The Force of the Ninjetti
By Kay Enasni and Cynthia

The quiet scratching noise of a nail file against long pointed fingernails was the only sound that echoed through Divatox's chamber high atop her own personal DivaTower. The pirate sat up high in a large chair, grinning down at her bed as she sharpened her nails. "Finally stopped struggling huh, Deany boy?"

Dean Stewart groaned loudly through the gag that had been shoved into his mouth and gave a fierce tug on the shackles that chained his wrists to the bedpost. His back arched upwards as he tried to force his feet out of their own binding, letting the only thing covering his tired, sweat covered body: a sheet, slide down his chest farther. Squinting his eyes with pain, he let out a loud scream of frustration from behind the gag.

"Getting frisky again, I see!" Divatox grinned impishly down at him. "You wore me out toots, I don't wanna play right now!"

Another scream sounded in the room: one of rage.

She growled and threw the nail file, barely missing his neck by only a few inches. It hit the wall and stuck into it, a grim reminder of what might have happened to him had her aim been better. "Will you stop that already? You're getting on my nerves with all this struggling, mumbling and screaming!" she pointed at the file "That will be you next time you make a sound!"

Dean glared at her, wishing he could get her to leave him alone. He wasn't sure what she wanted to do with him, but he was definitely certain he didn't really want to know! He leaned back as much as he could. I wish I knew where Justin was. He's getting me worried.

"Majesty?" Dean managed to twist his head around to see the chubby Porto entering the bedroom. Divatox looked over at him, her eyes flashing.

"This better be good!" She growled. "I don't have time for your petty little games, Porto!"

Porto shook his head, and his whole body. "My queen, the Power Rangers have invaded the lower levels of the DivaTower!"

"What does that have to do with anything?" She growled. "That's what the Piranatrons are for!"

"I thought you'd like to see to their destruction personally!" Porto offered. Divatox smiled wickedly, licking her lips with her long tongue. Dean groaned as she flicked that same tongue over him from top to bottom.

"There's more where that came from, sweetie," Divatox grinned, pulling her cloak about her shoulders. "I'll be back once I've disposed of the Rangers!"

As she swept out of the room, Porto quickly shut the door behind her and locked it. As he jerked the gag out of Dean's mouth, the man coughed and tried to moisten his lips. "W... w... why?"

Porto was busy snapping the ropes and didn't answer for a few moments. Once Dean was free and trying to rub some circulation back in his legs and arms, the scientist took a long look at him. "Simple," he told Dean, "I'm making a break from Divatox and I'm taking you with me."

Justin's dad stared. "Um, correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you one of Divatox's minions, and the last time I looked, you guys were almost winning!"

Porto snorted. "You're sort of wrong and sort of right. I was one of her minions. Not because I want to be, though, and they're not going to be winning for long if I have anything to say about it!"

Dean wasn't quite sure how to take this, and stared for a few moments. Porto only grinned. "You'll see. Come on, let's get out of here. The Rangers aren't here just yet, but they should be soon. I told Divatox that so she'd leave us alone and we can escape!" He tossed a pair of blue jeans and blue flannel shirt that had been removed from Divatox's prisoner of war off of the floor and tossed them to him.

Kicking the sheets off of him, he got up off of the bed. "Thanks," he started jerking his clothes on as Porto pulled the sheets from the bed and started knotting them into a rope. Once he was re-dressed, the man turned to his strange new friend. "You can't mean we're going out the window!"

Porto shook his head. "We're not. You are!"

"Huh?" Dean hardly resisted as he was pushed over to the window. Man, this guy sure was pushy! "What about you?"

"I'll meet you below," Porto told him. "Now hurry up, we don't have all day! Divatox could come back at any moment!" Worry was evident in the giant creature's strange voice.

That was all it took for Dean to be out the window and down the makeshift rope. A few feet from solid ground, one of the sheets came untied from another, sending him hurtling towards the concrete. He grunted loudly as he crashed into a large bush that seemingly appeared out of nowhere. As he started pulling his head up out of the mass of branches and tiny leaves, a high pitched insane giggle sounded to his left. His head free, he turned it so that he could see the chubby monster of a scientist laughing at him! Grunting, he climbed out of his uncomfortable landing pad and looked sternly at him.

"Well, that was fun!" Porto chuckled. "Sorry, guess the rope wasn't long enough for you!"

"How'd you get down so fast?" Dean said coldly, putting his hands on his hips. "Come on now, stop laughing and tell me! It wasn't that funny!"

"Oh but it is! As for how I got down here, that's simple! I teleported," Porto shrugged, adjusting a bag he was holding over one shoulder. "Come on, hurry up! We've got to find the Rangers, I've got to tell them something! Very important!"

Dean bit his lip; he hoped to be able to find Justin, he didn't much care about finding the Power Rangers. "I really don't know where they'd be. Divatox said that their powers were destroyed... "

Porto laughed. "I think she's going to have a nasty surprise on that one. But the Rangers did have to get new powers, and they are heading back to the DivaTower. We'll probably have the best luck finding them if we head this way," he gestured off to the right. "Shall we?"

"Got the bomb, Bulky?" Skull asked his best friend as the two of them and Lieutenant Stone prepared to blow up Divatox's twisted tower.

"Right here!" Bulk showed them the small device, fully capable of destroying the entire monstrosity that rose above them. Their one-time instructor shivered a little.

"Be careful with that, you two!" he advised. "That's not a toy!"

Bulk nodded. "We know, sir!" handling explosives wasn't exactly the safest thing the two of them had ever done in their lives, but it was definitely one of the most exciting.

Skull looked around. "So where are we going to put it?"

Lt. Stone glanced around; there didn't seem to be anyone near here, which boded well for them. "Right here looks good! Set it for about ten minutes."

Skull was getting ready to set the bomb when a shadow fell across him. He jerked around and had an automatic reaction: "Mm... M... monster!"

A shocked Dean Stewart shook his head. "Hold up now!" he wasn't going to let anyone hurt Porto; strange as it sounded, they were friends! After everything he had done to help him escape Divatox's bedroom and all. Besides, Skull's wail was hurting his ears and was bringing on a headache.

"What's going on here?" Stone asked harshly, standing up to full height and brushing dust off of his Hawaiian style shirt. There was no point to that really... with all of the things he and his two ex-partners had been through on this day, dusting off clothes did not help anything. He turned his head, then nodded to see his friend: Justin Stewart's father standing behind the bulk of the large creature. "Oh, Dean!" he scrunched his nose slightly. "What a surprise... to see you here... especially with... " he cleared his throat and nodded in Porto's direction.

"I've just escaped from Divatox, with his help," Justin's dad pointed to Porto. "He's trying to take down Divatox, just like me... and you three it seems," at Bulk's nod, Dean continued, "Don't worry about Porto; he's cool. So what are you guys doing?"

"Planting bombs," Stone told him. Dean bit his lip a little nervously.

"You guys haven't seen the Rangers, have you?" he asked. "We're kind of looking for them... " Skull shook his head; they hadn't seen hide or hair of the Rangers in almost a day and a half!

Porto sighed. "Oh, drat it! Would you help us look? I have something very important to show them!"

"All right," the former police officer nodded. "They should be around here somewhere! I know I saw the streaks of light coming out of the sky, that could have been them you know!"

Just as the five of them were about to start off, six armored forms appeared. "Whoa!" the White Ranger murmured. Dean whirled around; that voice sounded so familiar!

"Justin?" he found himself staring right at the Power Rangers, but these were definitely not the Rangers they'd last seen! They were Rangers he had seen in the news, just a few years prior to this incident.

