Disclaimer: (sigh.) I don't own them, I just play with them. Hope Saban isn't mad because I borrowed 'em from him. And, it's not for profit, just for fun. But what fun! ; )
Note: Thanks to Cheryl Roberts and Naomi Tilley for comments and encouragement. Any similarities to "Quantum Leap" are coincidental; this is not a crossover. I just like the idea of parallel timelines/universes. I'm playing fast and loose with PR continuity, so be warned! Romance, sex (m/f, sort of, and m/m), a bit of action, some bad language--I'd rate it PG - 17, at least. If you're too young to be reading this, get out now! DB
January 1999

The Long Journey Home
by Dagmar Buse

Jason was on his way to the Youth Center to meet the gang for their usual weekend meeting. His mood was great, he felt fine, and if there were still a few things on his mind, who was to know? He'd decided in the small hours of the night not to let his problems bother him and spoil what little time the gang had left together before graduation; time enough later to get a grip on things.

The streets were getting crowded with Saturday morning shoppers, joggers and people doing their weekend things, so he took his usual shortcut through the park. Just as the Youth Center came into view, however, Jason was suddenly overcome by a wave of dizziness. Swaying on his feet, he reached blindly for the nearest tree to steady himself. Everything went black for a moment, and a rush of first cold, then intense heat swept through his body. When his vision cleared, he automatically assumed battle-readiness, but there wasn't a single cog or other monster in sight. In fact, everything around him was just as peaceful as it had been only moments before.

Jason shook his head once; that certainly had been weird. Maybe he'd talk to the Rangers about this, when he got the chance. He scanned the area around him once more for anything suspicious; finding nothing, he shrugged and went on. At the Juice Bar, he found the girls at "their" table. Kat and Tanya greeted him with warm smiles as he collected a smoothie and joined them. Out on the mats, Rocky and Adam were involved in a friendly sparring match, and Tommy was still missing.

"Where's Tommy?" he asked the girls over his shoulder, his attention caught by a spectacular move of Adam's. He turned around as Tanya and Kat broke out in giggles. Confused, he looked at them. Their eyes were dancing with laughter, but he could have sworn there was more than a hint of a smirk beneath their merriment. "What?"

Before either one of them could answer him, however, a familiar voice hailed the group from the door.

"Hey guys!"

Jason turned around, and felt his chin hitting the floor. The person bounding up to the table unmistakably was Tommy, only not the Tommy Jason had known and called best friend for the last three years. The long hair, the smiling brown eyes, the athlete's grace were the same, as were the jeans and the red t-shirt; what was glaringly different was the way Tommy filled out that shirt. Instead of the smooth, sculpted chest Jason was used to seeing, his eyes were suddenly fastened onto a pair of very nice.... breasts? This wasn't Tommy; this was.... a GIRL?!?

"Tommy" blushed as Jason couldn't seem to avert his eyes from her chest. Tanya and Kat, who were watching the two avidly, had a hard time suppressing their laughter. "Uh... Jase... you're staring."

"Uh... what?" Realizing where his eyes had been for the last two minutes, the former Ranger felt the heat rise in his cheeks. Collecting himself with an effort, he shook his head in disbelief. He checked around the room, but everything else seemed normal. The only thing out of the ordinary was his best friend, who suddenly had transformed into an extraordinarily attractive female. Jason felt a tightening in his groin as he once more let his eyes sweep over the lithe figure standing across the table, and blushed even more.

Before he could speak, Rocky and Adam had joined the rest of the gang. Taking in the two heated faces and the girls' amusement with a glance, both started to snicker at Jason's thunderstruck expression.

"Somebody hit you over the head, Jase?" Rocky teased, trying hard not to laugh outright.

Jason finally found his voice. "What... what's going on here?"

Instantly, the four quieted down. Their careers as Rangers had made them sensitive to strange moods in their teammates, and Jason's bewilderment was all too obvious.

"What do you mean, what's going on?" Adam asked warily. "You've just been ogling Tammy more than usual, that's all."

"T-tammy?" Jason gulped.

"Yeah; Zeo Ranger Five, remember?"

A helpless look crossed Jason's face. His thoughts were whirling chaotically, and all he could do was blurt out the first thing that crossed his mind.

"You... you're a girl!"

At that, the four couldn't hold back their laughter. Even the girl who could pass as Tommy's female clone smiled through her blushes.

"Of course she is! You noticed that some time ago, remember?" Rocky grinned, exchanging a knowing look with Adam.

"But... but you can't be! I mean, you're a guy...." Jason stammered helplessly, totally confused. His eyes never left the warm brown orbs of the person he thought was his best friend.

"WHAT?" Kat's astonished shriek alerted quite a few people to the group. Casting guilty glances around, she ducked her head. The exclamation, however, had the effect of sobering everybody up. Adam looked at his friends. Drawing a deep breath, he took charge of the situation.

"Listen, everybody, let's get out of here, okay? There's obviously something weird going on, and I think we'd better discuss this someplace more private."

Not waiting for consent, he collected his gear and made his way over to the door. Everybody got up and followed him without hesitation. While Adam was not normally assertive, leaving the leadership role to the more experienced Rangers, he could and would take charge if necessary. The six teens quickly made their way out of the Youth Center and over to one of the more secluded areas of the park, where they all settled down on the grass. Jason's eyes never left the tall girl who was walking silently between the Pink and Yellow Rangers, casting occasional glances his way. He just couldn't believe his eyes. Everything around him--hell, everybody around him--seemed perfectly normal. Then why, in Zordon's name, did Tommy look like a girl?

Adam watched as the group got comfortable. He didn't understand what was going on; all he knew was that Jason, leader of the Rangers, didn't seem to recognize the girl he'd been in love with for quite some time--the girl because of whom Kimberly had broken up with him after she'd gone to Florida. Not that he's done anything about it yet, though!

"Alright, Jason, what's going on?"

Jason concentrated on the Green Ranger with obvious difficulty. "You're asking me? I don't know! All I know is that suddenly Tommy is a girl!"

"Who's Tommy?" Kat asked, confused.

Jason stared at her incredulously. "Your boyfriend."

"What? My boyfriend's name is David!"

"David... who?" A sick feeling started to settle in Jason's stomach.

The girl... Tammy... spoke up, in a voice that was slightly lighter than Jason was used to hearing from those lips.

"David Trueheart. My brother."

Jason shook his head. "Please," he groaned. "please, will somebody just tell me why I'm suddenly in the Twilight Zone?" He buried his face in his hands.

Rocky scooted over to his team leader and draped a friendly arm around the broad shoulders, earning himself a strange look at his uncharacteristic behaviour.

"C'mon, Jase; why don't you tell us what's wrong? We'll compare stories, and maybe we can work out what's wrong here."

The suggestion made such an awful lot of sense that Jason relaxed somewhat. Drawing a deep breath, he began to talk. The more he revealed, however, the more incredulous his audience became.

"...so, Tommy is Zeo Ranger Five and has led the team ever since Zordon made him White Ranger. I left the team for good when the Gold Power proved incompatible with Human physiology; Trey took it back and left." It still hurt to talk about that. He looked at the Rangers with a helpless expression. "I don't think Mondo, or anyone else, has put me under a spell; but why would I see Tommy as a girl, and not any of you guys?" His dark eyes swept over Adam and Rocky, who looked at him strangely.

"Uh... maybe we'd better get Billy in on this," Kat suggested hesitantly. She could hardly believe the story Jason had just told them. She'd never stolen Kim's Power Coin; her feelings of friendship for the Rangers had been too strong already, and she'd been able to cast off Rita's spell after only a few days. Besides, Jason had never appealed to her as much as David did, so it was easy to resist the order to take him away from her predecessor.

Jason stared at the blonde. "Billy's on Aquitar."

