Disclaimer: I don't normally do disclaimers, but there are a few people who deserve thanks. Without these people this story would have died somewhere in the first half. Rap, Selenay, Kristen, and Rocky_, thanx tons for your suggestions and contributions! The title was Selenay's idea, and the really weird stuff (you'll know it when you see it) was Rap's idea. She is one sick puppy and I love her for it.Without further ado, here's....

Knockin' On Heaven's Door
by Kittie

Rocky DeSantos awoke with a start, his hands flying to his throat as he gasped for air. Dimly, he heard someone chuckling as they grasped his hands in their own. "Shhh, shhh Little One, don't be afraid. You are safe, now."

Rocky struggled to open his eyes, noting with some shock how apt that cliche was- they did feel as though they were glued shut. His chest no longer hurt the way it did, and his breathing was easier, but his lips felt chapped and dry. As if reading his mind, the person with him lifted a glass to his mouth and bade him drink. He did so, slowly, attempting to tune his ears to his surroundings.

"Do you know where you are, Little One?"

He swallowed with some difficulty and attempted to answer. "Hospital?"

Again, the chuckle. "No, guess again."

"Not hospital?"

"Can you open your eyes?"

"Glue...." he muttered, painfully aware of how dumb that sounded.

Sure enough, he was rewarded with a full-fledged laugh. "Roll your eyes around a bit, that'll help," the person managed after a while.

Rocky did, and after a short time, he was able to open his eyes a crack. The first thing he looked for was the face from whence the voice had come. "Huh?"

She smiled, her shining brown orbs eyes crinkling slightly as she did. "Hello."

"Hi," Rocky said slowly, and pulled himself into a sitting position.

"You don't recognize me." She didn't sound at all surprised or disappointed; her voice held the same tone of amusement.

"No...." He answered, looking around. "Sure looks like a hospital."

"But it isn't." She smoothed a rogue lock of hair away from his eyes, and Rocky flushed slightly. He'd been meaning to get a haircut for some time now, but had never gotten around to it. It was back to the length it had been way back during their trek to Phaedos, and he was getting tired of messing with it all the time. A crewcut meant no comb or brush was necessary.

"So what is it," he asked, somewhat impatiently. "And... am I supposed to know you?"

"You do know me," she answered, stepping away from the bed and turning to face the window. "You simply don't remember. The last time you saw me, you were not quite two years old."

Rocky frankly stared as a grain of recognition entered his brain. "Uh-uh," he said, slowly going pale. "Uh-uh, no way."

She turned around and smiled. "Yes, Little One. Welcome to the after-life."


Rocky sighed and thrust his hands into his pockets, glancing quickly around to make sure no cars were coming. A second later, he remembered he needn't have bothered. There were no cars here. Wherever "here" was.

His mind wandered back to the day before. It seemed like it had been much longer than a day. His grandmother had brought him home from the "airport," (which he thought was a rather stupid name for the gate to Heaven, but who was he to complain?) and put him right to bed. Her house was quite nice. It was small, but comfortable, decorated in muted blues and purples. His room was very different from the rest of the house. It had a lot of reds, and there was a TV and stereo there. The rest of the house had been very bare, electronics-wise. Mami had said she saw no need for things of that sort.

Apparently, his room had been "made" just for him. It had just "appeared" when she'd gone to pick him up. Another mystery to him, but he'd be here a while, there'd be time to figure it out.

As he walked, he kept his eyes up, observing the people, the shops, the general atmosphere. It was a lot like home, he noted, only quieter. The absence of cars jolted him, but he assumed if he really wanted one, he could have one. Then again, since people could generally get wherever they wanted to be in 2 seconds flat, there really was no need for such a tool.

That was another thing he found weird. Everyone here could teleport. It was a bit different from what he'd done as a Ranger, but the effect was the same. Today, he'd chosen to walk around, to get a feel for his new home. When he got used to being here, then maybe he'd jet around like a pro.

He stopped in front of a toy store and decided to go in. He hadn't yet experimented with money and commerce. _Wonder if there's poor people in Heaven,_ he thought as he entered. _Probably not... That'd kinda defeat the purpose._

"Hi, how ya doin'," asked the young man at the counter. "What can I do you for?"


"You're new," the man said, with a lopsided smile.

"How does everyone know that?" Rocky wondered aloud.

"You have 'the look,'" the man answered. "What's your name?"

"Rocky. DeSantos."

"Mine's Mike. How long you been here, Rocky?"

"One day. Are you dead too?"

He laughed. "Sorta. Everyone here is. No... 'angels,' if that's what you mean."

"None? At all?"

Mike shook his head. "Not exactly. I mean, there's a coupla people with wings, you know... who fly around for the heck of it, but they're mostly newbies. The novelty wears off faster than you'd think."


"It's hard as heck to sit down with those big wings on your back."

"Oh. Guess so."

"So, Rocky, what can I get ya?"

He shrugged. "I dunno. I guess I was just kinda wondering... like... what kinda stuff... you have," he finished lamely.

"Well, what do you like?"


"'Cause that's what we have."

"I don't get it."

Mike placed a hand on his shoulder and led him to one of the aisles. "What do you see?"

Rocky gasped, unable to articulate a response. This one aisle had rows upon rows of model cars, trains, boats, planes... everything he'd always loved as a child. Mike nodded. "You like building models, huh?"

"Y... yeah...."

"Well then... take your pick."

"I don't... I don't have any money."

"Don't need it. Just take what you want."

"It's free?"



"I don't lie, Rocky. None of us do."

"But... but...."

"You see... it's impossible to explain things in the terms you're used to, Rocky. You'll realize very soon that, if I may use an old American cliche, 'You ain't in Kansas anymore.'"

"Obviously," Rocky muttered, unable to take his eyes off the model of the original Steam Engine with working whistle.

Mike took the train kit off the shelf. "Here you go kid. Knock yourself out. Explore a bit, I know you'll love it here."

Rocky took it, his hands trembling slightly. "Okay...."


_This is too weird. No way this is happening to me. It's just not right, none of it is...._

"Did you have a good walk, Little One?"

He'd ended up back at his grandmother's house somehow. He looked blankly at her.

"Oh dear," she sighed, and pulled him into a chair at the kitchen table. "Don't worry sweetie, it'll pass." She put a cup of hot tea in front of him.

"What will," he mumbled somewhat incoherently.

"The shock. I know it's hard Little One, but everyone goes through this, Rocky, everyone does. Even me."

"Got a train," he said, without looking up at her.

She smiled, but her voice sounded sad. "I know, sweetie."


"Mami, I'm going to the store!" Rocky bounded out of the front door, holding a small list of items.

"Okay Little One, have fun!"

He set off walking, still preferring to take the scenic route whenever he went out. Mami had been somewhat surprised that he preferred getting their groceries "the old fashioned way," but had no problem giving him a list. If he forgot anything, she could easily get it later.

After two weeks of further exploring, he still hadn't been able to settle in. He was learning new things and meeting new people every day, but it wasn't home. He didn't want Mami to worry about him, so he did his best to seem happy, but he had a feeling she could see right through him.

It wasn't that he was miserable, he'd had some interesting experiences. The highlight of his new life so far was meeting Skull's great-grandfather and telling him tales of his descendant's antics. The older man loved hearing them- he said it reminded him of the way he'd been in his time. Of course, that only made Rocky miss Angel Grove even more. _Who'd have thought I'd miss Skull so much...?_

So absorbed in his thoughts was he, that he didn't see the person coming toward him until it was too late. "Whoa, watch out!"

The two slammed into one another, sending both of them to the ground in a heap. Rocky sat up immediately, tripping over himself to apologize. "I'm so sorry, I had no idea stuff like that happened here, I thought-" He looked up and stopped, his mouth wide open. "Billy?"


Billy had been on his way to the observatory, and flipping through a science book as he walked. Of course, the one time he decided to be irresponsible, someone else was doing it too. He slammed into the person and tumbled to the ground, immediately grateful for the fact that minor cuts and bruises didn't occur in this existence. However, his amusement and frustration turned to all-out shock when he saw who he'd slammed into. "Rocky?"