"What are you all doing here?" the Blue Ranger asked, as the Black waved the White Ranger to silence. Porto stepped forward. Immediately the Power Rangers fell into fighting stances and pulled their gigantic weapons out of thin air! Dean jumped in front of Porto and cried out to them, while the ex-henchman of Divatox scooted to a halt. The White Ranger urked silently and took a giant step back.

"Rangers! I have something important to talk to you about!" Porto declared, holding a small brown cloth pack up as high as he could with his stubby little arms.

"Important?" T.J. stared; he wasn't quite sure of what was going on here! Justin's dad protecting Porto? And what is that Porto has in that little bag he's holding? "Like what?"

"Like this!" Porto swung the pouch he was carrying open and pulled out their Turbo Chargers! T.J., Carlos, Justin, Ashley, and Cassie gaped at them in shock, remembering how they'd simply dropped them and ran when they'd lost their powers on Divatox's SpaceBase. The weapons that the five of them held disappeared in a flash of colored light; the color of each ranger that was holding it. The Blue one still held out his gigantic sword, wary of a trick of any kind. Porto continued, "I was planning a rebellion against Divatox, and didn't destroy your Turbo powers, but I had to make it impossible for you to access them for a time. I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused you. He... here you are!" he dropped the Chargers in front of them and scuttled back to where Bulk, Skull and Lt. Stone where. Dean quickly followed, standing by Jerome.

Ashley stared. "But we've already got powers!" and stronger than the Turbo ones at that!

"I know," Porto nodded slowly. "I'm sorry, but maybe you could give them to someone else?"

Billy glanced at the five people there, and smiled under his helmet as he pulled the other Ninjetti off to one side to converse. "So what are we going to do?" T.J. whispered.

"I think we could always use five more Rangers," Billy commented. Ashley nodded; she'd never thought she'd be glad to see her powers go to someone else!

"I agree. Who do you suggest then?" she asked him in a hushed voice. They all stared in complete disbelief as Billy glanced to Bulk, Skull, Dean, Porto, and Jerome. "You've got to be kidding!" they squeaked.

Billy shook his head, and Justin took a deep breath. "I know Dad could do it, and Lt. stone too. But Bulk and Skull? And Porto?"

Carlos shrugged; he was willing to give them a shot, as was Ashley. T.J. offered, "Yeah, I think they could do it! Bulk and Skull are great guys, and I think it would do them good, as for Porto... " he paused, searching his mind and memories. "Do you think we could trust him? You think he's for real this time?"

"This is his second time trying to get away from Divatox," Cassie reminded him, nodding. "Kat told us he turned against her briefly before we became Rangers. Of course, he attacked the rangers that time, but he didn't this time! He wound up having to go back to her, but this time around, I think he just might stay free! With our help! We're just going to have to keep an eye on him for a bit, just in case this is some sort of a trap."

Once it was unanimous, Billy turned to them. "So, guys, how would you like to be Power Rangers?" his voice was light and crystal clear, haunting three of the five non-rangers present... where had they heard that voice before? It was so familiar! Especially to Bulk and Skull!

"Say what?" Porto couldn't believe his ears! He was a mutant, and they were offering to make him a Power Ranger?

"This is a once in a lifetime offer," Carlos reminded. "We've got five powers that we don't need, and there are five of you!"

"And we really need your help!" Justin declared. Dean stared at the one in white, running things over in his mind. Always leaving, that watch... never around when the rangers are fighting...

Bulk was in simple shock, stuttering over and over, "Us?"

"Sure!" Ashley grinned. "Why not?"

"We're... ummm... us!" Skull pointed out, making it sound that being them was not really a good thing. Carlos shrugged.

"A minor formality," he said, his accented voice sounding from under the black helmet. The five standing there had a strange feeling, that they knew most of these people... "You guys would make great Power Rangers, I'm sure of it! It's not hard; it comes very naturally. Once you have the power, everything you need to know is implanted into your mind."

"Oh, wow!" Bulk managed to utter something else for a change. Stone stood up straighter.

"Well, I accept the offer!" he declared, as did Dean. Bulk, Skull, and Porto all agreed; this was the chance of a lifetime!

Billy grinned a little. "Think we should show them who we are?" he suggested. T.J. nodded.

"If they're going to be Rangers, I think we can trust them. And Porto already knows," the Red Ranger pointed out.

"All right," Billy had never deliberately revealed his identity to someone else before, even doing it to Aisha, Adam, and Rocky had been by accident, "Let's take off our helmets."

Justin closed his eyes for a moment. Oh, boy, this is going to be a shock for Dad! I hope he isn't going to be upset about this! As they removed their helmets, he heard Dean's shocked voice. "Justin!?"

"Hi, Dad," he said, smiling. He tried not to show that he was worried about his father's reaction to the shocking news. Dean Stewart was practically staring at him, wondering what the heck was going on!

"What are you doing being a Power Rangers?" Dean wasn't quite sure what to think of this! Carlos spoke up when Justin was at a loss for words.

"He's saving the world," the Black ranger said matter-of-factly. It was as if he made it out to not be as big a deal as it was, and Dean just continued to stare at them all. Justin spoke in a small voice.

"You don't like me being a Power Ranger, do you, dad?" Deep inside, he knew that if his father discontinued his rangering days... he'd just die!

"It just rather surprised me," Dean told him, cracking a smile. "I'm... proud of you, Justin. Very proud of you."

After Justin breathed out a deep sigh of relief the two of them shared a warm hug, then turned back to business. The former Turbos held their old keys in their hands. "Red, Green, Blue, Pink, and Yellow. Who gets what?"

The five of them looked at the new Rangers to be, then smiles spread across their faces. Carlos walked up to Skull, handing him the Green Turbo Charger, while Justin gave his father the Blue one. Bulk received the Yellow Turbo key, while Jerome took charge of the Red one. Finally, Cassie stared at Porto, her old Pink Charger in one hand.

"I don't mind wearing pink," he smiled at her, as best he could, anyway. She grinned and bestowed in on him. Jerome took a deep breath.

"Shift into Turbo!" he ordered, just as if he had spoken it thousands of times before. He didn't even have to ask any questions of the former rangers, and neither did the other four. The words just came... they were just there.

"Mountain Blaster Turbo Power!"

"Dune Star Turbo Power!"

"Desert Thunder Turbo Power!"

"Wind Chaser Turbo Power!"

"Red Lightning Turbo Power!"

The five men, chosen by their predecessors, glowed in brief light, and then once again, the Turbo Rangers stood there. Bulk was now somewhat slimmer and much more muscular, Skull had muscles where before he'd only had skin and bones, and Porto... "Whoa," Cassie stared. "You're not pink... you're white!"

The White Turbo Ranger glanced down at himself, then slipped his helmet off. Instead of the familiar Porto-face they'd expected to see, a human looked back at them! He had a thin face, sharp featured and handsome. His skin was tanned, and his eyes a light brown. His hair was long, about shoulder length; and strangely enough... it was dark brown, with extremely prominent blonde streaks in it. Porto's eyes went wide as he realized. "Divatox transformed me into that... that thing!" He breathed. "And now I'm back! I am Adrian again!"

Ashley was almost staring at him. "Adrian, huh? So that was your name before Divatox got control of you?"

"Exactly." He answered her. His voice was no longer the slightly high pitched, muffled whine that it previously was... but deep rich tones, comforting and crystal clear. Ashley's knees almost gave way underneath him. Dang, he was cute! And he looked like Billy a little... in the face! "I was the scientist for the court of Emperor Ralien. I was always in my lab... always was... but I developed so many significant scientific discoveries that Divatox wanted me for her own use, so she took me... "

There's that name again... Ralien. Carlos and Billy thought to themselves as T.J. smiled mysteriously.