"Not anymore. He came back as soon as he was healed." The quiet certainty in Adam's voice rocked Jason.

"What... what happened here?" He was almost afraid to ask.

"Why don't we wait with anything else until Billy is here?" Tanya suggested practically.

"Great idea." Adam spoke into his communicator. Only moments later, a blue-white teleportation flash signalled the arrival of their genius friend.

"Alright, guys, what's this about Jason thinking Tammy should be a guy?" The slight smile on Billy's face disconcerted Jason even more; why was everybody acting so weird whenever his and this girl's name cropped up in the same sentence? He tried to look at her without being too obvious about it; however, their eyes met, and she glanced away quickly, blushing slightly. Jason felt another twinge in his groin and turned back towards Billy, who was being filled in by the rest of the team.


"Is that all you can say?" Jason's frustration showed in his angry query. He noticed the startled looks his tone produced, and was immediately contrite. "I'm sorry; I shouldn't have snapped, but this whole damn thing is getting so weird...."

Billy didn't take offense.

"Perfectly understandable. First of all, I think you should know that your--our--history here is quite a bit different. For instance, you were at the Peace Conference only for little over six months before you returned; you then rejoined the team, while Trini and Zack stayed on."

"But... what about Rocky? Didn't I transfer my Powers to him when I left?"

"Yes, you did, temporarily; Rocky took over again when Tammy couldn't assume the Ninja Powers."

"Whyever not?" Jason looked at the beautiful brunette compassionately. He'd seen what that did to people--in Tommy, Billy and lately himself.

"Because of what Rita made me do as her Green Ranger," the girl answered quietly, remembered pain echoing in her eyes. "I know it wasn't my fault, but it didn't change the fact that I wasn't 'pure of spirit'--at least not enough for the Ninja Powers." Jason instinctively reached out and gently touched her shoulder, as he would have done with Tommy. He snatched his hand back, though, when Tammy blushed furiously. The others smothered their grins.

"Who piloted the Falconzord, then?" Jason wondered.

"We didn't have a Falconzord; you were given the Gold Eagle."

Billy's quiet pronouncement and the image it evoked sent a shiver of pride and regret down Jason's spine. "An eagle, huh?" He'd often wondered what his Spirit Animal would have been, had he ever gone to Phaedos.

"Tammy rejoined the team when you took over from Trey; you couldn't hold two sets of Powers, so she became Zeo Ranger Five and you Gold Ranger."

"I don't get it; why am I still holding the Gold Power, anyway? I thought it was incompatible with Human physiology? Besides, didn't Trey need the Power to reintegrate himself?" Jason looked at his teammates, but nobody would meet his eyes. Finally, Billy cleared his throat.

"Jason... Trey's dead."


"Trey of Heart was seriously injured by the Varox attack; he was beyond our help when we got them to the Power Chamber. With him gone, it was only a matter of time until the other two died, as well. As soon as that happened, Zordon and I were able to realign the Gold Ranger Power to your physiology; you had already become attuned to it while you were holding it in trust, so it was not all that difficult." Billy's explanation did little to dispel the sudden queasy feeling spreading through Jason's stomach. He'd have given almost anything to be a Ranger again, but certainly not at the cost of another's life!

He closed his eyes, remembering the courageous Triforian. A comforting hand touched his back. Tommy... he looked up into the compassionate brown eyes he knew so well. His subconscious reacted and he leaned into the touch, only belatedly realizing that his head was not coming to rest on a strong, broad shoulder, but against soft skin and long chestnut curls... he flinched away, but not before he saw the flash of hurt in those chocolate orbs.

"Sorry," he mumbled, blushing.

"It's okay," Tammy whispered, her own face coloring. Their friends shared exasperated looks. Really, those two....

With an effort, Jason returned to the matter at hand. He saw that Billy was wearing non-descript gray clothes, but he seemed far more relaxed than he remembered him; the bitterness at finding himself powerless was mostly absent. Curious, he asked.

"But... what happened to you? Why aren't you on the team anymore?"

Billy grimaced slightly. "I was unable to retrieve the sixth Zeo shard in time. We had to readjust the timestream before Master Vile changed it irrevocably; Zordon returned me before I could reach it. We're working on alternate methods--at least I was able to determine where and when it can be found--but it takes time. Luckily, the Crystal is operational with five subcrystals. Besides, Mondo's presence and his constant attacks are not precisely conducive to intensive research."

"If anyone can do it, it's you, Billy." Although it was becoming more and more obvious that he was not 'home' anymore, Jason had the utmost confidence in his genius friend's abilities. It showed in his voice, and Billy nodded in acknowledgement.

"Thank you; however, you don't mind if I feel rather frustrated from time to time, don't you?"

A round of affirmative answers brought a smile to everybody's face. Then, Billy recalled the team to the current problem.

"I wish I knew why your memories would be altered in such a specific fashion; also, it is not really the favored form in which the Machine Empire operates. Jason, can you remember anything else that might have happened to cause this?"

"No; everything's been fairly normal around here; ever since I lost the Power permanently, I haven't been bothered by Mondo, anyway." He looked out over the park, lost in thought. His eyes were slightly unfocussed as something tickled the back of his mind. Closing his eyes, Jason replayed the events of the day until he saw ..."Tammy" in the Youth Center for the first time. Suddenly, he remembered.

"Wait a minute! Earlier, when I was on my way over to Ernie's, I felt kinda dizzy for a moment... I had some kind of hot flash, I guess, and I nearly fell, but that was all; I checked around, and everything seemed just like before. I thought it was just some kind of vertigo, or something. I've felt fine ever since."

Billy pounced on that.

"Do you remember when and where that happened?"

"Yeah, I guess; I remember the ten o'clock news just starting on my mom's radio as I left home, and it usually takes me about 15 minutes to walk through the park...."

"That gives us a timeframe; good. Do you remember where in the park you experienced this dizzy spell?"

"I think so. I could already see the Juice Bar, and I leaned against a tree...."

Billy got up and reset his communicator.

"Go back to the approximate area and wait for me; I'll pick up a couple of scanners from the Power Chamber and meet you there:"

Billy vanished in a stream of bluish-white particles. The others scrambled to their feet and made their way back, letting Jason retrace his steps.

When Billy met up with the teens after a while, he scanned the area Jason indicated with a hand-held device. When the instrument began emitting a steady, high-pitched sound, the whole group clustered around their friend, anxious for news. Billy finally looked up.

"Jase, I'd like for you to come to the Power Chamber. I'll have to take some readings on you to make sure...." his voice trailed off in concentration.

"Have you found something?"

"I think so; however, I'd rather not say anything until I've confirmed these readings."

"Well, what are we waiting for, then? Let's go!" Jason's impatience brought yet another grin to his teammates' faces. Quickly checking for civilians, the whole group teleported out.

At the Power Chamber, Alpha and Zordon were already waiting for them. Before he knew it, Jason found himself on an all-too-familiar diagnostic bed and hooked up to various scanning devices. Thankfully, though, the procedure was brief and painless. Billy and Alpha immediately began evaluating the data. Seeing that there was nothing he could do for the moment, Jason decided to take his restlessness outside, where his pacing would not disturb the others. However, as soon as he stepped out into the sunshine, he saw the one person he was not ready to deal with--Tammy.

In the process of turning back, he dislodged a small stone, and the girl whirled around. Seeing who it was, she relaxed again and smiled at him, somewhat tentatively.

"Hi, Jason."

"Uh--hi." Jason hated himself as his obvious discomfort wiped the smile off her face and she lowered her head. Feeling that he owed her at least an explanation for his unease, he hesitantly approached.

"Um... mind if I join you?"

She looked at him with serious eyes.

"Only if you really want to."

He ran his right hand through his short hair. "I want to."

