Power Ranger Mania The Fanfic Shoppe The Yost  


Disclaimer: We all know I don't own Power Rangers. If I did things would be a lot different from the current situations. Try to sue me but the most valuable thing I own is my five year old stereo system. Anything not recognizable is probably mine, but it could also just be pop culture infiltrating my barriers.
Author's notes: This one is VERY violent. There will be blood and gore represented as well as some rather creative use of four letter words. Please don't read this if you don't like this or if you're too young to cope with this. Oh, yeah it is about the length of a novel at this point, a complete accident (all my fics start out as ten-fifteen page ideas that seem to go into thirty or so... in this case sixty something) All hate mail goes to my e-mail unefemme@onebox.com

Another Place and Time
by Symbolic Agony

"Doesn't it look so different out here?" Tanya mentioned as she, Kat and Alpha stood on the edge of the cliff on which the Command Center stood.

"Think what the rest of the world is thinking about this. They must be thinking the apocalypse is coming. They don't know why the moon is gone so suddenly." Kat said.

Alpha looked up at the sky, the first time in a millennia since he had been outdoors. "Billy." he whispered.

Tanya looked over at her robot friend and sighed, "Don't worry Alpha. He did what he had to do. At least the Machines are gone as well as Zedd and Rita."

"Finally." Kat muttered, "Now we can try to live normal lives."

Tanya gave a suspicious glance, "Do you honestly think we could? After all that just happened? I don't think I'll ever be able to get over all this."

"Once the funerals are all over we can begin getting over with it." Kat solemnly stated.

"Excuse me?" Tanya exclaimed, shocked by what her best friend had just suggested, "How can you be like this? Billy and Tommy are gone but that doesn't mean the others are going to also... give them a fucking chance to live!"

Kat shook her head, "It's best if they did die. You saw them when they came in. They were all almost gone as it was. I merely accept what's happened. It isn't fair to any of them to live on like that!"

"That isn't your damn decision to call!" Tanya gasped.

"You saw when Zordon pulled them up on the viewing globe. They're just hurt too bad. I don't want to admit it either, but it's true. Rocky will probably make it but really, what type of life can he live if he can't see anything? Then there's Jason.... he probably would end up a complete vegetable for the rest of his life. Adam is probably in the most pain right now and if he does pull through he is just about completely crippled... He'd never be able to do anything for himself again, none of them would!"

Tears had begun falling down Tanya's face as the brutal reality hit her hard, "Still, who knows what's going to happen. They might end up better than anyone thinks they could!"

Kat's tone softened as she gripped Tanya gently, "It isn't easy to deal with, but what can we do? We're only human."

"Don't you believe in miracles?" Tanya inquired.

"Given another place and time, I would." Kat began, "But now, either fate or some goddamn divine being decided to twist everything and fuck with our damn heads! We knew we could lose one of us... we fucking knew, but all those years of luck caught up to us. None of us believed it would, except maybe Billy or Adam. They were the only ones who ever seemed to think about this yet they still did it!"

"I think whatever happens will be the right thing." Tanya murmured, "See how the cards all fall."

"Are you two going to be okay?" Alpha finally asked, having heard both girls express their feelings of the entire situation. He observed much more than anyone wanted to admit, even himself. He knew how Kat cared for Tommy and the tenderness he gave her once he got over Kim, and then Tanya was always trying to get Adam's attention but he couldn't seem to accept it and instead pretended he didn't know. It wasn't even all his fault, Alpha equated Adam's cynicism on love from the constant bickering with his parents and girlfriend after girlfriend pass with Rocky. Rocky was always the optimist, kind of a balance to Tommy's dark side, Adam's dim perspective of humanity, Kat's insecurity and Billy's seriousness. Billy, how many years he had done so much? He was the lone dog. For awhile he managed to get close with Trini, perhaps even more than close, but they never made it entirely certain. To think Alpha would never be able to hear his philosophical arguments or hear the latest inventions he developed saddened him.

"Yeah." Tanya assured, "It's just going to be hard on us for awhile."

"At least we won't have to deal with any monsters for now." Kat quietly stated.


"Mama." Rocky cried out, "Are you here?" Just speaking caused pain to rip through the most unexpected regions of his body. Everything ached beyond belief and his imagination raced as he attempted to imagine his surroundings, to find a haunting internal image.

"Baby." Mrs. DeSantos cried with her son, firmly taking his hand and stroking his forehead gently. She always did it to calm her children down when any ailment came their way. She realized just how rigid and tense every muscle in the seventeen year old's body was. "I'm here."

"Mama. It hurts." Rocky whimpered, "It hurts too bad."

Mrs. DeSantos wanted to take her son in her lap like when her husband died and tell him everything would be okay, but she could only sit next to him and only make gentle motions to show her presence. She knew everything would not be okay; nothing was the same.

"I'm so sorry Mama. I didn't want to hurt you." Rocky continued.

"No!" Mrs. DeSantos stated, "Listen to me. We'll make it through al this. What you've done for all these years... I couldn't be prouder. My son the brave power ranger."

Rocky wanted to cry, wanted to hide from the world at that moment until everything ended, but it didn't happen. "I was so scared."

"When?" Mrs. DeSantos asked, taken quite aback at what her son had just said.

"All the time." Rocky answered. "I just kept going too long." Just then he screamed aloud in pain and he clutched his abdomen as everything rushed through him until it was overwhelming. He squeezed his mother's hand with all his strength as Mrs. DeSantos hurriedly pressed the call button for a nurse.

"What's going on here?" A nurse asked as she saw the patient thrashing on his bed and the middle aged Mexican woman attempting to calm him down.

"He's hurting too bad." Mrs. DeSantos exclaimed, still gripping Rocky as best she could, "Please give him something!"

The nurse scampered away and within a minute a team of nurses, orderlies and a doctor were busy restraining Rocky's body as they injected two medications into his body. After that it was a matter of moments before Rocky was fully sedated and in a deep sleep. Mrs. DeSantos nearly lost it as she cried in her hands, never taking her eyes off her eldest child who was in an uneasy slumber to escape his torture.


"Grandma?" Jason gasped as he saw an elderly woman standing over him, a cheerful smile on her face. "But, you died when I was six."

The old woman chuckled as she stood amid the tall grass in an untamed field. "What a nice young man you've become. And handsome too."

Jason thought for a moment to compose a response. "What is this? Am I dead? Please tell me what's going on."

The elderly woman sighed. "You're not dead, but it's soon. Only a matter of days left. But don't worry. I'll look after you here."

Dying, Jason realized. He hardly remembered what had just happened, Billy was under a spell. He actually tried to kill all of them. Now he was somewhere in between, left wondering if he was still in his cell awaiting Billy's next torture. "Why?"

"You didn't have a choice, none of us do." the woman explained, "It's for the best if you know what happened."

"What did happen?!" Jason demanded, "I'm the only one who doesn't know. I remember... Billy... under a spell. They had him attack all of us, whips and knives. It was too much to bear. I tried to stop him, but he was too much and then he began beating me... until my head went into a wall."

The woman nodded, "That's true. But your friend was let go of the evil within him. Your other friends came to get you out but the one who hurt you, this 'Billy' stayed behind with a bomb. The entire moon was destroyed with him and the evil robots. You're in a hospital in a coma right now, your parents are about to let you go."

