Power Ranger Mania The Fanfic Shoppe The Yost  


Keep The Faith
by Georgia Peach

When they arrived in the Power Chamber not one word was spoken. Alpha didn't know what to say, he remained silent by the computer. Zordon cast his attention to the four of them. " Adam·"He began slowly." Place the cot over by Katherine." Adam did so." Billy, lay her down."

Billy seemed to hesitate. Afraid of letting her go in any way·But he placed her down, knowing that God would be with them." Zordon." Billy struggled. " I think the cure for this virus is on the third dimension of earth·"

"You are correct Billy·" Zordon broke him off.

"The computer locked on to the plants while you were in the zord room·" Alpha explained." When you and Leeza were there, you entered a cave, correct?"

Billy almost choked. They entered a cave all right. Which almost took both their lives· That was when he changed complete· He realized that there had to be some unknown being out there, with an unknown power· And this power was stronger than anything he had ever experienced. " Yeah we were in a cave." He said blankly.

"Well, just before that cave, or after that cave is the plant·All you have to do is find it, than we'll dilute it into a liquid form and give it to them threw their ivies." Alpha finished.

" But where exactly is the plant located?" Tommy asked.

"Just before the opening of the cave is a bush· It could be that· And just after the cave are several bushes· It could be them.. I'm not sure· But it's definately one of them." Alpha told them.

"Well·who should go?" Adam asked.

Billy was the first to volunteer. " I think I should, since I've been in this area before."

Zordon nodded his head." Yes, Billy· That would save a lot of time· I want one of you to stay here, so that you can help to take care of the others· Tommy, and Adam, the two of you must decided for yourselves."

"Adam, you go· I want to stay with Katherine· I want to be here when she wakes up. " Tommy's voice sounded as if it were cracking, but he maintained himself

Adam nodded, sensing his pain." Okay."

"Are you ready to leave rangers? " Alpha asked.

"Almost ." Billy slowly walked over to Leeza." Hang in there, Leeza· I'll be back soon." He then turned, fighting to hold the tears back. He walked up to Tommy. " You take good care of her· Understand?"
Tommy nodded his head, feeling Billy's pain." I'll take good care of her, don't worry·. I'm sure whoever God is, is watching over us right now· You just have to keep faith in him·right?"

Billy cocked his head. He did have to keep faith· He had to keep faith that God would get them out of this· And that they all would be all right· But for some reason· He couldn't. " I guess."

They could vaguely here a voice in the distance whisper good luck. " Rocky?!" Adam asked surprised.

They all walked up to his bed. " Who else?" He said wearily. He looked very pale, and he was having such trouble keeping his eyes open.

"Get some rest, man· Don't wear yourself out by talking." Tommy warned.

"I'm not." Rocky protested." I just·wanted·to wish you good luck· That's all." He closed his eyes and appeared to fall into a deep, deep sleep.

"We better get going·" Billy stated heading to the middle of the Power Chamber.

Tommy walked over to the console panel with Alpha. Adam Joined Billy in the center. "Ready? " Tommy asked.

The two looked at each other. " Ready." They both said. And within five seconds the two teleported away with the colors, of green, and silver following them.

"Good luck." Was all Tommy could say, as he returned his attention to the sick rangers.


When Adam and Billy re-materialized on the other side, a wondrous site filled their eyes. One Billy hoped he wouldn't have to see again. They landed by the sea, with a huge rocky, cliff to their right, and a enchanting cave with boulders in front of it, to their left. The cave which he and Leeza had been trapped in, the cliffs that Leeza had fallen off of, and miraculously survived. If God could let them get through those things, He could let them get through this.

Adam was in amazement. He wasn't sure what to say, the site was astonishing. You almost couldn't believe that this was a third dimension of earth!! It looked nothing like earth· Then, again there were no humans living there either. Just plants, no pollution whatsoever.

Billy walked up to Adam and placed a hand on his shoulder. " Adam·we better get going."

Adam jerked a bit. " Yeah· Where should we start?"

Billy frowned." Well, Alpha said that the plants were either in front of the cave, or on the other side· So let's check it out , by the cave." Adam just nodded.

