Power Ranger Mania The Fanfic Shoppe The Yost  


Disclaimer: The basic concept belongs to whoever Disney assigned it to but the characters belong to us. Like our previous fic series Viva La Resistance this series requires a lot of work due to differences in Time Zone and Hemispheres.

A Father's Fury
by Robert and Mistri, Cho's Observer

A week after Sita's moment of glory at the presidential palace Adria was enjoying a careful weekend off by playing with Melody in their backyard.

"Adria, bet you can't catch me," Melody challenged her.

"Don't be so sure Melody. Remember who you are messing with," Adria reminded her as she went to attempt at heading off the younger girl. She was glad Articula had rigged it such that you couldn't port into their backyard and only only rangers and trusted civilians could port directly into their house. The front yard though wasn't as well protected.

Meanwhile The Nameless One was getting antsy.

"Jolik, Dani, I have a mission for you. That little girl is very important to me. I want you to capture her without any foul-ups. To do it successfully I will need to infiltrate the Palace. Dani's that's your task. Your best bet is to disguise yourself as a member of the Unakan Security Service and when the girl is ported there due to an attack that Jolik will undergo on the Unakan City Power Generation Complex you will take the girl and bring her here."

"Yes my lord," Dani said. Jolik also acknowledged his role in the whole affair. Don't expect me to actually turn the girl over to you.

A short time later Adria and Melody were headed in for lunch when her ranger phone went off.

"Adria here."

"We have an attack going on follow the procedure you and Xelia developed."

"Gotcha Articula," Adria said. "Melody, you will have to port over to the Presidential Palace using that special port belt you were provided with. I have to go into work."

"OK Adria have fun," Melody said as she hit her emergency port belt and ported to the Presidential Palace where Dani was waiting for her.

"You guys see about protecting the president I'll get this little girl to safety," Dani said as she went to port back out.

"Word from Xelia is that if that little girl is sent here she is to wait inside of Silvino's office."

"Silvino though has more important things to do besides baby-sit a little kid."

"That may be but we have our orders which are that the girl is to be in the inner office where she can't be ported out by the baddies."

"Look I have my orders which are supplementary to Xelia's original arrangements," Dani said as she ported out with Melody.

The Rangers meanwhile were getting ready to Port out when a second alarm went off. Alpha took a look at the alarm information.

"Articula, somebody ported out of the presidential palace with Melody," Alpha reported.

"That's not part of the plan. She was to wait it out in my dad's office," Xelia exclaimed.

"Any idea who ported out with her?"

"I'm working on it now but it will take time."

"In that case we better get to work," Valdi said. "Ranger Astro Morph."

"Power of the Red Dwarf."

"Power of the Gold Galaxy."

"Power of the White Giant."

"Power of the Purple Nebula."

"Power of the Green Nova."

"Power of the Yellow Sun."

"Power of the Black Hole."

"Power of the Pink Comet."

"Power of the Blue Planet."

"Power of the Silver Star."

The Rangers then ported to the complex where they saw Jolik and a very ugly monster.

"Uh gross. Why couldn't he find something at least pleasant to look at?"

"Maybe because this monster will be the instrument of your destruction," Jolik informed them.

"I've heard that before and so far we are still here," Adria replied.


The monster during all that remained silent except for an occasional growl or hiss.

"Where is the girl?" Kylara inquired as she trained her Bow on Jolik.

"I couldn't tell you since I wasn't in on that part of my masters plan."

"That tells me something though," Sita said as she ported out.

She came out of port at Articia.

"Articula, it looks like Dani was the one to grab Melody."

"I know Sita. How is the battle at the Power Generation Complex going?"

"So far no major damage. How long it will remain that way I don't know."

Dani meanwhile had ported with Melody to a cave along a cliff on the coast of one of the continents.

"Let me go you mean lady," Melody screamed.

"All in good time you brat. My master has plans for you though why he wants you I don't know. Not to worry though because he won't get you. I'll have to make this look good though just in case Someone tracks me here," Dani said as she locked Melody into a cage after she removed any port belts from her.

"Can't very well have you escaping can we?"

Meanwhile at the Power Generation Complex the rangers were continuing to battle wits as Sita ported back in.

"Hey Ugly, your mother dresses you funny and wears combat boots," Wildrik threw at the Ugly monster which seemed to have a lot of teeth in it's snouted mouth snarled.

"I don't think he liked you comment about his looks Will," Isidore warned his gold suited teammate as one of the monsters long fingers and clawed hands lashed out.

"It seems like I've seen a creature like this before," Radha said. "Problem is I can't remember where."

At that moment a Strange beam caused the monster to grow.

"We better call for our zords."

"I agree," Sita replied.

"Mistress of Athens, I beeseech thee, taketh pity and help me now."

Sita looked towards the fields of Adria's village. "Goddess of the Harvest, I have planted my seeds, taketh pity and help me now."

Wildrik looked to the sky. "Messenger of the Gods, here is my message, taketh pity and help me now."

Landre gazed upon the distant sea. "Ruler of the Sea, within your waters, taketh pity and help me now."

Adria looked to her house. "Goddess of the Hearth, the fire is stoked, taketh pity and help me now."

Xelia looked at her friends. "Protectress of Youth, we were once young, taketh pity and help me now."