The two boys just sat there, staring at each other. "What are you doing here," they finally yelled- at the exact same time. Rocky recovered faster and added- "I asked you first!"

Billy sighed, "No you didn't... but I'll relent. Actually, I thought you guys would have figured it out by now."

Rocky stared blankly, waiting for an explanation.

"Well, umm... you know how I said I stayed on Aquitar?" Rocky nodded. "I didn't."

"You... you died?!"

"Umm... yeah."

"But... but...."

"Stop stuttering." Billy slowly got to his feet and brushed himself off, then held out a hand to Rocky. "Look, it's just that.... The water of the eternal springs could have saved me, but I'd've become immortal, and I didn't want that. I decided just to... let fate take its course."

"You wanted to die?!" Rocky was almost yelling by now.

"No, no... I just didn't want the alternative."

"But... but why didn't they tell us! And we... we saw you, you were fine!"

Billy sighed again, guiltily. "A computer image. I asked them not to tell you. I didn't want you guys to worry about me."

Rocky was speechless. "But... but...."

"Stop that, it's getting repetitive." Billy sighed again and gestured toward a small cafe across the street. "If you're not in any hurry...?"

Rocky nodded dumbly.

"All right, come on." Billy placed a guiding hand on his shoulder and led him to one of the tables. "Have a seat."

Rocky did, his eyes never leaving Billy's face. "I still can't believe it. All this time... you were dead and we didn't even know it!"

"Well, yes, but.... As you can see, I'm just fine. If you guys knew I'd died, you would only have grieved for me, and I didn't want that. I knew that no matter what, I would be okay."

"You're a piece of work, you know that?" Rocky picked up a breadstick and chewed on it thoughtfully. "I just can't believe you didn't know we didn't know!"

Billy shook his head. "It's easier not to know. To move on with your life, and not dwell on the past."

Rocky stared at him, incredulous. "But... your life is over! How can you not... dwell on that?"

"No, we are no longer on earth, but our lives are far from over. We're just in a new place."

Rocky frowned, still disbelieving. "This goes against everything I've always believed in."

Billy smiled, "No it doesn't, it's just different than you expected."

"How do you know what I expected?"

"Clouds, harps, wings...."

"Okay okay, you knew."

Billy's smile widened. "Don't I always? Now, you never answered my question."

"What question?"

"What are you doing here?"

"Oh. Well...." Rocky looked uncomfortable. "My house caught on fire, and the kids were all inside. I got them all out, but...." His voice trailed off.

"But you got stuck inside," Billy breathed. "I should have known you'd go out like a hero."

Rocky flushed. "I'm not a hero."

"You saved eight lives, didn't you? At the cost of your own?"


"Hmm...? I thought you got them all out?"

"Well kinda. See, Rosa had gotten out through a back window, but I didn't know. I went back in for her, but I didn't make it out."

"Ah." Billy nodded. "Still, seven is pretty impressive. And you did go back for her."

Rocky looked miserable. "Yeah, and she'll blame herself for the rest of her life."

Billy frowned. "That's not your fault, you don't need to worry about that."

"I can't help it. I worry about them."



"Don't. You have to move on, Rocky. It's okay to think of them, and to care, but you'll see them again. It's not up to you to live their lives."

Rocky stared down at his half-eaten breadstick. "I don't want to let go."

"You don't have to. You just have to live."

Rocky bit his lower lip, then looked back up at Billy. "So, umm... wanna come meet my grandma?"


"Mami, I'm home!"

"Hello Little One, did you remember the groceries?"

Rocky flushed right red as Billy snorted a laugh into his hand. "Um... no, I forgot."

His grandmother poked her head into the living room. "That's all right, I- Oh! Hello."

"Mami, this is Billy, he's a friend of mine from back home."

"Hello, Mrs...."

"Pineiro, but you may call me Mami, if you like...."

Rocky flushed. "Mami, he's... he's got a... that is...."

Billy smiled sadly. "That's all right Rocky. I'll be proud to call you Mami, Mrs. Pineiro...." She gave him a look. "I mean Mami."

She smiled widely and gave him a hug. "Good! Will you stay for dinner? I was going to make tamales!"

Rocky's eyes lit up. "All right!"

"Judging from Rocky's reaction, I assume I should accept the offer."

"Wonderful!" Mami turned and rushed back into the kitchen. "We'll have a real feast!"

Rocky rubbed his stomach and licked his lips exaggeratedly. "Mami's tamales are the best, Billy! You'll never want to stop eating!"

Billy chuckled. "I believe you, something smells wonderful in there."

"Mmmm... yeah...." Rocky sighed, a dopey grin widening his face. Billy couldn't help but laugh.


"Hey Mami, how long 'til dinner?"

"Be patient, Little One! Good food cannot be rushed!"

"Okay Mami...."

Billy shook his head. "Relax Rocky, we just ate, not two hours ago!"

Rocky gave him a look. "You forget who you're talking to."

"Oh, right."

The two were quiet for a short while, watching reruns of "The Flintstones" on Rocky's television set. "Hey Billy, can I ask you a question? It's kinda personal."

"Sure," Billy answered easily. "What's up?"

"I um... I thought your Mom was... well, why isn't she here? I mean...."

Billy sighed. "Oh. Well, she is here...."

Rocky crinkled his brow in confusion. "But...?"

"It's kind of hard to explain. You see, she's got her own life here... she wrote me a note when I got here, telling me where she was.... I visited and everything, but... I just didn't feel like I fit in there."

"Oh. ... Where is she?"

Billy flushed slightly. "She's in some sort of communal living... nudist... colony."

Rocky choked. "Nudist?!"

"Yeah. I, um... I have my own place."

"You saw your mother naked? Holy...."

"I know, I know."

"Damn.... She saw you naked too?"

"Well... I'd have stuck out more if I'd worn clothes. Besides, she's my mother, she's already seen me naked."

"Not... fully grown... and all."

Billy flushed an even deeper red. "I know Rocky, just leave it alone, please."

"Sorry," Rocky muttered, trying to force his attention back to the screen. He failed. "Was everybody naked? Even old people?"

Billy rolled his eyes. "There were no old people, but I suppose if someone wanted to be old and naked they could."

"No old people?"

"Haven't you noticed yet? Not many people here are over 40. Even your Mami is... maybe... 35-ish."

Rocky looked startled. "Oh yeah! How come?"

"Well, you can choose your age. When I got here, I was roughly, oh... mid-to-late nineties. Now, I'm back to being sixteen."

"Only sixteen?"

"You're not very observant are you?"

Rocky blushed. "Guess not." He looked Billy over carefully, causing the other boy to squirm nervously. "Yeah, I guess you do look younger than I remembered.... How'd you do that?"

Billy shrugged. "I'm not really sure. It just happened. You know how it is, you want something, it's suddenly there. I assume it's the same principle with age."

"That makes sense, I guess." Rocky sighed and slouched a little in his seat. "No weirder than anything else around here."

Billy glanced sideways at him, concerned. "I detect a hint of dissatisfaction?"

"More than a hint," Rocky answered glumly. "A lot more than a hint."


"Boys! Dinner is ready!"

Rocky got to his feet and stretched. "C'mon, you'll love Mami's tamales."

Billy stood too, and placed a hand on Rocky's shoulder. "We'll continue this conversation later, all right?"

Rocky looked hesitant, but after a moment's thought, he nodded. "Okay."


Rocky sped down the street, an extra pair of Rollerblades slung over his shoulder. It was a beautiful day, as always, and when he awoke, there'd been a wicked pair of skates by his bedside. He'd immediately wished up a second pair for Billy- sensible size tens in a tame shade of navy blue, obviously made just for Billy.

He frowned a little as he thought of his new friend. It was a little strange thinking of Billy as a "new" friend, but considering they'd never really talked or hung out when they were both still alive, they really were newfound friends. Billy had quite a sense of humour, which had shocked Rocky the first time he'd been on the receiving end of it. It was dryer and more cynical than his own, not to mention laden with intellectual overtones, but the jokes he'd understood were hilarious.

