Power Ranger Mania The Fanfic Shoppe The Yost  


by Gamine

Part Eight—Hitting the Fan

"T-tom?" Jason's voice came out a harsh croak.

The Shadow-cloaked Tommy grasped the muzzle of the disruptor and tore it from the grasp of the unnerved soldier. "You're gonna hurt somebody with that, buddy." He tossed it impossibly high in the air where a dazzling white streak flashed by at incredible speed. The flash paused, its shape now discernable as that of a slender woman. She threw out her arm, from which a crescent-shaped sliver of light spun, cleaving the disruptor neatly, the two halves clearly visible before the whole thing exploded. Aji bent her attention to the company below, darting lower, finding and destroying any other disruptor she found with laser accuracy. Then she paused, her gaze resting gently on Jason.

Tommy gestured at the ring of soldiers surrounding himself and Jason; a dark sphere of energy enclosed them, expanding outward suddenly to throw the troops violently back. He chuckled, a self-satisfied grin on his dark face, bending to help Jason up. They looked at each other for a long moment, then Jason gave his best friend a grin and a nod before turning his attention back to their foe. Tommy laughed aloud and glanced upward to see Aji hovering overhead, all her attention squarely on the golden warrior below. "That's my girl," Tommy muttered under his breath as he looked from one to the other. "Don't be the fool I was."

One of the Citadel soldiers was alert; a silent yellow sphere of energy launched at the gleaming figure. Jason's throat closed off in panic as he recognized its target; but when the energy blast bloomed, Aji wasn't there. With a sudden burst of lightspeed she had joined Taia and Billy, lashing out at their assailants with lethal force, her weapons bright and sharp. Tommy, for his part, was laying into Jason's would-be captors with power-enhanced blows and kicks, his signature yell echoing through the desert air, his dark energy swinging wide and hitting hard, a shadowy warhammer. The Citadel forces finally scattered in unequivocal retreat when Aji took deadly aim at their disruptor cannon, destroying it and the transport it had been on.

Tommy's black armor slithered away; he slipped his shoulder under Jason's arm as the larger man threatened to collapse. "Geez," Tommy chided gently, "I leave you alone for a couple of days and you just can't stay out of trouble."

"I thought you were dead," Jason said baldly, his voice thick. "You... you're... ?"

"I'm okay, bro. We both are."

"Both..." Jason searched out Aji as his spirit roared to life. She was disentangling herself from an affectionate embrace with Taia when their gazes collided and he felt his world tilt. Everything receded, became a little unreal; he straightened, moved toward her purposefully, determined not to let her run this time. She merely stood, watching him, her expression unreadable, and with each step Jason became more aware of something trying to get his attention, around the thunder of his own Bloodsong... what was that? It was clean, clear, sweet, soothing... exciting. He stood in front of her, fists clenching and unclenching, certain and yet so unsure.

And then the corner of her mouth lifted in a half smile, and Jason suddenly knew what it was. She sang for him.

Oblivious to Tommy's shouted "Yes!" Jason pulled Aji to him without further ado, his mouth claiming hers just as surely as their spirits became one.

He came up for air, inspecting her flushed face, her breath coming in short gasps. Jason traced a gentle finger down the curve of one cheek. "Don't you EVER scare me like that again," he growled. Aji shook her head with an affectionate smile. "And you," he turned on Tommy, who was having his hand shaken practically off by Billy. "Where the hell have you been?"


Beyond the walls of the Citadel, a figure stood brooding on a gray stone balcony. "Who are they?" His voice was deep and smooth, deceptively gentle. The soldier in front of him flinched slightly.

"We don't know, Master. The squadron leader described them just as I have told you."

"Hmm." So'Vran turned, pacing a few slow steps. His long ebony hair, neatly braided down his back, swung in the slight breeze. Long, supple fingers stroked his beard, split into two smaller braids reaching halfway to his belt. Heavy brows hid the fire of his gaze, which turned unsettlingly back on the soldier. "Ready your best men and bring the rebel traitor to me. When I have the information I seek, you will act on my orders." The soldier spun smartly on his heel and left.

So'Vran rested his hands on the cool stone of the balcony wall. "So," he murmured to himself. "Two new vessels. It matters not. I will soon have your secrets." He smiled, and it was not a pretty sight. "Tell me, little ones. What are your weaknesses? What do you hold most dear?" He closed his eyes and concentrated, waiting for the answer.


They'd found a secluded place to camp for the night, some distance from where the runabout had gone down; a small cave, out of the sight of the Citadel, halfway up the side of a rocky cliff face. Billy had salvaged what he could from the runabout and was tinkering with a damaged communicator, trying to get in touch with the base, but was constantly distracted by the story Aji and Tommy were taking turns telling them. Jason sat next to his lifebound, his arm firmly around her waist. Taia had curled up near Billy and handed him tools as he indicated them, her attention glued to the others.

"Incredible," was Billy's assessment as they wound it up, and the others echoed him.

Tommy chuckled. "Anyway, the Watcher wanted us to tell you he's sorry to have scared you like that. He got a little overexcited."

"I'll say," said Jason. "That was some flood." He shuddered. "I'll tell you, bro, I've never been so scared in my whole life, not even when I thought I was going to die from the whole Gold powers thing. Losing you... losing both of you... thank God Billy and Tai were with me or I don't know what I would have done."

Aji wordlessly put her palm along his jaw; he turned his face into it and pressed a kiss there. Tommy watched the exchange with a pleased smile, then turned to Billy. "How's it coming, Bill?"

"Almost," said Billy, concentrating on a finicky bit, his tongue caught between his teeth. "I think... if I can just... "

Whatever he was going to say was lost as all five clutched their heads in sudden, searing stab of pain, seeking, probing... finding; and then as soon as it came, it was gone again, leaving them light headed and slightly nauseated.

"What the hell is with this planet?" Tommy asked huskily. "Don't you people understand the concept of down time? What was that?"

"Felt like a mind probe," Aji said, shaking her head. "I've heard of them, but never been through one so I could be wrong. What did it make you think of?"

"You," Jason said. "And Tom and Bill."

"Father, Billy, Jason," supplied Taia.

"Jason and," Aji sighed in self-disgust, "my father."