Tammy moved slightly aside, gesturing for him to take a seat. For a while, the two just sat next to each other, silently looking out across the sun-painted desert, sneaking occasional glances at each other. When they caught each other out for the fourth time, Jason had to grin despite himself. Tammy's lips began to twitch, and both relaxed into laughter. Jason shook his head ruefully.

"Look, can we start over?"

She smiled warmly, causing him to catch his breath.

"Sure." She held out a hand to him. "I'm Tamara Oliver; my friends call me Tammy."

Jason grasped the slim fingers. "Jason Scott. Jase, to my friends."

"I know." Tammy giggled. He had to laugh; the way she was sitting, he couldn't make out her figure, and the resemblance to Tommy was uncanny. Tommy had never produced a sound like that in his life! Much to his surprise, Jason found that he liked it.

"You sound like Kim."

A shadow flitted across her face.


"Yeah; she giggles just like you."


The despondent tone was unmistakable.

Unconsciously scooting closer, Jason had to ask. "What is it?" His tone was as gentle as he could make it. He rubbed his thumb in small soothing circles around the hand he still held; neither noticed.

"D-do you still miss her?"

Jason raised an eyebrow. "Of course I do; she's one of my oldest friends. Angel Grove's not quite the same without her, Zack and Trini."

Tammy looked up at the easy reply. "T-that's all?"

"Should there be more?"

"Well... you were pretty bummed when she wrote you that letter....."

"What letter?" Jason asked in confusion. Suddenly, a thought hit him. "Waitaminute! You can't mean--oh, no! No, no, no!"

"What?" Tammy couldn't understand the mixture of laughter and chagrin on the Gold Ranger's face.

"Are... are you trying to tell me that here Kim... that she and I... that she dumped me?"


At that, Jason couldn't help himself; he broke into laughter. Tammy withdrew, hurt. Before she got too far away, though, Jason caught her hand once more and squeezed gently. His dark eyes were sparkling with merriment as he reassured the girl.

"Kim never was my girlfriend; we would go on dates--a movie, the carnival, or a dance, but always with the gang. The spark just wasn't there. No, back home she was Tommy's girl, before Kat. Now it looks like they may get together again, when Kat leaves for London, but nothing's certain yet."

Tammy looked at Jason wonderingly. Before she could stop herself, she blurted out the next question.

"Y-you don't have a girlfriend?" She blushed furiously--again!--as she realized what she'd said. Jason was blessedly oblivious, though.

"Not really. I've been going out a lot with Emily lately, but we're nowhere serious."

The Red Ranger's eyes nearly popped out of her head. "Emily? The biker chick?"

"What?" Jason nearly exploded with laughter at her incredulous expression. "Emily used to hang out with Eddie and his gang, but not for some time now!"

"Well, be careful when you see her next time; she's got her own bike now, and the whole group is trouble!"

"Oh, come on, they weren't that bad; a bit obnoxious, sure, but we could straighten them out easily enough. After all, it's not as if they were doing the whole bit with black leather, studs and stuff...." Jason's voice trailed off as he saw the confirming nod.

"You're kidding, right?" Tammy shook her head slowly.

"She's tattooed, too."



He shook his head, incredulously. This really was beginning to feel more and more like the Twilight Zone.

Before he could pursue this further, the access to the Power Chamber opened, and Tanya called out to them.

"Guys! Billy's found something!"

Jason rose eagerly to his feet. He wanted to help his companion up and started to reach out a hand, only to find to his surprise that he was still holding her hand in his. He looked at their joined fingers, then into the warm brown eyes which were so familiar and yet so totally different, and felt a faint blush rise in his cheeks as he pulled her gently up. The same happened to Tammy, but neither looked away. Smiling hesitantly, Jason squeezed the slim, strong fingers once more, then reluctantly let them slip from his grasp. His hand suddenly felt very empty. Self-consciously clearing his throat, he gestured towards the entrance. "After you."

A soft "thank you" reached his ears as Tammy picked her way past him towards Tanya, and for a moment, Jason lost himself in the sight of her gently swaying hips under the fashionably baggy jeans. Tanya, who had missed nothing, barely suppressed a chuckle. The slight sound wrenched Jason out of his reverie, and he hurried after the tall brunette, his face burning. The Yellow Ranger shook her head. It's high time those two got their act together! Maybe we should help them out a little....? Pondering ways and means, she followed them inside.


Billy was waiting for them as the group gathered around. Checking his printouts once more, he looked at Jason earnestly.

"There were indeed some slight alterations in your brainwave patterns which corroborate your story. Taken with the particle traces I picked up in the park, it looks as if you've been caught in a random reality warp, causing a personality transfer. What it amounts to is that your....mind, for lack of a better word, was somehow transported from your own body into the equivalent one here--into your alter ego, so to speak."

"A personality transfer? Transported from where?"

"Most likely from another timeline, or a parallel universe. One where almost everything is the same... with slight variations, as you can attest to." Billy glanced meaningly at Tammy. "Your body seems to be the same in both realities; at least I could find no significant changes from the data in the archives."

Jason drew a deep breath. Knowing that he wasn't losing his mind, that this was real, was a relief. However, he didn't belong here. Deliberately not looking into Tammy's direction (and steadfastly refusing to admit even to himself why), he glanced up at their ancient mentor.

"How do I get back, Zordon?"

The Eltarian took his time answering.

"I do not know, Jason. As Billy told you, it was a random occurrence, not created by any outside force. We will study this further, but for now I am afraid I have no other answer to give you."

Jason swallowed, hard. He was stuck here? For how long? What about his home, his friends? Another thought struck him. What about the other Jason, the one whose body he was inhabiting?

"Most probably he is in your own reality; the likelihood that a simple switch has occurred is 84.3%."

"Then that Jason will have to cope with a sudden Power loss... oh, man." Suddenly glad that it hadn't happened to him, Jason began to imagine the adjustments his alter ego would have to make.

"Quite. However, I have every confidence in the Gold Ranger. He is strong and courageous, and will not easily give up hope."

"You mustn't either, Jason," Tammy's voice came from behind him. She'd taken a step closer, as if to reassure him by her proximity that he wasn't alone in this.

Jason smiled ruefully. "I can't afford to. I'm just glad you guys are here, too, and that you're also my friends."

Billy laid a firm hand on the broad shoulder. "We are here for you, all of us."

Nods and affirmatives ran around the chamber. Jason felt better at the support his friends were giving him. Well, strictly speaking, they weren't his friends, but those of the other Jason, but he knew that "back home" his counterpart would get the same kind of help and acceptance he was receiving. First, though, he had to find out if there was a way he could return that support.

"Zordon... as long as I'm here, is it possible for me to help out the team? I mean, you're short a Ranger, otherwise."

"Indeed, it would be very welcome if you would assume the role of Gold Ranger for the duration of your stay. The Power is bonded to your body, not your mind; even so, you have held it in your own reality, and I am certain the other Rangers will assist you."

Adam and Billy exchanged long glances, then turned towards the rest of the team. "What do you say, guys?"

"I say we need Jason," Tanya ventured, smiling at the dark-haired boy.Looks as if that's the kick in the pants Tammy and Jason need...

Kat and Rocky nodded in agreement. They did not relish the thought of losing the strongest fighter, and had no problem accepting the proposal.

"Well, we won't have a problem with it, either," Adam confirmed after exchanging a look with Billy. "Besides, we'll all be able to help him out with discrepancies, if there are any." All turned to the only Ranger who hadn't said a word yet. "Tammy? Make it six of six?"

The girl ran a hand through her long brown locks. The gesture was so much like one Tommy might have made that Jason felt a sharp pang of loss, coupled with a desire to bury his own hands in the curly wealth. Jason shook his head once.Now where did THAT come from?

He looked into the serious chocolate-coloured eyes, waiting for her answer.