"What? But... I'm fine, I just have to wake up." Jason exclaimed in such shock and fear, wondering what it would be like to be truly dead. Was this merely just some sick dream he was having? Or was this what it was like at the end.

"But, it won't happen." the solemn tone argued, "You were hurt too badly."

"No! But I just turned eighteen." Jason protested, not prepared to accept what was to occur. "It isn't fair."

"I know it isn't but don't worry, Grandma's here for you now. Just relax, it won't hurt at all and there's nothing to be afraid of. Just relax and wait."


"What do you mean? What happened?" Hei Park inquired.

"I know this is hard." Mrs. DeSantos began to explain, "But your brother is... really badly hurt. From what your parents said the doctors aren't sure what can be done for him. He might not make it."

Hei couldn't help but to hide the hint of disgust at not being notified by her own flesh and blood, "But, why didn't they tell me? I haven't heard a word of this!"

"I don't know, sweetie, you know you aren't exactly on the best terms with them." Mrs. DeSantos rationalized. "All I can really say is you need to come home."

"Still." Hei continued, "That's no excuse. They should've told me that this happened. He's my brother and they're my parents. This rift with them shouldn't be worth it."

"I know Hei, I understand them about as much as you do." Mrs. DeSantos attempted to calm the woman who was over three thousand miles away in New York City. The last time she had been in town was three years ago where she had to stay with the Campbell family because the family couldn't come to terms with one another.

"I'm catching the first flight out." Hei said. "Don't tell them I'm coming, I don't want them to try and pull anything with me."

"I wasn't intending on it." Mrs. DeSantos replied. "Just be prepared for dealing with them."

"What about Rocky? How's he doing?" Hei asked.

Mrs. DeSantos took a moment to collect her thoughts and figure just how much she was willing to say. "He's not doing so great himself. He's going to live thank God, but it's going to take a lot of adjusting. They tore open both of his eyes and now he's completely blind. He also got some internal injuries but they think those will heal over the next month or so. I feel... so helpless. The doctors keep him on so many painkillers and he still cries out to me in his sleep."

"And you said there were others in this?" Hei inquired.

"Yes, four other boys, you haven't met them, but two of them already died one of the others is in a coma. Of all of them Rocky was the luckiest of them."

"Thanks for calling me Marianna. I should be in tonight, tomorrow morning at the latest. I just need to cancel my classes for the summer semester. Someone else can take over it. It looks like I'm staying out west for awhile."

"Come home soon, you hear me."


"Jason, honey." Mrs. Scott said to her son. He laid completely still in his bed as he had for several days now. The ventilator tube in his mouth, reaching down through his windpipe was the only thing ensuring he was clinging to life. His arms held several IV's which dripped into him continuously. Monitors and machines surrounded him, waiting for some excitement to occur. The wounds on his face had progressed to harsh scars that created numerous lines across him.

"It'll be okay honey." She gently stroked his cheek and commenced holding his hand, becoming as still as her son was as she sat in her chair. She could feel him drifting further and further away from everything. The doctors had just confirmed that it was true. Jason was never going to wake up, not even reaching a vegetative state. It would only be a day or so before the bleeding in his skull would take him away.

Mr. Scott came in the room behind her. He sat silently with her, one strong hand on the railing of the bed. His back hunched over. He knew he was about to lose his only son and there was nothing more to be done. Neither could just let go of him until it was absolutely final. There was still room for a miracle.

************* ************

"Rocky, how are you feeling Hon?" Marianna DeSantos asked as she noticed her son stir in the sterile bed. It took several minutes before the young Mexican boy became fully aware of his surroundings.

"Mama?" Rocky cried out.

"You back with us?" Mrs. DeSantos said with her good-nature. She figured it was best not to mention what had happened up on the moon just yet.

Rocky wished he could see his Mom and know that it wasn't a dream he was having, but the fact that everything was black was the proof that he was indeed awake. "I'm sorry about this." he muttered, wincing with the effort.

"No, I'm proud of you. This isn't something either of us planned on. Just try to relax and things will get better in time."

"What happened... with the others?" Rocky inquired, halfway needing to know and the other half afraid of what would happen."

Mrs. DeSantos contemplated whether or not she should tell him now, but there was no way to hide it, even if it was in his best interest. "The doctors are doing everything they can." Marianna hoped that that would be enough to pacify him for now until he has healed more.

"Mom, I can handle it. I need to know what happen." Rocky said, finishing it with a cry of pain that shot through his entire body, focusing on the eyes.

"You're not going to let us go around it." Marianna sighed, "Tommy died... only a little bit after being brought in. Jason is in a coma, the Scotts said the doctors told them there was no hope. Adam... nobody is sure of just yet. He's still touch and go from what I've heard. I called Hei and she should be here soon."

-That'll be interesting- Rocky thought. "Billy.... he did it, didn't he?" Rocky continued.

"Yeah." Mrs. DeSantos replied, "He took them all out. The whole moon is gone now."

"Really?" Rocky blurted in amusement. He didn't think that the thing could do such damage. At least they didn't have to worry for now since that meant Rita, Zedd, and Company were out of their hair for good.

"Is there anything they can give me for this. My whole body is killing me?"

Rocky's mom pushed the call button nearby and in about a minute a nurse had come in and had injected Rocky with a painkiller. "Is that better?" Marianna asked a few minutes later.

Rocky nodded slightly as he felt the strong medication beginning to take effect. He thought of how nice it would be to never feel this anymore. He figured that if he slept through this entire stay it would go quicker and be less painful. "But I'm kinda hungry." he added.

"Hon, you won't be able to have anything for awhile. Your stomach needs to get better." By the time she had finished the sentence it was apparent from how Rocky breathed that he was gone and out for the time being.

"Sleep well baby." Marianna said, kissing her son's forehead, careful not to knock the tubes in his nose out.


The first thing Adam became aware of was the throbbing pain in his arm. Then came the odd realization that his lower body felt fine, there was no pain or any feeling. He thought for a moment and realized again what it meant.... that cracking of his spine. He fluttered his eyes open gradually; he was not surprised that he was in a hospital room. He had a vague memory of Kat and Tanya coming and taking them away.

"Adam? You're going to be okay." Mrs. Park said to her awakening son. She still couldn't get used to the multiple machines that surrounded him, especially the breathing tube, which had to be inserted through a hole in his throat due to the jaw injury. The only one she cared for at all was the heart monitor because it was the proof the boy was still alive.

Adam wanted to reply, but it was impossible in his predicament. -Mom, don't try to kid me. I know I'm not fine and probably never will be. I'm sure I'll be hearing plenty of that 'You're going to be fine' crap over the next few days though.-

Mr. Park suddenly entered the room. Within a moment he was next to his wife by Adam's bedside, grasping his one hand firmly. "Hey, just take it easy. We don't want to lose you, alright."

Mrs. Park gazed at her husband with a menacing glare. "Don't say that!" she declared.

"It's true though." Mr. Park retaliated, "We have to accept that it could happen!"

"Not in front of him for crying out loud!"

-Please not again!- Adam thought, tears beginning to fall down his face as he tried unsuccessfully to block out the argument that had begun. -Can't they just stop with this? I'm so tired of hearing it. It's just too much.-

Eventually the argument became louder and the nurse had Mr. Park leave the room, quite tempted to just toss both of them out. There were other patients who needed their rest, including Adam.