Charda and Kylara clasped hands. "God of Love, Goddess of Love, we have love for each other, taketh pity and help us now."

Isidore looked at the two rampaging villains. "God of War, I must now enter into war, taketh pity and help me now."

Valdi stretched out his arms. "God of gods and men! Look upon your people! Taketh pity and help me now!"

In ten streaks of light, ten Zords appeared before them. Charda and Kylara leapt into Eros and Aphrodite respectively, Isidore to Ares. Radha and Sita jumped to Athena and Demeter, Wildrik to Hermes. Landre and Adria ascended to Poseidon and Hestia, Xelia to Artemis. And Valdi ran to Zeus.

Radha, Kylara, Sita, Adria and Xelia shouted in unison, "Protectress of Marriage! MegaZord engage!" In a flash of light, Hera stood before the all mighty Rancor (A/N I'd have to say that the Rancor belongs to 20th Century Fox and George Lucas. For an idea of what the beast looks like I suggest watching Return of the Jedi The Third movie in the Original Star Wards Trilogy) a twin bladed lance in her hands.

Valdi, Isidore, Charda, Wildrik, and Landre shouted, "God of Light and Truth! MegaZord engage!" In a flash of light, Apollo stood before The Rancor a mace held by a hand.

"Now that he's at full size I recognize him. He is a bit of a hard monster to kill. You almost have to crush his neck to kill him."

"Nice Theory Radha but where is his neck his head almost seems to sit right on his bloody shoulders." Xelia reminded the keeper of lores.

"Ok based on Radha's theory I've got an idea," Isidore said over the interzord commlink. Apollo then swung his mace at the back of the Rancor's head about where it intersected with the body. Unfortunately it only made the creature mad.

"Nice Theory Isidore too bad it didn't work," Wildrik pointed out.

"Radha, what was used in whatever book or movie you saw this creature in to kill it."

"It would be hard to do what with the safety systems in place but the knight closed an overhead door on it's head."

"Ouch," nine voices said in neat unison.

"I've got an idea gang, let's use the Ultrazord," Valdi suggested.

"Agreed," Radha said.

"Retroform command: UltraZord initalize!"

In a spectacular light show, a unicorn appeared. And before the Rancor could react, The Unicorn reared up and planted two hooves right along his spine at the weakest spot which caused the monster to fall down and detonate.

The Rangers then teleported to Articia. Articula was on the communications grid with The Nameless One.

"Make note that for now the child is unharmed but she won't remain that way forever that you can guarantee."

"Look T'Aldr you release my daughter right now or I will personally send you packing."

This statement caused ten mouths to fall open with wide results.

"Unfortunately my servant hasn't actually delivered her to me and when she does I have no intention of releasing her. Instead I am going to do some stuff to her that you won't like. I doubt you will enjoy whatever you might someday get back of her."

The Transmission ended right then. Sita looked towards her mentor and substitute father figure.

"Articula, why didn't you tell us that Melody was your daughter. We would have understood your reasons for not being there for her."

"I doubt you would have. None of you are parents and those are incapable of understanding the danger a child can end up in before of who you are."

"Articula, factor in my father is the president of Unaka. He has enemies of his own who would love to do something to my sister of me as a way of sending a message to him. If I wasn't a ranger I'm sure my dad would worry about the same stuff you do because of Melody. We will find a way to get her back Articula. You can count on it."

At that moment a light flashed on a screen. Dani's picture popped onto the screen.

"Mom, what are you up to and does it involve a certain little girl?"

"Yes it does Sita. I don't intend to allow harm to come to the girl. meet me at these coordinates in an hour," Dani said transmitting a set of coordinates. Alpha quickly interpreted the coordinates into something the port belts could understand.

"Oh and one more thing come alone."

She then closed the connection before Sita could respond.

At the proper time Articula himself arrived at the coordinates with the rangers in predetermined spots nearby their standard issue weapons at the ready in case it was a trap. Dani ported in with Melody at her side.

"OK Melody go over to that nice man and he will insure your safety."

Melody started to obey her instructions when a sudden bolt of lightning appeared.

"Dani, you traitor, How could you do something so horrible as release a prisoner without my permission."

"I was releasing her because she deserves a chance to live and I knew what vile and despicable things you were going to do to her. Stuff she shouldn't have to encounter."

"Trust me you traitor you will pay big time for your disloyalty," T'Aldr Yl'oka promised his henchwoman Just before he launched a explosive bolt at Dani and Melody.

"Mother No," Sita said as she launched herself towards Dani and Melody just in time for all three of them to disappear.

"Sita," the other rangers called as she disappeared.

When Sita could see again she was demorphed and was being thrown into a cell by a few Tylai. She looked around and saw her mother in a similar cell but no sign of Melody.

"He has her. Let's face it Sita we have no escape. His dungeons are shielded against the energy field that allows you to morph which is why you are no longer morphed. If anything I'll be lucky if he only executes me."

Meanwhile the other rangers and Articula were trying to hold together.

"Articula, trust me we will get Sita and your daughter back. It's only a matter of time. As it is I feel your pain as well since she was almost like a daughter to me. Enough that I was looking forward to someday adopting her," Adria said.

To Be Continued