gathering to stand at Phaedos and our other allies who are not Ninjetti are pulling together in a fleet at Triforia." He smiled. "What I'm trying to say is that we need experienced co-ordinators HERE. We can't all rescue them, it would have to be a small mission. If worse comes to the worst, we'll have to win this war making it up as we go along."
"Well, that would be a change," Tommy commented. He looked a little disconcerted. "This is the first time we are without mentors, as it were." That was enough to make them all a little unsettled.
"We need to have some answers," Trini mused aloud.
"Something isn't right. We are missing part of the puzzle," Billy murmured in a barely audible voice. "Information wins wars, and they have targeted our main source of information. We lose any advantage right there. They have a hidden purpose and the Darkness Visible had some reason for taking them. That much is obvious."
"So what do we do ...?" Zack asked once again. They were going round and round in circles. It was so frustrating!
Billy waited for someone else to speak, but it seemed that people were not going to step into the breach. "First off ... we have to locate the Council of the Wise. Phantom ... Kerrin knew where they were, but whether they are still there is another matter."
The Phaedosian looked around. "I doubt it. Even with them thinking that I was neutralised, they would have moved them." He glowered a little. "And the fact remains that SOMEONE betrayed me. It is time to bring this to everyone's attention. They knew how to capture me, they knew my weaknesses. Are we really in a position to rescue a group that I can be sure contains at least one traitor? And if one of the Council of the Wise is a traitor, then are not the chances high they have subverted at least some of the Chosen? Hmmmm?" His green eyes flashed, daring anyone to refute his statement.
"We do not leave anyone behind," Jason stated forcefully, that still being a very sensitive subject for him.
"I beg your pardon, but you are naive." Kerrin looked down on the Red Lion Ninjetti with his millennia of experience, his tone cold. "This is WAR, maybe you do not comprehend this fact. Not even a minor planetary war that could lay waste to just one planet, but one where planets are being laid waste galaxy-wide. Have you looked at the latest reports? One hundred and twelve planets of our Alliance have already fallen whilst you were questing, and now you suggest bringing a traitor into our midst?"
"Kerrin," Dulcea warned, seeing the others' shocked reactions.
"No, Dulcea, they are political infants ... stay and coddle them and burp them if you wish, but this plan is foolhardy and dangerous," Kerrin replied harshly and critically. "You have lost perspective."
"I think that is more YOUR problem," Jason defended Dulcea automatically.
"Have you ever fought a galactic war?" Kerrin shot back. "No ... you have defended your home, and for that I respect your honour." The words were only cold formality, though. "But you know nothing about battling on this scale. The entirety of the United Alliance of Evil has fallen in with this fleet, and you are worrying about a group of individuals!"
Jason pushed up to his feet, starting to get angry. "If you lose sight of the value of individuals, then what the hell are we fighting this war for ANYWAY?"
Billy sat, astonished at how this had flared up. Nerves were on edge more than he realised. He was distracted by a stifled groan next to him and glanced over to see Skye with his hands clamped to his head, over the Star Crystal, his face an expression of pain. Of course, there was literally no barrier between him and receiving emotions with the crystal directly linked to his brain. That gave him the impetus to take control.
"That is enough." He spoke in a controlled voice that cut across the argument. The fact that it was Billy saying this startled everyone so much that they stopped and turned. "Firstly, you are causing pain to Skye which is unacceptable, and secondly your arguments are not diametrically opposed ..." he looked at some of the blank expressions. "You are both right," he amended.
He glanced around at them all, "We have not fought a war on this scale and we will have to listen to those who have." He inclined his head to Phantom. "But neither are we completely untested. Our race may be young, but we have lived in our experiences. We will rescue the mentors ... and our desire to see them safe will provide us with the motivation, but the reality of the situation is that they are crucial to our strategy. The Zha'Kha-rhee'aa is searching for something ... an object. The Nid-hi went to a great deal of trouble to abduct the mentors, and logically, as they have not tried any other tactics such as intimidation or ransom, it is because they want to deprive us of information and gain for themselves. This was their first move, and the first move in any battle is the most important. We would be foolish to ignore its implications. " Billy swallowed before he said the next bit.
"We need the mentors back - or we have to ensure they cannot be utilised by the enemy against us."
And that statement filled the room with a chilling silence.
Kerrin sat back down, the look in his eyes reassessing the Ninjetti Master Spirit Warriors around him, who seemed shocked, but each nodding a slow agreement. He was surprised; he had genuinely not thought them ... mature enough to make such hard decisions.
Billy looked around again. "We will also need to decide other important issues ... when we return," he said. "But we need to harry and skirmish and pick at their forces as they approach Phaedos. Only the Ninjetti can tackle the Nid-hi forces, but as Phantom has pointed out, there are more to our opposition than just them. Our non-Ninjetti Allies are massing in an intercept fleet and need someone to act as a liaison and commander." He glanced at Kerrin. "And I would suggest the person ideal for that task is Phantom, as he has had contact with many of the people involved already. They will trust him ... but first, we need him to help us seek the mentors."
The former Black Lion Ninjetti looked stunned at Billy's revelation, and nodded. "I will ask my contacts for news immediately," he agreed, got up and left the room swiftly.
"That was well done," Tanya whispered to Billy from across the table.
"We need him," Billy murmured. "We need everyone."
After the impromptu meeting broke for a recess whilst Phantom accessed his data, Billy excused himself to go and think about what had just happened. Where — when — had he become the one to step in? In his distraction, he managed to trip over the legs of someone trying very hard to mope in an out-of-the-way corner.
"Ooops ..." Justin scrambled up. "Sorry." He refused to meet the Wolf Ninjetti's gaze and made to bolt out of there. He had shot up in size again, but was still not even the age they had been when they took the Powers to start with. That thought suddenly worried Billy a great deal. Justin was kid ... and yet, he would be battling on the front line. What were the odds on his survival? Calculate that on to the last decimal place, Billy boy, he thought to himself.
"Hey, no problem," Billy replied. "What are you doing here?" he asked concernedly.
"Nothing," the teenager shot back a little bitterly. "Absolutely ... nothing."
And Billy sighed as he realised that was the problem. "You're upset about not getting a Master Power?" he queried.
"I wasn't good enough for one, was I?" Justin returned a little regretfully, pushing his hair back.
"It wasn't that," the older Blue Ranger replied. "There were certain preconditions that were required - one of them being that you had to have a True Love to be able to stand the force of the Master Power. Justin, very few people have found True Love at your age."
"Well yeah," Justin sighed. "But no-one wants me to do anything — afraid I might get hurt or not be able to take care of myself."
Billy gave a quiet wry smile. "Oh man, that sounds familiar."
"You had this?" Justin asked incredulously.
"Oh yeah ... as if having brains somehow makes you incapable of dealing with the real world."
That raised a chuckle from the depressed Dolphin Ninjetti.
"You have no idea how protective Jason and Tommy ... oh hang on, you probably do, don't you?" Billy smiled. "Look Justin, it's not like we CAN leave anyone out. There are too few of us, and if you get posted here for example," he gestured to their rebuilt Power Chamber, "It will be because you are the best person for the job, not for any ulterior motive."
Justin nodded, looking slightly less crestfallen but still unconvinced and it was at this point that Billy remembered a task he really needed done, but did not want anyone to know about ... just in case there was a traitor in their ranks. Justin he was pretty sure of and he had the requisite knowledge to deal with it effectively.
"Actually, Justin, there is something that needs doing, and fast ... and without anyone else knowing, if possible," Billy said quietly, looking around.
That sparked some interest. "What is it? I'll do it!"
"You ought to find out what it is first," Billy smiled. "I've arranged with the Triforians for a shipment of refined FerianX."
"FerianX?" Justin's eyes widened as Billy shushed him.
"I see you know what it is. Trey was bringing it in Pyramidas, but has ended up bolstering the Allies' fleet." Billy looked at him seriously. "I need someone to go and get it ... someone who understands how dangerous it is and how to keep it safe in transit."
"I should say... that stuff is dangerous under virtually every environmental condition. How much? A kilo?"Justin asked warily.
"A ton," Billy stated flatly.
"A TON? The explosive power of that ... I ... what are you going to do with a TON of FerianX?" Justin exclaimed.
"Can't tell you ... and I don't want anyone else knowing it's coming. There's a special depot on the Moonbase to receive it, but ..." Billy looked at the Dolphin Ninjetti questioningly.
"S'okay, I'll get it." The younger genius was deep in thought. "I'll see to it, Billy - right away!"
"Thanks ... it is vitally important, that much I can tell you," Billy said truthfully. "Not a word to anyone, Justin."
"Got it!" and with a bright smile and an irrepressible glitter in his eyes, the Dolphin Ninjetti practically ran off with his new mission bright in his mind.
I made it seem like I was doing him a favour, Billy thought. I somehow got him wanting to do an inherently dangerous task, that was totally unfair of me.
Nonsense, young wolf. His Wolf Spirit spoke up. This is why a Spirit Warrior had to accept the responsibility and choose to take the Power. The Chosen of the Dolphin is no different; for all his youth he is of the Blue and as you know, the Blue makes you mature before the normal times of development.
It's just hard to accept. Justin's main worries should be going to class, homework and the eternal mystery of girls... not whether he will live or die and the fate of millions in his hands.
Billions, the Wolf Spirit corrected helpfully.
Thanks, Billy responded wryly. Forgive me for finding the thought of the safety of billions in the hands of a teenager who gets hyper on sugar more than a little scary.
Is it him you are worried about, the Wolf Spirit questioned astutely, ... or yourself?