Billy considered it. "Tai... and Jase. Tommy too. And my dad."

Tommy was quiet, then he spoke. "Kim."

"But what does it mean?" Taia wanted to know, looking at her lover for clarification, but he was staring at the cave mouth.

Something outside the cave caught Billy's attention, and he got to his feet laboriously, heading toward the entrance to take a closer look. "Uh oh. You better come see this, guys."

Taia was the first to join him; she slipped her arm around his waist as they watched the faint purple grid appear in the sky, then flicker and slowly fade. "The barrier," she breathed.

Aji took a deep breath. "My father has succeeded," she said, her voice hitching slightly. "So'Vran's free."


So'Vran swept past the massed squadrons who stood at attention in a large docking bay. "You have your orders. And recall my caution: they are of little use to me dead. Do what you must, but bring them to me alive." With that he nodded, dismissing them, and they split into two groups; one heading for a large troop hoverskid, heavily armed, the other for a gleaming black interstellar pod.


The rest of the night passed uneventfully on Xerya. Billy beguiled some time bringing Taia or Jason back to full strength, catching catnaps in between, while Aji flew to the runabout in search of water and rations. Eventually they were fed and watered, and more or less rested.

"Any ideas?" Jason asked the group at large. They looked at one another.

"I think we should stop reacting and start acting," Billy supplied.

"I agree," added Tommy. "So far we've been chasing around after them instead of going on the offensive. But we're going to need more than we have: food, water, some kind of transport. Problem is, do we have time to head back to the base, now that the barrier's down?"

"I don't see that we need to," said Aji. "Provided Billy gets that communicator working, we can have Deorth and some troops meet us. That way we can plan a strategy of attack while the things we need are on their way to us."

Billy grinned. "Then I'd better get to work, hadn't I?" He sat down with the commlink components and was quickly lost to any further conversation.

"In that case, I'm going to go look around, get my bearings." Jason stood, stretching. "I was pretty out of it last night when we got here. Anybody want to come?" The question was put generally, but his smile was just for Aji as he pulled her to her feet.

Tommy chuckled to himself, whistling tunelessly as he poked a stick in the glowing embers of their cooking fire.

Taia nudged him with her foot. "You're very cheerful."

He smiled at her. "Well, the situation sucks, but Jase and Aji are the way they're meant to be. Gotta take your happy where you find it, my mom always said."

She studied him. "You love Jason a lot, don't you?"

"Sure, both him and Bill." At that the blond scientist glanced up with a grin, then went back to his work. Tommy nodded. "They're family to me. Which I guess makes you and Aj family too."

Taia leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek; Tommy slipped an arm around her shoulders and gave her a squeeze. "Hands off my woman, bub," came a mock growl from the back of the cave.

"Oh, does that bother you?" Tommy asked, his voice laced with mischief. "Then you don't have to watch." With that he and Taia faded from view. Billy jumped to his feet.

"Tom? Tommy! What the... ?"

"Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows..." the invisible man intoned, accompanied by giggles from the unseen Taia.

Billy raked his fingers through his hair. "Useful power, but creepy as all get out. Come back, please." He exhaled a small sigh of relief as the pair reappeared. "So that's how you got to Jason yesterday."

Tommy opened his mouth to reply but Aji's voice cut through his consciousness. <TOMMY! HELP! > He snapped into warrior mode. "Come on; more trouble." The three sped from the cave.

Jason sat on the ground, knees pulled up, his head resting on his forearms. Aji squatted next to him, an arm over his back. She glanced up as the three ran to them. "We were talking, and all of a sudden he collapsed. I don't know why."

The dark-haired man shook his head slowly, as though shaking off a daze. He rolled his shoulders, his dark gaze seeking his sister. "It's Father, Tai. Something bad. I felt it through Paladin."

Taia clenched her jaw. "You have to get that commlink working, Billy."

"I just about had it. Come on." He ran ahead while the others helped Jason, who was still woozy. By the time they made it back to the cave, Billy had a channel open.

"Base, this is Sentinel. Base, come in." There was a long pause. Too long. "Base, this is Sentinel. Does anyone read me?"

They stared at each other, horror dawning on each of them. "My father must have figured out the location of the new base," whispered Aji, chewing on her thumb. Jason gripped her hand in silent support.

"Base! Base, do you read?"

A crackling sound. "Sentinel?"

Billy heaved a breath of relief. "This is Sentinel. Is everything all right?"

The voice on the other end suppressed a sound that could have been a sob. "All right?"

"Base... listen, who is this?"

"It's Deorth. We've been attacked, Billy. We picked them up on our long-range scans in time to evac most of us, but..."

Billy's lips thinned. "Casualties?"

There was another burst of static. "As many as two hundred; we're not sure yet. Billy... your father... they took P'Tyr. Iannos tried to stop them... and he's hurt, pretty badly, though they say he'll make it. Took two disruptor hits, dead on."

"Oh, God..." Billy stared at the others, his expression stark. But even under the fear they could see his mind at work. "When we were hit by that mental bolt, whatever it was... it made us think of those we loved best. Looking for leverage to use against us. But we thought mostly of each other, except for my dad, Iannos, Frid, and..."

Tommy went white. "Kim. And the barrier's down."


"Hi, Kim."

She turned awkwardly under the burden of the heavy trashcan she was emptying, squinting at the man who had spoken to her. Something in the timbre of his voice was familiar, but she was sure she hadn't seen him before. Or had she? He was tall, big though not fat, with close-cropped light brown hair and blue-gray eyes. His expression was diffident, though pleasant; he chuckled a little as she studied him, trying to place him.

"You're making me flash back to high school, staring at me so suspiciously."

The penny dropped. "Bulk?" Kim grinned involuntarily. "Wow. I didn't recognize you. You look great."

He smiled, a little self-consciously. "Thanks. Hey, can we talk?"

"Uh, sure." She put the can down and glanced through the window of the sports complex behind her; Trini's training class with the Turbo recruits was still in full swing. Best not to interrupt there. The center courtyard was empty, though; she led him to a cement bench. "What's on your mind?"

Bulk looked around at the spacious courtyard, flanked on three sides by the sports complex. "This place is great; Tommy really did well for himself. My kids really love coming here."