Carlos' gaze was locked on Porto... or more accurately, Adrian's face. There was something so familiar about it. His heart softened as he continued to look upon it... this was something that he had never felt before in his life! The familiarity... the tenderness... He shut his eyes tightly and shook his head, backing away to stand behind the group slightly.

Billy sighed briefly. It was time to bring his team's and the other team's attention back to the task at hand. They were , after all, in the middle of a battle.

"And now it's time for some planning!" he stated plainly. "We've got a long way to go before we win!"

"Uhhhh," Carlos choked out suddenly from behind them all, "Guys, we don't have much time for planning!" all the Rangers, Turbo and Ninjetti, turned around to see what was causing Carlos to sound so pained, to find Divatox choking him! Cassie growled harshly.

"Let him go!" She ordered fiercely.

"Divatox!" Justin shivered a little as he stared at the woman who had almost killed him not so very long before. It had led to him being reunited with his mother, but he would not forget the pain anytime soon! And now there she was, strangling the helmetless Black Ninjetti.

The evil queen turned to him, her grip tightening on Carlos' neck. The Black Ranger struggled, "Let go of me!" he practically whimpered.

"You heard him!" T.J. growled, ready, willing, and able to get rid of this evil woman. She'd hurt more than enough of those who he cared for! She had done it in the past long ago, and in the past not so long ago, and he wanted to make sure that she would never be able to hurt anyone he loved ever again. He had made that oath long ago when the throne was usurped by her, and all of those like her. "Never again, you snake!"

With mocking laughter, Divatox retorted. "Don't give me that. I've won against you before, I'll win again... get used to losing!" She winced suddenly as Justin raced up to her and kicked her hard in the leg, then returned the favor and dug her nails farther into Carlos' neck.

"One step closer, Power Pukes, and batboy here is history!" she challenged. Billy stepped up, eyes flashing.

"Let him be, Divatox!" he boomed, holding forward his still drawn sword. She glared at it, and twin red lasers blasted from out of her eyes. They impacted on the sword, making it unbearably hot. He screamed loudly and dropped the sword abruptly.

Laughing, the pirate queen shook her head. "You will pay for humiliating me, Rangers, and this one is the first to go!" when she'd discovered that the Rangers weren't anywhere near being close to the entrance of the DivaTower, she'd went looking for them! She laughed as the Yellow Ranger berated her with the foulest of names, and the Pink warned her not to harm Carlos! I'm going to enjoy this!

She jumped in surprise as someone grabbed her by the neck, her grip coming undone on the Black Ranger. T.J. quickly pulled him to safety, and Justin laughed. "Way to go, Dad!" he declared, and Divatox turned to see Dean, in the armor of the Blue Turbo Ranger, behind her!

"And this is your payback for humiliating me, Divatox!" he declared. She only grinned, despite being held by the neck.

"You'll pay for this, toy!" she promised, as he tightened his own grip. "You will pay!"

"Toy!?" Dean hissed. "I am no one's toy, got it?"

Even though she was now beginning to lose her breath... Divatox had an ace up her sleeve. "Rygog!" she commanded. Her chief lieutenant came up quickly, slamming Dean in the head as hard as he could. The new Blue Ranger, helmetless, collapsed. "Good!" the evil queen snapped. "If I paid you, you'd get a raise!"

"Dad!" Justin snarled and growled as he jumped at Divatox with all his morphed might. As the two of them struggled, the other Turbo Rangers dragged Dean away, ready to start planting the bombs that would destroy the DivaTower. "Don't you ever touch my father again!" the White Ninjetti Ranger roared. Divatox laughed.

"He's mine!" she told him. "Mine forever!"

"Never!" Justin hissed. "Never!"

He had to throw something to her, it was either that or explode! With blazing fury, he threw the closest thing to him, his helmet. Divatox caught it easily, and he sank to his knees, heart thumping loudly in his chest as he tried to catch his breath.

"Justin!" T.J. shouted suddenly. "Look out!"

That was all the warning Justin had before Divatox's booted foot caught him across the face. A deathly scream issued from his lips, and Billy felt his blood pounding at the sound.

"That's enough!" Billy bit the words out. "Leave him alone!"

Divatox laughed in the Blue Ranger's face, as one of her monsters began to emerge from the tower. Billy's eyes were ignited with anger. "First you almost kill him with that kiss of yours! Second, you take his father and make him... your... toy! Third, you get your flunky and hurt his father, and fourth, you slam him in the face! I have seen just about enough!"

Divatox laughed as the monster drew closer, someone struggling in his claws. "Oh, really? I've got something else for you to see!"

Billy stared, not bothering to wonder as the sense of rage that filled him when he saw the Master Warrior of Phaedos in the grip of the monster. "Dulcea!"

"Billy! Rangers!" Dulcea was fighting as hard as she could, but even she couldn't deal with a monster four times her size at the least! Justin stared at his mother, shivering to see her in pain. Warm blood slid down his chin from his busted lip, but he didn't even wipe it away. She had hurt his father, and now was about to hurt his mother... She would pay!

"Now, I believe the usual order is 'surrender or she dies'," Divatox mocked as the monster drew closer to her. The Rangers stared at them.

"Mom!" Justin cried. More blood streamed down his face from a severe cut on the forehead. "Let her go, Divatox!"

Billy nodded in agreement. "Or prepare to die!" he snarled.

Divatox only laughed, holding a knife near Dulcea's throat. "I take it that was a 'No!' huh?"

Glowing thunderclouds appeared without warning from out of moonlit sky. Little bolts of lightning flashed back and forth between the white and blue Ninjetti rangers, and loud claps of thunder echoed through the skies. Cassie shivered, but not from cold, from sheer excitement! Justin and Billy were both staring up into the storm that had quite literally appeared out of nowhere, feeling as if they control the storm, as if they were a part of it! The helmetless rangers could feel their hair standing on end!

Billy smiled, but there was no humor in it. "I believe that you are quite mistaken, Divatox."

Justin seized a lightning bolt: in his bare hands, and smiled menacingly at her . The powerful bolt that he held gave his small face a clouded and sinister tinge; his eyes a pale white glow. "I concur!" he declared. His arm muscles tensed and jerked backwards swiftly. His arm was now cocked at the angle at which he could throw the bolt, holding it high above his head. Billy nodded at him approvingly.

"Throw it, my son... " his voice was rich and thick... deep and haunting. "Teach this monster never to mess with the powers of the universe."

Justin's small grin spread out to full length. His dimples deepened with the cruel sneer he bore, and the light of the bolt of lightning caused the dimples to shadow in darkly. He indeed looked very powerful. "Yes... yes... " he hissed quietly. The arm that held the bolt shot forward, and the hand released it's grip. Fifty thousand volts of pure electricity crashed to the ground at the pirate queen's feet... sending her flying backwards with an ear-shattering cry of terror. The sound was immediately drowned out as the thunder from the striking of the bolt to the ground cracked through the air like a whip, knocking all but the two rangers down.

Billy looked up into the cloud filled sky, raising his hand high into the air. With a powerful laugh, a blast of flame ignited in his palm. Lowering it, he gestured his flaming hand in the direction of the fallen Divatox. "I take it you didn't like the electrocution treatment, eh?" he cackled. "Prepare to be scorched!"

