Power Ranger Mania The Fanfic Shoppe The Yost  


Author's Note: This is where the story originally ended, however my mother thought there should be more to the Trini and Billy saga. She wanted to know what might be in store for the two ex-Rangers so I wrote an Epilogue to the story. For those who are like my mother and want a more positive ending as well as a wrap up to loose ends, read on. (Beware, major sap ahead.)

Circle of Souls
by Susan Zell


Hank Cranston was in the silence of his own living room immersed in the darkness that still remained after the long sleepless night. The shades were drawn against the rise of the morning sun. He sat unmoving on the pastel flowered couch his wife had once picked out for the family.

Family...what family, he thought bitterly. It was all gone. Everything he had ever loved in this world was gone, June and Billy both ripped from him, taken away with such little time spent in their company.

He shoved his fists deep into his sunken eyes which burned after so many days of constant battle with his tears, the skin of his forearms rubbed against his week long beard. He sank back against the couch willing himself to try and forget his anguish but a part of his brain told him he would never forget. He would carry the memory of this tragic life all the rest of his days.

A mournful sob broke from him. He couldn't handle that. There was just no reason to go on anymore, not without them. He sucked in the stale air in an effort to regain control. It took many minutes but finally he quieted again. The only consolation that had kept him going this long was the fact that June and her son were finally together. Billy had needed her so much when she had died. Hank knew he couldn't have been a very good substitute for his son, though Billy had grown up well, but he doubted it was any of his doing.

His mind clamored for his attention and he dimly became aware of the room's growing brightness. He almost dismissed it as the coming daybreak, he so often lost track of time. The truth was he just didn't care anymore. But then he registered the color. It was a soft comforting blue.

His hands slowly fell from his face and he beheld an odd sight. For a brief second the radiance surrounded a huge dog standing right in front of him, more precisely a wolf. He should be scared but he wasn't. Then as he watched with fascination, the light coalesced into the form of a man garbed in a bright blue costume with a white band around the waist. On his chest was a large gold coin imprinted with the sign of the wolf. His face was hooded and cowled but there was something about the eyes that made Hank Cranston stand abruptly, his chest constricting with the fear of insanity.

The figure quickly removed his head gear and Hank drew in a shuddering breath. He collapsed against the frame of the couch, his trembling legs barely supporting him. "Oh my God....," he cried out. He recovered his strength and sanity be damned rushed forward. "Billy!" He grabbed his only son in a strong embrace.

Billy choked back his tears of joy at seeing his father again, but his state of disrepair greatly disturbed him. He had a feeling he had come back just in time. Billy felt his energy level waver as he lost his concentration. He centered his emotions and retained his solidity before his father noticed. Billy had prepared himself before coming to see his father, greatly increasing his stamina at remaining corporeal. He had agonized over the best way to approach his grieving father. He was afraid that an ethereal form would have been too much of a strain on his father's weakened psyche.

Hank was openly sobbing, still clutching Billy so hard it almost hurt. Billy was surprised to find that his body had the sensation of touch when he solidified. He had also finally controlled the excess flood of empathy that seeped from him.

"Dad, it's all right. I'm okay," he consoled.

Hank was gasping out words that Billy could barely understand. "They lied....damn...I knew...I just knew."

Billy bit his lip for a moment unsure of how to break the truth. He couldn't lie to his father that he knew. His father deserved that much but a part of him worried how he would handle it. "They didn't lie to you, dad," he told him gently. He felt his father stiffen. "But there's more to it than anyone could have possibly imagined. They just didn't know everything."

Hank stepped back looking into his son's eyes which seemed unnaturally bluer than ever. "What ... What do you mean?"

"Come here, sit down." Billy led him back to the sofa. Hank dazedly followed his son wondering if this was all a dream. "Everything Zordon and the Rangers told you was true. But there is so much more to being a Power Ranger than just fighting monsters."

Hank Cranston hesitatingly touched his son's outfit. "This isn't a Power Ranger suit."

Billy smiled. "No, it's not. It's the uniform of a Ninjetti warrior."

"Ninjetti?" Hank's mind remembered that there was a brief time that the Power Ranger's wore Ninja outfits like these. "I remember," he told his son. "It was after Ivan Ooze."

"That's right. In order to gain our powers back and defeat Ooze I became a Ninjetti warrior on the planet Phaedos. Well, there was a price that went along with it."

