Author's note: I started this with totally different intention as opposed to how it's turning out. It was supposed to be a non—PR-specific story where Jason is being physically abused by his father, and it is discovered by the local bully who delights in getting Jason into trouble. Hence the characterization at the beginning of the story is a little shaky.
It was supposed to be a story on the change of relationship between Jason and the bully, but that changed dramatically. Now, I have a semi-weird father/son story on my hands, and I'm not entirely sure how it happened.
Anyway, parts of this story are not meant to be taken seriously, while others are. ie, references to wages for starring in one's first movie, and a certain famous actor... Consider it a bit of light-heartedness to counter the harsher stuff.
Also, the payments referred to in this are unrealistic. I am aware of that, but I figured I can take some liberties with my own work.

Family Ties
by Naomi Tilley

Jason Scott headed slowly home from school, feeling tired and generally miserable. It had been a long, hard day, and he wanted nothing more than to have dinner and go to bed early. He knew it was not a privilege he would be afforded.

During lunch time that day, an older student had picked a fight with him. Bruce Davis, a senior whose father was a retired judge, had laid into him heavily, not giving him a chance to defend himself. Jason withheld a groan as he looked down at the detention slip in his pocket. Despite not having thrown a single punch himself, he had been the one to get detention. The teachers simply refused to do anything to Davis, for fear of rankling the judge....

Jason halted as he came within sight of his house. Maybe, just maybe, the school had not contacted his parents, and he would be able skirt around things with his father. Maybe... His hopes faded as he got to the lawn to find his younger brother, Max, waiting for him. The younger boy had an evil grin plastered over his face.

"I told Dad you got detention for fighting," he said bluntly, and clearly enjoyed the anxiety he saw in his brother's face.

"Why can't you keep your mouth shut for once?" Jason demanded, struggling against a sudden flood of tears. Max smirked at him.

"I like seeing you in trouble." Then, giggling wildly, he ran back inside. Jason shut his eyes for a long moment, then regained his composure and went inside.


Alan Scott was waiting for him when he came inside, and he looked anything but happy. "Detention for fighting?"

Jason wordlessly handed him the detention slip, feeling nauseous under the piercing gazes of his younger brother and older sister. Alan nodded.

"Okay. Out to the shed. Ill be there in a minute. We have some serious talking to do."

Jason went, pale and upset. Across the room, Melissa Scott looked unhappy.

"Alan, is it really necessary? Can't you at least give him a chance to tell his side?"

Alan glared at her. "Stay out of this, Melissa. I'll deal with the boy in my own way."

He then turned and disappeared down the hall. Once he'd gone, Max snickered loudly. "Jason's in trouble again," he hissed.

Amy looked equally gleeful. "Serve him right, getting detention like that. Dad must be awfully disappointed in him."

Melissa spoke up, on the verge of tears. "Both of you, shut up!" she snapped, startling both her children. "Max, you've done more than enough already, so you can just shut up right now! You too, Amy. I've had enough of you both harassing Jason."

Amy looked confused. "But Mum...."

"But nothing!" Melissa growled. "I don't want either of you saying another word against Jason, or I'll ground you both! That is a promise!"

She then hurried from the room before the floodgates could burst, leaving her son and daughter in stunned and angry silence.


Jason came back into the house nearly an hour later, stiff and sore from the beating he'd just suffered. He was barely able to stand up straight, and he felt as though he was about to throw up.


He looked around, and was relieved to see his mother standing there, waiting for him. "Mum..."

"In here, sweetheart. C'mon."

Jason allowed himself to be guided to his bed, then waited patiently as his mother undressed him and looked at his wounds.

"My poor baby..." she whispered, looking at the fresh welts.

Jason shut his eyes, but it did not stop the tears from overflowing. "I didn't have a chance to throw a punch," he said in a trembling voice. "I... I didn't even start it. It was Bruce Davis...."

Melissa felt her heart twist up painfully. "That horrible bully again? It's time someone let Judge Davis know what a terrible boy Bruce is. Don't worry, honey. Ill take care of you now. Just lie down, and let me look after you."

Jason lay down slowly, barely able to see for the tears in his eyes. "I don't feel well."

"I don't blame you. Don't worry, sweetheart. If you're no better by tomorrow, I'll call the school and tell them you aren't coming."

Jason didn't seem appeased by the promise, but said no more, letting his mother take care of him.


Alan Scott looked up at his wife coolly as she came into the kitchen the next morning. "Where were you all night?"

"With Jason," she answered boldly. "He's sick, Alan. Too sick to go to school today."

Alan clutched his coffee mug in a tight grip. "What did I tell you about giving sympathy to the boy? He doesn't deserve it."

Melissa glared at him. "Forget sympathy, Alan. Didn't you hear me? I said Jason is sick."

"I heard you. I don't want him missing any school. You can just get him up and make sure he's ready to go. I don't want him in detention for being late as well as for fighting."

Melissa withheld a sigh. She knew it was pointless arguing with her husband, and it irked her badly to see Amy and Max smirking into their cereal. Why they hated Jason was beyond her, but she knew why her husband seemed to hate him so much. She sighed heavily and went to get Jason out of bed.


Jason stayed steady on his feet long enough to make it into the bathroom at school, and then into the nearest toilet where he threw up. He stayed there for five minutes at least; he wasn't sure just how long it was. His mother had been deeply apologetic about making him attend school, but he wasn't upset at her. He knew she was afraid of Alan Scott as well.

Tears filled Jason's eyes as he stumbled over to the basin and splashed cool water over his face. The worst part had been the taunting jeers of Amy and Max. It was beyond his understanding why those two hated him; he could not remember doing anything to deserve it.

He groaned softly, clutching his stomach and doubling up over the basin. He was going to be sick again....

"Well, well, look at what we have here, boys." Jason felt his heart sink as he recognised Bruce Davis voice. Davis was the last thing he needed...

Bruce Davis grinned cruelly and slowly advanced on Jason's hunched- over figure. "It's the fall guy! Nice going yesterday, Jase, taking the detention rap for me. Thanks a lot, buddy."

Laughter rippled through Bruce's gang. Jason didn't move. If Davis saw him crying like a baby, then he would be in line for another beating. That was something he was sure he could not handle.

Davis frowned when he didn't get a reaction from the other teen. "Hey, Scott, look at me when I'm talking to you!"

Still Jason didn't move, and Davis got impatient and reached out, thumping Jason on the shoulder. He hit a particularly tender spot, and Jason howled in pain, going down on his knees. Davis was startled, to say the least.

"What the...? C'mon, Scott, it wasn't that hard...." He trailed off in shock as Jason slid all the way to the floor, turning around enough for him to see his face. "Oh shit...."

