Power Ranger Mania The Fanfic Shoppe The Yost  


by Gamine

Part Eleven—Jump Into the Fire

"Okay, everyone out of the pool." Zack spoke quietly, even knowing that his voice couldn't be heard outside the Xeryan helmet he wore. He brought the hoverskid to a gentle stop in midair just below the hole in the mountainside where Kim and Peter had escaped the grat'lest.

The night air was cooling rapidly, the yellow Xeryan moons hung high in the silent sky, lending an air of eerie unreality to the landscape.

"Okay," Kim said through gritted teeth, "I have no idea what we're about to find in there. Just kill anything that moves, would be my best advice."

Adam gave a dry chuckle as he hoisted himself up over the edge of the tunnel's mouth. "Relax, Kim. Peter and Iannos assured us that there's bound to be only one grat'lest in there now, and an immature one to boot. No problem."

"Fine," came the irritable response. "You go first, frogboy." The others snickered as they helped each other climb into the cave, Zack setting coordinates on the hoverskid's control console before following the rest.

"Where are you putting it?" Trini asked as she watched the small craft hum away.

Zack pointed. "Clump of rocks about half a mile back. I got my silent whistle right here, though, in case we want it in a hurry." He showed her a small remote device. "It'll home in on wherever this baby is, and avoid obstacles on the way." He paused, then chuckled. "I have got to get me one of these for back home."

"Are you serious? I have to go first?" Adam was saying to Kim, who was pointing down the tunnel with a no-nonsense gesture. "But you're the one with the... "

"Balls?" the former Pink Ranger injected sweetly. Muffled hilarity ensued.

"I was going to say experience," Adam grumbled.

Kim laughed softly, cuffing him lightly on the arm. "Come on, I was only kidding. Let's go."


Jason glanced over the control console of the runabout, partly to reassure himself he was running close enough to the ground to avoid detection and partly to check the time. He sighed to himself; Kim and the others should be making their way through the tunnel that would take them below So'Vran's palace. Tommy, Aji and a contingent of hoverskids would be heading out of the base now, proceeding south to take their place outside the Citadel wall. The rest of them, including himself, Taia, and Billy, were going to attack from the north, to draw the Citadel guard out and away allowing the two stealth parties to attack from within.

Jason wiped beads of sweat from his upper lip. He'd nearly forgotten what it was like to fight for the survival of a planet: the adrenaline rush, the worry, the abject fear that this would be the one time a sacrifice would be made that could not be countenanced.

Aji. The thought of loss that could not be borne brought her vivid features immediately to mind. He'd thought he'd lost her once, and the fear that he could lose her for real went bone-deep. It was the same for all of them, really. He hadn't missed the expression that had crossed Tommy's face when Kim volunteered to lead the point group under the palace. Never mind that she was an experienced ex-Ranger, never mind that she was the best choice due to her recent ordeal. Jason admitted to himself that in Tommy's shoes he might have protested, just as Tommy had initially done. But Iannos had overruled them all, saying that this was the ultimate push against Sov'ran's power—it was today or never, and it would take all of them, working to the very best of their abilities, to see it happen. Absolute victory or total destruction, with nothing in between.

That thought reminded Jason that he really WAS fighting for the survival of a planet—a people—a way of life. They and the Xeryans were fighting for their future existence. Casualties could not be avoided. The only way to get through this was to ensure that none would die in vain.

The tiny comm receiver behind his ear flared to life.


The hoverskids were in position, invisible in the shadows outside the Citadel wall.

<Don't brood, Tom. It's distracting. > Aji softened her thought with a smile as her partner glanced up.

<Sorry. Can't help it. >

<I know. >

As if cued by the thought, the small transceiver each wore behind one ear crackled, Kim's voice coming over it. "In primary position," she said quietly. "No sign that we've been detected yet. We'll make the final push into Citadel territory at your signal, Jase."

Jason's deep rumble echoed softly in their ears. "We have troops headed this way. Engaging shortly. Give us some time to dig well in."

Aji nodded, tapping the tiny communication device at the base of her throat. "On your go, Paladin." <And I love you. >


And there they came, So'Vran's black-clad guard, swarming toward them, on foot, in the air... the warship to Jason's left spat out energy, dispatching the first of what Jason felt sure was an armory of disruptor cannons. A dark warship loomed above them and Jason veered the runabout sharply, tossing his troops about but narrowly avoiding being fried. The rebel warship behind him slid into his place, driving the Citadel ship back with a well-placed shot to the bridge. Smoke obscured the general area; Jason angled the runabout down and to the right, breaking through the inky cover.

