Power Ranger Mania The Fanfic Shoppe The Yost  


Disclaimer: If you saw the character on TV then Haim Saban owns it. If the only place you saw it was in a fanfic by Robert Gutheim or Mistri Xades then guess what: We own it! This is a new International Writing Collaboration which covers a lot of territory and several time zones since Robert lives on the East coast of the United States and Mistri.... well he lives all the way over in Australia, so as you can see it even covers two different hemispheres. This comes after Edenite Intruder. It takes place middle March 97. However, since the Equinox Rangers are jumping through time, when text looks like this: We'll be with the Equinox Rangers Mistri, Adam, Andrew, Kim Hart, Chad, Maya, and Andros, and when it is normal, we'll be with the remaining Resistance. Mistri of course owns the Equinox Powers. Mistri owns Vadaei, [that's pronounced VAY-di-I,] the Phaedos Powers and their bearers, Mistri, Geneva, Calcia, Edy, Asharani, Karei, Vedi, Dalila and Bambi. These nine characters cannot be borrowed, as Mistri is using them in a story for publication. They are protected under international copyright law.

Inquirian Outpost
by Robert and Mistri

Last time on Viva La Resistance.....

They then gathered in a circle.

"Everyone ready?" Robert asked.

"I think so Grandpa."

"Wait where's Andrew?"

"He is on a mission elsewhere."

"Well we better hurry then."

"Activating Long Range Teleporter," Billy said.

The Ranger exploratory team then started to teleport out.


September 7th, 1996.

Mistri sat in the white centered seat on the bridge, looking over his consoles. To his right lay the red seat, also behind consoles. In fact, each of the seats had consoles in front of them. To his left, lay the yellow seat. Diagonally to the right of the red chair were the green, gold and blue seats. Directly opposite those seats were the three remaining pink, silver and black seats.

Chad came along. "Aren't you going to join us for lunch? I'm sure Ali can handle the flight for a couple of hours." Mistri shook his head. A fear had gripped his insides, and he couldn't get rid of it. But he didn't tell Chad that.

"No, I think I'll stay here and try and get a lock on Vedi." A look of understanding passed over his features. "It's her birthday, huh?"

"How frigging perceptive of you, Chad." Chad sighed and left. Something was bothering Mistri, and had been since he blew up at Andros, and no one understood. . .

"So this is just a recon mission?" asked Andros. "Sounds simple enough."

Mistri's eyes flashed. "Nothing is simple in this business anymore, Kerovian. Remember that. Now we are in the past, and every move must be calculated carefully. Thousands might die just because we were here. And a few may die because I didn't think. Nothing is simple."

Mistri waited until Chad had left, and he activated the remote HoloFinder. In less than a minute he had a hologram of the proceedings on Earth. He watched Vedi as they celebrated her birthday in a unexpected fashion.

Running for their lives.


Once they had reached Inquirius, Mistri requested an audience with the Inquirian Council of Elders.

"Greetings, Elders?" he asked. It was much easier to talk to them if he slipped into the speech patterns of the Inquirians by allowing that part of his heritage to assume some control over him.

"What is it that you seek, Mistri of Phaedos?" asked Dimitria.

"Your assistance, if it would be granted unto us? And would it not interest you to know that the UAE is planning to attack Inquirius? In not less than one Earth hour?"

"It would interest us and our Rangers, were it not already known to us through their evil machinations?" said an Elder that Mistri did not know.

"Very well, do you wish that we would help you?" asked Mistri, indicating the others with a sweeping wave.

"If it would be possible?" said Dimitria.

And with that conversation closed, the seven of them teleported out and Inquirius readied themselves for battle.


"Andros, I have reason to suspect that the UAE is using a new prototype of ship, and have equipped their soldiers with this ship. Please configure all weapons to a sweeping laser pattern," said Mistri.

"Kim, if you would enclose our ships in a Nebulae Storm?" he requested over the link to the EMZ. "So as to protect them from the laser sweep."