Justin stood beside him, watching the blue ranger intently. With a short grunt, he nodded to himself and crouched down to the ground. On the solid turf he laid his palm down, and let it rest there. Staring down for a minute, his hand began to glow white. He jerked his head up to look at Divatox lying on the ground and Billy: ready to blast her with fire, while the ground beneath his hand shone brilliant white. Emitting a loud karate yell from his lips, he shut his eyes tightly. Five blasts of white light coursed from his fingers, trailing along the ground with lightning speed. They all met up again beneath where Divatox was slowly climbing to her feet, then caused the ground below her to shine so brilliantly, that she was engulfed in it's light. Before she could scream, the solid Earth below her began to crack and give way, the ground outside of the glowing circle falling down around her. But wait! It wasn't! The circle was rising upwards, placing her high up in a pedestal like position. When the light faded she could see that clearly, but only for a split second, before a loud shout of "YOU PLAY WITH FIRE, YOU'RE GOING TO GET BURNED!" from Billy, and a gigantic fireball blindsided her and knocked her off, sending her tumbling towards the ground.

Billy laughed, and helped Justin back up to a standing position. The younger of the two looked up as he saw a small figure that was falling from his plateau that was almost as high as the DivaTower. Extending his arm, he pointed his index finger out, letting a slow flow of air escape his lips. A violent wind suddenly ripped through the air, and Divatox shrieked as she stopped falling, and was being thrown from side to side by the force of the gusts!

"Always knew she was an old windbag," Justin muttered, shuddering at his own bad pun. "What should we do now?" he looked up to Billy.

He cracked a smile. "I think she's had enough, I'm sure she'll know not to mess with us anymore. Let's send her back?"

"Sounds like a good idea to me!"

They stood next to each other silently for a few minutes, letting the evil pirate be tossed around by the winds, then rose both of their heads up to the sky. Their eyes glowed the purest white light that could have ever been seen, and slowly, the two of them joined hands. Lifting their held hands up to the sky, they shouted a mantra in some language that some of the rangers had never heard before in their lives, and another bolt of lightning flashed down, striking the two hands. Still connected with the lightning, they lowered their hands slightly, still chanting the slow mantra with loud voices, then released it with a primal scream... perfectly in unison. The bolt streaked through the sky, striking Divatox and causing her to disappear. She was gone... And her monster, frightened by the force of the two warriors, had disappeared without brining Dulcea with him. They had done it...

The both of them released the other's hand and dropped to their knees. The storm clouds disappeared, and the ground returned to it's former state, the way it had been before the fight. Billy and Justin collapsed, completely spent and exhausted.

"Wow," T.J. stated, a small smile on his lips.

"That was so wicked awesome!" Ashley breathed. "I've never seen anything like it!"

Carlos ran over to the two worn out Rangers. "Are they okay?" he asked, as T.J. joined them. Billy's eyes flickered open slowly as they were checked over. There seemed to be nothing wrong with them besides their exhaustion, and the cut that Divatox had given to Justin's face with her boot.

"What happened?" Billy whispered tiredly.. "Where's Dulcea?"

"Billy!" the freed Master Warrior joined them, and Billy smiled warmly at her.

"Dulcea! You're okay! What happened?"

She sighed. "That stupid Goldgoyle grabbed me at the Temple," Dulcea told them. "I did what I could, but even I can have bad luck. And I did."

"All that lightning... the fire... the rocks and the wind... Justin... me... h... how?" Billy wondered aloud. She only smiled gently at him.

"I'm just glad you did."

"But how?" Billy's logical mind kept trying to work at this problem, as Justin began to wake up, groaning in pain.

Dulcea smiled. "I'm sure we'll all find out one day," she said. "We can be patient!"

He chuckled. "But you're here," he smiled a little weakly. "What a wonderful sight for sore eyes. And my eyes are sore."

"Just lay still, Justin," T.J. advised the youngest Ranger. "You'll be all right."

Cassie bounced up and down. "You guys got rid of Divatox!" she rejoiced. Billy looked up, wincing at the pain the movement caused.

"We did?"

"Yeah!" Ashley giggled. "It was incredible!"

They didn't have much time for rejoicing, however, as Carlos glanced back to the tower behind them. "Come on. The others should have the DivaTower about ready to go sky-high!" even as he said that, the Turbo Rangers came running out of the building.

"Good timing!" T.J. added to Carlos, patting him on the shoulder. The Ninjetti Rangers grabbed their helmets up off of the ground where they lay and held them against their hips.

"Let's get out of here!" Skull and Bulk echoed after each other. The helmets at the hips of the other rangers were soon on their heads. T.J. and Carlos picked up Billy and Justin, as the two teams ran for cover just moments before the DivaTower made one of the most spectacular explosions ever seen! Dean leaned back and watched the rubble fall.

"You guys got rid of Divatox, we got rid of her ugly tower," he congratulated them all. For what felt like hours, but was probably only a few minutes, they rested in as much peace as they possibly could.

"Happy ending," Cassie sighed with joy. "Though I doubt very much that it's going to last very long... "

Dulcea stood next to her and nodded. "I agree with you, Cassie... the forces of evil never rest long in the heat of battle. Divatox wont be beaten so easily..."

"Hey, where's Porto?" Elgar screeched as Divatox stomped up and down the SpaceBase, trying to figure out just what was going on here. There was no way those two Ninjetti had done what they did, but they had! What was going on here?

"He's gone!" she snapped; that had been another strike in the back, that her supposedly loyal scientist had finally and ultimately betrayed her. Was there nothing those rangers couldn't screw up? She was beginning to wonder about that...

Elgar shrugged. "Guess he found a better line of work!"

His aunt glared at him. "No, he's gone! Back to being human!"

"He was human? Ewwww!" Elgar shuddered at the very thought of that! Divatox only growled and hissed in frustration. "You had a human working for you!?"

"I'd changed him into something better!" Divatox reminded him. "And now he's gone!"

Elgar pointed out, "I don't think he much liked you anyway."

Divatox ignored that, pushing him to the side. "I don't care! I've got bigger fish to fry! Goldgoyle!" she screamed for the monster that had kept Dulcea captive. As it stepped up to her, she berated, "How dare you run from the fight!" The monster stared. "But, you ran!"

"I am the Queen, I can do whatever I want, you got that?" Divatox reminded him. "Now get back down there and don't come back until you've won!" she pushed him out the door as hard as she could. "Get moving, get moving! And make sure to bring... Adrian or whatever his name is back! I want my marshmallow flunky back!"

As the monster left, Divatox threw herself down into her throne and fanned herself. "It's so hard to find good help these days!" her eyes narrowed. "Don't worry Adrian... you will be mine again; Mine forever! You may have slipped through my fingers, but never again!"

"Dulcea... ?" Billy asked her quietly as she laid his head on her shoulder. The two of them sat against the red brick of the building, where the rangers had dashed into a small alley for shelter from the explosion of the DivaTower.

"Yes, Billy?" She held his helmet in her lap, and stroked his hair gently.

He groaned a little and shut his eyes. "I thought... that you would age rapidly if you left the plateau on Phaedos... "

"This is a special exception I suppose... " she whispered. She looked at her son who was sleeping next to her, his head on the opposite shoulder. "I'm glad it is... "

"So am I... " Billy couldn't help but yawn a little. "Really glad."

Suddenly the ground beneath them began to shake violently, jerking the two exhausted rangers out of their rest. The rest of the rangers uttered frightened cries and were knocked off of their feet.

Skull stumbled back up and made his way slowly to the mouth of the alley. Grabbing onto the corner of the building to keep himself from being knocked down once more down into the alley by the quaking of the ground, he peered out to look at the city that lay before them. There, towering above even the tallest skyscraper in this business district of Angel Grove, was an enormous Goldgoyle. Ashley came up behind him, grabbing onto his shoulders tightly. She gasped when she saw the monster.

