The Original Classic by Liz Donovan

It is another outrageously sunny day in Angle Groves, Billy is sitting on one of the many bench tables located throughout the large park. He is silent, lost in thought. In his hands he absently twirls a strip of light pink material. Although he has found a fairly hidden bench in the park, he is brought out of his daydreaming as Rocky, Adam, Tanya, and Tommy approach. Sighing, he looks up at them.

Tommy: Hey, Billy.
Tanya: How's it going?
Adam: Where've you been?

Billy shoves the cloth into the breast pocket of his flannel. The four other teens sit around the table, uninvited.

Billy: I just wanted to be alone for awhile.
Rocky: Oh. Cool.
Adam: Is something wrong, Billy?

Billy glances briefly at Tommy, then shakes his head.

Billy: No, nothing wrong. How are Zordon and Alpha?
Rocky: They're okay.
Billy: And Queen Machina and King Mondo?
Adam: Same old, same old.
Tommy: It's just not the same without you there, Billy.
Billy: Uh, sure.

Adam looks around, and as if for the first time, notices Katherine is not among them.

Adam: Hey, where's Kat?

Billy sighs and the rest of the Rangers look around.

Tommy: She had to stay after school for an assignment. I'm gonna meet her at the Juice Bar at 4:30.
Rocky: Well, it's 4:32 right now...
Tommy: Huh?

Tommy looks at his watch and taps on it.

Tommy: Aw, man! Guys, I gotta go. My watch is slow! See you around!

With that he sprints off. Billy rises.

Billy: I must be leaving as well.

Billy also walks off, in the same direction as Tommy, but at a much slower rate. Adam and Rocky watch them leave and them shrug their shoulders. Rocky opens his books, and tries to study.
(Cut to Juice Bar) Kat is sitting at a table, checking her watch repeatedly. Tommy runs through the door, and Kat grins.

Tommy: I'm so sorry. My watch was running slow.
Kat: It's okay.

Tommy slips into a seat across from her. Over Tommy's shoulder you see Bulk and Skull enter. (Zoom in on them.)

Bulk: A room infested with dweebs.
Skull: Yeah, what you said.

Bulk hits Skull on the head with his hat.

Skull: Watch it! You'll wrinkle the uniform!

Skull brushes off his shoulders.

Bulk: I hit your head, bozo.

Skull looks up at his head and then down at his Junior Police man uniform. He grins.

Skull: Oh, yeah.
Bulk: Come on, nincompoop.

The two walk over the Juice Bar counter. (Pan back to Tommy and Kat)

Tommy: Want anything to eat or drink?
Kat: Oh, no thank you.
Tommy: Uh, okay.
Kat: I've really got to study for this exam.
Tommy: Well, here. Let me help you.

He stands and walks over to Kat. He leans over and peers at the book. She looks up at him and smiles. Pushing her hair out of the way, she begins to write down something. (Pan back to Bulk and Skull)

Bulk: A dozen chocolate. And uh, half a dozen jelly filled.
Skull: I only want six jelly filled.
Bulk: And two glasses of milk with that.
Ernie: Okay. Why so many donuts?
Bulk: We're police officers now. So we have to act like real officers.
Ernie: Whatever.

Ernie turns to get the one and a half dozen donuts and the drinks. (Pan to door, where Billy is just arriving.) Billy looks around and spots Tommy leaning over Katherine. He grimaces and struts over to the dumbbell sets. Pulling off his flannel, he lays on the bench press, wearing a white tank top and jeans. He begins to press weight. Soon he stops and loads the machine with more weight.

Coach: Be careful son, you might hurt yourself benching that many pounds. A bench press is not something inexperienced people shoul-

Coach stops as Billy lifts the bar again. He scratches his head and whistles. Billy grunts, anger showing in his face. Billy sets the bar on the rack after five presses. He sits up, sweating lightly. The coach grins.

Coach: Haven't seen that kind of pressing since Jason left for Switzerland. Although maybe Tommy can pump that much.

Billy clenches his jaw. He loads the bench press more and a few kids come to see if he can actually press as much as he has on the bar. Billy lays back down, and the coach puts on a face of excitement, and worry. Billy grasps the bar and the coach comes up to help him. (Pan to Tommy and Kat)

Tommy: Hey, what'd you think that crowd is for?
Kat: I don't know. Lets go see.

(Pan to Bulk and Skull)

Bulk pulls a donut up, and spots the crowd of teens hanging around a tight circle by the weight set. Skull is gazing down at his donut intently.

Skull: Hey, Bulky. Why do you suppose there aren't any holes in the jelly filled donuts?
Bulk: To keep the jelly in, you pea-brain. What's that crowd forming for?

Skull looks up and sees the crowd, then he looks back at his donuts, still wondering why it has no hole.

Skull: I dunno. Maybe there's a fight going on?
Bulk: A fight?! Well, we have to stop it! We are the Junior Police!

Skull puts the donut down and stands, somewhat proud. Bulk rushes over to the weight area. Tommy and Katherine are right in front of them. Billy feels the bar under his grasp. He slowly lifts it off the rack. In the corner of his eye, he spots Tommy gasping at him. Katherine is by his side. Billy's eyes flash a icy blue, (from the lights, not a spell) and he lifts the bar off the rack. The coach tries to help him, but Billy doesn't let him. He inhales deeply and pushes the bar upward. The crowd cheers. Letting it drop, Billy breaths for a second and brings it up again. Tommy stares in amazement and Kat smiles in surprise. Billy is going up for the sixth press, when the crowd parts and Bulk and Skull burst through.

Bulk: Stop! No, don't fight!
Skull: Yeah! Stop, we've got you surrounded!

The two spy Billy on the bench press.

Bulk: The dweeb's trying to lift weights, eh?

Billy lifts the weight again, the crowd cheering him on. After his tenth press, he sets the bar back on the rack, and sits up. His shirt is sweaty and he is breathing heavily. The coach leans over him. Someone gives Billy a thermos of water.