Of course, he hadn't heard much of that humour lately- Billy had been a bit quiet for the past few days, and Rocky was beginning to get worried. It was, he thought, the perfect reason to drag Billy out for a day of rollerblading and fun. No one could resist the feeling of the wind in their hair, the scenery rushing by.... "This is heaven," he muttered to himself, then burst out laughing as he realized how true that was.

He sobered quickly, pondering the latest turn of events. Mami had called Billy a "lost soul" the previous evening at dinner, and that had troubled Rocky. "Lost souls," she explained, were those who were unhappy in heaven—usually because they had some sort on unfinished business from their past lives. All souls had difficulty initially making the transition to the afterlife, but eventually settled and found more happiness than they could have ever imagined. Lost souls, however, rarely found happiness—they missed the simple pleasures, challenges, and, most of all, people of the "other life." They usually ended up going back to the airport and teleporting back to the other life, wandering the Earth as ghosts. Willfully returning to heaven was easy for them, but few ever returned until they were sure their loved ones were safe and happy. Considering the nature of life on Earth, that occurrence was rare at best.

Mami's eyes took on a sad gleam whenever she spoke of Billy. Rocky noted with some discomfort that her eyes now had that same pitying look when she spoke to him.

He pulled up in front of Billy's house and stopped, taking a deep breath and fixing a smile on his face. He had to be cheerful, for Billy's sake. _And my own...._

"Hey Billy! Come on, we're going skating!" No answer. "I know you're in there, c'mon, it'll be fun! I brought some skates for you- they're blue just like you like them!"

He heard movement inside and waited a few seconds, then the door opened slowly and Billy glared out at him. "It's too early for this, Rocky, go home."

Rocky gave him a look of wide-eyed innocence. "It's only ten o'clock. Get dressed, we're going skating!" He pushed past Billy and skated into the darkened house, flicking on the lights as he went. "It's dark in here, you could trip and break your- oh, never mind."

He pretended not to notice Billy's dark glare at his back; he was certain all Billy needed was to get out and have some fun, and then he'd get out of his funk. Sure, being dead wasn't exactly the best place to be, but they were stuck here, right? They might as well make the best of it.

With that in mind, he plunged ahead, knowing in his heart that once Billy realized he was doing this to help him, he'd come around. (He hoped.)

"Wow Billy, um... nice place. It's very.... spartan."

"Glad you approve."

Rocky startled a little- Billy sounded really bad. Come to think of it, he didn't look too great either. Thin and pale, a big change from the first day he'd seen him.... "So get dressed, let's go!"

"I don't want to go rollerblading-"

"Then we'll walk, okay? Look, I'm taking off my skates, see? A nice, slow, leisurely walk."


"Please?" Rocky did his best puppy dog face - the face that no one alive (or dead) could resist. "It'll do you good, and if you don't start to have fun after an hour... or two... I'll walk you back home. Please?"

Billy sighed, knowing he was beaten. "Oh, all right. Just wait here, I'll get ready." He turned and started to trudge down the hall toward the bathroom. Just before the door closed behind him, Rocky got in the last word.

"And hurry up, I'm hungry!"


Billy sighed a little as a soft breeze ruffled his hair and tickled his nose. Normally, the sensation would have given him a smile, but today he noted it with a cold detachment. Rocky was bouncy and cheerful, as usual, though it did seem that even he was a little off. _Probably my imagination,_ Billy decided. _I'm projecting my mood onto him._

Up ahead, Rocky slowed and cast a glance back at him. "Is that a smile?" he asked hopefully.

"No," Billy answered honestly, "It's a grimace."

Rocky sighed and stopped, letting Billy take a few small strides up to his side. "I wish you'd cheer up," he said dejectedly. "I know you're not... I mean, I'm not either, but.... We're here, you know? And it's nice.... No money, no pain, no worries...."

Billy nodded. "I know."

Rocky was silent for a moment, then he looked up at Billy, who was surprised to see tears glistening in his eyes. "So why aren't we happy?"

"I know why!"

Both boys whirled around, instinctively taking defensive stances. The woman who had spoken just laughed and shook her head, her long golden hoop earrings making a curious tinkling sound. "You are still tied to your Earthly ways!"

The boys relaxed and glanced at one another sheepishly. "Sorry," Rocky muttered.

The woman was suddenly just in front of him, and she placed a cold hand on his brow. "Yes... I sense strong ties!"

Billy rolled his eyes. "What are you, a psychic?" Rocky poked him, hard, in the side.

The woman looked at him, then, her face grim. "I am more than that... Billy."

"How did you know my name?"

"I know many things," she answered distractedly. She took Rocky's hand in her own and turned it so that it faced palm upward. With a trembling finger, she traced first the pinkish-brown lines on his palm, and then the fleshy outline of his thumb. "Many, many things."

Rocky looked at her nervously. "What kind of things?"

"Your lifeline is very long," she said, not really speaking to him. "You are disquieted."

Billy snorted. "His lifeline must not be very accurate then."

She looked sharply at him, almost glaring, and he shrank back from the intensity in her eyes. She held him there, unable to move, before turning quickly back to Rocky, and speaking in a gentle voice, much like one would use with a child. "You have been feeling sad, yes? You are unable to let go of your former life." He gulped and nodded, feeling his throat closing up once again with tears.

"There is a reason for your distress, Rocky." She folded both of her hands over his and smiled sadly at him. "You do not belong here."

Rocky gasped. "I'm s'posed to be in Hell? But I was good, I swear! I prayed, and I-"

"No! Rocky.... Your life is not yet over."

Rocky just stared, too shocked to speak. Billy stepped up behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "What are you talking about?"

The woman ignored him. "Do not let go of your life, Rocky. It is still with you. In time, you will return to Earth to complete what was left undone."


"No.... Your family awaits your return."

Rocky stared blankly, but Billy's face lit up with understanding. "A coma?"

The woman nodded, almost imperceptibly. "Take care Rocky." And she started away. Just before she vanished, she turned and regarded them one last time. "It is fortunate that the two of you share the same fate.... Perhaps you can find solace in each other."

And she was gone.

"Same... fate?" Rocky looked to Billy for an explanation, but the other boy did not answer.


"Come to dinner, Little One."

Rocky sighed and rolled over, pulling the covers further up over his head. He shut his eyes tightly and silently prayed that she would assume he was asleep and give up.

"Little One, come now, I know you hear me."

He groaned, remembering all at once that he couldn't hide things like that from Mami. No lies here. Of course, it wasn't exactly a lie, but he had tried to fool her. "Okay Mami," he sighed, sitting up slowly.

He glanced down at himself and made a face. He was still wearing the same clothes from the day before, and he was terribly rumpled. He didn't dare look in the mirror for fear his bed-hair would permanently scar his fragile psyche.

He concentrated hard and wished for neatness. The whole "wishing" thing seemed to come naturally for others, but he found he had to ask for things. He had no idea who he was supposed to be asking, so he usually just asked God. "God, please clean me up for dinner." Whether or not it was God who was doing it, he soon found himself presentable and headed downstairs.

Mami looked at him hard as he entered the dining room. "We must talk, Little One. You have been in bed all day, and I worry about you."

"I was asleep-" he started to lie, then he remembered. "Oh. Yeah, well.... I just had to think."

"I know," she nodded, as she down their dinner of chili with red beans and rice. "But you must not shut yourself away from me."

"How do I get back, Mami? I mean, it's nice here and all, but... I want to go home." He paused, then his eyes lit up. "Wait a minute! Duh!"


"The airport! I can just go back to the airport and teleport-" He broke off, his spirits falling immediately as Mami shook her head.

"I am afraid that is not the way. You may go to the airport, but you will be on Earth only in spirit. You will be unable to re-enter your body and your life."

"But why?"

"I do not know," she shrugged, smiling sadly at him. "The way is hidden, so that only those who are meant to return may go."

"You mean... someone could steal my body?"

"Perhaps they could, if the airport allowed such things. It is for just that reason it is restricted."

"So what do I do? Who do I ask? I have to find the way back, Mami, they're waiting for me! And Billy, the fortune teller said he 'shared the same fate' as me.... He's gotta get back somehow too!"