About an hour later a woman came into the room. She was short, her long hair falling loosely to the bottom of her back. Her skin was a light golden tan just like her brother. However, the color began to drip from her face as she entered the room, being completely poured out of her by the time to reach the bed. "Adam? "

Mrs. Park stared sternly at her oldest offspring. "You don't belong here."

Hei shook her head in disbelieve that even now the stubbornness prevailed. "You should have told me."

-Great, could they give me something to knock me out? I really don't want to hear Mom bitch Hei out again. I wish I could go to sleep right now.- Adam said, tears falling out faster and faster from his eyes.

Finally Hei looked over at her brother and noticed his state. "Look, Mom. We got him crying!"

"He's probably in pain. I'm going to ask the nurse to give him something." Mrs. Park replied sternly.

"You really don't get it." Hei replied, "He doesn't want everyone arguing all the time. He wants us to get along."

Mrs. Park stood up and stood face to face with her daughter, her arms folded across her chest and her breathing was deep and rapid. "I'm not going to stay here and listen to my own child explain what her brother wants when she hasn't been around for who knows how many years." She turned away and walked out fuming.

Hei sat down in the chair her mother had abandoned moments ago. "I'm sorry about this, squirt, this has to be agonizing for you."

-Like no tomorrow- Adam thought sardonically. -I don't want to suffer like this. I know I'm going to die here. I can't even tell anybody this. I can't tell Mom and Dad to shut up when they're arguing in front of me and I can't just move away from it this time.-

Gradually, the heart monitor became more and more erratic as Adam drifted off further and further from consciousness. Several nurses and a doctor came in. They injected several drugs into him as they forced Hei out of the room. "Looks like he's going back into shock." The doctor determined. After a couple minutes the medications set in and the young man slowly stabilized once more, resting rather peacefully considering the situation.


"Mama... I want to go home!" Rocky complained as a nurse took several vials of blood from his arm for some test or another.

"I know sweetie, I know." Marianna DeSantos whispered, "But it's going to be awhile."

Rocky bit back another wave of pain. It seemed to get worse each day instead of better. "Damn."

Rocky's mother looked at him as the boy's body cringed. "Shhh baby. It'll be alright. Just tough it out." she tried to comfort him as best she could, afraid to touch him in any way as it might harm him worse.

The jarring bouts of pain were increasing as Rocky whimpered, which eventually led to full screams of absolute terror and affliction. "It's getting worse Mama."

A nurse came in upon hearing the cries and brought in a syringe with medicine with her. Rocky yelped slightly as she inserted the thin needle in his upper thigh and forced a stinging liquid into him. Everything became muddled slightly by the time the current doctor, Dr. McBreen came in.

"Mrs. DeSantos, I need to speak with you for a moment." he said.

"Yes?" Marianna replied.

"I just went over the current x-rays and MRI of Rockwell, sorry Rocky. It turns out that we ended up missing some aspect of the injury. We originally thought the damage was restricted to the stomach itself with the knife wound, but as these tests reveal, the small intestine was also struck as well."

"What does this mean?" Marianna demanded, secretly awaiting someone to tell her that her son was dying and there was nothing that could be done for him.

The doctor groaned, "We more than likely are going to have to put Rocky through more surgery, remove the damaged section of the intestine. There are numerous risks involved in such procedures. I'm not entirely certain as far as how successful it will be."

Marianna looked over at Rocky, who had finally fallen asleep from being drugged. She thought silently. Her oldest son, who was so much like his deceased father, was now so fragile. He used to be the one who could take any lick, emotional or physical. "When are you going to do it?" she asked.

"We are awaiting for a few final results to ensure it is the only option. We don't want to risk anything. The weaker the patient is when going into surgery, the more likely it is for complications to arise. If we can we would like to avoid this or at the very least postpone it until he has become more stable."

Marianna DeSantos read what wasn't being said. Her son more than likely wasn't going to get better, if anything he was going to progressively deteriorate from where he was until he would finally stop fighting. "Just say it. You can't do anything for him."

The doctor frowned at the truth. "I wish I could guarantee something, or at least give you a better set of options right now. We aren't eager to lose any of our patients but it still happens when there isn't something to be done to save them.


"How are you holding up, Em?" Mr. Cranston asked Mrs. Oliver.

Mrs. Oliver wouldn't take her eyes off the still loose soil that covered her only son's remains. "I don't know." she admitted. She had struggled in the days following Tommy's funeral to maintain some of her composure, but with very little success. Every night she woke up and found herself wandering over to his room and looking over the piles of stuff that had accumulated over the years.

"Yeah, I've been having dreams about Billy. Tells me he wants to go home. Then he ends up running off with Jenny. I want to think that I'm dealing with this fine, but it's insane to have to go through all this. Both of our sons gone, and their friends too... I wonder why the hell I've been left here."

"Because God must want you here. " Emily Oliver returned.

Charles Cranston sighed inwardly, "I hardly believe that. It is impossible for one being to preordain everything for six billion people. It is all a matter of luck I wasn't able to get."

Mrs. Oliver bent down and placed a small bundle of fresh wildflowers on Tommy's burial place before replying. "So you honestly think we're all alone on this planet."

"I don't know what to think. It isn't easy considering that I've lost everybody I cared about. I just wish at times things will go on being the same. Any good divine being would've granted me that much."

"You never know."


"Baby...." Mrs. Scott whispered. Jason laid in his bed in convulsions. He had been restrained as best they could to keep him from hurting himself but it didn't stop the barrage of seizures that had swept through him over the past six hours. Both parents remained at bedside, knowing it was only a matter of time before he would die.

Mr. Scott looked on, sighing at how wretched his son had become. "Nina, I think it's his time. It isn't fair that he be put through this. He isn't going to get any better."

Mrs. Scott sat in silence among the beeps of the machines for a moment before replying. She eased slightly as Jason once again became still. "I think you're right, but our son...."

Mr. Scott held his wife gently, "We can't change it. He didn't want this either, but we owe it to him to let him go in peace. I was hoping for a miracle to occur, but is just isn't gonna come."

"Peter, why?" Mrs. Scott asked.

"I don't know." Was all Mr. Scott could say in return. There were no easy answers for this.

Mrs. Scott remained motionless in his arms and said softly "I think we should tell the doctors our decision. Get a priest up here for the last rites and start arranging for the funeral."

"I suppose." Came the equal reply.


Hei greeted her brother with a warm smile as he awoke. "Awake again I see."

-Sis, come on, knock it off. I rather be sleeping right now but I can't.- Adam thought, frustrated at being robbed of all ability to communicate.

Hei noted the look in Adam's eyes "I'm sorry about what happened yesterday. I suppose things aren't going to be settled easily. I miss them. I miss you. I only got to see you every couple years and...." Hei began to cry.

Adam reached up to his sister's face with his one remaining arm and struggled to wipe away a tear resting on her cheek. -It wasn't your fault. Once I turned eighteen I was gonna leave too. They're not the easiest people to get along with I know. Sometimes I think you're the only one who cares at all.-

"Don't try to move. That arm has too many things attached to it. I'll be fine. But I was thinking over the last couple of days..... Once you get out of here and begin to get better, if you want, I would take you with me to New York. Now that I got my professorship at NYU I will be able to support both of us financially. You would love my fiancee, Richard. We can make the most out of this." Hei said.

-That would be nice if Mom and Dad allowed it.- Adam thought as he attempted to relay his thoughts to his thirty-four year old, could be his mother, sister. One corner of his lips quivered as he attempted to give one of his lopsided grins, but he couldn't hold it for even half a second.