Coach: What's your name, son? Have you ever thought of trying out for the weight lifting team? I think you've got-

Billy stands, glares at Tommy and struts over to the bar. Several people pat him on the back and compliment him. He ignores them for the most part. (Pan back to Katherine and Tommy)

Kat: What's wrong, Tommy?
Tommy: Billy is. the only other time I've ever seen Billy lift like that was when he wasn't really him.
Kat: What? I don't understand.
Tommy: Well, Lord Zedd and Rita once stole a statue of Billy, and turned it into a clone of Billy. It was just like him, only stronger. And mean. I just wonder....
Kat: Maybe we should go talk to him.

(Show Kat and Tommy walk up to Billy)

Tommy: That was incredible, Billy.
Billy: I know.
Tommy: Are you sure nothing's wrong?
Billy: Positive.

Billy stands and walks back over to the weight area to get his flannel. He drapes it over his arm, and sits down again.

Kat: I didn't know you had it in you.
Billy: Hmph. How would you know? You've only been here a few months.
Tommy: Hey, Billy. That isn't nice.
Billy: Yeah, well I know a lot of things that aren't nice.

Tommy leans closer to Billy.

Tommy: Are you upset about losing your powers?
Billy: I'm not upset, but that is on my mind.
Tommy: Is that why you're trying to impress me?

Billy snorts.

Billy: Impress YOU? I think not.
Kat: Then, me?

Another, louder, ruder snort.

Billy: I would hardly think so.
Tommy: Then who? Or why?
Billy: No-one, and no reason.

Billy heads for the door. Tommy watches him.

Tommy: I'll be back. I want to talk to him. I think I understand what he is going through. I was much the same when I lost my powers.
Kat: Okay.

(Open on Park) Tommy is chasing after Billy. Tommy breaks into a jog, and soon catches up to Billy.

Billy: You don't know when to stop, do you Tommy?
Tommy: Listen man, I understand what you're going though. I felt the same way when I lost my powers.
Billy: That's impossible. What I'm feeling has nothing to do with my powers.
Tommy: Then something IS wrong.
Billy: Affirmative.
Tommy: Well, what is it, if not your powers?
Billy: You. You! YOU!
Tommy: Whoa, me? What'd I do?
Billy: What you do, what you don't do. It's everything.
Tommy: Everything? I...I didn't know...what is it that I do?
Billy: Do you remember Kimberly?
Tommy: Kim, yeah, what does she have to do with this?
Billy: Do you remember Trini and Zack, and Jason?
Tommy: Of course I do. But, what are you bringing them up for now?
Billy: And Aisha? Do you remember her?
Tommy: Well, yes. Yes of course, but why?
Billy: Because it sure as Hell doesn't seem like you do.
Tommy: I could never forget them.

Billy keeps walking, faster still.

Billy: You sicken me, Tommy.
Tommy: (Keeping pace) Sicken you? I'm sorry, but what'd I do?
Billy: Haven't you realized what is happening? Didn't you notice what Zordon is doing? What we're doing?
Tommy: I don't know what you're talking about.
Billy: You wouldn't. Your head is far too buried in Katherine's bosom to see anything of importance.
Tommy: What?! I'll have you know-, It's jealousy, isn't it. You're jealous because you can't get any.
Billy: And you can?
Tommy: I can! I had Kim, now I've got Kat. I could have had Trini, Aisha and Tanya if I had wanted.
Billy: Precisely! You had them, used them, and threw them away! You don't regret that Kim is gone, do you?
Tommy: Well, I miss her, but I don't regret she is gone, no. Why?
Billy: Don't you even care that she left? Don't you that she will probably never come here again? Don't you care at all?!
Tommy: No, not really. I was getting bored with her anyhow.

Billy throws his arms up in a futile gesture. He stops and glares at Tommy.

Billy: I could kill you right now. I could kill you bare handed, and I wouldn't care. Hear me, I wouldn't care!
Tommy: Chill man. I don't know what's gotten into you, but you're giving yourself way to much credit. You could never in a millennia take me out. Not ever.
Billy: You are so wrong, Tommy Oliver, so very, very wrong.
Tommy: You wanna fight me? Come on, I'd like to see you try.

Tommy steps back, opens his arms wide tempting Billy to punch him, and readies himself in case his 'friend' is serious. Billy sneers and spits.

Billy: Anytime, Red Ranger, anytime.

Billy stands back as well, and although he has no powers and is not a karate expert like Tommy, he knows the rangers' weaknesses, and knows how to cripple a foe.
Billy makes a fake jab to Tommy's chest, and the ranger attempts to block it. With the distraction in place already, Billy drops and roundhouses, Tommy's leg from underneath him. He falls to his rear, and scrambles for his feet. Billy kicks him in the side, hard. Tommy yelps in pain. Grabbing his injured ribs, Tommy tries to stand again. Billy looms over him, and kicks him again. Tommy grabs Billy's foot and pulls him until the former Blue ranger loses his balance. Billy sees the upcoming fall, but uses it to his advantage. He falls onto Tommy, try to crush the teen. Tommy is able to kick Billy in the back, and Billy cries in agony. The pain numbs his back, and he looks down at Tommy, a look on his face, not ever present before. With a war-like cry, he draws his fist back, and pounds it into Tommy's face.
Tommy struggles underneath him, but Billy pins Tommy's legs under him, with his feet, and holds the ranger's arms down with his knees. Tommy cries out, as Billy pummels his face in. Soon after several more well placed punches, Tommy's eyes roll up into his head. Blood trickles down his nose, lips and forehead. In the distance, people can be heard approaching quickly. Billy stands, glances at the direction of the noise and back down at Tommy.
He wipes his forehead, putting a streak of bright blood there. He kicks the unconscious Tommy in the side again and cries out.

Billy: That's for being an asshole.

His kicks him harder.

Billy: That's for taking all the glory when I deserved some.

His kicks him even harder, and although he is knocked out, Tommy gasps.

Billy: And that's for using Kimberly, and not treating her the way she should be treated!