"Uhhh... everybody... GET OUT HERE!" Ashley screamed, clutching onto Skull's shoulders tightly. The ground shaking calmed, and they all climbed to their feet. The Green Turbo Ranger and the Yellow Ninjetti Ranger embraced for a second, then turned to the others as they joined them at the opening of the alleyway out into the street.

"Goldgoyle is back," Carlos growled softly as they looked up at the gargantuan monster that was beginning to smash the business precinct with his bare hands. Bulk almost bounced up and down.

"Does that mean we can drive those cars now?" he asked, Skull echoing the joyous cry. Porto shook his head.

"This is trouble," the former mutant declared. "Goldgoyle is tough! I'd heard about him; he's destroyed whole planets on his own before! This is no time to be fooling around."

The Yellow and Green Turbo rangers stopped their bouncing and giggling instantly, and nodded their helmet-covered head's solemnly.

Dulcea looked to her son and Billy. "Are you two feeling well enough to be doing this?"

Justin cracked a smile and lifted his helmet up. Clamping it down over his head, he instantly shot up six inches to full height. "I sure am! I take it Divatox hasn't learned her lesson from what we did to her! Which I'm still wondering about, by the way... ." He put his hands on his hips.

Billy laughed and snapped his own helmet on. "Me too, Justin... " he agreed. "But according to your mother, we will know soon enough. Of course that's not soon enough for me!" he shrugged. "But we have more important things to deal with!"

"Exactly!" Dulcea beamed at the two of them. "Now... you all have work to do. Good luck Power Rangers, and may the power protect you! I'll stay here and watch the battle."

Lt. Stone turned to look at her. "Do you see what that thing is doing to those buildings? You need to get somewhere safer, or he might just smash you just like he's smashing those... " his voice was full of concern for this woman, though he was quite certain he had never seen her before in his life. "You seem to be pretty important... "

Dulcea rested her hand on the shoulder of the former police officer. "Just relax... I'll be fine. I have faith in you all. With all of you as my protectors, I'm sure that I'm going to come out of this without a single scratch. Now go... all of you!"

Billy laughed. "With two great MegaZords like we've got now... this guy is toast!"

T.J. nodded. "Let's do it!"

"We need TurboZord power, now!" Jerome Stone declared, while Billy glanced to the Ninjetti with him.

"Let's do it, guys! Ninja Zords!" he declared.

Ashley laughed, "This guy's going down and hard!"

"Prepare for the end, Power Rangers!" Goldgoyle announced as he strode towards the Zords appearing in mid-air. Billy and Jerome both laughed.

"Get over it, Goldgoyle!" they declared in unison. The Rangers, Ninjetti and Turbo, weren't going to let this evil win, no matter what it took!

"Ninja Bat Zord, Online!" Carlos declared as he and the others with flying Zords took to the air. "Oh, wow, I never flew before!"

Cassie's voice came over the communicator. "Let's swoop in on him, Carlos!" she called from her EagleZord. "I like flying too!"

"You guys take it from the air!" T.J. ordered, with Justin joining them; his DolphinZord swimming through the air as if it were the ocean. "Ninja PantherZord, ready to rock!"

"Ninja LionZord!" Ashley cried. "Ohhh! I love this stereo!"

She's like Kim in some ways, Billy grinned as he joined them, loving the feel of a zord under his control once more. And not just any zord, but the zord of the Ninjetti; his Wolf Zord... now larger and much more powerful than before. The Turbo Rangers were enjoying their new Zords as much as the Ninjetti were.

"Ohhhh!" Skull laughed. "Driving a Zord! I love this!"

"Funny, I never drove before!" Adrian cried. "This is so weird, it's like a second nature to me... like I've done this before! DŽjˆ vu flash to the extreme!"

Bulk revved up the engine. "Makes me glad I passed driver's ed., eh Skull?"

"You betcha, Bulky! Hey Dean, how do you like your car?"

Dean let out a cry of joy. "Oh this is great! No wonder Justin loves this so much... what a thrill!"

"I'll say!" Jerome agreed. "Who would have thought all of us would end up as Power Rangers, huh?"

"Not me!" A chorus of four voices echoed in reply.

"Turbo MegaZord power NOW!" Jerome declared, and instantly the five cars began to form into a gigantic fighting machine. Goldgoyle winced at the sight of them, but then turned to grab onto the spike at the top of one of the nearby skyscrapers.

"Impressive, Turbo Rangers! Looks like you've got yourself an oversized Transformer there... ahh... but what can you DO?"

The Turbo MegaZord Saber appeared in the hand of the zord.

Billy flicked on the communication to all Zords. "All ready on the western front, T.J.!" he declared.

"And the Eastern!" came from Justin and Ashley almost at once. They almost got into an argument over who was supposed to say it, even as the other reports from the other sides came in. Goldgoyle only laughed.

"I'm not afraid of you!"

"Too bad!" Billy mocked. "You will be soon! Right, guys?"

"Power Rangers!" the eleven of them declared. Goldgoyle almost backed up, before regaining what might have been his courage.

Jerome stared at the array of buttons and switched before him. "Let's see what this baby can do!" he declared, watching as the Ninja Zords began to form into the Ninja MegaZord not too far away. "Let's keep him away from the others till they're ready!"

"You got it!" Dean and Adrian shouted. "Turbo MegaZord Spinout!"

As it's finishing move spun towards Goldgoyle, the new Turbos were surprised to see that their maneuver stopped. "Uh-oh," Bulk whispered. "Not good!"

Goldgoyle laughed menacingly, then kicked the Turbo MegaZord's feet out from underneath it. With a gigantic crash, the helpless zord tumbled down to the ground; it's metallic head staring up at the monster with five terrified new rangers inside of it. The monster lifted it's foot, then sent it plummeting towards the cockpit.

Yellow light flashed through the sky like lightning, and Goldgoyle hopped back as the force of the Ninja Power Sword erupted on his foot. He turned, growling with fiery rage, to see the fully assembled Ninja MegaZord standing before him, holding it's sword out toward him.

"You think that's going to stop me, Power Rangers! Think again!" he rumbled, then charged at the zord. Before he could reach it however, it swerved to one side and left Goldgoyle to run straight into the building that had been behind them. The 6 rangers inside of the zord winced.

"I hope no one was in there... " Justin whispered. "I never noticed before... but there must be people in all of those buildings."

"I'm sure that the city was evacuated." T.J. replied shortly. "Otherwise there would have been more prisoners."

All of the Ninjetti nodded slowly, Justin had been right. All of these years that the power Rangers had been around... every building crushed... was more people dead... But with the monster alarms more people were evacuated. That was good at least...

Both the monster and the Turbo MegaZord quickly regained their standing positions and took on a new fighting stance.

"You Power Rangers grate my nerves!" Goldgoyle roared. "How dare you unleash such trickery on the mighty Goldgoyle! You shall perish!"

"You know what... " Adrian challenged. "I think you've got more bark than you've got bite, Goldgoyle! All talk and no action!"

"You want action?" the creature replied in a tone that sent chills down all of the rangers' spines. "I'll SHOW you action! You'll wish you had kept your mouth shut, traitor!"

"Who are you calling a traitor!" Adrian cried.

"Queen Divatox wishes me to bring you back with me, Porto... "

The Turbo MegaZord saber swiped at the air. "MY NAME IS ADRIAN!" the White Ranger screamed at the top of his lungs. His fellow rangers did what they could to calm him, but this was his breaking point. "TURBO MEGAZORD SPINOUT!" he ordered.