"Well... he's still Jason, isn't he? I mean... I can't find a difference to our own, you know?... He... he seems just like him...." her voice trailed off.

Kat and Tanya exchanged glances, then the Australian put a gentle arm around her friend's shoulders. "We understand, Tammy. And you're right." She looked at the other Rangers, a slight challenge in her blue eyes. "I'd say this is unanimous."

"All right, then. Welcome to the team." Billy held out his hand to the young man who was his oldest friend, and yet wasn't.

"Thanks, guys." Deeply grateful, Jason knew that at least here, he'd have a home away from home, no matter what.


Over the next couple of weeks, Jason slowly adjusted to his new surroundings. Luckily, his personal history, apart from his life as a Ranger, wasn't too different in this reality, so that he had no problems with his parents and at school. His friends helped him cope with the rest, which included small things (such as Mr Caplan not bothering with a toupee) and not so small things--like Bulk and Skull not being the inseparable twosome they were back home. Here, Skull was a somewhat uninspired student, but well-liked just the same because of his musical talent. He had organized a band, and was already making a name for himself locally. Tanya often sang with him. All in all, it wasn't such a bad life, and it felt just great serving as a Ranger once more. However, there was one thing missing, and it became more and more obvious the longer his stay turned out to be: Tommy.

Jason knew what it was like to miss his best friend, from the times Tommy had withdrawn when he first lost his Powers, to the months he'd spent in Switzerland, but always there had been the feeling that the other was around somewhere, if temporarily out of reach. Now, Jason felt another kind of isolation, and it preyed on his nerves. There was no way of telling how long he'd be here, and with each passing day his uneasiness grew, until he felt he could scream with frustration.

His growing attraction to Tommy's alter ego didn't help matters. The more time Jason spent in her company, hanging out, fighting alongside her (Tammy was not quite as accomplished a Martial Artist as Tommy, having concentrated more on forms than on fighting, but could more than hold her own), or just spending time together, the more he realized he was falling for her. Only shortly before the whole mess started, Jason had admitted to himself that his feelings for Tommy ran far deeper than simple friendship, or even brotherhood; he'd loved Tommy for quite some time, but been reluctant to say anything. Their relationship was already very close and satisfying, and Jason certainly didn't want to jeopardize or possibly damage that by bringing up something what might only be a phase, forgotten as soon as either one of them really fell in love. While neither was homophobic and both had admitted to a certain amount of curiosity when they'd talked about male/male relationships way back when, Jason had more or less resigned himself to letting the whole matter lie. He knew that Tommy loved him in his own way, no doubt about that--the question was , did he love Jason like Jason loved Tommy? However, experimenting sexually just for the sake of trying out what it would be like was not worth ruining their friendship over.

However, meeting a female version of the person he loved so much threw a monkey wrench in his whole life. If he gave in to his attraction, it would not carry the risks a liaison with Tommy would entail. He could tell Tammy about his feelings without driving her away permanently or risk censure from society. Her sense of humour, her steadfast support, her intelligence were the same as his best friend's, and they'd quickly fallen into the same close rapport the two of them had shared right from the beginning. The fact that Tommy's undeniable good looks translated into one gorgeous girl, who looked at him with what Jason liked to imagine was genuine affection--he dare not hope it might be more!--didn't help much, though. What if they started something and he was suddenly switched back? Both of them would be hurt, and Jason certainly didn't want that. So, he did nothing, trying to hide his feelings for the Red Ranger, stubbornly ignoring the signals he was getting from Tammy, and went his solitary way, since 'here' he not even had Emily.

Looking at his watch, Jason saw that it was time for him to leave if he wanted to be on time for his workout with Tammy. He was looking forward to the next weekend--Tammy would blow the other competitors at the Karate expo away! He felt pretty confident about his own performance; he'd defeated most of the others before at one time or another, and the only one in recent times who had really challenged him had been Tommy. But Tammy specialized in musical kata--her weapons forms were awesome, and it had been fun to pick the right music with her. He'd never paid too much attention to that discipline before, but watching Tammy practise had been eye-opening--in more than one way. She seemed to glow, her body effortlessly flowing from one movement into the next, her brown eyes sparkling with concentration and joy... with a mental jerk, Jason drew himself away from images of crushing her to him and hugging the life out of her when she'd win. Grabbing his gear, he let himself out of the house.

Tammy, for her part, tried to ease the confusion and pain Jason had to be feeling; she often met with him, drawing him out about his home and his friends, especially Tommy. She could tell the unknown boy meant a lot to Jason, and it pleased her immensely; in a way, it validated her own feelings for the handsome Gold Ranger. After all, Jason was talking about her with such warmth, or at least her counterpart, wasn't he?

She'd fallen hard for Jason almost as soon as she moved to Angel Grove, but he'd been with Kimberly at the time; both seemed so perfect for each other, the champion Martial Artist and the top gymnast, that she hadn't wanted to interfere. When Kim left for Florida, all of the Rangers had hurt with Jason and tried to take his mind off things, but when her letter arrived, telling him she thought it would be better for both of them if they sought companionship elsewhere... Jason had been devastated. Again, Tammy put her own feelings on the back burner, but now, for the first time since she'd known Jason, there was hope. Then, out of the blue, the boy she'd fallen in love with at first sight subtly changed. They'd found out the reason soon enough, and it certainly was one of the weirdest things any one of them had had to go through since they became Rangers--whoever had heard of a personality transfer, outside of the one time when one of Billy's inventions misfired?

The "new" Jason appealed to her even more than before. "Her" Jason was very serious, every inch a warrior; this one was more easygoing, the laughter closer to the surface, although he was just as responsible and conscientious as before. For the first time, she felt as if her affections might be reciprocated, and she couldn't help but respond to the openness in her team's leader. Tammy resolutely shoved thoughts about what might happen if they got together and he was gone as suddenly as he appeared to the farthest reaches of her mind. If this was her one chance to be with Jason, she was going to take it!

Easier said than done, though!

Although Tammy wanted nothing more than hurl herself into those strong arms, her natural reserve held her back. She'd never been shy, but something about the way Jason sometimes looked and smiled at her made her feel like a twelve-year-old in the throes of her first crush. She became tongue-tied around him, blushing like a shrinking violet and generally behaving more awkwardly than Billy used to at his nerdish worst. She sometimes felt as if she could scream with frustration, but couldn't help herself. The knowing grins and exasperated headshakes of the rest of the team didn't help matters any, either. Whyever had she confessed her feelings to Kat on that sleepover?

Sighing, Tammy packed her gym bag and prepared to leave; she was due to meet the others at Ernie's in half an hour. Jason and she were registered to compete in a Karate expo the next weekend, he in free-fighting, and herself in musical forms. They had taken to training together, helping each other out. Something else the old Jason never would have done--he was only interested in my fighting abilities! Slipping on a new Jeans jacket with lots of decorative zippers, Tammy stepped out of the house and made her way to the Youth Center.


"That's it; I'm beat." Tammy switched off the tape player and reached for a towel. Her practice had taken far longer than she'd anticipated, thanks to one stubborn stance that wouldn't turn out right, no matter how hard she tried. Deciding that it would be better to rest and tackle it again the next day, rested and with a fresh mind, she dabbed at the sweat on her arms and neck--both Jason and she had discarded their gi jackets quite some time ago. Tugging at the soaked-through bustier top she wore, she looked enviously at the smoothly-muscled back of the Gold Ranger. Sometimes it was so unfair; the guys had no problem changing or even shedding their shirts when it got hot; a girl had to be much more circumspect about these things. Tammy didn't even want to think about wearing a bra; the things were just too uncomfortable, and she'd taken to wearing pre-molded racer-back tops for practice and under her gi. During competition, she couldn't get away with that, but at all other times... Suddenly the silence around her registered. Slinging her towel around her neck, she wandered over to where Jason was practising his spin kicks. As soon as he executed the last set, Tammy cleared her throat.