Billy stopped. Good point.
Okay, I admit it. I am not used to making these sorts of decisions.
Since when? the Wolf Spirit challenged. You have been making the decisions to save lives for most of your life, my cub. The Blue Wolf sounded proud and affectionate. This is a bigger scale, but no different from when you would tell the others of your Pack what action was required to save them and others.
I hadn't thought of that, Billy mused, feeling a little happier. You sure you couldn't have found someone better suited to do it?
We all have to work with the materials we are given, the Wolf Spirit said drolly, and there was the impression of an affectionate lick that caused Billy to smile despite his internal uncertainties.
"I know," he said aloud, smiling. "Do we get refunds after this is all over ... or are Animal Spirits non-returnable?"
And by this time Billy was chuckling to himself as wolfish laughter filled his mind
Reconvened, and the meeting was betraying a sense of urgency. Kerrin strode in once more, the ruby of the Phantom Ranger glittering ominously on his chest like fresh blood. "Not good news," the Phantom Ranger announced in a sombre voice. "My sources reveal they have been taken to the old fortress of Astronema, to be questioned by the Darkness Visible itself."
"Then we have very little time, we must get to this place immediately," Dulcea decided at once.
"Only," Kerrin amended, brushing back his long dark hair in an anxious gesture, "no-one knows where it is."
Tommy frowned. "How so?"
"It's phased. That was always the reason we could never make a tactical strike at Astronema." Phantom was referring to the forces of the Council of the Wise and their Alliance.
Billy winced. "Subspace phased ... that's a tricky one."
"The only way we ever got on was by patiently tracking down her forces and hijacking them back through the local phased entry point." Phantom responded to the Blue Wolf Ninjetti.
"This is going to make my head ache, isn't it? " Rocky groaned.
"It's like a creature burying under the sand," J'shaar tried to explain. "Whilst you dig where you last saw it, it could have burrowed anywhere."
"Now THAT I understand." Rocky turned to the others. "Why can't you explain things like that? Takes someone from another planet to put things in plain English."
They snorted a little at that, and the mood lightened.
"We don't have time to track down some convenient ... quantrons?" Jason said, frowning. "The fleet is closing on Phaedos, barely forty-eight hours away. "
"I don't know what else to suggest," Kerrin replied, somewhat disheartened.
Kat frowned, too, shaking her head in disbelief. "Surely there is something we can do ... you mean to say with all these new Powers we can't even find our goal?"
Trini nodded. "I agree." She seemed lost in thought and then narrowed her eyes. "J'shaar ... wasn't your Master Power to do with sensing hidden things?"
"This is correct," the Drakin Ninjetti confirmed. "I have found myself able to sense things close to me that are hidden, if I try."
"What if you invoked the full Power of your Master Glyph with the thought of locating the Council of the Wise in mind?" Cestro suggested. "Would it manage to locate them even in phased space?"
"I could try. I must admit, I was not sure of what use my Master Power would be," the Saurian Ranger confessed. "But now I see that there are many ways we have to fight. Is it the will of the Ninjetti that I try this?"
"If it's our only shot," Tommy said, "then yeah ... all those in favour?"
"That settles it. J'shaar, it's over to you." Tommy nodded at him.
"Very well." The Drakin Ranger stood and closed his eyes, as if seeking guidance from within as to what he should do. His scaled fingers rose to touch the garnet glyph shape and he said in a thunderous voice, "Master Power Kayve!" The Glyph flared with lurid red colour and poured into his body.
And then there was silence.
"Well?" Zack asked, leaning forward, trying to see something different about the Master Ninjetti.
J'shaar opened his eyes and his eyescales glowed brightly. "I know exactly where they are ... I feel them ... I see them even as they move ... this will not fade."
There was an excited babble of optimism at this development.
"Right." Billy thought rapidly of the Powers that might assist. "Dulcea ... you have a stealth capability, I believe, as part of your Power; we'll take your Zord." He grimaced. He couldn't leave Jase behind. "Jason ... you, myself, Skye, Trini, J'shaar and ... Vy-Ru." His mind wondered if they could slice through space itself. If not, well, they were fearsome warriors. Billy sighed. "And Kerrin ... he has been in that place before, and we don't have enough time to get Karone or any of the Astro Rangers here to be a guide."
"You think you are taking enough?" Tommy asked, not really questioning who was going. He was tasked with drilling and training the Spirit Warrior force, which was not a small task, but old habits died hard. At least Jason would be there.
"We can't afford to take anyone else, really. Too much to do here," Billy explained. "We'll be teleporting to Phaedos in about a quarter of an hour and go stealth from that point in OwlZord ... and hopefully be back with the mentors before the forces reach Phaedos." He left unspoken the potential obstacles and dangers in their path, and their likelihood of success.
"Good luck, guys," Kim said, looking at them all. "Don't do anything too heroic," she admonished.
"I'll certainly try, Kim." Billy grinned and then in a flurry of activity, the meeting dispersed.
Talk about awkward.
Billy didn't have to have Skye's empathic abilities to realise the atmosphere between Jason, Dulcea and Kerrin was strained. Realistically, how could it not be? New love versus old love ... VERY old love. Dulcea and Kerrin as first loves, Jason as the interloper fighting against all that history. He sighed. They didn't need this sort of stress between them, not when they were going into battle. Kerrin still seemed very hostile towards Jason, his jealousy possibly aggravated by the way the two of them had faced off in the meeting. Skye had been sitting close to them on the journey and had surreptitiously moved as far away as he could, his face looking a little pinched despite the enforced civility. The teleport to Phaedos and their flurried preparations made this seem bizarre and unreal.
Dulcea had invoked her Master Power of Silence, making OwlZord a permanent complete stealth craft, totally undetectable and even invisible to the eye if she willed it. Billy was starting to comprehend a little of the scope of the Master Powers and became a little awed at what else he and his friends might have in their hands. Dulcea came back from the controls of Owlzord and surveyed the tension-filled scene.
"Billy? Could you and the others check the facilities in the weapons bay?" Dulcea requested, looking directly at Kerrin, capturing his gaze and holding it.
"Er ... yeah, sure," Billy replied uncomfortably. "Come on, guys." He and Trini dragged Jason from the cramped area into the depths of the flying Ninjetti Zord.
Dulcea sat down and studied Kerrin intensely until the other Ranger practically squirmed under that assessing gaze. "What?!" he snapped suddenly.
"Even after however many millennia you STILL haven't changed, have you?" Dulcea sighed. "You still think of me as your own personal possession, even after you thought I was dead?"
"No ... of course not," Kerrin protested vehemently.
"Then what is all this hostility towards Jason?" Dulcea challenged.
"Who said I was hostile towards him?" Kerrin retorted defensively.
"I have eyes ... remember the attributes of the Owl? The Watcher?" Dulcea sighed again. "And look at you ... tying yourself up in knots about it."
Kerrin looked away. "You place too much trust in him ... in these humans. They are young, and untried ... and ..." He struggled for words to express his doubts.
"Brak Shalar!" Dulcea swore, exasperated. "They are Ninjetti! They are Master Ninjetti ... they have been tried by definition! Your reasons for distrusting them are based solely on your jealousy. Do you think I have been unfaithful to you? Is that what it is?"
"Phaedosians marry for eternity!" Kerrin shot back, stung by her words.
"And we never actually married, did we?" Dulcea replied, suddenly realising how close she had come to making a terrible mistake - though she had loved Kerrin, and did still love him in a different way.
"No, we both 'died' before that could happen," Kerrin said bitterly. "I never stopped grieving you ..."
"Nor I you ... and I do love you ... but not in the same way I love Jason," Dulcea admitted softly.
"Is that meant to make me feel better?" Kerrin snapped, wounded by her words. "A lifetime of love spent on you, and you trade it in for someone you've known for a blink of an eye? Didn't I mean anything to you?"
"Kerrin, that's not fair. Jason is a good, kind person. He doesn't deserve your animosity," Dulcea objected, evading at least part of the question.
"And what if he were the traitor, hmm?" Kerrin pointed out
"He isn't," came the immediate interruption.
"Oh really? How can you be so sure? First of Zordon's Chosen ... what if he is the one?"
"Now you are just being ridiculous!" Dulcea raised her voice.
"Am I? It didn't take him long to get next to you, did it?" Kerrin made an expression of disgust. "All that time you spent alone at the Temple, just desperate for contact with another human ..."
Dulcea's green eyes glittered. "Now you are just being insulting," she said coldly. "He saved my life and even then I had to be forced to realise I was allowed to love again."
The stream of hurt and loss that both of them had held inside of them, believing each other dead, erupted into a shouting match of disastrous proportions so that when the others finally returned, the pair of original Ninjetti were coldly silent, busying themselves about their tasks.
Skye groaned. "Been here before," he muttered to Jason.
"What?" The Red Lion Ninjetti was looking at Dulcea's expression with concern.
"Billy and Trini," the Phoenix Ninjetti said with a sigh. "Only two people who care about each other can wound to that extent." He rubbed the cold of the crystal in his head painfully.
And that filled Jason with more doubts; Kerrin was trying to win her back, he was sure of it. He'd decided to stay clear, but if he was upsetting Dulcea ... dammit, what could he do? It was not in his nature to stand idly by, but neither did he relish the thought of attacking an ally.
His Lion Spirit rumbled an inaudible sound of discontent and turmoil.
