Power Ranger Mania The Fanfic Shoppe The Yost  


Cry Wolf
by Melissa Morris

Rocky raced through the woods towards where he heard Tommy yell. _Oh man, what if something got him? What if 'it' got him?_ He's broken from these concerns as he sees the beast over Tommy, he doesn't think as charges it and grabs it around the middle (not the most well thought strategy, but Rocky wasn't thinking all that much at this point) It takes all of his effort to hold onto it as it thrashes, but it does let go of Tommy, who grabs his communicator and yells for Zordon, "Zordon, teleport us now, we've got it." But before they are teleported away the wolf vanishes. Then they too vanish from the woods.


They appear in the Command Center, Tommy grabs his arm. "Ow, good timing Rocko." He removes his jacket and carefully inspects his arm. _Well at least it isn't as bad as it feels, in fact it isn't that bad at all. The wolf didn't bite me that hard... huh? The scratches hurt a bit more, I guess he panicked._ He checks where the wolf scratched him and finds that they're just minor cuts. _That's cool._ He then notices that someone is talking to him and he looks up.

"You okay, Tommy?" Rocky asks with concern evident on his face. Tommy stares at Rocky for a moment and sighs, "I've been bit by a wolf, I think I might need some medical attention." Tommy studies his arm for a bit, actually just a few very small and shallow puncture marks. _At least I'm not gushing blood or anything._

"Here Tommy let me get that," Alpha walks up and runs a device over Tommy's arm and his injuries begin to heal.

Tommy stares at his arm. _Whoa, cool. Still hurts, but I'm not bleeding anymore, nice._

Alpha finishes, "There Tommy, is that better? I wish I could do more." Alpha puts the device on the table and begins his duties once more. "You should be careful, a lot of stress and you could reopen those injuries. A quick healing like that is not as effective as that you get over time naturally."

"I don't know if I'll have that option," Tommy looks grim and he turns to Zordon, "Billy's missing and there's something running around out there that has hurt Adam and tried to take a bite out of me. It looks like a wolf, but it's big and the glowing eyes are a give-away that something is up. But we couldn't get it, Zedd teleported it away." Tommy turns and begins to pace.

Rocky watches Tommy, he'd been focused on him the entire time. _I'm glad he's okay. That thing was big. Wish I had something to give..._ Rocky breaks off his thought as he starts to wipe his hand off. _Fur, always sticks to me, I mean I am so glad that Aisha got rid of that cat, uh, well at least Kat's not a cat._ Rocky snickers at his joke and gets a look from Tommy. _Wait, fur? Duh, Rocky._ "Uh Tommy?" he waits till Tommy turns to him, "I think I've got a clue, well, see?" He holds out a small wad of fur for Tommy's inspection.

Tommy grabs it, "Good work, man." _What would Billy do?_ He turns to Alpha, "Could you scan this and tell us about the monster? I've just got this crazy idea and I need to be sure," Tommy trails off and shakes his head. Alpha takes the sample, scans it, and feeds the results into the computer.

"This could take some time, Tommy."

"I'll wait. Rocky, if you want you can go home and get some more sleep. I'm not going after that wolf until I know what we're up against."

Rocky pauses. _It's hurt Adam, almost hurt you, might have hurt Billy, it's still on the loose, and you think I'm going to be able to sleep?_ "I'll stay, but I that doesn't mean I can't get rest a bit." Rocky sits down and leans against a console. Tommy nods and begins to pace the Command Center while Rocky watches.


While Tommy paces the Command Center another paces too. Zedd walks from one end of the throne room to another. _What is going wrong? It's taking too much effort to keep my wolf under control. Twice he has hesitated when my spell should have made him obey my will. If he hadn't hesitated he could have defeated the White Ranger and I wouldn't have had to save him from the Rangers._ He stalks to the violet crystal, it continues to glow, but he notes swirls of blue within it. _Hmm...his power seems to ebb and flow and that is interfering. He draws power from the wolf and while I'm corrupting it, even I must still use it for the spell to be effective._Zedd continues to move across the throne room while the wolf watches.

The wolf is actually confused, his surroundings are unfamiliar and in fact, they disturb him. He looks to the one and smells it's scent. _Not right. Not Alpha/Enemy._ The thought is followed by the image of the _creature/man/friend?_ from earlier. _Alpha?_ He raises his head and howls, he feels bad, but doesn't understand why. If it was in the wolf's vocabulary he would classify the feelings as despair and guilt, but he doesn't so he just feels bad. Other thoughts, not wolf thoughts, keep appearing and fading, leaving only tantalizing glimpses of something else. _Billy, Tommy, Adam, science, Power Ranger, Alpha, Zordon..._ Sounds that mean nothing to the wolf, but still hold great importance to some part of him that is hidden behind a crimson wall of magic.

Zedd stops pacing and turns to his wolf as it howls, "You will not fail me again. You will get the White Ranger. Go now." With that Zedd waves his wand and the wolf vanishes in a violet flame.


"Tommy, I have the scan results, but they don't make any sense."

Tommy stops pacing and turns to Alpha, "What do you mean?" Alpha hands some papers to Tommy who stares at them. _Okay, um..._ He notices Rocky staring at him and looks thoughtfully at the paper. _I don't have the slightest idea what this means, but it could be that..._ "Um, Alpha, you're getting something like, maybe, uh...Billy, right?" Tommy asks hesitantly. "So the wolf is Billy and he's under Zedd's spell?"

Alpha nods, "That is what my scan results point to and there is evidence of some magical residue. But I'm also getting a very strong power signature, but Billy's power should be fighting Zedd's influence. I don't know what to do, but maybe if you can catch Billy before..." Alpha pauses, he may be whiny, but he dislikes giving bad news about his friends, "the effect becomes permanent."