"But what is your plan?" asked Andrew.

"My plan is to end this quickly, Andrew. The quicker this ends, the less damage is done." To all parties.

Andrew accepted this, but apparently Maya did not.

"That's all the reason?"

"I want to get home, Maya!" he snapped.

Now I'll have to apologise.. But not now. "Three. Two. One. Fire!"

All the planetary defenses began firing. Andros stabbed at the consoles, and engaged laser sweeping. Mistri then fired a white bolt at at the laser sweep, and it went over the section and back in five seconds. Most of the UAE was annihilated in the first three minutes.

"Everything in place?" asked Andros.

"Everything is in place. May I be forgiven for what I am about to do," said Andrew.

And with that, black holes appeared everywhere, and sucked the UAE ships into them, but not the actual pilots of the ships. Those were left to asphyxiate in the void of space.

Andros looked at the scene, and ripped off his helmet and was promptly sick.

"Easy Andros. It looks bad, and it is," said Mistri.

"How many people did we just kill?" he choked.

"At least 30. Try not to count."

"Is that what you did after a few centuries? You stopped counting?"

"I stopped thinking."

Andros was silent as they returned to Inquirius.

"Was I not saying, Elders, that we of Earth requested your aid, to be sent to us when we should call?" continued Mistri.

"And what of it?" asked Dimitria. "I myself will be coming to Earth, along with Alpha 6. Hopefully we shall arrive by December 1st?"

"Actually, you'll get to Earth by December 19th, if that pleases you, Lady Dimitria?"

"It does."

"Very well. If we may be excused to Eltar?"

The Council of Elders nodded, and Mistri nodded to his team. "I believe we have time to sample the Inquirian laykas before we go. I guarantee that it'll be an experience."


Sitting at the Resturant of the Pink Ranger, they looked at their menus. There were many delicacies, from all over the universe. One by one, they closed their menus and looked helplessly at Mistri.

"I have no clue what any of this stuff is!" said Adam, miserably. "Just get me something resembling Earth cusine."

"How about I order what we would eat when dining here with my team?" he said, a smile playing around the edges of his mouth.

They assented and Mistri opened his menu again. Then he crossed to the pad, and entered a whole series.

Almost instantly, their table was served with the food.

Seven large plates were on the table, filled with food. Each place had a smaller plate at it. Mistri returned to the table.

"Kimberly, what would you like?" he asked. Kimberly looked at everything.

"The bowl is filled with a yellow and red liquid, with a pink crusty bread in it, is Aquitian veolam. Very hot is an understatement. I would advise none of you to try it, although I won't stop those of you idiotic enough, like the ten of us were all those years ago. The pasta and green sauce thing is Edenite xoki. It's really good, although it has a tendancy to taste like coolmint. Aquitian kijuda is the bread and veggie plate. You seriously don't want to know what passes for veggies on Aquitar. It's taste is something like chilli. It's not hot. The golden meat tastes funnily enough like flake and is Triforian jusvo." He paused.

"Edenite eilande is that thick soup/stew thing. Never knew what was in it, and never really wished to. The best or worst thing about that, is that it tastes exactly like what you're thinking about, as long as you know what it tastes like. If your mind is blank, or if you think about something which you don't know the taste of, then it will taste as it really should.. which is a cross between crackling on pork and peas with salt. The last two are the Inqurian laykas. It looks like garlic bread, but is stuffed with zaki, chlias, alsji, qaija, ola, and then covered with lyrin and baked. Of all the dishes, that one is extremely addictive. Not like your Earth cigarettes, but you will always want more, if you like the taste."

"Anyway, Kimberly, I believe you should serve yourself. Or else it will all go cold."

They went around the table, and soon, everyone was silently involved in the immediate attention of eating. Chad, Adam, Andros, Andrew, and Maya watched Mistri as he slowly and methodically began consuming his bowl of the Aquitian veolam. He finished and he was still not showing any effects. He took a piece of the laykas and ate it afterwards.

