Power Ranger Mania The Fanfic Shoppe The Yost  


Disclaimer: If you saw the character on TV then Haim Saban owns it. If the only place you saw it was in a fanfic by Robert Gutheim or Mistri Xades then guess what: We own it! This is a new International Writing Collaboration which covers a lot of territory and several time zones since Robert lives on the East coast of the United States and Mistri.... well he lives all the way over in Australia, so as you can see it even covers two different hemispheres. This comes after Reactions and is the next part of the ? parter. It takes place latish Februry 97. Mistri of course owns the Equinox Powers. Mistri owns Vadaei, [that's pronounced VAY-di-I,] the Phaedos Powers and their bearers, Mistri, Geneva, Calcia, Edy, Asharani, Karei, Vedi, Dalila and Bambi. These nine characters cannot be borrowed, as Mistri is using them in a story for publication. They are protected under international copyright law.

Facing The Truth
by Robert and Mistri

Last time on Viva La Resistance.....

"It was a clone of Rachi only evil. One thing is for sure Vadaei will pay big time for this."

"Mistri, with help I think we can bring Rachi's cloned form out from under the influence of your enemy. It won't be easy though."

"What would you do?"

"Well there are a couple things I can do. A I can use a small phaser to stun her and then use my ring to purge her of evil and replace what is purged with goodness. It's risky though since I'm not sure how compatible Demona powers are with Phaedosian powers and it would be Demona power that would be used to cleanse her soul. B We can try to use hypnosis to block the evil parts of her soul. Behind a barrier. I wouldn't be able to do it. Unfortunately I used to work alongside a very capable Hypnotist only she is since passed on. I think I can find someone who would be useful but it's risky."

"Or C the Clone will have to die," Mistri said.

"I think either of Robert's plans are better." The Professor said.

"Let me discuss this with my teammates in private. How much longer will you two be here?"

"I'll be here indefinitely," Professor Damon said. "Robert?"

"I won't be able to stay much longer but I will try to stall until the matter of Rachi is dealt with."

After breakfast during which most of the rangers heard what happened. The Phaedos team went into a secret conference on the NinjettiMegaShip. After a good long discussion they came into the War Room where Robert was standing by in a very impressive suit of armor with two helmets standing by . One was obviously the one he wore as Plastica. The other apparently went with the armor.

"I took the time to Power up just in case."

"Professor, Dimitria, Alpha, we've made our decision."

"Yes White Ranger what is your decision?"

"It was a very hard decision to make but by a vote of eight to one we decided that Rachi....


"We had a hard time making a decision but by a vote of eight to one we decided that Rachi is to somehow be freed from Vadeai's control in the hope that Dulcea can restore her full powers after she is freed. Plastica, you think you can capture her without her noticing?"

"Who was against the decision?"

"I was," Mistri said. "I was willing to accept that majority ruled though."

"That Mistri is one of the most important lessons of leadership. Knowing when it's best to listen to what others say despite what you own feelings are."

"Thanks Professor."

"As for capturing her I have a plan in the works that is without fail. I have the Science team working on one phase of it and other personnel on hand for other parts of the plan."

"Mistri you realize that our deadline for surrendering is almost up."

"Yes I am aware of that fact Veed."

The alarm suddenly went off.

"Looks like time has run out."

"Be careful Gang," Carter said as he walked in. Robert then put his main helmet back on and also placed the helmet for his armor on. The Phaedos team then teleported unmorphed onto the battlefield.

"Well Mistri, I see you all decided to show up. Glad to see it. Have you decided whether or not to surrender?"

"No we haven't Rachi. I'm sure Vadaei knows that we aren't about to surrender. We also know what she did to you," Calcia said.

Right then they saw a brief flash of light behind Rachi. They thought they saw a set of wings appear around Rachi just before another flash of light happened and Rachi disappeared.

"Bloody Hell. Sue's grandfather said that his plan was without fail. Yet it looks like Rachi found a way to escape."

"We better return to base and figure out how his plan failed," Mistri said.

"When they teleported in they saw Sue talking to an individual who almost looked like a bird. She seemed calm and confident around the person.

"Sue, your grandfather might be a legendary hero but his plans didn't work and Rachi escaped."

"That my friend is where you are wrong," the bird person said.

"What do you mean I'm wrong? She disappeared in a flash of light. Where is Plastica anyways so I can at least insult him to his face?"