With that last statement, tears stung his eyes. He reached into Tommy's pocket and found his Zeo crystal. Shoving it into his own pocket, he jets towards a secluded area in the park, running faster than he has before.

Alpha: Ai-yi-yi-yi-yi!
Zordon: Alpha what is wrong?
Alpha: Someone just attacked Tommy in the park.
Zordon: Queen Machina, King Mondo and their minions I presume. Is Tommy all right?
Alpha: I'm getting a visual on the Viewing Globe. Oh, no!

Tommy appears on the Viewing Globe, his face is stained in blood, and he is clearly unconscious. His right leg is pinned beneath him.

Zordon: This is far worse than I feared. Contact the other rangers.
Alpha: Right away, Ai-yi-yi!

Adam: We read you Zordon.
Alpha: Adam, teleport to the command center, immediately! Tommy's in serious trouble.
Adam: All right.

Soon three beams of light appear in the room, green, blue and yellow.

Rocky: Where's Kat?
Tanya: What happened to Tommy?
Zordon: Observe the viewing globe.

Everyone turns and looks into the sphere. Kat is now leaning over Tommy, weeping and trying to help him. A crowd has gathered around him and some medical people are around trying to keep people back, and help.

All Rangers: Gasp!
Adam: What happened?!
Alpha: We don't know. I'm checking my scanners for monsters or any of the Machine Empires doings, but I haven't found anything yet.
Rocky: But look at him. How could someone do that to him? Not only is he liked by most everyone, he is a damn good fighter too! Some John Doe couldn't just take him out like that.
Tanya: Look at all that blood...
Rocky: We've got to go down there. If he is really hurt, then he'll want some familiar faces when he comes to.
Zordon: I am sure you are correct.
Adam: What about who did this to him? They could still be in the park.
Zordon: Good observation, Adam. Rocky, you and Tanya go help Kat with Tommy. Adam, I will Rock & Tanya: Okay.

They flash out in columns of Blue and Yellow.

Zordon: Adam, I will teleport you to a hidden area in the park. Search the unknown and little used areas. If you find anyone, confront them, or bring them to justice.
Adam: All right.

He teleports out in a column of green.

Alpha: Ai-yi-yi!

A column of green light flashes down amongst the leafy green trees, unobserved by all. Within a few seconds, Adam appears from behind the tree. He is walking quietly, looking for a possible criminal. He hears someone talking as they walk and he heads towards the noise.
Adam slinks behind another tree and continues advancing on the speaker. The voice is low and does not sound as if someone were talking to someone else. He peers around the tree and sees no one. He crouches down and advances towards some low brush bushes. His green shirt seems to blend him into the background. Gazing between two branches Adam observes Billy. He is muttering to himself and looking into a mirror, wiping at his face viciously.

Billy: Come off, dammit!

He licks his thumb and wipes at his face again. Seeing that it is beginning to work he tries it again. On the ground by his feet is a small metal box, which looks suspiciously like a Zeo morpher.

Adam: (whispers) Billy?

Back on another corner of the park, a crowd has gathered around the dead-looking Tommy.

Kat: Tommy! Tommy! Can you here me?!
Rocky: Kat!
Tanya: Oh, no!
Rocky: We came as soon as we heard!

Rocky and Tanya break through the crowd, Kat hugs Tanya sobbing. Rocky bends over Tommy and looks him over closely.

Rocky: Somebody call an ambulance!
Bulk: Uh, uh, right away, Sir!

Both Bulk and Skull turn and try to run to the nearest phone. Kat looks up, suddenly worried.

Kat: Where are Adam and Billy? Are they all right?
Tanya: Adam's fine, Billy should be in the Comman-, er...his lab.
Kat: Are you sure? He was acting very strange at the bar...before...

Kat looks back down at Tommy's bloody body and begins to cry again. Tanya looks up to Rocky.

Tanya: I'd better go check Billy's lab and see if he's okay.
Rocky: Right.

At that moment medical people arrive with a stretcher and begin to clear the people away. Tanya frowns and then hurries away. Rocky is made to leave Tommy and the paramedics carry his limp body into the ambulance.

Kat: Oh, Tommy...
Rocky: Hey, it'll be all right.

He puts a comforting hand on Kat's shoulder, but doesn't quite believe his own words.

Billy: Zordon, this is Billy. What happened? I heard Tommy got seriously injured. Has this been confirmed?
Zordon: Billy, teleport to the Command Center at once. The rumors you hear are the truth.
Billy: Oh, no!

He turns his communicator off, and drops the morpher into his backpack. Then he clicks his wrist band and is flashed out in a column of clear-white.

Adam steps out of the bushes as soon as Billy is gone. He looks around and then says to no-one really.

Adam: What the hell is going on here?

With that said, he hurries over to where Rocky, Tanya and Kat were. He finds nothing but an empty glade.

Adam: (Into communicator) Rocky?
Rocky: (From Adam's communicator) I read you Adam, what's up? Find anything?
Adam: Nah, nothing yet, but I did discover something kind of, uh, suspicious...where are you?
Rocky: I took Kat back over to the Juice Bar, Tanya went to go find Billy.
Adam: I know where Billy is. I don't want to say anything more until we're face to face. I'll be down there in just a few.
Rocky: Okay, we'll be here.

Billy arrives at the Command Center, and Alpha cries:

Alpha: Thank goodness you're all right!
Billy: What happened? I was just talking to Tommy.
Zordon: Tommy was attacked in the park. He is in critical condition and has been rushed to a medical ward. I fear King Mondo may have created a being that we cannot detect on our scanners.
Billy: Hmm, is that possible?
Zordon: I'm afraid it may be...
Alpha: What'll we do?! If the Machine Empire sends a monster down, Tommy will be unable to help!
Billy: Where are Rocky, Adam, and the rest?
Zordon: I sent Adam to search the park for clues as to who the assailant might be. Rocky, Tanya and Kat should be at or around the Juice Bar.

Voice: Zordon?
Zordon: I read you Adam.
Adam (voice): I think I may have an idea of what happened. Have you located Billy yet?