"Hm? Oh... Tammy. I didn't hear you finish." Jason reached for his own towel and wiped his heaving chest. He'd worked up quite a sweat in his efforts to keep his mind off Tammy and the way she moved on the mats, and hadn't even heard the tape stop.

She smiled at him, keeping her eyes at shoulder level with an effort. She wanted so much to run her hands over his sculpted chest.... "'S okay; I was just wondering where everybody disappeared to."

Jason laughed and pointed at the clock on the wall.

"Have you any idea how long we've been at this?" It was almost nine p.m.; no wonder everybody was gone. Ernie usually closed around seven!

"Oh my God... my mom'll kill me!"

"Don't worry; I called your folks and mine when Ernie left. We've closed for him often enough, right? If we hurry with our showers, we won't be too late."

"Ohh, you're a lifesaver!" Tammy sent him a beaming smile and quickly collected her stuff. "I'll hurry, I promise!"

"You won't need to; I'll grab a shower, too." Jason quickly calculated the time he needed, then added another five minutes for good measure. She'll need it, for her hair!

"Meet you here in fifteen?"

"Perfect!" Hurrying towards the locker rooms, Tammy vainly tried to chase away the image of Jason under the shower next door, water and suds coursing down his muscled chest and abdomen, towards his... blushing furiously, Tammy almost slammed the door to the showers shut behind her.

Jason shook his head, puzzled, and turned off the lights in the Juice Bar. He made his way to the lockers and stripped off, stepping under the hot spray. Letting the warmth seep into his muscles, he relaxed and closed his eyes, when suddenly a sound reached him through the wall. After a moment, the meaning registered. Someone had turned on the shower on the other side. His eyes flew open as he realized that it could only be Tammy. Normally the hustle and bustle of the busy teen hangout obscured the fact that the walls weren't overly thick, and that, if it was really quiet like now, you could hear people talk in the other locker room. However, no one was talking in the girls' shower; nobody was here but him and Tammy, both simultaneously taking a shower. Unbidden, an image of her lithe form, clad only in running droplets of water, beading on her tanned, soft skin and gliding over her naked breasts, rose in his mind. Biting back a groan, Jason realized something else was rising as well. Although he'd yet to see her in anything more revealing than a bathing suit, it was all too easy to picture her in the nude. His hormones rose another notch, and his manhood began to stretch and fill with blood.

Moaning softly, Jason reached for his engorged cock as he mentally called up pictures of Tammy laughing, of catching her as the gang had played frisbee in the park the other day, of taking her hand to help her climbing over a fallen tree on their hike last weekend... he stroked himself, closing his eyes. As his hand worked his organ, images of Tammy mixed with those of Tommy, until they became indistinguishable in his mind. Steadying himself against the tiled wall, his hand pumped up and down, the other straying towards his balls. Jason was lost in his erotic fantasy; he recalled every instance where he'd be bent over Tommy/Tammy, after throwing him/her during a workout, sunning on the beach, or talking in the park. He could clearly see the play of muscles under smooth skin, the gentle sway of her hips when she walked, smell the unique scent that belonged to both of them, and the urge to reach out and touch was almost overpowering. His hips began to thrust in time with his strokes. All too soon, his balls contracted, and gave up their load in several spurts of semen. Jason barely managed to swallow his cry of release and almost collapsed against the wall. Breathing heavily, he straightened, letting the warm water sluice away the signs of his climax. He wasn't proud of himself; he had no business involving either Tommy or Tammy in his sexual fantasies, but couldn't help it. His feelings for either/both were becoming so mixed up with each other that he had a very hard time remembering what was real and what was better left alone, relegated to another reality.

Sighing, he turned off the water and towelled off. Dressing quickly, he could hear the drone of the hair dryer in the next room. Turning off the lights, he went back out into the gym, checking windows and doors. Just as he was finished, Tammy rejoined him, her gym bag slung over her shoulder.



Both were silent as they stepped out into the warm spring evening. The sun had already set, and the street lights cast areas of light and darkness on their path. Walking companionably through the park, both enjoyed the slight breeze blowing in from the lake. Tammy cast sideways glances at Jason. He seemed preoccupied with his thoughts, but she didn't feel the need to break the silence. Just as they turned away from the shore, a stronger gust of wind caught her long locks, blowing them about her face.

"Mmphff!" She spit out a strand that had gotten caught in her mouth. "One of these days I'm going to go and cut this mess off!", she threatened.

Jason just laughed. "You know you won't."

"Yeah, well...." She turned to glower at him playfully. Suddenly, she winced painfully. "Oh damn!"

Jason stopped immediately.

"What is it?"

"I'm never wearing this jacket again!" Tammy tried to move her head, but couldn't. "My hair's caught in one of the zippers!" She winced again as she tried to loosen the snagged strand.

Jason looked around. There was a bench a few yards off, with a lantern casting a circle of yellow light against the darkness. He gently tugged the girl over and dropped his bag onto the seat, relieving Tammy of hers as well.

"Here, let me have a look." He turned her slightly around until he could see where one of the long curls had tangled itself in a zipper. "I've got it." Carefully, he began to extricate the silky strand from the metal teeth. Tammy stood very still; their bodies were almost touching, and she enjoyed the way Jason's hands felt on her shoulders and in her hair.

"There you go." Jason had untangled the chestnut-colored strand and now brushed it back into place. Tammy turned and looked up into his eyes, smiling her thanks. They were standing very close, and instead of releasing her and stepping back, Jason stood mesmerized, drowning in the golden-brown eyes. Unconsciously, he ran his fingers through the soft fall of hair once more. His fingertips brushed her cheek with a whispery touch, and Tammy's breath caught. Time seemed to freeze around them as two pairs of brown eyes lost themselves in each other. Her lips parted slightly on an indrawn breath, and Jason was lost. He lowered his head just as she raised hers, and their mouths touched.

Eyes drifted closed as the gentle pressure increased. The feel of the satiny softness trembling against his lips made Jason lightheaded, but he was unable to hold back. Somewhere at the back of his mind a voice cried out to him that he should stop, that this was wrong, but he paid it no mind. Relinquishing himself to the sensation and taste of Tammy, he pulled her gently close, until she rested fully against him. He slid his lips in a soft caress from her mouth over her cheek up to her temple, then kissed her lightly on her closed eyelids. They fluttered open. What he read in the brown orbs chased away any misgivings he might have had. Smiling, he held her with one arm around her waist; his other hand moved back into her hair, to the back of her head, and he bent towards the sweet mouth once more. His tongue-tip snaked out and licked oh-so-softly at her lips, until they parted enough for him to slip inside. A warm tingle of pleasure spread through him as he tasted Tammy for the first time. He delved deeper, until her tongue met his, and the two gave themselves up to this first kiss, exploring and touching, until the need to breathe again reasserted itself. Gently, Jason withdrew, parting from her with a last, lingering caress, and held her close once more, burying his face in the mass of curls and breathing in her scent. Tammy was just the perfect height for him; his lips grazed her temple as he held her, trying to soothe her trembling. He couldn't believe how right she felt in his arms! With a sigh, he leaned back slightly to look into her eyes. What he read there made words unnecessary. His arms tightened around her once more, her hands crept up around his neck, and their lips opened to each other again. They lost themselves in their kiss.

When the need to breathe became too insistent, they parted reluctantly, lingering against each other's lips with butterfly kisses. Sanity was slow in returning. Jason finally pulled back, resting his forehead against Tammy's.

"I'm sorry."

She flinched as if he'd hit her. Immediately contrite, he pressed his lips against her temple.