Jason gave a choked sob, and buried his face in his arms as much as he could, not wanting to have to face Davis' wrath. In the space of an instant, though, Bruce Davis' cruel streak vanished, and he dropped down on one knee next to the battered teen. "What the hell happened to you?" he demanded to know. "Someone else beat you up after me?"

Jason shook his head, unable to answer. Bruce looked back at his friends. "Clear out of here, all of you. And make sure no one else comes in."

The gang did so quickly, following their leader's orders. Bruce then turned back to Jason and spoke in a remarkably quiet voice. "Okay, Jason. What happened? Spill it. You look like you got hit by a truck."

Jason looked up at Bruce finally. "You... You won't believe me."

"Try me."

"You won't care. No one else does... but my mum...."

Bruce's face creased with concern. "C'mon, Jason. Tell me what happened. Maybe I can help."

A long moment past, and then Jason spoke in a trembling voice. "It was my dad. He... He did it. He beat me for getting detention."

Shock filled Bruce's face. "Oh... Oh Jesus... I'm sorry...."

Jason shut his eyes, turning his face away at the same time. "He used the whip this time. He was really angry."

The shock on Bruces face turned to horror. "Whip...? This time...? This has happened before?"

Jason didn't answer; the pain on his face answered for him. Bruce shut his eyes as well, gathering his thoughts. He had deliberately started a fight with Jason yesterday, and had gotten in all of the punches. Jason had not even had the chance to defend himself, but because of his father, only Jason had gotten detention. At the time, he'd thought it was a huge joke... until now. A younger teenager had been brutally beaten by his father because of a cruel and stupid act....

Bruce carefully laid one hand on Jason's shoulder. "Okay, c'mon. I'm taking you to sickbay. Can you get up?"

"I have to get to class," Jason whispered, and there was stark terror in his eyes. "I can't get into trouble again...."

"You won't," Bruce said firmly. "I'll make sure of it. I'll see that the detention bit gets dropped as well. This is my fault that you got hurt like this, and I'm going to do something about it. Now c'mon."

Jason finally allowed himself to be pulled up by Bruce, and guided from the bathroom. Outside, the rest of the group spared their leader an odd look. Bruce looked around at each of them. "Plan's changed. We're helping out Jason here. Understand?" They all nodded wordlessly. Bruce motioned to one bigger boy. "Get over here, Jake. Help us out. We're taking Jason to sickbay."

No protest was made as Jake carefully slung Jason's arm over his broad shoulder. "Nice and slow," Bruce murmured. "That's it..." They reached sickbay a short time later, and Jason was soon in the care of the school nurse. Bruce then went to Victor Caplan, the school principal, who had been passing sickbay when the boys arrived with Jason.

"Sir," Bruce said quietly, seriously, "I have to talk to you."

"In my office?" Caplan inquired.

Bruce hesitated, then shook his head. "No. Here is fine. Listen, none of what happened yesterday was Jason's fault. I lied about it. It was me that started the fight. Jason never even got a single punch in. He shouldn't have to go to detention, sir, I should."

Caplan blinked, startled. "What's brought on this change of heart, Mr Davis?"

Bruce hesitated, then spoke quietly. "Sir, Jason said it was his father that beat him up yesterday. Because he'd gotten detention."

Caplan felt his heart skip a beat. "Are you positive about that, Mr Davis? That is a very serious accusation."

"I know, sir, and I'm positive. He said his father beat him. He said he used the whip this time. That's what he said."

Caplan moaned softly, then spoke. "Mr Davis, would you be willing to repeat all of that to the police?"

"Yes. I would."

Caplan nodded and was about to speak when the nurse came out, looking anxious. "Excuse me, Mr Caplan? I think you'd better call an ambulance. We have one very, very sick young man in there. He's very badly hurt, too."

Caplan looked back at Bruce. "You'd better come with me, Mr Davis."

Bruce nodded and went without protest.


Amy was sitting with her friends at lunch time when they were interrupted by another younger girl, whom they occasionally allowed to hang out with their group. "Amy, have you heard?" Carla Daniels asked breathlessly.

Amy tried to look suitably detached. "Have I heard what, Carla?"

"Your brother!" Carla burst out. "He was taken to hospital this morning!"

Amy instantly forgot all her decorum. "Max? Is he okay? What happened?"

Carla frowned. "Not Max. Jason! It was Jason!"

The detached look returned, mixed with disdain. "Oh." The other girls spared their friend a wondering look. They all considered Jason Scott to be one of the more attractive boys in the school, and they could not understand Amy's dislike of her brother.

"So," Amy sighed, "what's happened?"

Carla hesitated, then spoke carefully, suddenly uneasy. "Apparently he collapsed in the bathroom this morning, and Bruce Davis found him. He took Jason to sickbay, and they had to call an ambulance, he was so sick."

Amy continued to look disdainful. "And that's supposed to concern me?"

Claire Ruxton glared at her friend. "Amy, don't you give a damn about Jason at all? What's the matter with you? If he was my brother, I'd be panicking all over the place until I knew he was okay!"

Amy looked calmly at her. "Then I'll trade you brothers."

Carla's expression darkened considerably. "Well, if that doesn't concern you, then maybe this will. I talked to David Barry just earlier. Mr Caplan called the police in because Jason had been beaten up really badly."

"By who?" Amy asked, frowning. "Bruce Davis? That's old news, the fight happened yesterday."

"No," Carla said softly. "Shut up and listen. Bruce finally got Jason to tell him who'd beaten him up, and he said it was his dad."

Amy visibly froze, then her face went black with rage. "He's lying again! Jason's a liar! Don't you see? My dad wouldn't hurt a fly"

"You're blind," Carla snapped. "I saw Jason before the ambulance officers put him in the ambulance. He looked like he'd been set on by about five big guys. If Jason said his dad beat him, then I believe him. Your dad's a child-beater, Amy."

Amy got up, tears filling her eyes. "That's a lie! Jason's lying! I hate him, and I wish he was dead!" She turned and fled before anyone had a chance to say anything else.


The police moved fast, and Melissa was at the hospital within a couple of hours of clearing herself with the police. She was immediately taken to her son's bedside, and was soon in tears with guilt. "Jason, I'm sorry," she sobbed.

Jason threw his arms around his mother, burying his face in her shoulder. "It's not your fault," he whispered. "I know you were scared of him, too."

"That was no excuse," she said fiercely. "No excuse at all. I should have done something. Now, look at you... My poor baby...."

"I'll be okay," Jason reassured her. "I'm just not too great right now. I'm kind of glad that I don't have to pretend anymore, though."

"You don't," Melissa told him. "I promise. He'll never have the chance to hurt you again, Jason. Never again...."

Jason hugged her again, even more tightly, knowing she was telling the truth.