The Darkness Visible would have paced - if it had lowered itself to corporeal form. The questioning of the Council of the Wise was not going well. They were proving resistant to torture, which was to be expected, but he had managed to break them one by one and extract from them their part of the secret by use of guile. Slower than he would have liked, but the results were there. Ironically the fact that he did not have the last of them there aided the process. As they thought there was no way the puzzle could be completed, they were not as ... inflexible as possible they could be to his demands. There was a pattern and a design in all things. Even so he had one last piece of information to extract ... from Zordon. Putting a transdimensional being to the question was ... somewhat difficult. A body that did not exist in the same reality could scarcely be affected. But the mind ... well ...
Nothing but a dream, Wyvern Ninjetti, the One pulsed with pleasure. Is there anything more powerful than the dreams we have?
And unseen he slipped to join with Zordon's mind, a dark parasite of long-lost dreams.
Zordon of Eltar walked in a memory through the shining streets of Valensia. The sounds and smells of his past were bright in his senses. The hot spicy scent of fresh baked jarrow-cakes made his mouth water as he paused, wondering whether to buy a couple. He opted for the exotic blooms instead from the stall next to the baker's, and was waived payment as the vendor saw his Tower insignia and Ninjetti emblem. He smiled. The day was glorious ... the sky had a beautiful tinge of purple and blue, and there were cloud castles building to the heavens, gilded by the sun. She would understand. Maybe she would even join him.
He reached their hill ... their tree and she was standing there, hair long and black to her waist, shimmering in the early morning light with that peculiar quality that made it seem alive. She was so beautiful in the mornings!
His observing mind shrank back, not wanting to see this history...
"Jenna!" his voice rang out and she turned towards him, her beauty marred by an expression of anxiety.
"Zordon!" She stepped forward. "Is it true what they are saying? That you are disgraced and will be exiled?" There was a hint of tears trembling in her dark eyes.
Zordon paused. "Well ... strictly speaking ... yes," he admitted.
Jenna looked horrified. "Then you ... you did destroy the Matrix crystal? Everyone at the Tower is talking about it ... and that the Master has taken to his bed, made ill by your actions ..."
"Master Trendon is ill, yes, but that is why this has happened." Zordon could feel this conversation slipping out of his control. "Jenna, love ..."
"Don't call me that if you hurt the Master ... he loves you like a son, and this is how you repay him?" Jenna turned away, more upset than he could have imagined. "I thought I knew you, Zordon. I guess my heart was mistaken."
"Jenna, just listen ... it's not what you think," the young man begged desperately. "Really, just listen!"
The dark-haired Bellan-bird Ninjetti paused and turned, giving him that chance ... which was drowned by the attack sirens screaming a warning across the planet's surface.
Zordon's observing mind recoiled. No ... not again ... not again ...
"No!" Zordon looked at the attacking force filling the bright Eltarean summer sky. "Run, Jenna ... to the Tower, we must fight!"
But they were too late ... the strafing fire exploded too close, they both flew through the air together and dazed, Zordon crawled to look at Jenna ...
No ... she's dead ... always dead. Cold and pale, the life ripped out of her between one moment and the next. She died blaming me, thinking me a disgrace.
Her still form lay there as he cradled her, weeping, and then ... something changed. A weak cough. "Zordon ...?"
"Jenna? You're alive! Oh Jenna ..." He held her close, stunned by the miracle.
There was a faint cough. "I'm ... dying ..." her voice fell.
"No ... no, you aren't, we'll be fine ... we'll be together ..."
Her dark eyes glittered and she attempted a smile, a trickle of dark blood escaping her mouth. "Can't ... exile ..." The effort seemed to drain the life from her, growing weaker by the moment.
"No ... no ... it's not really ... it's a secret, love ..." his dreamself said. "Master Trendon is ill and he's putting me there to guard something very important."
The dying woman looked confused. "Important?"
And Zordon's observing self clamoured a warning, unheeded by a subconscious mind desperate for absolution.
"Too important to know about ... just that it is there somewhere ... tucked in the backwaters of the galaxy ... it is an honour, not a disgrace," Zordon babbled, tears streaming down his face. "Please understand, please!"
A blinding smile filled her expression and she touched his cheek with trembling fingers.
"Understand ... I love you, Zordon ..." and she quivered as the glowing form of her Bellan-bird Animal Spirit became visible to his eyes and came to take her home.
And Zordon, injured and alone, wept as his True Love's life passed away in his arms.
Wrong, no, that was wrong.. She never spoke again, she was dead when I found her, I never got to tell her that it was a charade, the punishment actually being a sacred trust. She never forgave me ... in all my dreams she never forgave me, never understood and I lived with that all the time I went on ... and never once even in my dreams have I spoken the secret!
The observing mind of Zordon was shocked fully conscious.
"No!" he protested in horror.
There was gentle laughter in their prison and a shimmering collection of energy coalesced into the dreamform of Jenna before his transdimensional tube.
"I love you, Zordon," the sweet voice mocked. "I'm not sure if I need the last piece of the puzzle after all ... No exile for the star pupil Zordon; no ... a guardianship of the greatest secret instead!"
"You still don't know where it is," he said weakly.
"I know where it isn't. Not on Phaedos." The Darkness Visible laughed. "And once I have disassembled your pathetic allies, Zordon of Eltar, if necessary I shall take the place apart piece by piece until I find it." The Jenna facsimile smiled sweetly. "I have time ... and patience. Thank you, Zordon of Eltar. You've made my dreams come true." And with an echoing laugh she spun away into black mist, leaving Zordon stunned and horrified at how he had been betrayed by his internal longings for forgiveness.
"You're sure they are here?" Jason asked skeptically, looking out at the stars and space.
"Yes," J'shaar replied with absolute certainty. "I can feel them there."
"I'll take your word for it. Um ... now what?" the Lion Ninjetti inquired, looking around.
Billy grinned. "Well, I am hoping that Vy-Ru can use their ability to cut through space itself."
Trini blinked. "Now there's an idea. You think you can do that?" she addressed the Chi'iten.
"We will endeavour to do so," the unified pair said in response. They adopted a similar stance to that which J'shaar had used and invoked their Power. "Master Power Neesha!"
The jade glyphs pulsed cool green energy and dissolved into the pair's bodies, joining with their thought to create an ability to slice through space so no-one might impede their progress. The pair instinctively unsheathed their forearm blades and in a sharp movement sliced downwards, causing a pulse of green to be flung forth and pierce space itself.
"That is ... incredible," Billy said in awe as the swirling colours of subspace appeared ahead of the cloaked Zord.
"Speed is essential," the insectoid Ninjetti said in a strained buzz. "The pressure is great."
Dulcea steered the disguised Zord though the gap and into the swirling chaos of phased space, and as predicted the fortress was there ahead of them.
"Good call, J'shaar," Dulcea complimented, nodding and steered towards an opening.
"You sure they can't see us?" Billy asked a little nervously. He looked across at Trini and Skye for support and saw the white-haired Ninjetti looking pale and shaky.
"Skye," he said, concerned. "What's wrong?"
"It's there ..." The white-haired artist was trembling a little.
"It?" Trini questioned, feeling a hint of dread.
"The One, the Darkness Visible." Skye actually shuddered. "I can feel its presence there."
Kerrin stood, his eyes flashing dangerously. "This is an unparalleled opportunity!" he announced.
"Our purpose is to rescue the mentors," J'shaar reminded him.
Surprisingly, Jason stood up also. "I'm with Kerrin on this one," he said to the others. "A chance to strike at the head of our Enemy without ploughing through a space armada of destroyers to get to it? We can't pass up that opportunity."
Billy grimaced. "Look, we go for our primary objective and then see if we can take a shot at the Darkness Visible. Skye ... you'd best keep yourself under wraps unless absolutely necessary." If he can sense It ... then more than likely It can sense him.
"Got it." The Phoenix Ninjetti seemed MORE than willing to oblige.
Owlzord docked invisibly and cautiously they all disembarked, senses on battle alert.
"This way," J'shaar whispered and silently shot forward, followed by the rest of the rescue group.
The team was well balanced in skill. Skye would warn of the presence of guards before they were seen, Phantom supplied roundabout routes to their eventual destination as J'shaar kept them going inexorably towards the Mentors.
They reached the sealed room and Billy stepped to the fore, decoding and unlocking the door mechanism as they entered into the presence of the captive Council of the Wise.
Billy could hardly accept how shaken he was at the sight of their mentors reduced to such dire straits. It undermined his confidence in what they were doing in ways he couldn't define. Always the Mentors had been their constant in all their struggles and guided them inexorably to victory, until they had been taken from them. He shook off the disturbing, insecure sensation and looked around at the others.
"Go - quickly," he gestured, and the group scattered to put the local teleportation devices on the assortment of cages and confinements that held all of the Mentors captive. The inhabitants of the cages stirred, disbelieving of what was happening, and as murmured phrases of explanation rang out so did almost immediately the sirens.
"Shit! Just once it would be nice to do a rescue uninterrupted!" Billy swore. "Buy us time," he shot across to Jason and Phantom who armoured up immediately and took a stance at the door as the first troops turned up ... and proceeded to wipe the floor with them with cool efficiency.
"Go - go - go!" Billy yelled as they ran from mentor to mentor. "Zordon, are you okay?" he asked as his fingers practically blurred with the speed he was working at.
"Billy? I was not expecting a rescue ..." the ancient Eltarian sounded dazed.
"Well, you're getting one." The Wolf Ninjetti looked up. "Soon you'll be home. Triggered and ready to charge. Trini, I'm going to help Jason and the others..." and he leapt into action.
Around the chamber charging powerpacks flickered as more assailants leapt into the room.