"Permanent? You mean he could stay like that?" inputs Rocky who rises to his feet.

"Yes, Rocky, if we can not break the spell soon it might not be possible to ever break it."

"So let's break it," says Rocky determinedly.

_It might not be that easy, but I'm not going to say anything. You're all I have, if the wolf... Billy nearly took me out, then Kat and Aisha won't be much help._ He looks to his communicator and back to Alpha. "How can we catch it?" asks Tommy.

"If I could teleport Billy here, I could keep him in containment. But I haven't been able to scan him," Alpha trails off.

Rocky shrugs, this isn't his thing and he knows it. _Give me a monster and I'm fine, but give me technobabble and I'm comatose._

Tommy looks at Rocky and Alpha. _They actually expect me to come up with something? That's Billy's job. Gosh, what? I don't know anything about scanners or the other stuff in the Command Center. All I know about teleporting is that I push a couple buttons on my comunicator and I'm there. Wait, communicator?_ "Uh, Alpha what if we could put a communicator on Billy, then could you teleport him?"

"Yes, Tommy I could, just let me find a communicator." Alpha begins to walk away.

"Wait Alpha, I've got an extra communicator. Just teleport us to the park, that's where he's shown up before and I think he'll be there again."

Zordon who has been silent up to this point speaks, "I believe you are right Tommy. Go, Alpha and I will try and find a way to revert Billy back to normal." Tommy and Rocky both wait a moment, then Zordon finishes, "May the power protect you." They nod and teleport out once more, but now they know what they hunt, and what hunts them.


The woods are dark in the faint light of the the full moon and the wolf walks along, he feels the night air ruffle his fur and smells the woods around him. He hears the quiet rustle of the leaves and sees them in moonlit greys. He feels apart of this, but separate, something is blocking him. He tries to fight it but the crimson wave of magic stands strong...


Tommy and Rocky walk along the woods their flashlights slowly searching the area, looking for their missing teammate and knowing that he's looking for them. They also know that his intentions aren't as nice as theirs. Rocky looks at Tommy a moment, but doesn't voice his thoughts. _I know in movies they use silver bullets to stop werewolves but I'd really like to have Billy alive. Why don't any movies let the werewolf live? What are we doing?_ He shakes his head to banish his errant thoughts and looks around. _Man, this is just too creepy. Billy's out there and I don't think he's going to be happy to see us._ A few puzzle pieces click together in his mind. _He hurt Adam and tried to hurt Tommy. He's not himself and we can't hurt him. It's strange but his rage of earlier and desire to get even faded completely when he found that Billy was at the center of it. We've gotta help him, but how? We catch him, if we can, and what?_

Tommy is looking as well, but what he's thinking isn't as happy as what is passing through Rocky's mind. _Great, now everything is in my hands and I don't know what to do. I have to get the communicator on Billy, but I have to do it without hurting him and I don't think he's going to stand still for that. And what if I do?_

Rocky shakes his head. _They'll know what to do,_ he thinks, his faith in Tommy, Alpha, and Zordon banishing any doubt he has. _They've never failed me and I don't think they're going to start now._ Rocky bounces forward with his confidence renewed.

_Well at least he seems certain, I suppose we haven't failed yet, and now would just be a cruddy time to start._ He smiles grimly and strides determinedly through the woods in search of Billy.


Once more, unknown to Tommy, his progess is being watched. The wolf stands motionless in the woods as it watches the walking rangers. He command to hunt is strong, but something drifts through and weakens it, something basic to his being...curiosity. He waits patiently, but his thoughts and feelings are halted by the roaring of the magic, a command comes and wolf begins to quietly circle behind the two searching rangers.


Zedd growls, he watches as Billy just stands there and looks at the Rangers. _Why aren't you attacking? I command you! You will not fight me!_ He roars into the air, "Attack the White Ranger, NOW!" He smiles as the wolf instantly springs into motion. This will end soon, unfortunately for Tommy. Zedd's maniacal laughter echoes through the palace.


The wolf moves forward, but instinct and something else battles the command, something....


Tommy moves forward and feels the goosebumps break out on his arms, he gets the distinct impression he's being watched. _Billy's out there._ A sudden fear grips him and he snaps off his light and spins. Tommy stares at the darkness.

"Tommy, what are you doing?" Rocky turns his head to look and sees what has Tommy transfixed: two violet balls of flame float above the ground. _Those are eyes, its the wolf, uh, Billy!_ He stances in preparation for something, but he's still not sure what to do. _Tommy'll know._

He looks deep into the spell-lit eyes of his tranformed friend and looks for something familiar. He finds it. _Sad, he just seems sad, like maybe he doesn't want to do this. But there's something else and I don't like it._ He decides to try reason. _Fighting is probably going to happen no matter what I do, but I've got to try._ He stands still as the wolf slowly advances towards him, "Billy, it's me Tommy. I know you're under a spell, and I want to help. But you've got to fight it..." he continues with this train of thought as Rocky looks on.


Zedd looks on as well. _He's trying to break my spell. It won't work._ He openshis fist to look at the crystal, which still glows violet with a few minor swirls of cobalt. _More power, if I can overwhelm it long enough, there will be no risk of Billy rebelling._ He stares intently at the crystal and waves his staff over it. The red darkens and begins to look like something else. _How fitting, my crystal is a red as Tommy's blood will be on the fangs of my wolf._ He stares out and shouts to the air, "ATTACK NOW!"