"Where's daddy?" Amy demanded when she and Max were directed to the hospital after school. "What lies has Jason told the police about him?"

Melissa spared her daughter a grim look. "No lies, Amy. Just the truth. Your father has been beating Jason, and he had the courage to tell someone about it."

"No," Amy spat angrily, "that's not true. I don't believe it. Daddy wouldn't hurt anyone, even a creep like Jason. He's lying. I know he is. Now Daddy's in jail... I wish Jason was dead!"

Melissa reacted abruptly, slapping her daughter hard across the face. "Shut up, Amy," she snapped, anger in her eyes. "Just stop it! These walls aren't soundproof, and I don't want Jason to hear you say that. It is not a lie. Every time your father took him out to the shed, it wasn't to talk to him, it was to beat him! I never tried to stop it because I was just as afraid of that bastard as Jason was. Now, he's in jail and I'm going to do everything I damnwell can to make certain he stays in there! I don't ever want Jason to have to see him again."

"What about us?" Amy sobbed, pulling her stricken little brother close. "Daddy never hurt us! We don't want to lose him...."

"I'm sorry, Amy," Melissa said softly. "I really am, but I will not back down again. I won't sacrifice Jason so the two of you can stay with your father. But if you still don't believe me, go home. Go out into the backyard and go into the shed. Have a look in there and see what you find."

"But we're not allowed to go into the shed" Amy protested. "Daddy said we were never to go in there...."

She trailed off, and Melissa spared her daughter a grim look. "Think about that, Amy, before you judge Jason." She then turned and headed back down the corridor to Jason's room.


An hour later, Amy and Max ventured towards the shed, steeling themselves to go in. "Amy?" Max whispered fearfully.

Amy looked grim. "We have to, Max. It's the only way to prove that Jason is lying."

"But what if he isn't lying?" Max asked, tears in his eyes. "What if it's true?"

Amy shook her head, and reached for the door handle. "C'mon."


It was dark in the shed, and for a long moment they could see nothing at all. Then, their eyes began to adjust to the darkness, and they began to make things out. A long, wooden bench in the centre of the floor, and hanging around the place were a number of objects. Belts, whips, canes Also, things that Amy could not even identify.

She wandered forward in a daze, and looked down at the bench in shock. The bench was almost covered with dry, red paint. Only it wasn't paint. Amy brought one hand up to covered her mouth as she stared down at what she knew was her brother's blood.

"It's true," Max whispered, and even Amy could no longer deny it. "Jason wasn't lying," he said, his voice starting to crack. "Dad has been beating him...."

Amy gave a muffled sob, a whole barrel-full of emotions assailing her.

Angel Grove Memorial Hospital....
"Jason, are you awake?"

Jason looked around to see his sister standing there, pale and shaken. He sat up a little to meet her. "Amy? What's wrong?"

Amy moved up to the bedside, tears in her eyes. "Max and I saw inside the shed. Oh, god... Jason, I'm sorry...."

Jason reached out and caught her hand up in his own. "You didn't know. Don't be upset."

She rubbed away the tears, but more fell. "You must hate me... for the horrible way I treated you...."

Jason leaned over, ignoring the pain through his chest and gut, and hugged her as tightly as he could. "No, I don't. I don't hate Dad, either. I just don't understand why he hates me. I wish I knew...."

"I can tell you why," Melissa said from the open doorway. She walked in, closing the door behind her. "Amy, sit down. You're old enough to hear this, now."

Amy sat down on the edge of the bed, holding Jason's hand in her own. Melissa also sat down on the edge of the bed, and spoke softly. "Jason, Alan turned on you because he couldn't bring himself to take his anger out on me. I'm afraid that, ultimately, it's my fault that he's treated you like this. Jason, sweetheart, Alan is not your father."

Jason froze, his face draining of colour. "What...?" Amy's grip on his hand tightened. "Mum, what are you talking about?"

Melissa looked ashamed. "After you were born, Amy, your father went away a lot. I was lonely, and I'm afraid I was unfaithful. I had an affair with a man who was living in Angel Grove at the time."

Amy gaped at her mother. "You... were with another man?"

Melissa looked ashamed. "Yes. I was sorry for it when Alan came home and discovered it, but it was too late. I soon found I was pregnant, again. With you, Jason."

Jason slumped back against the pillows, stunned by the revelation. His father was not his father at all....

Melissa went on quietly. "Alan threatened to leave me, but I begged him not to. He eventually agreed to stay, for the sake of his daughter. When you were born, Jason, he accepted you as his own son, but only to a point. Then, when Max was born, that was when he started to become violent towards you."

Amy started to understand. "He had a son of his own, so he didn't want Jason anymore...."

"Yes," Melissa admitted. "That's basically it."

Jason lay still and silent, his face expressionless but for the tears in his eyes. "He never wanted me."

Melissa watched her son with grief. "I'm sorry, Jason. I wish I'd told you a long time ago. It might have saved you some of the agony you've gone through."

Jason looked away. "Could I be alone, please?" Melissa nodded and, standing up, started to usher Amy from the room, but the girl held back.

"Jason, I'm sure everything will be all right. And... I'm sorry." She was then herded out by her mother before she could say anymore.


Melissa saw Alan in jail at her own request, and for a moment, as she stared at him through the protective glass, she wondered how she would survive without him. Then, the thought was gone, replaced by the image of her oldest son.

"Come to bail me out?" he asked dryly.

Melissa didn't flinch. "No. You can stay in there and rot, for all I care."

Alan glowered at her. "That's wonderful. After all those years that I've provided for you and the kids...."

"What about Jason?" Melissa demanded. "All you ever gave him was a new meaning to the word fear!"

Alan's hands curled into fists. "What has that little bastard been saying about me?"

"Everything that I could encourage him to say. You don't have a hold over us anymore, Alan. I told Jason and Amy the truth. Jason knows you're not his father."

Alan thumped his fists against the table. "I'm the closest thing the bastard kid has to a father!"

"You were never a father to him," Melissa snarled furiously. "I'm never going to let you near him again, you understand me? Never!"

Without waiting for him to reply, she got up and stormed from the room.



Melissa looked down at Jason anxiously. "Yes? What is it, sweetheart?"

"Who is he?"

"Who is who?" she asked nervously, although she already knew what he meant.

"My... my real father. Who is he? Is he still alive?"

"Oh, yes. He's still alive. Honey, are you sure you want to know...?"

Jason wiped away a single tear. "He couldn't possibly be worse that what I've already had."

Melissa had to concede. "His name is Robert. Robert Carter." A moment of silence passed, and then Jason spoke again. "Is that all you're going to tell me?"

"Do you want to know more?"


"All right, then. He's living in Los Angeles. He's a producer and director, actually. For Hollywood."