"A price?" A streak of icy fear ran through Hank. "They told me you were....." Hank couldn't bring himself to say it.

"That's true. I am." Billy studied his father intently. "But as a warrior I now must give something back to the powers I borrowed to be a Power Ranger. The powers we borrowed changed us on a biomolecular level, something none of us knew. It allows us to be... reused." Billy carefully watched his father's expression change from confusion to horror. "It's not as bad as it sounds, dad. Really. My soul is merely waiting for when it is needed most then my energy will be endowed to the next generation of Rangers. I'll be a force for good always."

"But you're solid."

"Yes. The Ninjetti are strong enough to alter their body density, that's all."

Hank drew a clenched fist to his mouth. "So you're really dead." His voice was a mere whisper. He began to tremble again.

Billy grabbed his father's arms. "In body only," he insisted. "The true essence of me is right here in front of you."

Hank stared at his son searching for truth in what he was being told. Billy had never lied to him before. It was something he had always admired about his son. June and himself had worked hard to show him that example. But now he was once again forced to accept that his son was truly gone. Tears sprang from his eyes again. "Billy..."

"Dad, I'm okay with this. It's like a second chance. I can do incredible things, see wonderful places, be a part of something noble for all eternity."

"Have you seen...your mother?"

Billy swayed as a wave of shocked realization hit him. His voice came out low and unsteady. "No... I don't think I ever made it as far as... heaven."

"But your mother...," Hank's tears flowed earnestly down his cheeks. "You'll never be able to join your mother in heaven. You'll be trapped here, a soul caught between two worlds."

Billy's image wavered as the impact of his father's words sunk in. His mother. She was the one thing he had not considered in all of this. He had had a chance to see his mother again and it was gone from him forever. He struggled for control as blue streams of light erupted like small solar flares from his body.

His father pulled away from his son, the sensations were not painful just frightening. Billy's fingers were so weakened that his father's arms slipped through them like a spoon through warm honey. Billy tried to draw in a deep breath, one he no longer required but the habit was difficult to give up. Billy used every mental calming technique Jason and Tommy had ever taught him in order to regain control. It took several minutes but finally he solidified once more but the toll it took was visible even to Billy's father.

Hank immediately regretted his words at seeing the pain and anguish he had just put his son through. "I'm sorry Billy. I'm so sorry. It's just that's what kept me going these past few days, that the two of you were finally together."

Billy nodded unable to speak. He glanced around the huge house, noticing again how empty and quiet it was. He hadn't thought of his mother since this had all began.

His father reached out to him again. "I'm sorry, Billy." He shook his head miserably. "I just don't know how to handle all this." He shuddered. "But as long as you're okay with it...."

Billy nodded. "I am." I was, he screamed silently. He smiled tiredly at this father. "I can continue to do good, dad. It's a great thing. I dunno, maybe someday I'll see mom...." His throat caught but he managed to continue a moment later. "But until then I'm content."

Hank burst with pride at his son. "I've always been so proud of you."

"I know, dad, and that kept me going all these years."

Hank's face fell. "But you're so young yet. You could have..."

Billy cut him off. "Dad, I've seen and done more in my eighteen years than most people could do in three lifetimes. I don't regret any of it. A whole new world has opened before me and I'm going to explore it for as long as I can."

Hank could see the tell tale sign of Billy Cranston's ever present curiosity about all things. He had gotten that from June. He tucked in his lower lip before his son could see it tremble. Instead he placed a hand on Billy's shoulder. "Thank you for telling me the truth. I don't think I could have gone on, Billy."

"Come on, Dad. We're made of stronger stuff than that. Cranston's never give up. No matter what, right?" It had been a pact between the family since as long as Billy could remember. Billy and his father had embraced it fully after his mother's death, bonding their relationship with love and perseverance.

Hank nodded and hugged his son tightly. Blue light enveloped him and for a second he thought maybe he had done something wrong but then such a feeling of warmth and love seeped into him that he quickly realized its source. The light was just an extension of Billy. "I love you, son."

Billy returned the embrace ignoring the exhaustion that dragged on him. "I love you too, Dad. Forever. And if I ever see mom I'll tell her how much we both miss her, not that she doesn't know it already."

Hank nodded as the tears overflowed from his eyes, denying him speech. Finally they broke away and slowly Billy let his concentration lax. It was time to go. He began to dissipate.

"Goodbye, Dad. Stay strong."

"Will I ever see you again?" His father quickly asked his son, his face flushed and wrung.