"Boy, I feel out of the loop. I didn't even know you were married."

He blushed, laughing. "Oh, no, I... they're not mine, not like that. I mentor a group of at-risk teens; Tom lets us use the facilities at no cost, which is really great of him." Kim looked at him more carefully. This sure wasn't the Bulk she'd gone to school with, though she tried to find a nicer way to put it. He laughed again, shaking his head. "I know what you're thinking. You wouldn't be the first, either."

Kim smiled. "So how's Skull? You guys keep in touch?"

"Skull is... " Bulk took a breath. "He's fine, thank God." At her confused look, he tried to explain. "I guess you didn't hear. Skull got sick a couple years after we graduated. Leukemia. He's been in remission for a while now. Got married a few months ago, actually."

"God, I had no idea. I'm glad he's okay."

He blew out a breath. "Me too. It's amazing how something like that rearranges your priorities."

She smiled sadly. "I know what you mean."

"Made me think about stuff." Bulk rubbed a hand over his short hair. "He made me promise to get myself healthy, so I joined a gym, ate better. More than that, though, it made me look at myself, at the blustering, posturing pseudo-badass I thought I was. I realized that if there's noise coming out, there's not much going in. Which is probably why I never did unmask the Power Rangers." He shot her a glance, his expression unreadable. "A good thing, too. Would have messed up their lives considerably, and likely made their job impossible."

Kim looked at him warily. "Probably," was all she said.

Bulk sighed. "Listen, I better just cut to the chase. I'm the investigating detective on the missing persons case of Thomas Oliver, Kim. I need to ask you a couple of things. Off the record."

She eyed him nervously. "I didn't realize you were with the police. I don't think there's much I can tell you; I haven't seen Tommy in years."

He looked over her shoulder through the big picture window, to where the Turbo recruits were taking a break. "I want to help, Kim. I know whatever you're doing is probably pretty important, and I won't hinder you in any way, but there are some things I have to know. I don't want to screw things up for you."

"Bulk, I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yeah, you do..." he smiled, to soften his words. "...Pink Ranger."

She thought about denying it, then shrugged. "Not for a long time."

"I know." Bulk nodded. "I also know you quit your job in Florida and sold your condo, so you're planning on staying, at least for a while." He sighed. "I meant what I said, Kim. I don't want to mess things up by sticking my nose in where it might screw you guys. I just want to ask you a couple things, okay? Off the record, I swear."

"Ask, then. But I'm not promising anything." Kim folded her arms across her chest and waited.

There was a pause. "This disappearance... should I even bother to look for him?"

Kim struggled. Could she trust him? Should she? Out of the corner of her eye she caught sight of Justin, the new Blue Turbo Ranger, waving happily to Bulk, who returned the wave with a grin. This really wasn't the old Bulk; he would never have responded with anything more than a derisive "Dork!" And what the hell was she worrying about, anyway? What they were up against was bigger than the integrity of their secret identities. Her decision made, Kim shook her head, doe eyes filling with tears. "No."

He bowed his head. "Ah, no. I'm sorry, Kim." He patted her shoulder awkwardly. "I was afraid you were going to say that. There... there isn't a body, is there?" She shook her head wordlessly. "And there's not going to be one, right?" She nodded, still unable to voice a reply. "So the missing persons thing is just the first step?"

Kim cleared her throat. "Yeah. His folks know the truth; in seven years they'll petition to have him declared legally dead. Nobody's really in a hurry with this, you know?"

Bulk sighed and nodded. "I wish there was something I could say, Kim."

"Thanks." She gave him a watery smile, getting up from the bench. "Listen, I need a tissue; why don't you come in and say hi to Trini and Rocky?"

He hesitated, then nodded. "Okay. I'd like that."

The group was huddled around the television in the lounge when Bulk and Kim entered.

"... experts at NASA are theorizing that these newest images from the Hubble telescope show what appears to be a heretofore unknown planetary body, with what appears to be three lunar satellites in orbit around it. The planet is orbiting DKS-4051, a star that, until now, was thought to have no solar system. As yet there are no theories as to how this planet has escaped detection up to now." The anchor's eyes widened in apparent reaction to something happening off camera. "This just in: some kind of stealth aircraft has just materialized over the California coast. The public is asked not to panic. I repeat: do not pan..." Trini flicked the set off, her dark eyes narrowing.

In the sudden silence, screams could be heard, coming from the street.

As one the group raced outside, skidding to a halt at the sight of absolute pandemonium. A large, gleaming, black shape hovered a few feet above the ground, from which troops of black-clad soldiers embarked, weapons at the ready. People ran through the streets, terror-stricken, as the soldiers leveled their weapons at each person they encountered, hesitating briefly, then moving on. Trini and Rocky dodged back into the courtyard, Trini's wrist communicator already at her mouth. The five recruits looked a little unorganized, but put up a brave front of resistance as they scattered through the crowd trying to protect the innocent, get them out of the way.

Kim's lips thinned thoughtfully as she hustled a frightened group of Little League kids and their coach inside the sports center. The soldiers weren't accosting just anyone; they seemed to be interested in women only. Looking for someone, she thought, as one of them shook his head and threw the woman whose arm he'd grasped to the street. Bulk shouldered his way forward. Kim grabbed a bat from the nerveless hands of a frightened child and hollered through the door to the coach, "Call 911; get him some backup," before running after her one-time high school nemesis.

Bulk pulled his gun and aimed it at the presumed squadron leader, shouting instructions to halt.

The squadron leader turned his attention to the detective, his expression unreadable behind the helmet. "Threat," he barked to his troops. "Neutralize."

Bulk shot into the line of soldiers that advanced on him, emptying his clip to no avail as the bullets bounced off the armor they wore. He snarled as the first soldier reached him, grasping the gun and tearing it from Bulk's hand, then backhanding the unarmed man across the face. Bulk fell back, his mouth bloodied.

Kim bared her teeth. "Leave him alone!" she shouted, running full-bore into the fray and swinging the bat at the back of the soldier's head with purpose, connecting hard. Another soldier jerked his weapon toward her, but Kim whirled, bat at the ready. She swung low with a growl and the soldier went down as his knee blew out with a sickening crack. She lashed out with a hard kick to another armored solar plexus, rewarded with an 'oof' as he staggered backward, and a quick shove of the end of the bat upwards caused the head of a fourth to snap back.

