Power Ranger Mania The Fanfic Shoppe The Yost  


Disclaimer: If you saw the character on TV then Haim Saban owns it. If the only place you saw it was in a fanfic by Robert Gutheim or Mistri Xades then guess what: We own it! This is a new International Writing Collaboration which covers a lot of territory and several time zones since Robert lives on the East coast of the United States and Mistri.... well he lives all the way over in Australia, so as you can see it even covers two different hemispheres. This comes after Inquirian Outpost. It takes place middle March 97. However, since the Equinox Rangers are jumping through time, when text looks like this: We'll be with the Equinox Rangers Mistri, Adam, Andrew, Kim Hart, Chad, Maya, and Andros, and when it is normal, we'll be with the remaining Resistance. Mistri of course owns the Equinox Powers. Mistri owns Vadaei, [that's pronounced VAY-di-I,] the Phaedos Powers and their bearers, Mistri, Geneva, Calcia, Edy, Asharani, Karei, Vedi, Dalila and Bambi. These nine characters cannot be borrowed, as Mistri is using them in a story for publication. They are protected under international copyright law.

The Team Rejoins
by Robert and Mistri

Last time on Viva La Resistance.....

"Professor, we've heard nothing from Sue and the others since they left," Kendrix pointed out.

"Dimitria has been tracking them as best she could and somehow the teleport beam had split and separated everyone into three groups. They may not have found each other yet or the outpost for that matter. I'm sure they are fine."

"Dana is starting to worry though. She isn't sure Phaedos may have much time left. We've got to do something."


"Another message using Sue's Grandfather's code. But what does this one mean?" Dana wondered.

"I wish I knew," Powermatic said.

Four hours later an all out assault started on the base.

"It's the UAE," Dimitria announced.

Suddenly a teleport sequence began.


March13th 1997 Outpost Baker

Roughly 23 teleport streams started to solidify at the outpost on Capsilon IX only problem was they were solidifying about twenty five feet up in the air. Luckily it was over a pool. A huge splash was heard in the War Room.

"What was that?" Kim wondered.

"Sounded like it came from the pool," Barakus realized.

They then went through a door marked pool and went downstairs where their friends were scrambling to get out of the pool. Not all of them were in a good mood.

"What was with that crazy move just teleporting everyone without any warning what so ever?" Carter screamed at them.

"We sent you a message warning you when we would be teleporting you out."

"Yeah a coded message none of us could translate. You should have made sure that someone could read any mail you sent," Carter continued screaming.

"Phaedos, what is their status?" Dana wondered as she headed for the door at ground level.

"Dana, Medical is upstairs," Sasha informed her.

Dana then went scurrying through the War Room still wet as anything when she came across the Medical Bay. Along one wall was all sorts of treatment beds so forth. Another wall had cabinets galore. Dana also noticed close to two dozen almost like long drawers eight of which looked to be occupied.

"What on earth are those things?" she inquired.

"Those are stasis units. They serve two purposes for someone who is already dead they prevent the body from decomposing and for someone near death they place the person in a state which allows for a stabile condition until they can be properly treated. Currently the Phaedosian team is using them. Your mentors and Alpha Unit are still enroute."

"Why did we end up teleporting into the pool?"

"Strain mostly I haven't had to teleport in a long time. Let along so many people at some time so the rematerialization sequence wasn't fully tuned," Freda said.

"If you say so," Dana said. Dana then went back downstairs only to find herself in the living area.

"This place is something else," Dana said as she walked down the hall eventually finding a door marked D Mitchell C Grayson. She went in to find a fairly non descript day area. She looked around only to find that there was only one bed. She went out and found everyone still by the pool.

"OK. We are lucky and the Phaedosians are in stasis. Only problem is I was looking at a living quarters and well they only have one bed so we will have to be careful," Dana reported.


March 13th 1997 The Old Base

Several creatures more noticeably Goldar, Klank and Orbus, Gasket and Archerina, Ecliptor, Trakeena, Vypra, Hankoid, and Vadaei's chief hench were standing to one side with a huge supply of footsoldiers. Several small teleportations were going on inside the base mainly of small things from the living quarters that weren't easily replaced.

