Chapter Ten: Pyramidas to the Rescue
The Space Fleet separated. Three quarters flew to attack Pyramidas, and the remaining fourth flew to attack the Earth.
"Billy," Katherine said. She looked at the monitor before her and saw the six Zords approach Pyramidas.
"We're armed to the teeth and ready to kick butt!" Zack proclaimed.
"Everybody get ready, then," Trini said. "Here they come."
"We're too close together," Billy said. "We'll have to spread out." He turned the Phoenix out of the formation and turned toward the approaching Space Fleet. Behind his helmet, we turned ghostly pale as he saw the Space Fleet. His entire vision was full of the silver machines.
"They're going to attack the Earth," Jason said.
"We need more Zords!" Tanya cried.
"I have an idea," Katherine said. "Teleport Adam and Tommy out of Pyramidas. Revive them and they can join us in battle. Tanya, you and I can pilot SuperZeoZords III and IV."
"You guys," Rocky said, "I don't know if I can pilot this thing and fire at the same time."
"I can," Jason said. "Rocky, you take Red Dragon and I'll take Pyramidas. Teleporting now." Jason appeared in Pyramidas' cockpit just in time to see Rocky teleport out in blue light. He took the center seat. Katherine and Tanya gave Jason a thumbs-up and then teleported to the SuperZeoZords.
Suddenly, four hibernation pods teleported into the Power Chamber. "I will wake Tommy and Adam up. Adam can help in Pyramidas and Tommy can pilot SuperZeoZord V."
"You must also wake up Billy's parents and teleport them out of the Power Chamber," Zordon said. "They are not safe here."
"Right away, Zordon," Alpha said.
"Why?" Kimberly asked.
"There are thousands of fighter jets out here," Billy said. "What are they doing?! They're going to get themselves killed." Billy opened a direct communications line with the aircrafts. "Identify yourselves. This is the Blue Power Ranger. Identify yourselves at once."
"This is General Ebbing of the U.S. Air Force, Blue Ranger," the reply said. "We're here to help you out."
"You guys are basically putting yourselves in a kamikaze mission!" Billy cried.
"We understand," General Ebbing replied, "but people are already dying by the thousands, and we want to do all we can to protect the people of this country."
"We respect your decision," Zordon suddenly said, over the open radio lines. "Rangers, we have some help."
"Always glad to have some help," Jason said.
"I have an idea," Billy said. "General Ebbing, I'm about to close radio lines with you. But have your men follow my lead. I'll take head."
"Yes sir," General Ebbing said. Billy closed the communications line and quickly sped to the head of the massive fleet of Fighter Jets. The jets quickly fell into an arrow formation behind Billy.
"Rangers," Alpha said, "the entire fleet is about to invade Earth. Good luck, Rangers."
"You are back in the Power Chamber," Alpha explained. "We are under extreme attack. You must pilot SuperZeoZord V into battle."
"Right," Tommy said. "BACK TO ACTION!"
A few minutes later, Adam awoke and was promptly dispatched into battle.
"We're almost there," Jason said. "Zordon, issue a warning to the Pentagon. Tell them to get as far underground as possible!"
"I've got it lined up in my sights!" Adam shouted. "FIRING ALL WEAPONS!"
"The Space Cruisers won't fall for it but once," Zack said, "but we can probably take out hundreds at once with that Shine Attack Billy was telling us about."
"Let's do it!" Trini said. The two Zords flew side by side and approached the armada of Cruisers. Pink and yellow light shone from the bellies of the two Zords. Any Space Cruiser that happened to have the pure energy fall on them immediately exploded. Hundreds rained down upon the land. Those remaining fled.
"On their tail!" Zack cried. The two Zords flew after the retreating Cruisers.
"What does that have to do with anything?" Adam asked.
Jason fired a single missile into the weapons cannon. "I hope this works," Jason said. He immediately turned Pyramidas around and flew away.
"Pyramidas is safely on its way back to Triforia," Rocky said.
"It's a good thing we had Pyramidas," Jason said. "If we hadn't..."
"Or if you hadn't seen Independence Day," Adam said with a laugh.
Jason reached over and turned the television off. "I can't believe this," he said. "No one has ever died on us before."
Tanya hurried into his house. "Some good news," she said. "No one died in Angel Grove, although Ernie said Bulk, Skull, and Emily are missing. There are some reported deaths outside, though."
"David," Tommy said. He jumped to his feet and ran out of the house.
"You don't suppose they had left for Paris, do you?" Kimberly asked.
"Emily," Jason muttered.
"Come on," Billy said. "We'll go look for everybody."
"I'm right here, Jason," she said. "I was out of town when the battle started and I couldn't get in because they closed the roads. I'm all right, really."
Jason ran over to her and grabbed her in a bear hug. "You have no idea how scared I was when I heard you were missing," he whispered into her ear.
"Do you want to go out tonight?" she asked. "I'm leaving tomorrow to go stay with my grandmother for a little while.
"Sounds good," Jason agreed. The two left the Juice Bar arm in arm.
"I thought I recognized that guy," a voice said behind Tommy. He spun around and saw his brother, alive and well.
"Oh thank God," Tommy breathed. "I thought you might be dead."
"No," David said, walking up to his brother. "Not dead. The entire reservation evacuated before the attack. Tomorrow, me and a few of my friends are going up in the mountains for a few days. They have a cabin up there. Care to join us, or are you sort of busy?"
"I'm sort of busy," Tommy said. "What with this most recent attack, who knows what's going to happen next. Would you believe I have spent the last four days on a different planet?"
"I'll believe anything anymore," David said with a laugh.
"Farkus Bulkmeier and Eugene Skullovich," Katherine added. "It is very important."
"Hey Bulkie," a very familiar voice said near them. "Did you hear that? Our friends came to look for us."
"Skull!" Kimberly cried. It surprised everyone present, especially Skull, when she launched herself at him and grabbed him in a big bear hug. It took him a few moments to return the hug.
"Man," Billy said, "we knew you all were thinking about taking the job in Paris."
"We were gonna leave this afternoon," Bulk said, "but the airplanes were grounded. I guess we'll leave on a flight tomorrow morning."
"We are just so relieved you aren't dead," Aisha said. "Man alive. You guys gave everybody a scare."
"How was Aquitar?" Kimberly asked.
"Wet," David Cranston replied, "but I'm glad I went. It's the type of thing you never forget."
