Power Ranger Mania The Fanfic Shoppe The Yost  


Disclaimer: If you saw the character on TV then Haim Saban owns it. If the only place you saw it was in a fanfic by Robert Gutheim or Mistri Xades then guess what: We own it! This is a new International Writing Collaboration which covers a lot of territory and several time zones since Robert lives on the East coast of the United States and Mistri.... well he lives all the way over in Australia, so as you can see it even covers two different hemispheres. This comes after Finally, Back To Normality... and takes place middle February 1997. Equinox Powers belong to Mistri. Mistri owns Vadaei, [that's pronounced VAY-di-I,] the Phaedos Powers and their bearers, Mistri, Geneva, Calcia, Edy, Asharani, Karei, Vedi, Dalila and Bambi. These nine characters cannot be borrowed, as Mistri is using them in a story for publication. They are protected under international copyright law.

.....Or At Least As Normal As Things Can Get Around Here
Alternate Title: The Return Of Nine
by Robert and Mistri

"Well, our semi-secret is screwed," said Trini. "What should be our next course of action?"

"Well," said Jason. "I believe we should enlist the help of whoever the hell we can. The Aquitians, Edenites, Eltarians, Triforians, Inquirians, and Phaedosians, are the ones that spring readily to mind..."

"And you're not likely to receive help from those quarters," broke in a voice.

Tyra looked over and calmly said, "Well, that does explain the strange flucuations around the Monolith." Then all thirty-seven Rangers fainted.

Then alarms began to blare. The voice gave instructions.


A garbage can monster, professing his name as Garbacan, was trashing the harbour district. The Rangers appeared, and then saw him grow.



The Phaedos were back. Mistri. Geneva. Calcia. Edy. Asharani. Karei. Vedi. Dalila. Bambi.

"Avia Nova - Phaedos!" The command was executed.

The HawkZord increased in size and split down the middle, and each side formed a wing. The OspreyZord and HarrierZord increased in size and combined together in a flash of blackish greenish light to form the body. The MerlinZord and CondorZord increased in size, and combined to form the tail. Then the ParrotZord increased in size, and formed a leg. The PelicanZord followed suit. Finally, the OwlZord and SeagullZord formed the head. A brilliant flash of light, and a shrieking bird-of-prey swooped downwards.

"Recommend that we go straight to MegaZord mode," said Dalila.

"You heard her," said Mistri. "MegaZord - Phaedos!"

The bird-of-prey shot through the air. A shimmer, and it landed as a fully functional MegaZord. "Parrot Saber! Pelican Shield!" called Mistri.

With one swipe, the monster was down and out.

The Rangers then returned to the Chamber where Calcia headed for her quarters. Joel luckily by then had recovered and was watching TV while holding the flower she had always treasured.

"Joel, you all right?" Calcia wondered.

"I don't know Calcia if you are in fact Calcia. It's just you're dead. You are probably the one girl after that scientist that worked for Captain Mitchell that I feel I truly loved and then you went and died in that accident in the training room before I could even realize it," Joel told her.

"Joel, you are something else I waited ever since we relocated here for you to admit your love for me. I admit I can't easily explain how it is that I am alive and talking to you, Mistri wants to handle that but before then what say we venture out and walk around a little."

"I'm not sure that's a good idea Calcia. Not just the bit about your supposedly being dead but well the rest of us had to go underground after our identities were revealed to the enemy though how he got a hold of some of the info I'm not sure like about our being the rangers. The UAE then killed him."

David meanwhile was looking at the bedspread that had gotten tattered.

"I'm sure I'll find someway to either fix it or replace it," Edy said as she gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

David gave her a blank stare.

"It's a long story that Mistri will explain to everyone as a whole."

Not too far away Rocky was removing a plate of food from a sythetron in his room, Asharani's blue beanbag still laying where it always did.

"Glad to see your appetite is still there," Asharani said as she walked up to him and attempted to give him a bear hug.

"Like anything could ruin it even if it did decrease a little bit after well you and the others died," Rocky said.

"Liar," Asharani said as she glanced at her beanbag chair. "What happened there?"