Jason's jaw dropped. "That Robert Carter? The same guy who produced Raise The Dead?"

She smiled a little. "Yes, that Robert Carter. That's your father, baby. Your real father."

The surprise filtered from Jason's face as he quickly came back to reality. "Does he know? About me, I mean."

"I sent letters and photos, but if he got them, he never acknowledged them. He was young, then, and just starting in the industry. Maybe he was afraid it would hurt his career... I don't know. But I made every effort to let him know he had a son. I kept sending him letters and pictures of you up until you were five or six. Then your.... Then Alan found out and put a stop to it."

Jason looked down at the bedclothes, tears spilling from his eyes. "Maybe he just didn't want anything to do with me, either. Like Dad...."

"I don't know," Melissa said softly. "But whatever else, Jason, you know I love you, very much. I won't leave you alone, I promise."

Jason sighed. "I know. I just wish...."


Jason shook his head and slipped down beneath the covers. "Goodnight, Mum."

She leaned over and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "Goodnight, sweetheart."


The rangers were all gathered in the Youth Centre when Jason was released from hospital. They had heard the rumours, knew of Alan Scott's arrest, but still weren't sure whether to believe it. Kat was the first to spot the former Gold Ranger as he walked slowly into the Centre, head down and shoulders slumped. "There he is. He looks so sad...."

Tommy got up. "Wait here. I'll go get him."



Jason looked around slowly as Tommy hurried over. He didn't even try to smile; he knew he couldn't manage it. Tommy joined him and laid a hand very gently on his shoulder.

"Jase, are you gonna come and join us?"

Jason looked wary. "That depends. Are you gonna probe me for answers, or just let it rest?"

Tommy smiled just a little. "We won't ask anything if you don't want to talk about it. I promise. C'mon, buddy...."

Jason finally conceded and followed Tommy over to the table. Though no one spoke, it was obvious they were anxious for answers. Jason finally conceded.

"Can we go somewhere else? I don't want to talk in here."

Tommy was on his feet in an instant. "Sure. Let's go."


"It's true," Jason told them once they were away from the Youth Centre and sitting beneath a large Oak. "Dad was arrested for assaulting me."

"How come he beat you?" Rocky asked, confused.

Jason shrugged. "The same reason that he beat me every other time. Because he practically hated the sight of me."

"Other times?" Tommy echoed, horrified. "What d'you mean, other times?"

Jason stared miserably at the ground. "Dad has been beating me up like he did the other day ever since I was six or seven years old."

"What?" Kat stared at him in disbelief. "You've fought putties, cogs, and God knows what else, and you let your own father beat you up?"

Tommy shot Kat a warning glare. "Knock it off, Kat. This is different, and you know it."

Jason sighed, and was unable to hide the humiliation he felt. "I know how it sounds. It's just... It's happened for such a long time, that by the time I started to realise that it wasn't right, I couldn't break away. I guess I was a pretty good actor, too, that I managed to hide it from every- one. Trini, Kim, Billy and Zack never knew... At least, I don't think they did. If they did, they never said or did anything. Amy and Max didn't even know about it. Dad always took me out to the shed to beat me. It happened at least once a week, and mostly at night time. I wouldn't get back to my room until after Max and Amy were asleep. Mum and I were too scared to stand up to him, so up until Bruce Davis found me last week, no one had known."

Silence reigned as they all contemplated the torture Jason must have been subjected to. Finally, Tommy spoke. "It's over, now. He won't be able to hurt you again."

"That's true," Jason admitted, "but it isn't over. Guys, Mum told me something in the hospital. She... She said she had an affair after Amy was born and that she became pregnant with me as a result."

"What are you saying?" Tanya asked tentatively.

Jason dared look at them for only a second. "Alan Scott isn't my real father. It's why he hates me so much. Because I'm not his. I'm just a reminder that Mum wasn't always faithful to him. I'm not blood-related to that son-of-a-bitch."

"If he isn't your real father," Adam said slowly, "then who is?"

"Mum told me, but I'm not going to say anything. I don't want to cause any trouble."

"Hang on," Tommy said nervously. "It's no one we know, is it?"

Jason smiled tiredly. "No, it's no one you know directly, but you've all heard of him. That's all I'll say. I don't even know whether I'm going to do anything about it."

"Don't you want to meet him?" Kat asked, and he nodded.

"Yes, I do. I just don't know. Mum said she sent him letters telling him about me, but he never contacted her again. The only thing I can assume is that he didn't want to acknowledge it at all."

"Maybe your father... I mean, maybe Alan Scott intercepted any reply letters," Tommy suggested.

Jason shrugged. "Maybe... Maybe not. I don't know. I'm just so damned confused right now, I don't know whether I'm coming or going. I need to think it out. I'm just saying, because if I do take off, you'll know what's going on."

The others nodded. Then, Rocky spoke again. "It really is good news, Jase. This means you've got a second chance. You don't have to answer to that bastard any more."

Jason looked grim. "And then there's the possibility that my real father will turn out to be an even bigger bastard than the guy I've called dad for the past seventeen years."

Tommy tried to smile; couldn't quite manage it. "Somehow I doubt that, Jase."

Jason sighed softly. "Yeah. So do I."

The Next Morning....
Jason had made up his mind by the next day. He came into the kitchen for breakfast and sat down before speaking in a decisive voice. "I want to go to Los Angeles."

Melissa stopped in mid-stride, then looked back at Jason. "Are you certain about that, Jason? You've thought it through?"

Jason started to nod when Max spoke up indignantly. "If Jason gets to go on a holiday, then so do I!"

"Shut up, Max," Amy hissed. "It's not for a holiday."

Jason ignored his younger brother. "I was up most of the night thinking it over. I'm never going to have any peace if I don't find out for sure."

"I told you...." Melissa started to say, but Jason cut her off.

"I don't doubt you about that. I just want to know his side of it." Melissa nodded. "I understand. He really is a very kind man, Jason. He was when I knew him. Don't judge him until you've met him."

"I won't. I just want the chance to know him. That's all."

"When do you want to go?" she asked.

"As soon as possible. I've got eight weeks before mid-terms, and I want to be past this by then."

"All right. I'll book a seat for you on a bus to LA in a couple of days. Is that all right?"

"Yes. Thanks, Mum."

"It's okay, honey." She paused. "Jason, you know you may come away from this disappointed."

"I know that," Jason confessed. "If I get there, and he doesn't want to have anything to do with me... Well, at least I'll know."

She smiled reassuringly at him, then went to make the booking.

Two days later....
Jason sat on the bus, staring out the window at the passing scenery. It was just about the longest trip he'd been on, barring the trip to Geneva. A small smile flickered across his face as he remembered the trip to the airport. His father... Alan... had been cloaked in a deathly silence all the way there, but it hadn't dampened his enthusiasm.