Not much good, though. She was quickly surrounded. Kim cursed inwardly, swinging her bat in a wide arc. She could hear her name shouted over the screams of the crowd and the sounds of fighting. Raising her voice, she answered it. "Get 'em out of here, Bulk!"

The crush of soldiers pressed closer, waiting for something. The leader came through, speaking loudly. "Quarry established. Obtain."

A flash of red caught Kim's eye. Trini's voice rang out; even filtered by her helmet Kim could hear the rage. "Get away from her!" Surrounded as she was by black soldiers, Kim could see that they in turn were surrounded by a multicolored collection of Rangers, old and new.

The leader spoke quickly. "Obtain quarry. Divert and neutralize threats. We will withdraw upon completion of mission."

With that the outer circle of soldiers turned to face the Rangers, running forward, weapons outstretched. Kim could see the Rangers produce weapons of their own to engage them, then her attention was grabbed harshly as something hit the back of her head, causing her to see stars. She stumbled forward as a pair of soldiers she hadn't seen grasped her firmly between them, forcing her to her knees, disposing of the bat. "Quarry obtained," one of them said, and to her horror Kim felt the tendrils of Eltaran teleportation begin to envelop her. "Trini!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, struggling wildly. Through the sparkling teleportation beam she could see her friend lunge forward, hurtling over the heads of the soldiers with a bellow of rage, grabbing for Kim and howling in frustration as her flexing hands passed through her friend's feet. Bulk started forward, his mouth forming what was surely a shout of angry frustration. The familiar buzzing began in her ears as the scene faded from view, and Kim found herself in a gray steel room, the sense of motion in the pit of her stomach unmistakable as the spacecraft lurched and sped her away from everything she loved.


They watched in astonished disgust as Kim and her black-clad captors disappeared, even the injured. The spaceship lifted and sped into the sky like black lightning.

The Red Zeo Ranger snarled in barely contained fury. "Come on," she said to the other nine, touching her wrist; as the beam enveloped her Bulk leapt forward and grasped her around the waist.

"Oh, GREAT," the Red Ranger shouted as they touched down in the Command Center. "This is all I need. What the hell are you after?"

Bulk backed away, hands up. "Take it easy, Trini. I just want to help."

She froze at the sound of her name, struggling for composure. "You want to help, Bulk? Fine. I'll take all I can get." She spun on her heel and faced Zordon. "How the hell did those guys get Eltaran technology? You're the only ones who can teleport like that."

"I would presume the same source from which they obtained the necessary information to destroy the Eltaran barrier," Zordon replied, evidently deciding to let the issue of Bulk's unorthodox appearance rest for now. "P'Tyr Krann is fully versed in our technology. It is the only way they could have reached Earth so soon, though what their object is in taking Kim I do not yet know."

Trini absorbed that, then reached up and unlatched her helmet, throwing it across the room, where it clattered loudly against the wall. Eyes flashing, she turned to the others. "Now it's personal," she growled. "We leave today."


"All I'm saying is, there's something weird about this picture," hissed Rocky through the side of his mouth to Adam. The pair stood in the Command Center, watching Bulk learn the basics of their communications array. Trini was in the docking bay, going over supply lists with Zordon; Tanya and Kat were with the new recruits somewhere in the Center, Rocky wasn't sure where. He and Adam had planned to check on the search for Kim's captors but had been stopped by the sight of their old nemesis.

Adam shrugged. "People change, Rocko. And we can use all the help we can get right now."

"Yeah, but it's still weird."

"I heard that." Bulk glanced up from where he stood leaning over the console, his gray eyes amused. "And I agree, Rocky. If you'd told me back in high school I'd be helping the Rangers go into space to save the world I would have chased you down for a noogie party you wouldn't forget." He straightened. "But here I am, and I'm glad to help. I just wish I could go with you."

Adam offered a shy smile. "Maybe another time. How's that frequency scan coming?"

Bulk frowned down at the console. "Slow. At least we don't have the barrier to contend with anymore; Alpha said it was a real pain getting through that. But the base isn't where it was, so I'm having to scan the whole planet and its moons. It'll be a little while, unless they contact us first."

Adam seated himself at an adjacent console and began to tap the keys. "Any luck tracing the ship that took Kim, Alpha?"

"Not so far, Adam," the little robot beeped. "Until they materialize outside the teleportation field I can't get a lock."

"It's not like we don't know where they're going," Trini cut in, stalking past Rocky and leaning over Adam.

Adam twisted to look up at her. "It's exactly like we don't know where they're going, Trini. I agree that they were probably Xeryan in origin, but... "

"But nothing. This is a waste of time, Adam. We should be out there already, hot on their tail, instead of sitting here waiting for information we already know," she muttered, drumming her fingernails impatiently on the console deck.

Adam frowned. "This isn't like you, Trini."

"And how would you know that, Park?" she exploded. "My best friend in the world is out there, powerless, captured, maybe even dead, and I had to watch them take her. I couldn't do a bloody thing to help. I have to DO something! Now! Not later!" Trini huffed out an impatient breath, smacking her hand on the back of his chair. "Do you know what it's doing to me, imagining what might be happening to her?"

Adam jumped to his feet, getting right in Trini's face. "And what? You think I don't care? That I can't imagine the same things? Listen, Kwan, you have a lot of nerve, thinking you've got a monopoly on being upset about this!" he shouted. Rocky's jaw dropped in surprise; Adam rarely raised his voice. The Blue Zeo Ranger glanced at Bulk, who watched the exchange uncomfortably as Adam went on, his voice harsh. "I don't like waiting anymore than you do, but what if we're wrong and it's NOT So'Vran? A wild goose chase is a hell of a lot more likely to get Kim killed than waiting to see where they take her now. We already lost one and I am not going to lose another of us, so Red Ranger or not, we are going to do this the right way, because it's our best chance at getting Kim home safe!" Adam poked a finger at Trini. "Now back off!" he snarled.

