Power Ranger Mania The Fanfic Shoppe The Yost  


Disclaimer: If you saw the character on TV then Haim Saban owns it. If the only place you saw it was in a fanfic by Robert Gutheim or Mistri Xades then guess what: We own it! This is a new International Writing Collaboration which covers a lot of territory and several time zones since Robert lives on the East coast of the United States and Mistri.... well he lives all the way over in Australia, so as you can see it even covers two different hemispheres. This comes after Reactions and is the next part of the ? parter. It takes place latish Februry 97. Mistri of course owns the Equinox Powers. Mistri owns Vadaei, [that's pronounced VAY-di-I,] the Phaedos Powers and their bearers, Mistri, Geneva, Calcia, Edy, Asharani, Karei, Vedi, Dalila and Bambi. These nine characters cannot be borrowed, as Mistri is using them in a story for publication. They are protected under international copyright law.

A Lost Teammate
by Robert and Mistri

Last time on Viva La Resistance.....

"All Council Members to the Council Chamber."

"What gives Professor?" Carter wondered as they sat down.

"We have picked up something unusual on the sensors. Signs of a person on Earth who happens to match the DNA profile of the Phaedosian Rangers."

"How can that be Professor?" Karei wondered. "After all there are only nine of us on Earth with that DNA profile and they all reside here."

"You sure all nine of the Phaedosian Rangers are accounted for?"

"I think so Adam. After all Mistri and I check on our team fairly often each day."

"Professor, this mysterious being do we have any kind of visual representation of him or her to look at?" Mistri wondered.

"As a matter of fact we do Mistri," Professor Damon said. "Alpha, bring up Data File 970224-138a."

Alpha then called up a picture of the mysterious being.

"Bloody Hell," Mistri said.

"This can't be. How could it even be possible?" Karei added.

"Karei, you and Mistri are acting as if you know her somehow," Kim Coltran said.

"That's because we do," Karei said. "Or at least I think we do. Last I knew though she was dead."

"What do you mean Karei?" Professor Damon wondered.

"It's quite simple Professor. If that person is who I think it is then something really strange is going on. We better bring her in for questioning somehow?"

"Wait Karei what if it's a trap. For all we know she could have been sent by the UAE," Sue said.

"It's quite simple Sue that person out there is....


"That person is Rachi," said Mistri. "Or at least, looks like Rachi." Suddenly, Karei jumped up.

"That's not Rachi. Our DNA can't be tracked. Yet Damo here says that they picked the DNA up. Something's not right."

"But she looks like her," said Mistri. "Ali, restrict access to the NMS to everyone except me. Authorisation override of Yellow, White affirms."


"If I may suggest," said Professor Damon. "I think we should tell everyone. Forty six heads are better than ten."

"And what of the Harrier? She'll freak out," said Mistri.

"Never mind," said Karei. "She'll deal."

So they remet, and they explained the situation.

"There are only two possibilities," said Mistri. "Each of them unlikely. First. The residual power in her ashes, multiplied to the point where she was reborn. Very unlikely since the Power unbonded. Second. The UAE cloned her. More plausible, but we've never encountered anyone with the ability to clone. It just can't be done effectively, everyone's said."

"And who's going to talk to her?" asked Calcia.

"Not you," said Karei. "And not the rest of us. Prof?"

"I suggest Plastica."

"Who is he exactly and is he trustworthy?" Karei wondered

"I trust him," Sue said. "But then he is my grandfather the one that works closely with the Professor."

"Oh," Karei said.

The Professor then walked over to a communications terminal.

"Plastica come in this is the Professor."

"I hear you Professor, something up?"

"We have a possible situation in Angel Grove. A mysterious being has appeared. We are registering her DNA pattern and it matches a portion of your granddaughter's group of friends."

"Ok I'll see what I can do. Sounds like I'll need to use my special sensors."

An hour later Robert teleported in.

"I proceeded very carefully so I could discretely observe her. Her DNA was very hard to register, that group over there I can't even get a reading on. I didn't think it would be a good idea to go in as Plastica."

"Anyway you can continue to observe her in secret."

"I was proceeding almost under stealth but as a civilian."

"Robert, I suggest you go back but this time as Plastica."

"Might not hurt but I'll use Invisibilitron or better yet Eagle. Showtime Plastica Style."

A light show turned his dark khaki pants and white lab coat into a more creamy colored pair of pants, blue turtleneck, green vest and a green, silver, and black helmet. What amazed the assembled group next was he turned into a majestic bald eagle.