The light from the moons was useless now. He called on Paladin, swathing himself in golden power, and looked down at the battlefield below even as he turned over control of the runabout to a Xeryan whose name he didn't remember.

A second, then a third explosion indicated that the rebel warships were still pinpointing and destroying disruptor cannons; Billy's energy-locating technology was proving effective. Jason sent a silent message to his sister as he left the ship and took to the air. <Time to go to work. >

The specs they had managed to download from their one encounter with a Citadel warship in space were coming in very handy, Jason reflected, shooting a spike of golden energy into the weapons array of another black ship. His golden blade erupted from his hands with a thought and he tore through the hull near the reactor core; a silver flash skidded by as Taia enveloped the core in her particular brand of force field and pulled it free of the shrieking, tilting mass of metal. A mental shove from both siblings pushed the warship on its end as it drove itself into the sand like a giant monument; a wave of rebel troops swarmed forward to clean up survivors.

Two rebel warships followed three Citadel ships, evidently intending to engage them in space. Taia flung the reactor core at the tail of a departing Citadel ship, resulting in a satisfying light show and evening the odds. Another black vessel scudded away, back toward the Citadel itself; Sentinel tore through it with a magnificent burst of bronze energy, and the ship went smoking into the mountains.

Paladin shook his head grimly. <Tai, tell Bill to cut that out or he'll go down like a comet. >

The battlefield below was awash in bloody melee... a parody of the grace and beauty that had been the ethrull the Xeryans were so skilled at. Yet it was clear that this was where it had all began, the dance of the ethrull desyerti emerging from what was necessary for combat survival. Jason could see, even outside the range of his own spinning sword, the controlled furious flail that was Medja at her fiercest. He caught Deorth out of the corner of his eye, silencing a trooper with a swift blow that crushed the man's windpipe. Economical and exacting, even in battle, Deorth swept across the field.

Jason angled his body toward the ground, at the same time activating his comm. "It's a go," he said, and sent up a prayer.


"Let's do this," said Tommy, and Aji nodded. Their movements became one, synchronized, precise; and the entire contingent faded utterly from view, slipping over the wall to infiltrate the Citadel.

A pair of hoverskids detached from the group, heading east to deal with the population of the Citadel slums. Identical expressions of concentration and effort broke across the faces of Light and Shadow as they fought to keep their comrades from being seen in the moonlit night. The rest of the squadron set down, and the war for control of the Citadel began.

The initial foray into the training fields drew out all the remaining military still stationed in the barracks. But their charge out was hasty and panicked, with little preparation or warning, and they ran straight into the waiting arms of the rebel forces.

It was a slaughter, at least initially.

Then, as troops from other compounds within the Citadel began to trickle in, it seemed as though the tide would turn. But the rebels were determined. Their battle lines would not fail. Although they wavered, the lines held strong.

Tommy caught a glimpse of more than one civilian running to stand with them against the Citadel guard and realized that So'Vran's fist had choked more than just open rebellion. "Liberty or oblivion!" rang through the air, and "Death to So'Vran!"

His shadowhammer swung wide, scattering Citadel guards. Tommy swung again, caving a barracks roof, sending chunks of debris flying into the fray. A pulse of shadow thudded from his open hand like the sound from a concussion gun, downing a row of black-clad combatants. The guards attempted a strategic retreat. Unfortunately, the only way open to them took them into waiting mass of civilians. A grim smile crossing his face, Tommy knew they'd find no welcome there: these were the same civilians the guards had helped to oppress for the last thousand years.

Aji sliced through the Citadel troops with the laserlike precision of a surgeon excising a tumor, and at last their way was clear to the palace. Tommy tapped his comm. "We're in!"


Kim nodded at the others, huddled around the door that led from the palace sewers to the older system. "Okay, they're in. Ready, Adam?"

The Green Zeo Ranger nodded shortly. "As far as I can tell, and with what Peter told me, this ought to bypass the alarm for a bit. If not... "

Trini shrugged. "If not, doesn't change much. You okay, Kat?"

With a shudder, Pink Zeo nodded. "Yeah, better. Spiders give me the creeps, and that thing was disgusting."