"Soon the Rangers will be defeated and evil will reign," Goldar announced. Most were surprised Rito wasn't with him.

Within twenty minutes they had broken into the base. Everyone went through the place finding only one occupant; a very concerned Alpha Unit which Trakeena quickly did away with.

"Blast how could they have gotten away? We made sure they were home before we stopped by to visit," Archerina said.

"I have no idea Archerina Baby . All I do know is they have nowhere to run. It won't take long to track them down and defeat them. One thing we can do though is make sure they can't come back here," Vypra said. "Time to destroy this place."

With over 150000 foot soldiers that didn't take long. None of the villains noticed a large almost human sized bird resting nearby . The bird went at high speed into the rubble and dragged out the Alpha Unit.

"Come my friend we must work to see if we can restore you to functioning condition," the bird said in what sounded like English.



by this time they had entered their quarters and began to arrange the personal items that had been teleported out. Robert worked to see if he could teach FREDA how to encrypt and decrypt his personal code so as to prevent further incidents should he end up returning to Earth. by this time Professor Damon and Dimitria had arrived. Due to a lack of the tubes Dimitria utilized small screens for primary communications.

"What are you working on?"

"Training the computer how my code works. According to the argument Sue had with Carter you all had no warning of the teleportation due to my encrypting the message and no one knowing how to decrypt it. Since we will be based here and I may or may not return to Earth I might need to keep in contact with Stephanie using my code so it would be nice especially if I do return to Earth for you all to be able to read my mail."

A message then came in.

Base on Earth destroyed by UAE. I hope everyone else got out safely. Alpha was banged up pretty bad. Am attempting repair. Will keep an eye out for Away Team so they know you all are on C IX. Please advise on condition of remaining Rangers.


Robert quickly drew up a reply.

Everyone arrived in one piece though the Rangers were teleported over a pool the outpost was equipped with. Sorry to hear about the base along with Alpha.


"Stephanie most likely used my code to send it so it looks like my attempt was successful. FREDA. Utilize my personal code in sending this."

"Right away Robert," Freda said as she sent the message.

Meanwhile Carter and Dana were talking in their quarters.

"This new base isn't bad when you really look at it."

"I agree but it will take a bit to really seem like home. You think I was a little hard on Demona about the message?"

"Maybe a little but well Robert did cover all the bases in having Dr. Collington stand by to wait for Mistri and the others."

"I'll just be glad when everyone is safe."

"One thing we do need to figure out is how friendly the natives are."

"The only way to do that is by going out among the natives. We just have to hope that the UAE doesn't know we are here."

Tyra meanwhile was attempting to take a break.

"Well how is the little one coming?" Zack wondered.

"The baby is coming along good. As it is I'm starting to show a little. Oh well if we go out among the denizens to see how friendly they are it hopefully will make a good cover."

"Do you regret leaving Earth at all?"

"Not really Zack I was getting extremely claustrophobic being stuck at the base all the time except in battle situations. Hopefully here I'll be able to get out more and get some fresh air. Besides the Chamber wouldn't have been my first choice of a place to raise a kid. Who knows once we know how the natives are we might be able to for a little while at least have residences separate of the Bunker as I think of this place. Besides it sounds better then Outpost Baker which is what Sue and her Grandfather refer to this place as."

"How much longer do you think it will be before our child is born?" Zack wondered.

"I'm not really sure Zack. Dana's tests along with rough chronology would see to point to sometime in July. I'm only five months along."

"Five wonderful months," Zack muttered.

March 14th 1997 Lounge Area Outpost Baker

The next morning Carter gathered everyone together in the lounge after breakfast. The Council minus Karei, Andros, and Adam sat at a long table.

"OK this is the best we can handle since we lack the large scale cafeteria we had at the old base which is apparently a pile of rubble. We need to figure out how we will travel as needed between Earth and here. Tyra, you up to figuring that out?"