A light blinked green and Trini threw off a quantron and slapped the activate button on the device with grim satisfaction. A roar of light and Alesto, cage and all, teleported to the waiting cloaked Owlzord. The metallic foes were not stupid and targeted the devices despite spirited attempts from the Ninjetti to foil them. There was a flash of silver as the Nid-hi Ilana joined the conflict and the tide of battle turned distinctly against the Ninjetti. The silver dragon-featured alien was dazzling in her fighting skills and occupied at least four of them by herself.
"Get them out of here!" Jason called out over his shoulder and Skye, who was lurking out of the mainstream of the fighting, concentrated on evading the distractions and sent the Mentors one by one to the OwlZord as Trini and Dulcea took on the task of covering his back. In the midst of the chaos Billy became aware of something. A horrible sensation. The sort of sensation that could wake a sleeper in the middle of the night, with the certain knowledge that within the darkness that envelops you, an even darker shape lurks, watching ... ready to touch you at your most vulnerable moment. An icy fear gripped him and he shivered while that sensation grew until it burned, every instinct screaming at him to run as an endless mist began to coalesce. The Power in this being was beyond measurement.
"Oh ... my God!" Trini choked, backing away, filled with a gut-wrenching fear.
A rumbling laugh filled the room. "I could be that ... yes ... or the Adversary!" It stole images from their subconscious to manifest in physical form a creature designed from their most primal terrors.
"This is it?" the Face of Hell spoke forth in great amusement, its image wrought of despair and terror. "This is my challenge?" and he roared with laughter. They backed away in fear ... but did not flee in panic as had been his design.
"Trini, Dulcea ... C'Haal and Zordon ... and you ... go! Go!" Billy said urgently, trying to bury his fright. That was one thing they had all been taught; confront the fear and not let it rule them and he couldn't let the Darkness Visible get Dulcea, the last piece of the puzzle.
"Oh, I don't think that will be happening, cubling." The Darkness Visible shifted to a loathsome fish-demon shape. Billy felt his irrational phobia rise up and a strange out-of-place image of a swirling orb, but shook it off and signalled Trini and Dulcea again. They went reluctantly in a flash of teleportation, praying the others would follow.
"Now that was very stupid, " the Darkness Visible sighed. "Well, I shall just kill you all, then. What a waste."
Kerrin had slipped back to Skye and whispered, "Distract him! Otherwise you'll lose your friends ... all your friends!"
Skye hesitated, his fear nearly overwhelming him, and then nodded. As the creature lifted a hand, he released the restraints on his form and the ghostflame of the Phoenix surrounded him like a beacon. Immediately the Darkness Visible's head whipped around and a cruel smile appeared. "Well, well ... it's you, is it?"
Phantom phased out of view and tried to get close enough to kill the creature as it stalked across to pounce on the vulnerable Phoenix Ninjetti, who was ineffectively trying to run backwards. The Phantom Ranger blurred out of invisibility and drawing an assassin's blade plunged it deep into the side of the solid monster.
The Darkness Visible looked down and shook its head, reaching inside the mind of his assailant. There was an abrupt shift and an image of Cassie with Kerrin's blade embedded in her side, rivulets of dark blood gushing artistically forth and a tragic look on her familiar face ... Phantom recoiled, horrified.
"Don't ... don't you love me?" the perfect replica asked piteously. "Why?... I ..." there was a weak cough and a blossom of bright, bright blood from her mouth.
"Cassie!" Kerrin stepped forward as the image of the Pink Astro Ranger raised a trembling hand towards him, and in a moment where his instincts were confused he reached out to her ...
and was bowled over by the Red Lion Ninjetti as a blast of deadly Power crackled forth from that hand.
"Well ... this is fun." The image pulled out the ebony blade and looked at it curiously. "Interesting. Can you pierce a cloud, can you stab a shaft of light?" it asked rhetorically. "Creatures of Chaos ... always seeking death as an answer." There was a sigh and the figure before them dissolved into a black mist which swirled towards the Phoenix Ninjetti and coiled around him.
"Billy ... Trini ...!" Skye's voice was panicked and terrified; he was seemingly unable to move, though he was lifted up.
"Oh dear, oh dear ..." The image of a man holding him appeared and Skye was paralysed with fear, eyes wild.
"Oh God ... Michael." Billy recognised the image that had been adopted and looked at his friend, who was practically hyperventilating with fright.
The Darkness Visible seemed fully aware of what effect it was having. "Pathetic ... to think I was even mildly worried about you. Do you know what Power lies within you? You don't even understand, do you? And what have you done? You've given that to another. The Power of the Universe inside of you, and I can do ... this ..." and he pushed Phantom's knife slowly into the paralysed Ninjetti's leg, exactly where the initial wounding had taken place all those years ago, undoing the miracle that had occurred on Phaedos.
Skye cried out in pain and fear and the image of the man smiled. "And you can do — nothing ... I'll keep you, I think. Yes. There will be a way of unlocking that Power for my purposes, I'm sure."
Billy ran forward.
Can't fight energy with matter, but energy with energy...the reason why the Ninjetti are the only ones that can hurt the forces of the Darkness Visible is because our energy can hurt it!
As he had before, he drew the Spirit Fire up, through him and hurled it at the cloud of black mist and the fire clung and ripped, eliciting a sharp exclamation of pain from the Darkness Visible. It caused very little in the way of damage, but was enough to get it to release its grip on the Phoenix Ninjetti who dropped to the floor.
It was angry, very angry. "You! You shall ... ow!" Jason had clipped him from the other side with another Spirit Energy blast. Gnats attacking a giant, but enough to cause a distraction to one who had not experienced hurt in an aeon. Billy darted forward and grabbed Skye from the heart of darkness as J'shaar, Jason, Kerrin and the Chi'iten harassed the Zha Kha-rhee'aa.
"We've gotta get out of here!" Billy instinctively dropped back next to Jason.
The immensely powerful Entity had now lost patience and the mist grabbed at the nearest Ninjetti, the Chi'iten Vy and lifted the valiant insectoid to be torn to pieces in front of its comrades as an object lesson. The Master Ninjetti responded with a vibrant jade slice of its Master Power that ripped harmlessly through the creature, but proceeded to travel blade-like through the entire fortress, wreaking havoc and destruction. The satellite structure shook as its power source spilled out of containment, subspace mixing with realspace in a terrible reaction. The Darkness Visible roared and crushed its captive absently, casting the mortally wounded Chi'iten Ninjetti to the floor as it whirled, seeking to leave itself.
Ru turned to the others, its wings unfurled, shimmering with rainbows. "Go ..." he gave a short powerful slice and the inside of Owlzord could be seen, through the tear in space.
"Come with us," Billy urged, hefting Skye to be supported by his shoulder, assisted by Jason.
"I am already dead," Ru said with dignity. "My Spirit's heart has stopped beating and we are one. It is but a husk that waits to breathe its last that stand here before you, and soon I will be gone. I hear the Song ... it calls me to join with my other self. Do not fail us." And the mantid warrior turned and set about shredding space in a blazing death fury. The sorrowful Ninjetti tumbled back into the waiting Zord and under the cover of Silence sped away as the Fortress exploded outwards into real space and then was sucked into the turbulent fluid of subspace without a trace of its existence remaining.
Trini found Billy and wordlessly embraced him before turning to more serious business.
"Vy-Ru?" she asked.
Jason shook his head. "Dead," he announced regretfully. "Do you think he managed to take the Darkness Visible with him?" he asked, wanting the sacrifice to have been as meaningful as possible and hopefully the last necessary.
A strained voice sounded from Skye. "No ... It's still alive. " He still looked preternaturally pale.
Trini grieved inwardly. She respected the great Chi'iten; their loss was a severe blow and brought home the reality of the deadly situation. "What happened?" she asked as they helped
Skye to lie down, the ebony hilt still protruding from his leg, his pale grey trousers saturated with a blackness of blood.
"The Darkness Visible happened." Billy frowned, starting to piece together what had been happening and reaching some inescapable conclusions. "It was taking images from our minds, deep images, effortlessly, and ... playing with us."
"I agree," J'shaar replied. "I get the impression that it could have destroyed us at any time if not for the distraction caused by Skye of Earth."
"He appeared as the person who nearly killed him." Billy confided in Trini, knowing she at least would understand. "And Phantom tried to stab its solid form, and it turned into Cassie and tormented him ..." He looked sharply at Kerrin. Now that was interesting.
"Speaking of which," Skye said, more settled now. "Would Phantom like his blade back? I'm more than willing to get rid of it." The last was a weak attempt at humour.
Jason approached from his quiet reunion with Dulcea and crouched next to the injured Ninjetti. "You realise you are making this into a habit?" he said seriously. "Ask Billy and Trini, I tend to get a little annoyed and loud if one of my friends manages to get hurt too often."
Billy grinned. "Unbelievably loud," he said wryly. "Spare your ears and try not to get hurt again?" he requested.
"I'll work on it." Skye promised, taking sharp inhalations to control the pain.
"In that case ..." The group gathered around him, taking his hands and holding him as, by common assent, Kerrin took a grip on the knife hilt and in a sharp movement pulled it clear. Dulcea immediately bound the wound as Skye relaxed his pain-tensed body, and Jason asked immediately, "You okay?"
Skye nodded mutely, not trusting his voice to be steady.
"You rest then; we'll soon have you home." The Red Lion Ninjetti promised with that total assurance that showed up with all Red Rangers anywhere.
Skye managed a smile. By the time they got home, he would have the wound half-healed. He knew at least there would be no time for convalescence. The Zha'kha-rhee'aa's words of "Ah well, I will just have to destroy you all" meant something more than the obvious threat. It thought it had enough information to accomplish its end and no longer needed them or the Mentors. Which meant nothing was going to hold it back now.