"I'll take that as a yes then." Hei remarked, having read Adam's gesture. She gently stroked his forehead as he drifted off to sleep, most likely until the next day.


"I don't want to have more surgery done." Rocky protested.

Mrs. DeSantos attempted to calm her son down, "I know sweetie, but the doctors missed something and they need to fix it before you can get better."

"How're the others doing?" Rocky asked, hoping for a real answer this time around.

"Jason just died, his parents had him taken off the life support. Adam's hanging in there but they don't think he's gonna make it either." Mrs. DeSantos explained, rather bluntly.

"I wanna see Adam." Rocky demanded, "I need to see him."

Mrs. DeSantos wished she had a better comeback. It was natural that they boys would want to see each other considering that they had been friends since Rocky was in first grade, Adam in kindergarten. They had been together through broken bones and hearts, now this. "I don't know. You're both really sick still. The Parks told me what he was like and it isn't good at all."

"What about me?" Rocky asked weakly.

Mrs. DeSantos frowned. Rocky was worse off than they all thought. They were beginning to suspect that he too wouldn't make it through the wounds. The operation they wanted to do was risky and even if successful could have severe complications. Rocky might be forced to be fed intravenously for quite some time. There could be infection that would spread to other organs and kill him. Internal bleeding, immune system responses and the list went on. If left untreated though, Rocky had about a week at most left.

Rocky noticed his mother's silent reaction; even though he was unable to see it he felt the tension, and read it for the worse. "I'm gonna die too, aren't I?" he said with a sigh. It would explain why he felt worse instead of better, and all the tests he had been going through for the past day or so.

"No." Marianna cried, holding her son's hand tightly, "But, that's why you need to do this... If you don't... you might. Please do this."

Rocky dreaded going through any other procedure; it wasn't helping him at all and only caused more pain. Still, he wanted to live, and surely didn't want to put his mother through anything else. He had been the father figure in the family for nine years, ever since his own father died with seven other children who were then from eight with Rocky down to Marie whom Mrs. DeSantos was only two months pregnant with at the time of the accident. "Okay Mama. I'll do it."


"I don't know if I can go through with this." Mrs. Scott said.

Mr. Scott nodded and went into Jason's room. He didn't want the task of emptying it, but he also didn't want to be one of those parents who never touch their child's room once they died, letting dust collect on everything and reminding them daily of what had occurred. "I know Nina, but we gotta do this."

He started with the floor, picking up the various magazines and clothes that laid about on the floor and placing them in the garbage can they had brought upstairs. Books, pictures, trophies, posters, CD's, college applications were all tossed away. The sheets on the bed were removed to be washed eventually. Mr. Scott wasn't sure about what to do with the various weapons that Jason once practiced martial arts with, as they were too valuable to be tossed but had nowhere to go. He left them in the now empty closet for the time being.

When he was finished he found his wife laying on the couch of their living room, staring at the senior picture of her son. "I'm done." he announced. He hadn't bothered to bring down his son's belongings just yet.

"Everything's going to be different. Why? Why couldn't he have pulled through? It wasn't fair that he was stuck defending the world from... I don't even know what to call them. He just turned eighteen. Now... now, look at this!" Mrs. Scott said, wiping tears from her face once more, but still not looking away from the picture. It seemed ridiculous to her that for so many years, the fate of the city and planet solely relied upon teenagers, namely her son and his friends.

"But we have to deal with this. It wasn't his fault, or ours. Just call it fate or bad luck..." Mr. Scott rationalized

"Aaron, honestly, how is it fate to end up like this? Nobody is destined to fight creatures from other planets. Not to die like that. Only in bad science fiction does this happen. This is real life." Mrs. Scott countered.

Mr. Scott hated not having any answers either, at least good ones, but making such excuses did make it hurt less, make just a little sense. Their son was too young to die. But it happens for a million causes every day. Jason's case was just more unusual, yet more honorable than many of the reasons young people died. There wasn't The easy solution his wive yearned for, nor was there closure to this. That was years away. But, it was all he could do to save his own sanity until the closure did come for him. "I wish I had an answer for you Nina, I really do."


"Tanya, are you going to eat?" Mrs. Sloan asked. She had been concerned over the past couple weeks about her daughter, ever since her friends ended up missing. She didn't eat at times, was sleeping at odd hours of the day and had become strangely quiet. She did tell her mother finally about her 'job' and how she found all of her male friends beaten and battered beyond belief. It had taken a toll on the girl but ever since that conversation she had barely spoken about it at all.

"No, I'm not hungry." Tanya replied quietly, with as much warmth as she could manage toward her mother.

"Talk to me Tanya. What's going on?" Mrs. Sloan pleaded, "I know it hurts what happened to your friends, but you need to move on."

Tanya just stared from the other side of the table, completely ignoring the delicious food that had been prepared. She was in all honesty drained emotionally. "It's not that easy when...." she cut herself off.

"When what?" Mrs. Sloan encouraged. She knew there was something more than what Tanya had initially claimed but exactly what she didn't know. "Please, tell me what it is. You'll feel better if you do."

Tanya realized that there was no getting around it. She didn't want to hide it anymore before she truly did become insane. "It's... I never got the chance to tell one of them how I felt about him."

"Adam?" Mrs. Sloan guessed.

"Yeah. You see, he doesn't date. He said he doesn't see the reason of getting 'too attached' to anybody. So, I never bothered to say anything about this. I know he wouldn't laugh at me for it, but he's just beyond anyone's reach. I wanted to but kept chickening out. Now... I saw him like that, with all the others.... they all looked so horrible. He was the sweet one. Now I can't say it to him." Tanya said.

Mrs. Sloan cam over and hugged her daughter. "You never know, you might get your chance. Just keep praying for him."

"Mom, you didn't see. Rocky's mom said what she heard. They were hurt too bad, none of them will make it. I'll never see any of them again."

Mrs. Sloan didn't know what to say. It was true there wasn't much hope. Still she didn't have the heart to say that. "Just wait for your chance. You might be surprised."

Tanya did feel a little better from talking about it all. She didn't even realize until then that she was holding her mother tightly, something she hadn't done since she was a small girl, before her parents disappeared. "Thanks Mom. I'll be fine."


-Tommy, will you just go away? I don't need you reminding me of what happened up there. I saw enough damn it! I miss you but hell, you were the one who dumped me a few weeks ago, saying you weren't over Kim yet and you were wrong for 'using you as a replacement' as you put it. You're dead, that's that. Can't change it but don't expect any sympathy from me.- Kat thought as she held Tommy's picture and then tossed it into the garbage. The breakup had been mutual. She wasn't sure why it hurt now. She managed to avoid breaking down but none of it was easy on her. Not only did she lose him, she lost Billy and Jason and it seemed the remaining two were going to follow. The only way to deal was to just forget.

-I'm sorry about this, but you'll understand. I have to move on now. Only way I can is to leave this. I won't forget, but don't expect me to carry this with me. I have other things to do with my life than grieve over friends who are gone now. Please try yo understand what I'm saying, all of you. It's not abandonment, don't dare take it like that. It's just goodbye, making sense of this.-

-Oh, I wish it didn't have to be quite like this... I wish we could've at least been friends Tommy. What can I say though. It's not like we can anymore. You're who knows where and now I'm on my own. I have to deal with this. Maybe later on I can look at your guys faces like before, but that's a long ways off now. Don't worry I'll be fine.-


"What do you want Hei?" Mrs. Park asked as she answered the doorbell, only keeping it open a crack.