"Do any of your parents know?" Rebecca asked.
"My aunt does," Aisha said. "But she was kind of pulled into the whole ordeal during the Zeo Quest." Suddenly, the six-alarm tone sounded. "We have to go," Aisha said. "I'll go wake up the guys."
All eleven mouths dropped open in perfect unison.
"Two new Rangers?" Billy asked. "Who?"
"That choice is yours," Zordon said. "Select two individuals in your lives that you truly believe will make excellent Rangers."
Jason and Tommy glanced at each other. They conferenced silently with their eyes, and then Tommy turned to Zordon. "I know two perfect people," he said, "and I'm pretty sure everyone here will agree with me."
"Then you must go find these two at once," Ninjor said.
"I just hope they haven't left yet," Tommy said. He teleported out in a streak of red light.
Chapter Eleven: Two More Rangers
"Two more Rangers," Aisha said. "Then there will be thirteen of us."
"That is precisely why there must be two more Rangers," Ninjor said. "There are thirteen Earth Crystals, something unfortunate in the world of evil revolves around the number thirteen, so it stands to reason that there should be thirteen Rangers."
"Aye-yi-yi!" Alpha cried. "Something very bizarre has happened in the Holding Bay!"
"Oh yeah," Ninjor said. "I forgot. Billy and Kimberly. Your NinjaZords have already arrived."
"What about the rest of us?" Adam asked. "Those of us who know our animal guide?"
"You may know your Animal Guide, little frog," Ninjor said, "but you have changed colors and suits on me. Your Zords must be redesigned. It is for that reason that all of you, except Kimberly and Billy, must return with me to the Temple of Ninjetti."
"Keep your voice down, numbskull," Bulk snapped. "I thought it was you guys because, well, you're really good at martial arts, and you are the only person I've ever known who says sie-kyahh instead of ki-yaah, and the White Ranger does too. Are you the Red Ranger now?"
"Yeah," Tommy whispered.
"And then when Kim left and Kat came," Skull said, "the Pink Power Ranger got like six inches taller all of a sudden. And, when Rocky, Adam, and Aisha came, the Red Ranger wasn't nearly as muscular as before, and the Yellow Ranger got a whole lot shorter. The only one who never did change was the Blue Ranger."
"That was Billy," Tommy said.
"Plus, when the Zeo Rangers showed up, Tanya just mysteriously appeared, and you, Rocky, and Adam started wearing different colors," Skull said.
"Unbelievable," Bulk added.
"How long have you known?" Tommy asked.
"Not really all that long. About the time we became detectives, it just sorta occurred to me, so I went back and dug up all these old newspaper articles and pictures and stuff like that about the Power Rangers, and it all just fit together," Skull explained.
"Nice story," Bulk said, "but why did you tell us?"
"I'm not sure you'll believe me," Tommy said.
"Try us," Skull said.
"We need two more Power Rangers," Tommy said, a bit louder than he had intended to.
"I must be hearing things," Bulk said. "It sounded like you just asked us to be Power Rangers."
"I did," Tommy answered.
"Really?" Skull asked. "Really?! YES!" He jumped out of his seat and pumped his fist vigorously into the air, drawing stares from the people in the small cafeteria.
"Now come with me," Tommy said. "We have to teleport to our center of operations."
Bulk and Skull flashed each other a thumbs-up and followed Tommy to the men's room. They each held onto his arms, and he pushed a button on his communicator. A streak of red light, surrounded on both sides by a column on white light, lifted out of the rest room and darted away.
Trini smacked her friend in the arm. "Welcome," Trini said.
"Hi guys," Bulk said. "How's it goin'?"
"Bulk and Skull," Zordon said in his loud, powerful voice.
The two detectives spun around and saw the floating head. "Hi," Skull stammered.
"Welcome," Alpha Five said. "My name is Alpha Five, and that is Zordon. This is the Power Chamber."
"What kind of Rangers are we gonna be?" Bulk asked anyone who was listening.
"That has yet to be determined," Ninjor said. "You must first accompany the other Rangers on a trek to the Temple of Ninjetti and find your Animal Guide. There, you shall receive a Power Coin which will give you your Powers. You will also receive a NinjaZord."
Kimberly smiled. It was obvious that Bulk and Skull were so excited they could barely contain themselves.
"I should probably warn you guys," Bulk said. "And I really don't want to say this because I'm afraid it might jeopardize my chances at becoming a Ranger, but I'm not much of a martial artist."
"Neither am I," Katherine said. "The Power tells you what to do. Don't worry Bulk, you'll do fine."
"We must go," Ninjor said. "I am sorry to say that I cannot accompany you on your Quest. I will, however, be waiting for you in my temple. Let your inner strength guide you, and all will ultimately be well."
"Good luck Rangers," Alpha said.
"Remember Rangers," Zordon said, "your morphing abilities will not work on this journey."
"This is so cool," Skull said.
Ninjor vanished in a flash of blue light. Alpha punched a few buttons on the console. Three white, a pink, two yellow, a green, a black, a blue, and two red columns of light rose up out of the Power Chamber. Billy and Kimberly, alone, remained behind. "I can't believe Bulk knew what jeopardize meant," Kimberly said.
"Bulk and Skull," Billy said. "Power Rangers."
"They've changed a lot," Kimberly said.
"I'm sure they will serve the team well," Zordon said.
"Desert of Despair," Rocky answered. "Anybody remember how to get to Ninjor's Temple?"
"Rangers," a powerful female voice said behind them. They all turned around, but only four recognized the voice's source.
"Dulcea?" Aisha asked.
"Tell me about it," Billy said. "Just five days ago I was living on a different planet, in love with an alien."
Kimberly smiled and said, "Just five days ago I was training in Florida. My story may not be as bizarre, but I sure wouldn't have expected to be the Pink Power Ranger again."
"I wonder why there isn't a purple ranger," Billy thought aloud.
"I've wondered that too," Kimberly said. "Pink isn't even a real color. It's red with white mixed in. I don't think a light blue Power Ranger would be accepted. Why pink? Roy G. Biv."
"Roy G. Biv?" Billy asked.
"Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet," Kimberly said. "That's how I remembered the color spectrum in science class. It seems to me that the pterodactyl should have been purple, a real color, instead of pink, a shade."
"Or orange," Billy said. "Eew."
"Eeew is right," Kimberly said. "Orange? I don't think so. But purple would make sense."