"Yes I am Carter. It will probably take a couple weeks so first thing I will do is aim some sensors on the old base just in case Mistri and the others show up in the interim. Soon as that is done I will put my department on the transit problem and then check out one of the settlements."

"OK. Next order of business. Most but not all department heads are on the Council. The two departments which are not heading by a council member are Cooking and Science and Technical. If I didn't feel it would be a benefit I wouldn't bring this up but the lines of command can get fuzzy when it comes to teams and departments so my thinking was to open the Council up to include department heads," Carter said.

"I make a motion to table discussion until the full council can meet," Dana said.

"I second the motion," Brianca called out.

"Motion passes," Carter said deciding not to take it to a formal vote.

An hour later Tyra was walking through a settlement maybe 100km from the base. At one point she lost consciousness only to wake up in a bedroom in what looked like someone's house.

"Oh you're awake, I happened to notice you faint. You are lucky you didn't faint in a settlement on the southern continent," a lady with dark hair and a fairly lightish brown skin said as she walked in.

"Why should it make a difference what continent someone faints on?"

"It makes a difference because the settlements on the northern continent support Chairman Endwater of the United Department of Allied Benevolence and the settlements on the southern continent support Dark Specter and the United Alliance of Evil. I could tell you were with the UDAB. Why is your abdomen swollen?"

"Fifth month of pregnancy. Just recently I was marooned for two days with a couple friends of mine on the southern continent. We were separated from our friends in transit. Thankfully we were teleported out after the two days."

"I would agree. What brings you to Capsilon IX as it is?"

"The UAE had infiltrated our base so we had to evacuate. I was on the advance team and just as the rest were leaving the UAE destroyed our base," Tyra told her.

"You're a ranger huh?" her rescuer asked her.

"Yes I am."

"Here you are a ranger yet you are expecting a child."

"I wouldn't have become a ranger if I hadn't had assurance that my pregnancy wouldn't be compromised."


November 9th, 1996.

The Equinox Rangers landed on Eltar, their final port of call.

With only minutes to spare, Eltar was warned of the impending attack. And for the last time, Eltar readied itself to fight an invader.

"To your left!" Fighters spun and obliterated.

"Hull damaged, sixteen percent!"

"How are we holding?!"

"You don't wanna know!"

"Behind you!"

"No one is going to win this war," said Kim sadly. Mistri privately agreed, although he didn't say so.

And still the battle raged. Finally, Mistri used his Equinox Power, and aged the ships of the UAE. They became rusted, shattered, unusuable, and the battle was over.

On Eltar, at the Tribunal of Zordon, the Rangers waited.

"We have discussed it at great length, Rangers," said a woman.

"If you should so need our aid, then call us, and we shall come to assist you."

"Thank-you," said Mistri, and they left.


March 10th, 1997.

The team had been travelling home. The others were relieved that Mistri wasn't snapping anymore and had become his usual self. It would be at least two months before they got home, but Mistri would use his powers and take them back, if necessary.

Mistri and Andrew were on the bridge, when a request for communications came through.

"Name. Rank. Planet of Origin."

"Carter Grayson. Red LightSpeed Ranger. Earth."

Mistri snapped the audio and visual channels to reveal him only. "Carter, what is it?" he snapped.

"We need you to come home. Phaedos is injured, and we have no friggin clue why!"

"What is the date?"

"March 10th."

"No chances of a crossed wire," muttered Mistri. "Okay. Look, we were on our way home anyway. When did this happen, anyway?"

"Yesterday," said Carter. "Do you know why?"

"I have some suspicions.. Have they healed any?"

"No.." said Dana, slowly. "In fact, they seem to be getting worse. I don't know why."

Mistri paled and Andrew began to worry. "Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes. In fact, I have to go relieve Kelsey. She's watching over them." She left the room.

"Dana.." She turned. "I know what I know. And this has happened before. I.. we could heal them.. Not now.. Not without rewriting history.. And we can't do that.. We knew it would happen.. but we forgot other things. And now.. they can't be healed. They're going to die. Like Rachi. We could have avoided it, but we thought.. it wouldn't be fair. And now.. we've paid the highest price."