"Mother, will you please not act like this." Hei pleaded "This whole thing has gone on for too long. Don't you think it's time we resolved this."

Mrs. Park opened the door more, her face in a stiff frown, enhancing the age shown in her wrinkles and graying hair. "It is too late for apologies."

Hei was frustrated at this remark, she never regretted what she did to upset her parents, but she didn't like how long it has gone on. "In twelve years I haven't regretted what choices I have made. I'm not here to apologize in the least but I do want to make some type of amends with you."

"We have nothing to discuss. You chose to go to college across the country, to study philosophy of all things after your father and I warned you of the consequences. You were rebellious and disobedient. I don't thing you realize we only tried to do what was in your best interests." Mrs. Park retorted.

Hei stared at her mother, determined yet unwilling to bend. She was just like them in that respect, it was all a matter of tact. "I know you meant well, but... you have to realize that I needed to make the right decision for me. I know I could've become an engineer like dad, or a doctor or lawyer. I just wasn't for me. You were worried about my being able to find a decent paying job in that field. I teach at NYU of all places. I'm engaged and you're going to be grandparents in about six months. My life turned out fine. I just want you to accept me for that."

Mrs. Park sighed as she motioned for her daughter to come into the house. She pointed to the couch in the living room. "Take a seat. Thank you for at least being there for your brother. You at least did that."

Hei nodded, "He's my little brother, of course I was going to be there right now. I spoke with him about every week since I did leave. I just timed it so you and Dad were at work. Where is he anyway?"

"He has this major project. They've fallen behind so he had to go in." Mrs. Park answered.

"I was supposed to be holding a class for the summer semester, but I was able to get someone else to teach it. Basically I have this summer off. And there was something I wanted to ask you about." Hei said.

"What?" Mrs. Park said, lacking all emotion. She wasn't entirely warming up but she was going to be civil.

Hei paused for a moment, hoping everything would go well. "I was thinking, since you and Dad work so much, that if Adam pulls through and gets out of the hospital that he comes and lives with me in New York. I asked him and he seemed happy about the idea."

Mrs. Park sighed. She knew her daughter had good intentions but it was a difficult task. "I know you mean what's best, but please understand what an undertaking that would be... he won't be able to do much for himself. He would need someone looking after him for the rest of his life. And you shouldn't be getting your hopes up. They don't think he's going to make it."

"Mom, I know, but what's your plan if he does pull through? He's just about to turn seventeen. You don't have the time for him. My fiancee is a physical therapist. We might be able to help him live a somewhat normal life. If anything he would be able to finish up high school and go to college...." Hei argued. Her mom was the pessimist of everything and it was a matter of convincing her and the father that she was capable. She knew she was. Her fiancee was willing to as well.

"He might be better off in a facility designed to handle cases like his... Do you know how difficult it would be for Adam to finish school? And what about a normal job?" Mrs. Park countered.

Hei thought for a moment. "He is NOT going to some nursing home where he can rot away. I worked at one before and it is depressing. The people there have nothing to look forward to besides an occasional visit from some friend or family member at a specified time for about thirty minutes. They don't feel human and I won't let that happen to him. He could do something with his life. You don't even know what he wants to major in when he gets to college, do you?"

Mrs. Park wasn't sure what to make of this. "Last time I asked he said he wasn't sure."

Hei suspected Adam would've lied to his mother to avoid a conflict. "He wanted English. Ever since he was thirteen he wanted to teach it. He could do that even if he is crippled." she hated having to use that term but it was just so true.

Mrs. Park was stunned at this. She knew her son loved to read and writing was a fetish he treasured but the fact that he wouldn't tell her. She knew why, neither her or her husband would accept that. They wanted to see a second generation engineer or perhaps a doctor out of him. Another teacher or professor was not in their plans. "I'll... talk with your father about it."


"Marianna, good to see you back." an employee mentioned, "How's your kid doing?"

Marianna sighed. It was her first day back at work. She felt bad at leaving the hospital while Rocky was still in surgery, but she was assured that she would be contacted if anything happened. "Not so great James. He's in surgery right now. They don't know yet what's going to happen."

James smiled, Marianna DeSantos was one of his best lawyers. It was just like her to come in even in crisis. "Listen, if you really need it, you can take some more time off, I understand. We can let some of the rookies help you out with your caseload."

Mrs. DeSantos smiled for the first time in over a week at the offer, still hovering over a casefile "Thanks, but I need to get this one done. I don't want any rookie in this one, and it gets my mind off things."

"Hospital too depressing, huh?" James suggested.

Mrs. DeSantos didn't answer that. She didn't want to push the topic of her son. Her sister was helping out with the other kids as much as possible and it was time she moved on. She especially didn't need the reminder considering she was already thinking about all the things that could happen. The fact that the doctors delayed it as long as they could proved that it wasn't the greatest way, but the only one left. "I suppose you could say that."

"Just don't overdo things, alright." James replied.

"Will you just stop pestering me already. I know you're a partner but don't you still have work to do?" Mrs. DeSantos joked.

"Ah, you got me. I'll see you later."

Mrs. DeSantos attempted to keep her mind on the piles of paperwork before her. Her heart jumped every time the phone rang, expecting it to be the hospital saying Rocky had died in the surgery or some other bad news. Generally drowning herself with work was a good method of getting rid of her pain. It helped, especially after her husband died nine years ago, when he was caught in the middle of a pile-up accidents. Twenty-seven cars, six dead, a hundred injured. Now it was only five, but it was no different.

The day seemed to drag on forever. She didn't take lunch since she was too far behind in her cases and bluntly, she just wasn't hungry like usual. She also didn't want to risk having to explain the situation to her co-workers or by chance miss the telephone call once Rocky did get out of the operating room.

It was about three in the afternoon when the phone rang for about the two-thousandth time. "Hello, Marianna DeSantos speaking, how can I help you?"

"Yes, this is Dr. Solomon from Angel Grove Memorial. I was calling in regards to your son, Rockwell."

Mrs. DeSantos's hear leaped, "What's going on? Is he out of surgery yet?"

"Actually yes, but I need to inform you of some... complications that arose."

She was waiting for something like that to come out. All morning long she had a hunch that something was going to go wrong. "What... Is he... alright?"

"No Mrs. DeSantos. I'm afraid it was worse than we anticipated. We were unable to successfully stop the internal bleeding. In fact it has gotten worse. Your son went into shock. We have him on life support but we doubt he will make it more than another day or two. Regardless of what we attempt at this point, your son will almost certainly die."

The mother cursed to herself. He had made it so far and now he wasn't being given any hope. She had lost her husband and now her oldest child. "Are you sure?" she asked, hoping for just the slightest sign of doubt.

"I'm afraid there is nothing more we can do. We would recommend calling all family members at this point and having all religious preparations made. You would probably like to stay with him at this point since we have no idea when he could go. I'm sorry there wasn't something more we could do."

"Yes. Thank you." Mrs. DeSantos said, trying to withhold her tears.

Mrs. DeSantos hurriedly grabbed her things and packed them into her briefcase. There was no way she was going to stay at work knowing what was happening. She approached James' office. "I need to go back to the hospital. Rocky's gotten a lot worse and they don't think he's going to make it at all now. I'm taking some of my case files home to review but I probably am not going to be in for the next couple of days."