Billy frowns, but tries to cover his worry.

Zordon: Yes, Billy has been notified of the situation. Is your evidence sufficient prove of a culprit?
Adam: No. (sigh) I think it might be Cogs. Several people reported hearing strange sounds around the place before Tommy was found. I'll fill you in more later, I just wanted to let you know I'm making progress.
Zordon: Keep up the good work, Green Ranger.

Adam arrives at the Juice Bar. He looks around, and runs over to Rocky and Kat. They look at him and he calls them into a huddle.

Rocky: What's the scope, Adam?
Adam: Not much, yet. But... (looks around and lowers his voice) I hate to say this, but I think Billy might hav-

He stops as his wrist alarm goes off. He sighs and the three move over to the corner.

Adam: We read you, Zordon.
Billy: Adam, this is Billy. Report to the command center. I think I may have found something.
Adam: (Looks around and groans softly) All right.

The three teleport out in columns of Red, Pink and Green.

Rocky: What'd you find, Billy?
Billy: (Looks up) Find? Oh, look. (Points to the viewing globe) This is the location that Tommy was found. There are obvious trample marks around that area, as though several people attacked him. My guess is powerful cogs, or one of King Mondo's monsters. Possibly under a cloaking device, or spell which the Command Centers computers can't recognize.
Rocky: This is heavy.
Billy: Quite.
Kat: Is Tommy going to be all right?
Billy: That is unconfirmed. I hope so. His condition appears to be critical, but with the medical technology surgeons and doctors have made available, I doubt Tommy is in a critically unstable state.
Kat: That's good.
Rocky: Hey, Adam. What were you saying earlier down at the Youth Center? About knowing something?
Adam: Er, uh. I just, er wanted to say I thought it was, uh, Cogs too. (Glances at Billy)

Billy doesn't seem to notice Adam's uneasiness. He begins to type on the computer console.

Kat: Zordon, I don't think Cogs could have done this to Tommy. We take on Cogs a lot, and none of us has ever been seriously hurt.

Billy: I thought the same thing. Since the scanners have yet to pick up any traces of a monster, I have come to the conclusion that Maybe King Mondo created a new breed of Cog. One much more difficult to beat.

Rocky: Yeah, but it still seems unlikely that they'd cause that much damage to Tommy. And don't you think he would've called us for help?

Billy: (Shrugs) Maybe he had no time to do so.
Adam: But, still...I think we would have seen...something...
Kat: Billy, you were with Tommy just around that time, didn't you hear anything?
Billy: Well, actually I didn't. I stopped Tommy to talk to him. I left and I suppose I was out of earshot.
Adam: But I saw you-
Billy: Saw me what?
Adam: I saw you...um. Never mind.

Adam shuffles nervously and Billy glares at him. Kat comes up from behind, and looks up at Zordon.

Kat: Is there anything we can do?
Zordon: I'm afraid not. Adam, would you like to continue your investigation in the park?
Adam: Um... (glances warily at Billy) All right...
Billy: Good, I need to get to my lab. I left some fluids unattended and I don't need them to boil over on me.
Rocky: You're worried about liquids at a time like this!
Billy: Excuse me, I don't need your criticism, Blue Ranger.
Rocky: Well sorry!
Billy: (glares at Rocky) I need sometime alone. Meaning, BY MYSELF.

With that, he presses his communicator and teleports out in a flash of purest white.
Inside of Billy's lab, a column of white light flashes out of the sky into the center of the lab room. There, Billy stands. He reaches into his pocket and withdraws Tommy's Zeo Morpher.

Billy: Oh, Red Ranger. Your time is drawing to a close. Prepare yourself for the ultimate sacrifice.

Billy turns and sets the morpher in a basin of liquid where it sparks several times. Billy walks to a cabinet and removes a sack of powdery dust. He begins to sprinkle it over Tommy's Zeo Morpher and the liquid. Red sparks fly out of the basin. Billy picks up a pair of protective eye goggles and slips them on. Then he sets to work on dismantling the Zeo Morpher.
Having adjusted and fine tuned Tommy's Zeo Morpher, Billy removes the rubber gloves on his hands and takes the goggles off his face. He pushes the basin aside and brushes away the tidbits of metal and plastic. He turns the reformed Zeo Morpher over in his hands, and breathes a sigh of relief. He hasn't damaged the casing or the morphing grid, but now the object is completely redone. The wrist part of the morpher is history, as Billy would have done had he been a ranger. Now, there is one piece, and it works with a switch.
He pulls a drawer open and removes a long chain with dog tags dangling at the bottom of them. He unhurriedly takes the tags off and slips the much smaller Zeo Morpher onto the chain. Holding it out in front of him, he examines it once more, rubbing the glistening metal with his shirt. Then he takes pride in hanging the chain around his neck.

Billy: Now Tommy, we will see who is the REAL Red Ranger.

And with that he lifts the medallion on the chain and flips the switch to ON. A flash engulfs Billy's body and he raises his hands in victory.

Rocky: Man, what's gotten into Billy? He doesn't even seem phased that Tommy was nearly killed.
Adam: That's because he did it.

The other three rangers look up startled at this news. Adam walks to the computer and begins to type into it. Zordon glares down at Adam from his casing.

Zordon: Explain your reasoning, Green Ranger.

Adam turns and notices everyone starting at him. Kat crosses her arms defiantly. He turns and types a little more in the computer and then looks back. Everyone is still starting at him.

Adam: I know what I'm doing!
Rocky: We're not saying that you don't, but that's kind of an erratic accusation.
Kat: A what?
Rocky: Never mind.
Zordon: Rocky is right. Adam did you find some proof of this...speculation?
Adam: Proof? Well...not exactly...but...

The other rangers stare at him.

Adam: Well, I saw him in the park, he had blood on his face, and it looked like he had Tommy's morpher...and...and...guys...
Rocky: What do you have against Billy?
Adam: Nothing...I, well, you saw the way he was acting this morning...maybe King Mondo put him under a spell to kill Tommy.
Tanya: Do you think he could do that?
Rocky: Man, Billy could tell us!
Kat: Yeah. Or Tommy.
Adam: Tommy wouldn't know tha-

Rocky nudges Adam, he drops his sentence as Kat looks curiously up at him.