He had gotten away from Alan for a whole year. A year of peace, and no pain. He'd gotten his self-confidence back, and had started to respect himself again. There was one friend in particular that he'd made at the conference, that had helped him get his life straight again.

Kirk St. John, an English delegate that he'd been roomed with. After a tentative start, they had become great friends, and Jason had eventually confessed to the problems he had with his father.

Kirk had been a good friend. He had given Jason a willingness to trust in himself again, and to love life as he had once done. Now, after returning from the conference, Jason had fallen back on that time with Kirk and had not let his spirit be broken again. That, he reflected, had probably enraged Alan even more....

Now, though, Jason was facing a new challenge. He continued to stare out the window with a sudden feeling of fear. What if his real father was as cruel as Alan? What if he wanted nothing to do with him? What if.... What if... He shut his eyes tightly, wondering all of a sudden whether he was making the biggest mistake of his life.


He arrived in LA that evening, and caught another bus out to Hollywood, where he checked into a room at the Regent Hotel. His mother had called ahead and booked a room there for him as well. Once settled in his room, he called his mother to let her know he'd arrived safely, then curled up in a huge armchair near the window and looked out at the city lights.

Tomorrow, he would begin the hunt for his father. His real father, who hopefully would turn out to be kinder than Alan Scott. He sighed softly to himself, then, eventually, fell asleep in the chair.


The next evening rolled around, and Jason found himself trudging back into the hotel, feeling more despondent than he had for a while. Every effort he'd made that day to get to Robert Carter had failed. It was as though the man was being protected by a higher being, and could not be reached by people like Jason.

He was heading towards the elevator when a voice spoke beside him. "I haven't seen a face that long since Nixon got thrown out of office." Jason looked around in vague surprise, and saw an elderly man walking beside him. The man offered Jason a smile. "You look lonely. Pardon my nosiness. You here on your own?"

Jason was instantly wary, alarms ringing in his mind. The man spoke quickly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. You don't have to worry. I'm no weirdo."

The boy relaxed, seeing he was honest. "It's okay. I just haven't had a real good day."

"On holiday here?"

"Sort of. I... I am alone."

"I thought so. Listen, I was just heading to the restaurant to meet my wife for dinner. How would you like to join us?"

Jason was unsure. He'd been trying to keep his expenses down Then, his mother's words floated back to him as he'd been getting on the bus.

Jason, don't forget to treat yourself while you're away. Don't worry about cost. Just have a good time while you're gone.

He finally conceded. "That'd be great. Thanks." The old man grinned, and led Jason towards the restaurant.


Dinner had been pleasant, and Jason had found it soothing to his nerves to have someone else to talk to. Now, he retired to his room to try and decide how to tackle the problem of getting to Robert Carter. If Carter had just been an ordinary guy, Jason reflected, he could have gotten a phone number or address without hassle. As it was, none of that was available. Understandable, but annoying as hell.

He'd just about given up when an idea struck him. Robert Carter was just on the verge of starting a new movie. His last one, Raise The Dead, had won three Academy Awards, and big things were expected of him for the next movie.

Jason wandered over to the window. To fill in time, he had gone on a studio tour, and at one point the hostess had mentioned that auditions were being held for parts in the film. He recalled the address she'd given, for interested parties, and wrote it down quickly. He would get to see Robert Carter, even if it meant auditioning for a role in the new film.

Waiting Rooms, United Films Ltd....
Jason looked around him slowly at the hordes of actors hopeful of getting a role in the film. So this was what show business was like, he thought. A wry smile flickered across his face, and he was thankful he had no interest in acting.


He looked around to see a girl sit down beside him. She was pretty, with long brown hair and opaque eyes. Jason blinked, bringing himself quickly back to reality.


The girl eyed him curiously. "Are you here to audition? I guess that's a dumb question, huh? Why else would you be here?"

Jason smiled a little. _Wouldn't you like to know._ "Yeah," he said simply.

She grinned at him. "Lucky you're a guy. Otherwise...." She glanced downwards, and Jason looked as well. He saw it immediately; she wore spiked heels.

"I can think of more humane ways than that to eliminate the competition."

The girl shrugged. "You're a guy. You can just slug em. I'm supposed to be dainty."

"Stabbing someone in the foot is dainty?"

She grinned again. "Give as good as you get. It's a dirty business. So, what part did they give you to audition for?"

"Ah... Austin."

She whistled. "One of the two lead parts! Good luck!" Jason glanced at the script in his hands, then at hers. "What about you?"

"I got given the part of Samantha. From what I can figure out, I'd say Samantha is supposed to be Austin's girlfriend."

Jason felt an inexplicable touch of embarrassment, and he looked away, trying to hide it. The girl suddenly changed topics.

"I'm Lou. Lou Harrison. And you are?"

"Jason King," he replied, using the false name he'd put on the audition form.

Lou grabbed his hand in a firm shake. "Nice meeting you, Jason King." She glanced up as her name was called. "Well, that's my cue. Gotta go. Maybe I'll see you round." Jason smiled as little as she waltzed off. "Maybe..." he murmured.


A short time later, Jason was called into an auditioning room, where he was met by a young, energetic man. "Okay. Jason King? Let's go!"

Jason didn't even have time to ask about Robert Carter. He was put through the audition so fast that it made his head spin. Finally, he finished reading the script he was supposed to read, and looked up to see the man staring at him piercingly.

_I've blown it,_ Jason thought dismally. _I've done something wrong and blown it._

The man finally spoke. "You aren't putting in any effort at all, are you?"

Jason looked down at the floor. "No," he admitted gloomily. "Not really."

He waited to be told to get out, but it didn't happen. "Fantastic...." the man murmured. He walked around the boy slowly. "Absolutely perfect!"

Jason swallowed hard. "Did I do something wrong?"

The man laughed out loud. "Do something wrong? Au contraire! You were brilliant! It's exactly what we've been looking for. Fresh talent! Tell me, have you ever done any acting before?"

"Only a couple of school plays...."

"Good, good. What about an agent? Do you have an agent?"

Jason blinked. "A what?"

The man grinned. "Perfect. Not that we're in to exploitation, of course, but it's nice to work with people who don't have other people breathing down our necks all the time. Leah? Take this young man through to Sound Stage 4. I'm going to call Rob and tell him we've found our Austin."


"Is this for real?" Jason asked as he followed the young woman.

Leah smiled. "Yes, it's for real. Mr Martin never kids when it comes to auditioning people. As long as Mr Carter approves, you've as good as got the job. I don't think you have anything to worry about. Mr Carter usually goes along with whatever Mr Martin says."