The two headed, in that direction. Billy stared at the boulders . That was why they were trapped inside of the cave. It was literally a miracle that the he and Leeza had gotten out alive. He continued to stare into that direction, but not for the plants. He heard a familiar sound. The sound of loud squawking birds. He sighed to himself. The tenga's obviously hadn't left since he and Leeza had been there.

Adam stopped. He became alarmed when Billy wasn't by his side. He quickly jogged up to him. " Hey, Billy? You okay?"

Billy shook his head back to reality. " Yeah· I was just remembering when I was here with Leeza." He paused. He had to tell Adam about the tenga's." Adam· When Leeza and I were here· Tenga's came after us· I don't think they left."

Adam's eyes widened. " You mean, there are tenga's somewhere, around here?"

Billy followed the sound. Only to find six tenga's on the top of the cave. " No· I mean there are tenga's up there!" Billy pointed with a screech.

Adam spun around, only to see those six, tenga's jumping off of the cave into the sand. The tenga's gave a sharp glare at each of them. The two could never explain the feeling they felt at that moment.

"Adam· It looks like were not going to be able to get the plants, unless we fight them." Billy cried.

"I'm ready whenever you are." Adam said getting into the morphing position.

Billy nodded." Right· It's morphin time!" Billy shouted. The two connected there communicators , and within a moment the two were transformed into Zeo ranger IV, and the Silver ranger. The tenga's ran toward the two. The two got into there fighting positions, and attacked. The battle raged, Billy took the first tenga down in a second. The second one came up from behind thinking he could trick him, but Billy was to smart for that. He did a forward flip, turned, grabbed the tenga's wing, and flung him into the hard wall that surrounded the cave. The third tenga was a bit sneakier. He came out of nowhere and jumped on top of Billy , knocking the wind out of him. Billy lay of the ground for a second trying to collect his thoughts. The tenga, thinking Billy was hurt went to punch him. Billy used his strength against him. He grabbed the birds wing, and flung him over. Billy quickly jumped to his feet. He turned to the tenga, and kicked it in the stomach, destroying him.

Adam wasn't having such good luck. The first tenga was easy to trick, he just twisted it's wing, kicked it in the back and knocked it over. The second one came from behind and grabbed Adam tightly. Adam struggled for a few seconds, then brought his leg up and back. He than kicked the tenga hard in the back, practically breaking his joint. The tenga flew forward still holding tightly onto Adam. Adam hit the ground first, then the tenga rolled and let Adam go. With only a second to think, Adam jumped up and punched the tenga in it's stomach, destroying it. The third one ran from the side. Adam jumped up and gave it a split kick. It wobbled over, as Adam went flying. He landed hard on the ground. He tried to clear the fog from his head, and think of a plan. He lay there as the tenga approached him. It bent over him to see if he was still alive. Adam took that moment and kicked it in the chest sending it backwards. He than jumped up and kicked it in the chest again, and again·Until finally, it just gave up and collapsed·defeated.

Billy ran up to Adam." You, okay, man?·For a minute I thought you were really hurt."

Adam smirked within his helmet." That was the point! I wanted that tenga to think I was really hurt, so that way I could trick him, and defeat him· What about you? You okay· And I don't just mean physically· How are you feeling about everything that happened today? " Adam questioned seeing right through his friends cover up.

Billy lowered his head. " I take it, I need to work on my acting?" He said sarcastically.

" Yeah, you do." Adam said de-morphing." Say it Billy, I can take it."

"Oh, Adam!" Billy said with the up most of frustration as he also de-morphed. "I just don't understand this! Why did God have to let us get this virus in the first place! He could have prevented it, right? He's God isn't he?"

Adam slowly sat down next to a rock." Billy, you're asking me? Ever since you came to this place, all you've been talking about, is faith and God!! How should I know! I don't even believe in God·Maybe I do· I don't know what I believe in! You're the one who keeps saying to, keep the faith! Not me!" Adam paused. That was not about to make either one of them feel better. He stood up and walked over to Billy." Everybody, goes through hard times· We all just have to hang on and·well·keep faith! Don't give up."

Billy shook his head. " It's not just now Adam· This isn't the first thing that has happened· You don't want to know some of the things that happened to me, before I ever came to Angel Grove!" He paused, not sure whether to share what he was feeling or not." And I don't have time to tell you· We have to search for the plants to make sure nothing worse happens." He pushed ahead of Adam, and started looking for the plants.