Adam: Never mind. (sigh)
Rocky: Alpha, can you do a scan on Billy?
Alpha: Ai-yi-yi! We tried already! All the scans turned up negative!
Adam: Alpha, what did you scan for?
Alpha: We looked for the usual: Brain waves, dilated pupils, and of course evil spells.
Kat: And you didn't find anything?
Alpha: I'm afraid not.
Adam: Maybe that's because you're all so sure it's King Mondo's doing.

Once again everyone looks at Adam as he takes on the role Billy normally plays.

Rocky: What are you saying?
Adam: I'm saying maybe Billy isn't under any spells. Maybe he just snapped under all this pressure. He does a lot of work around here, plus he's always helping us with our homework, and stuff like that. Maybe it all just got to him, and Tommy said something to upset him, and he went off. Of course, Tommy fought back, but Billy ultimately won.
Rocky's mouth drops open and Kat rubs her arms as though she is cold. Footsteps sound in the darker part of the Command Center and everyone turns to see who they belong to.

Voice: It seems to me that since you know so much about this, you might have been the one who beat him up.

Billy steps forward, and his features appear hard and cold under the strange lighting. He glares at Adam.

Adam: What? What are you talking about?
Billy: It seems obvious to me that you intended to hurt Tommy. The facts you just stated seemed to be your testimony. Don't deny the truth.
Adam: Don't deny-- I can't believe this!
Kat: Adam, how could you?
Rocky: Wait, wait, WAIT! I find it hard to believe that Adam would do a thing like this. Besides, he was at the Juice Bar, wasn't he?
Kat: I thought he was with you studying, Rocky.
Rocky: He left just after Tommy and Billy did....

All eyes focus on Adam. He takes a step backwards.

Adam: I didn't do it! I swear I didn't!
Billy: All the fingers are pointing at you, Adam.
Adam: Billy, how can you do this?! First you cream Tommy and now you're turning on me! I thought we were supposed to be friends!
Billy: Me turning on you? You're the one accusing me of beating Tommy up!
Adam: I said you may have snapped, that's different.
Billy: That is irrelevant.
Adam: Not the way I see it!
Billy: I simply defended myself from your inadequate accusations on me by turning them on you. It is highly possibly that Tommy was beaten up by thugs... (under his breath.)Since the Power Rangers haven't been doing their job...
Rocky: What?!
Billy: Nothing.
Zordon: Enough bickering, Rangers.
Billy: Excuse me, but I'm not a Ranger anymore. (Sour grin)
Zordon: Rangers...and Billy.
Billy: That's better.
Rocky: (Whispered.) What a snot.
Kat: Shhh.
Adam: Yes Zordon?
Zordon: Now that Tommy is out of commission for the time being I need to create a temporary Red Zeo Ranger as otherwise we will be utterly defenseless against the attacks from the Machine Empire. Adam, as you are Zeo Ranger IV, I should promote you to this position, but since the reason that Tommy is hospitalized may be your fault, I cannot allow you that control.
Billy: (snickers and puts his chest out, knowing Zordon will most likely chose him) Tough luck, Adam.
Zordon: Billy you might have been my next choice, but I must decline you as well for you may too be the cause of Tommy's downfall.

Billy hisses softly between his teeth and enviously looks at Rocky.

Zordon: Rocky, I have found no fault in your loyalty to the Power Rangers, and I believe that you will make a good temporary leader until Tommy is able to take command again. I honor you with the powers of the Red Zeo Ranger V.

Rocky stands taller than before and looks up at Zordon, nodding his head.

Rocky: I won't let you down.

Billy's fingers wrap around the medallion at his neck, his thumb caressing the switch labeled MORPH.

Tanya: One slight problem, Zordon. We don't have Tommy's Morpher...
Billy: I do.

All eyes turn to Billy, surprised. His eyes meet theirs.

Billy: And I don't plan on giving it up either.
Adam: Doesn't look like you have much choice.
Billy: You're so wrong Adam. I have every choice in the world. In here, and out. As for you...well, there's not much to say.
Rocky: Billy how could you?!
Billy: How could I what?

Billy turns and walks to the center of the Command Center. Everyone watches him. Rocky with a scowl on his face and Adam not to far behind. Kat seems not to know what is happening and Tanya is just listening.

Billy: You don't know what its like to be under Tommy's control for this long. What it is like to see him take a person, someone who cares about him, and crush them. What its like to see your fellow rangers leave, to be replaced by other people you've known for three days. To see them rise in status after a few months, and yourself drop. To lose your powers is the ultimate price to pay for kindness. You don't know how it pains me to see the Blue Zeo Ranger in action. The place I would be... but by far the worst, is seeing the Red Zeo Ranger. The place I should be, but I wasn't. Wasn't until today. The day when I no longer could take Tommy's ego. His heartlessness, his conceited little BASTARD self. This team lost all of the Zords we've ever had, and every time, it was Tommy's fault. He was a sorry leader. All balls and no brains. I made up for his shortcomings, and he took the credit. All the fucking time! Well, not anymore! Tommy Oliver is out of the picture now! And if you don't like the idea of me as your leader, then piss off!

The other four rangers stand there, gaping at Billy. He is breathing heavily, and brushes the hair from his face. He turns and looked at Zordon, and then back at Adam.

Billy: I'm sorry for accusing you. It was wrong, and I know what I did to Tommy was too, but he very well deserved every last hit, punch and kick that I gave him. And he's lucky I let him live. (looks to Rocky) Take care of that Blue suit. Wear it with pride.

Rocky nods, trembling a little. Billy looks to Tanya.

Billy: You're all right, but Aisha was better, and at least Trini could understand me... although she was a reason I changed so much. (looks at Katherine, and stops, shaking his head in disgust) I have nothing to say to you, bitch.
Kat: I won't even dignify that with a response.