Jason swallowed hard and quickened his pace. Finally... He was finally going to get to meet his father....


Minutes later, Jason was waiting on the sound stage with Leah and Alec Martin when a voice spoke up from the far end.

"All right, Alec, this had better be good. I was on the phone with my daughter!"

Jason felt a touch of shock. _Daughter?_

Well, an inner voice retorted, what did you expect? He drew in a calming breath. Of course the man would have married. Why not? He shut his eyes for just a moment as his mothers words floated back to him.

Don't judge

He wouldn't judge....

A man finally came into view, a tall, well-built man with light brown hair and, although his expression was harsh, there was a kind light in his eyes. Jason swallowed hard. It was like looking at an older version of himself... Alec laid a firm hand on Jason's shoulder. "This is Jason King. Take a look at him, Rob. I think he's perfect for the part of Austin."

Robert's gaze fell on Jason, and the harsh look became a critical one. "He's the right height. How old are you, Jason?"


"Right age... What about acting experience?"

"None," Alec said quickly. "He's totally natural. Doesn't even have an agent."

Carter raised an eyebrow curiously. "You walked into an audition for an A grade movie without an agent or experience? You've got guts, that's for sure."

Jason didn't move, didn't speak. He could barely believe he was standing face-to-face with his real father. Instincts reigned, though, and he didn't say a word. Finally, Carter indicated the script that Jason still held. "Read from page thirty."

Jason quickly flipped through the right page. He paused, glancing through the monologue quickly before starting. He had read nearly the entire piece before Carter stopped him. "Okay, that'll do."

"What d'you think?" Alec asked.

Carter was silent for several long seconds before a grin broke out across his face. "I'd say that's the shortest period of time that auditions have ever needed to be held for a major character. Welcome to the picture, Jason."

Alec hissed a loud yes!, while Jason was left standing there, dumb-founded. He'd come looking for his father, and had ended up with a lead role in a Hollywood movie

"Leah," Carter said, "take Jason through to the meeting room, so Alec can discuss a contract with him. Then, get him fitted so the clothing department can get to work. Oh, and Alec?"

"Yeah, boss?"

"If you get an acting coach in for him, I'll wring your neck."

Alec laughed. "No problem, Rob. C'mon, Jason. Let's go."


An hour later, Jason was completely dumb-struck by everything that had happened. According to the contract that had been drawn up, he would be paid a total of one million dollars in regular installments for his part in the film, plus he would get five percent of all profits, including merchandising. That was not usual salary for someone starring in their first movie, Alec Martin had told him, but Robert Carter was a very generous man, and he had made enough of a fortune on his first movie to allow an extravagant budget on his second.

Then, Jason thought, there were the perks....

Upon learning he was staying in a hotel, Alec had insisted that the production company pick up the bill. Then, he was also entitled to his own trailer, his own personal assistant, his own makeup and clothing assistants... It was mind-boggling, to say the least.

Then came the biggest shock of all. "...and you'll meet Mr Neill tomorrow night..."

"Hang on," Jason cut in finally. "Who?"

Alec looked amused. "Mr Neill. Sam Neill. The actor? He's got the lead character of the man who befriends and eventually takes Austin in."

Jason nearly choked on his soda. "I'm in a movie with Sam Neill?"

Alec chuckled. "I take it you've heard of him?"

"Uh, yeah.... Sorry. It's just, I've never met anyone famous before. I mean, aside from Mr Carter."

"Sure. It's okay, Jason, but don't forget. You're as important to this film now as Mr Neill is. Austin is the major character. The film is about him."

"Yeah," Jason murmured. He wondered, as Alec went on, how he would approach Robert Carter over the issue of fatherhood.

Well, you've certainly got plenty of time for it now, the voice told him.

Jason smiled faintly to himself. That he did...


For some reason, Jason called Tommy first rather than his mother, and confessed what had happened.

"You're kidding..." Tommy choked out when Jason told him.

"No. I'm serious. It looks like I'm going to be a lot longer away from home. They estimate shooting the film will take ten or so weeks. Maybe longer. I'm going to have to take the mid-terms externally."

"You really want to do this?"

"Yes, I do. I wasn't serious about it at first, but I enjoyed doing the audition. And Tommy, you aren't going to believe this. I'm meeting Sam Neill tomorrow!"

On the other end of the line, Tommy had to sit down quickly, and he nearly sat on his dog in the process. The dog yelped and scrambled out of the way. "Sam Neill? Jase, he's one of my favourite actors since Jurassic Park!"

"I know. Mine, too. He's got the lead role in the movie, Tommy. I'm going to be working right next to him."

"Oh man... You lucky son-of-a-bitch!"

"That's not all. I'm getting paid a million for doing the film, plus I'll get five percent from profits and merchandising. I'll have enough to set both Mum and myself up for life."

"Unbelievable," Tommy groaned. He hesitated, then sighed. "Well, if anyone deserves it, it's you. But what about looking for your dad? Did you give up on that already?"

"No. I've found him, Tommy. I just haven't said anything yet."

"Well, who is it?"

Jason paused for a long moment before speaking. "Promise you won't tell anyone?"

"I promise. Who is it?"

"Robert Carter."

The silence on the other end was palpable. Then, eventually, Tommy spoke. "You're working for your own father?"

"He doesn't know who I am. I'm going by the name Jason King. I said I was from San Diego."

"Why'd you lie, man?"

"I don't know. I guess I just wanted a chance to see how we got along before I dropped the bombshell. Maybe, if we get along okay, he won't tell me to get lost so quick when I tell him."

"I guess I can understand that," Tommy conceded. "Don't wait too long, though, okay?"

"I won't. I'll call back in a week or so, let you know how things are going. Tell the others I'm okay, won't you?"

"Sure. Take care of yourself, Jase."

"I will. I'll talk to you later, Tommy."

"Yeah. See you."

Jason hung up, then sighed softly and lifted the receiver to call his mother.

Two weeks later....
Jason slumped over in the chair that had been allocated to him on the set, thoroughly exhausted. They had begun shooting just three days ago, and he was still adjusting to the heavy schedule. At first, the whole thing had seemed exciting, but now it just seemed exhausting.

"Tired out already?"

Jason looked up and smiled faintly as Sam Neill came over and sat down beside him. "Yeah," he admitted sheepishly.

Sam clapped him lightly on the shoulder. "Don't worry. You'll get used to it. Probably about five days before we finish shooting."

Jason chuckled. He had liked Sam from the moment they met, and knew the feeling was mutual. They had spent the next day or so together on the set, working over their scripts and generally getting to know each other.

Carter had been pleased; he had been making numerous remarks about good rapport for the past few days, since they had begun shooting. The only cloud over the film was that no one had been chosen to play the part of Samantha.