"I'm coming home. If they were hurt yesterday.. then they don't have much time. It will take a long time to get home."

Mistri snapped the communications closed and walked to the SimuDeck. Andrew let him go, and dashed to the others. Quietly he explained what he had been told. They were shocked, but didn't know what to do.

Two months passed, in which Mistri was never seen. Finally, he appeared on the bridge, and took his seat.

"We're going home." In a spiral of white light, they went back in time.


Both sets of teams are now operating in the same timestream.

March 15th, 1997.

They came to a bumpy landing outside the Power Chamber, cloaked and weapons ready, only to see a pile of rubble. They walked among the rubble, and found Dr. Stephanie Collington trying fruitlessly to repair Alpha Six. Mistri grabbed Alpha while Andrew helped Dr. Collington.

Back on the ship, Mistri wordlessly repaired Alpha. He was as good as new.

"Where are the others?" he said, coldly.

"Capsilon IX," said Dr. Collington.

"Chad, can you get us there?"

"You kidding me? I can get us anywhere!" And in a flash of blue light, the NinjettiMegaShip came to orbit outside Capsilon IX. A few more moments, and they were outside the Outpost. Mistri cloaked the ship, and they walked inside. The Equinox team was staying well away from Mistri.

No one could best a Ninjetti unless they caught them at a bad time or were Dulcea or an Ancient Ninjetti.

Mistri was a Ninjetti.

No one could best an Ancient Ninjetti, except perhaps Dulcea.

Mistri was an Ancient Ninjetti.

No one could easily beat someone who was really pissed off.

Mistri was really pissed off.

Those three things made him lethal. Not even Plastica would have a hope.


Their arrival was greeted by Carter, who was passing through. He yelled for the others and soon they were there.

"Did it go well?" asked Carter. "Do you have the powers? Will they help us?"

"The people will help us, yes," said Mistri. "Do we have the Equinox? Most certainly. At the expense of others?" He stopped and then, in a yell that rocked the base.


"Where are they?" he asked in a normal voice.

Now, Carter was a little upset. "You can't do that. We expect some reports, not a frigging yelling convention!" he yelled.

The next thing Carter knew, he was on the floor, with a knife at his throat. Everyone started, but Mistri snarled, "Make one move, and Carter here gets it. Now, Carter, you're going to listen, and you will listen good."

"This is mutiny!" cried Sasha.

"Correction. This is putting a subordinate in his place. I am your superior. Powermatic, Plastica and Flitter, Dimitria, all them are under me. They can't do anything." Carter was sweating, but he was paying attention. "We're not fighting for my world, we're fighting for yours. If I order them to stop helping, they can't help you. You want this fight to continue?" Carter made no answer. "DO YOU!?"

"Yes! I do!"

"See us seven? We've just obtained the Equinox. So that YOUR planet will be free. And because of that, eight people will die, probably are dead by now."

"They're in stasis," said Dana.

"But why?" babbled Carter. "You didn't obtain Gold and Silver!"

"Precisely why. They didn't summon it, nor did anyone else. That's why they're dying. Someone in the UAE obliterated the planets of the Gold and Silver Equinox, thus taking them out of the Equinox. When the remaining Equinox was summoned, they would die."

"They're going to die, so that your planet can throw off its chains of evil burden. Now. You're going to get up, and take me to them. We will forget that this ever happened and in the future, you will think before you speak, Grayson."

With that, Mistri stepped back and sheathed the knife. "Lead on."

Carter got up, and they went to the Medical Bay. There, Mistri looked silently at the stasis units that held his comrades.

"What do I do now?" he said. "You guys got no chance in hell of surviving, and I'll be left all alone. I failed you guys."

Carter silently watched, finally understanding. A year to suspect, god knows how long to actually know, and then, finding them all, and all he had seemed to care about was the mission.

He had tried to delay the inevitable, he didn't want him crushed. And now, everyone's hopes were gone. If Mistri said there was no hope, then there was no hope.