"We aren't sure. The things your team held dear to you were all destroyed after your death. Some of it was explained away by seismic activity from the Training Room exploding but well not everything could be explained in that manner," Rocky explained.

Geneva meanwhile was looking at the pile of her jewelry that had been placed on her old make up vanity in her room.

"I used to keep all this in my Jewelry Box. I wonder what happened to it."

"It somehow got destroyed after the Training Room blew up. It was all splintery when I found it and didn't look real good," Damon said as he walked up to her. "I took the time to do this though I just hadn't moved your jewelry over yet," he continued as he handed her an almost duplicate of her old box. Geneva opened it and saw the photo on the two of them inside the top lid.

"Damon, it's wonderful. I'm sure it will be a worthy substitute for my old one."

Karei meanwhile was looking at the charred remains of her music box wondering how Zhane could do that to her.

Mistri and Vedi meanwhile were walking through the corridors toward their old room when they heard shouting from a room.

"I hope you realize how the entire Resistance having to go underground forced me to quit a job I desperately needed all because you were no longer comfortable with the very man who fathered your child. Also how long had you been picking up fluctuations in the Monolith?"

"The whole Tech Crew had been picking up strange readings and spikes since shortly after it happened. Since we weren't sure what was going on we didn't report them except to note among themselves how they probably weren't good. Dimitria also noticed some strange readings in her own scans but our having to suddenly go underground caused it to be momentarily forgotten. AS it is the stuff my crew picked up combined with what Dimitria had apparently sensed can probably be explained now."

"Sounds like things are really tense around here," Vedi commented.

"Agreed. Soon as we take the time to relax I'll go see Carter about holding a meeting over just what happened to us. They deserve to know Vedi."

"I know but it's just weird you'll recall everyone fainted when they looked at us. Ok so first Tyra commented about fluctuations around the Monolith."

They then walked into their room where they found the shattered remains of their heart.

"Oh man and the two of us worked so hard on it," Mistri commented.

"I know. Oh well it can always be replaced with an even better one possibly," Vedi said. They then sat down on the couch without making sure the door was closed and started to very carefully have some fun. They didn't even notice when someone walked into the room until a throat clearing sound was made.

"You know if you two are going to do stuff like that at least close the door first."

Mistri turned his head around to find Carter on hand.

"Oh ah hi Carter."

"Mistri. It's great to see you again buddy. Everyone and I mean everyone feared the worst after the training room blew up. We all thought you were well dead. How did you all manage to survive."

"Carter, much as I'd like to tell you how we survived I think we should gather everyone up first so we only have to tell the story once."

"Understandable Mistri," Carter said. He then walked over to a small terminal and flipped a switch.

"Attention all Rangers, report to the Lounge immediately for a very important meeting," he called over the intercom.

Ten minutes later all forty six rangers were seated on couches in the lounge. The Council including Mistri and Karei were seated together as a group facing the others. Also in attendance were Alpha, Dimitria from her tube, and in one corner of the room a tall looking bald man was leaning against the wall.

"Does anybody here know anything about the Ninjetti Power?" asked Mistri.

Everyone shook their heads. Mistri sighed.

"Does anyone know anything of the Grid War?"

At that, everyone nodded their heads. Dimitria had forced them to read everything on it, until they could recite it in their sleep. "Did anyone besides us access the links on the Ninjetti Power?" When everyone shook their heads, Mistri sighed, and looked up towards the heavens.

"The Ninjetti Power was needed because it resides within a person. It can never be taken away. I could right now, strip you of your morphers, and you wouldn't be able to morph. With the Ninjetti, you can morph, without your morpher. The power resides within you. It is bonded to you, through your spirit animal, through your DNA, through your blood." Mistri paused. "Because we were losing our Rangers, and their powers, we needed a new source of power, one that could not be taken away... The Monolith stands on the only planetary warphole of the Grid. That is where the Great Power comes from, and why the Ninjetti Power is so special."

"Ninjor forged the Phaedos Morphers. They were taken directly to the warphole, and the Grid infused them with the Power."