Astounded by his friend's vehemence, Rocky swung his attention back to Trini, who was scowling, eyes narrowed, breathing harshly through her nose. Her voice was deadly quiet. "You'd better move that finger if you want to keep it."

"All right, break it up, you guys!" hollered Kat from the door. Rocky jumped about a foot in the air, clutching his chest. He hadn't heard Kat enter the command chamber. "We don't have time for this!" She ran forward and interposed herself neatly between the two, facing Trini down.

Tanya followed on the Pink Ranger's heels, pushing Adam back from the fray. "Come on, honey, stop this. We're all upset about Kim, but we need to fight together, not amongst ourselves!"

A moment more ticked by, with Trini and Adam eyeing each other; then Trini spun on her heel and left in the direction of the docking bay. Kat turned to Rocky, who closed his mouth with a snap. "Nice intervention, Rocko. Why didn't you do something?" she said, her normally modulated voice seething with irritation.

He blushed shamefacedly. "Tell you the truth, I didn't know what to do. I've never seen Adam like that, not to mention Trini. And it snowballed so quickly..." Rocky sighed. "The thing is, I kinda know how she feels, Adam." He watched his friend bristle and rushed to explain. "I'm pretty upset as it is; if it was you out there, instead of Kim, I'd be going nuts too."

Kat shook her head, throwing up her hands. "Great. Just great." She stalked off after the Red Ranger, only to return a few moments later, her brow creased with concern. She sought out Tanya, who raised a questioning eyebrow. Kat nodded as though in confirmation.

"Adam, honey," Tanya said gently. "Go after Trini."

He looked at her mulishly. "I am not going to apologize."

"I don't think you'll have to. Just go."


Adam entered the docking bay warily. The brand new interstellar pod waited there, packed with supplies and ready to go as soon as they had the coordinates confirmed. He ran a hand over its gleaming side absently, wondering where Trini had gone.

A sniff from the corner behind the ship answered that question. He peeked around the side.

Trini sat, her back to the wall, her knees drawn up, her sleek dark head bowed. Her elbows were resting on her knees; her fingers thrust into her hair, her very posture one of abject misery.

"Ah, don't," Adam whispered.

Trini looked up, her eyes already swollen and red, her nose running. "S-sorry," she managed. "Didn't m-mean it."

In answer he knelt by her and gathered her close, cradling her head on his shoulder. "Me either," he murmured, and with that she broke down completely. Adam rocked her gently, nodding at Tanya when she poked her head around the ship to see how things were going. She gave him a small smile and a thumb's up and retreated, but the sound of footsteps brought Trini around, and her sobs faded to hiccups.

After a while she spoke. "I'm getting snot all over your uniform."

"It's okay." He chuckled. "It's supposed to protect us from toxic substances."

Trini giggled. "Shut up." Then she sighed. "Are we okay now?"

"Yeah. We're okay." As if to confirm his words, their communicators went off simultaneously.

"We've got a lock on 'em," said Bulk's voice. "Time to move out."


"Almost got it," Billy muttered, more to himself than to the anxious man standing next to him. They were huddled in the makeshift comm room of the new base, hidden in the mountains near the Citadel. Taia was with her father, Jason and Aji were having some much-needed private time, Billy was working on the communications system and Tommy was hovering, driving him crazy. He sighed, gritting his teeth.

"Can we raise Zordon?" Tommy leaned in eagerly, shouldering Billy out of the way.

The scientist sighed in aggravation, rubbing the back of his neck wearily. "Tom, don't take this the wrong way, but if you don't get the hell out of here I'm gonna drop you like a bad habit." Tommy scowled; Billy scowled deeper. "Honest to God, Tommy, you are not making this any easier. I know what's at stake; he's my dad, after all. And I love Kim too. I will call you the second I get hold of anyone, okay?" Tommy looked at his friend mutinously. "Look," Billy continued, his tone less harsh, "I can do this faster without an audience."

Tommy sighed, his shoulders drooping. "Okay. I'll go... do something or other." He slowly made his way to the door, his feet dragging, his attention on the communications array, willing it to work. Now.

"Go, Tom," said Billy, not looking up.

"Going." He hesitated anyway.

"Out, Tommy." The scientist glanced up. "Don't make me go all Sentinel on you."

"Hah," but it was a halfhearted protest, and Tommy finally left the room. Billy shook his head, trying to concentrate. He didn't blame Tommy, not really. With Peter in danger Billy only wished he had someone else to drive nuts, instead of the responsibility resting with him.

Odds were, though, that Peter would be safe enough for now, if they were right about the mindscan. It was useless to demand a ransom if your bait was destroyed. And if there was a chance to prevent Kim being taken as well, then their best hope lay with getting this array up and running. The problem was that the base had been dismantled in such a rush, some of the systems had gotten damaged, and repairs were tedious to track and complete.

However, Billy was nothing if not tenacious. He bent his head to the task again, his lip caught between his teeth.


Cold. She was freezing, colder than she could ever remember being. And her head... ohh. Kim sat up slowly, grimacing, shivering, whimpering with cold and fear and pain.

So she hadn't dreamed it all, then, the attack, the soldiers looking for someone, looking for her. Quarry established, one of them had said, and then they'd all surrounded her. She'd cried out for Trini, she remembered seeing the Red Zeo Ranger launch herself toward her, but the teleport had taken hold.

Ugh. Come to think of it, she still felt queasy. Either she had a concussion, or they were still teleporting. She got up, felt her way around the darkened cell. Nothing. No seam in the wall to denote an exit. No way out. Kim wrapped her arms around herself, leaning back against the wall.

"HEY!" Shouting hurt, too. She made a mental note, then ignored it. "HEY! I'M FREEZING MY ASS OFF HERE!" Kim pounded a fist against the wall. "ANYBODY HEAR ME?"

Somebody did; the cell was slowly illuminated and a bundle appeared on the floor. She bent to it; inside were a pressure suit like the ones they'd prepared for the Rangers to wear in their pod, and a metallic blanket. Thankfully she exchanged her clothes for the suit and pulled the blanket around herself. And if she wasn't mistaken, the ambient temperature of the room was rising as well. Hmmm.