"Are we bored right now?" Billy asked.
"I think so," she said.
"We could go ask Zordon why," Billy said. "You know, if we're that bored."
Kimberly nodded in agreement. "Let's ask him," she said. "I really do want to know." The two teens teleported out in the seated position.
"I'm really confused now," Skull said.
"I am the being that led the Rangers to the Great Power," Dulcea explained.
"But, I thought, Ninjor," Bulk stammered.
"It's like this," Adam said. "Dulcea gave us the Great Power, which led us to our Animal Guides. Ninjor gave us Power Coins which let us call on our Animal Guides to morph."
Bulk slowly nodded as the info sank into his brain.
"Although Ninjor could also lead you to your Animal Guides," Dulcea said, "it will be more efficient if I take you on that quest."
"How can you be here though?" Tommy asked. "You told us you would age if you left the Sacred Grounds."
"Yes," Dulcea said, "but when Jenga activated her Crystal of Time, I can safely travel beyond the Sacred Grounds. Tommy, Aisha, Rocky, and Adam. You must continue to Ninjor's Temple. Jason, Zack, Trini, Katherine, Tanya, Bulk, and Skull, you must come with me. Together, we will find your Animal Guides." Dulcea and the seven Rangers without their totems disappeared in a gigantic flash of white light.
"Let's get going," Rocky said.
"This is the temple of the Ninjetti," Dulcea said honorably. "Also known as the Sacred Grounds. For reasons unknown to any human mind, everyone is strongly connected to their totem in this area."
"What do we do?" Jason asked.
"Look," Dulcea said. "I will be back when you have all discovered your Animal Guide." She immediately transformed into a snow owl and flew off.
"She certainly was vague," Zack commented.
A fire suddenly sprang into life in the center of the temple. Trini found herself compelled by the blazing reds, oranges, and yellows of the fire. She closed her eyes, and was suddenly thrust into her quest.
"I think you're right," Tommy agreed. "The Tengas attacked us right beside the Tunnel Entrance."
"This places looks familiar," Rocky muttered. Suddenly, the ground gave way beneath his feet.
"But why not?" Kimberly asked. "Purple makes good sense."
"There is, in fact, a reason that may surprise you," Zordon said. "There are a few Purple and Orange Rangers in the universe, but they draw their power from a different source than any type of crystal or coin. The primary reason for why there is no Purple or Orange Ranger is that Ninjor does not like purple or orange."
"You're kidding, right?" Billy asked.
"No," Zordon said. "Ninjor does not like purple. Plus, pink is a color synonymous with femininity, just as blue is a color synonymous with masculinity. It is for that reason we have a pink." Kimberly and Billy looked at each other.
Her voice echoed endlessly. "Young warrior," Dulcea's voice said from no particular source. "You are very spiritual and full of grace. Be careful not to walk away from your Animal Guide. Perhaps you are looking too hard."
"Spirit and grace," Trini mused. She turned around and was suddenly in a garden full of beautiful flowers. White birds fluttered all around her. She stuck her hand out, and one of the graceful creatures alighted on her hand. "I am the Dove," Trini whispered.
"Form a human chain!" Tommy ordered. He got as close to Rocky as he possibly could, Adam grabbed ahold of his belt, and Aisha latched her arms around Adam's waist. Tommy took Rocky's hands, and the three Rangers pulled on their fallen comrade.
"Man," Tommy said. "Last time we were attacked by Tengas and we managed to find it. This time, we're all alone and we can't find it."
"Tengas!" Rita shouted. "Go to the Desert of Despair and attack!"
Suddenly, she entered into a sea of pure movement. No physical body, just movement. Gracefully, she bounded up, hit the ground, and jumped again. Kangaroo? she thought. She suddenly opened her eyes and was immediately cut off from the sensation. Instead, she was standing in a pack of leaping deer-like creatures. "Gazelle!" she laughed. The golden brown animals continued leaping past her.
"You had to jinx us!" Rocky shouted back. He executed a quick 360 spin kick, downing the closest Tenga.
"Skull," Dulcea said.
"Dulcea?" he asked, looking around.
"I am not here, Skull," she said. "In the same sense that you are not here. Free your mind, and the rest will follow."
"That sounds so familiar," Skull murmured. "Hey, wait a minute." The clover next to him began to slowly move. He soon saw the source of the movement. A small, brown rabbit was nibbling the clover. "Rabbit?" he asked. "I'm a rabbit?"
Adam was the first to follow. Tommy grabbed a Tenga and flipped it. He then darted toward the crevice and crawled to safety. Rocky was close behind him. "We're almost there," Adam murmured, trying to catch his breath.
"Dulcea's back," Bulk said.
The owl flew into the Temple and immediately turned into the green bikini clad warrior. "Congratulations, Rangers," Dulcea said. "Now, you must return to your other friends and join them on their quest to Ninjor's Temple. Let the Power protect you."
The Rangers all began to glow a bright white light. The light combined into one small ball of light which quickly flickered out of existence.
"Report to the Power Chamber immediately," Zordon said. "A new foe is attacking Angel Grove Park. Behold the Viewing Screen."
"SilverHorns," Billy muttered.
"That was the first battle Rocky, Adam, and Aisha went into," Kimberly said. "What's this guy doing back here?"
"Most likely another of Jenga's Time-Release Spells," Zordon said.
"Good luck, Rangers," Alpha said.
Kimberly and Billy glanced at each other and took the morphin stance. "IT'S MORPHIN TIME!" Billy shouted.
"I'm not SilverHorns as you remember," the beast snarled. "I'm Energizer reincarnated."
"Oh crap," Kimberly said.
SilverHorns suddenly fired a silver rope of energy at Billy. It wrapped around his waist and yanked him through the air. He landed on the ground before the beast. SilverHorns raised a heavily clawed hand up in the air and planted it on top of Billy. The Blue Ranger was trapped in SilverHorns' grip.
"Help me!" Billy pleaded. He suddenly melted into blue light and was absorbed into SilverHorns' clawed hand.
"Billy!" Kimberly cried. "GIVE HIM BACK!"
"Why don't you join him?" SilverHorns taunted. He hurled another energy rope at Kimberly. She flipped out of the way and quickly brought her Communicator up to her mouth. "Zordon! Alpha! SilverHorns got Billy!"
"Report to the Power Chamber," Alpha said frantically. Kimberly teleported away before SilverHorns could steal her energy as well.