"I will say this once. It would be a foolhardy move to try the veolam. You should try the lower levels and gradually work your way up to this level of heat in flavour."

Adam and Andros subsided, finally noting the warnings. But still Maya, Andrew and Chad wanted to try it. Mistri sighed, and filled three glasses with ice water. "Then it would be be best to pick the bowl up and drink from it. Luckily, they're made of plastic. Not that that or the water will help," he muttered. The three sat with their hands poised.

"Three. Two. One," said Andros. As one, Andrew, Chad and Maya lifted their bowls up and drank the liquid down. They put the bowls down.

"Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Now." said Mistri, resigned to the fact. On cue all three flushed a very deep red, steam literally poured from their throats and they shrieked. Then they passed out. Kim picked up Maya, Adam shouldered Chad and Mistri and Andros picked up Andrew. Throwing the money on the table, Mistri said. "Ali, seven to teleport directly to sickbay, set course to Eltar, hyperrush three."


They disappeared in seven sparkling trails. Lady Dimitria's eyes narrowed. Was those black, blue and yellow teleport streams tinged with a dull red?


Date: March 10th 1997

Meanwhile... Sue and her team were just arriving on Capsilon IX. Robert immediately went to armor when he came out of teleport with Sue, Sasha, and Janet.

"Something is obviously wrong here," Sasha commented. "We seem to be missing Sean, Barakus, Kim, Tyra, and Brianca."

"That definitely shouldn't have happened. We best be careful. It could be a long trip to where this outpost is," Robert muttered. Sue noticed him very subtly tap the temple areas of his helmet and then an area behind his ears. She knew he was attempting to activate his scanners without advertising the fact.

"It's getting late. We better set up camp for the night. In the morning we will continue our search," Robert cautioned his crew. Fairly soon four tents were erected. In two other spots on the Planet the occupants were working to set up camp as well. One site had Sean and Barakus the other had Kim, Tyra, and Brianca.


Date: March 11th 1997 06:30 Northern Continent Capsilon IX. Camp Site Alpha

Robert woke up about half an hour after it got light and started to make breakfast. Though he was trying to be discrete he woke up the Purple Demona Ranger.

"Is it morning already?"

"That it is Janet. Sorry I woke you."

"That's ok Robert. Any idea where the others are?"

"Not yet. I'm hoping to conduct a global scan after breakfast. My main concern is locating where we are in relationship to this outpost that the UDAB told Powermatic about. Who knows it might show where the others are."

Ten minutes later the rest of that group was awake. Shortly after that they finished breakfast and Robert erected a small holographic device. Soon after that a 3 Dimensional image appeared on it. The image was colored so you could see where the water was along with two large landmasses one north of the Equator the other south of the Equator. Dotted throughout were smaller landmasses but they weren't very big.

"Water seems to cover almost half the planet. Two main continents. Numerous islands. Not much in the way of settlements," Janet observed. "Will you be able to show the other Rangers at all?"

"Give me a second," Robert said. Four blips came up. One blip was a grayish color and was about 1500 km from a bluish blip. The bluish blip was about 150km from the western shore. Another bluish blip was on the southern continent about 3000km from the polar region. The last bluish blip was about 3000km from shore. Janet gave that blip a careful look.

"This can't be good Robert. We are spread way too thin. Also this one blip is in water with no landmass nearby ."

"Could it be an underwater settlement of natives?" Sasha wondered.

"I don't think so Sasha. It's too far from the other settlements and those are marked on the scan."

"Any idea how long it will take to reach all these blips?"

"It will take us a couple days to get here," Robert said indicating the grayish blip. But it will take who knows how long for this bunch here to reach the grayish blip." Robert said hinting at the blip on the southern continent. "Better part of a week to who knows for this group to get to the grayish blip."

"Why are your calculations in relation to the grayish blip?" Sasha wondered.

