Mighty Morphin Power Alien Zeo Turbo Rangers
by Kittie

INT. Power Chamber
The Turbo Rangers are standing in front of Dimitria, having just completed another battle.

Justin: All right, we kicked DivaTox's butt!
Adam: Shut up, kid.
Justin: (Enthusiastically) Okay!
Tommy: (Big sigh.) You guys, I've made an important decision.
Kat: Oh no, Tommy, what is it?
Tommy: I'm leaving the team.

Everyone gasps.

Alpha 6: Yo-yo-yo, Dat ain't no big ting ya long-haired freak!
Kat: What? NOOOOOOOO!!!!
Justin: But why?
Tommy: I've been invited to go to an Interplanetary Peace in Gymnastics and Martial Arts for Injured Racers Conference (IPGMAIRC), and I've decided to accept. (Big sigh.) I'm passing my powers on to a new owner.
Tanya: Oh no!
Kat: But Tommy... you can't go!
Adam: Sure he can, then I can be the leader!
Dimitria: *snort!* I mean.... Are you sure that is wise, Adam?
Alpha 6: Yo-yo-yo, Adam, it don't matter how long ya hair gets, you can't lead dis team!

Adam shakes his hair out in front of his face and looks confused.

Kat: Well anyway, I can't be a Ranger if you're not, Tommy. Who will I scream for if I need help?
Adam: You can scream for me!
Tanya: S'cuse me?
Adam: Never mind.
Justin: (In a high-pitched voice.) You can scream for meeee!
Kat: Um... I don't think so.
Adam: Well Tanya, looks like it's just you and me.
Justin: And...?
Adam: Oh, and the little brat.
Tanya: Let's have him killed.
Alpha 6: Yo-yo-yo, sounds like a good idea!
Justin: Ha-ha, yu're such a kidder!
Tanya: (Slowly.) Justin... I don't kid.
Justin: Uh... (Laughs nervously.) Ah-hehheh....
Tanya: Anyway, Adam, I... Well, this seems like a good time to tell you all this....
Adam: Tanya what's wrong?
Tanya: Well... I'm pregnant.

Everyone gasps.

Adam: What...? You...? But...?
Alpha 6: Yo-yo-yo, Adam, you son of a gun!
Justin: Ooooh, you did a baaad thing!
Adam: Well there's only one thing for me to do. I have to do the responsible thing and marry you!
Tanya: Who said it's your- I mean.... Oh Adam, I knew you'd understand!
Dimitria: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Alpha 6: Yo-yo-yo, it's time to recruit a new team!
Alpha 6: Yo-yo-yo, bite me!!!!
Dimitria: Alpha, is it time for you bring to us four children with no experience in martial arts whatsoever?
Alpha 6: Yo-yo-yo, was dat a qweschin or an order?!

Dimitria sighs.

Dimitria: Don't you know I can't say anything unless it's a question, and that it's another silly plot device that's supposed to add suspence?
Alpha 6: Yo-yo-yo, I knew dat! Anyways you mean teenagers, right?

Dimitira shakes her head.

Alpha 6: Yo-yo-yo, you really mean children?
Tanya: Oh, this is so lame.
Rocky: (Off screen) Now you know how I felt! You buncha ungrateful jerks!
Tommy: Did you hear something?
Kat: Tommy help!
Tommy: (Big sigh) Shut up, Kat.
Dimitria: Alpha would you please bring me four children, no older than nine years old?
Alpha 6: Yo-yo-yo you got it babe!

Alpha begins punching random buttons.

Alpha 6: Yo-yo-yo, Rangers, you're serves real well. You WILL be forgotten!
Dimitria: Don't you mean they WON'T be forgotten?
Alpha 6: Whatever.
Dimitria: Well shouldn't you be leaving now? BYE!!!

The Turbo morphers fly off of their bodies and they automatically teleport away.

Dimitria: *sigh* Finally. Now I can quit with those annoying questions.
Justin: I'm still here!
Dimitria: (Ignores him) Where are the children Alpha? DAMN! That was a question!
Alpha 6: Yo-yo-yo,they're coming, Dimitria, don't get ya panties in a knot already!
Dimitria: Just pick a bunch of good looking kids and bring them here! We were forced to take Justin, but we won't make that mistake again! I want ATTRACTIVE CHILDREN! GIVE ME BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN!
Justin: All right!!!

Alpha and Dimitria give him strange looks. Four beautiful children appear out of nowhere, see Dimitria, and start screaming. Justin tries to calm them down, and the bulky one starts beating on him.

Justin: Aaaahhh! Help! Aaaaah!
Alpha 6: Yo-yo-yo, looks like dat's our new red ranger!
Dimitria: Great. Better recruit a new blue one, too. I think we broke Justin.
Justin: (Bloody and with 6 missing teeth) I'm okay....

Justin falls over and Red Ranger sits on him.

Red Ranger: Can I beat up some monsters now?
Alpha and Dimitria: SHUT UP!