"You must pilot your CraneZord into battle," Zordon said. "It is currently being held in the ZeoZord Holding Bay. To free Billy, you must bombard SilverHorns with such a large amount of energy that he has no choice but to dispel Billy."
"How?" Kimberly asked.
"Your lasers," Alpha explained. "SilverHorns will either have to absorb the lasers or get killed."
"What if he's on a kamikaze mission?" Kimberly asked. "Will Billy be killed with him?"
"Yes," Zordon said, "but that is a chance we must take."
"All right," Kimberly said. "BACK TO ACTION!"
"I think this is the place," Rocky said.
"Only one way to find out," Tommy said. He stepped up to a nearby wall and walked through it.
"Uhm," Skull said, "was that supposed to happen?"
"Ninjor's Temple is on the other side," Adam said, following Tommy through the wall. Bulk and Skull watched as the others walked through the wall. They then glanced at each other, and stepped through.
A loud boom sounded, and the Crane was launched from the cannon. Kimberly glanced up at her white and pink Zord, and line-of-sight teleported into the cockpit. "All right, Silverhorns," Kimberly threatened. "I want my friend back now." She flew the small, sleek Zord into battle.
"Where is this place?" Skull asked.
"Different dimension," Adam answered.
"Of course," Bulk said.
"Hey!" Tommy cried. "Here we are!" They all stopped before two heavy iron doors.
A silver Medical Table appeared before the Pink Ranger. She carefully set Billy down on the table. "Pink Ranger! Power Down!"
"Scanning for vitals," Alpha said. A white line of light passed over Billy's body, scanning him from head to toe and then back up to his head. "He's unconscious, but will be okay," Alpha said. "I will attempt to wake him now."
A few moments later, Billy slowly sat up. "Man," he said. "What happened?"
"SilverHorns absorbed you," Kimberly said. "Are you all right?"
"Actually, I wanted to know what happened to my clothes," he said, fingering his tattered tanktop.
Kimberly smiled feebly, not that amused at his attempted joke. "This is serious, Billy," Kimberly said. "How did you demorph?"
"I did that myself," Billy said. "Before he absorbed me. I didn't want him to get the Blue Power."
"So you let him absorb your own personal energy!" Kimberly cried. "You idiot!"
Billy frowned and hopped off of the table. "Billy is expendable," Billy said. "Blue Ranger isn't."
"That is not true, Billy," Zordon said. "While your actions may have been selfless, they were not the most intelligent thing to do."
"Sorry, Zordon," Billy muttered. "It just seemed like the right thing to do, at the time."
"Rangers!" Alpha suddenly screeched. "SilverHorns is invading the city!"
"We gotta get back," Billy said.
"Please line up and prepare to receive your new Power," Ninjor said.
The eleven Rangers formed a circle, with Dulcea in the center. She began to move to each Ranger in turn. "Jason," Dulcea said. "Strong in body and mind. Your Animal Guide is the Cougar.
"Trini, full of peace and grace. You will be shown the way by the Dove.
"Zack, lover of fun and joy. You are at one with the Giraffe.
"Tanya, courageous and quick. You have connected with the Gazelle.
"Katherine, nimble and wise. You shall be guided by the Butterfly.
"Skull, intelligent and true. Your Animal Guide is the Rabbit.
"And Bulk, strong and loyal. You are at peace with the Lion.
"Rangers," Ninjor said. "Your Animal Guides have always been with you, and always will be. Turn to them in times of strife."
Suddenly, the Temple was filled with flashes of varied colors. Jason, Zack, and Trini were in their previous armor, with the exception that the Power Coin on their chest had the emblem of their Animal Guide stamped on it. The Zeo Rangers were in a near-perfect replica of their Zeo Armor. A Golden Coin was in the center of their black and gold Chest covering, bearing the image of their Animal Guide. Aisha was once again in her White Ranger armor. Skull was dressed as the Green Dragon Ranger, his Dragon Shield holding the image of the Rabbit. Bulk was cloaked as the Golden Zeo Ranger, a Lion Power Coin in his Chest Plate.
"Hey Bulkie!" Skull cried. "What happened to the rest of you?!"
Bulk and Skull both obviously had new bodies beneath their armor. Bulk had slimmed down, Skull had bulked up. Both were covered with muscle beneath their armor, just as the other Rangers were.
"Your Zords are waiting for you in the Holding Bay," Ninjor said.
"However, you must first defend the Temple from the Tengas who are once again trying to soil it's inner peace," added Dulcea.
"Right!" Tommy said. "Let's do it guys!" Eleven teleportation beams floated up and away.
"It can absorb energy through its skin!" Billy cried. "It's the new, improved version of Energizer!"
"Our Zords can't do anything except fire lasers and missiles!" Kimberly cried. "What are we gonna do?!"
"ThunderZord," Billy said. "Let's send these back to the Holding Bay and see if we can get the ThunderZord to work for just the two of us."
"Right," Kimberly said.
"BACK TO ACTION!" Kimberly cried.
"Look!" one of the bird screeched. "It's rangers!"
"ATTACK!" Tommy shouted. The eleven Rangers jumped off of the ledge and into the crowd of Tengas.
"Let's go right for the ThunderSword," Billy said. "It's the only thing SilverHorns won't be able to absorb."
"But we'll have to be careful," Kimberly said. "He might be able to draw energy from the Zord itself if he's in contact with the Sword for any length of time."
"Right," Billy said.
"You got it," Billy said.
"You know it," Aisha said. "SABBA!"
Tanya stuck her hands up to her face. The Power of Balance emblem on her helmet extended out to her hand and transformed into a pair of yellow Nunchucks. Tanya whipped the Nunchucks like a true martial arts expert. Two of the Tengas watched her movements, almost hypnotized. She stopped spinning the Nunchucks and jumped at the two birds, beating them with the weapons.
Aisha held Sabba out before her securely. Two Tengas jumped at her. She slashed at them with Sabba, knocking them back several feet. Before they could retaliate, she grabbed both birds and threw them over her back.
"LET'S FINISH THIS GUY OFF!" Kimberly cried. The ThunderSword was pulled from it's holster, and thrown, straight as an arrow, at SilverHorns. The huge, silver sword penetrate SilverHorns' body. The monster looked up, and suddenly exploded. The ThunderMegaZord grabbed the Sword as it was hurled past them and took the typical stance of victory.
