Power Ranger Mania The Fanfic Shoppe The Yost  


Disclaimer: The basic concept belongs to whoever Disney assigned it to but the characters belong to us. Like our previous fic series Viva La Resistance this series requires a lot of work due to differences in Time Zone and Hemispheres.

Power Rangers: To The Tenth Power
Final Endings
by Robert and Mistri, Cho's Observer

August 14th, 4124.

For three days, battles had raged around Unaka. The Unakan Rangers had demanded backup, and the Rangers of Daman had come to their aid. The Rangers of Aquitar had come to their aid as well, but still they were stretched desperately thin.

"Behind you!" roared Landre. He kept firing his blaster. The most annoying thing that had happened was that T'Aldr was always at one site of battle, but since he did not do anything other than observe, he got no injuries.

Jolik had been forced over to the light and then taken to Rigel III for psychiatric observation after trying to throttle Articula.

All the Rangers were growing more wearied by the minute, but whenever they just felt they couldn't go on, they felt new power and energy flow through them.

"We haven't demorphed since this battle started, you do realise that?" asked Thala.

"Good thing too. We're going to need massive recuperation, probably even stints in hospitals to make ourselves better," came Sita's voice. "No food and no sleep will combine and really suck."

"I for one am glad we use helmet communications, those bums broke my secure wristphone," muttered Xelia.

"It's a damned miracle we've not had casualties yet," said Charda as he swung his cutlass ferociously. "Articula, how's my sister?"

"She's fine. Mrs. Egan is caring for her right now. I've just encountered my own problems."

"What?" asked Wildrik as he backflipped.

"Articia's been destroyed," came the calm answer.

"When this ends, you can come live with me and Bereto," said Adria.

"Gee, thanks," said Articula, sarcastically.

Suddenly, the opponents ported off and the Rangers ported after them, wearily.


"I don't believe this!" said Valdi, angrily. "We can't keep doing this!" T'Aldr had decided to bring in footsoldiers that looked like mutated humans. Each Ranger found it hard to fight them, not wanting to kill a fellow member of their race.

"How many have died?" asked Kylara.

"At least seventy," came Isidore's voice.

"Try not to count," came a gentle voice.

"Is that what you did after the first lot? You stopped counting?" asked Kylara.

"I stopped thinking."

Time dragged onwards, and it was soon three past midnight on August 15th. At long last, they could see an end to the fighting. And only now, did the Rangers finally turn on the Nameless One, who was coming himself to fight.

"You have slaughtered my monsters. You have slaughtered my footsoldiers. You have freed my henchvillains. I will now slaughter you."

"Big talk T'Aldr! You're going down! Right back to HELL!" screamed Radha, slowly getting up from where she had fallen.

"Why, this is Hell, nor am I out of it... "

Again the feeling of exhaustion passed, and new strength passed into them. And the battle began.


No one there later would be able to say exactly how the battle had gone from start to finish. Only one part stood out clearly in their minds forever... and they still could not translate it into words.

The night was turning to day as Landre yelled, "RADHA!" For Radha's morphed body was flying across into the ruins of a building. She landed on her feet and collapsed, but remained morphed.

He got to his feet, and rushed T'Aldr. He fired his blaster as much as he could, and engaged in a wild fight. The Rangers struggled to their feet, but were blown down again as a major explosion occcurred.

"You've done it!!" came Articula's voice. "T'Aldr has been forced back into perpetual slumber!"

"What about –" Isidore was cut off by an impassioned shriek.

"LANDRE!!" Radha had rushed over to Landre, where he was racked with green energy. "Landre, speak to me!"

"Radha... " he managed. He demorphed, and as Sita had predicted, lapsed into unconsciousness. A final green energy laced shudder, and he was still. Radha took his wrist, and as she felt around, collapsed herself.

"Ten to teleport, Articula," said Isidore hoarsely.

They dissolved into their teleport streams, Radha's intermingled with green fading to white. They arrived in the lower levels of the Presidential Palace, where a hospital room had been set up.

"Lie on the beds, then demorph," said Articula, firmly. Wearily, each followed the orders and sunk blissfully into the blackness. When one of them finally awoke, [it was Xelia] she looked around the room, feeling very much refreshed, but exceedingly hollow. She looked around the room and saw Radha's bed was empty. She snatched up the envelope there, andread the contents.