"That is perplexing, Little One, for you see, he is truly dead."

Rocky bit his lower lip, deep in thought. "But.... He has to be able to go back! It doesn't make sense otherwise!"

"Perhaps he does, but his is not a traditional case." Mami sighed and pushed her food around on her plate. "There is something he is hiding from you. Do you suppose that is the key to his fate?"

Rocky thought about that. "Hiding something.... I guess I oughta talk to him, huh?"

"I would assume so. Now eat your dinner Rocky, your growling stomach is beginning to frighten me."


Rocky materialized on the outskirts of town, on a cliff overlooking the "city." He could see Billy on the edge of the cliff, looking out into the horizon. Even from this distance he could see the slump in Billy's shoulders, the weariness in his posture. Rocky bit his lip and slowly approached, not wanting to startle Billy.

"Hi Rocky," Billy murmured softly, without turning. "I wondered when you'd get here."

Rocky took a seat next to him. "You were expecting me?"

"Yes. You have a lot of questions for me."

"Well... the fortune teller-"

"I know." Billy sighed a little and pulled his knees up to his chest. "She was right. We are similar."

"How? Aren't you dead?"

"Yes... and no."

"I don't understand."

"Have you heard of cryogenics?"

"Ummm.. yeah, that's when you...." Rocky's eyes widened and he turned sharply to Billy. "You were frozen?!"

"The Aquitians... they meant well. They didn't want to just let me die, they felt responsible for some reason."

Billy's voice was soft, Rocky had to strain to hear it. He almost asked Billy to speak up, but he had a feeling his friend's words weren't exactly directed at him. Billy hadn't looked directly at him since he'd arrived, after all. He scooted a little closer to Billy and listened.

"Cestria was the one who suggested it. She was positive that once they had time to research my condition, they could restore me to youth. However, I was aging so rapidly that time was the one thing they didn't have. She asked me... if there was any way they could delay my death long enough to develop a cure, would I wish it to be done?

"That glimmer of hope... it was a chance for me to live again. I looked around at them... they were all so sad.... Cestria had tears in her eyes, and for an Aquitian, that is quite rare. My decision was made."

Billy sighed deeply and rested his chin on his knees. "Cestro explained to me what needed to be done. They placed me in an enclosed glass chamber, much like a coffin, and they began to fill it with a soothing gas. I grew drowsy, and the pain of the aging eased somewhat. I remember someone asking me if I was ready, and I nodded 'yes.'"

Billy was quiet for a long while, and Rocky hesitantly spoke. "Did it hurt?"

Billy smiled a little at that. "It was... terrifying. It was so cold... my skin felt as if it were on fire. I could feel my heart straining to beat... my lungs collapsing, my blood slowing.... But it was quick, Rocky. My death was quick."

Rocky didn't know what to say. "God, Billy.... I'm sorry."

Billy finally looked at him. "Don't be. It wasn't your fault, things just happen... but I can never be happy here as long as I possess the knowledge that someday I might return. Knowing that even though I'm dead, there's still a chance...."

"It's not fair.... You should be happy here....."

"But I'm not. I can't be. I find small pleasures, and some days are better than others. The depression will pass, Rocky, it comes and goes in waves."

"Isn't there a drug...?"

Billy laughed at that. "No, there's no drug, unfortunately. No Prozac in Heaven."


"And don't you dare spend your time worrying about me." Billy spoke sharply, startling Rocky. "You have your own problems, you know."

"I know, but...."

"But nothing. Worry about yourself, Rocky, not me."

"I can't do that, you're my friend!"

"Dammit, that's why I didn't want you to know!"

"Well I know now and you're gonna have to deal with me!"

Billy glared at him for a moment, but then he slumped again, the anger seeming to evaporate from him. "I know, I know. I'm sorry." They were both quiet for a long while. "If you insist on being with me, maybe we should put our energy to good use."

"What do you mean?"

"We need to figure out how to get you back to Earth. I have no control over my fate, but I think you do. We'll research comas, talk to people. There's bound to be someone around here who knows what you have to do."

"You'll help me? But-"

"It'll give me something to focus on."

"But when I leave, you'll be alone again!"

"No. I have friends here... my mother... your Mami.... I'll be fine."

Rocky stared at him for a long while, unsure of what to say. Finally, he made his decision. "All right."


"Adam!" Rocky awoke with a start, his best friend's name still on his lips. He was sweaty and breathing hard, and when he touched a hand to his face, he was shocked to find tears rolling down his cheeks.

He brought his knees up to his chest and attempted to get his breathing under control. Apparently, he hadn't cried out loud, because there was no sign of Mami. In a way, he was glad she hadn't heard. He needed to handle this on his own, and besides, he didn't want to worry her.

The dream had been a strange one. So real.... He shuddered as Adam's voice echoed in his ears. _Please Rocky, don't leave us. Don't leave me._

"Oh my God!" The realization came to him instantly, and the words were out of his mouth before he could stop them. This time, it was out loud, and in seconds, Mami was by his side.

"What is it Little One, what is wrong?"

"I know how to get back, Mami, I know!"

"What? What are you...?"

"I had a dream, Mami, but it wasn't a dream, it was real! I was there, and Adam was talking and I wanted to answer but I couldn't, and he was crying...."

He was going too fast, tripping over his words. Mami put a calming hand on his shoulder. "Slower, Little One, slower. I can't understand you."

Rocky took a deep breath and grabbed her hands in his own. "I had a dream, Mami. I was in the hospital, in bed. Adam was in the room, and he was talking to me. He... he was crying, asking me to come back. I think... I think it was real, Mami, I think I was back on Earth through my dream!"

Mami considered this, staring thoughtfully at him. "Are you sure, Rocky? How can you be sure it was real?"

Adam's words once again floated though his head. _I'm so sorry Rocky.... Please don't hate me...._

"It was real, Mami," he whispered. "I know it was."

She nodded then, and smiled. "Then your time here is short." She gave him a hug and stood to go. "Do not worry, Little One, you will be home before you know it. You will finally get your wish."

Rocky stared at the empty doorway as she shuffled back to bed. "Yeah.... Finally...."


"Hey Billy."

Billy looked up from the hole he was digging and gave Rocky a smile. "Hi."

"What're you doing?"

"I thought I'd start a garden. My mother highly recommends this activity, she says it's relaxing."

"Is it?"

"I suppose. Grab a packet of seeds and sit down."

Rocky looked around and grabbed the first packet he saw. "Marigolds?"

"Mom's favorite. I don't personally care for them, but I have other flowers to make up for them. So what's bothering you?"

"Bothering me?" Rocky was vaguely startled. "What makes you think-"

"I can tell," Billy shrugged. "Not sure if it's natural or if it's this... enhanced ability to empathize most people here seem to develop, but I can tell."

"Enhanced ability to... what?"

"Never mind, that's not the point. What's up?"

Rocky lowered his eyes to the ground and was momentarily transfixed by the movement of Billy's hands. He was parting the moist soil carefully with his fingers, and placing the seeds in calculated rows before covering them up again and patting them down. His attention was held by the most minute of details- the dirt under Billy's fingernails, the look of the soil as it crumbled between his fingers....

"Hello? Earth to Rocky?"

Rocky jumped and looked a tad embarrassed. "Sorry."

Billy sat up and looked hard at him. "You look tired."

"I am tired, that's the problem."

"How so?"

Rocky sighed. "I found out how to get home."

"Really?" Billy's face lit up. "How?"



Rocky fought the impulse to smile; Billy sounded almost disappointed. "I had a dream last night, Billy. I was in the hospital, and I couldn't move... I couldn't really see, either, but I knew where I was. Adam was there, he was talking to me...."

"...And you think you were actually there? On Earth?"

"I know I was. The things he said... there's no way I'd dream that up."

Billy nodded slowly, his eyes still fixed on Rocky's. "That's good news... isn't it?"

"Mami said I'd be home soon."

"That doesn't answer my question."

Rocky sighed again, screwing up his face in confusion. "I don't know.... I mean, it is good news, of course it is...."


"I don't want to leave you."