"You got it!" Kat and Adam agreed.
"They're stronger than they've ever been," Tommy said.
The five Tengas suddenly rushed the Rangers. Jason and Tommy began their attack.
"Not that I remember," Billy said, plugging his computer into the wall. "There. My room is finished."
"You need some posters," Kimberly said, looking at his bare blue walls.
"Well, I spent most of my time in my lab," Billy said. "At least I used to."
"Life is amazing," Kimberly mused.
"We talked about that earlier," Billy said.
"Yeah, I know," Kimberly said, "but do you realize we have spent three years of our lives defending the planet?"
"It is kind of mind-boggling when you look at it from that angle," Billy answered.
"I can't believe how blind I was," Rebecca said from the doorway.
"Mom," Billy said. "I wasn't aware that you were listening."
"Was it just us?" she asked. "Or did none of your parents know?"
"No one," Kimberly said. "Except for Aisha's aunt Ashala, you two are the only non-Rangers that know about us."
"That we know of," Billy said.
"Well, I would imagine that the other Rangers parents know now," Rebecca said. "Their kids just disappeared for three days."
"Actually," Kimberly said, "we took care of that."
"Yeah," Billy laughed. "We told Tommy's, Rocky's, and Adam's parents that they were staying with Jason and me since I was back in town."
"And I told Kat's parents that my coach had given me a brief vacation and Kat and Tanya were staying with me in my hotel room," Kimberly said with a smile.
"We've had to lie more than we've wanted to since we became Rangers," Billy said.
"Yeah," Kimberly said. "It's been more than a little inconvenient. In 1995, we all had to get up and leave in the middle of Thanksgiving Dinner."
"That's where you went," Rebecca said. "I remember that. All of a sudden, Billy looked really nervous, and then he stammered something about an emergency he had to take care of, and he left. Then, he showed up about half an hour later, about the same time the news was telling of how the Power Rangers had saved Angel Grove. I can't believe I never made the connection."
Suddenly, a six tone sound filled the room. "We have to go," Billy said. Kimberly and Billy teleported away in two streaks of colored light.
"I am such a moron," Rebecca said. "I always thought that was his watch alarm."
"You got a plan?" Trini asked.
"No, I was hoping you'd tell me what to do," Skull said.
"Surrender to the power," Zack told him. "Just let your mind go and let the power tell you what to do. POWER AXE!" Zack swung his black weapon, making the Tengas jump back a few feet.
Skull whipped the Dragon Dagger from his holster and held it out before him protectively. "Here goes nothin'," he said. He jumped at a Tenga and slashed it across the chest. Before the bird could retaliate, he high kicked it to the head. He executed a quick back flip and leapt into the air. He kicked two Tengas, one in front and one behind, simultaneously. Anchoring himself on his left leg, he leaned over and side kicked in a 360 circle.
"I think you've got it," Trini said. "POWER DAGGERS!"
The large red blip was slowly moving toward our Solar System. "It could be one of three possible things," Alpha said. "An alien craft of unknown origin, an asteroid, or the Machine Empire."
"It's too slow to be an asteroid," Billy said. "It's got a high ice content, but comets are much, much faster."
"Why would the Machine Empire have a high ice content?" Kimberly asked.
"It shouldn't," Billy answered. "This just doesn't make sense."
"Let's get out of here!" one of the Tengas screeched. In a purple and black flash, they disappeared.
"We did it," Skull said.
"You have your own world to defend," Ninjor said. "I am sorry to say that I cannot help you in this mission."
"Why not?" Tommy asked.
"You will understand in due time," Dulcea explained. She and Ninjor disappeared in a bright flash of light.
"Let's go home guys," Aisha said.
"How?" Bulk asked.
"Touch your Belt Buckle, and think of the Power Chamber," Trini instructed. Eleven streams of light lifted out of the Desert of Despair and darted away.
"Fourteen miles in diameter," Billy answered. "I tried an interior scan, but it's got some kind of energy block. It's definitely some type of ship."
The Power Chamber was suddenly illuminated with bright light of various colors. "You did it!" Kimberly cried.
"I can't believe we're Power Rangers," Bulk said. He reached up and carefully removed his black and gold helmet.
"Thirteen Rangers," Zordon said thoughtfully. "Bulk and Skull, I am sorry that your transition into the world of being a superhero has not been smoother."
"That sounds familiar," Tanya said with a laugh.
"Hey," Billy said. "Eleven new Zords just appeared in the Holding Bay."
"Well?" Kimberly asked. "What are your Animal Guides?"
"I am the Lion!" Bulk shouted triumphantly.
"I'm a Butterfly," Katherine said. "How cool is that?"
"I'm a Rabbit," Skull said sorrowfully.
"Join the club," Adam said. "I'm a frog."
"I feel your pain," Skull said.
"One of the Zords is so tall it doesn't even fit right," Billy said. "It's bent over."
"That would be me," Zack said. "I'm the Giraffe."
"Normally, I would not condone such behavior," Zordon said, "however, this is a special day. Why don't you all take your Zords out for a test drive."
"Really?" Skull asked. "Thanks Zadrock!"
"Zordon," Bulk snapped.
"Sorry," Skull muttered.
"It is okay," Zordon answered with a smile. _To be young,_ he thought. _So carefree and full of joy. If they only knew the real reason I am letting them take their Zords out to "play."_
All but Billy teleported to the Holding Bay. "Tell me the truth, Zordon," Billy said. "You're letting us get used to our Zords because of that unknown blip. Right?"
"Once again, you have proved wise beyond your years," Zordon said. "Your assertions are correct."
"Do you know what it is?" Billy asked.
"I am afraid that who it is is not nearly as dangerous as the cargo they carry," Zordon said.
"How bad are we talking here?" Billy asked, growing more and more nervous.
"This could be the true demise of the planet Earth," Zordon said sorrowfully.
Chapter Twelve: Dangerous Cargo
"This is awesome!" Zack cried. His shiny, black GiraffeZord stood at eighty feet tall, towering high above the planet. His cockpit was in the Giraffe's head, the highest vantage point on the body.
"I never realized how much fun a flying Zord could be," Trini said, circling Zack's Zord.
"I still can't believe I'm a Power Ranger," Skull said. His RabbitZord bounded over a nearby hill and landed beside the Giraffe. He paused for a moment and then leapt again. Tanya saw him leaping and immediately took after him in her GazelleZord, leaping with him in perfect unison.