Once more, the final move of the Turbo MegaZord was initiated, and the zord spun at top speed towards Goldgoyle. There was no time for him to move, or to do anything to stop it. Without much of an attempt at escape or defense, Goldgoyle was smashed into the ground as the Turbo MegaZord impacted violently with his side. But however, this was not the end of him.

He groaned from down on the ground, laying down in the middle of the main street through Angel Grove. The eyes imbedded in his ugly face shimmered red in light of the rising sun. The first morning's light shimmered over the tops of the skyscrapers. It had been a long night... everyone was tired.

Twin lasers rocketed from out of those eyes, enveloping the two Zords in blazing red light. Screams of terror echoed through the two cockpits as the two gigantic machines sank down to their knees slowly. The energy was slowly being sucked out of them.

"What's going on?" Dean wondered. "All systems are down! We can't move!"

"Same here!" Justin cried. "What are we going to do? It's like he's draining all of our energy from the Zords!"

Billy turned to Cassie. "What about the emergency power?" he asked her worriedly.

Cassie punched some buttons on the panel in front of her. "Emergency Power is down too!"

"Same here!" Adrian told them all. "It's like we never even had any to begin with!"

Goldgoyle chuckled and stood above them, his form casting shadows over the downed Zords. "And you thought that you could win against me... Puny pathetic excuses for super heroes. Bah! Power Rangers, huh? Some mighty Ninjetti and Turbo warriors we have here! Prepare to be destroyed! This morning shall be the last you all see!"

Dulcea scrambled out of the alleyway and jumped up and down. She waved her arms frantically. "Rangers! Rangers! To those who are Ninjetti, anything is possible! Tap into the power within yourselves, and you can win this!"

Billy looked to the other rangers within the cockpit of the Ninja MegaZord. "You heard her guys, she's right!"

Justin cocked his head off to one side. "How are we supposed to do that?"

"Yeah! How?" Cassie and Ashley asked. T.J. just sat there and then Carlos chimed in, using that strange voice in which he had spoken.

"Close your eyes and look deep inside."

They all shrugged their shoulders and closed their eyes without a questioning word. And then they looked, searched deep down into the depths of their souls. The spirit animals... the wolf, the bat, the lion, the eagle, the panther and the dolphin... flashed before their eyes. The turbo rangers watched the opposite zord in awe. The red from Goldgoyle's energy ray was slowly changing to a bright shade of blue.

Adrian gasped. "Emergency power is coming back online! Normal power is coming back too!"

Jerome let out a sigh of relief. "And not a moment too soon! Whatever they've done is sure working!"

Dulcea smiled widely as the two Zords regained their energy... and gained more energy than they had when they had begun this battle. The two Zords slashed out their swords towards the monster, who was shocked to say the least at seeing the two Zords up and running, ready to chop his head off.

"MAXIMUM POWER!" Billy and Jerome cried and unison. The machines flashed bright yellow momentarily... then merged to form one gigantic zord!

"Ultra Ninja TurboZord: Online!" the Power Rangers declared in one voice.

Goldgoyle just couldn't handle it. He jumped back and yelped out a scream of terror. The new zord held the Ninja Power Sword in one hand, and the Turbo MegaZord Saber in the other... and without warning the huge zord began whirling them about, headed straight towards him! He began to back away as quickly as he could, but the onslaught of the whirling blades caught him in his midsection.

In a blaze of fire, Goldgoyle let out an ear-shattering scream, toppled to the ground and exploded with such force that it rivaled the explosion of the DivaTower. The Power Rangers had done it, Goldgoyle was destroyed for good.

Cheers of joy echoed through the zord as the Rangers began to celebrate their victory. They embraced... jumped around, screamed loudly, made threats to Divatox and anyone who dared to challenge them, and wept. They cried tears of joy for this long awaited victory. They had accomplished their mission.

In the beginning, it started as a normal day in the lives of the rangers. A Frisbee game and picnic in the park between the five turbo rangers: T.J. Edwards, Carlos Miranda, Cassie Chan, Justin Stewart, and Ashley Hammond. Then, as often happened before... Divatox sent her henchidiot Rygog down to ruin the rangers' day of fun. He succeeded in capturing the youngest Ranger: Justin... and took him away to the Space Base. Full of worry, the Turbo Rangers teleported to their Power Chamber in an attempt to release Justin from Divatox's clutches.

On the Space Base... Divatox had her own plans, however. When Justin attempted to morph so that he could fend her off, she held his wrists taut and allowed her scientist, Porto... to remove them. She ordered him to find a way to make the Turbo Powers obsolete, and he immediately set off to do so as Divatox chained her young prisoner to the wall. She allowed Piranatrons to beat on him... and got into the fun herself when he remembered her most sinister trick, her evil kiss of death. Planting a kiss on the young man's lips... she slid her tongue down his throat and caused unmentionable damage to his insides.

The rangers in the Power Chamber saw this happen, and demanded to be sent to the Space Base so that they could deal with Divatox for hurting Justin. Once there... Carlos beat Divatox away from Justin. She kicked him back, and Cassie removed Justin from the chains. He was dying it seemed, and in her arms. He warned her about Porto and his turbo chargers, and of what Divatox had planned for her to do to them. She just told him that everything would be alright, as he struggled to get out of her arms and get his turbo chargers.

T.J., Ashley and Carlos pulled out their Turbo keys, and readied themselves to morph. Porto, standing near a lever on the far side of the room, laughed at pulled the handle at Divatox's command. At the cry of "Shift into Turbo!" the rangers: those trying to morph and those not, felt as if a stream of electricity had just shot through them. The Turbo Powers had been destroyed. They dropped their keys and chargers on the ground, scared out of their wits, went to Justin and teleported out of the space base, leaving Divatox victorious. The next step in her sinister plan for world domination was to destroy their base: The Power Chamber.

When the Power Rangers arrived there, they immediately began to tend to Justin. He was not doing well at all, crying out for his mother... and there was seemingly nothing that they could do to save him. Suddenly alarms started to blare, and Dimitria informed them that there were monsters surrounding their Power Chamber. They were under siege, and with Justin dying, it was going to be difficult for them to evacuate.

Hearing a distress signal, the Power Rangers' friend: The Blue Senturion arrived to help them. Nearly in a daze, he ordered them all to leave Earth for the Planet Phaedos... and that they would be able to find someone that would help them there. Without many questions asked... Alpha, Dimitria, The Blue Senturion carrying the ailing Justin, and the Rangers teleported out of the Power Chamber headed for Phaedos just as the monsters entered the chamber.

When Divatox learned of the Rangers departure from the Power Chamber and learned their destination, she was enraged to say the least! She ordered a school of Piranatron to meet the rangers when they landed on Phaedos.

The Rangers arrived to Phaedos with no problems, but Justin wasn't getting any better. Dimitria and Alpha left them with the Blue Senturion, telling them that it was a mission that they had to accomplish on their own. With them gone, they wandered around aimlessly for a while, wondering what to do. Carlos was getting the strangest flashes of dŽjˆ vu, it was like he had been to this place before... but he had never been here in his life! While the Blue Senturion was acting as if he had done this all before, confusing not only him, but the rangers that he seemed to be getting more and more human as they walked. As they continued on, following the Blue Senturion as he kept him on the search for someone, hundreds of Piranatrons suddenly appeared and tried to beat them down.