Kim chuckled behind her helmet. "You should've seen its mama."

Kat made a rude noise. "No, thanks."

Zack shifted his weapon. "Let's do it to it!"

With a nod, Rocky spun the wheel and shouldered the door open. There was just about time for a breath of relief before the klaxons went off.

"Go go go!" hollered Trini, leaping into the smooth tunnel, the light on her helmet glancing off the silvery walls. "On O2, everybody. He knows we're here... "

Kim thumbed the oxygen circulation valve in her helmet just as the hissing began. She flashed her light toward the wall as they ran past. "Look." A pale yellow gas was seeping rapidly into the tunnel.

"Good guess, Tri," panted Kat, running after her. "How'd you know?"

Trini chuckled, her back to the wall. "It's what I'd do if I wanted to kill us."

Rocky, bringing up the rear, broke in. "Plan your world domination later, ladies. We have company."

Kim spat out a succinct oath. "There's a fork ahead; we'll split up. T, you take Yellow and Green. Head left. Pink, Blue, Zack, you're with me. Be careful, everybody."

Trini gave the others a two fingered wave and beckoned Adam and Tanya forward; they set off at a flat run. Rocky cursed volubly in two languages as weapons fire erupted near his feet, returning the fire before dodging forward.

"Go on, I'll catch up," he gritted through clenched teeth.

Two black-clad figures appeared around the bend behind them; Kat grasped Rocky by the shirtfront and jerked him forward, squeezing off a shot at the wall at the same time. A chunk of the tunnel fell in with a satisfying crash, cutting off the attack. "You don't ditch me that easily, lover. Come on."

The four ran forward, skidding to a stop behind Kim long moments later. She popped her comm link. "T, where are you?"

The sounds of weapons fire in the background set all their teeth on edge. "In the palace proper. We've engaged. You?"

"No idea. Still below, though." Kim scanned the area. "Were they waiting?"

"Yep. Crap, Adam, your four o'clock!" More weapons fire. "Mother-grabbing-son-of-a... is he okay?"

"Oh, you did NOT just shoot my husband, you... !" Tanya's furious voice broke in, accompanied by the sound of a purposeful energy discharge. "Hah. Oppress that, Nazi boy. You okay, baby?" There was a pause. "He's a little scorched. And I prefer my men raw."

"I'm good." This was Adam; the four who were underground breathed sighs of relief.

"Okay," Trini said authoritatively. "Going deeper. Get up here, you guys, we could use the help."

"On our way." Kim paced off the floor.

Zack spoke warily. "What are you doing?"

"Odds are they're waiting for us at every door." Kim looked at each of them in turn, then grinned inside her helmet. "So we make our own." She shouldered her weapon, took aim at the ceiling a distance away, and blasted a hole. A second round from Kat followed hard on the first blast and the hole widened enough for them to climb through easily.

Zack chuckled as he helped Kim over the rubble and up into the hole. "I love a woman who knows how to take control."

"You can call me Mistress Kim." Kim tapped her comm again. "We're in and on the move."


With a last look at the bloody uproar raging below, Jason, Taia, and Billy wheeled in the air and headed for the Citadel to bring the final battle home to So'Vran.


The halls of the palace were wide and empty, apart from the occasional troop of Citadel soldiers running past in chaotic disarray. Tommy and Aji made their way past those easily, heading deeper into the maw of the enemy, looking for the very heart of So'Vran's stronghold.

Echoing footsteps alerted them to the approach of yet another troop. Tommy pulled his partner back into invisibility against the wall. She was frowning.

<What is it? > he asked silently.

<Something is different. There's no haste, and only one of them... > As if to confirm her assertion a lone figure appeared, his approach deliberate. He wore a cloak, gray in color, with a hood obscuring his face. The man paused, as though listening, waiting...

The color drained from Aji's cheeks as the hooded man turned toward them as though on instinct. She stepped forward abruptly, out of the circle of Tommy's camouflage.

He reached to stop her, but too late. <Aji! Aj, what do you think you're... >

The expression on her face could only be described as dazed as Aji approached the cloaked figure. The man's hood fell back, revealing a head of wild red hair above a lined and careworn face. He spoke; his voice was gentle, hushed. "I had not thought to see you again, Aji."

She shook her head. "You were looking for me."

He inclined his head. "I was."