Halfway home and Kerrin was ostensibly watching over an apparently sleeping Skye as the others tended to the Mentors. In reality he was thinking deeply. He had had some preconceptions disturbed in the course of their recent conflict and hadn't yet worked out where they fell in his worldview. Jason. He had sided with him - why? They were rivals. He could accept that support, but under reversed circumstances would he have been able to offer it? And the human had saved him. More to the point, he had saved him and not said a word about it afterwards, as if it was a totally natural thing to do. If he was trying to win him over, then he was missing a big opportunity. Come to think of it, the Red Lion Ninjetti had missed a very big opportunity to resolve his situation; he could have just been a fraction of a second ... slower. Kerrin grimaced to himself. It couldn't have been an elaborate plan, could it?
Maybe it was, maybe they got away with comparatively few casualties and the Mentors because they were meant to. No ... that didn't quite fit. No. Besides, if Jason was a traitor, then he could have done himself a service in letting the one who was most suspicious of him die. But something didn't fit ... something disturbing had occurred and he couldn't put his finger on it.
"Can you think a little more quietly?" Skye said, lying just across from him with his eyes closed but the Star Crystal glowing slightly as he concentrated on healing himself.
The Phantom Ranger startled. "You ... you heard that?"
"Well, some of it; it was a little loud," Skye admitted, opening his blue eyes and turning to the Phaedosian. "I can't honestly see what your problem is," he remarked in a tone designed to provoke a response.
"My problem? My problem is the Red Lion Ninjetti!" the Phantom Ranger exclaimed vehemently.
"Jason is no problem to you," Skye replied quietly. "You two are too much alike."
"Yes, we both want Dulcea," Kerrin said bitterly. "And he has no right!"
Skye winced slightly. "I think you are somewhat ... wrong."
"I know what I am talking about," Kerrin insisted and this elicited a snort of derision from the Phoenix Ninjetti. "Okay, so you apparently know better, do you?" he challenged.
Skye took a deep breath. "Sometimes observers have more perspective. You feel you SHOULD still love Dulcea because you have invested so much energy in grieving for her. It is not the nature of emotional beings to turn their back on anything they feel connected to ... and you are no exception. But the fact remains, Kerrin - you can only take a Master Power of the Ninjetti if you experience True Love ... and Jason and Dulcea both could claim a Master Power of the Ninjetti. That is fact."
The Phantom Ranger was astonished. "But ... no ..."
"I'm sorry to do that to you, but a fact is a fact." Skye's expression softened. "But there is something else."
"I don't think I want to hear." Kerrin got up suddenly, a millennia-old mindset crumbling in the wake of those words. He felt vulnerable and open.
"Oh, I think you will." Skye paused. "When the Darkness Visible reached into our deepest minds and took the images that would terrify us most ... whose death did it find for you? It could have been, should have been Dulcea's ... but it wasn't, was it?"
Kerrin's face looked shocked, and then his expression softened. "But ... I've barely known Cassie."
"How long does it take to fall in love?" Skye responded. "Ironically the Darkness Visible had no reason to fool you - it sought the deepest Truth to wound you with."
"Cassie?" Kerrin asked again, of himself more than of Skye. "But I couldn't love her because I was pledged to the memory of ..."
"A no-longer-dead Dulcea who is in love with Jason," Skye summarised. "And believe me, they are in love. You might want to think about that." He lay back, somewhat tired out by the discussion, and closed his eyes again.
Kerrin looked across at the Phoenix Ninjetti and said softly, almost to himself, "Yes ... yes, I will."
The sleek form of the DolphinZord swam through the dark seas of space at great speed. Triforia had been in chaos as refugees flocked towards it and Aquitar for sanctuary. The entire planet was mobilised for war and it was then that Justin realised this most definitely had not been a pity mission; this was deadly serious. Earth had escaped much of this, being a remote stronghold, but Triforia was out on the front lines.
Trey had been a little surprised by his appearance and had personally helped Justin store the FerianX in the containers the young genius had designed.
"The less people who know about this, the better," the Gold Ranger said as he guided the antigrav transports in. "Billy said this was a secret weapon of sorts. I do not know his intention, for most methods of deploying it result in immediate explosion, but I'm sure he knows that."
"Yep," the youngster agreed. "Gonna have to watch it on the trip back. Any likely trouble spots?" he asked as they worked rapidly.
Trey frowned. "I assume you came the shortest way, through the double star system of Sirius? You will have to avoid that gravitational stress, so I suggest going back along this gradient." He flashed up the star map and sketched a basic route.
"The Allies' fleet is massing here ... in Triforian space. The Ninjetti fleet is at Phaedos and the Chi'iten space fleet is here. With the armada of the Nid-hi and the UAE massing here ..." and Trey gestured to a point not far from where Justin's proposed route arced across the heaven, "but heading this way, away from Earth ... towards Phaedos ... you should be fine."
"Got it," Justin nodded. "I better get going back. I'll have to go slow with this cargo." He looked at the FerianX. Dubiously.
"Fly safely, Dolphin Ninjetti ... and we shall meet again." The Prince of Triforia inclined his head and bid him farewell.
Despite his somewhat enthusiastic nature, Justin had learnt how to be cautious when it was necessary. Playing around was important to him, but the serious business of staying alive took precedence. He followed Trey's advice carefully, by necessity travelling at a far-reduced speed than his initial trip out to Triforia. He had 'cheated' on that road trip by using an inertialess pod so he could travel at great speeds, more than a normal human could survive . He made a note to pass his design on to Billy when he got back.
He was sketching some simple unit designs as his Zord was skimming through the Lerian system when suddenly a proximity alert flashed up.
"What? There shouldn't be anything out here," Justin said to himself, frowning as he ran some more scans with some of the DolphinZord's more detailed scanners. He scowled as a three-dimensional tracking system came up, ablaze with tiny marker lights. "But our fleet is at Triforia ..." hesitating a moment, he turned DolphinZord to sweep around the edges of this mass of strange force.
As the swift blue DolphinZord swam across the fringes of that armada, Justin's eyes widened. Sleek needlelike craft unlike those of any of their allies glinted in the light of the distant stars, thicker than the shoals of fish in all the oceans of Earth.
"Oh shit ..." Justin stared, frozen for a bit. "Time to run." He kicked up the speed and hightailed it, barely avoiding a returning black fighter. "Whoa!"
"Warning ... containment integrity in jeopardy," the computer warned.
He evaded carefully, smoothing out the containment balance whilst looking at the fighter's course, a chill of fear settling in his stomach. He managed to avoid detection, or at least the fighter did not turn and pursue.
Shaking a little at nearly having run into the monster's mouth, Justin took a moment to breathe in the isolation of the DolphinZord and then his sharp mind began to put bits of information together.
"Computer - based on scan information, extrapolate the deviation from the expected trajectory of the unknown enemy fleet and its eventual destination."
Please be wrong ... please be wrong, he muttered to himself.
"Deviation, angled bearing 73 degrees from original course. Prospective path of systems by name of principal planet. Ilan, Gurransha, Sewanaeth, Jurakaw, Varsoom, Earth ..."
"Cease calculation ... Dammit!" Justin paled, just KNOWING which of those systems was the Enemy Armada's ultimate destination. "They're going to Earth. Going to my home! I've gotta warn them ..." and he upped his speed as high as it would go, praying he would beat the fleet back in time.
Trini had been mildly surprised that Skye could even bear weight on his leg as they disembarked OwlZord, still essentially invisible as it returned home. But then it appeared her friend had not been stripped of his healing ability, for which she was very grateful.
The Mentors were led or transported into the newly-constructed Council Complex, a central chamber complete with warp transdimensional systems and twelve individual habitats and personal chambers, tailored to each Mentor's needs. They seemed to be recovering from their ordeal with startling rapidity, which was just as well.
Billy was frowning as he joined the returning group. "I have a horrible feeling that something is going very wrong right about now," he grumbled.
"More so than usual?" Tommy asked, coming up. He looked tired. "Way to go, guys." He slapped Billy on the shoulder in congratulation.
"We lost Vy-Ru," Billy said, feeling that loss all the more now that they were in comparative safety.
"We heard," Tommy replied solemnly.
"Something is very wrong," Billy repeated. "I keep running over what happened and I can't help but think there might be something to what Phantom was saying," he confided in the White Falcon Ninjetti.
"What are you talking about? The guy's paranoid. He's spent so much time running around with the UAE on his tail, he sees traitors everywhere," Tommy said reassuringly.
"We got out too easily." Billy shook his head.
"Didn't sound easy to me," Tommy commented, looking at his genius friend with concern.
"Tommy, we have met the enemy and no word of a lie, if it wanted to swat us, it could have done so without breaking into a sweat," Billy replied, sounding a little despondent. "And we have a problem ... one thing we did learn is that it is not going to be heading to Phaedos anymore."
"What?!" Tommy froze. "The fleet is at Phaedos! Where the hell are we meant to be?"
Billy shook his head, unsure. "That is what we have to find out."
Zack popped his head around the corner. "Justin's phoning home ... sounds important!" he called out down the corridor.
"Right." Billy and the others walked swiftly to the operations centre.
"BlueDolphin calling Earth ... come on, guys!" Justin's voice contained more than a hint of desperation.
"We're here, Justin!" Tommy said aloud.
"Great." Justin's voice seemed deeper, more adult than normal. "We've got a problem. Big problem."
"We're listening," Kim said from beside Tommy.