Billy rolled his eyes and stood, turning away. "I knew it."

"No, it's not like that.... I just worry about you, that's all."

"Don't! You have to worry about yourself right now." He turned to face him again. "How long do you have?"

"I don't know," Rocky answered miserably. "Mami says not long. I could be gone by tonight."

"Congratulations. I'm very glad for you. Really, I am. Remember, we talked about this. I'll be fine."

Rocky stood abruptly and impulsively hugged Billy. "I'll make sure you can get back, Billy, I swear. I'll get Alpha and Dimitria to-"

"No!" Rocky's mouth dropped open in shock as Billy pulled away and glared at him. "No, Rocky, you will not tell them!"


"No! You know I don't want anyone to worry about me-"

"But they could help! Maybe with help, Cestro could-"

"Please, Rocky." Billy's voice was soft, pleading, his hands clamped firmly on Rocky's shoulders. "Don't tell them. Please.... I'm asking you as a friend to just... leave it alone."

For the second time, Rocky found himself staring at Billy with no idea of what to say. "I...."

"Promise me," Billy insisted, shaking him slightly.

Billy's form was blurring and separating into three different indistinct images. "Billy, umm...."

"Rocky, what's wrong? Look at me!"

"I'm looking at the you on the right. Is that the wrong one?"

"Oh...." Billy eased him to the ground and sat down next to him, gently holding his hand. "No, it's fine," he sighed, sounding a little sad.

"What's going on," Rocky asked groggily. He tried to sit up, but his whole body felt heavy.

"Just relax Rocky," Billy assured him, his voice far away. "It'll be okay."

"No... Billy...." He shook his head fuzzily, trying to clear away the cobwebs. _It's too soon...._

"Close your eyes, Rocky, and count backwards from ten."

"Count...?" His eyes closed of their own accord. "No...."

"Yes. Backwards from ten."

"I don't want to... go...." He forced his eyes open again and reached out toward Billy, but his eyelids refused to cooperate.

"It's time, Rocky, just relax, stop fighting it."


"Ten, nine," Billy coaxed soothingly.

"Nine... um... nine...."

"That's it, go on." Billy's voice was even farther away now, and sounded like it was being filtered through a damp rag. Even so, Rocky could hear the tears in his throat. He tried to reach again, to say goodbye, but he was too weak. Darkness was rapidly approaching, threatening to engulf him.

Billy's hand tightened around his own, and the last thing Rocky heard was a soft "Goodbye."


Beeping. A very very annoying beeping.

Rocky groaned and turned his head away from the noise. "Too early," he started to moan, but his throat was scratchy. It hurt. He started coughing.

Something cold was placed at his lips. He flinched away at first, but then he realized it was probably water, and considering how dry his throat was, he should probably drink it. He took a few sips and the cup was pulled away.

His eyes wouldn't open. The beeping was still going, and he wondered why no one had turned off his alarm yet. "Mama...?"

"I'm here sweetie," his mother said, her lips very close to his ear. She sounded strange. Had she been crying?

"Mama...." he coughed again, and her voice came again, soft and soothing.

"Don't speak Rocky, you are weak still. Do not worry, you are safe now."


The beeping was still there. Rocky realized slowly that it was not the beeping he was used to. It wasn't the whining drone of his alarm clock, it was a shorted, shriller kind of beep. It was rhythmic... sounded kind of like a heartbeat. It all came to him at once.

"Rosa!" His eyes flew open and he tried to sit up, but he was weak and he fell back.

"No-" She was pushing him down, her hand stroking his forehead, calming him. "No, sit back."

"Mama, the fire! Rosa was-"

"Rosa is fine," she told him sharply, and planted a quick kiss on his cheek. "Everyone is fine Rocky, you go back to sleep. You must rest."

"The fire...."

"Is over. It is all over now, go to sleep."

Reassured, he let the drowsiness overcome him and slipped back into darkness.


Still with the beeping.

Rocky sighed and curled up slightly, pulling the sheets tightly over his shoulders.

"Rocky...?" Someone spoke softly. "Are you awake?"

Rocky cracked one eye open and tried to make up the blurry shape by his bedside. "Adam?"

"Rocky! You're okay!"

"I will be, as soon as they turn off that damned machine. How are you?"

"I'm fine." Adam hesitated, then stepped closer to the bed. "Are you in pain?"

"My throat hurts a little, that's all. How long have you been here?"

"Not long," Adam answered, taking a seat at Rocky's side. "They wouldn't let me in before."

"Yeah, I was kinda out of it for a while there," Rocky nodded. "When I first woke up, I mean."

"You were out of it for a long time," Adam murmured, his voice tight. "They weren't sure you would-" He broke off, turning away sharply.

"Well, I'm here." Rocky shrugged, a trifle uncomfortable. "You know how hard-headed I am."

Adam tried to laugh but didn't quite succeed. "Yeah...." he cleared his throat uncomfortably, his eyes wandering everywhere but Rocky's face. "I kinda wanted to talk to you...."

"Is something wrong?" Rocky had a nagging feeling he should know what this was about, but his mind was a blank. For some reason, he was dreading this talk with Adam, and despite the other man's grim demeanor, there really was no need for his apprehension. He shrugged off his feelings and forced himself to listen.

"Nothing's wrong, exactly... it's just that...." Adam sighed and stood up, starting to pace around the room. "I feel like I should apologize to you."

"Apologize? For what?"

"We were always good friends, weren't we? I mean, since we were kids...."

Rocky's deja-vu increased, but he still couldn't figure out what was causing it. "Yeah, of course."

"Well... I mean... We kinda drifted apart lately.... With everything that was happening.... Tommy, Justin, you know...." He trailed off, gazing at Rocky pointedly. "You know?"

"Yeah.... I know... what you mean."

"Well I didn't mean for our friendship to suffer. I was spending so much time with them... ignoring you, really. And then even after... graduation.... I was a really rotten friend."

"No you weren't, we were all busy, our lives have taken such different turns-"

"It's no excuse!" Adam finally stopped pacing and faced Rocky, his eyes burning. "I'm sorry for being a lousy friend. I didn't realize how much we'd lost touch until...." He looked away again, fighting back tears. "I've never lost anyone close to me before, Rocky, and I don't want to start now."

Rocky sighed, struggling for appropriate words. "You haven't lost me, Adam, honest. It's okay. I know you're my friend, and nothing will change that. Even if we never saw each other again, I'd know you were my friend."

Adam smiled slightly. "That's... a nice sentiment Rocky, but... that's not what friendship means to me. Maybe it doesn't bother you, but it bothers me. I promise you I'll be a true friend from now on, just like you were to me."

"Okay," Rocky yawned despite himself, and looked sheepishly at Adam. "I don't mean to rush you or anything, but was that...?"

"That's all. I'll let you sleep."

Rocky smiled and nodded, the relief in Adam's voice lifting a weight from his chest. "Okay. G'night...."



Rocky sat up straight with a gasp, his friends' name still on his lips. He flushed slightly when he looked around and saw that he was back in the hospital, his friends gathered around him. "What?" Tommy asked.

"Tommy! Tanya! Hi you guys!"

Kat grinned and pretended to be hurt. "What about me?"

"And me," chimed Justin and Adam in unison.

"You guys too," he grinned. "When did you get here?"

"Just a coupla minutes ago," Tanya answered. "That must have been some dream."

"It was," Rocky frowned, flashes of the dream coming back to him.

"Who's Billy?" Justin asked curiously. "Is he the guy on-"

"In Atlanta," Kat corrected quickly, elbowing him in the ribs.

"Right, Atlanta," Justin said. "The one you said I remind you of?"

"Yeah," Rocky nodded distractedly. "I had the weirdest dream... he was in it."

"What was it about?" Tommy asked, his voice commanding.

"Well... I was in this fog somewhere.... and I couldn't see very well.... And there was someone ahead of me who I couldn't see, but I knew it was Billy. I kept calling to him and he kept getting farther and farther away. I wanted to help him but he kept telling me not to. And then he disappeared, and I was all upset...."

"That is weird," Kat agreed, shrugging. "Wonder what brought that on?"