Jason and Bulk raced up the side of a nearby mountain. The two cat Zords were nearly identical, aside from the color, and the fact that Bulk's Lion had a shiny golden mane.
The CraneZord and ButterflyZord flew silently near Angel Grove. Rocky's blue ApeZord knuckle-walked over to Zack's GiraffeZord and looked up. "That things tall enough," Rocky said. "Aren't you a little bit airsick?"
"Man, don't say things like that," Zack said.
The new red FalconZord and green FrogZord raced to catch Bulk and Jason. "You know Adam, your new Zord looks better in green," Tommy said. FrogZord ribbited in response.
"Has anybody seen Billy?" Tanya asked.
"You are correct, Billy," Zordon said. "We must break a Power Rangers Code. We must make the first attack."
"What is this cargo?" Billy asked. "And what if they are good guys?"
"Believe me," Zordon said, "no being of good would have that in their possession."
"What is it?" Billy asked.
"It would be best at this point in time if you did not know," Zordon said.
Billy nodded. Zordon could be really stubborn when he wanted to be.
"Billy, actually," came the reply. "Take your Zords back to the Holding Bay and get here quick. We've got a pretty serious situation on our hands."
"We're on our way," Tommy answered.
"Not necessarily," Billy said. "That's just one of the two possibilities. The other is that it's some type of evil alien craft. In fact, I doubt it is the Machine Empire. It's covered with some type of ice, and the Machine Empire has no need for water in any form. They'd rust in wat...." Billy stopped cold.
"What is it, Billy?" Aisha asked.
"Aquitar," he said. "Aquitian water doesn't cause metal to rust."
"I will open a direct communication line with Aquitar now," Alpha volunteered.
"Thank you," Billy breathed.
Rather than actually have an open communication line, an automatic message was relayed from the Ranger Base. Delphine's voice spoke calmly, but the fear in her voice was apparent. "Aquitar is under a state of emergency. I repeat, Aquitar is under a state of emergency. We, the Rangers of Aquitar, are trying our best to repel this foe. We advise all peace-seeking ships and Rangers of other worlds to stay away."
"Under attack," Adam said. "But we were just there."
"That might be why they were attacked," Billy said meekly.
"Rangers! Wait!" the message suddenly blurted. The automatic message stopped repeating. "It is I, Delphine."
"What's going on there?" Billy asked.
"Some gigantic ship just launched fire on our planet. Then, they entered our water and polluted the entire ocean," Delphine said sadly. "Some kind of green oil."
"Cog oil?" Tanya asked.
"Cog oil is not used solely by the Machine Empire," Zordon explained. "Many interstellar ships use it as engine lubricant."
"We do not know if it was the Machine Empire or some other foe," Delphine said. "Fortunately, no life was lost. However, we will soon be running out of safe water."
"Why did they attack?" Katherine asked.
"We do not know at this time," Delphine replied. "They have four smaller crafts circling our planet. Cestro has determined that the function of these four crafts is to prevent any help from arriving."
"Delphine, would you please have Cestro contact any planet in this Galaxy with Rangers?" Zordon requested.
"Cestro has already began a series of transmissions to all Ranger planets in the Milky Way," Delphine said. "Why?"
Rather than answer her, Zordon said, "Alpha. Scan the outer limits of the Milky Way Galaxy for any type of disturbance."
"Right, Zordon," Alpha said. A few nervous minutes later, the scan was finished. "AYE-YI-YI! Jenga has done it again! There is some type of force field around the entire galaxy! Only this time, it's not just hazardous to energy! It can also destroy physical matter!"
"Time released spell?" Zack asked.
"A force field of this caliber must have come directly from Jenga herself," Zordon said. "Jenga and MasterVile have returned."
"But what's the point of the attack on Aquitar and the force field around the galaxy?" Trini asked.
"They're putting us under involuntary quarantine," Billy said. "Rangers outside of the Milky Way can't come here to help us out."
"Why didn't they just put up one of those physical barriers around our solar system?" Rocky asked.
"We do not know at this time," Zordon said.
"Is being a Ranger always this scary?" Skull asked.
"Just recently," Billy said.
"Rangers of Earth," Cestro said. "We are not the only planet that has been attacked by this unknown foe. Triforia and many others you have not had contact with. Aquitar has had the worst hit, although all have been incapacitated and are being watched by alien crafts that broke off of the main craft. We will keep you posted on the latest developments."
"Thank you Cestro," Billy said.
"We have to stop this new guy," Jason said. "He can't be any stronger than Jenga, right?"
"That's true," Billy said. "Jenga is number one evil."
"I have already entertained the notion of attacking the alien vessel," Zordon said, "and despite the fact that it will be breaking a Power Rangers Code, we must. That vessel contains cargo that cannot reach Earth."
"What's the cargo?" Kimberly asked.
"It would be best if you didn't know at this time," Zordon explained. "Kimberly, Katherine, Trini, and Tommy. Pilot your Zords up to the alien vessel and launch a full attack."
"And remember, guys," Billy said. "If you start to feel guilty because they didn't attack us first, just remember that they've incapacitated dozens of planets in this galaxy. Aquitar may not even survive."
"Right," Tommy said. Kat, Kimberly, Tommy, and Trini lined up. "BACK TO ACTION!"
Red, pink, and yellow light flashed as the four Rangers teleported out. "I can help, too," Jason said. "Let me pilot Red Dragon into battle."
"That is an excellent suggestion," Zordon said. "Someone can also pilot Phoenix as well."
"Billy's had the most experience with Phoenix," Zack said.
"You're right," Billy said, "but I might be needed here."
"I can do it," Adam said.
"I will reprogram Phoenix to recognize you," Alpha said.
"SuperZeoZords," Billy said. "They can fly as well. "Zack, you can take I. Tanya, II. Rocky, III. Skull, IV. Bulk, V. Is that okay with everybody?"
"You know it," Zack said.
"We must be careful that we do not leave Earth unprotected," Zordon said.
"Billy and I will still be here," Aisha said. "And we have plenty of Zords we can put on remote if we have to."
"Plus, Bear is a pretty strong Zord," Billy said. "And, the alien vessel is just two light years from our solar system. That's close enough we can call them back here in just a few seconds."
"Two light years?" Skull asked. "I thought that was really, really far off."
"It is," Billy said, "but with our Zords we have much faster than light travel. In fact, the others are almost there now."
