Snow White and The Six--er--Seven Midgets
by Lily Jones

(Setting of Scene 1: a bare stage, Peter comes out in a tuxedo, glasses and a book, he stops center stage, and smiles)

Peter: Good evening Ladies, and Gentlemen. This evening we would like to tell you the story of Snow White and the 6 midgets

Mike: (back stage) Seven! It's Seven midgets--er--dwarves

Peter: Seven midgets..sorry..Anyways, we would like to introduce our cast first. Playing the part of Snow White will be Ms. Arlene Martel (You know Madame and Lorelie...Spy that came in from the cool, Monstrous Monkee Mash)

Arlene: (comes skipping out, wearing a Blue and yellow dress, with puffy sleeves)

Peter: The Wicked Step-Mother will be played by (grins) Micky Dolenz.

Micky: (comes out in a dress, with a wig, cackling) Hahaha! I'll get you my pretty! And your little dog too!

Peter: Wrong story, Micky!

Micky: Sorry.

Peter: The part of the hunter will be played by, Mike Nesmith.

Mike: (comes out, carrying an axe, and a dagger)

Peter: Our Prince will be played by Davy Jones.

Davy: (comes out, trying to keep the hat from falling off his head, trips over the cape, falling forward) AAH!

Peter: I'll be playing one of the Si--er--Seven dwarves

Davy: (stands up, brushing himself off) Midgets

Mike: (whispering) Pete, we've got a problem.

Peter: What?

Mike: The other guys couldn't make it... So it looks like there's only 3 mi--er--dwarves.

Peter: (Sighs) Well then Snow White and the Three Dwarves...

Davy: Midgets!

Peter: Whatever..

(Cut to opening credits)

Narrator: Long ago, in a far away land there lived a Queen and King. The King had already had a daughter, Snow White, when he re-married, very shortly after, he died. Leaving Snow White with her Step-Mother. The Evil Queen. Each day she would ask her mirror on the wall who was the fairest in the land. It answered you are the fairest. And Snow White was safe for another day....

(Scene 2: curtains pull back, to reveal the inside of the castle, Micky standing by the mirror, fixing his black wig)

Micky: (clears his voice) Mirror Mirror on the wall whose the fairest of them all?

Mirror: (sounds like Mike) Famed is your beauty. But, a lovely girl I see, rags cannot hide her beauty.

Micky: Who is she? Tell me her name!

Mirror: Hair black as ebony, skin white as snow, lips that are red as the rose.

Micky: Snow White!

(Camera cuts to "Snow White", scrubbing the steps)

Snow White: (humming, and scrubbing the steps outside, gets up goes over to the well, birds flock around her) You what to know something?

Birds: (Coo)

Snow White: (singy tone) We are standing by a wishing well. Make a wish, and if you hear it echoing your wish will come true. I'm wishing, (it echoes: I'm wishing) For the one I love, To find me (to find me) today (today). I'm wishing. for the one I love. To find me (to find me) Today...

Davy: (comes up behind her) Today!

Snow White: AH!

Davy: AH!

Snow White: Don't do that!

Davy: Sorry...

(Scene 3: The well outside the castle)

Snow White: (runs)

Davy: Don't run away! I didn't mean to scare you.

Snow White: (peeks out from behind a tree)

Davy: (sings) You're not the only Cuddly Toy, that was ever rejoiced by any boy

Peter: DAVY!

Davy: Oop. Sorry. (sings) One song, I 'ave but one song.. (stops, looks at Peter) Do I really 'ave to sing this?

Peter: (Sighs) No just, go on with it...

Davy: I love you! I do! Please, come with me we can away on my horse!

Snow White: I can' Step-Mother won't like it..

(Camera cuts to The Stepmother with Mike)

Micky: You will take her out to the woods, and let her pick wild flowers. Then there, you will kill her.