"I don't know," Rocky answered uneasily, "But I just have the weirdest feeling Billy's in trouble."

"Why would you think that?" Tommy asked, his face betraying his skepticism.

"I dunno, I just do. I feel like he needs our help."

"But he told you not to help him," Justin reminded him, sounding thoughtful.

"Yeah but.... I know why he said it. He does want our help but he's afraid to ask for it." Rocky shook his head, trying to bring a hidden memory to the forefront. "I dunno why, but I really feel like we should do something."

"Like what?"

"Tommy, can you... have you talked to him since he left?"

"No, actually," Tommy sounded slightly guilty. "And we don't exactly have access to-"

Justin's communicator went off. "I have to go," he said sheepishly.

"To that," Tommy finished with a smile.

Rocky grabbed onto Justin's arm. "Justin, can you contact Aqu- I mean Atlanta for us?"

"Rocky, don't you think you're being just a bit-"

"Humour me, Tommy. Please? Besides, it's been a while. Even if I'm wrong, don't you think he'll want to hear from us?"

"He's got a point," Adam said quietly. "I miss Billy, and I wouldn't mind catching up on things."

"I don't know, Rocky," Tommy was still reluctant. "I mean... they haven't contacted us, and if something was wrong we would have heard by now."

Rocky started to protest, but Tommy interrupted him. "Not to mention we can't just use this equipment lightly. Maybe we should let him contact us."

Rocky tightened his grip on Justin's arm, ignoring the insistent beeping of the boy's communicator. "Justin, listen to me. I need you to get Dimitria to contact Aquitar and ask about Billy. It's very important, do you understand?"

Justin nodded and gently pried Rocky's fingers from around his arm. "Uh-huh, but I really do have to go!"

"Go ahead Justin," Tommy sighed. "Sorry about this."

Justin nodded and hurried out of the room. As soon as he was gone, Rocky let out a shaky breath. "Well that's done."

Tommy glanced at the others and leaned over him, concerned. "Are you okay man?"

"I think so," Rocky responded, though his heart was pounding and his head felt weird. "I'm just tired." His tongue felt like it was made of wool, and Tommy was getting farther and farther away.

"Maybe you should just relax," Tommy suggested, and Rocky vaguely saw him waving Kat out the door. There was a sense of urgency to their manners all of a sudden; he couldn't understand it. "You got kind of excited there, you really shouldn't...."

His voice faded away altogether then, and his blurred form slowly dissipated into nothing.


Rocky shivered and curled into a ball. He'd gotten a cold wind all of a sudden, and he was itchy. His bed sheets felt like they were covered in sand.

He opened his eyes a crack and saw with shock that there were no bed sheets. Just sand.

He sat up abruptly and looked around in dumbfounded silence. "What the hell...?"

It looked like a desert. There was nothing but sand all around him, but through the twilight he could see a faint pinkish glow off in the distance. "Okay, this is weird," he muttered as he stood.

He looked down at himself and saw that he was wearing jeans and a tank top; totally appropriate attire now that the wind seemed to have died off. "Well," he said aloud, looking around in confusion, "Guess I should head toward that light." It occurred to him suddenly that he might be in trouble. Normally when one "headed toward the light," it meant death, didn't it? But he'd been dead before and it wasn't anything like this.

"That's it!" he breathed, slapping his forehead. "I've been dead before!" He shook his head as he started to walk. Why hadn't he remembered? So much had happened... meeting Mami again, and Billy.... Maybe he wasn't supposed to remember. He'd probably forget all this when he woke up too... if he woke up.

He shook his head again. "No way I'm dying now, that fortune teller said I had a long lifeline."

He kept walking, painfully aware of the fact that he was talking to himself, and that probably wasn't a good thing, but he couldn't stand the silence. As if on cue, he became aware of a rhythmic bass beat coming from somewhere up ahead. Wherever that light was coming from obviously housed a good sound system too. Rocky made a face. "Too weird."

He walked for a while, the bass beat getting louder and more distinct. As he come over a hill, he stopped short in amazement. "No way!"

It was a large neon sign. A large pink neon sign with letters spelling out MYSTIC NINJA SPIRIT REALM and an arrow pointing toward what looked like the entrance to a bar of some sort.

"The mystic ninja spirit realm...? And it's a bar?"

"Cappuccino bar actually," someone said from behind him.

Rocky whirled around and saw... nothing.

"Down here," said the voice, sounding slightly amused.

Rocky looked down and saw a little black frog grinning up at him. "What the-?"

"Hi Rocky," said the frog. "You don't remember me, huh?"

"Well, I... I mean... you're Adam."

The frog laughed. "Something like that. Let's go in, they're expecting you."

"They... they are?"

"Yup." The frog hopped toward the entrance. "C'mon in, I'll introduce you."

"Oooo...kay." Rocky made a mental note to see a psychiatrist when he got home, and followed the frog inside.


"Murray, how are you!" Someone bellowed the second they crossed the threshold.

"I'm just fine Gill, how are you," the frog answered genially.

Rocky followed the frog's gaze and his mouth dropped open. "My God...!"

The Ape behind the bar chuckled and motioned to one of the barstools. "Not God, Gill. I'm your guardian spirit."

"But... but you're a bartender! In a bar!"

Gill shrugged. "Don't blame me, it's your coma. Have a seat Rocky, we have a lot to talk about."

"Have a mocha," Murray added from the stool next to his. His tongue shot out and buried itself in his mug, and his eyes rolled back and he sighed happily. "They're amazing," he finished, when his tongue took its rightful place back in his mouth.

Rocky eyed the frog nervously. "Oooo...kay."

The ape put a mug in front of him. "Hot cocoa, extra whipped cream and chocolate shavings, right?"

Rocky nodded.

"See Murray? Unlike some people, I get to know my charges."

Murray stuck his ample tongue out at Gill. "Not my fault my charge is ashamed of me. It's not easy being green, my friend."

"You're black, Murray."

"You get the point."

"Guys...?" Rocky wrapped both hands around his mug, trying to keep them from trembling. "What's this about?"

"Simple," the Ape answered, his demeanor suddenly serious. "Someone needs your help."


"Yup." Murray hopped up onto the counter, ignoring the dirty look Gill shot his way. "Pardon me," he said to Rocky, "but I can't see over the counter. He always gives me short stools just to spite me."

"No problem," Rocky stuttered.

"I'm perfectly clean," Murray continued, "So you don't have to worry about that."

"Back to the point," Gill rumbled, "A friend needs your help. See that guy in the corner over there?"

Rocky turned slightly to see a grey wolf hunched at a table, holding its head in its paws. "Is that Billy?"

"Billy's guardian, yes," Murray answered. "That's Bert. He's not doing too well, as you can see."

"What's wrong with him?"

"With Bert? Nothing, he's just depressed. He really loves Billy, and when Billy's hurting, he's hurting."

"Oh." Rocky swallowed hard. "Is Billy hurting?"

"Not terribly," Gill said quickly, rushing to reassure him. "He's just confused, is all. He feels trapped, you know?"

"But how can I help?"

"Simple," Murray answered with a slight shrug. "You're a ninja."


"The great power. Who do you think you're talking to anyway? We're the denizens of the great power, and that's the key to helping Billy!" Murray sounded slightly exasperated, and Rocky flushed, embarrassed.

"Go easy on him Murray," Gill scolded. "This isn't exactly your everyday occurrence, you know."

"Sorry." Murray let out a long breath. "I'm a little on edge."

"You and me both," Rocky muttered.

"Rocky," Gill said gently, "You have to use the great power to help cure Billy."

"But we lost those powers!"

"No, you lost the ability to morph. The Great Power will always be with you." Gill smiled gently. "I've never left you."

Rocky gulped, his throat suddenly tight. "Oh. Thanks."

Murray chuckled and shoved his empty mug toward Gill. "Well I'm off. Good luck, Rocky, I know you'll come through."

"Murray... wait!"


"Is... Is Adam okay?"

"You mean right now?"

Rocky nodded.

"He's all right. You know how he can be.... He's worried of course, but he'll be fine."