"The Rangers tried to morph. But they were bathed in light, and they were garbed as Ninjetti. They morphed again. Only the Blue, Red, and Yellow Rangers were able to activate their morphers. They tried again. Green, Gold, and Black followed. Once more they tried. Silver Ranger was activated next. The White Ranger morphed next, but it was never completed. The power just went. But before it did, Pink Ranger was enabled to morph fully. Then White Ranger finally morphed."

"That was the turning point of the war. The Rangers fought everywhere. It was ironic that Phaedos, which spawned the Power Rangers Phaedos, and the Great Power, was the only planet that suffered. Phaedos, once a thriving civilization, was the only one that didn't have any chances of rebuilding its civilization. There were no Phaedosians left, save for Dulcea, who is the Guardian of the Great Power, residing on the Sacred Grounds of the Ninjetti Temple, and the Phaedos Rangers, technically..."

"What are you getting at?" asked Carter. Vedi smiled.

"The Rangers were Phaedosian, Aquitian, Edenite, Eltarian, Triforian, and Inquirian in heritage. Not fully one sixth of each, no."

The Professor cut in. "Actually, if I remember correctly, the heritage was one ninth Phaedosian, one fifth Eltarian, one seventh Edenite, one sixth Triforian, one third Inquirian, and Aquitian one hundred and eighty-one over six hundred and thirty."

"Correct," said Mistri. "But already I have digressed from the story. The Grid War ended over ten thousand years ago. The Rangers, as they began to tap into their abilities, triggered a power that changed them. It was bad and it was good."

"What happened?" asked Joel. Calcia smiled grimly.

"You'll see."

"When you have all the colours of the Grid, united in a team, there is the option of permantly bonding with your powers. Those Rangers triggered it unknowingly. And their DNA was changed irreversibly."

"It was painful," said Karei. "Their DNA was mutating and becoming something different. It would not have been so disastrous, if they were not of a mixed DNA heritage. Because of that, the option to unbond was lost. Their DNA couldn't be tracked on the scanners... and it goes on and on."

"What does this have to do with you being alive?" demanded Tommy.

"The Rangers were immortal. Even an explosion like that would not kill them. The Great Power would just regenerate their bodies, and the spirits would reenter them."

"What are you saying?" asked Kim Coltran.

"We did not die, because we cannot die. Our bodies will just be regenerated. Also, if we don't want to get pregnant, then we won't," said Asharani. She took a knife and slashed her wrist. The blood gushed out, but after a few seconds, the wound closed up.

All the Rangers fainted again.

"They need their sleep," said Mistri. He turned to the Professor. "Who are you?"

"I'm Professor Pedro Damon," he said.

"You look human, but you're not," said Bambi.

"Very true. I am Powermatic of Demona Prime."

"Why then do you go by Professor Damon?"

"Because of my work on Earth working alongside Sue's grandparents on her mother's side, I occasionally need to go among the denizens also it helps to keep my true identity a secret," the Professor explained.

"Powermatic, Sue and her team are Demona Rangers does thatŮ ?" Karei wondered.

"Very perceptive Karei. They were the result of an experiment the Demona Power Guardians were doing to see if Demona Powers could be used to empower rangers," The Professor explained.

"Somehow I think I may have heard something about the Power Guardians but I'm not sure," Mistri said.

"You might have heard a little Mistri since The Demona through the Watchers tend to distribute the powers where they are needed. It was my decision a long time ago to Enfuse Sue's Grandparents with Demona Abilities. The Watchers though aren't the largest group in the Guardians. The largest groups are the Harnessers since they harness the energy and actually Develop the powers. A Harnesser named Wangona created Sue's grandparents powers and two harnessers Flageleon and Hinarte were behind the Ranger powers. There is still one other part and it is by far the smallest and that's the fusers. There is usually only one or two Fusers. The same Fuser Fucilla did both Sue's Grandparents Powers and the Ranger Powers," the Professor explained.

"How long have they existed?" Bambi wondered.

"A long time ago Longer even they you all were alive. Since they go back to before the Grid War. We proceeded slow at first with our work since we wanted to really study how the Energy on Demona Prime interacted with the living body to cause the powers to have an effect. Some Powereons have become well known in Galactic Circles even before Earth knew of the presence of Life on other planets. Another reason for my Cover."