"Are you going to be alright?" James asked.

"I'll be fine." Mrs. DeSantos lied. "I just need to go."

"Don't worry about it. We'll see you when you come back, alright. Take care."

"Thanks. I'll see you."


"What?" Kat exclaimed in disbelief.

"We didn't see the harm in it. I mean... most of the city suspected it by now. This news guy offered a good sum of money for anybody who knew. Since it's over I figured it couldn't harm anybody." Mr. Hillard replied.

"But you didn't have to tell them that we were Power Rangers! They could think it but you just proved it!"

"It isn't that big of a deal. I'm sure not that many people will care."

Kat couldn't believe this. They kept their identities secret to protect them. If the world found out they would never be able to live normal lives. The fact that they were able to avoid getting found out for as long as they did was nothing short of a miracle, but the fact that it would be a parent to leak the info was beyond Kat's comprehension. "Dad! Everybody is going to know who we are! I don't want to become some commodity for every guy I meet. I wanted to live a NORMAL life after this."

"Don't speak to me like that young lady." Mr. Hillard said sternly.

"No, I will speak to you how I like. You literally just ruined my life. Couldn't you've picked a better time? You know, like not while all my friends are getting buried! Didn't you think about their families?" Kat said. Her voice was dangerously vicious. To think he didn't understand why she felt like that. She began to head for the door.

"Where do you think you're headed? It's after ten." Mr. Hillard reacted.

"Don't follow me." she warned, "I need to get out of here. I hate you so much right now. As far as I'm concerned, I have no parents. Parents can keep as secret." she teleported out from the doorstep, knowing it no longer made sense to hide it any longer.

"Ai Ai Ai" Alpha exclaimed when Kat arrived and explained the news to Zordon and himself. "But why?"

"I don't know." Kat admitted, leaning against one of the consoles that encircled the room. "I thought I could trust my parents. The whole planet is going to know within a day. Hell, even the aborigine tribes back home probably have noticed the moon was blown up. It's going to be of public interest who we are."

"But, Katherine, what do you intend on doing knowing that it is quite possible for such a large number of people to know your identities?" Zordon inquired. He was concerned that some group would blame the moon incident on the rangers, find the place and destroy the center.

Katherine thought for a moment. The news had caught her so far off guard that she hadn't had the time to think about where she was going to go from here. She knew she had better tell Tanya eventually but now was not the time. "I don't know. I never thought this was going to happen. We were always so careful about things. And my dad of all people. Somebody offered money to whoever knew our identities. He honestly doesn't see what's wrong with it."

"This is quite disturbing news that has dire consequences for both you and Tanya. You must learn how to cope with the attention this will cause." Zordon informed. He knew her grief but not even he had the ability to halt the inevitable.

"How are the guys doing?" Kat asked, trying to change the subject and hoping for some good news.

"Not good." Alpha said meekly, "Both of their life signals are dropping. We tried to use the power to help jump start their recovery.... but it isn't having any effect except keeping them alive longer. We can't do it forever and I'm afraid they aren't going to heal."

Kat bit her lip as she always did when she was nervous or on the verge of crying. In this case it was a little of both, but mostly the latter. They were trying so hard to get at least one of the boys to survive and it was failing miserably. "Does Tanya know."

"She doesn't know about our attempts to save them. She does know about their current conditions and is heading toward the hospital to try to see them." Alpha replied.

Kat knew this was harder on Tanya. Kat had been able to get over the deaths of Tommy, Jason and Billy. But she was closer to Rocky and Adam, especially Adam. She knew how she felt about the silent green ranger, but he always pushed her away. The reason was a mystery, but Kat knew it was harder when they were hanging so close to death for so long. The longer this lasted, the more painful it would inevitably be once it did occur, once they did all die. It wasn't a matter of if any longer. "I hope they let her. She's been taking this harder."

"Katherine, do you believe you have gotten over this?" Zordon questioned.

"No." Kat confessed, "But I can live this way. She's become a zombie. Ever since we found them up there. And the explosion. I'm worried. I just don't think about this when I don't have to. If I deal with it just a little bit at a time, it won't be so bad in the long run."

"That sounds like a fairly lonely method though." Alpha remarked.

"I suppose, but it works for me. Alpha, you're a machine. You can deal with this easily. Wait... that's not the right term. It isn't easy on you but... it's different. Your emotions are programed. We don't know how we are going to feel. I'm sad, but also angry at Billy for doing what he did, and the others for letting themselves get kidnapped. It's absurd, but I just feel that way and there are no explanations for it." Kat explained.

"It is more common than you think Katherine." Zordon replied, "I've seen it all too many times with those lost long before this generation of rangers." His words were strangely soothing in a way that couldn't be explained.


"Okay, let's see how his arm looks today." Dr. Lawrence said. Over the last couple days Adam's arm had begun getting infected and signs of blood poisoning were present. They had begun to drain his lungs out as well to remove the fluids the pneumonia was building up. He had ordered for the strongest antibiotics available to be used and hoped that there would be some improvement from the last few days.

A nurse was busy taking temperature and blood pressure on the boy while the doctor removed the thick bandages and gauze where they amputated. Over the last few days he also had a high fever and was becoming more and more lethargic when he was conscious, another task that was becoming more and more rare as time progressed. Even when he was awake he couldn't seem to focus on any object or person and barely seemed to recognize when he was being spoken to. "Temperature is still at 103.7." she announced, "and blood pressure is still falling."

The doctor nodded as the remainder of the bandages finally came off. He couldn't help but frown as he saw what was happening. The arm still continued to darken, much of it a black/purple tone. Red lines also ran up in the veins past the shoulder. The wound itself was infected, despite the best efforts to keep it clean. Pus still oozed out after countless applications of antibacterial cleansers. "No improvement. Patient still in critical. Main concern is blood poisoning making its way past the arm. No possible treatments are known at this time. Most likely won't survive more than another forty-eight hours." he mumbled as he wrote it into the large file he carried.

The doctor made his way over toward the waiting room where his father had gone when the doctor began the daily examination. "Mr. Park? Can I please speak with you in private."

This had become nearly a daily routine. Everyday the doctors looked over the boy and reported that there was no change, no improvement, nothing. Just that he wasn't getting all that much worse. "How's he look today?"

The doctor frowned at giving the report. "forty-eight hours or less left. We don't have any options left as far as treating the complications. I would advise that you prepare for the worst at any time. Family and friends should say their final farewells as soon as possible."

"So, it's finally come to this." Mr. Park thought grimly. "After this long you're telling me he isn't going to make it. Damn! Why him?"

"I am sorry there is nothing more to be done. We tried everything. It is a miracle he pulled through this far." the doctor stated. He left the man there, his hands holding his head as he slouched in the chair. Then, for the first time since his son was reported missing... he cried.

"Dad?" Hei asked as she entered the room a couple minutes later. They had finally made peace with one another and were on terms where they could speak to one another civilly. "What's going on? Did Adam..."

"No." Mr. Park quickly confirmed, "But he isn't going to make it. The doctor just gave up. Just like that. On his birthday of all days."
Hei felt her heart sink right then until it was along with her father's near her knees. She kept hoping for something over these past couple weeks, now it was over. "Does Mom know yet?"

"No." Mr. Park answered. "I haven't told her. She needs to rest at home. She hasn't slept well since this whole ordeal began."