Mike: No! The little Princess, but Your Majesty

Micky: Is this understood? Bring me back her heart in this! (Throws him a box)

Mike: (Bows) Yes Your Majesty. (Walks off stage, leaving Micky there laughing, until he ends up coughing and walking off stage)

(Camera cuts to the "woods")

Snow White: (Picking Wild Flowers humming Cuddly Toy)

Mike: (pulls out a plastic dagger, walks over to her grabs her by the arm)

Snow White: (screams) No Please don't kill me!

Mike: I..I..can't..Run hurry! Hide she wants you dead!

Snow White: Who?

Mike: The Queen!

Snow White: (Gasps, starts to run, runs about 12 steps then spots a small cottage) Oh! Thank God! (runs up to it, knocks, then opens the door) Hello? Hm, it's empty.

(Cut to Micky Mike and Peter)

Micky: (Singing) Heigh-Ho Heigh-Ho It's home from work we go..

Peter: Micky! This is a family show!

Micky: What? All I said was "Heigh-Ho"

Peter: Ssh!

Micky: (rolls his eyes)

(Scene 4: outside of the pa--er--cottage, really really dark outside.)

Peter: Hey Mike...

Mike: Yeah Pete?

Peter: It's really really dark out here....

Micky: Come to think of it...(looks at the pa--er--cottage) GUYS! The lights are on!

Peter&Mike: (Bow up and stop in front of Micky, Micky piles into them pushing Mike on the ground)

Mike: He's right!

Peter: (whispery tone) You think it's a burglar?

Micky: Or a spook...

Mike: A spook, Micky, there's no such things as ghosts..

Micky: Yeah, well tell that to Charles Dickens.

Peter: Guys..the house..

Mike: Right. <ahem> Let's go check it out..(walks off towards the cottage)

Peter: Hey Mick?

Micky: Yeah Pete?

Peter: Are you scared?

Micky: Scared? I don't know the meaning of the word. Terrified and horrified, I know.

Mike: Knock it off..(Opens the door, peeks it) Hello?

Peter:(Runs into Mike, knocks him down)

Mike: AH! (Lands on the floor, looks up at Peter) Don't do that.

Peter: Sorry.

Micky: Listen! (Everybody's quiet, they can hear light snoring from the downstairs bedroom) It's coming from the bedroom! (darts over to the bedroom opens the door, eyes widen) There's a girl on Peter's bed!

Peter: (Runs over to him, looks) Really?

Mike: Ssh! (Walks over to the two, pushes them in the room) Wake her up! If Babbit catches her in here we'll loose the place!

Snow White: (Yawns, opens her eyes, looks at them screams) W-who are you?

Mike: Ma'am, I'm Mike Nesmith, this is Peter Tork, and Micky Dolenz. And this is our Cottage in the woods, we rented from a nice man.

Micky: (Rolls his eyes) Nice my <koo-koo>

Peter: Who are you?

Snow White: I'm Snow White..

Micky: Snow White The Princess?

Snow White: (Nods)

Mike: Why are you here?

Snow White: The Queen wants to kill me!

Mike&Peter: She's evil!

Micky: She might be evil, but she's a groovy looking chick!

Peter: You're going to have to stay here with us!

Mike: Pete's right. You can stay here as long as you like..

Micky: Or just till the end of the episode.

(Camera cut to an hall way, Micky saunters out straightening his dress out, trying not to trip)

Micky: (Stands in front of the mirror) Mirror Mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?

Mirror: Far away in the forest, in a little cottage, Snow White still is the fairest of them all.

Micky: Snow White is dead, here is her heart.

Mirror: YUCK! Get that outta here! And that ain't her heart.

Micky: It's not?

Mirror: No man, that's the heart of a pig.

Micky: Aw man..(Throws it off stage)

Peter: (offstage) Ow!

Micky: Sorry Peter!..Well I'll just have to kill her myself.

Mirror: How are you gonna do that?

Micky: I can't tell you that...

Mirror: Why not?

Micky: Because it's...