Billy's voice lingered strongly though his body was fading from sight. "Perhaps but remember whenever you see a Ranger fighting evil, I'll be there to protect them and lend them my strength, always." And with that he was gone, the blue light dissipating into every corner of the room and vanishing from sight.

Hank Cranston collapsed against the back of the couch and wept openly. Finally expelling the fear, the hate and the doubt that had eaten away at him since the funeral. When it ended he opened the shade behind the couch. The morning sun was shining in full force against a brilliant sky of blue and for the first time he felt a wave of peace surround him. He closed his eyes and slipped unawares into silent slumber while basking in the warm rays.


The sun was nearing the end of its daily rule as William Cranston stood in the open meadow. He could almost pretend he could feel the warmth of it. He had stayed longer on earth than he had intended but he had had to spend the remainder of the day in his wolf form while his energy level regenerated for the long teleportation back to Phaedos. It wasn't really teleportation but he didn't quite know what else to call it. Of course, his visit with his father had disturbed him greatly though he knew he had helped his father regain control over his life. But now Billy's own doubts weighed on the young man.

The young Ninjetti wanted to wrap his arms around himself but without a form it was a useless gesture. So instead he just stood there silent in his suffering. He was so completely caught up in his own thoughts that he did not notice Adam enter the glade.

"Billy!" the young Zeo Ranger called out excitedly. He ran up to his friend. "You came back!" As soon as Adam saw Billy's face he knew something was wrong. A frown immediately creased his features. "What's wrong?"

Billy smiled humorlessly. Adam knew him so well. He pursed his lips, deciding whether to tell his friend the truth, but then he just shook his head. "Nothing really, just thinking."

Adam spotted the cover-up immediately but played along. Sometimes Billy just needed a moment or two before he opened up. One thing Adam learned was that you don't try to rush Billy into anything. "So, does Dulcea know you're here?"

A momentary twinkle lit Billy's eyes. He winked at Adam in an effort to relieve the tension. "What do you think?"

Adam smiled but knew that Billy was still troubled by something. "What are you doing back on earth?" He looked around expectantly, trying to lighten the mood. "I'm not in trouble again, am I?"

Billy laughed finally and assured him otherwise. Then the amusement ran away from his face. "I was here to see my father."

Sobering, Adam suddenly understood. "How's he doing?"

"Better, thanks."

"Did you tell him the truth?"

"As much as I could. He deserved that much."

"How did he take it?" Adam thought perhaps that might be the problem. He leaned against a nearby tree.

Billy shrugged. "Okay, I guess."

"But..." Adam knew there was more to this than what his friend was saying. Billy glanced at him, the genuine anguish in his face made Adam's heart ache.

"My mom...He said I wouldn't see my mom since I was in ...limbo." Billy's voice shook and actual physical pain stabbed deep within his spirit. "God Adam, I hadn't even thought of her until he mentioned it and now that I realize I can't ever see her, it hurts. Damn, it hurts." Ghostly tears sprang unbidden to his eyes and he couldn't even wipe them away.

Adam rushed forward to stand beside his best friend. "Billy you don't know that!"

Billy turned away. "Oh come on. Dulcea said that my spirit will never be at rest, Adam. There is no heaven for me."

Adam came and stood in front of Billy once more. "You don't know that," he insisted evenly. "The one thing Dulcea drummed into us is that with the Ninjetti, anything is possible. Who's to say that once you go to the monolith your soul won't go to heaven, maybe all it needs is your energy. Which means one day you will be reunited with your mother." Adam understood his friend's anguish. All these years Billy never talked about his mother's accident with any of them but one day only a year or so ago, Billy had opened up to Adam. All the other Rangers had no idea how much her death had affected Billy.

Everything that had defined Billy in those early days in high school were dictated by that one fateful day. It was only the Power Rangers and the friendships it cultivated that had helped Billy get his life back under control, to open up to others and accept himself and his uncanny abilities. But Adam had never told another soul at Billy's insistence and now he realized that Billy was suddenly reliving the doubts and the pain that had controlled him those first few years after her passing. This lost hope was tearing his friend apart.

The shaking in Billy's shoulders eased slightly so Adam continued. "Besides, your mother would still be proud of you Billy. Just think we'll be defenders of the world for the rest of our lives in one form or another."

