Power Ranger Mania The Fanfic Shoppe The Yost  


From The Ashes
by Cheryl Roberts

Chapter 5


Tommy landed another solid punch and threw off the opponent who swarmed in to take his felled nemesis' place. He had rushed into his son's room and found Jamie trying to fend off a room full of ninja-clad attackers. There had been no time for questions as a quartet of intruders had been attempting to carry off the former Imbera, so Tommy had simply thrown himself into the fray.

He had long since lost count of the determined foe, but it seemed for every one he took out, two more took his place. There was no telling what type of beings the assailants were, save that they were humanoid. They were too bulky to be Threans, but their limbs were too disproportionate to be humans. However, they fought with the mindless ferocity of putties or cogs but without the destruct mechanism when they were struck. As near as Tommy could tell, it seemed that their opponents were more interested in carrying off Jamie than in killing him.

As the fight raged on, Tommy found himself seriously winded; since retiring from the Rangers, he'd spent more time in his uncle's race car than in the dojo. He was out of shape, and it showed. Jamie was faring little better. Though he worked out daily, the former Imbera probably hadn't been seriously tested since he retired when his lifebond died, and judging from the way he was favoring his leg, Jamie probably had been injured in the initial salvos of the unequal contest.

In their favor was the fact that, though well versed in traditional martial arts, the invaders were unfamiliar with his particular brand of combined disciplines. Then, there was their sheer determination... Jamie's will to survive and Tommy's to protect his son at all costs.

Tommy found the strength of that impulse rather startling. He barely knew Jamie; he'd had no hand in raising him. For all intents and purposes, his son was a stranger to him, but yet, there was a connection... he could not bear the thought of losing him. He would not lose this child he and Kimberly had created.

"Jamie!" Tommy gasped in horror, watching as a pair of tiger claws raked his mid- section. Jamie went down, hugging his abdomen tightly. The kidnapers may have wanted him alive but not necessarily whole. Tommy leaped and executed a tight flip over the melee to reach his son's side.

"You've gotta get out of here get help," Tommy instructed breathlessly as he flung aside another dark-robed body.

"You... can't... hold them...." Jamie panted, trying to ignore the pain.

"It's you they want; we can't let them have you."

Tommy sized up his opponents once again, trying to judge how many he could take before they cut him down to size. His putty analogy seemed more than apt as the enemy swarmed before him in perpetual motion. All the picture lacked was Goldar directing the attack.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of something or someone in the shadows: a tall figure whose uneven limbs were even more pronounced that the fighters. This was the leader of the pack.

Suddenly, a burst of light filled the room, and as the brilliance faded, Tommy glimpsed a slender, blue-clad form. A second flash this time of red followed close on the heels of the first.

"Lris," Jamie sighed, a smile touching his lips.

"And Vlar," Tommy added, relieved that the calvary had arrived. Even so, the odds were still overwhelming.

"Stay down," he ordered his son and joined the other two in forming a protective triangle about the former Imbera.

However, much to their surprise, the would-be kidnapers didn't even test the new defenders. The leader Tommy had spotted gave a signal then vanished. His flunkies did likewise, simply disappearing.

"How strange," Vlar murmured, slow to let relax his guard.

"Tell me about it," Tommy concurred. Trusting the former Red Ranger's vigilance, he turned his attention to Jamie. Lris was already at his side, probing his wound.


The voice hit him with the impact of a physical blow, causing him to wince, his hands flying to cradle his aching head. However, it was the same voice which had led him to Threa, so he obeyed it. He reached out quickly and snatched Lris's hands away.

"I can heal him," the cadet said, regarding him eyes full of astonishment.

"I know," Tommy replied somberly. "I can't explain it yet, but I can't let you or any healer use magic or whatever you call it—to fix him up. We'll have to take him to the infirmary and patch him up the old fashioned way."

Dubious, the red-head turned to the former Imbera.

"Jamie?" she queried, her soft tone conveying a wealth of unmistakable emotions.

"I trust my father on this," Jamie gritted out. "Until we know what is going on, it is best to be cautious."

"Very well," she agreed reluctantly, but her healer's instincts chafed at the restriction.

"Let's get him seen to, then we'll talk," Tommy informed Vlar.

"I'll find an emergency lift," Vlar agreed, and the three set to work.


Tommy and Vlar stood out of the way as the Academy's chief healer took charge of the patient. The white-haired elf was none too happy about being restricted to herbs and technology, but then, he had treated Jamie thus often enough in his youth before the shapers had altered him. Throughout it all, Lris hovered at Jamie's side, occasionally glaring blackly at Tommy.

"They are matebonded?" Vlar questioned softly so no one else could hear.

"That's what Jamie says."

"Then it is cruel to ask her not to heal him; she feels what he feels...."

"... and knows what he knows there are no secrets between healer and patient or between two who are bonded," Tommy replied tightly. "Someone just tried to kidnap not kill Jamie. My gut tells me that if a healer were to work on him...."

"That healer could be the next target," Vlar concluded, picking up on the tread of Tommy's idea.

"And we've already lost one healer who's worked on an Imbera she was bonded to."

Apparently, the one-time Red Ranger had not made that particular connection as yet. His eyes narrowed grimly.

"What I would like to know is how those invaders gained access to the main house. It may not appear so, but it is heavily fortified."

"And why didn't the current team of Rangers respond?" Tommy put forth. "Even if security had been deactivated, Jamie must have sent out a mental S. O. S."

"But he did not... I would have heard such a summons if he had," Vlar insisted. "I was totally unaware that he was in danger until I received a call from the girl. How were you alerted?"

"I was in the room next door; I heard the commotion," Tommy answered. "Not being of a telepathic race, I wouldn't have heard a mental call at all. Is it possible for someone to block telepathy like jamming a zord's radar?"

"It is possible," the Threan Ranger confirmed.

"But they didn't know about Jamie and Lris' bond it just happened this afternoon and I think we'd better keep it that way," Tommy commented.

"Who else knows?"

"As far as I can tell, just those two and you and me."

Vlar nodded, agreeing to his plan. "As head of security, I need to report this breach to the Rangers and the Imbera."

"I know, and I have a few questions of my own to ask especially about the injury to Twyn and Trin's abduction and death."

Vlar started to say something, then thought better of it. Instead, he said, "I dislike leaving Jamie unattended. I would call in Beys, but it would take too much time to brief her."

"I don't think we have to worry for now," Tommy replied, grinning as he observed the by-play between his son and his new matebond. "I doubt the attackers will return so soon, and I don't think Lris will be leaving Jamie's side any time soon."

Further speculation was put on hold as they were approached by the chief healer.

"He will live... and mend, given time," the aged elf reported grumpily.

"You have our thanks, Healer Ming," Vlar said.

"Hmphf! You look like you could use a healer's touch," the medic noted, taking in Tommy's collection of cuts and bruises.

"I appreciate the offer, but I doubt it'd me much good," the former Earth Ranger demurred with a wry grin, "but I heal pretty quickly on my own."

"You are as bad as that one," the man muttered as he took his leave.

The two wandered over to Jamie's bedside.

"Ming is used to my 'eccentricities,'" Jamie said, his lighthearted tone tinged with pain and fatigue. "He inherited some difficult patients from his mother."

"How are you holding up?" Tommy asked of Lris, more cognizant of the pain shadowing her features.

"I endure... though I don't understand," she answered, her voice laced with disapproval.

"As soon as I understand it, I'll let you know," he quipped. "For now, all I have is instinct to go on and right now they're all screaming at me not to let you touch Jamie if we want to keep you alive."

"This is for my safety?" Lris gulped, that thought not having occurred to her.

"What of our bonding?" Jamie queried. "If we do not complete the bonding soon, we will become ill."

"Can you do it without it being common knowledge?" Tommy asked.

"That all depends. If we simply matebond, then yes, it can be handle privately, but if we lifebond as well, there normally is great feasting. Lris and I have not spoken of which course we are to take, but if we lifebond, I would not deprive her of her 'wedding day' as you would call it."

Tommy sighed, understanding his son too well. "That was the one thing I always wished I could have given your mother. She had such dreams for our wedding, and all I could give her were the words and a few hours in the Morphin' Grid."

"Why do you ask this?"

"Your cries for help went unheard save by Lris, who I am certain, heard them with her heart, not her mind," Vlar explained. "It was she who summoned me."

"It was even less than that," the Blue Cadet added. "It was just a feeling that you were in danger."

"Since we don't know what we're up against, we need every advantage we can get," Tommy summarized.

"We must behave as routinely as possible," the head of security continued, "Tommy and I must report this to the Imbera...."

"Give me a moment and I will accompany...." Jamie began and tried to sit up; he was promptly forced back by his three companions.

"You'll stay right here," Tommy ordered in full command voice. "Lris, if he tries to get out of bed, sit on him."

Jamie laughed, making his side hurt. "You sound just like Mother."

"I wouldn't doubt it, considering how many times she threatened to do the same to me when I was injured," Tommy chuckled. "Seriously, though, stay put. Vlar and I will fill you in later."

"You would do well to take Vlar fully into your confidence," Jamie advised with a meaningful look.

"I intend to."

"Cadet Lris, as head of security, I am charging you to remain here with the First Born and see to his safety." To the others' perplexed stares, Vlar added more softly, "Just giving Lris an offical reason to be here. You never know who might be listening."

It was a sobering thought.


"Man, I wish Billy was here," Tommy sighed as he and Vlar made their way to the main chamber of the Command Center. Since this was an official matter, Vlar felt more comfortable meeting with the Imbera and Rangers there instead of their personal quarters.

"Who is Billy?" Vlar wondered.

"The smartest guy I know; he was 'my' Blue Ranger." He meant no slight to Rocky or Justin, but when he thought of the Blue Ranger, he automatically pictured Billy. Also, Threan knowledge in general of the Earth Rangers seemed not to extend past the Ninja Ranger period. No sense in confusing things further.

"I have to tell you, I'm better at battle strategies than at solving mysteries," Tommy continued. "I was great at thinking on my feet in a fight, but Billy was the one who could look at a problem from all angles then ask the questions that would lead us to the right answer. It's like I see the pieces; I know they're important somehow, but I can't quite fit them together."

"That is why the Rangers are a team; one member's weakness is another teammate's strength," Vlar said sagely. Then, he changed the topic. "If I may ask, what is it that Jamie advised you to confide to me? Is it a matter I should be aware of prior to our meeting with the Imbera?"

"Probably," Tommy answered and related the matter of Norzod and the dream message.

"This is grave news, indeed," the security chief commented, a grim frown marking his face. "The Imbera should be told immediately."

"I wouldn't," came the advice of the Voice.

"And why not?" Tommy challenged, directly addressing the bodiless speaker for the first time. Yet, even as he posed the question, his mind was already considering possibilities. He wasn't liking what he was coming up with.

"You and I are going to have a little chat when I'm done here," he promised his silent counselor. Aloud, he said, "I don't think telling Jax would be a good idea."

"Why not? Norzod was the worst threat Threa has ever faced; if he has somehow returned, the Rangers need to be prepared...."

"That's a big 'if,'" Tommy argued. "Look, we have no proof just the word of a disembodied voice inside my head." He thought he heard an affronted sniff in the back of his mind. "A human's head... we're the most untelepathic species out there. Not exactly reliable, y'know?

"All right. We know something is up, but we don't know what. We have a possible who, and with that we can make a few guesses as to why. That knowledge is our only advantage, and we've already figured out that the enemy whether Norzod, his son or some flunky doesn't know everything that's going on around here, but he knows enough. He knows we have an untried team of Rangers on our hands. He knows we have an emotionally distraught Imbera leading them. And while we can't be certain if the guy who tried to make off with Jamie also made off with Trin, I'm willing to be that they're connected somehow. I think we'd be safe in assuming that Jax has been mentally compromised since Trin knew what he knew. I don't know if it'd be possible for anyone to pick Jax's brain directly, but do you want to take that chance?"

"I concede your points, but I do not feel comfortable withholding information from the Imbera," Vlar admitted with great reluctance.

"I know it's asking a lot asking you to trust me when you hardly know me. All I ask is that we don't say anything tonight. After we've had a chance to talk to Jamie again or come up with some better information, we can revise our strategy. We don't want to tip our hand."

"Fair enough," the former Ranger allowed.

Tommy heaved a sigh of relief.

"Billy would be proud," the Voice complimented.

"Come; they are ready for us," Vlar announced, and the two moved ahead to their audience.


While Vlar made his report, Tommy remained in the background, taking it all in. He was grateful for the translator the security chief provided him, so he could understand the lyrical Threan tongue.

The reason he was content to observe at first was because he had been unable to speak, so overcome with emotions and memories was he. It was as if he had teleported into Zordon's old Command Center complete with viewing globe. Kimberly had managed to recreate their old headquarters almost perfectly. He fully expected to see Alpha totter into the chamber and go "Ay-yi-yi!" All that was missing was the kindly, wizened visage in the column of blue light. The luminous shaft still shone, but it was on the seat of the Threan White Ranger... their mentor... his great-grandson.

The Rangers were all in full armor, since it was a formal debriefing, and they had not been personally introduced to Tommy. He wished they had at least removed their helmets. He'd forgotten how disconcerting it was to talk to someone without being able to see a face... reactions.... The Rangers' uniforms were much like the color-coded armor his own team had worn upon receiving the Ninja Powers on Phaedos, as opposed to their original costumes or the Zeo/Turbo uniforms. He didn't recognize any of the symbols on the chest plates, save for Jax's. His was the Crane/Falcon intertwined of the Great Imbera.

I wonder what his spirit animal truly is.

Tommy would have liked to have seen his great-grandson's face. Even without being able to see his expression, Tommy could tell that something was weighing heavily on the White Ranger's shoulders; his whole carriage was slumped as if in defeat.

Not a good sign.

"It appears we owe you a debt of gratitude, Ranger of Earth."

Tommy quickly brought himself back to the here and now as Jax began speaking to him. Even his descendant's voice sounded strained.

"Your swift action saved my grandsire's life."

"I'm just glad I was able to help," he responded. By mutual agreement, he and Vlar weren't going to mention his relationship to the Imbera unless someone put two and two together.

"You are called Tommy? How is it that you came here? None of us were aware of your arrival," the present Red Ranger spoke up. Tommy was glad to see his unannounced appearance bothered somebody.

"I was teleported from our Power Chamber, but it was a rocky trip." That was an understatement, as well as essentially being the truth. "So I wasn't too surprised I landed in the park. To be honest, I'm surprised I didn't set off all sorts of alarms."

"So are we," the Green Ranger added.

"Especially when I walked right into the Command Center and wandered around trying to find my way." His tone was slightly accusatory, and his words drove home the point that the lax security had undoubtedly facilitated the raid.

"You are Earth's White Ranger?" the Pink Ranger spoke up.

Her uniform was so like Kim's that it make Tommy's heart ache.

"Yes recently retired."

"What brings you here now, if not duty?" This came from the Blue Ranger a very Billy-like query.

"To return a visit. Jamie journeyed to Earth to pay his respects when we honored Kimberly your Great Imbera upon learning of her death." Tommy wanted to snicker at how snooty he sounded; he feared he was starting to pick up on the Threans' English dialect. "Jamie invited me to return the visit sometime, and since I was no longer an active Ranger, I figured this would be a good time."

"Almost too good," the Yellow Ranger remarked. "Not to be rude, but have you any proof?"

"Will this do? I no longer have my power morpher," Tommy said as removed the signet from around his neck and handed it to the Yellow Ranger. In turn, the young man handed it to Jax.

Tommy felt curiously naked without the talisman. Not only that, but there was a strange emptiness in his mind as if he'd been cut off from the presence that had been guiding him. That hadn't happened before when he'd shown the medallion to Lris and Vlar. It was all he could to keep from snatching back the amulet.

"This is not a fabrication," Jax murmured, his hollow voice lifting slightly, as if something had worked past his pain and sparked a flicker of interest. "This is truly the seal of the Great Imbera; it is imbued with her essence. Grandfather must hold you in high esteem to bequeath this to you."

He returned the signet, and Tommy gratefully slipped it around his neck. Imbued with Kim's essence... was that the reason he thought that the Voice had been Kimberly's?

"You are welcome, White Ranger of Earth," Jax pronounced. "Feel free to stay as long as you wish; however, in light of this evening's events, I do not think your visit will be a tranquil one."

"I'll help out any way I can," Tommy offered. He wanted to ask dozens of questions, but he knew that if he pressed matters now, all he'd do is make Jax and the others suspicious.

"I would like to talk to you at greater length; however, that can wait until morning. You are injured and should rest. Vlar, are you certain the First Born is sufficiently guarded?"

"He could not be in better hands," the chief of security replied.

"We shall reconvene in the morning, then."


Sore and bone weary, Tommy gratefully sank into Kim's old bed; however, he was not quite ready to fall asleep. There was a promise he had to keep.

"You still there?"

"Yes." But the Voice was weaker than before.

"Your link to me is through the amulet, isn't it. When I took it off, it felt like you weren't there."

"The medallion acts as a focal point a beacon, if you will. It takes a lot of energy to reach you since you're not a telepath. Basically, if it weren't for your connection to the Morphin' Grid, I wouldn't be able to link to you at all."

"Who are you?"

"A friend. Someone who worked long and hard and sacrificed much to keep Threa safe. I'm not about to let Norzod win."


"Rest now, Tommy. I need to recoup my strength, and I can do that best when you're asleep. Besides, tomorrow is going to be a busy day."

Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | Epilogue