"I didn't mean that the way it sounded. I'm not sorry I kissed you. It's just that I think I shouldn't have done it, is all."

She turned around in his arms, away from him. "Is that supposed to make me feel better?"

Jason could have kicked himself as he heard the tears in her voice. "Tammy... " he drew her back to him and cupped her cheek, gently forcing her to meet his eyes. "I've wanted to kiss you ever since I ended up here. Believe me, I do. It's just... you know I don't belong here; not really. You should wait for your own Jason."

Tammy blinked away a few tears. They shimmered in the lantern's glow, and Jason tenderly brushed them away with his thumb. Swallowing hard, she met his dark eyes, almost afraid of what she would find there. Seeing only tenderness and affection, she offered a wobbly smile, and was rewarded with a gentle brush of lips against her own. Burying her face in the broad, black-clad shoulder, she took a few moments to compose herself. When she felt she had enough control over her voice, she looked up again.

"I've waited for 'my' Jason a long time. I'm not sure he knows I'm even alive yet, apart from being a Ranger. Sometimes I think he might feel like I do, but then again...." her voice trailed off.

"Tammy, I know what it's like to be lonely, to love someone from a distance. If it hadn't been for all of you guys, I don't know how I would have coped with this whole mess. Only...." he swallowed painfully. He'd never admitted this to anyone else, but he owed her this much truth.

"I... I guess you know by now that... that Tommy means a lot to me, don't you?"

"Of course. It's obvious in the way you talk about him." A thought suddenly occured to her. "A-are you saying you're g-gay?" She stiffened slightly in his embrace.

"No. No, I'm not, and neither is he. It's just... over the last few months, I've become... attracted to him." Jason blushed as he confessed this.

Tammy stared at him. "Attracted... as in ....physically?"

"Yeah. I don't know how it happened, but it did. That's partly why I had such a hard time relating to you in the beginning. Suddenly, half the things which made anything more than friendship between Tommy and me nearly impossible were gone, just like that." He snapped his fingers. "You're such a wonderful girl, and so much like him... I don't know if what I'm feeling for you is a carry-over from back home, or if it's just for you. You're gorgeous, smart, funny... if I really belonged here, I'd have kissed you a long time ago, and never let up. But I don't, and I could be gone tomorrow, or next week, or whenever. I can't use you like this. And the last thing I want to do is hurt you; what if we start something, I get switched back, and your Jason doesn't feel like I do?"

Tammy pondered what he'd said. Funnily enough, she had no problem with Jason admitting to being attracted to another guy; her parents had brought her up to be openminded about all things, and she'd always felt that the choice of one's lifestyle was personal. More important were things like commitment and honesty in a relationship, and Jason certainly was giving her that. Could she do any less? No.

"Shouldn't that be my choice?"

"I don't follow you."

"Jase, you won't be using me; if you are, I'm just as guilty of that, as well. The whole team knows that I've been in love with you almost from the moment I met you." Tammy deliberately made no distinction between 'her' and 'this' Jason; they were almost interchangeable to her, anyway.

"As I said, I've waited a long time for this. Maybe this is my only chance to find out if whatever's between me and you is for real. Why won't you let me take it?"

Jason hugged her close. His voice muffled in her hair, he felt something very close to hope rise within him. Almost giddy, he forced himself to make a last effort.

"I just don't want you to get hurt."

Tammy pressed a kiss against his neck, feeling the shudder that caused race through him. It firmed her resolve. "The only way you can hurt me is if you won't be honest with me. I don't see that happening."

He raised his head and looked deeply into the warm brown eyes. "I'll never lie to you. I can promise you that, at least."

"Then do what your heart tells you--just like I will. I trust you, Jase, I always have. And I want you. I want this." It was she who initiated the kiss this time, tracing his lips with the tip of her tongue, flicking it inside until he captured it with his own, stroking the velvety wetness until their mouths were locked together in an exchange of gentle heat.

Drawing back slightly, he held her face between his palms, staring into the depths of her eyes.

"You're sure about this?"

She smiled a bit tremulously, but met his eyes squarely. "Yes, Jason. I'm sure."

With a sudden whoop of joy, Jason grabbed her around the waist and lifted her up. She was too tall to swing around, but he hugged her so hard, she squealed with sudden laughter. Lowering her down and gathering her as close as he could, he bent over her and kissed her soundly.

"You're something else, you know that?" His heart was pounding madly, and she could feel it.

"How nice of you to notice," she teased, giddy and breathless.

They burrowed into each others' arms, sharing soft laughter.

"Oh, I noticed, I noticed!" Jason lowered his mouth to hers once more. Their kiss this time was more playful, but still marked by a passionate tenderness neither had ever felt. They took their time exploring the texture and taste of each other's mouths, learning how to tease, soothe and excite. Finally, they separated, out of breath and exhilarated, silly smiles on their faces. As Jason and Tammy stood there under the lantern, they swayed gently to a song only they could hear. They broke apart at last as they heard an ambulance siren speed past the park some distance away. Tammy looked at her watch and groaned.

"Mom's gonna ground me into the next century!"

"Not if we hurry." With that, Jason grabbed both their gym bags and slung them over his shoulder. Taking her hand in his, he tugged her along.

"Come on, I'll walk you home."

"Make that 'jog' me home, and you're on!" Laughing, the new couple broke into a trot towards the Oliver house, holding hands all the way.


The next morning, Kat, Rocky and Adam met at their lockers, as usual. They were talking idly of their plans for the day, when Tanya came rushing up to them, a broad smile on her face.

"What's up with you?" Rocky asked, immediately suspicious. Tanya was not a morning person; for her to be so cheerful before lunch mostly meant someone was going to get it that day, one way or the other. Usually, it was him.

"Guys," she bubbled, motioning the team close, "guys--you're not going to believe what I just saw!"

"Mondo moving to the junkyard?" Adam quipped.

She swatted at him. "No, silly, it's not that. This is actually better!"

"What could possibly be better than Mondo turning himself into a piece of scrap metal?" Rocky queried, glad she didn't have it in for him this once.

"Come on, tell us!" Kat knew her friend. The expression Tanya wore was one she usually sported when she had some really juicy piece of gossip that noone else knew about.

Tanya looked around to make sure she couldn't be overheard.

"You know that I sometimes practise T'ai Ch'i by the lake before school, right?" The others nodded. "Well, I'd finished for today and decided to take the shortcut by the picnic tables, you know? Guess who was already there?"

"Santa Claus?" For some reason, Adam couldn't be serious today.

Kat shushed him.

Tanya let the suspense build a few moments longer, then blurted it out. "Tammy and Jason!"

"That's all?" Rocky had expected something momentous; now he felt let down. "It's on both their ways to school. Why shouldn't they meet there?"

Kat looked intently at Tanya. There was something she wasn't telling... suddenly, she felt her heart beat faster.

"Tanya... what were they doing?" She began to smile just as broadly as the Yellow Ranger when her question elicited another wide grin. "They weren't!"

"Yes!" Both girls squealed and hugged each other, almost jumping up and down with glee.

Rocky looked at Adam, who shrugged, thoroughly mystified. Before they could ask further, though, the two Rangers in question approached their friends. "Morning, guys."

"Good morning." Tammy's greeting was almost subdued, and a strange little smile played around her lips. Adam squinted at her. Was it his imagination, or were they slightly swollen? Now what could have caused that.... Kat and Tanya could almost see the giant lightbulb switch on over his head. They grinned even more, this time joined by the Green Ranger. Only Rocky was still floundering in the dark. He knew it, too.

"What?" Rocky was getting miffed. He knew he was not the world's brightest guy, but that didn't mean he was stupid. He hated it when the others left him out like that.

"Will somebody please let me in on the joke?"

Jason took pity on him. He'd noticed Tanya slipping past them in the park. Exchanging an amused glance with Tammy, he silently asked for and got permission.