Adam just followed, not sure how to respond. He knew Billy had been through some things before, but he wasn't sure what, and now he almost didn't want to know. Billy pulled out a small device from his pocket and started going over the plants with them.

"What's that?" Adam asked his curiosity perked.

Billy just smiled. " It's a sensory for the plant· When we find it, it will make a loud beeping noise. " Billy continued to go over all the plants in front of the cave· But no beeping noises. Disappointment shown all over Billy's face.

Adam saw it." It's probably on the other side of the cave· We'll just climb around it." Adam stated.

Billy looked at him surprised. " What do you mean by around ? "

Adam turned and pointed to a pathway up the cave to the other side. " Didn't you know that was here? " Adam asked.

Billy shook his head, feeling very embarrassed. " No, I didn't· I guess that tells you, how smart I am·Com'on let's go get that cure." He said as he and Adam went up the hill. Deep within his heart he prayed that God was with them and would protect them no matter what came their way. Yet for the first time he felt uncertain of this.

The two made it past the rugged rocks, to the other side of the cave. There were plants everywhere you look. The question was, "Which one possessed the cure?" Billy went in a clockwise direction trying to find the plant. Adam went in a counterclockwise direction. The two prayed that they would hear a loud beeping noise. But by the time the two met in the middle, all they had was pure disappointment.

"Did, you get anything?" Adam asked hesitantly.

Billy shook his head. Fear written across his face." No· I didn't find anything·. There is no cure, Adam·. We checked all the plants· There was nothing! Nothing·" Billy slumped down. He was so confused. They had been through other hard times before· And they had some how pulled through· And they didn't even know God than!!!! Now he believe in and knew God, and all these horrible things were happening! How could God let these things happen! How could He let any bad thing happen? It all made no sense.

"Billy, you okay?" Adam asked concerned. He sat down next to him.

"I don't know, Adam· For some odd reason this feels like the final straw." He sighed.

Adam hesitated, but he felt like he had no choice. " Billy, would you mind telling me some of the things you were beginning to talk about earlier?·About, how you've had a lot of bad things happen?"

Billy lowered his head. " I would love to be able to tell somebody·. Are you sure you want to know ?" Adam nodded. Billy took a deep breath, almost not sure, where and how to begin." Well·You already know that my mom died, when I was nine·. One that you don't know is that·.I had a sister·. She was kidnapped, when I was six and she was four· The reason why I got glasses, is because I fell out of a tree, and got a serious concussion·. I almost died from it· Not to mention my grandparents dying, when I was young· In fact that's why we moved to Angel Grove· My sister was kidnapped when we were living in Chicago· My parents couldn't stand it there· Everywhere there was a memory of her· Two months after she was kidnapped, my mom's parents died· So we just moved to get away from it· There years later, my mom would die here·. Less than a year later, my grandmother died· And so many other things I just can't remember, or you already know about· I just can't take it anymore!!.. If I lose Leeza, you will see me committed to a mental institution·. Probably sorry you asked right?"

Adam was in some form of shock. He had no idea what to say. He never knew Billy had been through so many things before· It made sense why he felt like he was going to finally snap . " Billy·you're the one whose been saying to keep the faith·I think it's time you start taking your own advice· It might help you out once in a while· And your not going to lose Leeza· When we were on the top of the cave, I remember seeing some plants· But I didn't think anything of them· Maybe there the cure?" Adam suggested.

"When God closes one door, He opens another." Billy mumbled.

"What?!" Adam asked totally confused.

Billy jerked," Huh,· Never mind, nothing important· You might be right Adam, they could be the cure· Let's go check it out." Billy stood up, and started up the hill. Adam followed close behind.

When the two reached the top they stopped. " Where did you see them, Adam ?" Billy asked feeling a bit more confident.

Adam searched the wide open space. Nothing but rocks, pebbles, and dust. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a small flower like plant." There!" He shouted and ran up to it.

Billy jogged up to him." Adam· It supposed to be a plant? Not a flower." The discouragement returned to his voice.

Adam put his hand on Billy's shoulder. " Well, let's check it out anyway· What could it hurt?"

Billy gave an unsure nod. He slowly removed the small device in his pocket and ran it over the flower. And a surprising thing happened. A noise similar to an alarm clock sounded. Excitement ran threw him. He stooped down and looked and the delicate flower. It almost seemed to tell him it was the right plant. He carefully broke it, and placed it in a bag at his side. There it would remain secure until it could cure their friends.