"The Zords are programmed to recognize their pilots," Alpha said.
"BACK TO ACTION!" Jason cried.
"We're back!" MasterVile cried. "How long were we gone?"
"Barely three days," Rita answered.
"Four centuries in our time," Jenga said. "Benefits of having the Crystal of Time."
"You two are going to have any kids, are you?" Rito asked.
"Don't even think it," Jenga said, taking a Kentucky Wildcats baseball cap off of her head. "I was pregnant with Zedd for four millennia and I had morning sickness every single day. Never again."
"Kentucky Wildcats?" Rito asked.
"They won the NCAA championship in 96," Jenga said.
"Think they'll make it in 97?" Rito asked.
"Never happen," Jenga said. "I'd love to see it happen, but it won't. Well, plus Earth will probably be a smoking pile of rubble by March Madness, but that's aside the point."
"Mom," Lord Zedd said cautiously. "The Rangers are taking their flying Zords into space."
"Oh yes," Jenga said. "MasterVile and I ran across an old friend on our way home. They will be arriving here tomorrow."
"Who is it?" Rita asked.
"You'll find out when they get here," Jenga said. "I assure you, you'll be pleasantly surprised."
"It had better not be that dad-blasted King Mondo," Lord Zedd growled. "So help me, if it is, all hell is going to break loose."
"Relax, Zedd," Jenga said. "You worry too much. It's no wonder you two have conquered this measly little planet, yet."
"Hhmph," Rita grunted.
"It doesn't look like the Machine Empire," Kat observed.
"It doesn't look like much of anything," Kimberly said. The craft in question was a gigantic oval, fourteen miles in diameter at it's widest point and three miles thick in the center. It's surface was emerald green and shiny. The craft was completely smooth with absolutely no rivets or panels anywhere.
"Zordon said this guy was evil," Trini said. "Let's take him out."
"ALL FIRE!" Tommy shouted. He brought the Falcon closer to the craft and began firing numerous lasers and missiles.
"I just wish I knew who is piloting that ship," Billy said. "We know they are evil, but we don't know if they're somebody we've already dealt with or somebody totally new."
"Aye-yi-yi!" Alpha said. "The alien vessel has some type of barrier around it that carries Jenga's energy signature!"
"What does that mean?" Aisha asked.
"It means that Jenga has given them some type of barrier," Billy said. "Rita and Zedd hate the Machine Empire as much as we do. I think we can safely eliminate the possibility that the ship belongs to King Mondo."
"Could they have joined forces with the Machine Empire?" Aisha asked.
"Very unlikely," Billy said. "Rita and Lord Zedd blew them up a few weeks ago. I doubt the Machine Empire has even been rebuilt yet."
"Maybe they won't be rebuilt," Alpha suggested. "After all, the entire Royal family was destroyed, and Cogs aren't much smarter than putties."
"We can hope," Billy said.
"The others are about to rendezvous with the craft," Aisha said.
Suddenly, an alarm in the Power Chamber went off. "Aye-yi-yi!"
Trini flew to the center of the craft and dropped a hefty load of missiles. Twelve yellow missiles fell from the underside of the DoveZord. She banked to the right seconds before the missiles made contact. A giant, yellow mushroom cloud rose up from the craft's surface.
"It barely made a scratch!" Kimberly cried, flying the CraneZord upside down along the bottom of the alien vessel. "FIRING ROCKETS!" She slammed her hand down on a pink button on her console. Several pink rockets were fired from the Crane's body. She circled away from the craft as the rockets moved toward their target.
"You guys need some help?" Jason asked. The Red Dragon zoomed over the surface of the vessel.
"Hey Tanya!" Zack cried. "Let's do that shine attack thing."
"You got it!" Tanya shouted. The yellow and pink SuperZeoZords flew across the top of the craft, pink and yellow light shining from the Zord's emblem. Rocky, Bulk, and Skull followed close behind Zack and Tanya, firing lasers at the craft.
"We're not doing enough damage! All we've managed to do is knock the ice off of it!" Trini cried.
"Why aren't they firing?" Adam asked as he brought the PhoenixZord in. Suddenly, purple lasers began to fire from uniformly placed cannons all along the vessel. "Sorry I asked!" Adam shouted.
"Don't have to tell me twice," Bulk said.
The eleven Zords turned and flew from the alien vessel.
"What?" Aisha asked.
"A force field that destroys matter has been put up around our solar system," Alpha explained. "Like the one around the galaxy."
"They can't come home?" Aisha asked.
"Send a message to the Rangers, Alpha," Billy said. "I'm going to try and analyze the energy signature of the force field and see if there is any way at all to get through."
"Guys," Kimberly said, trying to cheer up the two new Rangers who were obviously depressed. "If anybody can get us home, it's Billy."
"She's right," Zack said. "Billy will figure something out."
"Excellent suggestion," Jenga said. "I think I might like to take them on myself."
"Wha?" Rita grunted. "Yourself?"
"Sure," Jenga said. She snatched Goldar's Sword and swung it at him. "I'm a big girl. Ciao!" She vanished in black flames.
"Oh Power Rangers," Jenga said. "I know you're watching me right now. If you don't show up and challenge me in the next two minutes, this building is going to fall."
"I'll go," Aisha said. "You stay here and keep working on the force field."
"I expect both of you," Jenga said. "White and Blue."
"We have to," Billy said. "We'll send her packing as quick as we can."
"BACK TO ACTION!" Aisha cried.
The two Zords raced through downtown Angel Grove, barely making it before Jenga's two minute time limit.
"I thought you weren't going to show," she said.
"What do you want with us, Jenga?" Aisha snarled.
"I want to play," she said. She raised her Sword high above her head and brought it down on top of BearZord.
"WHOA!" Aisha cried, barely rolling out of the way. The Sword slammed into the pavement, creating a giant schism in the street.
"Why don't you leave us alone, Jenga?!" Billy shouted. The WolfZord leaped at the demon. The Zord's jaws clenched onto her throat and held on.
"Hey!" Jenga bellowed, suddenly enraged. She grabbed ahold of the Zord and hurled it away. Black blood poured from her throat. She brought her right hand up and covered the wound. When she pulled her hands away, her throat was healed. "You've just made your first fatal mistake."
"If you can't stand the heat," Aisha said, prepping her Zord for attack, "then get out of the kitchen." The BearZord leapt at Jenga and pinned her on the ground. White lasers were fired from the Bear's eyes, each shot penetrating Jenga's skin.