"My dad is in the Infirmary with Dana," the bird person said.

"Your Dad," Mistri said with nine open mouths in the room.

The bird person then tapped a strange device on one wing. In her place after a very brief flash of light was a just barely short maybe 1.2 meters tall Asian woman with Chinese features.

"Mistri, Karei, Calcia, Vedi, Geneva, Dalila, Bambi, Edy, Asharani, meet my mother Stephanie Collington also known as The Flitter."

"What is he doing in the Infirmary?"

"They are working on Rachi to see what will be required in order to free her from the UAE's influence."

"You mean she was captured after all," Mistri said. The open mouths remaining.

"Yes my Grandpa's plan was for my mom to Flit in and grab Rachi from behind when she wasn't expecting it."

"Sue, by chance does your grandfather play poker because he did a real good job of keeping his cards close to his chest?"

"If my dad was to even try to play poker he would probably lose his last pair of clean Hanes since he doesn't know how to even play poker."

Calcia had slipped out and was soon in the infirmary where Robert was powered down and lacking armor. Dana was monitoring some readings.

"Well how is she?"

"She's sedated. She got a little violent when she was brought in. Tyra and her crew didn't have time to get a containment field ready when The Flitter went into action. I'm hoping to introduce a mild tranquilizer into her when she wakes up so maybe we can try to free her. Calcia, you are prepared for the fact that she won't be the same person she was when you two were best friends?" Dana said.

"I know that Dana but I'm hoping I'll be just as good a friend with this Rachi I was with the real Rachi. Who from Counseling is scheduled to work with her?"

"I'm not sure Calcia but I know you are assigned to that department only I'm not sure you should be the one to work with her at least not at first," Dana said. "It will probably be Cassie, Ashley, Tanya, or Sasha. As it is I'm not even allowing Dalila, Bambi,. Mistri, or Geneva to assist with the medical side of things in this case."

"Trying to protect Team Phaedos from disappointment since we were close to the original Rachi huh? Karei won't like your decision Dana and as you know she heads up that department."

"I know but that's what the Professor and Dimitria think."

"Yes... well, the others aren't going to be happy."

Robert moved to Rachi's side, and muttered something while holding his powerband. A purplish-red light flowed over Rachi and a blackness could be seen flowing out of her.

"Where am I? What the hell just - siamth yiosm Calcia ksyax!"

"No," said Calcia. "Foklsi losm Vadaei. Bekia evlos oakd."

Rachi looked down at her hands. "Non mienta Ninjetti?"

"Doloaso, Ninjetti olid Dulcea baeaki."

The others watched as the two conversed in languages ancient.

"Harrier. Boe lokika Hawk-Condor lakdid?"

"Asik vakoz. Get the others." Calcia said, directing the others to get the others.

But the others were having their own argument.

"Non Rachi. Hilo siaj!" He switched to English. "Rachi is dead! That is a clone, and she is not Rachi! She doesn't have the memories, the attitudes, the essence that is Rachi!"

"So you would have us abandon her?" shouted Karei.

"No. Abandon your stupid notions that by accepting her, we get Rachi back! We'll never get Rachi back! She can't live up to what Rachi was, and that's what you expect of her!"

"Do you think that Zila would want us to abandon her?"

And suddenly, Mistri asked the computers to scan for Zila, excluding the Power Chamber and begin a conversation with her.

After five minutes, Zila came onscreen.

"Okay, that's one theory gone." muttered Mistri. "Zila, is Rachi dead?"

"Yes," she spat. "Thanks to Vadaei."

"Computer, show file Rachi-d9."

"Two pictures of Rachi side by side?" questioned Zila.

"The right is a clone."

"Then the only thing that they share in common is their looks. Everything else is different," said Zila. "Zilaranthe out."

Mistri turned back to the girls. "Even her twin agrees with me. I have nothing against her, except she is not Rachi, and therefore, not to be treated as such."

The girls looked crushed.

"I miss her as much as you girls do. But I can't let her memory be ruined by the desire of ourselves to have her back. You can clone DNA. But you can't clone memory, experience, attitude, and personality. I accept that girl. I don't accept her as Rachi, however."

"He's right," said Sue. "She's not Rachi. That's doesn't stop you from being friends if you can."

A few days later, Rachel, as she was now known, slipped out of the Chamber. Tests had shown that she wasn't immortal, which suited her fine.