"Dana, take them out of stasis. One at a time." Dana, tears streaming down her face, inputted the commands, and Bambi came out of stasis. "Freda. Download Bambi's mind into the archives for temporary storage and eventual transference to my ship." Freda did so.

"What was that?" asked Dana.

"It allows whoever to replay her life, see her emotions and crap." He said no more, only held Bambi's hand. As Bambi breathed her last, a pelican stepped out of her chest, glowing bright silver.

Karei was next. Her mind was copied. Finally, a shining yellow merlin fluttered out of her chest. Then Geneva. Then Calcia. Then Asharani. Then Dalila.

Six birds sat on bodies and watched as Edy breathed her last. An owl fluttered out of her chest. He slowly moved over to Vedi, and held her hand. She breathed slower, and lower, and finally, she died, leaving a condor to rise from her chest.

He unstrapped their morphers and Ali teleported them to her vault, where the Purple Ranger's morpher lay. The parrot and pelican turned their heads towards the Monolith, and a lancing light of gold and silver washed over them, taking them to the Great Power. In green, blue and black light, the osprey, seagull and harrier also disappeared.

The owl looked at him, and as the pink light washed over her, the owl became real. The merlin looked up suddenly, and quietly flew into Mistri, merging with him. Red light stabbed towards the condor, and as it hit the condor, its eyes became blue.

"You didn't really think we'd leave you, did you?" the condor said.

Mistri dropped to the ground, unconscious. "Hmm," said the condor. "Must have been a longer day than I thought." Dana shrieked and fainted. Carter misstepped, stumbled and knocked himself unconscious. The noise they made attracted the attention of the others, who had given them some measure of privacy.

"What on Capsilon IX happened to them?" asked Trini. The condor stretched her wings, and spoke.

"Allow me to explain. The Rangers were pulled out of stasis. They died, and their Ninjetti Spirit was taken back to the Monolith. However, the merlin merged with Mistri. The owl became real, and the condor got blue eyes and the ability to speak."

Trini looked at the condor, and fainted herself, right into the arms of Billy. Powermatic, who was a bit more levelheaded asked for explanations.

"We three were the closest to Mistri. His sister, Karei, became forever a part of him. Edy, his best friend, became an owl, with telepathic and empathetic abilities. I, his One, became a condor, with the eyes and voice of his One. We three shall remain with him forever more, a gift granted to us and him by the Great Power."

A short time later Carter, Dana, Powermatic, Robert and Stephanie were on the War Room viewscreen with Dulcea.

"This is not good. Dana, how good are the stasis units in your base?"

"We just relocated so I'm not sure. Why?"

"Is it possible to only place the bodies of the fallen rangers in a state of partial say half-stasis?"

"I'll have to see," Dana said before sending the request to Kelsey who was on duty in medical. A couple minutes later she reported that it was done.

"What was with that strange request Dulcea?" Stephanie wondered though she wasn't sure she quite trusted the Phaedosian Guardian.

"Given time you will see. The Great Power can do strange things."

"I'm sure it can," Robert said.

The meeting then broke up.

"So what's next Dad?" Stephanie wondered.

"My affairs are settled on Earth so for now at least I'm going to remain here. You though might want to think about returning to Earth. We will need someone to act as eyes and ears on Earth."

"Why couldn't you handle that? You have all these sensors and so forth which would be perfect. All I can do is Flit back and forth across a single planet. Dad, you're a much better choice for this assignment."

"I have a feeling my abilities would be of more use here. Besides you have a job and so forth on Earth to return to. I'm retired."

"I'll see if I can take an interplanetary shuttle back to Earth."

Stephanie then headed off. Robert meanwhile wondered about what Dulcea has said as he went to talk to Mistri.

"Oh, hi Robert," Mistri said.

"At Dulcea's request your friends bodies are in a state of half stasis," Robert reported.


"She wouldn't say. She is one strange person."

Zack meanwhile came running in.

"Anyone know where Tyra is I haven't seen her since yesterday?"

"Ah no," Robert said.