"I'm just on my way back from Triforia - and nearly ran straight into the Enemy fleet on a trajectory heading that has a termination point at Earth," Justin reported clinically.
There was a pause.
"You sure?" Billy queried, his voice holding the slightest trace of a quaver.
"Checked and double checked," Justin's voice replied. "They are putting their foot down, too, for such large ships. Three days and they'll be on the doorstep, about to kick the door in."
"Three days ... oh man." Jason looked around at the others. "But our fleet is at Phaedos ... and Triforia. They won't get here in time ..."
"They will if they have my inertia pods. You can't do much once you are in them, but they allow the Zords to travel full throttle," Justin said helpfully.
"For all the hundreds of thousands of Zords?" Tanya shook her head. "It can't be done."
Billy, however, was moving rapidly to a console. "Justin, I want that inertia pod design now. Send it across."
"Right ... sending ..." There was a long delay, but eventually the information turned up.
Billy looked it over, nodded and then keyed in a rapid series of commands and broadcast that information. "There ... I've sent it to the Zebeedees. It'll probably take six hours to make the pods or thereabouts, and a full day at high speed to get back here. We need some emergency measures ... and I need to speak to the Mentors straight away. Let's get everyone together for a meeting. I think it is time that this secrecy ended. If we'd known before, then maybe we wouldn't be in this situation. Let's do this now." And the tone of his voice made it not so much an order as an irrevocable statement of how things were going to be.
The Council Chamber was used this time and for once it wasn't littered with food, out of deference to the Council of the Wise who were in attendance.
Jason stood up, taking control in a seamless fashion. "I call this meeting to order and welcome all participants to this most critical of discussions," he announced in a surprisingly authoritative voice.
Billy looked at him in surprise and Trini leaned across to him. "Jason always was the best Chairperson at the Summit," she whispered to him. "Never stood for too much rhetoric and gave a good hearing to everyone."
Billy raised his eyebrows. "I shouldn't be surprised, but I am," he said quietly.
Trini smiled and Billy noted that Zack didn't appear shocked either, though some of Jason's friends were rapidly reassessing their conceptions of him as purely a man of physical action.
"As is evident," Jason gestured to the Mentors around them all, "the initial rescue mission was a success, though I regret to inform you that the Chi'iten Masters Vy-Ru were lost in the process, enabling others to escape. We will honour them for their sacrifice when our peril is not so immediate, but their heroism was necessary to bring us the information vital to this endeavour. With this in mind, I would appeal to the Council of the Wise to make full disclosure of all information so we can devise a full and informed battle strategy." Jason sat down again and Dulcea looked on proudly. How deftly he had manoeuvred them, making full disclosure a method of honouring the dead!
"Fellow Council Members ..." she rose to her feet, "our pupils have surpassed us in Power and wisdom, it appears. In your unfortunate absence, this group here assembled has quested for and achieved the Master Powers of the Ninjetti, and Blue Wolf Ninjetti has become the Will of the Phoenix, as the Prophecies foretold. There has been another additional manifestation of the Prophecy on Triforia since your incarceration - the transcripts you have been able to peruse. Now it is time to reveal your knowledge, as I will reveal mine."
"Very well," Zordon boomed. "You are correct, it is beyond time for the information to be shared."
"Better late than never," Tanya muttered aside to Adam.
Some of the information that was brought into the open was somewhat redundant; they had figured out about the Master Powers themselves, though it turned out that several of the Mentors shared information about the capabilities of the potential Powers that set many of them to thinking.
"So you are saying we have minor capabilities ... like Adam can disguise himself in illusion any time he wills it," Billy summarised. "But when he invokes the full force of his Glyph in a one-off shot ... that is limited only by his imagination and force of need."
"... and the limitations of the Glyph Power he holds. He would not, for example, be able to raise a massive fireball ... but he could raise the illusion of one," Alesto responded.
"I get it." Billy chewed his lip thoughtfully. "Maybe we were premature invoking your Master Power, J'shaar."
The Drakin looked unconcerned. "It served its purpose. There is no saving and never using - and it works even now."
C'haal rumbled. "Yes; relatively minor manifestations are made permanent abilities ... but a major alteration of the universe is time-limited."
"Okay ... weak and longlasting, or strong and fast," Jason nodded. He looked over at Billy, having picked up that he wanted to ask something.
The Blue Wolf Ninjetti stood, feeling more nervous than he had in the other meeting when it had just been them.
"Your other information that the Darkness Visible is not attacking Phaedos is already known to us. We know now they are coming to Earth."
Zordon looked startled even through the distortion of the transdimensional warp.
"And it makes sense. Why else would Zordon, one of the foremost members of the Council of the Wise and members of the Alliance of Light be posted on a backwater planet far out on the galactic arm?" he asked rhetorically. "Why would space villain after villain seek out this planet to conquer? When there are many more valuable and prosperous and frankly less troublesome worlds to subjugate? Because there is something here that they want. When I was questioned by Dark Spectre and the Nid-hi ..." Billy's face went grim, but he did not falter, "the answer they sought the most was where 'it' was. They are looking for an object. And I wish to know what this object is and why it is the cause of an impending Galactic War."
There was utter silence for a moment as many of the Council of the Wise were obviously ignorant of this fact. In the end it was Takope who spoke.
"That was the Wisdom entrusted to my line," he said in his quiet voice. "But we never knew where it was or if it still existed in our plane of reality."
"It does," Zordon interjected. "Billy is correct. It is somewhere in this system, but even I know not where it is, because that secret is too close."
"But what IS it?" Billy pressed impatiently.
"It is ... the sum of many realities, a physical form of the structures that define natural Law across time and space. It contains the possibilities, the probabilities of ... everything."
Takope spread his hands in an all-encompassing gesture.
"That's nice," Rocky said into the ensuing uncomprehending silence. "But I think what we need to know is WHAT it can do?"
"Once it is active, it would respond to the mind of the observers and literally make their thoughts a reality. It is the Ultimate Power, your thoughts made manifest. The Ninjetti wrested it from the Darkness Visible in the last conflict by guile."
"Hang on ... hang on, how did they beat someone with that sort of Power?" Tommy interrupted. At last they were going to find out how the Darkness Visible was defeated last time!
"The Orb of Order, as the Darkness Visible called it, was not active. It would not respond to Its thought," Takope said and looked at Zordon who continued the tale.
"The first Master Ninjetti, Bar'ak, managed to unlock his inner Master Power by accident and wakened the Orb to his thought to banish the Darkness Visible while they struggled as the Ninjetti were shattered and broken in the conflict. His first thought was not of destruction, but just to get the monster as far away from him as possible, a natural instinct ... and It was gone - just like that. Bar'ak however, was wounded by his contact with the Orb, although it was only fleeting. Nevertheless, knowing he had merely postponed the War, rather than finished it totally, he used its Power to create the WardStones, craft the Star Crystal, the Master Powers and perceive enough of the future to set in place the Prophecies. Each time, the Orb drained more of his life and his final act was to hide the Orb ... and then die. His hope was that the Orb would never be discovered by anyone, let alone the Darkness Visible. Truly it does not belong in this reality."
Well then ... it all begins to fall into place. Billy tapped the table with his pen as he thought. "We can't use it ourselves?"
Takope shook his head. "It is too powerful to use directly, which is why the Master Powers were created, and they in themselves hold so much Power that the testing had to be most rigorous, on every level."
"You're not kidding," Rocky muttered, thinking of his back and all his anguish.
"Right; now we know the stakes, the strategy is different," Billy summarized heavily. "Our primary goal is to stop the Darkness Visible, our secondary to protect Earth." He didn't like it, but that was the way it was. That had a grim reaction around the table, but again they all nodded agreement.
The discussion moved then onto the actual battle strategies, and a lot of wrangling went on between the various parties, as there were unconscious attempts to put certain people out of danger, with the Mentors being surprisingly vehement about the way the battle should go.
"The aim of the battle is to get the Darkness Visible to invoke its full Power into a chosen vessel, and then the Shahin Tara Zed shall be deployed. It is written!" Rhahamadha said forcefully, reiterating the words of the other Mentors.
"The aim is to stay alive," Billy refuted, bristling a little. "And his name is Skye, alright? He is a person still." That attitude was starting to annoy him.
"Nevertheless, Billy," Zordon interupted placatingly, "It is the way things are. At the height of the battle, the Shahin Tara Zed, the Starbird-Striking, is Prophesised to battle the form of the beast. Born of Darkness Visible." He intoned the well-worn words of Prophecy once more.
"Yeah, well ... that doesn't mean we can't improvise," Billy replied as they wrangled some more. Eventually he tired of the ceaseless talk, drafted a list and passed it on to Jason.
"Quiet!" Jason bellowed, having looked the list over. "Billy has made a few suggestions which I believe we should adopt or vote on swiftly. Time is running out here, and talking in circles is not getting us anywhere."
As silence descended, Jason looked around and said in a crisp tone, "Good. First appointment, as discussed earlier - Phantom will meet and co-ordinate the Allies' Fleet and try and get them here as soon as possible. Second major appointment - Rocky will be responsible for logistics and strategy."
"Wha ... what?" the Red Ape Ninjetti looked up, startled.
"As Billy points out, your Master Power is Communication ... and that is the key to successful logistics and strategy. Without good communication, we lose before we start." Jason said with a smile. "Those in favour?"
"Consider yourself appointed." Jason looked at the piece of paper. "The suggestion follows that we establish two fronts. Frontline and HomeGuard. Command of the Frontline operations will go to ... Tommy." He paused only momentarily as he said that. "He will organise tactics and command the majority of the fleet.