The man offered her a small device; Tommy couldn't see it clearly. "To give you this."

Aji seemed to ignore it. "No, I mean why... "

He held up a hand. "I know what you ask, but our time grows short. And you have your answer here." At last she looked down at what he held, and took it from him. "This is why, Aji."

She was clearly bewildered. "But... "

A squad of soldiers erupted from around the corner. Before Tommy had a chance to move the lead Citadel grunt had a point-blank bead on Aji, his thick finger squeezing the trigger... and then the cloaked man grasped her shoulders and spun her behind him, taking the hit in the center of his chest. Before his lifeless body hit the floor both Shadow and Light burst forth, dispatching the squad with deadly force.

Aji went to her knees and gathered the dead man to her, clutching him close, her head bent into the lifeless body's chest as she wept, whispering a single word.



Jason's flight checked in midair. "What is it?" Billy called, he and Taia slowing slightly to allow Paladin to catch up.

His expression was grim. "Aji. Something's happened."

"Is she all right?" Taia's voice reflected her worry.

"She's shut down again," Jason shook his head. "Like she was before. I can feel her, but I can't reach her."

They exchanged glances, then in accord streaked toward the Citadel looming in the distance.


The blast as the corridor floor caved in brought troops on the run, but they were clearly unprepared to find Zack and Kim, Rocky and Kat waiting to welcome them with open armaments. After a short siege in the hallway, Kim waved away the smoke from in front of her helmet and tapped the comm. "We're ready to join the party."

"Not a second too soon, if you want my opinion," hissed Trini. "We've got a bit of a situation developing here."

"Rocky, Kat, one of you get a lock on their position. What kind of situation, T?" Kim glanced at Rocky, who nodded and started off at a lope down the corridor, the other three following closely behind.

"Outmanned and outgunned, and I don't think... Tanya, look out! Behind you... " There was a pause, the sounds of a scuffle, some weapons fire...

"ADAM!" Tanya's voice was barely recognizable.

"Tanya, get back!"

"Let me go! ADAM!"

"Dammit, Tanya, no... !" There was a huge crash, and then the unmistakable radio squeal of a disabled mike.

"TRINI!" shrieked Kim. "Tanya! Adam! ANYBODY!"

"Oh, God," whispered Kat, as Zack cursed volubly.

Rocky redoubled his efforts. "I've still got a lock. They're on the move," he spat out.


Some days just sucked. Trini winced as her helmet was unceremoniously torn from her head; she blinked as she focused very closely on the muzzle of the disruptor that lay gently against her forehead. The Citadel guard who held it indicated with a jerk of his head that she should move. She glanced over at Tanya, a spitting wildcat held by a pair of guards, and at Adam, who lay still, the hole in the center of his chest still smoking slightly.

Her worried gaze narrowed on the Green Zeo Ranger, Trini got to her feet, hands in the air. Tanya tried to bite one of the guards and got cuffed for her trouble. "Tanya!" Trini spoke sharply. "Knock it off. It won't help him, and you have to stay okay." The Yellow Zeo Ranger subsided a bit, tears forming in her dark eyes.

Adam's fingers twitched. Tanya gasped; her husband groaned, drawing in a harsh breath, coughing. A thin trickle of blood traced from the corner of his mouth to the floor. One of the guards gestured at him with his weapon. "Bring him."


Rocky came to a halt at a pile of scorched rubble, staring at a bloodstain that was congealing on the floor. "This is where they were when the transmission cut out," he said shortly, glancing up as the other three came up beside him.

Kat nodded. "They're moving that way," she pointed down the corridor, "but I have to say they're moving a little too slowly and steadily for my taste."

Zack nodded. "Not like they're on the run with someone hurt."

The Pink Zeo Ranger nodded. "Exactly. They'd be faster, more erratic, is my feeling."

"They've been taken," Kim growled.

Rocky folded his arms, turning away from them. "So we get them back," was all he said, but they could hear the strain in his voice.

Kim nodded, hunching her shoulders. "Yeah, we do. The trick is going to be getting them back without getting any of us killed." She rolled her head, trying to relieve the stress that was gathering at the back of her neck, and tapped her comm. "Tom?"

His voice came back clear. "Almost there, Kim."

"We're in a jam."

"Get in line." He sighed gustily. "What flavor's your jam?"

"So'Vran has three hostages."

They all heard the hissed intake of breath. "Not that it matters, but who?"