"Easy because that grayish blip is the proverbial X on the Pirates Map."

"Sue, come in where are you?" Tyra's voice was barely heard over static.

"Tyra, it's Robert, you are most definitely not coming in 5x5. Who else is with you?" (A/N from Robert a radio broadcast that is clear as anything with no static is said to be coming in 5x5. I know my measurements seem a little far fetched but if you go to Capsilion IX Info you would see how Capsilon IX is 5 times the size of the Earth.)

Over the crackles Tyra gave Brianca and Kim's names.

"Any idea where you are in relation to us?"

"Sue, Sasha, Janet and I are fairly close to the western edge of the northern continent. I show your group somewhere on the southern continent 3000km from the polar region but on the other side of the planet from us. The outpost is 1500km east of my group."

"Not good. Any idea where Sean and Barakus are?"

"We think they are 3000 miles from the western shore but we aren't sure since there is no land near them and they are in water."

"We'll try to find our way to where you are but it will take a long time probably."

Robert then to told her head for the coordinates of the outpost. His bunch then started to head east northeast for the grayish blip.


Date: March 13th 1997 17:30 X Marks the Spot.

"Well we look to have found the Outpost. Strange though we've heard nothing from Sean and Barakus," Sue said. "Grandpa any sign of life around here?"

"Just us chickens," Robert joked.

They then headed for the outpost door.

"Greetings. Please state your names and alliance."

"Robert J Gutheim 25th Steel Brigade Earth. My colleagues are Susan Collington, Janet Cranston, and Sasha Stanton Demona Rangers United Department of Allied Benevolence. You are?"

"I am FRIENDLY ROBOTIC ELECTRO DATA ANALYZER. But you can call me Freda for short. Please stand by for one final scan."

A strange beam then went over the four explorers. The doors opened just about the time the beam turned off.

"Neuroscan successful," Freda said.

"What was that about?"

"I have a feeling it was to make sure we were telling the truth," Robert said. They entered a long hallway. Off to various sides were what looked like a medical bay; a kitchen like area and a laboratory. They soon entered a huge almost War Room. Consoles galore crowded this room. A conference table was off to one side. The only thing missing in the various rooms were tubes for Dimitria to utilize.

"This place is in what I would call Triple Grade A Prime," Sue said. "I want Tyra and Brianca to give their opinions though?"

"Where are your friends located?" Freda wondered.

"Somewhere on the southern continent. Their Power Signatures would be similar to ours since they are on the same team. Also we have a couple buddies somewhere in one of the Oceans," Sue told her.

Shortly after that five colored beams of light teleported in.

"So this is the outpost huh," Kim commented.

"Tyra, you and Brianca should get to work looking over your areas. They are down the hall that way."

"Guess we didn't find the outpost Sean," Barakus said "Though that room where we were wasn't bad."

"Our scans weren't too good they almost showed you as being in the water."

"We were pretty far down almost five hundred fathoms. Communications was the pits we couldn't even pick up Tyra's unborn child," Barakus muttered.

"I should hope not," Tyra said as she walked in from checking the lab. "My area looks satisfactory. Brianca is busy doing a full inventory of the kitchen. If it was me I'd make the realtor an offer."

"Well in this case the realtor offered us the place," Sue pointed out.


Date: March 13th 1997. Place: Ranger HQ

"Professor, we've heard nothing from Sue and the others since they left," Kendrix pointed out.

"Dimitria has been tracking them as best she could and somehow the teleport beam had split and separated everyone into three groups. They may not have found each other yet or the outpost for that matter. I'm sure they are fine."

"Dana is starting to worry though. She isn't sure Phaedos may have much time left. We've got to do something."


"Another message using Sue's Grandfather's code. But what does this one mean?" Dana wondered.

"I wish I knew," Powermatic said.

Four hours later an all out assault started on the base.

"It's the UAE," Dimitria announced.

Suddenly a teleport sequence began.