Tommy was begining to think he might get through, the advance of his former friend had slowed though he hadn't turned his gaze from Tommy. The wolves ears had pricked up and some of the rage seemed banked. Tommy was worried, but he thought something was going on with Billy. "You're my friend, man, you've been here since day one and I wouldn't be around without you. You've saved me a lot, now let me return the favor." As he spoke he slowly removed Billy's communicator from his pocket and held it, "You just need to let me help, Zordon and Alpha are waiting at the Command Center. They'll deal with it, just relax." Tommy didn't even have time to react as the wolf's eyes turned a glowing crimson and he leaped at him. He was stunned as the wolf knocked him to the ground and the communicator fell from his grasp. _I failed._ He covers his throat and frantically protect his face as he feels the wolf's weight on top of him.

Tommy knew he was in trouble when Billy's eyes changed color, but it was so sudden he didn't have time to react. Now he was frantically trying to roll the wolf off him, but he felt the wolf take a few bites on his arm. Suddenly the weight was lifted off him by a red blur. _Wha?_ Tommy dazedly rolls up to see Rocky grappling the wolf, he has his right arm around the wolf's throat and the other wrapped around just under the forelegs. The wolf is frantically snapping and thrashing, but Rocky is determined not to let go of his friend.

"Tommy grab the communicator, I can't work mine!" Rocky frantically cries to Tommy.

Tommy's still a bit stunned as he reaches for his communicator, but doensn't feel the familiar smooth metal, he feels wires and a slight warmth. He looks at his communicator and sees that it somehow got smashed in the fray. He drops it and crawls around in search of Billy's communicator.


"NO!" _The Red Ranger will NOT stop me!_ Zedd roars wordlessly as he points his staff to earth and a line of red lightening flashes from it.


Tommy's hand closes over the cool metal band of Billy's communicator. _Got it!_ He turns to where Rocky is struggling to hold onto Billy and keep him from twisting back and snapping at this face. He begins to move forward, but is interupted when a bolt of red lightening crashes down. He's blinded by the flash and doesn't hear Rocky, "Rocko, where are you? You okay, man?" _What happened? Why isn't Rocky answering?_ Tommy's thoughts pause as a new thought intrudes. _What if he doesn't have Billy?_ and Tommy feels an emotion that has rarely been evoked in him: fear. He stands still trying to hear anything and hoping that his vision will return.


_Yes! My blast took out not only the Red Ranger, but it blinded Tommy._ Zedd smiles to himself as he sends another command to Billy, "Go forward my wolf, attack the White Ranger."


The wolf was slightly stunned by the blast, but the like power of the spell protected him from almost all of it. He stood and shook himself off. Then he looked at the one before him and noted its erratic movements. It listened to his words as he spoke to the one that laid sprawled beside him. _How do I know that?_ wondered the wolf in the most coherent, or at least human, thought it has had all night. But the command roared through him and he advanced on his wounded prey.


Tommy knew he was in trouble. _I can't see, Rocky's down, probably hurt, and Billy's coming to kill me, just great._ He spun and raised his arms in a defensive position as he heard a sound behind him, but nothing happened. _I can't find him and I'm jumping at everything, great leader I turned out to be._ "Billy, please don't do anything you'll regret," or I'll regret, "You're under Zedd's spell. Fight it."


Zedd was laughing to himself as his wolf advanced on the stricken White Ranger. He watched the scene on earth unfolding before him and smiled to himself once more. Let's end this. "Get him now!"


The wolf heard the command and stopped his stalk and leaped for his prey. The wrongness of this situation shot through him, but he followed the command and landed squarely on Tommy's back. Tommy felt the air blast from his lungs as the weight of the massive wolf crashed into him. _No!_ was his only thought as he struggled to breathe once more. The wrongness shot through the wolf once more and it paused, unsure. This did not go with his instinct. Something howled in the back of his mind, but he couldn't make it out.


"Yes, my wolf that's it!" Zedd grinned and raised his staff, "That's it! KILL him now! Do it!" he roared.


Tommy felt the wolf pause and threw everything he had into a desparate attempt to roll the wolf off of him. He rolled over to the right and felt the weight of the wolf lighten and then vanish, but he knew that Billy was up once more. Tommy crawled towards where he thought Rocky was. _Gotta get to his communicator, get us out of here..._ rambled through his head, along with the nagging doubt that he'd never make it.

Tommy found Rocky and tapped his communicator, "Get us to the Command Center now!" And he felt the familiar sensation of teleportation and the rough ground beneath him became the smooth floor of the Command Center. "We failed Zordon, we didn't get Billy. I think Rocky's hurt, but I can't see well enough to tell." As he said it Tommy noticed that instead of the big flash the world was just a big blur. Better than nothing.

He listened vaguely as Alpha went on about something and he did hear that Rocky would be okay, something about his power shielding him from the worst effects, but he didn't care. His mind kept running through his confrontation and the fact that he had failed his friend. He was startled a few moments later when his eyesight suddenly returned and Alpha stood there with the gadjet of earlier. "What?"

"After I scanned you I noted that it was only a flash, no real damage had been done, so I used this to repair the damage. You have a few scratches, but I don't see any sign of infection. You just need rest."

Tommy stared at Alpha a minute, "What about Rocky?" he asked, his team-leader responses on auto-pilot.

"He was struck by a spell of Zedd's, but it was only powerful enough to render him unconcious, not hurt him, because Zedd couldn't afford to injure Billy," at this the android looked down at the floor. Zordon's voice boomed throught the silent Command Center, "We have done all that we can Tommy, go home and sleep. I will send Rocky home when he wakes and I make sure that he has truly suffered no ill effects. I will explain what has transpired to the others tommorow when you both are up to explanations." Zordon pauses and when he resumes Tommy can hear the sadness and grief in his voice, "It is not your fault Tommy, we have done all that we could. I only wish is that we could have done more. Go and...and may the power protect you."

To Tommy it sounds hollow and he doesn't even think Zordon believes it. He wearily taps his communicator and goes home for a fitful few hours of sleep before school and explanations.