"At least something good happened after all this." Hei said, "If anything we're family again. You and Mom haven't been fighting like you guys usually did. Just is amazing how the circumstances had to be."

"I suppose." Mr. Park admitted, "Are you going to stay for awhile once... it happens."

"Only if I'm wanted." Hei remarked. "Next semester doesn't start until last week in August. If you want I could stay until then."

"That would be nice." Mr. Park replied. He paused for a moment, hugging his daughter, still crying, but now for other reasons. He stopped after a minute rather abruptly "Say... I need to run home for awhile, could you stay with Adam for awhile."

"Sure. I'll let you know if he wakes up at all."


"I am looking for the rooms of two of my friends in pediatric intensive care." Tanya said.

"What are the names?" the receptionist asked, fingers on the keyboard of the computer.

"Adam Park." Tanya answered, "and Rockwell DeSantos."

"Rooms 1234 and 1451" the receptionist stated, giving Tanya a visitor sticker.

"Thanks." Tanya replied.

On the elevator Tanya wondered what to expect. She knew that there would most likely be a whole bunch of equipment attached to them. It frightened her to think of it, why she hadn't visited until now. It was what kept many people away, instead sending flowers and cards of all types.

The elevator stopped once to let in some doctors discussing golf or some other menial topic. Tanya just continued to stare at the number lights that continued to change as the elevator passed one floor at a time. It didn't take long to reach the twelfth floor, but it seemed much longer than it was. One of the doctors got off with her, bidding farewell to the others who continued up.

Once off the elevator, Tanya looked for signs leading to the rooms. Left was rooms 1200-1260 and the right was 1261-1299. Tanya turned left and passed by the repetitive sequence of doors, broke occasionally with a nurse area. She found the room easily and hesitated for a moment before knocking lightly on the slightly open door.

"Come in." an unfamiliar woman answered and Tanya stepped into the room. Her first instinct was to run away, get away from everything. She shut the door for a moment to regain her composure, hoping that Adam was sleeping or didn't notice. After a moment she finally entered and saw a woman, she guessed to be in her mid-twenties in a chair next to the bed. She looked a lot like Adam, even with the pale skin and curly hair. "Hard to deal with. Isn't it?"

Tanya just nodded as she took a seat in another chair after dragging it closer to the bed. She saw that Adam indeed was asleep. "God, I didn't think it would be this bad."

"He's seen better days. You must be one of his friends. I'm Hei, his sister."

Tanya was a bit surprised. She knew Adam had a much older sister but there was no way this woman could be in her thirties and a professor. "I've heard so much about you. I'm Tanya."

Hei smiled slightly for a moment. "The quirt's mentioned you as well. I wish you didn't have to see this."

"I wanted to. I felt like a chickenwuss for not coming sooner." Tanya said, slightly ashamed at herself for waiting so long. She took hold of Adam's hand and rubbed it gently. After a minute or so she noticed a tear coming out of his eye, which she wiped away.

"He might be waking up. He's been in and out a lot." Hei said, also hopeful her brother would awaken at least once more. He hadn't for almost two days and everyone questioned if he ever would at this point.

Sure enough, Adam's eyes gradually flickered open. He gazed around for a moment, dazed from the drug combinations they were giving him around the clock. Even with them, he still felt worse than he had before. It took him several minutes for him to focus on what was happening.

"Hi." Tanya said, mentally kicking herself at being unable to say anything more.

-What? Tanya? Why?- Adam thought. He reached behind him and pulled the pillow from behind his head and placed it over his face as much as he could without knocking into the tubes. -Please go. I don't want you seeing me like this.-

Tanya carefully took the pillow. She knew exactly why he was doing, that he knew how bad he must've looked. "It's okay, I don't mind." she lied.

"I'm going to leave the two of you alone right now." Hei said and she headed out the door.

Tanya nodded and placed the pillow back under the boy's head. "There that's better."

-No it isn't. I'll probably be dead soon anyway. Just let me be. I don't want anyone crying for me. The rents and sis do that enough as it is.- Adam thought

"I... just came to tell you something." Tanya said, leaning over to him and kissed Adam on his cheek.

-What was that?-

"I... I..." Tanya stammered, "I kinda... well, like you. I wish.... I wish I had said it sooner but..." she trailed off.

-You figure I wasn't interested. I know. I figured that's how you felt but I pushed you away. You don't need to get close to me. It's worthless now, I'm... crippled.- Adam scorned

"I'm sorry. I know you think I shouldn't bother trying to get close to you, but... I don't know. I wish I knew why you were like that. Whatever happens I'll be here. If... you get... better, maybe I can get you to open up." Tanya said, smiling toward the end. She half expected him to start arguing with her about it, but her heart sank when she realized that he couldn't. She again went over to him and carefully gave him a quick peck on his lips.

-Why is she doing this? Why do I like it? Damn. There is no way I'm falling for her. I can't.- Adam thought, his thoughts becoming more and more jumbled. He was drifting off once more and he knew it. It was worse this time around though. There was no control this time.

Tanya smiled as she noticed Adam fall back asleep, his only true relief. She placed his hand from the railing over toward his side before leaving him. She cried when she was out of sight and earshot. She knew she couldn't see Rocky in her present state and she left the hospital.


Every family member within commuting distance had each taken their turn visiting Rocky. He was lasting longer than they thought, but everyone figured it was best to get the final goodbyes out of the way first. A Catholic priest had anointed the teenager for the Last Rites.

"Baby, things will be alright. Just rest until God takes you away. We all love you." Mrs. DeSantos cried. She was determined to stay until the final moment came. Her son laid on the bed, even more motionless than before, a whole new bunch of monitors and machines keeping him alive as long as possible.

Rocky twitched slightly but then became still again. The doctors doubted he would ever awaken. He was officially a vegetable until his body quit clinging for life.

"It'll be alright. Just a little longer baby."


"He finally died." Mrs. Park sighed. The doctors just delivered the news.

"I'm sorry. It was nothing short of a miracle that he survived as long as he did." the doctor answered.

"We knew it was going to happen." Mr. Park responded, "There wasn't anything that could be done from the beginning."

Hei had never cried as much as she had in the last several minutes. It was the same for both the parents. The little shy squirt was gone. It had become overwhelming.


"Tanya, I gotta tell you something." Kat said as she entered Tanya's room.

Tanya nodded silently.

Kat wasn't sure how to explain what happened. She wasn't sure how Tanya was going to take it. Adam had just died and now Rocky was still left, apparently getting closer and closer to following all the others. "The world knows." she said flatly.

"What? You mean they know who..." Tanya exclaimed.

Kat nodded, "My father told someone from the press. It was all over the newspapers this morning. Our secret's out."

Tanya was stunned, "But, why? I mean.... how could he..."

"Beats me." Kat admitted, "I wish I had an answer, but they offered anyone money. All mighty dollar won again."

"What are we going to do? After all that just happened now this?" Tanya pondered.

Kat sighed, Tanya wasn't taking it well either. She wanted to wait because of everything still happening. Still, now there was much less peace for either of them. She was wondering what was going on, and it became evident that she couldn't hold it in any longer. "I know. I hate him for that. I thought I could trust him. I was wrong. We're going to have to leave here you know."

Tanya stared at Kat in disbelief, "No! I'm not going to make a run for it. I don't think it matters where we go at this point. Someone will know about us. This is home for me."