Dear Rangers,
There's nothing left for me anymore. I've decided to go. Where, I do not know. Please don't try to find me; I need now to find my place in the universe, and I have many roads to traverse alone. I gave my service, now I go to find what is out there.


Xelia's breath caught as she saw the words that could be rearranged to fit the 'irrelevant lines' of the prophecy. She was still staring at it as the other Rangers began to stir. Isidore closed his eyes as he saw Xelia with the note, remembering how he had woken up and watched her go.

Should I have let her go? he thought. The was about the only unresolved question he would have for many years to come.

Five hours later at 0803 hours, all the Rangers were awake and eating hungrily as Articula debriefed them. "There's going to be a report today," he said. "President Silvino wishes to honor Landre, and wants to do so publicly. This will mean revealing your identities. He's waiting your okays on that."

"What about Radha?" asked Sita, her voice all raw.

"Radha has made her choice to leave us," sighed Articula. "All we can do is hope that someday she will return."

"When is the report? What day is it today?" asked Valdi, tonelessly.

"0900 hours. August 20th." And so the nine Rangers were morphed and ready in one of the destroyed fields, thankfully not the one Landre had struck the final blow in.

"Today marks the end of a great threat that has plagued us," said President Silvino. "But again it is not without sorrow. I now invite the Red and White Rangers to say a few words."

"Ready?" asked Isidore. They nodded.

"Ranger Astro Morph, Power Down!" Two voices were missing from the chorus, something that Sita marked all too painfully. Their suits fell off them, disappearing from sight and Valdi and Isidore approached the microphone.

"Since May 19th, when ten of us became Power Rangers... " Valdi spoke eloquently before handing off to Isidore.

"Although we say there were eleven Rangers in the final fight, you only see nine. Landre Basto –" Isidore saw Julia bawling her eyes out; "– gave his life to end all our battles by sending T'Aldr back into perpetual slumber. Radha Xenta has left Unaka, in search of her destiny."

President Silvino came over. "I would like to announce the first awarding of the Landre Basto Memorial Award for Service to Unaka. As the name suggests, it is awarded to one or more persons who have aided Unaka in some definitive way. I can think of no more appropriate recipients than the ten Unakan Rangers who have endangered their lives, seen their teammate die and themselves survive the war."

Each Ranger came forth and took their medal, and Sita took Radha's, to keep it safe.

Xelia then stood up and approached the microphone.

"When you think about it the eleven of us counting Radha Xenta and the late Landre Basto were from all walks of life. For instance probably many of you recognized Sita Lynch one of the youngest and most prominent scientists on Unaka. Adria Ninjao was a daughter of a farming couple in an impoverished agricultural community in South Nigeriala. You also had me the daughter of our most important politician. Also your eyes aren't deceiving you. My teammates and I were the Special Representatives of the youth of Unaka for my father. My father after discovering our identities managed to find a great cover for our activities. I want to thank you the people of Unaka for supporting us during the past three months. Without your support I don't think we could have pulled it off as quickly as we did. Now if my teammates and I would form a circle it's time for the grand salute."

The nine remaining rangers then formed a circle and placed one hand out apiece on top of each other. They then came up with a leap.

"POWER RANGERS!" they cried as they leaped up.


Closing notes from Robert: 3 months of time elapsed from the beginning moments of Prophecy of the Ten which were written January 13th 2003 Eastern Standard Time in the United States to the last words of this fic which were written on July 2nd 2003 Eastern Daylight Time in the United States a writing time of six months. I want to thank Mistri for his assistance with this series especially since I was distracted at times due to My Grandfather Gutheim falling down and breaking a couple cervical vertebrae back in March and his eventual death about two months later in May from complications due to his injury and last month when he was laid to rest with other veterans of the Armed Forces, in which he served as a Naval Officer in WWII eventually retiring as a Captain, in Arlington National Cemetery.

Closing Notes from Mistri: Six months it took to write a series spanning four months. It's been rather rough for both of us, I had to help my dad pack up his apartment, and so I was not able to write much. Robert helped out by writing what what he could, a favor I returned. Yeah, and I went to Brisbane too. Ah well... join us sometime soon, when the 'irrelevant lines of prophecy' are fulfilled.