"Professor, is there a particular reason such as age that's why you are bald?" Calcia wondered.

"Actually Calcia this is unfortunately normal for my people Demona are hairless. Like other races we live a long time I myself am over 300 Earth Years. Fucilla the Senior most of the fusers is almost 450. Our life forces are unstable though and Fucilla is old by our standards and getting on in years."

"How inheritable are Demona Powers?" Edy wondered.

"Normal powers unfortunately aren't. As for the Ranger powers it's too early to tell."

"It's almost too bad if you ask me," Mistri said.

"I know. Of course you nine don't have to worry about that. It was a stretch for me to not tell Sue when she contacted me about your believed to be deaths that in fact you weren't dead. I had stopped in to see how Sue and so forth were doing when Carter called the meeting which is why I happened to be here."

"Sue's mother is she also a Powereon since apparently her parents were as well?" Vedi wondered.

"by chance yes but not because of her parents since she was adopted. It was due to childhood curiosity that Sue's mother ended up a Powereon."

"Is there a chance that Sue's family might be able to help us out?" Karei wondered.

"I'm not sure yet. It might be too risky since you all as it is had to go underground."

The Professor helped the Phaedos Rangers then move the other rangers to their various living quarters so they could rest comfortably. The Professor then borrowed a spare room to grab some shut eye of his own.


The next morning, they reviewed the information that had come in overnight.

Jason swore suddenly, and picked up a piece of paper.

He read it quickly, and paled. "Guys, we've got trouble."

The UAE and the UDAB are locked in a stalemate. The UAE has withdrawn all forces to Earth, after being beaten severely at Aquitar, Triforia, Edenoi, Inquirius, and Eltar. They are now promising to blow the Earth up.

"This is not good," said Mistri. "We can't go up against the entire forces of the UAE!"

"Asharani, when is the next planetary contralusive equinox?" he asked. Asharani nodded.

"What is that?" asked Joel.

"It is the time where Aquitar, Earth, Edenoi, Eltar, Inquirius, Phaedos, and Triforia are lined up in such a way that at one precise point, that seven people, preferably one from each planet may call upon the Power of the Equinox. Yellow Lunae. Red Solar. Green Star. Pink Nebulae. Blue Galaxy. White Space-Time. The Black Equinox Ranger gets the Power of the Black Hole. Only with that power, will we able to defeat the UAE completely. At any time, when two or more are lined up, the powers that are given, can be called upon."

"Which precise points are they?" asked Asharani, from the computer where she had linked to the NinjettiMegaShip's databanks.

"Angel Grove, Earth." She typed in a series of commands. "This gives the Equinox Power of the Yellow Lunae."

"The Ninjetti Monolith, Phaedos. Equinox Power of White Space-Time."

"Seven hundred and thirty-nine days," said a mechanical voice.

"Kali Tora, Inquirius. Equinox Power of Pink Nebulae."

"Three years."

"Tal Korak, Edenoi. Equinox Power of Black B-Hole. It sounds stupid to say Black Black Hole, alright!"

"One year."

"Morphin Academy, Eltare. Equinox Power of Blue Galaxy."

"Six weeks."

"Val Litha, Triforia. Equinox Power of Red Solar."

"Seven days."

"And the final point is Sea of Tranquility, Aquitar." Mistri looked over, pressed enter, and spoke. "Classified NMS, Authorisation White Ninjetti, Voiceprint Delta19."

The calculations disappeared from screen.

"First opportunity will arise in two years, three months, one week, four days, twenty hours, seven minutes and forty-eight seconds, from February 17th, 7:45:00, 1997, which is......now."

"That would be.... It's February 17th, 7:45:00 1997 now - we will have our chance at 3:52:48AM, May 29th, 1999."

"For optimal results, stay there until the time of transfer of Power has ended, at 7:23:12PM, June 9th, 1999."

"11 days, 15 hours, 20 minutes and 24 seconds," finished Mistri. "Just brilliant. And until then, we're ultimately screwed."
