Disclaimer: The Song is not mine it's from Anastasia, The characters of
Highlander and Power Rangers are not mine they are Saban's and Rysher's.
Yes you can all tell that I am obsessed with Highlander as much as I am
with Tommy and Kim. Hey you can all kill me the moment I start having Kim
and Duncan neck okay?!
Note: This is in the Universe where Tommy decides to go back to Kim no
matter what comes. Enjoy!
Kim sighed as she looked at her Christmas tree. It was trimmed and lit to
perfection. The white angel on top looked at her with it's sad brown eyes.
The eyes reminded her of Tommy, the white gown reminded her of Tommy.
Christmas reminded her of Tommy. She sighed again as she looked out the
window. Christmas was lonely. It used to be one of her favorite times of
the year but now. She didn't know. She missed Tommy with a passion. As she
looked at the stars she wondered what he would be doing now if he was
alive. A small wind up bear danced by her feet as her hand stroked the
painted wing of the angel on the window.
Dancing bears,
Painted wings,
Things I almost remember,
And a song someone sings,
Once upon a December,
Tommy gasped as one last tremor ran through his body signaling the end of
the Quickening. The very beginning and end of Quickenings were the part
that he could get drunk off if if he wasn't careful. It was the best
feeling he could ever have. It was the feeling he always had when he held
Kim in his arms. Tommy groaned as he reached for his sword. He looked over
his shoulder as Adam Pierson walked into veiw. He smiled smugly as Tommy
hid his sword and walked over to him.
"What are you smiling about?" Tommy asked. "Eric Karlos was over 200 years
old and you took him out without breaking a sweat." Adam replied. "I'm
happy you are alive."
"Yeah well hurrah for our side." Tommy growled as he started to leave. "I
have to clean up. See you at Joe's."
"Tommy?" Adam called out behind him.
"What?" Tommy looked over his shoulder and glared at Adam. "Merry
Christmas." Adam replied. "I never celebrated but I heard that you do."
"Yeah thanks." Tommy sighed then looked at the stars. "Merry Christmas Kim."
Someone holds me safe and warm,
Horses prance through a silver storm,
Figures dancing gracefully,
Across my memory,
Kim flipped through her picture album as "White Christmas" played on the
radio. She looked up when she heard the door bell ring. She wasn't
expecting any company let alone her best friends crowded around her door
singing "The First Noel" badly.
"What are you guys doing here?" Kim laughed as she let them in. "It's
Christmas Kim!" Billy smiled. "No one should spend Christmas alone. Even if
they want to be alone."
"And we know you don't want to be alone." Jason placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Thanks guys." Kim's eyes were wet with unshed tears. "This is really nice."
"Kim you've had a very hard year." Zack replied. "We just want you to know
that we are here for you anytime you need us."
"Tommy wouldn't want you to be alone Kim." Trini said as she handed kim a
present. "Especially on Christmas Eve."
"No." Kim whispered as she hugged Trini hard. "He wouldn't."
Far away, long ago,
Growing dim as an ember,
Things my heart,
Used to know,
Once upon a December,
"You're want to what?!" Duncan looked at the teen in shock. "Tommy are you
sure you want to do this? I mean you still have a lot to learn."
"Duncan I just took my third head." Tommy sighed. "I'm positive I want to
leave. I just need some money so I can start over."
Duncan nodded slowly and looked at Joe, Methos, and Richie. Joe smiled as
he clapped a hand on Tommy's shoulder. Richie looked at the two older
immortals and shrugged. Methos just watched the scene with a beer in his
"It's been real Tom." Joe chuckled. "Just remember when you are out in the
world. You can always come back here for a drink."
"Or run to Duncan when you need your butt to be saved." Richie chuckled.
"He's good at that."
"Thanks guys." Tommy smiled as he stood. "I got to get going." Duncan stood
and walked with Tommy to the door of the bar. When they reached it he
turned to the teen with a sad smile.
"When you need money just call and I'll transfer it to the bank closest to
you." Duncan said as he took Tommy's hand into a warrior's clasp. "Don't
loose your head."
"Thanks Mac." Tommy smiled. "And I'll be careful." Duncan watched as Tommy
walked to his car and left the parking lot. He smiled wistfully as the red
tail lights disappeared around the corner.
"Merry Christmas Tommy." Duncan whispered. "I'll see you around."
Someone holds me safe and warm,
Horses prance through a silver storm,
Figures dancing gracefully,
Across my memory,
Kim gasped as she woke from a nightmare. She dreamed that she was somewhere
cold with Tommy and they were dancing. She felt like she was floating on a
cloud. He was decked out in a white tuxedo with a silver bow and cumberbun
while she was wearing a silver gown. He was about to kiss her when he just
vanished. Then all Kim could hear was the sickening crunch of cars crashing
head on. Kim looked around her room feeling that something was different.
Then she saw it. A card on her bed next to a white rose. Kim's hands shook
as she looked at the hand writing. It was very familiar. After she read the
card she jumped out of bed and dressed in a hurry. She ran out of the house
so fast that she didn't even look like she was touching the ground. When
her mother looked in her room she saw the card and read it.
"Meet me in the park as soon as you read this please."
Far away, long ago,
Growing dim as an ember,
Things my heart,
Used to know,
Things it yearns to remember,
Kim ran all the way to the park until her lungs hurt. As she slowed down
her rational mind set in. Some one was playing a sick joke. She clenched
her fist as she started over a hill. All her anger vanished when she saw
the figure standing by the lake. The hair was the same, the build was a
little leaner and more muscular, and the clothes were different. He wore
blue jeans, a green shirt, and a denim vest. Kim let out a high squeak of
shock. When the figure turned at the sound familiar brown eyes met hers. He
smiled shyly as she stared at him.
"Tommy?" Kim asked.
"Hi Kim." Tommy replied.
"TOMMY!!" Kim screamed as she flew into his arms. "Oh my God! You're alive!"
Tommy let the hot tears flow from his eyes as he hugged Kim with all his
strength. She was just like he remembered. Soft, sweet, and beautiful.
"It's a miracle." Kim whispered. "You're alive. You're here." "It's more
complicated than that." Tommy whispered. "We need to talk about it.
"I don't want to hear it now." Kim sobbed. "Just hold me. Let me make sure
this is real and not a dream. Don't let me go."
"I'll never let you go again Kim." Tommy held her closer. "We will be
together forever. I promise."
And a song ,
Someone sings,
Once upon a December.<
"I love you Tommy." Kim whispered. "I always have and I always will love
you with all my heart."
"I love you more than life itself Kim." Tommy whispered. "Merry Christmas
Kimberly Hart."
The End