Billy: (glares at her and spits in her face) Rot in hell, Kat.
Kat: Away from you? With pleasure.
Billy: (Slapped her across the face, her hand going instinctively up to protect it.) Say that one more time, and you'll end up with Tommy. In the hospital.
Kat: I'm shaking.
Billy: You had better. Don't mock me, Bitch.
Kat: Then get the hell out of my face.

Billy draws his arm back and punches her in the face, drawing blood from her nose. She stumbles backwards, bracing herself for the fall with on hand, and reaching for her injured nose with the other. She lands on the floor and looks up hatefully at Billy.

Billy: If you play with fire, you're gonna get burned.
Rocky: (steps forward and grabs both of Billy's arms, restraining him from striking Kat again.) What the hell do you think you're doing, man!
Billy: (struggles against Rocky's grip, but Rocky overpowers him. He glares back at Kat, who has gotten to her feet. spits out:) Get your fucking hands off me!
Rocky: I'm not so sure that's such a good idea.
Billy: Maybe I should rephrase that. Get your fucking hands off me before I break your skinny little neck!
Rocky: I don't think so.

Billy struggles some more and then finally stops. Rocky looks up to Zordon.

Rocky: What should we do with him, Zordon?
Zordon: Alpha, put Billy in a containment field and run a diagnostic on him. We need to get to the bottom of this.
Alpha: Right away, Zordon!
Billy: You can't keep me in a cage forever.
Rocky: No, but we can try.

Rocky drags Billy to where Alpha had established the restraining cage. He shoves Billy inside and Alpha quickly seals the opening off. The small droid waddles to the computer console and picks up a small scanner. He walks back to where Billy is standing and begins to scan him. Rocky hugs himself and walks over to Kat. He lifts her chin and looks at her bloodied face.

Rocky: Are you going to be all right?

Kat wipes her tears and looks at Rocky. She sniffs and glances at Billy.

Kat: I think I'll be all right. Thank you, Rocky.
Rocky: No sweat...

He reaches into his pocket and hands Kat a Kleenex. She takes it and wipes the blood from her nose.

Billy: Alpha, what are you doing? Cut that out!

Alpha clamps a thick bracelet onto Billy's wrist. It flashes red and yellow occasionally. He looks at it and then his eyes roll into his head and he slumps down onto his knees, unconscious. Alpha stands and looks at Billy. He falls onto his face and remains there.

Alpha: Well, that went faster than anticipated!

Adam and Rocky both looked over at Billy's still form.

Tanya: What did you do to him?
Alpha: I gave him a sleeping ring. It decelerates the heartbeat and puts the wearer into a state of unconsciousness until someone removes the bracelet. It just worked a little quickly on Billy. His resistance to the serum must not be very strong.
Tanya: So you drugged him?
Alpha: Generally speaking, yes.
Rocky: Cool.
Adam: Alpha, how is drugging Billy going to help us?
Alpha: Well, for one thing it will make scanning him and testing him for spells much easier. Plus I can remove the containment field and I won't have to work through the energy bars.
Adam: I thought we all agreed he wasn't under a spell.
Zordon: Looks can be deceiving, Adam. We cannot be positive that Billy is acting on behalf of his own intuitions. Therefore we must scan him for any traces of spells sent by the Machine Empire.
Adam: I guess....
Tanya: Guys...I think that Tommy should have just gotten out of the operation room a few minutes ago...Maybe one or two of us should go down and see him...
Zordon: That is a good idea. Rangers, there is nothing more you can do here. Go to Tommy, if anything more develops, I will contact you.
Adam: All right Zordon.

The four steps back and are teleported out in flashes of Blue, Yellow, Pink, and Green.

Alpha: Oh...Zordon, nothing's showing up!
Zordon: Keep scanning, Alpha.

Four columns of light appear behind a parked car in the Angel Grove Medical Parking Lot. Momentarily, four teens walk out from behind the car. They head rather slowly towards the Hospital doors.

Kat: This place gives me the creeps. I can't imagine Tommy waking up here alone.
Rocky: Don't worry Kat, that's why we're here, so he won't wake up alone.
Kat: Let's hurry.

The four teens quicken their step and board the nearest elevator. Rocky presses floor 18 and the elevator begins to ascend. The doors open once to allow a young nurse to board at floor 9, and then travels all the way up to the 18th floor. The doors open again and all four teens step out into the bland sterile white walls of the hospital hallways. They turn right and begin to walk down an endless, windowless corridor of doors. Adam stops at room 1034, where Tommy is recovering. He knocks softly and then slowly turns the handle. The heavy white door swings inward and Adam cautiously enters, followed closely by Kat, Rocky, and Tanya. The sight isn't what the teens want to see. Tommy lies motionless on the hard-looking hospital bed. A nurse hovers next to him, checking his readouts. She turns when Adam arrives, then nods at him and silently leaves the room.
Adam walks to the right of Tommy's bed and looks down at him. Tears started to form in his eyes, but he angrily blinks them back. Kat, Rocky and Tanya stand around Tommy as well. He looks terrible up close. His face is puffy, swollen red and purple. He has medical tubes coming from his nose, and his mouth. An IV sits next to his bedside, feeding liquids into his body by a needle in his wrist. He wears a white medical gown and on his side, a blue brace is fashioned, where one of his ribs is cracked. His nose too, looks disfigured, and is most likely broken. His hands rest gently on his chest, which rises and falls as he breathes. His eyes are closed and noticeable dark purple rings hang below the right one. His long brown hair lies about his head in a tangled, ratty mess. Several other machines are hooked to his chest and arms.
Kat stifles a cry as she takes it all in, she turns away, tears streaming down her face. Rocky hugs her and she buries her face into his chest. Adam shakily sits down on one of the three mauve chairs in the room. He does not do well around emotional things. Only Tanya remains by Tommy, lifting his hand and holding it in her own.
Tommy's communicator sits on a metal tray not too far from Adam. He picks it up and turns it over in his hands. He thinks of its creator and shivers, dropping the watch to the floor. It clanks as it lands and Tanya looked over at him. Adam stands.