"Aisha," Jenga growled. She wrapped her slender hands around BearZord's throat and pulled it away from her body.
"Uh oh," Aisha said. Jenga slowly stood to her feet, carrying BearZord with her. "Let me go, Jenga!" Aisha fired every weapon she had at Jenga, but she was either ignoring the pain or was so enraged she wasn't feeling it.
"You are going to die, little bear," Jenga growled. She began to squeeze her hands together.
"Hey!" Aisha cried. A flashing red light filled the cockpit. "Negative Helm Control! I'm imploding!" She continued shooting rockets, missiles, and lasers at Jenga, but they were having no effect. Black blood spurted from each wound, but it wasn't slowing her down at all. Jenga suddenly threw the BearZord forward. Aisha thought she did it on purpose, but she didn't travel that far. Aisha hit the street, but managed to gain control before leveling any buildings. She glanced up just in time to see Jenga hit the street with WolfZord standing on her back.
"Aisha!" Billy cried. "Are you all right?"
"I've been better," she said. "But I've got control back! Hold her down!"
"Easier said than done," Billy said.
Jenga struggled to get up. Aisha ran over to her, but before she could attack, Jenga disappeared in a gigantic burst of black fire. "I get the feeling she got tired of playing with us," Aisha said.
"Let's get back to the Power Chamber and get the others home," Billy said.
"I never intended to destroy them this early in the game," Jenga said. "There is still some vital information I need to get from Billy. I just wanted to let them know who is ultimately going to win."
"I told you she had a plan," Lord Zedd muttered.
"We figured as much," Jason said. "How are things coming?"
Aisha shoot Billy a frantic glance. "Lie," he whispered.
"He's almost got it figured out," Aisha lied.
"Liar," Tanya said.
"Am I that transparent?"
"Yes," Adam said simply.
"They really are working really hard," Aisha said. "Jenga about kicked our butts today."
"Did you beat her?" Zack asked in shock.
"Hardly," Aisha answered. "She got tired of playing with us and went home. Chestnut Street is closed in Angel Grove because of the attack. Since we didn't beat her, the damage wasn't repaired by magic."
"Any casualties?" Tommy asked seriously.
"Nothing like that," Aisha said. "Nobody was hurt. But we did total a few cars. The mess is from all of the blood."
"Demons bleed?" Kimberly asked.
"She bled black," Aisha said. "Chestnut street is about a foot deep with black blood. It's a mess. They've got a bunch of fire trucks out there trying to wash it away."
"Aisha," Billy said, "could you come over here and help me for a sec."
"You bet," she said. "Gotta go guys." She closed the radio link. "What is it, Billy?"
"I don't actually need help," he said. "I just need to talk to Zordon, and I don't want the guys to hear." Aisha nodded.
"What is it, Billy?" Zordon asked.
"I can't do it," Billy said. "The force field is magic. It's not science. If it was science I could do it, but I'm not a magician. I don't know how to get them home."
"The force field is designed not to let anyone through," Aisha said. "I guess me and you'll just have to take Jenga out ourselves. We have several MegaZords here we can use. We'll just have to do our best. Or maybe even round up eleven people to go to Ninjor's Temple. As long as they are in morphed mode, they'll be all right."
"Ninjor's Temple is not an option," Zordon said. "There is no way to get to Phaedos, and no human can be positive of his or her Animal Guide without the help of the Sacred Grounds."
"Wait a minute," Billy said. "Aisha, what did you just say?"
"Which part?" she asked.
"You said the force field is designed not to let anyone through, right?" Billy asked. Aisha nodded, perplexed. "Well, if there is absolutely no way to get through it, why did she put one up around the Milky Way and our solar system. Plus, the alien vessel has put small vessels surrounding every planet with Rangers in this galaxy. That means someone is afraid that the alien Rangers all throughout our galaxy might be able to get through the barrier to help us!"
"Your reasoning makes good sense, Billy," Zordon said.
"Alpha, can you plot the alien vessels journey from it's point of origin?" Billy asked.
"Perhaps," Alpha said.
"Do that," Billy said. "I have an idea."
"Home of the Alliance of Evil Headquarters," Zordon said.
"Great," Billy said. "Can you tell me when the alien vessel crossed into the Milky Way Galaxy?"
"Certainly," Alpha said. He manipulated the data before him, and then announced, "Done, Billy."
"Yes!" Billy shouted. "I was right!"
"Right how?" Aisha asked.
"The alien vessel crossed into the galaxy long after the barrier was put up," Billy said. "The force field around the vessel allows it to safely pass through the barrier."
"How does that help us?" Aisha asked. "We don't have those kind of barriers on our Zords."
"But if we can analyze the force field on the vessel and reproduce it, we can incorporate it into the Zords," Billy said. "Scanning alien vessel, now." Although Billy couldn't scan the inside of the alien vessel, he could certainly determine how the force field worked.
"Can you reproduce it?" Aisha asked.
"I think so," Billy said. "It's got a bit more magic in it than I would care to work with, but I think our computers can reproduce it. I just need to download the info for each Zord and customize it to each particular Zord. It'll take a few minutes, but it should work. Get on the wire and tell the Rangers the good news."
"We're willing to take that risk, Billy," Kimberly said.
"Yeah," Adam said. "We know you did your best."
"Here goes," Billy said. He pushed the ENTER button. "That should do it."
"Billy!" Aisha cried. "I think it worked!" She pointed at the Viewing Screen. The Zords were shiny green.
"Let's go home, guys," Tommy said.
"Whew," Billy said. "That's something I don't care to have to try and do again."
"Things were pretty frantic on this side," Aisha said.
"Uhm, Rangers," Alpha said softly.
"Things were pretty frantic out there, too," Bulk said.
"Bulk, I can't get over your body," Skull said. "Wait a minute. That sounded bad. I'm still trying to figure out where the rest of you went. That's what I meant."
"Rangers," Alpha said again.
"The Power is pretty cool that way," Rocky said. "We all got more muscular."
"I don't suppose this is permanent, is it?" Bulk asked.
"Afraid not," Katherine said. "As soon as you power down, your old body comes back.
"Rangers!" Alpha cried.
"Alpha?" Trini asked.
"The alien vessel has landed on the moon," Alpha said.
"On behalf of my family," Jenga said to her visitors, "welcome."