Jason sighed softly and looked up at the sky. It was a nice day, and he wondered whether it was just as nice back home in Angel Grove. If it was, his friends would be doing one of two things. Having a picnic, or fighting Prince Gasket and his latest monster....

"What are you thinking about?" Sam asked curiously.

"Everything. I guess I'm a bit homesick. I've only really been away from home once for a long time, and then it took me five weeks to get past the homesickness."

"Don't worry about feeling a bit down," Sam reassured him. "I know it's hard, being away from family. I miss my kids a lot when I'm away on a shoot. It makes you appreciate them, though. You should ask Rob to give you a cell phone, so you can call your parents."

Jason nodded wordlessly, not bothering to say that it was only his mother he wanted contact with. He looked across the set to where Rob was throwing instructions left, right and center. His father, Jason noted silently, was there already.

"Rob!" They looked around as Alec ran onto the set, red-faced. Carter went to join him.

"What is it, Alec?"

"I think we've found someone to play Samantha. She was one of the girls who was auditioned on the first day by Don."

Carter moaned loudly. "Then we could have had a Samantha from the start! Alec, why didn't I get rid of that idiot sooner? Lets go see her, then."

Jason and Sam watched them go, and then Sam made an indistinguishable sound. "Maybe they've finally found someone. What d'you think?"

Jason shrugged. "I hope they have. I heard Mr Carter say yesterday that they were running behind schedule already."

Sam clapped Jason on the shoulder again and stood up. "They won't be needing us for an hour, at least. C'mon, Ill treat you to a soda."

Jason smiled wryly and followed the famous actor off the set.


Sam had worked with children and teenagers before, but he had never had as good a time as he'd been having with Jason. The boy had never tried to pretend to be anything other than himself, and as a result, he found himself enjoying Jason's company. At the same time, though, Sam sensed a hint of mystery. He had the strong feeling that Jason was hiding something....

"Where exactly in San Diego do you live?"

Jason stiffened a little, caught unawares by the sudden question. "Huh?"

"You said you come from San Diego. Where in San Diego?" Jason froze up entirely; he didn't know anything about San Diego, and could not give an answer. Sam didn't seem surprised.

"You want to tell me where you really come from?"

Jason looked miserable. This was it. Sam would find out the truth, tell Robert, and he would be kicked off the set.

"I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to," Sam reassured him. "Actors are famous for not telling the truth about themselves. I'm just curious."

Jason sighed heavily. "I guess I'm living a lie at the moment, then. I'm from Angel Grove."

Sam raised an eyebrow. "Home of the Power Rangers?"


"And you need to hide that because?"

"My real name is Jason Scott, not Jason King."

"Uh huh...."

"I didn't come here for a holiday, or anything like that. I didn't audition because I wanted to be in the movie. I came here to find my father."

Sam was suitably surprised. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say that was almost straight out of the script."

Jason stared at the tabletop. "The movie is a lot closer to me than anyone knows. I didn't tell Mum what it was about because I knew she'd flip. I was physically abused by my father for most of my life."

"Let me get this straight," Sam said. "You say your father abused you, and now you've come looking for him?"

"No. I mean.... The man who used to beat me is in jail. Mum told me that she had an affair with another man and I was the result of the affair."

"So the man who abused you wasn't your father at all?" Sam asked. For some reason, it never entered his mind to dispute what Jason was saying.

Jason shook his head. "No. My real father is here, in Hollywood."

"So what's the movie? A sideline?"

Jason looked up at Sam again. "Please, promise me you won't say anything. I don't want to screw this up. It's probably the closest I can get to him."

Sam sat forward. "Who is your real father, Jason?"

Jason hesitated, then spoke softly. "Robert Carter. Our director."


"You have to tell him."

Jason clenched his fists at his sides as he and Sam headed back to the set a short while later. "You promised you wouldn't say anything."

"I promised that, but I didn't promise not to hound you about it."

The teen looked up at the famous actor. "You haven't even asked how I know for sure that he's my father."

"Do I need to? Look, Jason, I've only known you for two weeks, but that's enough. In this business, you don't get a lot of time to get to know people. I can tell you're an honest kid, and that you wouldn't lie about this. If there's a mistake, then it isn't your fault." Sam paused, then went on. "But I don't think there is any mistake. Everyone knows Robert Carter has an illegitimate child."

Jason's jaw dropped. "Huh?"

Sam nodded. "That's right. It's public knowledge. When Rob first came into the industry, and the tabloids were looking for reasons to shoot him down, he came out and told everyone at a major press conference that he had fathered a child before his marriage, but had never seen the child. He never said any more about it, but it was enough to stop the tabloids from hassling him, and it took away the only thing the tabloids could use to bring him down."

Jason barely heard the explanation, so stunned was he. "He does know...." the boy whispered. He then looked at Sam in distress. "But what if he doesn't want anything to do with me?"

"Whether you tell him is up to you, but you'll save yourself a lot of pain if you tell him. Don't worry yourself about the movie. There's no way Rob would fire you. He'd never be able to find anyone as perfect for the role."

Jason smiled weakly. "And now you know why."

Sam slung an arm around Jason's shoulders. "Everything will work itself out eventually. I'm sure of it. Don't worry, Jason."

"I'm trying not to. I really am."


By the time they returned to the set, a girl had been found and chosen for the part of Samantha. Jason was stunned when, upon meeting her the next day, it turned out to be the same girl he had met on the day he'd auditioned.

"Well, hey," she said enthusiastically when she saw Jason. "Nice to meet you again."

Carter raised an eyebrow. "You two know each other?"

"Sort of," Jason admitted. "We met during the auditions."

Carter nodded. "Good. Then I don't have to worry about introductions. Lou, be in your trailer in half an hour to be fitted."

He then turned and strode off, leaving Lou and Jason alone. "That was quick," Jason remarked.

Lou snorted. "I don't call two weeks quick. That guy who auditioned me was a moron! Never even gave me a chance to do anything." She looked sideways at him. "When did they give you the part of Austin?" Jason looked embarrassed. "After I auditioned."

Lou snorted again. "Typical. Oh well I should be grateful I got the part, huh?" They started walking. "So, Jason, since were gonna be working together, we might as well get to know each other, huh?"

"I guess."

"So what other acting have you done?"

Jason reddened. "Nothing, really," he admitted.

Lou nudged him. "C'mon, you must have done some commercials, stuff like that"

"No. I was in a school play a few years ago, but aside from that, I've never done any acting before."

Lou slowed to a halt. "You're an amateur? Oh god, I'm working with an amateur! Why me?"

Anger flared across Jason's face. "If I'm only an amateur, then why would they have given me the part? You're the one they took two weeks to decide on."