"I know," he answered softly and lifted his glistening eyes to his friend. He straightened his hunched shoulders. "I'll be okay with this. I just need some time, that's all. I just sort of hit me from out of the blue." He smiled at his minuscule attempt at humor. He had been so concerned with everyone else's reaction that he had ignored his own and now it was finally striking him full force. He felt bad that Adam had stumbled into it, but he was glad his best friend was here. The two of them had always been able to support the other through the worst of times.

Adam grimaced at the pun and then chuckled.

"How did your meeting with Zordon go?" Billy asked changing the subject, curious of the possible ramifications within the Rangers that could follow this sudden turn of events.

Adam felt an uncustomary wave of nervous tension. It had gone better than he had expected but things were definitely not the same. "Zordon apologized once we arrived. A little late in coming I suppose but I guess he figured on Dulcea telling us the truth. Probably why he let us go in the first place."

"Did anyone leave?"

Adam knew immediately of whom Billy was thinking. "No. We're all staying. We can't leave Zordon in the lurch. Besides, it's too late for any of us anyway. What's done is done. To give up now wouldn't gain us anything. We understand our responsibilities. Trini is staying in Angel Grove but she doesn't want to be a Ranger." Adam could see Billy relax at the last.

"How is Rocky?"

"He's not quite the same and I think eventually he'll move on as soon as Zordon finds a replacement for him. But for now he's willing to stay."

"Good for him. There are some things in this world that you just have to bear." Billy's tone remained low. It was so rare that Billy ever raised his voice. It had become much more noticeable over the last couple of years, Adam recalled. It sort of reminded him of some sansei master, always offering quiet bits of wisdom and strength. That was Billy all right.

"It's almost time for me to go," Billy told him. "I've been here longer than I should."

"Dulcea's gonna have your head if she finds out."

Billy didn't seem concerned. "Actually, she's been after me to extend my limits." He shrugged embarrassedly. "She says I have great potential. Whatever that means? I have a feeling she's gearing me up for something."

"Like what? Hey wait, she said something to us about her time being up soon."

Billy looked thoughtful for a second. "Maybe I'm to take over her place as Master Warrior."

"Wow! That would mean you could be around for a long time before going to the monolith."

"I guess." Billy's mind was obviously elsewhere. They stood in silence for a time each wrapped up in their own thoughts of the past and the future. Finally, the sound of Billy's voice startled Adam, no more so however than the young man's request. "I want you to take care of Trini for me."

"What? Billy...," he began but his friend held up a hand.

"She's gonna need someone to lean on for a time. Everyone is else is still thrown for a loop. You can help her. I trust you to get her through all this."

"What about you? She needs you more than she needs me."

"I'm not sure I can offer the solace she needs. I love her so much but I'm not sure what kind of relationship we can actually have. I mean I'm a wolf half the damn time."

"I'm sure that comes as a surprise to some people, but not to me and probably not to Trini either."

Adam playfully winked at Billy.

"Adam, I'm serious."

The dark Ranger sighed. "Believe me, Billy, Trini is better at handling this than you think, but if you want me to be there for her, I will." Adam watched the relief flood into Billy.

"Thanks man. It means a lot to me. I'll be there for her too but not always. I've still so much to learn on Phaedos"

"You should go and see her."

Billy gazed at the setting sun. "Soon. I'd rather see her as myself than as a dog. Not to say it's not great having her... you know...rub my fur." A shy, embarrassed flush crept up Billy's cheeks clashing with his blue Ninjetti outfit.

Adam burst out laughing and Billy joined in. "Oh man, let's not go there," Adam gasped out, slowly bringing himself under control. "I really miss you Billy. It's so weird not having you around. I mean I always figured one day you'd go on to do something great but not like this."

"Me neither really. But I'll tell you what, if you guys ever come across a way to resurrect the dead, you have my permission to bring me back to life."

"You have my word on it," Adam promised.

Billy looked contemplative for a moment, then leaned closer to the Ranger. "You know what I miss?" A grin spread easily across his features that quickly infected Adam. He gestured to his outfit. "Pockets."

Adam laughed again, remembering the young man's continuous habit of shoving his hands deep down into the pockets of his jeans. It must be positively driving him nuts, Adam thought hysterically.

Finally, Billy expelled some energy and solidified, reaching out a hand towards his friend. "Thanks Adam for everything."

Adam grasped Billy's hand and clasped his friend in a strong embrace. "Keep in touch and don't worry about Trini. I'll take care of her."