"The HomeGuard will consist of relatively few individuals, but mainly holders of the Master Powers - principally those whose Powers are potentially more use on a planetary basis. Jason ... I will head up that team. Delphine will also be allocated to Earth defence, Cestro to Power Chamber control. Adam, Zack, Kat and Aisha will be on this team, with additional responsibility to protect Rocky and maintain the supply lines. Billy and Skye will try to stay out of frontline action until they are required. All other Ninjetti Masters will be spread evenly through the fleet and will be reassigned on a flexible basis. All those in favour?"
"Refinements will undoubtedly occur, but at least we vaguely know what we are doing," Jason concluded. "And on this note ... this meeting is adjourned."
In an excited babble, the assembled Ninjetti rose and set off to adjust to their assigned roles.
Billy collected his papers; waving Trini and Skye on, he turned to leave, but the Mentors called him back for a private word.
"Just a moment, William of Earth." The cold tones of Alesto sounded in the emptied room. "We must speak with you alone." The Wolf Ninjetti halted, feeling an indefinable chill.
"Yes, Alesto?" he responded, standing obediently before them.
"We speak of the nature of the greatest Power of the Ninjetti and what it entails," Zordon said gently.
Uh-oh ... there's a tone that spells bad news, Billy thought and faced them, steeling himself inwardly. "What is it, Zordon?"
"The greatest Weapon of the Ninjetti can only be used once, so it is imperative that it is used at the correct time if we are to prevail,"Alesto cut in.
"It ... as you put it ... is a human being. Skye, remember?" Billy corrected, his hackles raised.
"It would be best that you did not think of him so," Alesto counselled. "He has been altered into a Weapon and you must have no qualm in using him. It is your Purpose and Duty, William of Earth."
"There's something you are trying to tell me here," Billy challenged him. "I suggest that you actually tell me."
There was silence and somewhere in that quietness, Zordon seemed to pull the short straw to break the harsh news. "Billy, this will be hard to accept, but the force of the Great Power, the Universal Great Power focused in one time and place, is too much for any one person or thing to contain and remain in existence."
Billy stepped back from that uncomfortable truth. "No ... you are telling me that if I invoke the Star Phoenix Power, Skye will die?"
"When you do so," Alesto corrected.
"There is no way I am going to do anything that will make me a murderer," Billy stated flatly and automatically, as his mind tried to deal with the horrific implications of what he had just been told.
"The one called Skye was made aware of this at Aquitar and then was given free choice by the Ninjor of Phaedos as to whether he would accept this certainty," Alesto said again. "He is now the Weapon of the Ninjetti and that is his Destiny. Yours is to choose the manner of his usage."
"Then I will not choose to use him at all. He is my friend - I cannot deliberately kill a friend!" Billy said again, his innermost instinct rebellling against what would be the death of a Packmate.
"Billy, you must." Zordon's familiar voice held a hint of command. "Blue Wolf Spirit Warrior of the Ninjetti, it is your Destiny to command the Shahin Tara Zed. It is your Duty ... it is this one life against the population of the Galaxy, and after the Galaxy perhaps more and more ..."
Billy shook his head, unable to think of rational explanations why this was so wrong.
"I ... can't ..."
"And if you don't," Alesto stated implacably, "then we will all die, including him. Including your family, your other friends ... and your love. This is the nature of your Choice, Blue Wolf."
"No!" Billy cried out, agonised. "You can't make me do this! "
"That is true, but the consequences if you do not act is the certain death of the entire Ninjetti Alliance, the destruction of your home planet and multitudes of other worlds besides," Alesto said harshly. "We are outnumbered, and many will fall even if we do prevail. We shall say no more, for you now understand the nature of your Duty. Skye is the Phoenix, you are his Will, and he will obey you, even though it may mean his death."
Billy was almost in shock. He'd suspected Skye did not expect to live, that much had been obvious, but for him to die by his hand? No ... shock and outrage warred within him, his emotions completely out of control as he stood while the Council of the Wise withdrew in silence, one by one leaving him alone with his tumultuous thoughts.
Billy emerged from his private audience with the Council of the Wise, his horror now turned to anger fed from a deep hurt. His eyes flashed fire with a rage few had ever even considered him capable of, let alone seen.
"Billy?" Adam looked at him, startled, as he stormed through the Power Chamber. "What's wrong?" Obviously the meeting with the Mentors had not gone well.
"Where is Skye?" Billy asked in a tense voice.
"In his quarters," Adam answered, perplexed. His sensitivity to his environment was flagging up some very strong warning signals. "Billy ... come on, just wait a moment. Let's talk about this." He'd never seen his friend like this. Billy didn't lose his cool, not really, and yet here he was on the verge of exploding.
"No! This has nothing to do with you, it's between us." He brushed Adam's hand off of his shoulder and stalked out of the room, much to the Frog Ninjetti's consternation.
Skye turned, feeling Billy's approach like a crackling electric thunderstorm of anger. He looked at the Wolf Ninjetti, remaining silent. The Star Crystal glimmered under the white hair, reacting to the burning emotions as Billy surged into the room.
Billy was gritting his teeth. "So - you knew, didn't you?" he said in a dangerously soft voice. "You DAMN WELL KNEW! All along!"
He was angry because he was being forced into a situation that he could not bear to face and the only one he could be angry at was the other uniquely involved.
"I ... suspected," Skye admitted quietly, still standing his ground.
"Suspected? You've known all along, haven't you?" Billy demanded. "With all your abilities, don't tell me that you didn't know!"
"Feeling isn't always the same as knowing!" Skye responded a little more forcefully. "And you knew more than I did, or as much ... you heard the Prophecies, you've studied the texts."
"Of course I knew you thought you would die, I would've had to have been blind to miss that!" Billy replied angrily. "I'm not an idiot!"
Skye was starting to crack a little. For a long time he had walked alone with this secret. "Then stop behaving like one!" he snapped back.
"Fine ... I'll be the responsible Ranger then, shall I? Do my Duty without a word as Zordon and Alesto suggest?" Billy was enraged. "No-one said anything about this, no-one said that I would have to KILL you! Tell me if that isn't true? Hmm? No, I thought not."
Skye hung his head, aching inside. "I am sorry ... but if you don't invoke the Star Phoenix Powers, then everyone dies ... including me."
"And if I do ... you die from the totality of the Great Power rushing through you - oh yeah, and that's much better, isn't it? If I do nothing, you die; if I do anything, you die ... great choices you've given me there," Billy said sarcastically. "Why don't you give me a gun and ask me to put a bullet through your head - that would be simpler, wouldn't it?"
Skye lost it. He whirled on Billy, the Star Crystal blazing red with anger in his forehead.
"What the hell do you want me to do? Get down on my knees and beg you to kill me? To make it easier? Huh? You think I want to die? When I was given back a life that contained friends that I love so much it hurts, when I discovered that life was not just pain and darkness, but even in the shadow of danger contained joy and love? Do you really think I want to leave that?" Once he had begun, the usually placid artist could not stop. "No! I don't - and yet for those same reasons, I accepted the reasons life was leased back to me again ... I care about them all, I care about life and living so much I am willing to protect it ... I want to live so much I am willing to die!"
"But it's NOT your decision, is it?" Billy interrupted. "You've made it mine. Well, I make the decision ... I'm not going to be a party to ANY of this!"
Skye inhaled sharply, shocked. "You cannot! That would destroy everything," he began.
"It isn't right! You should never have USED me like this!" Billy accused.
Skye stepped forward, furious. "What type of Ninjetti are you!? What type of friend?" Skye shot back, his blue eyes matching Billy's in azure fire. "Turn your back on your Duty and your friends, will you?"
There was a momentary silence as Billy was choked speechless by an incandescent rage. "How DARE you! You say that to me? Who has put his duty and his friends first all his life! Get OUT! Get out of here! I don't want to see you or speak to you - I'll find another way without YOU!" he yelled in a fury beyond thought.
Skye's expression filled with anguish as he halted mid-retort and in a smothered silence half- ran from the room.
Billy sank to the floor and pressed his hands to his eyes, to try and force the piercing needles of bitter tears back whilst his body heaved with soundless sobs alone in the darkness.
Trini stumbled, suddenly overwhelmed by the backwash of pain and sorrow from both Skye and Billy, and as Tommy reached for her, he realised with great consternation that tears were flowing down her face.
"Trini? Trini, what's wrong? Kim, Aisha - help me here!"
The three of them assisted her up in concern. "Trini?" Kim asked. "What's wrong?"
"Billy ... Skye ... terrible argument," she gulped out between sobs.
"I don't believe it," Aisha said, alarmed. "Those two are the best of friends!"
Trini felt dizzy, the mentally overwhelming riotous anger-explosion fading to an aching quietness and profound sense of despair and loss in her head. "I don't know how or why ... but ... yes ... it's happened. We have to stop this ..." She stood shakily. "Stop it before time runs out."
Tension spilled like a taint through the Power Chamber as the repercussions of the argument began to spread. That Billy and Skye had argued had at first been a matter of utter disbelief, replaced now with incontrovertible fact. Billy had initially refused to see anyone for the best part of the rest of the day, and Skye ... no-one had a clue where Skye had gone. Time passed, filled with the urgent tasks of preparing for the coming conflict and on an issued suggestion from Billy, locked away in his room, Jason, Zack and Delphine were sent to various governments around the world to inform them they were going to have a percentage of their nuclear arsenals appropriated and that they should prepare for action in the next 48 hours. Trini eventually managed to get Billy to tell her what had happened, and to her alone he poured out the terrible secret that burdened him to her dawning horror and understanding of why he had reacted so badly, and why he now felt that Skye would never forgive him.