"I'm also ravenous and I have to pee," she ventured in a more normal tone, and was rewarded moments later with some steaming, unrecognizable food and a receptacle with an obvious function.

"Interesting." Kim made use of the receptacle and watched as it disappeared. "I hope you spill it on yourselves, you jerks," she said quietly, and tried the food. Disgusting texture, no flavor at all. But filling. The tray and cup disappeared as well, and Kim curled up in a corner, covering herself with the blanket. She could wait. She would watch, and wait, and learn their weaknesses, and when there was a chance, a place to go, she would get out of there. Or die trying.


"Is everyone here?" Trini asked the person behind her distractedly, inputting the flight plan Bulk had calculated for the other ship.

"Yeah, I think we're ready to go," said a voice she hadn't expected, and she swung her chair around.


The handsome black man grinned. "You didn't think you'd be doing this without me, did you?" He gave her a brief hug. "Alpha called us; Aisha's here too. She's gonna stay and help Bulk out, and remind me to ask you what the hell's up with that when we have a minute. Zordon was cool with me staying or going, so I thought I'd hitch a ride. You mind?"

A slow grin spread over Trini's face. "No way."

"Good." He sat in the copilot's chair. "'Cause it wouldn't matter if you did."

"I figured." She chuckled, opening the commlink. "Rocky? All set back there?"

"Yep," came the eager response. "We're all here, ready to rock and roll."

Trini nodded. "Commencing teleport sequence. We're a go, Zordon."

"Ai-yi-yi!" a tinny voice sounded over the commlink. "Be careful, Rangers! And bring Kim back safe!"

Zack grinned at Trini. "You bet, Alf. Catch you later."

After the initial teleport, he looked at his copilot. "You hate that as much as I do?"

"Yep." She made a few adjustments to the flight plan. "Our best chance of making good time means we do a series of teleports along the Eltaran grid, finishing up by pirating the Xeryan grid. It's pretty new, so there's a chance they won't catch us at it."

He frowned. "A chance, huh?"

Trini shot him a half smile. "Yeah, well, what's life if you don't take a chance now and then?"

Zack thought about that, returning her smile. "Good point. Let's live a little."

"Commencing second teleport sequence," Trini announced, listening with amusement to the groans coming over the commlink.


"Zordon! Alpha! Come in!"

Aisha ran to the communications console, jabbing at it with her thumb. "Bill? Billy!"

"Aisha? That you?"

"Yeah, it's me. You guys okay?"

"The base was attacked. My dad's a prisoner; at least I hope that's all he is." There was a muttered conversation on the other end, then Billy continued. "Listen, 'Sha, there may be a problem. Kim may be in danger."

Aisha sighed. "Too late, Bill. They took her. The guys went after them."

Another voice broke in with a loud and explicit epithet.

Aisha exchanged startled glances with Bulk. "T-tommy?"

Another string of muttered curses, then Tommy spoke again. "Yeah, I'm alive, 'Sha. Long story. Did they hurt her?"

"Knocked her down, but nothing serious as far as I could see," interposed Bulk. "I'm sorry, Tom, I tried to get to her. Trini did too, but there were too many of them."

There was a long, silent pause.

"No, it can't be," said Billy.

"Bulk?" said Tommy incredulously.

"You've got five seconds to get over it," said Bulk briskly. "I'm gonna patch you through to the pod just as soon as they're between jumps, which should be in about... three... two... one... Tri! Hey, Tri, you read me?"

"I'm here, Bulk. What is it?"

"I got Billy and Tommy on the comm. Hang on, patching them through. Go ahead, guys, but make it count."

Trini sounded completely floored. "Did you say Tommy?"

"I'm here, guys, I'm okay," Tommy said, and cheers erupted through the link as Bulk and Aisha grinned at each other. "Listen, what happened to Kim?"

"So'Vran's uglies just showed up and took her, Tommy," said Trini. "We're going after them now."

Billy jumped in. "Sending you coordinates of the new base, guys. What's your flight plan?"

"Is this a secure frequency?" Trini wanted to know, laughing slightly at Billy's long-suffering sigh. "Sorry, I should have assumed. Sending flight plan and ETA."

"All right, we'll see you soon. Be careful, you guys, okay?"

"Will do, my main brain," put in Zack irrepressibly.

"ZACK?" the Xeryan duo said in stunned unison, their only reply Zack's hearty laughter as the pod jumped back into teleport.


They were landing. Huddled sleepily beneath the metallic blanket in her corner of the cell, Kim opened one chocolate-brown eye. The drag and shudder and shift of the ship was familiar, similar to the way she felt at the end of each of Zordon's teleports back home. Like a special effect from one of those dumb movies Tommy used to drag her to, where someone would slip into slow-motion and freeze in midair and the camera angle would spin around, giving the viewer whiplash.

Kim sighed, standing and stretching. The pressure suit was really very comfortable. She'd mostly used the blanket to cover herself because she'd had the creepy feeling that someone had been keeping an eye on her. Every request she'd uttered had been considered by someone, the reasonable ones answered, the sillier ones (like knockout gas, a crowbar, the head of So'Vran on a platter) ignored. So it was plain that someone was listening in; it followed that they might be watching too. And that gave her the heebie-jeebies.

She straightened her slim shoulders. Time to implement plan B, Kim thought. The waiting part of watching and waiting was over; time to pay close attention, and find a time to act. For a second she wished her days as a Ranger weren't *quite* so far behind her. On the other hand, all those martial arts lessons in Florida might just pay off. She'd kept up with them, liking the flexibility and strength it gave her to back up her gymnastics training. Later, after the biggest mistake of her life who shall remain nameless but whose initials were Roy the Asshole, she stayed with it because it made her feel closer to Tommy.

Tommy. Her lips tightened against the rush of emotion that flooded her at the thought of him. What idiots they'd both been. He'd pushed her too far; she'd pushed him away. Now he was gone, and the odds of her survival... She looked around the bleak cell. Well. If this was the end, she'd make him proud, anyway.

The air around her shimmered as a teleport beam enfolded her, depositing her in a huge docking bay. Kim looked around quickly. Oh, lord, there had to be hundreds of figures in black bustling about, servicing more spacecraft like the one she'd been taken by. More figures in red moved about on catwalks lining the walls and overhead. Was this the kind of force the Xeryans were up against?