Adam: (speaks softly, looking down at Tommy's battered body) I just can't believe Billy did this. Of all of us...never would I thought Billy could...he's always been so quiet, so to himself. We thought we knew him, but we didn't. None of us did. We took what he told us for granted. He was so lonely, and we just kept taking from him. And now look what's happened.

Adam gestures to the bed-ridden Tommy and then sinks back down into the chair, weeping silently. Kat looks up from Rocky's chest and over to Adam, then at the communicator on the floor and over at Tommy.

Kat: He may have been lonely, but he didn't have to do this. (looks at Tommy and shutters)
Adam: (looks up, scowling) But he did Kat, he did. Billy most likely made his first friends as a Power Ranger, but three of them left not long after he met them. We showed up, and Kim and Aisha left. We kept bumping him down from leadership positions he rightfully deserved. Recently we bumped him from being a Ranger altogether. Billy has been too nice to ever request a position that he wasn't given. Yes, nice. He gave up his powers for Tanya, someone he'd never met! I don't know that I could have done that. I guess being nice only goes so far. My mother once told me "kindness kills." I always thought that meant if you were nice to someone who was mean to you, they'd stop bugging you, but now... maybe if you're always nice, and no-one ever returns what you give them, you can be brought to the point of killing. Even your own friends.

Everyone looks at Adam. The tears in his eyes have gone. He looks across the room at his fellow friends...he sighs remorsefully and picks up the communicator, laying it on Tommy chest.

Adam: I can't handle this anymore. I've got to get out of here.

The remaining rangers watch Adam teleport himself out. They remain silent for awhile and then Tanya spoke.

Tanya: Maybe Adam is right...I don't really know Billy...but he does seem... pretty lonely. Maybe this can turn out okay....

Alpha turns off the containment field off that surrounds Billy and begins to check him more extensively for drugging or spells. Billy remains motionless on his stomach, his face smashed against the cold Command Center floor.

Alpha: Zordon, absolutely nothing is registering on the scans! I've checked every bypass, nook and crevice and nothing! I believe Billy really did what he did on his own accord.
Zordon: Then Billy has truly turned against the Power Rangers. Strip him of the Red Ranger powers immediately.
Alpha: Yes, Zordon.
Adam: (suddenly teleports in, and hears what Zordon says) No wait!
Zordon: Adam, what are you doing here.
Adam: I couldn't handle it at the hospital. I'm glad I got here in time.
Zordon: I watched what took place in the hospital on the viewing globe, but I still do not believe that Billy can be trusted.
Adam: He's just frustrated!
Zordon: I plan to give you control to the Red Zeo Powers, and when Tommy recovers, to give them back to him. Billy has-
Adam: I don't want them! Give them to Billy!
Zordon: I do not see the merit of this plan, Adam.
Adam: If you strip Billy of his powers completely he will be furious. Besides, we'll be helpless without his inventions. Let Billy be the Red Zeo Ranger. He deserves his chance. You'll find a replacement Zeo Ranger V and Billy will cool off. It's worth a try, and if he does anything, then you can strip him of his powers.
Alpha: It may be too late then.
Zordon: Adam, you are willing to give up the Red Ranger Powers for yourself, to give Billy? Then I commend you for you sacrifice, you truly could be a powerful leader.
Adam: Thank you, Zordon.
Zordon: Alpha, remove Billy's wrist brace.
Alpha: Right away, Zordon.

Alpha beds over and unfastens the wrist band. Billy immediately moans and flutters his eyes open. He lifts his face, which is still smooched against the floor and rolls over.

Billy: Man, what happened?

Adam extends a hand to help Billy up. Billy takes it and Adam pulls him to his feet. He wobbles a little and grabs his head.

Billy: Whoa, I feel woozy.
Alpha: You did fall rather suddenly.

Billy looks around and then seems to realize why he was laying down on the Command Center floor in the first place.

Billy: Oh shit.

Adam looks up at Zordon, then to Billy. He takes a deep breath.

Adam: Billy, I've talked it through with Zordon, and I've told the other rangers. They seem iffy on the situation, but I believe in you.
Billy: What are you getting at?
Adam: Zordon granted me the powers of Zeo Ranger V temporarily, but I declined...I told him to give them to you. I think you deserve them.
Billy: (squeaked) What?!
Adam: I understand what you're going through to a certain extent. I don't think you consciously intended to hurt Tommy, but your emotions just boiled over. It happens to the best of us. You just vented it on Tommy instead of a punching bag.
Billy: (looks at Adam, and then Zordon, amazed.) Prodigious! This is most unanticipated! Er...I mean... are you serious about this?
Adam: (grinning) Definitely.
Zordon: Billy, you have disappointed me by your recent actions, but Adam has brought to light several legitimate reasons as to why you have been acting this way. I, too, realized I had not rewarded you for your continued service to this team. You are now the only remaining member of the original Power Ranger team, and I feel that that deserves more than the positions I have been giving you. Originally I had not given you positions that put you in the line of fire. You were far younger, and less equipped with the experience to be a leader. Now though, I have just shunned you, for no adequate reason. Today, I shall change, if you shall.
Billy: I will, Zordon. I will.
Zordon: Then hold the Red Zeonizer above your head.

Billy removes the chain from around his neck and holds it out above him. Zordon closes his eyes and a stream of light floats from his container into the small medallion in Billy's hands. Billy glows red for a second and then is instantly morphed in the Red Ranger's uniform. The medallion disappears and Billy looks down at his gloved hands. The uniform is not quite the same on Billy. It has a maroon tint to it, and blue accents. Billy flexes his fingers and sighs.

Billy: I had forgotten how energetic the Power makes you feel.

Adam looks over at Billy. Billy grabs his hand and Adam smiles at him.