Rocky in the meantime had taken it upon himself to track down the missing Phoenix Ninjetti and enlisted some of the others in the moments they were not busy elsewhere. In the end it was Kim he turned to after Kat reminded him of that strange resonance bond that appeared to exist between them. With her enhanced abilities as a Master Ninjetti, she was able to actively attune that sensitivity to locate him ... tucked away in the very depths of the enormous Power Chamber Complex.
The small room they tracked him to was in utter darkness as the group, consisting of Rocky, Kat, Kim and Tommy, entered cautiously. The vestiges of faint light glinted on the Star Crystal embedded in the Phoenix Ninjetti's forehead, not quite concealed by his white hair as he sat staring into space.
"Lights on," Tommy commanded.
Kat stifled a gasp as she saw Skye revealed by the light, his face haggard, dark tear-born circles stamping misery onto his features. He actually appeared to be shaking, and she remembered abruptly he had been wounded barely a day or so previously.
"Skye?" Rocky stepped forward. "You ... you okay?"
Kim rolled her eyes. That was such a ... Rocky thing to ask, but at least it got things started.
"Not really," Skye replied in a dead voice, not looking up.
Kim sat next to him. "It's going to be okay," she said quietly. "We all know you and Billy argued," she began, "and that you and he said things you both probably regret ... but can't you forgive him?" she pleaded.
Tommy sat down also. "Yeah ... it's not worth hating - let it go, man."
Skye looked up at them with such raw emotion in his eyes that Kim felt a lump in her throat.
"I want to."
Rocky smiled, pleased it was going to be that easy. "Well, let's go and sort this out right now!" he said, but Skye shook his head. "I can't," he stated simply.
"Come on," Tommy cajoled. "You can't let wounded pride stand in the way of friendship."
"You don't understand," Skye refused quietly.
"I do - I've nearly ruined my life through wounded pride," Tommy said, glancing across at Kim.
"No! I mean you don't understand! I am not ABLE to speak to or see Billy!" Skye raised his voice.
The others fell silent in confusion, and Skye looked at them. "Yes, we argued; Billy will have resolved that issue now in his own mind ... but at the end ..." his voice wavered a little. "He ordered me to go away and that he did not want to see or hear from me and because of what I am now ... that is what I must do." They caught a glimpse of his expression as he looked away and flinched back from the look in his eyes.
It was Kim who realised what he meant. "You mean - you literally have to do anything he says? If he orders you not to be in sight or sound of him, you have to do so? That is what is meant by him being the Will of the Phoenix?" she asked, horrified.
Skye nodded miserably.
"That's ... that's TERRIBLE!" Tommy burst out. Anything that involved loss of volition was a very painful subject for him. It had happened so often and nearly cost him so much, he hated to see it ever happen to anyone else.
"I have no control over orders from him. He could order me to kill ... and I would without hesitation, though I would know it was not something I wanted ... or to stop breathing ... and I would. It is the way the Power works," Skye explained.
"My God," Kat whispered, shocked, not wanting to even think about such a possibility.
Tommy shook his head. "How can you stand it? What the hell was Billy thinking, doing this to you!" He got up, thunder in his expression.
"I ... I don't think he is really aware of exactly how ..." Skye began.
"Rocky, come on," Tommy said, standing up suddenly, not waiting for further explanations. Rocky nodded, perceiving his intent, and the two Ninjetti walked purposefully out of the room.
"Oh boy," Kim sighed and put her arm around Skye comfortingly.
Billy was sitting grim-faced at his computer. If there was one thing this schism had done, it was to make him more determined than ever to find ways of defeating the Enemy without resorting to the Ninjettis' 'primary weapon'. He had accomplished an immense amount in a short space of time, and as the Ninjetti forces began to filter in around Moonbase, he was frantically setting things into motion for the upcoming battle.
Rocky and Tommy entered and were immediately intercepted by Trini. "This isn't a good time," she whispered.
"Good time or not, there are a few things that have to be said," Tommy replied and then called out. "Billy!"
"You don't know what this is about, Tommy," Trini warned in a hiss.
"Maybe not, but it is clear that genius or not, there are some things that Billy doesn't yet know himself." Tommy met her gaze steadily. "You want this sorted?"
Rocky had taken advantage of the discussion between the two to slip around to Billy
"Guess you know why were are here," he began.
"I don't want to talk about it. He doesn't, so neither do I," Billy replied, still tapping away absently.
"Billy, will you look at me a moment?" Rocky said in exasperation. "I have something important to tell you."
Billy looked at him, his eyes a mirror of Skye's in their hurt. "It's too late ... he won't forgive me. That much is obvious. He would have come back if he did - or something; we've known each other long enough for him to do that."
"Jesus ... you really don't know, do you?" Rocky searched his face carefully. "The reason he hasn't been back to apologise is because he can't!"
"What?" Billy frowned, not understanding.
Tommy looked around. "You heard him," he said a little more harshly than he had intended. "Dammit, you ..."
Rocky placed a restraining hand on Tommy's shoulder and interrupted. "Billy, I'm guessing here, but I suspect the argument had something to do with the Phoenix Powers, right?"
The Wolf Ninjetti nodded slowly.
"And something to do with you giving orders, right?"Rocky said astutely.
Startled, Billy shot a glance at Trini who looked as surprised as he did. "Er, yes ... there were certain decisions that I ... don't want to have responsibility for."
Tommy stepped forward. "Both of us held the Red, Billy, we understand what that means - but you have something we never had. You are the Will of the Phoenix."
"Which means that your slightest word commands Skye in an absolute fashion," Rocky finished. "The reason that Skye hasn't made contact with you since you argued is because he can't."
Billy's face paled as he remembered how he had told his friend to get out of his sight, that he never wanted to see him again and how in mid-sentence the artist had turned and fled.
"Oh ... God ..."
"So now you know - what are you going to do about it?" Tommy asked pointedly. "He wants to talk with you, but he can't."
"I'll go to him ... I didn't realise ... not that every word ..." Billy got up slowly. "Excuse me," he said, smoothing back his blond hair and half-running from the room.
"Think that'll do it?" Rocky asked Trini and Tommy hopefully.
"Well, it's a step in the right direction," Trini replied. "I feel really bad now. I should have sought Skye out ..."
"Frankly, Trini, sorting out Billy is your job," Tommy said, smiling. "But let's hope those two sort this out themselves."
Billy ran down to the room, having met Kim and Kat on their way back up to find him. He had misused a Power out of ignorance, he had hurt a friend for something that was not entirely his fault. He had lashed out at the one person most vulnerable to his words and now he had to find a way to heal that breach.
He opened the door to utter silence and darkness, and said hurriedly, "Skye, I order you to disregard my previous orders now ... I would like to see you if you wish to see me."
There was a sigh from high up in the beams where the Phoenix Ninjetti had been hiding, and he dropped down from the heights, stumbling slightly, raising his eyes to meet his friend's; wordlessly asking for understanding.
The Wolf Ninjetti stepped forward, reaching out tentatively. "I'm ... I'm sorry," he said simply, not knowing how to apologise for such a grievous crime against inner freedom, and the worst being that he knew it might have to happen again.
"So am I," Skye replied, stepping closer himself. "I knew you would not react well to this, but I was too afraid to say something before." At that moment, he looked very lost and alone.
Billy very carefully did something uncharacteristic and actually was the one who initiated the embrace of mutual forgiveness, his heart aching for the fact that it might be the last opportunity he might have to do this. He swallowed as he felt Skye cling to him for a long, long moment and then silently and regretfully let him go.
"Promise me something," Skye requested, so softly he wondered if he had heard it.
"Anything," Billy replied immediately.
"That you won't hold back from invoking the Power ... if my death means that our friends could live," Skye asked in a muted voice.
"Oh Skye ..."
"If you would give your life to save them, so would I. I trust you - I trust you completely to do what needs to be done," Skye said, giving him the absolution he needed in advance.
"I know," Billy sighed. "But I will try not to cause your death ... not if there is another way ... and I will FIND another way."
Skye gave a genuine smile. "I won't argue hard against that ambition. Come on - we don't have much longer."
And Billy nodded, reluctant now to let him out of his sight ... just in case, but they had so much to do ... and so little time as they went beyond the edge of night and the ancient Ninjetti warning stood ready to be fulfilled. The Sun Goes Down, Beware the Darkness Visible.
Ilana bowed again. "Do you desire us to go after the Council of the Wise?" she asked, wondering at the Darkness Visible's seeming good humour after what appeared to be a serious setback with their loss of the Mentors. "I could lead an élite force inside their stronghold and take them again, or destroy them if it suits the Protector of Order."
The golden Nidhi shape appeared once more from the swirling dark mist. "No, my faithful one. It is not necessary."
"But will we not suffer that they know the information of the Mentors?" Ilana questioned.
"No, dearest," the Being laughed. "By letting them have the so-called Council of the Wise back, we have given them a script that they will be forced to follow. I have read their every move in the minds of their esteemed leaders, and of course ... when the time is right, I will destroy them from within. For every move a counter-move, for every plan a tactic, so that we will regain what was stolen from us."
"Your wisdom as ever leaves me in awe." The silver Nidhi bowed, still aglow at having been called 'dearest'.
The Darkness Visible allowed itself a measure of relaxation. "And we will reach our destiny when, my Chosen?"
Ilana's eyes shone with amethyst fire of eagerness as she reported the good news. "Within the day, Lord. We will take to the final battle and our victory on the morrow."
Section One Section Two