The battle was beginning to get rough, when suddenly Carlos was grabbed by some Piranatrons. Enraged, he let out an ear-shattering scream, nearly shattering everyone's eardrums. He was released... but the other Piranatrons did not give up their cause. They tried to take Justin away from the Blue Senturion... and just as it looked like they might have gotten them, a cloaked figure bounded down from the rocky cliff above and beat the Piranatrons to the point of leaving. During the battle, she had thrown off her cloak to reveal a bikini-clad woman... a warrior that the Blue Senturion seemed to recognize and called "Dulcea".

After taking the rangers to the ruins of the Ninjetti temple and healing Justin's injuries, she soon revealed herself to be Justin's mother. The others wondered how this was possible, and she informed them of the fact that she had sent Justin to be raised on Earth... and she raised him with the help of Dean Stewart. She had to leave for Phaedos and defend the power... and Justin was to tell his friends that his mother had died. She told them that they would have to use the force of the Ninjetti to get the great power from the monolith across the Neola jungle. The quest for the power was going to be a long and difficult one.

Carlos wandered around, finding the entire temple so very familiar... and yet very different. It was like he had seen it in a dream. The Blue Senturion stood before a roaring fire in the center of it all... staring down into it. He was having memories that he couldn't quite place in his mind... and it was confusing him. Dulcea came over to him after her reunion with her son and asked him if he wanted to be what he used to be. Confused, he nodded... and she told the rangers to get into a semi-circle in front of the fire. Gathering some magical dust in her hands, Dulcea told them to close their eyes and look deep inside. When they did, she blew the dust over them... the fire grew bright... and then it died. Six Ninjetti warriors were revealed.

In the Yellow was Ashley: The Lion. In Red was TJ: The Panther. In Pink was Cassie: The Eagle. Carlos was in Black: and he was the bat. He didn't exactly seem thrilled with that at first, until Dulcea convinced him otherwise. Justin stood next to him, wearing the white Ninjetti suit. He was the Dolphin. And then... much to their surprise there stood another Ninjetti.

Where the Blue Senturion had been standing, there was a young man there. He wore the blue Ninjetti suit, and his spirit animal was the wolf. He called himself Billy Cranston... and he was the first Blue Ranger. And strangest of all... when he saw Dulcea... and he thanked her for making him human again... he stepped forward and took her into his arms, kissing her long and deep.

After getting to know their new team member and leader, they all laid down for an early night's rest. During the night, T.J. had a strange dream... one that he said to himself combined his past, and the present. Revealing himself as the wizard Tayrn Jalas... he makes the dying fire burn bright for the rest of the night.

The next morning they all awoke early, with a little prodding from Ashley for Carlos. They made their breakfast, and then set off into the Jungle. They had begun their quest.

The Neola jungle was just beautiful, and it seemed that nothing would go wrong in there. But they remembered that there must be challenges, and the first one appeared no sooner had they realized that it was getting to quiet. The warm climate suddenly turned frigid, and the air filled with poisons. An enraged blue ranger called out for Divatox to appear before them, and on his command she did. They had a heated argument, and she scratched his face.

This act triggered horrible memories deep inside of Carlos, and he charged at Divatox. He soon disposed of her, sending her back to her Space Base.

They walked on slowly... until their second challenge: a monstrous flood occurred. The team ran for the trees, but before Justin had a chance to climb up into one, the flash flood swept through the area and began to carry the young ranger away in it's current. T.J. and Carlos jumped in after him to save him... and they grabbed hold of him and a tree until the current subsided.

But before they could finish congratulating Carlos on his good hearing, for he had been the one who informed them that the flash flood was coming, the world faded around them and everything became nothing but blackness.

And then everything faded in to reveal a destroyed Angel Grove, where they rangers had failed their mission. Justin found his dad murdered with a letter from Divatox driven into his heart with a knife, and Carlos found a dying Dimitria. They got so caught up in their self pity for a moment, that they totally forgot that Dimitria had gone with them to Phaedos, and wouldn't be on Earth! When they remembered that, they realized that it was all an illusion. Justin's father being dead, a horrible tall DivaTower standing in the middle of the city, and Dimitria had all been nothing more than an image! It was just another challenge!

And the world faded again, returning them back to the Neola jungle to continue their quest. They kept on through the jungle as planned.

On Earth: Bulk, Skull and Lt. Stone were evacuating people into a shelter. Divatox had begun her takeover after destroying the Power Chamber... and they were trying to keep the people safe. They set off to do what they could to help the Power Rangers, who had disappeared.

Dean Stewart in the meantime, was looking for his missing son. Everyone else had evacuated, but he refused to leave until he found his son... who was not in any of the shelters. While looking for him, Divatox spotted him and took him prisoner... so that he could be her little toy.

On Phaedos the ninjetti felt that they were nearing the end of their quest. That is, until they reached a large cliff, and couldn't find a way across it. Justin and Billy thought on the matter for awhile, and then decided that pushing a tree down that was tall enough to go across the crevice and then crossing over that slowly would be their only hope. Of course, when they tried to push a tree down... and each ranger took a turn... they couldn't. Then Carlos walked over to it, and pushed it down as if he were pushing over a twig!

They each crossed at their own turn... but when it was Carlos' turn, for he went last... he slipped and fell. T.J., showing some kind of odd power, uttered a chant and caused Carlos to appear on the ground right next to him. When the others began to ask questions, he quickly said another chant and they forgot all about it. Then they continued.

The group of Ninjetti entered a clearing, and there it stood. Right before them towered the monolith, and on a path leading up to him was two rows of statues with three statues in each row.

One statue of each ranger, looking evil and positively frightening.

And then they came to life. That was even worse for the rangers, to have those gruesome looking statues come to life. A black leather clad, gun carrying Cassie... Vampire Carlos, Dead Justin, Ashley clad in Divatox's outfit, Blue Senturion without his helmet, revealing Billy's battered face, and T.J., wearing a flowing cape... looking extremely evil. As a matter of fact, they all did. And they all attacked their corresponding Ninjetti warriors.

They tried to fight back, but whenever they struck the other one... the pain of the blow seared through not only the statue, but themselves! The battle ranged until Carlos figured out that they had to join together with the statues... because they were a part of each other... both of them put together made the whole person.

Once all of the rangers were joined with their evil statue counterparts, the ground began to shake. Carlos went ahead of them as a gigantic pyramid bearing a coin with their spirit animals on it slid out of the monolith. When the coin began to glow, and tiny versions of their spirit animal began to circle them, Carlos gave a speech about the fact that there can be no good without evil...

The spirit animals flew into their hearts, and then they stood there... in armor. They had accomplished the mission to get the power... and now the power rangers were back! They instantly returned to Earth, knowing very well that Divatox would have begun her takeover. They didn't know how true that was until they saw the DivaTower from their challenge standing in the middle of Main Street! They started off towards it... headed off to defeat Divatox.

After having her fun with Justin's father, Divatox sat in her bedroom watching him. He was chained up to her bed, and demanding to be let free. She began to threaten him when Porto burst into her room, telling her that the rangers were nearing the DivaTower and that she could watch it on the TV in the lower halls. Promising her return, she left the room.

Porto shut the door behind him and locked it, then went over to Dean and released his bonds. He told Dean that they were going to be escaping, and Dean got dressed. Porto made a makeshift rope out of sheets and pushed it out of the window. Dean asked him what was going on, and he got a reply about how Porto wanted to get away from Divatox and had something to show the rangers. Then he was shooed out of the window down the rope... and was met down at the bottom by Divatox's former henchmutant.

While searching for the rangers, they came upon Bulk, Skull and Lt. Stone... who were planting bombs at the base of the tower. The three others were very startled to see Porto there, indeed... but when Dean assured them that he was on their side, they turned off the bombs for the moment and went to help them find the rangers, which just happened to come upon them!