A sharp nudge in her back brought her around; she stumbled forward in the direction the guard indicated. God, she hoped the rebel forces were as well organized as this, but she doubted it. Though they had to have something going for them. Hadn't Zordon said they'd been fighting against So'Vran for thousands of years?

They walked down a corridor, the tiny prisoner flanked by four menacing guards. If she weren't so scared and angry Kim thought she could almost be complimented. They obviously thought she posed some sort of threat. Which brought her back to the why of all this: what did they want with her, of all people? Gave a whole new meaning to being popular when people came across the galaxy looking for you.

She was babbling mentally, Kim thought ruefully. Well, whatever worked to keep the dogs of fear at bay.

A door slid open, Kim was shoved inside, caught by a strong pair of arms. She knew those arms. They'd put countless bandages on her skinned knees, pushed her on countless swings, held countless cameras to take pictures of her and Billy and the others.

"Mr. C.?" she gasped out, smothered against his chest as he wrapped her in a protective hug.

"Kim, honey... did they hurt you?" Peter checked her over; all Kim could do was stand there, surprised into silence. "Are you all right?" He folded her close again. "I'm so sorry you're caught up in this mess, sweetheart."

"What's... what's going on, Mr. C.?" Kim shook her head. "Are you okay? How did they capture you? Are Billy and Jason all right?"

He shrugged. "I don't know, honey. I hope so. The base was attacked; they seemed to be looking for something, and it seems they were looking for me. Iannos tried to stop them, but..." he shuddered. "The boys and Taia weren't there, so it's possible they're all right."

"Is... is Jason's father...?" Kim was aghast.

Peter shrugged again, his shoulders slumping. "I just don't know. Nor do I know what they want with us. Frid took my files and with them has access to everything I know about the rebel forces and Eltaran technology, so I can't imagine what more I could offer So'Vran." His voice trailed off dispiritedly. "The only thing I can think of is as a hostage I'm some sort of liability to Billy, and that's how So'Vran plans to use me, to force Billy's hand."

Kim patted him on the shoulder. "Then he doesn't know Bill very well. Don't worry, he won't do anything stupid."

Peter looked thoughtfully at her. "None of which explains what So'Vran wants with you. I suppose, since you and Bill are so close, you might be in the same position I am."

It was Kim's turn to shrug. "I know Billy loves me and all, but it seems like an awful lot of effort for a friend, don't you think?" Briskly she paced the cell. "Doesn't matter anyway. I don't plan on staying here long enough to find out. Do these guys have any weaknesses? A routine, a chink in their armor, something we can exploit?"

Peter shook his head. "Not so far. They've largely left me alone, until now."

"How long have you been here?"

"I'm not sure. A day, two, maybe a little longer."

"Hmm." Kim scanned the door, her delicate fingers tracing the seams. "What's keeping the door shut?"

Peter thought about it. "Electromagnetic bolt, most likely."

"It's not hot, though. No dangerous force field, no electric shock to discourage us, nothing like that." She ran her hands over the door experimentally.

Peter nodded slowly. "I doubt it's occurred to So'Vran that we might be given any opportunity to escape. His soldiers are very well trained."

"Okay." Kim grinned at him. "So then we *make* an opportunity."


Aji sighed and cuddled closer, her head pillowed on Jason's magnificent chest, her fingers weaving themselves through his. "So my bond with Tommy doesn't bother you, the fact that when armored we're essentially mentally interchangeable?"

He ran a warm hand over her skin, a rumble of laughter spilling from his lips. "I suppose it depends on what the two of you are thinking about. You accepted the lifebond when you were armored; does that mean I should go seduce Tommy too?"

She laughed. "No, idiot. I just don't want anything to mess us up, after I gave us such a difficult start."

Seeing she was serious, Jason gave it some thought. "Because it's Tommy, no," he said after a while. "Though if I'd known the two of you were alone together in a rainforest paradise I probably would have been jealous. Lifebond aside, you're a babe, and I couldn't blame the guy if he made a play for you, since at the time you didn't want me." Aji smiled and rubbed her cheek against him. "What?" Jason tilted her face up to look at her. "Did he?"

She chortled with laughter. "No. His heart is too full of someone else."

"Kim?" He pulled her across his body, wrapping his arms around her. "I always thought Tommy was still in love with her, though he wouldn't talk about it. You think they've gotten through to Zordon yet?" Aji mentally consulted Tommy and frowned deeply at the reply. She rolled off the bed, flicking a glance and a thought at Jason, whose countenance darkened as he began to pull on his suit. "Damn So'Vran," he gritted through his teeth. "If he's hurt Kim, I swear I'll kill him."

Aji's green eyes were hard. "You'll have to get in line." She ran her fingers through her short hair and took his hand. "Let's go."


In the pod, Zack glanced over at Trini, who was frowning in concentration. "Rocky," she said abruptly through the commlink, "get up here. I need you at ops. Adam, Tanya, Kat, get to the gunports, just in case." Zack turned his attention to the expanse of space ahead of them. They'd made their final jump within the relative safety of the Eltaran teleportation grid; now they needed to sneak into the Xeryan grid and hope there wouldn't be an armada waiting for them at the other end.

"You know, T, it's just occurred to me," Zack ventured.

"What?" she said, almost absently.

"This is a crap idea."

An involuntary grin crossed her face. "It is, isn't it? Got a better one, Taylor? I'm all ears."

"No," he said airily, glad he'd released some of the tension in her shoulders. "It just needed to be said."

Rocky slipped into the seat behind Zack, sparing him a grin. He punched a few buttons on the ops console. "I got Tom for you, Trini."

She nodded her thanks. "Hey, Shadow, you read?"

"Like a book, Red. You about ready for us?"

"Yep. Making the leap in fifteen seconds. ETA three minutes from then."

"Right. Bill's calculated your reentry point; Light and I will meet you there."

Trini gave a short nod. "See you soon." She took a deep breath, speaking into the comm. "Shields up, Rocky. Final teleportation sequence in five... four... three... two... run silent, everyone."

Zack held his breath as the stars faded from view.