"I know you will. Goodbye Adam." And with that Billy melted from Adam's arms. He became a stream of blue light streaking off across the brilliant red of the sinking sun and into the depths of space. It brought a warm pleasant feeling just for Adam to see it once again after two years of just a white beam. He knew it meant a lot to the ex-Blue Ranger.

"Goodbye Billy," he called out softly. He stood there till the sun was just a small sliver on the horizon and then he walked home feeling refreshed in spirit.


A few days later, Trini sat cross-legged on the back deck of her parent's home. It was just barely lit by the coming dawn's waking eye. Her family still slumbered in their beds as did the entire neighborhood. Trini reveled in these quiet moments to herself. She got to see the world as few people do, one at peace with itself, following the natural order that it was meant to follow. She pulled the scratchy wool blanket tighter about her and closed her eyes, just listening to the conversations of earth's creatures speaking around her, lulling her into a state of relaxation.

Her acute senses picked up a subtle shift in her aura, a familiar warmth approaching and a smile broke over her face. "Billy....," she whispered knowingly.

She opened her eyes and saw his soft blue glow before her, watching her with intent. Rising, she rushed into his arms, the blanket slipping from her shoulders but she never felt the cold. The heat generated from Billy enveloped her completely, experiencing again the overflow of his love for her. She returned it in kind, wondering why she had never realized it before. Maybe it was because while she had been ready to cease being a Ranger, Billy had not.

It looked like he still wasn't but it wasn't as if he really had a choice in the matter and their short separation since her departure from Phaedos was more disturbing than she had expected. She was glad he had returned.

She hadn't noticed it at first but after she left the Rangers to join the peace conference she saw that she had trouble relating to people. They were okay to hang with for awhile but there just wasn't the spark, the completeness that she had always felt with Billy. There was such a sense of one being whenever they were together. Their long isolation from each other had driven that point home finally.

It didn't even matter that they were now two totally different entities either. They were still one soul, one love. No matter what, she would remain by his side and surprisingly she did not fear their new form of love. It felt right. The frightening change her dream had spoken of was not one to be frightened of at all. She welcomed it.

Billy stroked her lush hair, enjoying the way it entangled his fingers. "I missed you," he told her simply.

"Almost as much as I missed you."

"Hard to believe," he reciprocated as he led her to sit with him on the deck, their hands remaining entwined.

Trini carefully scrutinized his face, searching for any sign of strain. Amazingly there was none. He seemed much more at ease with his new found powers. Trini was relieved. The memory of Billy's face as he struggled to just simply touch her was burned into her mind for she felt his pain as easily as his love.

"I heard you were staying in Angel Grove."

"I figured it might be for the best right now, just in case Zordon needs a hand."

Billy nodded. "I'm glad, but you do realize that I can find you no matter where you decide to go." He smiled using a finger to tilt her face towards him.

"Yes, and believe it or not, I can do the same with you." She kissed him quickly as surprise spread through his features. "I can feel you here," she drew a fist up to her heart, "inside me all the time. It's like you're never truly gone."

He gathered her further into his arms as she leaned into his broad chest with a gentle sigh of contentment, stretching her long legs out before her like a basking cat in a warm sunspot.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you're purring," Billy teased relishing the feel of her within his embrace. He had never known love like this before. It was as if he were suddenly awakened after a long numbing slumber. He had always imagined while they were together in high school what their relationship might have been like. Its reality had paled those dreams in comparison. She was here in his arms, in his very soul and it was as if everything was suddenly in the proper place in the universe. He had gone through the flames to be reborn with Trini's love, keeping him whole against forces he had no concept of at the moment. He would never lose it again, that he swore.

Her slight, lean body pressed against his and it took a great deal of control not to hold her any tighter. He knew she felt the same way about him but then the small insecure part of his brain kicked in against his better judgment. Was this relationship fair to her?

"Trini, I need to know something and I want you to tell me truthfully."

"Know what?" She rose curling her legs under her and turning towards him. She had slowly felt the building of anxiety within him. It was a strange sensation, knowing him so well even before he voiced it. Most of it had not been a surprise. Her own instincts had unveiled his many sides long ago, but he was stronger now, more resolute in his own convictions, so much more a man than the shy young boy she had left behind. His hesitation now suddenly exuded a trace of fear. "Just ask me, Billy."

"Are you truly comfortable with the two of us as we are... I mean our .....our current..." Billy struggled for words for the first time in his life.

"Relationship?" Trini finished for him. "Yes Billy, I am." Her certainty on the matter was plainly visible.