When Zedd's command roared through his mind the wolf stopped. That wrongness solidified into anger and the howling coalesced into the sound of a voice shouting in the distance of his mind.The wolf listened and could finally make what it said. _No! I won't kill anyone. And I won't let let Zedd win, he's evil. I will not hurt Tommy! He's my friend._ The wolf froze as the crimson wall of magic shattered and the power flowed out and over him. The dark red vanished in the night and his blue brightened and washed over him, cleansing the taint of dark magic that had until a moment ago held him. Where before there was a giant hulking dire wolf, stood a more mundane version of the species with a greyish-brown coat that seemed almost silver in the moonlight.

Balance shifted as the struggling Ranger below him rolled, but he lightly leapt off. Billy was confused, everything seemed distant and foggy, but he felt the power roll through him and heard the call of another wolf, the spectral wolf that shared part of his soul. He bounded off into the night once more. He roamed the woods feeling free and reveling in the night when he saw _the_ wolf come towards him. The wolf was beautiful and noble as it gracefully moved towards him and even in his now grey world the wolf glowed blue.

The wolf cocked his head and stared intently at Billy. Hello young-cub. Good hunting? Actually that's what it translated to in Billy's mind, it was more a combination of images and experiences than words. Yet the wolf he now was understood it instinctivly.

Billy still stared at the wolf, this was the one that had guarded him from Salidus, this was the wolf he called to everytime he used his power. It was one thing to see it protecting you, but quite another to have it opening conversation. He was startled to say the least. Um...Hello.

Something like amusement seemed to radiate from the wolf, Run with me. The wolf took off and Billy followed, curious as to what was going on. He ran and felt the night around him, the dewy grass beneath his feet, heard the whisper of the wind through the woods. He felt apart of this 'now,' the earlier events of the night were distant and tommorow was but a vague concept in the back of his mind. They slowed as they reached the top of a ridge and the wolf stopped and turned once more. I will speak to you in your way, concepts do not exist for what I wish to speak of, cub.

Billy blinked, more human thought reasserted itself. _He's speaking English?!_ What?

Amusement radiated from the wolf once more, Our hunt is almost over, cub. In the yet-to-come, you will not hear my howls as you do now. I will not be a part of your pack. The wolf paused and stared intently into Billy, I will still hunt with your spirit and you will know me, but I will not come to you as I do now, and you will not come to me. The wolf watched Billy intently and waited for him to speak.

Billy was shocked to say the least. _The wolf is leaving... but he's not leaving me, only the rangers. How? I won't hear him any more, what will I do?_ But I've only really started, I've got so much to learn. Is something happening to you? Tries Billy in a frantic attempt to make some sense of the situation.

No, cub. I am the first wolf to hunt in the night and I will only leave when my last cub ends his hunt. You will continue to learn, that is what you do, that is your gift and you will use it always. All you must learn you will learn, I know.

Pieces began to come together in Billy's mind. _I won't be a ranger, that's why I won't hear him... as clearly. The wolf is my spirit animal, a reflection of my spirit, so I'll always be connected to it, unless I lose myself._ Billy shook his head, What happens? How...?

The not-now is not truly my concern, nor should it be yours. Concentrate and enjoy the night, all will be as it should.

_!?_ Okay, what will happen will happen and my worries won't matter, right?

The wolf looks at Billy with amusement dancing in his yellow eyes, You are amusing, cub, and I have said what I have said. You have proven yourself true to yourself. You have found the wolf within and now you find a balance between the wolf and not-wolf parts.

_I suppose I should enjoy this while I can. Tommorow I have to...that's why I'm different, not only because I'm a human, but because I do spend time thinking of the future. If this was all a spell of Zedd's...Hmmm...I guess this is the end of my nocturnal jaunts as well?_ Is this the end of this? Billy struggles for a moment to bring his thoughts back in line with the conversation.

That is the not-now, cub. Let us run and see the fading night, feel the rain upon our fur, that will be when it is. The wolf begins to move forward and once more Billy follows.

_Huh? I guess I've gotten all I'm going to get from him. Morning's almost here, guess I'd better enjoy it while I can._ He lopes off after the wolf.


Zedd fumed, when he had commanded his wolf to kill the White Ranger the crystal had flared bright red for a moment then turned violet. _What is happening?_ He turned his red gaze to the earth and watched in glee as his wolf pounced on the White Ranger. Then the crystal flashed bright blue and grew warm in Zedd's hand. _What?_ He could only look on in surprise and shock as the crystal brightened and exploded. "Arggh!" he roared and he grabbed his throbbing hand. His staff clanged to the floor as he stalked to his throne. All thoughts of earth and Billy faded when he heard a shrill voice. "Zeddy, what's wrong?"

_You._ He mentally sighed to himself and braced for Rita's nagging. _This can't get any worse._ He slumped in his throne and sulked.


Tommy wakes up and gets ready for school, but he just doesn't feel it's worth the effort. Defeat hangs over him like a dark cloud and he sighs. _I should have done something, I should have noticed..._ He grabs his books and heads to school. _I'll have to tell them, then..._ As he walks out his door he sees Rocky waiting, "Hi, Rocky. What's up?"

Rocky shuffles for a moment, "I knew you'd be feeling kinda cruddy and I thought, uh, well, maybe..." He trails off and looks at Tommy. _Man, he looks bummed, I guess that's what happens when one of your friends is turned into a monster and you don't save him. Now he has to tell the others and I don't know how he's going to do it..._

Tommy smiles slightly. _Rocko's kinda transparent at times._ "I am and thanks, I could use the backup. How are you feeling?"

