Fanfic Dorks 'R' Us Photos Live Journal


Okay. So I have issues. What kind of issues? JC issues.

I am a Chris-girl through and through, okay? Don't get me wrong here, it's all about the leprechaun. But lately, I find myself... staring... at JC. I can't help it! The boy is fine! And he's so adorable too, being such a huge dork and all. Have you read the Teen People article? How incredibly dorky can you get? Even the rest of NSYNC think he's pathetic. But gosh, is he beautiful. And I love it when he giggles.

I'm really kind of worried, to be honest. Chris has been pretty low-key lately, and JC is rapidly gaining ground on my popularity-o-meter. He's like, a very close second. Extremely close. Which makes me nervous, because everybody loves JC already, being a lead singer and all. Chris, being in the background all the time—oh, pardon me, being an atmosphere provider—doesn't have as many die-hard fans. I figure he needs me, you know? JC's got enuff, gosh-darnit.

So there you go. Issues. And don't even get me started on Lance, who normally does nothing for me but is lately seeming very cute to me for some reason. Maybe there's something in the air.