Rocky nodded, relieved. "Okay."

"Tell him I said hello," Murray winked, and then he was gone.

Gill rolled his eyes. "Frogs. Can't live with them, can't squash 'em."

Rocky nodded. "Yeah. Can I have another cocoa?"


He was back in the hospital. He knew because he could hear the annoying beeping of the heart monitor right next to his head, and two because Adam was yelling in his ear.

"Rocky! Rocky can you hear me? C'mon I know I saw you move.... Rocky?"

He moaned. "Stop yelling in my ear."

"Rocky!" Adam yelped, grabbing him in a tight hug, "I knew it! I knew you'd be okay!"

"Uh huh. Murray says hi."

Adam let him go and stared at him, puzzled. "What?"

"Murray. He said hi."

"Who's Murray? And when-?"

"He's the frog, the black frog."


Rocky sighed. "Your spirit animal, the Black Frog, sends his regards."

"You spoke to my spirit animal?"

"Yeah, mine too. And Billy's a little bit."

"His name is Murray?"

"The frog's name is, yeah. The Ape is Gill and the Wolf is Bert. I didn't see the others, they weren't there."

"Um... where?"

"The Mystic Ninja Spirit Realm. It's a cappuccino bar."

"Oh, um... that's nice." Adam's eyes wandered over toward the door. "Maybe I should-"

"Don't you dare. Listen to me Adam, I gotta get out of here, it's important."

"Rocky, look what happened the last time you over-exerted yourself, and you were only talking! You've got to stay here until you're strong again."

"There's no time for that," Rocky argued calmly, "I have to help Billy."

Adam froze, a look of guilt whitening his features. "Oh God... Rocky, he's-"

"I know. I knew before, I just couldn't remember."

"You... you remember now?"

"Yeah. Gill said I'm the only one who can help him, and I've got to get to him. Now."


"The ape!" Rocky sighed in frustration. "Pay attention, will you?"

"Sorry," Adam sighed, sounding a little hurt.

Rocky winced, he hadn't meant to sound so harsh. "Look Adam, I'm sorry. I know it sounds kinda unbelievable, but I know what happened to me was real. I knew he was in trouble, didn't I? It was a weird experience, but it got the point across. I gotta get to Billy and I gotta get to him fast. It's important."

"Maybe so," Adam said after a moment of thought, "But he's still on Aquitar. Justin's there now, helping Cestro try to find a cure. Last I heard, they were real close, but something wasn't working right."

"And I know exactly what. They need the great power."

"Great power? But we-"

"Lost it, I know. Gill said even though we can't morph, we've still got the great power. Our spirit animals are still with us."

Adam smiled slightly. "Murray, huh?"

Rocky smiled back. "Yeah. So when can I get out of here?"


"Alpha is everything ready?"

"Yo, you're all set," Alpha nodded, bustling back and forth around the Power Chamber.

"Rocky I don't think this is such a good idea," Adam fretted uneasily, his eyes following Rocky as he prepared for his trip. "It's too soon, what if you collapse again?"

"Adam for the fifty-zillionth time, I won't! It only happened last time cause Gill and Murray needed to talk to me."

Tommy rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry Rocky but.. Gill and Murray? A cappuccino bar? You're out of your mind."

"Whatever Tommy. I know Billy needs me and I'm gonna do everything I can to help him. Scuba gear, Alpha?"

"It's in yer pack."

"Oh okay thanks."

"Please don't do this Rocky! Cestro and Justin are so close to finding a cure!"

"I know Adam," Rocky repeated patiently, "But it won't work without a little boost from the Great Power. That's why I'm going. Don't worry, I'll be fine!"

"Whenever you're ready, ace," Alpha said, his voice holding a tinge of amusement.

"Great! Listen Adam, tell my Mama I umm... went to Stone Canyon to visit Bruce or something."

"What if she calls him?"

"Just call Bruce and tell him to cover for me, he won't mind."

"I guess... Rocky just be careful, okay?"

"Yeah yeah I will. See you Tommy, and when I get back I'm gonna give you a taste of your own medicine."

"My own-?"

"You are gonna hear 'I told you so' so many times it'll be in your dreams too." He smirked and blew the two boys a mock-kiss. "Catch ya on the flipside!"

Alpha wisely took this as his cue and Rocky was gone in a sparkling column of white light. Tommy sighed. "What kind of name is Murray?"


"Welcome to Aquitar, Rocky," Delphine warbled upon his arrival. "Please accompany me to the labs?"

"Sure." Rocky shouldered his pack, which had slip from his shoulder upon landing, and trotted after her. "How are Cestro and Justin coming with the cure?"

"Their research has proved quite fruitful, but Billy's condition is unchanged. Do you really believe you can help?"

"Yeah. My spirit animal told me I could."

"Justin mentioned something to that effect." Delphine smiled slightly at him. "Forgive me if I seem skeptical-"

"Yeah yeah, I know. But I know in my heart it was real. I knew Billy was in trouble, didn't I? Why shouldn't I be right on this too?"

"I see no reason why we should not explore all avenues... Billy is very important to us all."

They approached a highly fortified door with a strange symbol on its front. Delphine pressed her had to the clear plate next to the door, and after a series of beeps, the door opened with a hiss of steam.

"Rocky, you're here!"

Justin bounded up to him and leapt on him as only a small child could. Rocky grunted, more in surprise than pain. "Justin, get off me!"

"Sorry! Guess what, we found a foreign substance in Billy's blood, and we think that's the key to curing him! Aside from the Great Power I mean.... Come see!" Justin grabbed his arm and dragged him bodily into the room. "See, we magnified a sample and-"

"Holy...." Rocky stopped dead in his tracks, staring open-mouthed at the casket in the corner.

"Oh yeah," Justin said quietly.

Rocky started over slowly, unsure of whether or not he wanted to see what was there, but somehow unable to stop himself. He came to a stop beside the casket, his breath catching in his throat.

Billy lay there, barely recognizable. His skin was so white it was almost blue, and translucent. He was covered in frost. His hair was white, his hands mottled with liver spots, and he was even older than Rocky remembered from the last time he'd left Earth. "Oh God...."

Cestro appeared at his side. "I am aware of how hard this must be for you," he said quietly, "but I am certain we will be able to undo this soon."

"Yeah Rocky," Justin added, coming to his other side and taking hold of his wrist, "We're really close!"

Rocky gulped and forced himself to turn away. "Yeah.... So, umm... let's do this, huh?"

"Sure," Justin said quietly. "Do your stuff."

Rocky froze. "Uhhh...."

"What is the matter, Rocky?" Delphine asked, cocking her head to the side.

Rocky flushed as he came to a suddent realization. "I don't know what to do! I've never done this without a morpher!"

Suddenly, the chamber was filled with a brilliant red light. Everyone had to shied their eyes, and when it faded, a large ape stood there, a congenial smile on its face.


Gill grinned. "Morpher schmorpher!"

"What?" Rocky took a step toward him. "But how can I help him without a morpher?"

There was another dazzling flash of light, and Murray and Bert stood on either side of their ape friend. Murray spoke in a booming "carnival" voice. "Clap if you believe in the Great Power!"

Justin's mouth fell open. "What?"

Even Rocky looked skeptical. "Are you serious?"

"Does he look like he's kidding?" Gill answered.

"Clap everyone!" urged Murray, hopping over to Cestro's feet. "Clap!"

Bert rolled his eyes. "For crying out loud... this aint no fairy tale...."

"Tinkerbell needs us!" Murray laughed. "Damn this is fun!"

Gill held up one mammoth hand for quiet. "I know this is a bit... unusual, but we Mystic Ninja Spirit Animals don't get much opportunity to amuse ourselves. We're here only through Rocky's subconscious, and it is the eternal child within him that-"

"Yeah yeah," Bert interrupted him. "Let's get on with it already, I'm freezin'!"

"Clap, clap!" Murray kept chanting. "C'mon clap! I can't do it, I don't have hands!"

Rocky frowned. "I can't believe you guys. This is just a game to you, isn't it?" his voice began to rise in volume. "Well, this isn't a game to me, okay? This is about Billy's life, okay, and that's improtant to me!"