Fifteen minutes he was back. "Her DNA is as readable as Jason's. She hasn't made any overtures to anyone, nor is she wreaking havoc. Frankly, she's so normal it's scary."

"Go back, and try and get information," said Professor Damon.

"Shouldn't be a problem Powermatic. For this I better go in a non powered up state."


"Hey," said Robert, easily. "What's your name?"

"Rachi Rene Viali," she said. "Yours?"

"Carl Sobocha," Robert replied, giving an alias. "Whatcha been doing?"

"Waiting around. I've got some friends living around here. You know of a Calcia Zara Shizli?"

"Uh... sorry to tell you, but last I heard, she was dead," said Robert gently.

"She is?" said Rachi. "Well... then.. I have no choice."


Rachi leapt aboard. "Say goodbye, Angel Grove. Missiles, detonate!" Five missiles fell to the ground, exploding.

"I guess that solves which side she's on," muttered Robert. "Showtime Plastica Style."

He was then back as Plastica. "701 to Armatron Launch Flightpack Mode Battle Armor."

A series of beeps was heard then several armor sections came into place.

"Armor Up."

The Armor complete to Jet Pack then formed around him and he took to the air. Once in flight he tried to take her on only for the zord to be too well protected.

When he got back to the Chamber he saw only two Phaedos Rangers there. And they were being forcibly restrained. Mistri and Calcia were pissed.

"Vadaei wants to mess around," yelled Calcia, "then we'll take her on!"

"Damn straight we will," said Mistri. "No one defiles her memory like that. No one.."

"Where are the others?" asked Robert.

"Sedated," said Carter. "It's taking most of us to restrain these two. Rachi was Calci's best friend. Rachi was Mistri's girlfriend before. Vedi wanted more with Mistri, but refused to get involved and destroy the group. Even though Rachi gave them her blessing, Vedi refused to do anything for a long time.... long for us. A thousand years. Short for them."

"Well... when Karei said that Mistri and Calcia should not go ever and confront her, they both decked her. Normally, Karei would be fine. She's out cold, and shows no sign of responding. Vedi's in shock, as are the rest," whispered Dana.

"What are we going to do?"


And they did.

Later that night, after dinner, Carter called another meeting. "We're going to sort this out rationally. 1.) We haven't been able to suss her out. 2.) Nine of us are somewhat unbalanced against either her or us. 3.) Those nine are the only ones who would be able to beat her."

Mistri, Geneva, Calcia, Edy, Asharani, Karei, Vedi, Dalila and Bambi were sitting together, their eyes calmly focused on Carter.

"Are you nine going to be able to control your emotions so that no one is endangered?" asked Carter bluntly, after realising there was no polite way to ask.

"Would you be able to?" asked Edy, calmly.

"Point noted. What do you intend to do about it?"

"Permission to take this elsewhere?" asked Karei. Carter nodded. And suddenly, they were all in the entrace to the NinjettiMegaShip.

"This is our ship," said Calcia. They followed her to a MegaLift. They went up four decks, and they strode down to a purple door. "There it is. The room where we stayed one day, every nine days for nine years exactly."

The door slid open. And they saw the room had not been touched. Everything was where it had always been. A holobox caught Bambi's eye, and she murmered, "Rachi Viali loves Mistri Xades." The box activated, and they saw the holobox's projection.

A room, a figure lying in the bed, nine figures standing around her. Suddenly, they bowed their heads, and the scene changed to one of them closing a purple engraved box.

It was ceremonally taken by Edy and placed at the start of the purple jump tube. It fell downwards and finally went into space. Then the tube closed up.

"There is nothing we can do," said Dalila, finally. "This is now a matter of honoring our friend, who fell in the Tralis Escapade. Her memory will not be defiled."

"I can understand that, and I respect that," said Carter.

"But you still don't want us to fight," said Edy. Carter nodded. "Very well. We will not fight." And with that profound statement, they were back in the Chamber.

"Edy, Asha, Ka, you know what to do," said Mistri.

"We do," they affirmed. And suddenly, they began to sing a song of loneliness and sadness, so tragic that the others began to sob uncontrollably. Soon they were asleep, tears still streaming down their faces.

"They'll be out for a week, or when we sing the countersong," said Edy.

"Let's go see for ourselves who this Rachi is," said Mistri.

"What do you think morphed or unmorphed?"

"Might be better to go unmorphed. Maybe the sight of our unmorphed forms will help her," Karei said.

"We don't know that though," Geneva said. "Did you have to knock Sue's grandfather out?"

"He appeared to be pretty powerful the way be was able to morph into an eagle the way he did."