Mirror: In the next scene..yeah..darn it.

Micky: (Runs off laughing again)

(Scene Five: A basement in the castle, all sorts of stuff down there, kinda like the laboratory we see in "I Was a Teenage Monster". Micky comes down the stairs, still laughing.)

Micky: I'll fix that Snow White. Thinks she can steal the title of fairest in the land. I'll show her! (Brings out a big book) Let me see (Starts to flip through it.) Ah! Her we are..."Sleeping Death." One bit of this apple and the victim falls into "Sleeping Death" (Eerie music plays.) Hahaha! They'll bury her alive! (Cackles, as he fixes the potion, then dips the apple in it, brings it back out, places it in the basket.) There! Now a disguise...

(Cut back to the cottage, outside, Mike standing there)

Mike: Now, Snow White you must be careful, the queen is full of surprises. Don't talk to any strangers, or let them in.

Snow White: I won't..

Micky: (Runs out behind Mike) Be careful!

Snow White: I will.

Peter: (follows Micky) Bye! (They all four walk off)

Snow White: Bye!

Micky: (can be heard singing in the distance) Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho It's off to work we go.

Mike&Peter: MICKY!

Snow White: (Shakes her head, and goes back into the cottage)

Micky: (Comes back over, dressed as a little old beggar woman, knocks on the door)

Snow White:(Answers it) Yes?

Micky: Hello deary, Would you like to by some apples?

Snow White: Apples? Why would I want to by apples?

Micky: To eat. Or make pies.

Snow White: I don't know..

Micky: Come on deary, I'll tell you a secret. (Brings out the reddest apple in the group) This apple is a wish apple.

Snow White: (Eyes light up) A wishing apple?

Micky: Yes. One bite, and all your dreams and wishes will come true.

Snow White: (Takes the apple) I wish..That the Prince David will come, and take me away with him, and we'll marry and we'll live happily ever after.

Micky: Fine. Fine. Bite it!

Snow White: Or maybe just till the end of the episode. (Takes in a deep breath, and bites it) Oo. I feel funny.

Micky: Yes..yes..

Snow White: (Falls to the floor)

Micky: Now I am the fairest in the land (Cackles, and runs out the back door, we can hear him scream, and the sound of something hard hitting the ground. Camera cuts to the door)

Peter: (Comes in) Man I can't believe he fired us!

Mike: Man, that was our only job too.

Micky: (Runs in, pulling his wig off, throws it aside) Look! Snow White!

Mike: (Looks at her) Oh no! The Queen must have done this

Peter: (Starts to cry) Poor Snow White..this is all our fault.

Mike: (Cries, picks her up, takes her out back.)

(Camera cuts to the middle of the forest, Mike, Micky, and Peter kneeling beside a glass coffin, crying)

(Camera cuts to another end of the forest, Davy riding a "horse", he sees them crying and rides to them whistling "Cuddly Toy")

Mike: (Looks up) Hark! It's Prince David of Harmonica!

Micky: (Looks up) It is him!

Davy: (climbs off the horse, trips over the cape, falls face down) Ow. (Stands up quickly like nothing happened, walks over to the glass coffin) Snow White...

Peter: She's dead! (Bawls)

Davy: (Bends down, and kisses her lips softly)

Snow White: (Eyes flutter, then open)

Mike: (Gasps) She's alive!

Micky&Peter: She's alive YAY!!!

Davy: (Picks up Snow White)

Snow White: My Prince!

Davy: Me Princess!

Snow White: (Wraps her arms around him kisses him)

(Micky Mike and Peter are dancing around them)

Narrator: Prince David and Snow White, married. And joined the kingdom of Harmonica and Belgravia. As for The three men who took care of her; They found another member and formed a Band called "The Monkees" and were the greatest success. And they all lived happily ever after.

Davy: (Looks at the Camera) or just till the end of this episode.

(Fade out, and fade back in for the Daydream Believer Video)