"Even though we don't know how long it can last? I could ... go to the monolith at any time."

Trini clamped determinedly down on the pain and fear that once again reared it's ugly head. She shoved it away. "We don't know how long any of us really have. I don't think of it in terms of time anymore, only the here and now. You're here with me now. I can touch you, feel you inside of me and that's enough. It's our second chance, Billy. Do you really want to give it up?"

"No, I don't. I just don't want to hurt you anymore."

She exhaled an exasperated breath. "You never hurt me. What happened was not your fault. It just made me realize how much a part of you I was. And I'll be damned if I turn and run from it again."

Again? Billy had always wondered about the real reason for Trini's abrupt acceptance of the

Committee's offer to attend the peace conference and now he had proof that there was something more behind it. "Is that why you left?" There. The question was out.

She turned away for a moment, her dark glossy hair shifting about her shoulders while she gauged her own feelings, analyzed what had always been there but had never dared to admit to anyone, especially herself. Finally, she understood. "I didn't want to be a Ranger anymore, Billy. You did. It was as simple as that. But I also couldn't stand by on the sidelines and only watch as you went off into battle." Without me to protect you. She caught herself before she actually vocalized the thought. "It would have hurt too much." She regarded his surprised face. She immediately realized that he knew the truth. Of course, the connection between them spoke the volumes she couldn't.

"There's more," she continued deliberately wanting him to hear it directly from her. The truth had to come out now. "Do you know the main reason I accepted Zordon's coin?" Billy quietly shook his head. "Because I knew you were going to. I couldn't believe it when you said yes. You, quiet, shy, terrified Billy. My first thought was that you went insane all of a sudden, but then I figured you were just following Jason's lead. So I agreed for no other reason than to protect you."

An embarrassed flush crept up Billy's face, his shoulders slumping, his mind flashing back to that strange day and the flood of old memories rushed upon him. He quickly relived the moment, every thought, every emotion. He had never really thought about it before, not like that but he knew she was right. "At first, I guess I did knuckle under peer pressure," he told her quietly. "I couldn't believe that anybody wanted me on their team. When Jason and Zack agreed, I suddenly wanted to be a part of it too, though I was scared witless because I didn't have any fighting skills. I always thought that I was teleported by accident. You know, sucked up by the teleporter just because I was standing too close to the others. But when nobody told me to get out, I realized I might actually have been one of Zordon's original choices."

Trini smiled gently at Billy. "I knew Zordon had chosen you because of your intellect but I was so afraid that you wouldn't be able to defend yourself. I was so angry at you in the beginning because you accepted the power but after I saw the changes in you even those first few weeks, I knew you were going to be all right. You caught on so quickly, it made me wonder if I had made the right choice. Once I realized that you were where you belonged and you had developed into such an incredible athlete and fighter, I didn't see any reason for me to stay a Ranger. When the peace conference came up, I took it."

"You were running away." He stated it so simply that she realized he knew the truth.

"Yes," she admitted softly, "away from you. I didn't think I could stand to see you go into battle against Rita and Zedd's newest monster while I watched on the tv at Ernie's." It became harder for her to talk as the memories returned. "If something had happened to you then, I would have never forgiven myself." Tears fell across her face. "And when the phone rang last week...." her breath caught in her throat. "I should have been there." Her voice rode crazy highs and lows as if it couldn't stay steady.

Billy grabbed her in a strong embrace. "Shhh. It's all right. There was nothing anybody could have done. We all knew the risks. To be honest, I'm surprised we all lasted this long."

"We lasted because we're a team," she insisted feverishly. "No matter what, no matter where we go we stick together. Yesterday, today and forever." She twisted in his arms to embrace him. "Don't ever doubt my love for you Billy Cranston. And don't ever try to second guess my logic either." She gazed into his deep blue eyes. "I can run circles around you." She felt his chest rise and fall with quiet laughter.

"That I never doubted. Whatever time we have will never be enough, but I'm not willing to lose even a second of it. I love you, Trini Kwan."

She rested her head beneath his chin and let his soul's aura wash over her. It was enough to ease her troubled mind. She did love him with all her heart. "Life will always be interesting with you around," she murmured. "And I wouldn't miss a moment of it."

Together in silence they watched the dawn arrive with brilliant sunlight and clear blue skies inviting the vast circle of souls to enjoy the day. They willingly obeyed.

The End

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Epilogue