"Okay, but I keep collecting static electricity. I shock myself everytime I touch something metal or anyone else, but Zordon says that should fade. But it's really kinda annoying," Rocky shrugs. "Well, let's go or we'll be late for school."

Tommy sighs. _Yeah, I have to go and tell them why Adam isn't there. I'll have to tell them why Billy isn't there and won't be again._ Sadness wells up in Tommy and he almost feels like crying. _Get it together Tommy, you have to look strong for the others, that's your job._ He shakes his head angrily and walks past Rocky, who follows behind, but not with his usual exuberance.


Tommy makes it to school and puts his books in his locker. Rocky follows a respectful distance behind and keeps an eye out for his friends. _Man, Tommy is so bummed. I guess it's better to tell Kat and Aisha now, I mean it's probably going to be on the news and all. Better to find out what happened from Tommy than a TV or gossip._ "Hey, here they come," Rocky quietly informs him.

Tommy stares intently into his locker. _Gotta keep it together. I failed and now they're all going to know. I lost Billy. Stop it, can't think like that now. I'm the leader of the Power Rangers, I have to be strong. I've got to be the rock that anchors them, but that's what Billy... was._ He grabs his books and turns to them.

Kat and Aisha were slightly worried when they saw Rocky's downcast expression. Then combined with the fact that they hadn't seen Billy or Adam yet, they were feeling something was up. When Tommy turned and they saw the serious expression on his face, both suddenly had an idea of what was up. They waited anxiously for Tommy to speak. "Tommy, what is it?" questioned Kat quietly.

Tommy took a deep breath. _Here goes..._ "Last night Adam spent the night at Billy's. He ended up at my house around midnight and he was hurt. He's in the hospital, but he'll be okay."

Tommy was ready to continue, but was quickly interupted by Kat, "What hurt him? How was he hurt? And what about Billy?," she paused. _And why didn't you call me?_ She waited to see what Tommy would say.

He blinked at Kat. _I wanted to get through this with as little as possible, should move to somewhere a bit more secluded._ "Why don't we move down there?" He points to the area beside Mr. Kaplan's office, which most students gave a wide berth on general principle. They move down there and Tommy answers Kat's questions in quiet tones, "He was slashed pretty badly." He pauses once again. _Now for the fun part._ "It seems that Zedd cast a spell on Billy, making him a sort of werewolf. He attacked Adam." Tommy waited a second for that to sink in.

Kat looked intently at Rocky. _He's looking slightly green, this must get worse._ Then she turns her attention to Tommy. _He looks so...noble, like he's putting on a front._ She stares into his brown eyes. _He's so sad, and he's being strong for us. How bad is it?_ Dread begins to clutch her heart in its icy grip.

"So he's at the Command Center, right?" asks Aisha, the concept of failing a friend is alien to her. She's always believed that if you have friends then you can do anything, it's what allows her to go through life with such joy and love. Rocky moves a bit closer to Aisha and decides that his shoes are very fascinating.

Tommy swallows, looks to the floor and back up to Aisha, he sees the hope buring in her eyes and can hardly find his voice to tell her differently. "No, he's not. Rocky and I...tried to save him, but we failed. Alpha told us that the spell has become permanent, there's nothing left for us to do. We've lost him," finishes Tommy as he looks to the floor. _I've lost him._

Aisha just can't believe it, denial flows through her. _He can't be gone, he's always here for us. They must be wrong, there must be something..._ But even she has trouble convincing herself. Tears begin to form and Rocky moves over and gives her an awkward hug as she begins to quietly cry.

Kat stares at Tommy dumbfounded. _Lost him? Nothing we can do? It's over before it started._ Sadness and grief roll through her as she thinks of the friend that she has lost. Then that grief is replaced by anger, "Why didn't you call us? We could have helped," says Kat flatly, anger mixing with pain in her eyes.

Tommy stands up straighter, a grim and determined look on his face, "It was my decision, he had injured Adam. Rocky and I could barely hold our own, you and Aisha wouldn't have had a chance," he states flatly.

Any retort by Kat is stopped by the bell ringing. "This isn't finished," Kat states as she stalks off to her first class.

Tommy takes a few deep breaths. _Maybe she's right, maybe I should have called them._ He shakes his head and turns to Rocky and Aisha, "You two all right?" he asks the concern melting his earlier anger.

Aisha looks up, "Sure," she says shakily, "Have to get to class." She smiles sickly and wipes her eyes. She heads to her locker and grabs her books.

Rocky looks on, the sadly serious expression that seems so out of place on his fac. "I'll go with her, we have the same class anyway." He looks at Tommy intently, "Remember, we're here for you too."

A sad smile cracks Tommy's face, "I don't think Kat would agree with you, I've gotta get to class." Tommy turns and begins to shuffle wearily to his next class. Rocky looks at Tommy's defeated posture and a thought slowly works it's way through his skull. _Maybe we've all lost a friend, but I think Tommy's lost his best friend. Maybe Zedd has won. I'll just have to keep an eye on him, maybe I should go tell Adam._ A look of pain crosses Rocky's face, but his serious expression soon re-engulfs it as he escorts Aisha to class.


Cold and wet, those were the first sensations that registered in Billy's mind. Then when he opened his eyes the searing brightness of day caused him to snap them shut once more. He carefully cracked his eyes open once more and sat up. _Ow, I'm really stiff, my eyes hurt._ He took a deep breath and was rewarded by a rush of pain from his chest, he looked dazidly at himself. _What?_ He could barely see. _I guess my contacts have been in a bit long. I'm going to have to take them out, they are way too dry._ He had a big band of bruises across his chest, which he could see comparatively well because his shirt was missing. His sneakers we missing and his pants were really shredded. He felt pretty scratched up and his jaw hurt. He sighed and got up. _This sleepwalking has got to end._ He shook his head and had only walked a few feet when the world really lost focus. _Damn, too dry and blurry to see out of, must have got them dirty. Just great._ He pops his contacts and watches as the world actually clears up a little.