Gill placed a mammoth hand on his shoulder and spoke quietly. "I know it's serious, but you said yourself you didn't know how to do this."

"So? What does clapping-"

"You have to reach deep within yourself to find a spot where the power is hidden. It has nestled itself there, safe from harm, ever since the trauma of losing the coins. We seek only to help you find that place. Clapping, as juvenile as it seems, will touch you in a way that nothing else can."

Murray spoke up, his voise still bubbling with excitement. "Haven't you ever been to a symphony?" Rocky gave him a look. "Okay, a concert?" Rocky nodded. "Well, when the audience starts cheering and clapping, doesn't it feel great? It wells up inside you, right?"

"I guess...."


Rocky hesitantly started to clap, and Justin happily joined in. Delphine glanced over at Billy's unmoving form and apparently decided it couldn't hurt. She began clapping as well. The other Aquitian Rangers followed her lead.

"We need music," Bert said suddenly, "For the mood. I vote for the 'Peter and the Wolf' symphony." The music sprang on in the background. Rocky started to glow a faint red.

"You would," Murray snorted.

"You're just jealous 'cause you don't have a symphony named after you."

Murray gave him an evil grin. "I only got one thing to say to you. 'Little Red Riding Hood.'"

"I told you never to bring that up!"

The clapping grew louder as lab attendants began trickling in, confused and intrigued by all the noise. They began clapping too; apparently Murray's attitude was infectuous.

The clapping was deafening. The symphony could no longer be heard over the din. Rocky felt a grin beginning to widen his face. He was glowing bright red by now, and his heart felt full - of what, he wasn't sure.

"Feel the love!" Murray yelled, hopping up and down.

"Work from love," Bert added. "Grow from love."

"First Wives Club?" Gill asked.

"Yeah, good movie."

"Gill...." Rocky suddenly let out a gut-bursting yell. The red light surrounding him suddenly exploded, and raced toward Billy's unmoving form. The casket was enveloped in red light that quickly turned purple as it penetrated Billy's body.

"That's it," Bert breathed, his eyes never leaving his charge. "That's it, Rocky, it's working!"

"Direct it Rocky," Gill screamed, "Control it!"

"I can't!"

"Think of your friend! Think of all you've done together and all you'll do when he recovers! Focus on his heart!"

Rocky shut his eyes tight and a flood of memories began to flip through his mind like a slideshow. Billy and the gang at the juice bar; the trip to Phaedos; Billy in the Power Chamber as everyone but him recieved Zeo powers; Billy as he told them he couldn't weild the Gold powers....

He felt tears come to his eyes and he forced them back. "C'mon Billy," he murmered, the clapping receding to somewhere in the back of his mind. "I know you're there, come back...."

He opened his eyes and saw that he was surrounded in a red haze. The labs of the Aquitian Control Base had vanished- there was nothing but a reddish mist. The symphony was gone too, along with the clapping. "Hello?" his voice echoed, bouncing off invisible walls. "Billy?"

"Rocky...?" Billy's voice was far away, weak. "Rocky where are you? I can't-"

"Here!" Rocky yelled, taking a step toward where he thought Billy's voice had come from. "I'm over here! Billy...?"

A form slowly came out of the mists. It was Billy, looking small and lost. His shoulders were hunched slightly, and he looked scared and uncertain. "Rocky...?"

Rocky immediately ran to him. "Billy you look horrible! Are you okay?"

"I don't know... I feel funny.... I'm cold."

"The cryogenics... it must be wearing off. It's working!"

Billy shivered, and Rocky instinctively put his arms around him. "It'll be okay soon, I promise. I'll get you back."

"How? Where are we?" Billy sounded as though he was about to cry.

"I don't know... We have to get out of here though... listen...."

Rocky listened hard, and soon the familiar strains of "Peter and the Wolf" could be heard through the penetrating silence. He smiled. "Good old Bert...."

"Who? Billy asked tiredly.

"Nothing. Let's go home."

They headed toward the music and the laughter.

"Hey, Tommy!"

Tommy moaned and sped up, ignoring him.

"Tomm-eeee! Tommy Tommy Tommy Tommy Tommy!" Rocky grinned as Adam snorted out a guffaw.

"What," he growled, already knowing what was coming.

"I told you so!" Rocky sang, dancing circles around him.

Tommy groaned. "Rocky!"

"I told you so I told you so I told you so-"

"Okay! You made your point Rocky, how long are you gonna keep this up!"

"Until you hear it in your sleep," Adam answered for him, a tiny smile creasing the corners of this mouth.

Tommy whimpered slightly. "Oh man.... Why doncha bother Adam?"

"'Cause he believed me."

"Believed what?" Billy came out of his house holding a red box.

"Billy! Hi!"

Billy smiled and jogged up to them. "I knew I heard you out here, Rocky. Wanna go rollerblading? I bought skates!" He proudly opened the box to reveal them.

"What? Me?"

"Yeah, you." Billy looked at Adam and Tommy. "You guys can come too if you want."

"Gee, thanks." Tommy rolled his eyes and stepped away. "No, I have to... wash my hair." he turned and practically sprinted away.

"I TOLD YOU SO!" Rocky yelled after him, earning another peal of laughter from Adam.

Billy just looked confused. "I still don't get it."

"Never mind." Rocky looked at Billy's brand new pair of navy blue rollerblades, then back up at Billy. "Say... do you remember anything? From being dead?"

"What? No, why would I?"

"You... you don't remember anything?"

"No, Rocky, I was dead. There's nothing to remember."

"Oh." Suddenly disappointed, he looked down at his feet unsure of what to say. Deep down, he'd known Billy probably wouldn't remember, but they'd shared so much while it was just the two of them.... They'd bonded.

"Rocky?" Billy had placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to undermine your religion."

"Undermine my-? Oh! No, you didn't, it's okay."

"I get deja-vu sometimes...." Billy said quietly, his eyes far away. "It's as if there's something in the back of my mind.... It's funny Rocky... I feel like I know you a bit better, I don't know why. And this morning I woke up and I just knew we had to go Rollerblading. You and I. It's weird, I know-"

Rocky smiled, a bit of the wieght lifting from his heart. "No, it's not weird." Billy smiled too, a bit shyly. Rocky placed a hand on his shoulder. Listen, why don't you wait a little while, and Adam and I will be back with skates, okay?"

"Okay. I'll put these on and practice out here."

"Good deal. See you in a few!"

Adam and Rocky started off toward the DeSantos home. Adam broke the silence first. "Why'd you ask him that?"

"Oh, I just... We talked a lot while we were there, is all."

"Oh." Adam hesitated a bit. "Maybe I shouldn't go.... He said he wanted to go with you-"

"Don't be silly," Rocky retorted. "We'll all go."

Adam nodded a bit, then looked at Rocky with a sad smile. "Y'know, I kinda wish he'd remember all that stuff too."


"I wanted to know why he didn't tell us something was wrong."

"I can tell you that. He didn't want us to worry about him and feel all guilty."

"How do you-?"

"He told me. I asked him the same thing when I first found out. He just didn't want to be a bother."

"It wouldn't have been a bother-"

"I know that, you know that... but he didn't. Anyway, it's over now, so there's no use worrying about it."

Adam was silent for a moment. "I guess."

"Besides...." Rocky thought for a moment. "I think he knows now that he could always come to us. He seems different doesn't he? Happier?"

"Yeah... maybe he does remember a little bit."

"Maybe. I just wish... I mean...." He sighed. "We were really good friends for a while there, and now we're back to being just aquaintances. It's hard having to start over."

Adam smiled at that. "He asked you to go rollerblading didn't he? I think he does remember, just not as vividly as you. You heard him, he feels like he knows you better, and all. I'll bet it'll be just like it was while you were... well, dead."

"Yeah... maybe you're right." Rocky grinned and pointed as he saw Tommy's retreating form up ahead. "Race ya to him!" He broke off into a run before Adam could even react. "Hey Tomm-eeee! Tommy Tommy Tommy Tommy Tommy!"

Adam rolled his eyes and smiled. "Coming!"