Kim swallowed, not wanting to say it aloud. "Trini, Adam, Tanya. And Adam's hurt. Maybe worse."

A quiet string of epithets came across the comm. "Right. Listen. Find a place to lay low until we get there. Billy, Jason, and Tai are on their way as well. Do NOT go in after them, you hear me? Three hostages is bad enough." Rocky started to protest, but Tommy cut him off. "I know it's killing you, Rocko, but you have to trust me. We'll be there in time, I swear."

The Blue Zeo Ranger nodded, his shoulders slumping.

Kim paced back a few steps. "Now what are you up to, Superfly?" Zack wanted to know.

"Looking for a place to lay low. My definition, not Tom's."


She beckoned them to a branch of a corridor. "Meaning Rangers don't sit on their asses when their teammates are in trouble."

"All right!" said Rocky hoarsely, shouldering past her with Kat on his heels.

Zack genuflected to Kim as he joined her. "Got news for you, baby girl. We aren't Rangers anymore."

She chuckled. "Take that up with Alpha."

They moved stealthily but steadily through the shadowed halls of So'Vran's palace, trying to parallel, as closely as possible, the journey that their friends were being forced to take. None of them were willing to be very far away in case an opportunity for rescue should arise.

Voices filtered to them from beyond a pile of debris; Rocky dodged around it, then came back, beckoning the others. "Come on," he whispered. Around the other side was an easily defendable niche, and from the sound of things, they were just about right on top of So'Vran's control room.

"I must say, Iannos' little surprise came off rather well."

Kim's skin crawled, and she leaned forward for a peek. So'Vran's voice fairly crackled with evil as he approached the three Rangers, who were held immobile by burly, black-clad guards.

"And what is this, some sort of infestation?" He stopped in front of Trini, tilting up her chin to look her in the eyes. Trini shuddered but refused to look away. "Mmm. Eltaran powered brats. Interesting." He crossed to Tanya, looking deep into her eyes as well; then So'Vran chuckled, his gaze dropping to the Yellow Zeo Ranger's midsection. "Inordinately interesting." Finally he moved on to Adam. "Pity this one's broken; he looks as though he might have been amusing. Still... perhaps he can still be of some use to me." Tanya whimpered, catching a dark glance of interest. "Ah. I see. Better still." So'Vran moved back toward her. Trini began to struggle.

"Leave her alone!" The Red Zeo Ranger spat out furiously.

So'Vran looked at her, his head tilted to one side inquiringly. "Now why would I want to do that?" His tone was deceptively benign. "She is with child, is she not? I myself do not have an heir, but perhaps I have been remiss. It occurs to me that I might take this one, raise it myself."

Shock ricocheted through the niche. Kat grasped Kim's arm, hard. "Did you know?"

"Hell, no."

Tanya was pleading, weeping. "No, please..."

Trini snapped her head back in a headbutt, dazing the guard who held her and freeing herself. She ran to interpose herself between So'Vran and the terrified Tanya. "Over my dead body," she snarled.

There was a pause. "Acceptable," So'Vran decided, and he grasped Trini around the throat, lifting her high into the air. She struggled, choking, clawing at his hand.

"PUT HER DOWN!" Kim shouted, taking aim with her weapon as she and the others burst forth from their hiding place.

He flung Trini aside and she hit a console hard enough to dent the metal, sliding to the floor like a rag doll, one arm at an impossible angle. "Ah, my little monkey," So'Vran smiled at Kim, stalking toward them. Zack and Kim fired, hitting him dead center.


Kat raced over to where Trini lay, checking her pulse. Rocky shouldered his way in front of Zack and Kim. "Back off, man, I am warning you!"

So'Vran snorted inelegantly. "You? Warn me? You insignificant creature, you warn me of what?"

The air behind him shimmered, revealing five metallic figures. "How's about WE warn you?" boomed Jason's deep voice as Billy and Tommy easily took out the soldiers holding Tanya and Adam. So'Vran whirled, his cloak flying wide; Jason's golden blade leapt from his hands. Billy's energy staff sizzled into being, Tommy summoned his shadowhammer, Aji's fists gleamed too brightly to look at, and Taia was enveloped in a visible warp of power.

"You wanna dance, So'Vran?" Tommy grinned, swinging his hammer slightly.

Billy's chin went up a notch. "Let's dance."

Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13