_Well Billy, let's pick a direction. I have no idea where I am._ He wandered along for a bit and a few thoughts began to bounce around. _Didn't Adam spend the night? What happen..._ He stopped where he was and stared vacantly into space as the events of last night began to unfold in his mind. _I hurt Adam! How could I? It was Zedd, he cast a spell..._ Billy was unsure of this, but it was a lifeline that kept him together. _I attacked Tommy and Rocky._ His brow furrows in thought. _I don't think I hurt them. I need to get back to make sure._ He checks for his communicator and morpher, but finds them gone. _Great, not only have I been under a spell, but I lost my stuff and nuked my contacts._ He begins moving at a quicker pace, but has to slow after a few near falls. Time passes as Billy moves through his blurry world of indistinct shapes. He's getting kind of worried. _How far out am I? Am I heading deeper into the woods?_ He sighs. _I have to keep moving, I have the distinct impression that no one knows I'm out here._ He keeps going over last night, but is broken from his thoughts by the sound of familiar voices.

"Bulky are you sure these are what we need?"

"Yeah, these will look good. I mean all we have to do is something nature related right? We get an A and out of class for a couple hours. It'll look good to Lt. Stone too."

"You sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure!"

Billy smiles to himself as he moves towards the sound. _My saviors, Bulk and Skull._ He chuckles to himself as he moves into what he thinks is a clearing.

"Uh, Bulky?"


"There aren't any monsters in these woods are there?"

"No, you nitwit, there aren't any monsters?"

"Okay, I was just wondering what that was?"

Billy sighs. _I must look really bad. This is going to be a long day. I'd better identify myself before they panic._ "It's me Billy." He hears Bulks intake of breath and hears him jump slightly. "Sorry to startle you guys, but I'm lost and my contacts are fried. Can you get me back home?" He squints blearily, willing them to come into focus, without much success.

"Uh, sure. How did you get out here?" questions Bulk.

Billy shrugs. _I don't think some of the truth will hurt._ "I've been sleepwalking, I just woke up out here."

"Sleepwalking? You look like you've been beat up and thrown in the mud on top of it," inputs Skull.

A deep sigh escapes Billy, "Could you get me home, I don't mean to be pushy, but I feel really cruddy and I can't see a thing."

"Okay, sure," say Bulk and Skull in unison. They begin to lead him back to his home and after a few mishaps they eventuallyget there.

He hears Bulk say, "Hello, Mr. Cran-" before he's interupted by his father.

"Billy, what happened? Where were you? Do you know what happened to Adam? You look really bad, I'll go call a doctor," rambles his father.

Billy smiles. _I guess Dad was a bit worried._ "Um, maybe you should let me get cleaned up first, then we'll know if it's anything. I'm also really hungry. I don't really know what happened, I've been sleepwalking and I had Adam over to keep an eye on me. Something happened to Adam?" he let his concern creep into his voice. _Maybe I'll find out how he is._

"Something attacked him, you know how it is in Angel Grove, all those monster things," a little disbelief colored his voice and Billy could imagine him shaking his head. "He'll be okay, in fact he should be out tommorrow. They wanted to keep him a day for observation."

"That's good, but I really want a shower and my glasses." He staggers towards the house and lets himself in while Bulk and Skull corner his dad and tell them of their heroic rescue. Billy chuckles some more as he navigates his way to his room. _First thing..._ He runs his hand over a shelf till they contact his glasses case. _Let's see how bad I really look._ He puts his glasses on and watches the world fall into focus. _That's nice,_ and he absently grabs some clean clothes as he heads to the bathroom. _Shower, that sounds nice._

He gets there and gets a shock as he stares in the mirror. _Wow..._ is the only thought he can get out as he stares at his disheveled appearance. Along his jaw line is a pattern of dark bruises surrounding his muddy face and a few pieces of grass had become embedded in his makeshift mask. His hair is just wild, with a good dose of mud and grass thrown in. He's just slathered in mud. _What did I do? Go sleep in a swamp?_ He sighs and takes a shower, he feels much better afterwards and puts on the clothes he grabbed. _Great, that really dark blue sweater,_ he thinks unenthusedly, but he really doesn't feel like grabbing anything else.

He cleans his glasses on general principle and heads downstairs to grab some breakfast. He absently grabs some bread and tosses a couple cakes of sausage in the microwave as he prepares to fend off his father's concern. "Hi, Dad," says Billy. _Start simple, it's easier to build on._ He looks carefully at his father. _He looks so tired._

"Billy are you alright?" asks Mr. Cranston, the concern evident in his voice.

"Yes, I'm fine, just a bit bruised and slightly scratched up." He decides to switch gears, "Have you slept at all?"

"No, I was looking for you."

Billy smiles to himself, "Well, since I'm home, and since I'm alright, maybe you should go to bed. I can take of myself for a little while." He keeps his voice quiet and soothing. _Let's see if I can get him to doze off._

And soon enough Mr. Cranston nods. "Okay, maybe I should get some sleep. Are you sure you're all right?"

"Yes, I'm all right," he's interupted by the mircowaves beep and grabs his breakfast. "So why don't you rest. I'm going to see Adam and the guys to let them know I'm alright, okay?"

Mr. Cranston stares at Billy intently, making sure that he really is alright. _Billy is a good and responsible boy, he wouldn't lie to me._ He yawns, "I guess I will take your advice, but don't over do it, okay?"

"Okay," smiles Billy as he demolishes his breakfast. He watches his father leave and makes a few more trips to the microwave. After eating his fill he goes to his lab and grabs a spare communicator. _I'll see Adam first then I'll go see the others._ He heads out to the hospital.