She came to a stream, and waded in deep. Then with deadly precision, she slashed her wrists, and jugular. No one heard her screams of pain, and soon Rachel was just a body in the water.

Meanwhile at the Chamber Dana had gone to check on Rachel. She checked the entire Chamber and then went looking for the Mentoring crew. Dimitria and the Professor were in the War Room. Robert walked in right after Dana.

"Have either of you seen Rachel?"

"No, why?" the professor wondered.

"She is due for some tests."

"This is not good. Dana, round up Carter and the others are the others from Lightspeed. You six are to go on alert five," Robert said. "Showtime Plastica style."

The lightshow then changed him into Plastica.

"701 to Armatron."

A series of beeps was heard.

"Launch Flightpack Mode Battle Armor."

A brief pause then took place.

"Armor Up."

"Beginning pre ignition sequence."


Plastica then took off to search the area around Angel Grove. Lightspeed Rescue meanwhile went on alert in the War Room Parkas at the ready. After half an hour of looking Plastica picked up something.

"Possible positive ID in sector 26. I'm going down. Have Lightspeed meet me there."

He soon landed gently by the stream.

"Armor Down."

Rachel was laying face down in the stream floating right toward a waterfall into a river.

"701 to Armatron."

The beeps were heard.

"Launch Aquatic Mode Battle Armor."

Once again there was a pause while the suit was sent his way.

"Armor Up."

The sounds of a siren were heard approaching.

"Sound deafeners level 9."

His hearing approached normal since the sirens were dulled out.

He knew that he had no chance to intercept Rachel before she reached the waterfall so he positioned himself in the rapidly churning water at the base of the falls. Just as he caught her Chad and Carter were on hand on either side of the river. Chad sent a rope across to Carter. Plastica took the time to grab the rope.

"What happened?"

"Don't know Carter she was this way when I found her."

"No sign of a pulse and she has slits along both wrists and her jugular," Dana said after the rescue team was fully assembled. "Dana to Chamber Medical Computer. March 2nd 1997 Patient File Rachel Viali. Subject found with multiple knife wounds no pulse no breathing. Death pronounced at 1310. Cause unknown but suspect suicide."

They then returned to the Chamber with Rachel's body. Robert then went to Calcia's room.

"Oh hi Robert, I was waiting for Joel he had to go off somewhere. What's up was there an attack or something?"

"Thankfully no. Rachel had turned up missing. Thankfully I was still on hand since I'm the only one who can easily detect her. I had Joel's team on alert five. I did eventually find Rachel but it was too late."

"What do you mean it was too late? Did Vadaei get her back or something?"

"Worst she was dead."

"You sure?"

"The way she was floating face down with no signs of life and the fact she had some pretty serious injuries to her body I'd say so. Dana basically confirmed it."

"I bet Vadaei went after her because she suspected Rachel had changed sides. If anything Vadaei will pay for killing my friend a second time," Calcia swore. "I suppose you have to be going huh now that things are under control with Rachel huh?"

"I definitely need to see about breaking camp. I doubt I'm in danger since I doubt Vadaei really got a good look at me."

He then headed into the Med Chamber. Rachel's body was still on hand. He removed her morpher.

"I'll have it sent to Phaedos to be reenergized with Full Phaedosian Powers although it might have to be sent elsewhere to be sure."

"Any particular reason?" Karei wondered as she walked in.

"Yes maybe with luck we can find a way to get your team a new purple ranger."

"I have no problem with you having the Morpher worked on by Ninjor and Dulcea but I don't think the morpher will be used again. Our team is well pretty exclusive," Karei explained. "We have a pretty good cohesion now and a new member well it could affect cohesion."

"At least leave the option open Karei."

A short time later the Rangers quietly cremated Rachel's body. Robert then took the ashes with him.

"I will see to it that these are put in a secure area where the UAE won't be able to get to them."

"Thanks Grandpa. Listen you don't have to be a stranger. Slip in anytime tell my mom and Colleen the same thing."

"I'll try Sue but it's a busy place. One never knows where one will be powering up next."

"Who's Colleen?"

"My step grandmother. My actual Grandmother died when my mom was a little girl. Of course my mom was already The Flitter by then."

"Sue's Grandmother was a very brave girl." Powermatic said.

Robert then left.


It was the first of March. Suddenly, a flock of birds came shooting into the base, reforming into the Phaedos team, which had been on temporary leave.