Kat nodded. It wasn't an easy decision to make but it was the best option left for the time being and it would get them all away. Both of them would have a better chance of a normal life away from all the action, and where they were well known. "I don't know, but one day maybe we can come back, but to stay here is asking for a disaster. People are capable of doing what happened to the guys. Some are crazy enough. I don't want to end up like that!"

"Neither do I!" Tanya exclaimed, "But I don't want to have to run. I want to be able to go to their funerals, finish school, go on to other things... move on."

Kat was sympathetic. Still, it was quickly becoming a madhouse for her. A basic trip to the store involved stares. Men wanted to hit on her who never looked at her before. There wasn't going to be any sanity until things settle down and people forgot. "I know, damn it, I know! But believe me it will be better this way. Even Zordon advised us to go at least for the time being. I promise we'll eventually be able to go back."

Tanya felt tears welling up in her eyes. She always wondered how they would deal if their secret ever did get out. Nobody accounted for it or made up a plan. Still it seemed so drastic to go underground in hiding, like criminals. "I... I'm a little worried about what's going to happen. I mean, are we in that much danger?"

"I think we are. People are going to bother us forever because of this, but there are some idiots out there. John Lennon was killed by one of his fans! People react like animals half the time, and just irrational the other half."

Tanya agreed with that statement. "Fine, but I need to say goodbye to my Mom first." She hoped everyone would forget soon.


The heart monitor was going frantic. The doctors had already rushed Mrs. DeSantos out of the room as they attempted one last time to save the teen's life. It was no use as within twenty minutes Rocky passed away, like his friends had over the past three weeks. Their abilities were not enough this time.

Mrs. DeSantos looked as an older woman in a white coat approached her. She had stopped trying awhile ago figuring out the names of each doctor. It changed everyday and whenever a new problem was figured out. She was beginning to wonder exactly how many 'specialists' there were in the building.

"I'm sorry, your son just passed away." The doctor said with nearly no emotion.

Another family member who was near her held her as she wept. Everyone knew it was going to happen but him holding out for three weeks, four days after surgery they said would kill him over the night. There was hope in that which was completely stolen away for good. "It's okay Marianna. Rocky's not hurting anymore." he said.



I know you never meant to hurt me, but now I must face the consequences for what was done. There is too much danger for me to live in Angel Grove with my identity as a Power Ranger being widespread knowledge. I am going away to live somewhere where hopefully nobody will know me or Tanya.

Don't worry, I will take care of myself. If I get the chance I will contact you periodically, but I will have to be careful not to let anyone know where I am. I still love you even though I must admit that I am quite angry at you for betraying me like you did.

I hope one day I will be able to return, after we are forgotten and I can get over what happened. Please don't try to find me, I'm sorry.



P.S. I couldn't reach Mom, so if you call Sydney, let her know and make sure to tell her I love her.

Mr. Hillard sighed as he read the letter. He never thought his mistake would come to this. He sat on the chair at her desk in her bedroom and kept thinking to himself. Had he the opportunity, he would take back his mistake. He only now thought of what type of consequences would come out of it.

Regardless of what Katherine said, he was worried. He wouldn't know where his daughter was or when she was going to come back. It could be weeks, months or even years. There was no telling what would happen to her. If something did, he wouldn't know. If she died he would only get the call from the coroner and no chance to say goodbye.

Trying to focus, he began banging loudly on the desktop, knocking off a jar of pencils. It did nothing to relieve the pain and after a minute he found himself having to go to the freezer to put his hand in ice. It wasn't a bright move at all.


A woman walked up to the grave. She placed a small bouquet of flowers, yellow, red, some white on the grass. She squatted down , her legs not quite reaching the ground. She read it entirely. "Thomas James Oliver December 23, 1979-May 3, 1997 May he live in eternity as he did in life." The woman wondered how she had manages to stay away for so long. Twelve years had passed since then. She was just now reclaiming her life.

"Is he the last one?" a man inquired.

"No, there's one more but he's not at this cemetery. Don't worry Andrew. It doesn't take long to get there. Ten minute drive and a few walking." she replies, finally getting up.

The man frowns, "Tanya, you never even explained this to me. I don't care about how long it is taking. I just wonder why you won't tell me anything. Isn't seven years together long enough?"

Tanya laughed, "That was a whole other time and place. After this it's over and I can move on."

Andrew put his hand to his face, "Can you at least explain who they are."

Tanya smiled, "Former-co workers. They all died from an accident."

"Come on, on the same night when the moon was blown up and in this town. I'm supposed to believe they all died by luck!" Andrew exclaimed.

"No, they were involved. I'm not saying anything else. Just follow me, alright hon." Tanya loved teasing her husband. He was shy but not acting like it now. In front of her he was much more open. It came back though when she kissed him, and he blushed, even though the cemetery was abandoned.

Tanya drove to a wooded area and parked her car. Andrew was about to ask her what was going on, but she just pointed to a path that went further into the trees. They proceeded silently until they came across a cliff. Tanya stopped at its edge and began mumbling incoherently.

"Hon, what's this?" Andrew asked again.

"The last of my friends." Tanya explained, "He was my first love. He died in the accident too, but his parents told me it was his wish to be cremated and have his ashes tossed out this cliff. He used to come here to meditate all the time, he liked it here."

"That Adam guy?" Andrew asked.

"Yeah." Tanya said, still staring out to the layers of rock and the foaming sea below which crashed into the rock, carving it more and more. She continued her mumbling and finally announced, "I'm done. We can go back home now. I paid my respects and am finished with this." -Kat, I hope you did this too. I hope you moved on.-


Kat stared at the picture. She thought she had lost this one years back. She couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between then and now. In it she was seventeen, beautiful, blond bombshell, surrounded by her closest friends. It was taken the spring break a couple months before the accident occurred. Now here she was, sixty four still thinking about it.

She thought she pushed the incident out of her mind years ago, but when she heard about Tanya dying from a stroke a few months ago, it had begun to recur once more. Then a week ago she found the picture. She finally remembered the incident that caused her to run for a few years before settling back in California. Tanya and her had split up after a year of the traveling, insisting upon remaining in one place, a big city where she wouldn't be noticed regardless. Chicago was that but she continued on.
It took awhile to get over everything, begin dating again. She didn't settle down at all until she had her first child at twenty-eight years old. She married the father a year later but it ended in divorce six years after that.

Now here she was thinking bout the past, her hands showing their age as she traced out each face. Rocky, the goofball. Tanya, Talented and cheerful. Adam, so shy except when fighting. Jason, fierce yet gentle. Tommy, the passionate in love and battle. Billy, the genius she was afraid to love. She missed them all and would've given anything to get them back just long enough to say goodbye.

The moon was her daily reminder of the sacrifice Billy made, and the beginning of the struggle for the others. They all tried to pull through but one by one they failed. Zordon kept them hanging on until the Zeo crystal was giving out. It was their best shot and it failed. Funny thing was only now was she guilty, or at least felt it.

-I'm sorry. I did love you all. I didn't mean to forget you, but I had to move on. I couldn't think about you and do that. Please forgive me. At least I made it, hopefully you guys are proud of that.-


End Notes: I know, pretty long. Depressing. Okay the ending sucked but at 76 pages what can be expected? I have noting against any ranger, but I just enjoy torturing them all. Perverted sense of humor is partially to blame along with too much sugar, caffeine, and chocolate in that order.

Part 1 Part 2