"It's no joke, Rocko."

"What isn't?"

"This." Jason draped an arm around Tammy's shoulder and kissed her gently and all-too-briefly on the mouth. The two had met deliberately early for a 'proper' greeting, because public displays of affection on the schoolgrounds weren't if not forbidden, but at least slightly frowned upon. Tammy smiled brilliantly up at him and slid her arm around his waist. Before the two could separate again, however, they were brought up short by someone clearing their throat directly behind them. Judging from the sound, that someone was... "Good morning, Ms Appleby." Jason and Tammy hurriedly retrieved their arms from around each other, blushing. The teacher looked at them sternly. "Miss Oliver, Mr Scott. Do you know the rules and regulations of this school?"

"Yes, Ms Appleby."

"We're sorry, Ms Appleby."

The older woman glanced around at the others, hiding a smile. It was an open secret at AGH that Jason Scott and Tammy Oliver had deep feelings for each other; the only ones who hadn't seemed to be aware of it had been the two teens in question. Obviously something had happened to change that. Ms Appleby sent the tiniest of winks to Kat and Tanya, who promptly became very interested in the ceiling. Turning back to the two culprits, she composed her face with an effort. "Then I strongly suggest you review them this afternoon... at home, after school." It hadn't been that big an infraction, not enough for detention, and really, those two deserved a bit of leeway. They usually were model students, after all--if they only weren't always dashing out of classes, or being late--or not showing up at all. She resolved--again--to talk to them and their friends about this annoying habit at the next opportunity. They'd been doing their disappearing act for over three years now, since the middle of freshman year; strange how they still kept up such good grades! Before she could say anything more, the bell rang, and there was a general hustle towards classrooms. Dismissing the teens, Ms Appleby walked towards her own class, followed by Rocky, Kat and Tanya, who wore identical ear-to-ear grins. Adam stood to one side, smirking, waiting for Jason to accompany him to their class.

Jason reached out a gentle hand to Tammy's face. He would have liked to taste her lips once more, but they'd gotten into enough trouble already, Their early-morning meeting would have to tide them over till after school. Cupping her cheek in his palm, he smiled at her. His voice slightly husky, he made his good-byes.

"See you at lunch?"

Tammy nodded, her eyes shining. "I'll keep a seat for you. Outside?"

"Uh huh." Before Jason could say more, he was interrupted by Adam.

"Jase, if we don't hurry...!"

"Coming." He forced himself to release her, and resolutely turned away. Only five more hours till lunch. He could make it that long! He hoped...!


During the time that followed, Jason and Tammy had never felt happier. Their friends had tried to warn them about getting too involved with each other, but both reassured the team that they knew what they were doing. The others had no choice but to take them at their word and be ready to pick up the pieces afterwards, if and when Jason switched back. In the meantime, they were doing their best to be as supportive as possible; they all could see how much in love the Red and Gold Rangers were.

The male Rangers came out of gym class, their last for the day, to find their three female teammates clustered around a poster that hadn't been there this morning. Judging by their excited chatter, it was about something the girls were looking forward to. Instantly suspicious--the girls had gotten them into some pretty embarrassing things in the past--Jason, Rocky and Adam stopped at their lockers....and stayed there. Soon enough, the girls noticed them, and came over, still talking animatedly. Jason drank in Tammy's glowing face, her excited smile, and decided there and then to go along with anything she wanted to do--well, almost anything. There were some things a guy just had to weasel out of, weren't there?

"What's up, girls?" Rocky asked cautiously. "What's the fuss all about?" He'd seen a lot of his classmates gathered around the posters--all of them female.

"It's the Spring Dance next week," Kat informed them. "I just can't wait! I bought this dress after Christmas that David hasn't seen yet, and I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees me wearing it!"

"Spring Dance?!" Rocky groaned. "You mean, ties and dress shoes, right?"

"You bet--at least, if you want to take Penny!" Tanya informed him coolly, eyeing Adam meaningfully.

The Green Ranger nodded resignedly.

"Penny can't see what I'm wearing, anyway!" Rocky protested.

"That doesn't mean she won't know!"

"Let me guess--if I don't, you'll tell her?"

Tanya and Kat just smirked at him, and Rocky's shoulders slumped in defeat. He knew when he was beat.

Jason slipped his arm lightly around Tammy's waist. She leaned into him and smiled.

"Do you want to go?"

"I...I'd love to." Tammy looked at him hopefully. "You don't have to take me, though. If there's something else you'd rather do...."

The Gold Ranger squeezed his girlfriend gently. Jason wasn't overly fond of formal dancing, but he saw how much it would mean to Tammy. Spending a whole evening holding her in his arms was worth far more than the discomfort of wearing dress clothes for a few hours.

"I'd love to take you--that is, if you don't have a date already," he teased.

She elbowed him in the side. "It would serve you right if I did!" She smiled, knowing that he knew she'd never go with anyone else but him, now that they'd finally found each other. It felt so good to tease each other, though!

Both laughed. Then, Jason took both her hands in his and lifted one to his lips. Pressing a gentle kiss on her knuckles, he looked deeply into her eyes. His voice husky, he made it official.

"Tammy, will you be my date for the Spring Dance?" He ignored the chuckles from their friends.

"Of course I will." Neither one had ever doubted it. Nor had their friends, who had a hard time hustling the couple out of the school building, they were so involved in each other.

On the way home, Rocky complained playfully to Adam and Kat. "Man, I can't believe those two! Sometimes I can't decide when they were more pathetic--when they were still mooning over each other, or now, when they go all spacey on us at the drop of a hat!"

"Come on, Rocky, they're not that bad! Besides, I think it's very sweet!"

"You would!"

Bickering back and forth, with Adam as a reluctant referee, the Blue and Pink Rangers made their way home.

Tammy looked at herself skeptically in the full-length mirror in her parents' bedroom. She wasn't the type to dress up much, but this was the first time she and Jason went out to something formal, and she wanted to look her best for him. The strapless white sheath clung to her slender curves in all the right places, ending a few inches above her knees. She was only a couple of days away from her monthly cycle, and her breasts were already slightly fuller--perfect for this dress. Mid-heel red sandals and a collarless gauzy red blouse, tied at the waist, completed her outfit. She just wasn't sure what to do about jewellery and her hair, though. Freshly washed, it hung in soft curls over her shoulders. Gathering it up experimentally, she turned her head this way and that.

"I wouldn't." Her mother's voice came from the doorway.

"What do I do with it, then?" Tammy almost wailed. Jason would be here in fifteen minutes!

Mrs Oliver walked up behind her. "Let me help?"


Tammy's mother went to her dresser drawer and got out two combs, gold with tiny red sparkling stones. Drawing a brush through the shining mahogany locks, she gathered up strands on both sides of Tammy's face and fastened them back with the combs. The style emphasized her eyes, without distracting from her hair. With a few deft strokes, she applied just a touch of eyeshadow and blush, and let Tammy apply her own mascara, making her lashes seem even longer. "Perfect."

Tammy slowly got up. Eyeing herself critically, she had to admit her mother was right. Now, if only Jason thought so, too!

"What about lipstick?"

"You don't need any; just bite your lips from time to time." Tammy concealed a grin. If she knew Jason, she wouldn't need to do that!

"One more thing, I think." Mrs Oliver opened her jewellery box. Taking out a slender gold chain, she fastened it around Tammy's neck. The teardrop-shaped garnet blinked with subdued red fire in the hollow of her throat.

"Now you're perfect."

Tammy hugged her mother. "Thank you so much, mom!"

"You're welcome, sweetie. I just wish your dad was home to see you like this; pity he had to go on this business trip."

