Dorks 'R' Us

Making the Video:
"It's Gonna Be Me"
A fun special for a fun video. Chris was on the
whole time.
- Chris: We're not dolls, we're puppets! If you're
a doll, your career is over.
- Lance: I'm about to bust
out of my packaging!
- Justin: If you don't step
up to the plate, then it's gonna be too late, uh... see, we coulda had
a date, but that's... not so great.
- Chris and Mini-Me (otherwise known as a Chris marionette
being controlled by Justin)
- Chris behind JC making silly faces
- Chris and Justin: Aw, man, Kim's got
a nice butt!
- JC: I am rubber cement
- Chris: If I can't punch
my way out of a paper bag, I'm gonna feel like a wuss.
- Chris: We are in a tropical
Justin: Thong thong, tha-thong thong thong!
Chris: Check me out, I'm in Hawaii!
- JC: For about five seconds, they act all flirty,
and then they beat the crap out of us. Typical!
- JC's rambling "take it to the next level; be a
kid again" speech
- JC: I'm gonna kick some
tail, that's all I'm sayin'. I'm throwin' down.
- JC: Did you see my kung-fu
- Chris: You can edit that
out, right?
I'm sure there was other fun stuff I didn't notice because
of my Chris-obsession, but oh well, whatcha gonna do?
Screencap taken from *NSYNC:
THEN AND NOW, used with permission. Many thanks to them!