Adam was bored, his arm hurt and he'd gotten a few shots last night, but now they were leaving him alone. His parents had dozed off in the chairs by his bed sometime ago, but he didn't want to disturb them. He was worried about Billy, but there was nothing he could do about it right now. _I can't call Zordon with my parents in the room, everyone's at school, and I have nothing to do._ He sighed and tried to go back to sleep. _I'm stuck here for another night, oh joy._

He was shaken from his thoughts by the sound of someone quietly entering his room. He turned to look, "Billy!" He said this a bit louder than he intended, because his parents woke up and turned to Billy.

Billy smiled sheepishly, "Uh, hi. My dad told me you were here and I thought I'd come to see you." He did his best to ignore the stares of Adam's parents. _Oh, boy do they want an explantation._ "What happened?"

Adam wanted to scream in frustration. _Oh I think you were turned into a werewolf and started to hunt me. Then you attacked me and let me go. I went to Tommy's and next thing I know I'm here._ "Uh, you started sleepwalking again, I followed. I, uh, lost you and was attacked by something. I made it to Tommy's and ended up here. What about you?" _Are you still under the spell? How am I going to find out with my parents here._ Annoyance at the situtation was begining to make Adam want to cover his head with his pillow and scream. He smiled slightly at the image and calmed a bit.

Billy shrugged, "I went to bed, next thing I knew I was in the woods. I woke up, my contacts had dried out," he pauses and points to his glasses, "I was sore all over and covered with mud. I wandered around the woods until I was saved by," he smiles, "Bulk and Skull. I went home cleaned up and had some breakfast. I'm fine." He looked intently at Adam as he said the last part and hoped he would get it.

_Not under the spell anymore._ Adam let out a breath that he didn't even know he was holding. "That's good."

He notices that his parents' gazes have softened and they're not looking at Billy so suspicously. His father smiles at him, "We're going to get some breakfast." He then quietly escorts his wife to the hospital cafeteria.

"I'm not under the spell anymore," says Billy as soon as the door closes. He shakes his head, "I am so sorry, but I couldn't help myself. For awhile it didn't even click that it was you," as he speaks guilt and sadness creep into his voice.

"Whoa! Stop it, it's done, it's over, you're not under the spell. I'm going to be fine, we're all going to be fine. Forget it," says Adam forcefully. He smiles, "We don't need a repeat of last time, please." He sees Billy's mouth quirk into a grin, "What happened to you? You look... bruised," finishes Adam.

Billy absently rubs his jaw. _Ow!_ and stops. "Actually I think it was Tommy, but if you think this is bad you should see what Rocky did to my ribs," he winces for effect, "not fun."

Billy's interrupted as the door opens and Rocky walks in, the grave expression on his face fades as soon as he sees Billy. "Billy!" he shouts gleefully as he picks his friend up in a bear hug and lifts him from the floor.

"Ow, Rocky put me down, please," Billy pleads and his ribs tell him that was not a good thing to do. He rubs his ribs and looks into Rocky's beaming face. "You're all right! We'd thought we'd lost you to Zedd's spell, I mean even Zordon thought it. We even told Kat and Aisha, and Kat was pretty peed at Tommy. He's not doing well either, he's depressed, he like thinks it's all his fault, y'know?" says Rocky excitedly.

Billy and Adam stare at him trying to comprehend what he just said. Adam turns to Billy, "I think they think you're still under the spell."

"I think what you think they think is right." Billy's face quirks into a grin as he finishes the convuluted sentence.

Adam giggles slightly at Rocky's look of confusion. He waits a second as Rocky works it through and laughs. "Man that feels good," Rocky's smile fades for a moment, "maybe we should tell the others right now."

He reaches for his communicator, but Billy stops him. "Wouldn't it be better if I did that in person?" asks Billy. He smiles at Adam, "I think we need to go to the Juice Bar and talk to the others, but I think we should drop by the Command Center first."

"Okay, but come back, bring a couple books, or the others, or something. I am so bored," smiles Adam to his friends as they leave.

"Sure," replies Rocky as they head to the Juice Bar.


Ernie sat behind the Juice Bar mixing drinks and keeping an idle eye on his patrons. He'd heard about what happened to Adam, and he noted the change in mood of his group of friends. He was keeping a special eye on them, the Juice Bar was usually a pretty cheery place, filled with Angel Grove students kicking back and having some fun. Or as in Tommy's case, just kicking.

He launched another roundhouse at the bag and watched it spin and begin to come back to him. He kicked it again and kept his leg cocked for another kick. _Rocky's gone to tell Adam, he really wanted to. I should have, but why? Adam probably doesn't even want to see me, I screwed up and lost one of his best friends to an evil spell. They depended on me and I failed._ He thuds the bag twice in rapid successsion. _Kat hates me. Maybe I should have called them in, but if I had..._ Tommy pauses in his exertions. _They would have gotten hurt, and it wouldn't have changed a thing. I was the one who should have got Billy back to the Command Center so Alpha and Zordon could help him._ His thoughts go back to their original course as he begins to pound the bag once more. The bag swings and reveals Kat and Aisha talking at their table.


Kat and Aisha were talking... well Aisha was talking. Kat was just fuming. _I can't believe he didn't trust us enough to call us. If he had we could have saved Billy._ Tears well up and she uses her anger at Tommy to push it back again.