Tammy laughed. Her father was always complaining good-naturedly about her comfortable clothes. He just loved her all dolled up like this. Just then the doorbell rang downstairs. "That's Jason!" Tammy was about to dash off, when her mother stopped her.

"Let me open the door. Then, after a couple of minutes, you make your grand entrance!" Both Oliver women shared a conspiratorial grin.

Jason waited in the warm twilight. His heart was beating a mile a minute--he hadn't been this nervous since... he didn't know when! This was ridiculous! He'd faced down Rita, Zedd, Goldar and Mondo, not once, but several times, now why was he getting all worked up about taking his girlfriend to a simple dance? Before he could find a satisfactory answer, Mrs Oliver opened the door.

Eyeing her daughter's friend approvingly, she let him inside. Ever since his return from Geneva, Jason had found his very unique style --very continental!--Tammy's mother thought, taking in his black dress slacks, black shirt and antique yellow jacket. Instead of a tie, a chevron-shaped gold pin, with the silhouette of an eagle with spread wings etched into it, held down his shirt collar. The young man looked almost good enough for Tammy!

Jason answered Mrs Oliver's greetings politely, when a slight sound from the stairs distracted him. Looking up, he lost his voice as he caught his first glance of Tammy walking down the dozen or so steps. He'd known she was pretty, but he'd never seen her look this gorgeous! She stopped right before him, smiling a bit unsurely.

"You... you're beautiful."

She blushed; something she hadn't done since he'd kissed her the first time.

"Thank you."

Wordlessly, he handed her the corsage he'd bought: Three tiny rosebuds, two red and one white, nestled on a few green leaves and decorated with a narrow gold ribbon--their combined Ranger colours.

"Oh!" Her soft, pleased exclamation made him smile. He'd known she'd like it.

"Would you...?"

"Sure." His hands were trembling, he noted with some surprise, as he pinned the small floral arrangement to her left shoulder, slightly above her heart. Finished, the two just stood and looked into each other's eyes, desperate to share a kiss, but all too aware of Tammy's mother, who stood ready, camera in hand.

When all the pictures had been taken, all goodbyes been said, Jason escorted Tammy out to his father's car; somehow, the sedan had seemed more appropriate to the occasion than his own jeep. Mrs Oliver watched them drive off, sighing fondly. Just before she could turn, she heard the phone in the hallway ring. Casting a last glance after her daughter, she drew a fortifying breath and went to answer the strident tone.

At the school's festively decorated gym, Tammy excused herself for a moment and made a beeline for the restroom; as she had known she would, she met her friends there, including Penny and Violet, Rocky's and Billy's dates, respectively. "Girl, don't you look great!" Tanya exclaimed approvingly, while Kat gave Penny a brief rundown on everybody's wardrobe. They'd gotten used to doing that, and Penny enjoyed the courtesy; it made her feel included in these things. Kat was rather sexy in a slinky pink satin dress that left very little to the imagination, without being vulgar; much like a dancer's outfit--it was sure to send David's blood pressure sky-high. Penny wore a midnight-blue tux, surprisingly, but it fitted her sometimes a bit austere personality well. Violet was dressed according to her name, in a lacy, very feminine lavendar dress, demure yet seductive, just like her, but Tanya seemed bent on giving Adam a heart attack. Her yellow, tea-length dress was conservatively cut in front, with off-the-shoulder long sleeves; what made it so exciting was the almost non-existing back. Tammy grinned. "And just how do you expect Adam to dance with you in that dress?" she asked, tickling the dark, sleek skin playfully. Tanya shrugged and grinned right back. "That's his problem, not mine!" The girls laughed, and left the restroom in search of their dates.

Entering the gym, they looked around, finally spying the guys at one end, where they'd pushed together two smaller tables to make room for everybody. Kat stopped dead in her tracks and began to sputter. "Would you look at them!" All five were grinning broadly as they approached the boys, who were enjoying the view the girls presented them with.

As they drew up, Tammy couldn't restrain her laughter any longer. The uncomprehending glances the boys exchanged with each other set the other girls off, as well; Violet could barely keep up the play-by-play for Penny.

"Y-you look like a boy group!" Tammy tittered.

For some reason, all of the male Rangers, including David, had opted for variations of Jason's attire: dark shirt and pants, and jackets in their respective colors, with Billy in pearl grey and David in tan. The only difference was in their neckwear--Jason's pin, Billy's classic tie, Rocky's ascot, David's chased-silver bolo tie, and Adam had sneakily chosen to wear a silk turtleneck--no tie necessary, and nothing Tanya could object to. They did look gorgeous, though.

Kat joined in Tammy's laughter. "Yeah--called 'Take That Or Leave It'!"

"Oh, leave it--definitely leave it!" Tanya's comment set all the girls off again.

The five young men looked at each other, noticing for the first time how similarly they were dressed. Rocky grinned at his friends.

"Well, guys--if we already look the part, why don't we give Skull and his band a break later and serenade these lovely ladies?"

If he thought he could get away with that ... !

It was shy, gentle Violet who deflated Rocky's balloon rather effectively.

"But Rocky.....would you really want to be responsible for a stampede towards the exit?" The line was delivered so softly, with so much diffidence, that it took all of them a moment for the meaning to register. Then, all ten nearly collapsed laughing. The evening was off to a GREAT start!

Jason smiled contentedly as Tammy snuggled into his arms for the last set of ballads. They'd had a great time, laughing, kissing, talking, kissing, dancing, and kissing some more. He honestly couldn't remember when he'd last had so much fun. He reflected briefly on his situation; he'd lived in this reality for a little over a month now, but what a month it had been! Being a Ranger again, meeting Tammy--especially meeting Tammy!--had made this easily one of the best months of his life. If only it could last! The nagging uncertainty briefly shadowed his eyes. Resolutely, though, he shoved it back to the farthest corner of his mind. Tonight was for Tammy and him; nothing was going to spoil it!

He looked around. Tammy and he were literally dancing cheek to cheek, her modest heels giving her some extra height. All of their friends were currently on the dance floor as well, even Billy and Violet; every couple seemed almost as lost in each other as they. He grinned as he watched how Adam tried to hold Tanya without touching too much skin; he was failing miserably, but didn't seem to mind too much. Rocky, Penny, Billy and Violet were dancing rather decorously, talking softly while they swayed to the music. Kat and David were taking advantage of the fact that the last chaperone, in charge of clean-up, was preoccupied with the stereo system, and were kissing avidly. Thinking that a very good idea, he pressed a gentle kiss to the soft cheek resting against his and let his mouth wander to the sweet lips which opened readily for him.

Reluctantly ending the exchange, he smiled into the dreamy hazel eyes. "Did you have fun tonight?"

Tammy kissed his chin. "You know I did. Thank you."

The deejay,who had alternated with the live band for most of the evening, chose that moment to announce the last dance. Their mood momentarily broken, the two looked around. Most everybody was leaving by now, including their friends. Only a few diehards and the clean-up crew were still around. By unspoken agreement, Jason took Tammy's arm and escorted her to the car. They silently drove through the dark, quiet streets towards the Oliver home. Once there, Jason turned off the motor and was about to pull Tammy close for a long goodnight kiss, when he felt her stiffen next to him.

"What is it?"

"T-the lights... " Jason looked at the dark structure.

"What about them?"

"They're off."

"So? Your mom's probably already gone to bed. It is almost midnight, you know."

Tammy stared worriedly at her house.

"Maybe. But... "

"But what? Tammy, what's wrong?"

She looked at him then, her eyes wide with beginning fright.

"Jase ... my mom never lets me come home to a dark house. She always leaves a lamp on somewhere. I-I can't see one, anywhere. Can you?"

Jason began to worry, too.

"No." Hoping he wasn't making a mistake, he killed the headlights and opened the driver-side door. "Come on. Be careful!"

Tammy scrambled out after him. