Dorks 'R' Us

NSYNC: The New Monkees?
Someone brought up a question on a list I was on about
which I initially had no opinion. The question was this: What songs would
you like to see NSYNC cover? The answer came to me all of a sudden as
I was listening to one of my old mix tapes on the way home from work.
The Monkees recorded a song called "Riu
Chiu," (.mp3, 1.75MB) which is an a capella Christmas song in,
I think, Portugese. Their version is gorgeous, and it would still be gorgeous
if NSYNC did it.
First of all, Chris would sound heavenly doing Micky Dolenz'
high part, and Lance would have lots to do on Peter's meaty bass part.
The other three have plenty to do in the middle. We'd probably actually
be able to hear Joey!
Of course, once I was thinking of the guys doing "Riu
Chiu," I started to compare them to The Monkees in my mind. They
actually are kinda similar!

Chris= Micky Dolenz
Micky was the fun-loving, hyper, jokester of the group, and like Chris,
he had (has) a high, sweet, light kind of voice. It's very soothing to
listen to him, but he can rock, too, which Chris proved he could do during
the Superbowl halftime show.

JC= Mike Nesmith
Mike and Peter Tork were the true musicians of The Monkees. The main difference
between them was that Mike had a much better singing voice than Peter.
That's why I chose him for JC. They are both very serious when it comes
to their music, and both are interested in producing as well as in recording.
Mike seemed to bleed music, and it showed in his guitar playing and in
his voice. JC is definitely the most musically inclined of NSYNC, in my
opinion, and he, too, bleeds music.

Lance= Peter Tork
This actually isn't a very good fit, except for their ranges, but it's
the closest match. Both Peter and Lance come across as rather quiet, but
the guys have said Lance isn't as shy as he seems. Peter, too, was not
as quiet, shy, and innocent as one would think.

Justin= Davy Jones
The heartthrob. 'Nuff said.

Joey... doesn't fit.
The Monkees didn't have a Joey! He does, however, have some Micky elements
to him, in that he seems like the kind of guy everybody likes. Other than
that...? Sorry, Joey! No Monkee for you!
Anyhoo, this was rather pointless wasn't it? And once
again, it had nothing to do with the guys being dorks. So sue me.