"You know there is a lot we know about the powers Sue and her team have but not about the powers some of her family possesses. As it is he can sense Rachi's DNA especially when powered up."

"We'll manage on our own."

The Phaedos team then teleported out. What they didn't notice was another person was with them but invisible.

After an hours walk of the city they found Rachi sitting on a park bench looking as peaceful and normal as ever. Rachi looked up as they approached.

"No way. Last I heard just recently in fact one of you was dead."

"Well last we knew until just recently you were also dead so we're even. Who told you one of us was dead?"

"Some guy Carl he had a real strange last name."

"Rachi, how is it you are well here?"

"You all were a little premature in cremating my body. Overtime what little residual power my body still had was able to recreate my body. What about yourselves?"

"We're still bonded to our powers."

"Oh, why then if you can't die did Carl tell me Calcia was dead?"

"For a bit of time we were basically dead. Our friends didn't know about it at the time so they reported we were dead."

At that moment several NejiNinjetti showed up.

"This is not good," Vedi said.

"Agreed," Mistri said. "OK ghost is clear let's do it."


In addition to the NejiNinjetti a monster showed up.

"Mistri, you all take care of the monster, I'll handle these things," a voice said from the ether.

The Phaedos team shrugged their shoulders and went after the monster.

"OK gang, let's proceed carefully remember what happened in the training room that day," Mistri said.

Eight heads appeared to nod. The ninth head just shrugged.

Vedi looked at Rachi. Something wasn't quite right. And she was proved right, as Rachi didn't help them. When they finished, Rachi smiled.

"Guess what?" she asked, a cruel smile playing on her lips. "You are all fools. I have seen the light. Evil will reign supreme, with I as Vadaei's servant, when she has crushed your pathetic rebellion."

The others tensed. "I give you one day to surrender, fools."

And with that, she disappeared in purple flames.

"Aiskio!" swore Vedi. "Kyso dianth oloau!"

"Vadaei cloned her," said Karei, disbelievingly. Her face was blank. "Well, Vadaei. This game just got more dangerous for you."

They made their somber way back to the Chamber. They went to their rooms, and Karei sung the countersong while lying down on her bed.

The next morning a very somber team showed up for breakfast. The Professor and Robert off to one side talking to Carter and Sue while eating. Mistri walked over.

"We almost ended up having to fight."

"I know."

"How?" Mistri wondered.

"I told him. My helmets contain sound deafeners for when I work in loud areas. You all should have made sure everyone was accounted for when you put your teammates to sleep. I had managed to hide in the shadows using my stealth mode battle armor. Then when you went to find Rachi I simply followed you."

"Yet invisibility and fighting doesn't always work. Look at the legendary Phantom Ranger. The word around the space waves is that he tends to flicker when he moves while cloaked. Yet I saw no flicker during the battle yesterday. Was it you who told us to take care of the monster while our companion handled the NejiNinjetti?"

"Nice thing about Stealth Mode Battle Armor when I'm wearing it the enemy can't find me so they can't defend against my attacks. I just have to make sure I don't bang into an ally."

"So what basically is the scoop with Rachi?"

"It was a clone of Rachi only evil. One thing is for sure Vadaei will pay big time for this."

"Mistri, with help I think we can bring Rachi's cloned form out from under the influence of your enemy. It won't be easy though."

"What would you do?"

"Well there are a couple things I can do. A I can use a small phaser to stun her and then use my ring to purge her of evil and replace what is purged with goodness. It's risky though since I'm not sure how compatible Demona powers are with Phaedosian powers and it would be Demona power that would be used to cleanse her soul. B We can try to use hypnosis to block the evil parts of her soul. Behind a barrier. I wouldn't be able to do it. Unfortunately I used to work alongside a very capable Hypnotist only she is since passed on. I think I can find someone who would be useful but it's risky."

"Or C the Clone will have to die," Mistri said.

"I think either of Robert's plans are better." The Professor said.

"Let me discuss this with my teammates in private. How much longer will you two be here?"

"I'll be here indefinitely," Professor Damon said. "Robert?"

"I won't be able to stay much longer but I will try to stall until the matter of Rachi is dealt with."

After breakfast during which most of the rangers heard what happened. The Phaedos team went into a secret conference on the NinjettiMegaShip. After a good long discussion they came into the War Room where Robert was standing by in a very impressive suit of armor with two helmets standing by . One was obviously the one he wore as Plastica. The other apparently went with the armor.

"I took the time to Power up just in case."

"Professor, Dimitria, Alpha, we've made our decision."

"Yes White Ranger what is your decision?"

"It was a very hard decision to make but by a vote of eight to one we decided that Rachi...."