" I can't believe we found it! I can't believe it was up here!" Adam said excitedly.

Billy turned , with a big smile." I can."

Adam nodded. He was finally beginning to understand what Billy had been saying for the past month or so. He finally understood it all. Everything Billy had been saying about, faith, and God. It all made sense now! Finally he understood! God was there for them, He existed, He cared about what happened to them, and He wanted everyone to realize this. Life was meant to live for Him. To keep faith in Him, and trust Him no matter what. "I finally understand· Everything you've been saying makes sense now· God allowed us to find this plant· We didn't find it on our own· We found it because of Him· I finally understand it all! And everything you said· I wish I had heard you before."

Billy lowered his eyes." God works in mysterious ways, Adam· It doesn't matter that you didn't listen before· What matters is, your listening now· Here what He's telling you· Let it seep into your soul· The more you listen the more you'll understand· We better be getting this back to the others."

Adam slightly nodded, his mind somewhere else. He took a few steps to the side to let Billy pass. The pathway down was to narrow for two people to go down at the same time. He gazed over the edge to the ground below. There were tons of small rocks and pebbles underneath him. He took one more step to his side, tripped over the pebbles, and slipped over the edge.

Billy turned to see Adam falling down. "Adam! "He screeched. Billy jumped down from the pathway over to were Adam fell. His eyes fell upon an unconscious Adam. He ran over to him. There wasn't any injuries from what he could see. He had a large cut on his forehead, but the cut itself wasn't deep, and it really wasn't bleeding. Outside of that Adam looked okay. Billy checked his pulse. It was a bit slow, but nothing to worry about. He hoped. Adam's breathing was normal for the time being. He wasn't going into any form of shock so that was good news. All Billy had to do was wait for him to awaken so they could go home. He wasn't about ready to teleport Adam.

Billy sat there. There was an astrained silence in the air at that particular moment. The leaves on the trees, seemed to be commanded silent. He gazed around the solemn area, his mind wondering into deep thought. He began to think back on the past day, even further than that. And he realized something. Through everything he had been through in his life, God had never left him. Through every trail, every disappointment, and every tragedy· God had always been by his side. It had gotten so hard sometimes·But·God had always been right next to him, carrying him, and supporting him. Never leaving him, no matter how tough it had gotten. And God was definately by his side at the present moment.

Suddenly, a soft and gentle breeze blew by. It seemed to carry his thoughts to even more memories. This place had something special, that was for sure. First he had realized the truth there· And now Adam had· This place defiantly had something special· He didn't know what, but he knew it was something. Something that couldn't be explained, or understood·But something wonderful.

Adam began to slowly blink his eyes. His head was throbbing, and his back felt like it had been crushed. His eyes finally blurred open. He couldn't get a clear focus, it was all a big blur. Like a camera lens that doesn't want to work. He gave out a soft moan and slowly brought his hand to his forehead.

Billy immediately jumped out of his fantasy world. He crouched down next to Adam. "You okay, buddy?" He whispered.

Adam blinked. Billy's face finally snapping into focus. "Huh?" Adam was out of it. For a few minutes he didn't even remember who he was. He tried to push himself upward. With Billy's much needed assistance, he slowly began to sit up. "Ow· my back!· I feel like I fell off the Empire State Building· How long was I out ?" He questioned, becoming alert.

Billy glanced at his watch. " Around ten minutes· How are you feeling?·Besides your back, does anything else hurt?"

Adam rolled his neck, clenched and unclenched his fists. They all worked fine. " Yeah, I just had to kinda get focused again· That's all· You ready to get started back?"

Billy chuckled. It was nice to be on an adventure like this again." Whenever you're ready, Adam."

"Help me up, and I'm ready now!" Adam stated. Billy stood up, gently grabbed Adam's arm, and helped pull him up.

"You all right?" Billy asked with concern, when Adam took an unsure step back.

Adam shook his head to clear it." Yeah· Just a little dizzy· Let's go home!"

"Yes, sir!" Billy gave a fake salute.

The two got in teleportation positions. Pressed their communicators, and in a flash of mint green, and white silver, the two headed towards home.

Part 1 | 2 | 3