Billy: Thank you, Adam. You're the best friend a person could have.
Adam: Thanks. You deserve it.
Billy: (unsnaps the helmet and shakes his hair out) How is Tommy?
Adam: Pretty bad. He'll probably recover in a few weeks, but I doubt your friendship will.
Billy: I'm sorry about that. I never intended to inflict that much damage to him. But once my adrenaline got pumping, I couldn't stop myself. It was like I was blaming him for everything anyone had every done to me.
Adam: I understand. I don't know that anyone else will, but I do.
Billy: Thank you for your support. And I am truly sorry for blaming you earlier. That was wrong and unprecedented.
Adam: No sweat. What do you say we go visit Tommy?
Billy: That would be most wise. Perhaps he will even forgive me in time.
Adam: You never know until you try.

Later that night, Billy lies in his bed, looking up at his ceiling fan spin. It's late, at least 3:00 am, but he is very wide awake. That trip to the hospital had been rather uneventful. Tommy had regained consciousness for awhile. He was rather dizzy and sleepy. One thing he made clear was that he was upset with Billy, so Billy held off telling Tommy that he now controlled the Zeo Ranger V Zeonizer. Tommy agreed to forgive Billy after he completely recovered. Billy took that news well on the outside, but on the inside he hoped Tommy would never forgive him. He hoped that Tommy would hold this feud against him for the rest of his life. And that someday Tommy would provoke a fight with him, and he could once again exhilarate in kicking his ass to a bloody pulp.
The fan spins with a soft whir of machinery and the moonlight shining into his room from his window dances on the fan blades. He thinks about Tommy, and how he had confessed to Zordon that he was truly sorry about hurting Tommy. He isn't. Not even remorseful. He hates Tommy with a passion unlike any he had ever felt before, any he ever would feel. And if the opportunity to fight Tommy arises again he will not hesitate to inflict the ultimate damage to Tommy.
Billy closes the book lying on his chest. It's a biology book. One he'd read several times, but he is touching up on his biology. The Human Anatomy is the book he is reading now. He is studying which parts of the body are most vulnerable to attack, which are not, and which will cause more pain. So far, all his research has been fruitful. He does not want to kill Tommy unless absolutely necessary. Inflicting maximum pain is his number one priority, death would only be met with a great deal of suffering. He sets the book on the floor and looks away from the whirring fan. Things are getting out of hand. He had thought that he hated all of the current Rangers, but now he knows he was wrong. He only hates Tommy. In fact, he likes Adam. Adam is probably one of the best friends he's ever had. Adam knew what he was feeling, and he tried to help.
Billy swings his legs off his bed and walks over to the window. He opens it and lets the cool Angel Grove winds blow into his room. The lights in his room are all off as are the lights down his street. His room faces away from the street so all is dark outside. He leans outside and looks up. The stars sparkle above, like so many dreams he could never have. He grabs the small metal runged ladder outside his window. It leads down, but he rarely uses it for that purpose. He swings himself out of his room and pulls himself up so his feet are on his window ledge and his hands on the rungs above his window. This is the time he really has to use his arms. He climbs the ladder rung after rung using only his arms, until his feet pass the window. The drop is a good 20 feet and he is always very conscious when he climbs up to his roof. If he were to fall, he would die. Billy finishes the climb and walks over to the chimney. He sits down and leans his back against the brick chimney. His is one of the few homes that has chimneys. It's too hot in California to have much use for a chimney, but his father had demanded they get a house with a chimney. He said it reminded him of his wife. Billy's mother. He shrugs away the thought. Tonight is not a night to think of her. Billy stretches and looked into the misty heavens. The sky is so polluted here that star gazing is not near as fun as it had been. Chicago's skyline is far less smoggy. But smog or no, he opens the small, brick looking box next to him and removes the high powered telescope that rests in it. He holds the telescope to his eye and peers into the inky blackness of night. He has always liked to look at the moon, and oft times thought he could see Rita and Zedd's moon base. But he knows he couldn't. Billy turns his head and focuses the telescope on the small red blip that is Mars. Someday he will travel there. Be it in this life time or the next, he knows he will. Perhaps he could teleport there. Mars looks barely any different through the telescope and with the naked eye, just larger.
Billy shifts the telescope to look down into the street. As a younger person, he'd never thought of using the telescope to spy, but after he knew everything about the stars without looking at them, he figured there was no reason to have a telescope unless it was to spy. So one night he had looked into his neighbors window, and watched them watch TV. He'd even spied on his fellow friends: Jason, whose family still lived a few blocks away; Skull, who he often saw playing the piano in his family room; Kim, whose bedroom window ironically faced his; and Rocky, whose backyard was all he could see. He'd also studied people he didn't know, and found unpleasant habits that some of them had. He tried not to invade other peoples privacy, but it had become a obsessive habit.
He looks down at Kim's old house. It is vacant now, her bedroom light forever extinguished. He feels a tug at his heart, but it vanishes when he remembers the things he'd seen through that window. He'd seen Tommy in there, sneaking into her house late at night. He'd never been able to watch after that, but he knew what they did. He looks away from her house, back at the sky. Pulling the telescope from his face, he looks upon a plain star with naked eyes. He wonders if anyone ever thought of him as he thought of them. He wonders why Trini had never written him. Kim had, but it hadn't said much. She mostly babbled about the new kids. He'd written her right back, but she hadn't responded in well over two months.
Give her time He thinks.
He silently puts the telescope away. He knows Kim will soon hear of what he had done to Tommy, she won't be pleased at all. Then again she'd at least write to him; or knock off all communication with him. He sighs. That is his one regret about despising Tommy so ferociously; Kim will stop liking him. He hopes that after a few weeks she'll come back, but he knows that'll never happen. Now she'd be furious with him. You can't win them all. He absently thinks. Then a voice in his head says. Hell, you can't win ANY of them. He stands up and walks to the edge of the roof and peers down. A plunging drop into the rose bushes. He seriously considers suicide. Quick and painless. Nothing prevents him from doing it except himself. For all his logic Billy doesn't know what is beyond death, and not knowing is not something he takes lightly.
Not knowing scares him.
Death scares him.
