Track 1: Pop *
My least favorite song on the CD and I still think it's cool. Good
news for the CD overall, no? Most likely to get skipped, especially
that beatboxing part at the end.
Track 2: Celebrity ***
Dancy and fun. Nice beat. Like the"J-O-B" line. Angry!JC.
Track 3: The Game Is Over *****
Totally cool, very creative. The Pac-Man samples just make the whole
song. Angry!JC makes another appearance, and it's all good. It makes
me want to dance. Definitely a favorite.
Track 4: Girlfriend **
Good beat, catchy. JC sounds good.
Track 5: The Two of Us *****
My favorite song upon first listen, and still right up there in
the top 3, tied with "The Game Is Over" and "Up Against
The Wall." Love the laugh at the beginning, it makes me grin.
The whole song makes me grin. I find myself seat-dancing on the
Metrobus to work, which is very embarrassing.
Track 6: Gone ****
Wow. Just... wow. This is a ballad like none I've ever heard before,
just gorgeous. I've got to hand it to Justin, he really hit it out
of the ballpark with this one.
Track 7: Tell Me, Tell Me, Baby ***
"Hold on. Uh... you know what? Can we back it up just a lil
bit?" Heehee! Despite the dumbass title, this is a great song.
Another catchy one with a good beat. Very fun to sing. Angry!JC
is SO HOT! Oh, and I've heard mumblings that it sounds just like
a Backstreet Boys song. Yes, it does. Good thing I like Backstreet,
Track 8: Up Against The Wall *****
"Wooo! TWO STEP!" ;) Another toe-tapper that makes me
dance on the bus. Love the disco ball bit. My bad slashy self has
another comment
on this one.
Track 9: See Right Through You **
Catchy and fun. And... say it with me... Angry!JC! Freak me, baby,
freak me!
Track 10: Selfish ***
Pretty, very nice, but exactly like every other ballad out there
nowadays. Should have ended with JC's line, Justin's ending sounds
tacked on. Gives me warm fuzzies. <sigh.> I'm such a girl.
But I just have to mention this. "Unperfect?" JC, come
ON, man!
Track 11: Just Don't Tell Me That ***
Do I really need to say it again? Yes? Okay. Angry!JC is back. Oh
Track 12: Something Like You **
Another one that gives me warm fuzzies despite myself. The harmonica
really adds something to it, but then it's Stevie Wonder, so how
could it not?
Track 13 (import bonus): That Girl (Will Never
Be Mine) ****
This one rapidly grew on me. JC sounds just like Michael Jackson.
I read a quote where Lance said that, and I was like, "<snort.>
Yeah right!" But it's true! That boy is gonna go places. Oh
Track 14 (import bonus): Falling ***
Chris wrote this one, and since Chris is mah boy, I really really
wanted it to be my favorite. Um... it's not. It's sweet and pretty,
and it gives me warm fuzzies for sure, but it's pretty run-of-the-mill.
I'm not surprised it was the first song to be cut from the U.S.
version. Sorry, Chris! I wuv you!
Track 15: Do Your Thing ****
This song has a great message and is a great ending to a great album.
It has a cool melody, catchy beat, and awesome bass line. Very fun
to sing. It's my new anthem. I'm doing my thing, baby.
Overall: ****
This is definitely their best album so far. They are extremely talented,
both in singing and writing. In writing this, I realize I've developed
a rather severe JC fetish. Oops. Don't worry, Chris, you're still
the man I love! I haveta go look at hot Chris-pics and watch hot-and-funny-Chris
TV appearances to renew my allegiance.
Oh. Right. Sing those closing credits, baby. Oh,
* |
I like it. It's unassuming and
pleasant. |
** |
I like it a lot. There's talent
there. And it's goofy, which is
a plus. |
*** |
I love it. It's cute and cuddly
and I bet it gives good hugs. |
**** |
I love it a lot. It's really hot,
with the new hair and all. |
***** |
Love it love it love it love it!
It has beautiful eyes and
looks like a leprechaun and is so funny and intelligent and
I could go on
all day. |
These are my opinions on the guys in the group. Do not email
me saying "Lance Bass is SO much more than unassuming and
pleasant! You have your head up your butt!" because if
you do, I will just laugh at you and show the email to all of
my friends. Besides, it won't change my mind. CHRIS RULES, LANCE
DROOLS! (Kidding, heehee! Lance is cool, too.) |