Aisha had begun a rambling discourse on her memories of her friend Billy. She told Kat about when they first met and had just kept talking until her narration reached the present. She was saddened but she knew that you had to take joy in life, even when it was over. She thought of all the wonderful times with Billy and took heart, while she greived silently for those that would never happen. To Aisha this was a time to be with your friends and revel in the memories and experiences she had shared with Billy. Aisha was getting annoyed with Kat, but she could tell that Kat was staying angry with Tommy so she could avoid it. "Kat, you need to calm down and talk to Tommy. He's over there hitting the bag." As she spoke Aisha reached over and grabbed Kat's hand, she rose and took Kat over to Tommy. "You have got to deal with this, we need to be ready and to be together."

Tommy glared sadly at Kat as she and Aisha approached. Aisha decided to speak first. _At least I can try and referee._ "Hey Tommy, you looked pretty intense out here," she pauses.

"Yeah," he replied, and thudded the bag a few more times.

She sighed. _This is going to harder than I thought._ "Um, guys, you two need to talk, and I mean talk." She stood back to watch the exchange.

Tommy looked sullenly at Kat. _I am leader, so she has a right to be mad at me. It was my fault._ His shoulders slumped a bit more as he waited for Kat to speak.

Kat frowned at Tommy, she took in his defeated demeanor and felt some of her anger fade. _Maybe I have been to hard on him, he already believes that it's his fault. I'm not helping._ "I'm sorry Tommy, I was just trying to deny it. I blamed you, because I had to do something." _I was angry, one of my best friends has been taken from me. I can't get even with Zedd, but I can take it out on you._ She sighed, walked closer to Tommy, and looked deep into his sad eyes. "Tommy it is not your fault. You did all that you could, but somethings truly are impossible."

Tommy gaped at her, "It is my fault! I am the leader, I should have done something. I could have done something-"

"What?" asks Kat quietly, "What could you have done? You did all that you could, you fought as hard as you could and it didn't help. What else could you have done?"

Tommy stares at Kat for a moment as he tries to come up with a reply. _I could have... what? I did all that I could with what I had, maybe Kat is right. But I still lost my best friend, what am I supposed to do about that?_ He looks at Kat, his mouth fumbling for words that just wouldn't come.

"Is this a private party or can anyone mope here?" questions a cheery voice behind them. Tommy, Aisha, and Kat spin to see... Billy!

They stare blankly for a moment as Rocky laughs at their shock. "Hey, look what I found," he quips to the others.

"Billy, you're all right!? But how? I thought-" Tommy's words stumble over each other as he tries to deal with the new, though nice, situation.

_One last time,_ sighs Billy to himself. "Why don't we move away from the main area and chat." Once they get away from the main traffic area of Ernie's, he turns back to them, "Okay, I woke up in the woods. I'm fine, I'm me, I broke the spell. Zordon's already given me a clean bill of health."

"But I thought the spell would be permanent if we couldn't get you to the Command Center in time," asks Tommy.

"I broke it right before you left actually. I was just confused and ran off. I, uh, ran around for a bit, then woke up in the woods. I stumbled along and was actually rescued by Bulk and Skull. Went home, talked to my dad and then went and saw Adam. That's where Rocky found me and told me of the 'situation.' I thought I should come and inform you that the rumors of my demise had been greatly exagerated." Billy's face quirked into a grin once more.

He was then quickly engulfed by a group hug, led by Aisha. "It's so good to have you back." Billy found a few tears leaking from his eyes as he gasped out, "Thanks, just let go, will you. I'm still hurt. Please." The others stepped back quickly as Billy cradled his sore ribs.

"Uh, sorry. I know I said it before, but I still feel kinda bad, y'know," apologizes Rocky.

"Yeah and I'm sorry about your jaw, it's pretty black and blue. But it was that or having you rip my face off," smiles Tommy, the earlier shadow of defeat has fled him and he stands tall once again.

"Forgiven." _You probably wouldn't have tasted that good anyway._ Billy breaks out laughing and the others stare at him. "Uh, sorry. Errant thought."

After a few more stares, conversation quickly went back to more normal topics as it was wont to do in Angel Grove. The situation wasn't forgotten, but it was put behind them as another close call. They chatted a bit and Billy excused himself, "It's getting late and I want to stop by and see Adam. I'll see you guys tommorrow at school."


Billy went home, grabbed a few books and headed to the hospital. He made it to Adam's room to find him watching TV. Well, staring at the television would be more appropriate. "Hey Adam, how are you doing?"

"Concious, barely. What have you got for me?" Adam asks as soon as he takes in the books Billy's holding.

"Oh, just some stuff to read. I thought I'd drop them by so you wouldn't die of boredom."

"Uh, huh. You're still feeling guilty about it aren't you?" sighed Adam.

Billy's first instinct is to deny it, but he's been through this before. "Doesn't this seem familiar? Wasn't it just a couple months ago that we went through this after that whole Darken Crystal thing. So to make a long story short, I should just get over it. You forgive me, they forgive me, everyone forgives me. I wasn't my fault I was under a spell. So I need to forgive myself and accept it, not just ignore it." Billy waits for Adam to say something, "Well?"

"Well, what? You've said everything that I really need to say." Adam smiled at Billy and deftly changed the subject, "Well at least you won't be sleepwalking anymore. Now why don't you go home and get some sleep, you still look a bit tired."

Billy turned quickly after Adam spoke. _I don't know about that._ He smiles to himself. "I've got to go home and talk to dad anyway, he was just so tired and relieved when I came home that I was able to deflect him. Now he will want to know what happened. He'll probably drag me to the doctor's." _Not such a bad idea, I may have bruised my ribs._ "Well, I'll see you tomorrow." Billy waves and leaves Adam alone with his reading.


In Angel Grove, the full moon shone down for the last night of its monthly visit. It's bright light illuminated a wolf with a greyish-brown coat that seemed almost silver in its light. He sat on a ridge deep in the woods and watched, listened, smelled, and felt the bustle of life around him. His blueish eyes looked intently into the night as he howled in the joy of life, the now and the future.


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