If Bulk, Skull and Lt. Stone had been startled to see Porto with Dean, The White Ninjetti Ranger, along with all of the other rangers were just as shocked! They pulled out their weapons and were about ready to fight until Justin's father stepped in the way and told them that he had helped him to escape from Divatox's clutches. Porto also told them that he had something important to give them, then stood forward and took the power rangers old turbo chargers out of the bag!

The five former Turbo Rangers did nothing but stare as Porto explained that he hadn't really destroyed their powers, but temporarily made them where they couldn't work. He offered to give them back, but the rangers no longer had any use for them. Under careful consideration, however, they decided to bestow

Jerome became the Red Turbo Ranger.

Dean became the Blue Turbo Ranger like his son before him.

Skull became the Green Turbo Ranger.

Bulk became the Yellow Turbo Ranger

And Porto, with a slight variation of the former color, became the White Turbo Ranger.

Porto had become human, for he was originally human before Divatox had ever captured him... and his name was Adrian.

The two teams had little time to rest however, when Divatox appeared. And she was ANGRY with the fact that not only her toy escaped, but her scientist had as well! She attacked the rangers, who began to fight back. When worse came to worse for her however, she pulled out her monster Goldgoyle, who had Dulcea! The Turbo rangers in the meantime snuck off to finish planting the bombs.

Billy and Justin could not stand this, and to the surprise of almost everyone there, they both exploded into a fiery rage. They hurled lightning, rocks, wind and fire at the pirate queen, and sent her and her monster back to the Space Base! Billy and Justin collapsed afterwards, exhausted.

The Turbo Rangers dashed out from the tower and pulled the Ninjetti rangers and Dulcea away from it and into an alleyway before it exploded in a flaming blaze of glory. The rangers, especially the two-exhausted Ninjetti, finally had a few minutes to rest.

But it did not last long however, before Divatox sent Goldgoyle back to Earth to finish what he had started. This time, he was huge sized and bashing buildings. The Power Rangers: all eleven of them, called on the Ninja Zords and the Turbo Zords, and formed the MegaZords to battle the monster.

The battle was fierce... but the rangers were on the verge of winning. Then, Goldgoyle did something at dawn which none of them expected. Two beams shot out of his eyes and circled the Zords. The energy from the Zords was totally drained, and hope seemed lost. Until Dulcea, from out of her hiding place in the alley told the Ninjetti that to Ninjetti, anything is possible.

Carlos told them to close their eyes and look deep inside, and soon... the power of the Ninjetti spirit animals reversed the energy drain that Goldgoyle had done to the Zords and made them powerful again. Even more powerful than before, as a matter of fact! They were back up and running... and fed up with the monster. They called for Maximum power, and the two Zords combined to form the Ultra Ninja TurboZord... which quickly turned Goldgoyle into space dust.

They... the Power Rangers Turbo, and the Ninjetti Power Rangers... The Power Rangers... had won the battle against Divatox.

But it wasn't over yet...

"The Power Chamber!" Cassie cried out suddenly, remembering what had happened to their base as they were leaving for Phaedos. "The Power Chamber was destroyed! What are we going to do!"

"Power Chamber?" Four of the Five Turbo Rangers asked. Adrian had no need to wonder, he knew about it already.

Billy sighed. "It was our base... and before we left to get the great power it was destroyed."

Dulcea appeared next to him and wrapped her arms around the blue armor. "But you forget, my love... that the great power can do ANYTHING!"

He was silent for a moment, and then slapped his head. "That's RIGHT!" he declared. "How could I forget! We need to get back to the Power Chamber, there's still some hope!"

Ashley looked at him. "But it was demolished... how can there be hope?"

"You'll see!"

It was the most horrible sight any of them had ever seen as they teleported in to where the Power Chamber was. Or more accurately, where it used to be. It was nothing but a flaming pile of rubble... not even a shell of what it used to be. There was nothing left that was recognizable by any of the former Turbo Rangers. It was completely demolished. Billy shivered; this brought up far too many memories for him, memories he'd hoped he'd gotten rid of forever. This time, we won't ever let it happen again.

"To those who are Ninjetti, anything is possible," everyone looked to see Carlos and Dulcea speak those words at the precise same time! Justin almost laughed sarcastically, wiping the tears away that were forming at the corners of his eyes. Upon reaching the site, they had all removed their helmets.

"Even fixing this?"

Billy put his hands on his hips and laughed. "You'd be surprised!" he declared. T.J. nodded slowly. They had recharged the Zords and defeated Goldgoyle when everything seemed futile. There was absolutely no doubt in his mind that they could fix the Power Chamber.

"Let's do it!" the Ninjetti Rangers stood in a circle directly in the center of where the center of the Power Chamber used to be, their hands just barely touching. Dulcea smiled and nodded.

"Close your eyes and look deep inside," she told them again. As the Rangers did so, a soft glow came from within each of them, spreading out over the entire area in which the Power Chamber used to stand. The spirit animals of each floated out of the golden coin on their chest, joining in the center in a blaze of white light brighter than the other. Rumbling was heard all around them; the sounds of reconstruction echoing in the area. The Turbo Rangers ran into the center as fast as they could, being blinded by the light. Things clunked and clicked into place, and then the light began to die down. In moments, their base had been restored.

"Told you so!" Billy grinned. They all looked up, finding themselves in the middle area of the restored Power Chamber. Dimitria suddenly appeared within her plasma tube, and Alpha waddled in as a door slid open on the other side.

"Rangers!" Dimitria smiled, even more warmly than she ever had before. "You've completed your quest! I knew you would!"

The Rangers nodded, and T.J. grinned. "And we've beaten Divatox back for now!"

"Excellent job, Rangers!" Dimitria congratulated them. "All of the Rangers! Welcome, new Turbo Rangers! And it is good to see you once more on the side of good, Porto!"

"Thanks," Adrian blushed slightly, but then stared up at her. "Just... don't call me Porto, Okay? My name is Adrian."

Everyone broke down into a fit of laughter. Things were finally coming to a close in this battle. They had truly won...

Ashley grinned widely. "Let's party!" the Yellow Ninjetti declared. They all glanced briefly up to Dimitria, who emerged once again from her tube and joined them.

"This is your time to rest, Rangers. And. party!" she declared. Raising her hands, she sent waves of magic through the Power Chamber, filling it with music and lights. It was indeed a happy ending. One they had all long anticipating.

"Hi, there," Dulcea smiled to Billy as she pulled him away from the party a little while later. "Looks like we've won this battle, eh?"

He nodded happily. "We did win!"

"You know," Dulcea almost purred. "Winners get rewards."

"I've got my reward," Billy told her. "Everyone's happy! Angel Grove is safe once again... I don't need any more of a reward than that."

The Guardian of Phaedos smiled. "You've got another one waiting for you, though... " she told him. Billy frowned in confusion, as Dulcea reached out to give him a sweet kiss, as full of love as anything he'd ever known before in his entire life.

He stared. "Was that my reward?" he almost stuttered. Dulcea shook her head and poked him gently in the ribs.

"No, Billy. That was just the beginning!"

"J... just the beginning?" Billy wasn't quite sure what to think as Dulcea pulled him to a soft position on the floor and nodded, kissing tenderly and passionately. But before Billy could allow it to go any farther than that, he couldn't quite explain it, but a thought occurred to him. "Dulcea... You are Justin's mother... and we know that Dean isn't Justin's father... "

She nodded and kissed his neck. "That's right... " she said.

"Well... then who is his father?" he asked her.

She smiled at him, her eyes warm and full of love. "You are."

The End