Lou stared at him, open-mouthed, before finally smiling sheepishly. "I'm sorry. I deserved that, didn't I? Look, can we start again? I don't want to be enemies."

Jason conceded. "Sorry I got angry. You're right. I guess I am an amateur."

"Well, you must be damned good," Lou remarked. "Robert Carter would never have picked you, otherwise."

They reached the chairs, and Jason flopped down in his own, motioning for Lou to sit in an unmarked seat. "Have you drawn up a contract already?"

"No, my agents taking care of that. What about you? Did your agent get you a good deal?"

"I don't have an agent. I sorted everything out with Alec myself."

"You don't have an agent? Man, you really are an am... I mean...."

"Don't worry about it," Jason said, stifling a yawn. "I think I got myself a good deal. I'd say a million dollars, plus five percent of profits and merchandising is a good deal."

Lou's jaw dropped. "What!? We were aiming for just two hundred thousand! Oh, I've gotta call my agent...."

"Don't bother," a voice said, and they looked up to see Robert Carter standing there, a wry grin on his face.

Lou reddened considerably. "Mr Carter... I...."

"Your agent will be offered a total of seven hundred thousand. I trust that's adequate?"

She nodded, open-mouthed. "Uh... Yes, sir...."

"Don't call me sir," he growled as he sat down. "It makes me feel old. Call me Rob. You too, Jason. I've had enough of this Mr. Carter business."

Jason nodded wordlessly. A silence fell over the three, and Carter took a moment to study Jason out of the corner of his eye. Sam had gone to him the previous night and told him that Jason had some problems that he was keeping to himself. Although it had not been said what, Sam had hinted strongly that Carter would have to be the one to deal with it.

The director watched the boy now, and realised Sam was right. Every time he went near Jason, Jason grew quiet and said very little. He also tried hard to avoid eye contact. Something was definitely going on with the boy, and Carter decided that he couldn't work like that. He stood up abruptly. "Jason, come with me."

Jason glanced wonderingly at Lou, then followed Carter quickly from the set. Carter led him through to his studio office, and motioned for Jason to sit down. "I think we need to talk."

Jason swallowed hard. "About what?"

"About you. Sam says you have some problems."

Jason's face darkened. "He promised me he wouldn't say anything!"

"He didn't. He's left that to you. Jason, if you have personal problems, then that's your business, but it seems to be affecting our working relationship. That just isn't any good. I would really appreciate it if you'd talk to me. I may be a tyrant, but I can also listen."

Jason was looking everywhere but at Carter, and that was when his gaze fell on the photo. There were two pictures on Carters desk, both framed. One was apparently of Carter's family. His wife, and three children. Two girls and a boy, Jason noted. The other photo was of a baby, though, on its own, lying curled up in a royal blue blanket. "Are they your family?" he asked tentatively.

Carter spared Jason an odd look, then nodded. "Yes." He picked up the family photo. "This is my wife, Anne, and my three kids. This is Danielle, on the left, then Sarah and Tyler."

Jason looked over at the second picture. "Who's that?" He waited, expecting Carter to say it was a nephew, or maybe a godchild.

"That," Carter said softly, sadness in his eyes, "is my other son. I fathered that child before I married Anne, but I'm sorry to say I never had the courage to acknowledge him. I was too scared I'd damage my career. I know now that I was stupid, but I'd say its too late. He'd be seventeen or eighteen now. Even if he does know I'm his father and I doubt that then he probably doesn't want anything to do with me."

Jason could not believe it. _He feels exactly the same way I do! He's just as scared as I am...._

Carter went on quietly. "In any case, I know I left him in good hands. His mother is a very kind, loving woman, and the man she's married to is good, and hard-working. But enough of me. You're very good at changing the subject, you know that?"

Jason swallowed hard. "I... I didn't."


"I didn't change the subject. Mr Carter, my name isn't Jason King."

Carter sat forward slowly. "Excuse me?"

"It's Jason Scott. Jason Lee Scott. My mother's name is Melissa."

Robert Carter froze, as a recorded letter came back to haunt him. This is your son, Robert. His name is Jason Lee Scott....

His own middle name was Lee, so it had been clear why Melissa had given her son that as a middle name. He stared intently at Jason. "When's your birthday?"

"January 18," Jason replied quietly. "I was born just after midnight on January 18."

"Oh god," Carter whispered.

Jason stood up, too agitated to stay still. "I didn't come here to get into any movie. I came here to find my father. I... I won't blame you if you want me to leave...."

Carter was on his feet in an instant. "If you walk out that door, I'll have you dragged back here by the security guards. Firstly, I'm not letting you walk out on my movie. I need you to be Austin. Secondly...." He moved around the desk, and over to Jason. "I'm sorry, I just can't believe it...."

Jason bit down on his lower lip, trying to think what he could do or say that would prove what he was claiming. Then, he remembered. All his life, he had carried a ring on a gold chain around his neck. His mother had told him just recently that the ring had belonged to his real father, and he had left it with her for some unknown reason. It was a man's ring, with an eagle inscribed on the flat top. His heart beating in his throat, Jason pulled the ring out from beneath his shirt.

"Is this familiar?" He removed it from his neck and held it out to Carter. The director took it in trembling fingers. He recognized it, and ownership was proved when he saw his initials carved on the inside of the band. Finally, he looked back up at Jason. "It is you... My boy...." Tears flooded Carter's eyes, and he threw his arms around Jason in a huge bear hug. "Thank God..." he choked out, not trying to hide his tears. "After so many damned years..."

Jason stood stiffly for several seconds before it registered that Carter's reaction was the exact opposite of what he had been anticipating. Shutting his eyes against a sudden flood of tears, he relaxed in the other man's embrace.

Carter held Jason close for nearly a minute before he finally drew back to look the teen over. "I never even noticed the resemblance! Damn it... Why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't know how you'd react," Jason admitted. "I was scared you'd tell me to get lost."

"I would never do that," Carter said vehemently. "But then, I was scared to go searching for you in case I ended up getting that same reaction. Sounds like we've been scared of each other."

Jason smiled weakly, and there was a relief in his eyes that was impossible to hide. Carter guided Jason to the sofa where they sat down together. "What about your parents? You have told them you're here, haven't you?"

"Mum knows," Jason said quietly. "She paid my way here. But Dad... I mean, Alan... He's in jail."


"For child abuse and assault."

Carter froze. "What?"

Tears filled Jason's eyes before he could stop them. "He beat me all the time. At least once a week. I never knew why he hated me so much, until Mum told me the truth."

"Oh god...." Carter whispered, horrified. "Jason, I'm sorry... Damn it, I should have gotten off my ass and come to get you."

Jason shook his head. "Too late for regret. I'm just glad I found you now."

Carter looked Jason over with tearful joy. "So am I... son."