The cell door slid open abruptly; Kim and Peter whirled to face their captors. Black-clad soldiers came into the room and urged the two prisoners to move with none-too-subtle force, prodding them harshly with their weapons when there was a sign of hesitation or resistance. Back to the corridor they were ushered, through a maze of hallways until they came to an impressive archway, beyond which they could see what could only be described as a control room, filled with sophisticated equipment that reminded Kim of the Command Center.

And seated in a stark throne, flanked by armed guards, was the black and fearsome figure of So'Vran himself.

He stood, his shoulders proudly back, his too-dark eyes narrowly focused on his captives. Head to toe in darkest black, the lights in the room glinting off the body armor he wore beneath the hooded robe, So'Vran stood head and shoulders taller than Peter, no slouch himself in the height department. Absolutely dwarfed by the evil majesty before her, Kim shivered when that cold stare passed over her; Peter's lips curled in a derisive snarl.

"So." So'Vran's voice was cold and black as well, deep and rough, harsh and forbidding. He swept from the dais and approached them. Immediately Kim could feel the chill fingers of a stasis beam twine around her, immobilizing her, rendering her vulnerable to So'Vran's inspection. She could just see Peter out of the corner of her eye; he too was frozen in place, his expression defiant.

"So," So'Vran repeated, eyeing Peter with disdain. "This is the consort of the coward Sentinel, who fled this planet rather than face my wrath. It is a pity your woman could not be here, P'Tyr Krann. I would have enjoyed breaking her." Peter bared his teeth, struggling. "No matter. I think your son will provide me with as much sport."

Peter's blue eyes flashed angrily. "My son will destroy you, So'Vran. Nelin foresaw it, and you know it. You do well to fear him. And any outrage you visit on me or this girl will be returned to you a thousandfold."

So'Vran smiled, and Kim's skin crawled. "This is the vaunted intellect of which I have heard so much? You are mistaken, P'Tyr Krann. Fear your son, an untried Sentinel, and his little playmates? Nonsense. I shall destroy your son, and you will watch. I shall flay the very skin from his body, and you will watch his heart beat its last when I pull it from his chest." So'Vran chuckled. "But you I will not kill, so that you may remember, and know who is your master."

"Oh, for crying out loud," said Kim forcefully. "Who writes your dialogue, Darth?" Her only thought had been to get the tyrant's attention away from Peter; Kim quickly rethought her strategy as So'Vran's gaze settled on her. She flinched as he leaned in close, studying her features, but she kept her chin up. "And by the way, the only guy who could get away with that outfit is the guy on Iron Chef, and I'm not too sure about him."

So'Vran began to laugh, which somehow frightened Kim more than his ire would have. "What an amusing little monkey it is," he smiled. "Perhaps I shall keep it as a pet when it has served me in this endeavor." Still chuckling benevolently, he raised a fist and backhanded her across the face, hard. The stasis field prevented Kim from actually falling. Her eyes stung with tears, something warm and wet crawled down her face from her nose. She could taste the metallic tang of blood in her mouth.

Peter lunged forward ineffectively. "DON'T TOUCH HER!"

So'Vran cocked a heavy eyebrow in his direction; a guard stepped forward and coldcocked him with the butt of his weapon. Peter's knees sagged; Kim screamed in impotent fury. "STOP THIS! What do you want from us?"

He turned back to her, tracing the emerging bruise on her cheek with a thumb. "From you, little. From your loved ones... somewhat more." His fingers curled around her face, pulling her forward painfully as they dug into the soft skin of her jaw. "I would suggest you keep that tongue of yours under control, little monkey. I have no real need for a pet, after all." With that he turned on his heel, crossing to a console, popping it with his thumb. A blank, semi-transparent screen appeared in the middle of the room. "All frequencies open. Attention Sentinel, Guardian, Paladin, Light and Shadow. This is So'Vran." He waited; the screen sputtered with static, then blinked open like a giant eye, showing a concerned Billy, Taia, and Jason. Billy's lip curled in an expression of furious disdain, similar to the one his father had worn; Taia frowned darkly. Jason's entire face drew down thunderously as he studied the blood and tears on Kim's face.

"This won't stop us, So'Vran." Billy's voice was controlled, but Kim could tell he was filled with rage. "You're a fool if you think it will. Hurt them and your end will merely be swifter."

"My end." So'Vran's voice dripped with disgust. "You are much like your mother, boy, full of false portents and impotent threats. In the end she fled me. You will have no such chance. And your father will pay for your insolence. Beginning now." He nodded curtly; a guard stepped forward and wrapped his fingers into Peter's hair, exposing his throat. So'Vran gave Billy's image one of those benevolent smiles Kim was quickly learning to dread. Billy's jaw worked silently, his blue eyes icy. So'Vran nodded again, and without further ado, the soldier cut Peter's throat.

Blood flooded from the wound, drenching him. Wide-eyed, Kim screamed, long and loud, the tendons in her throat cording. Billy leapt forward as if to come through the screen, roaring inarticulately. Peter's stasis field let go suddenly and he pitched forward with a wet gurgle, clawing at his throat.

"I am told, boy, that Sentinel is quite a healer," So'Vran said nonchalantly. "It is a pity that you are not here."

"Dad! DAD!" Billy shouted, ignoring the tyrant. "Oh, God... DAD!"

"Ah well." So'Vran seemed to consider briefly, then crossed to the twitching Peter, laying a hand on him. Peter's body relaxed, then arched up suddenly. "Remember this well, boy. I hold his life, and his death." The wounded man groaned, scrabbling to roll over as So'Vran stood, wiping the blood from his hand. Peter slowly made his way to his hands and knees, slipping slightly in the gore that surrounded him. So'Vran went on. "Tell the creature Shadow that I hold his beloved. I know he seeks to protect the ship that pirates my space. What I have done here I shall do again, and again, until you learn that I am master here." Peter got to his feet, unsteady but defiant. Kim stared in frightened amazement, realizing belatedly that the wound that had circled his throat was gone.

"Don't... listen..." Peter rasped, his voice not remotely the warm baritone Kim knew so well. "Do what you have to, son. Don't let him get to you." He turned to So'Vran and spat on him before a pair of guards lunged forward to drag him back.

Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13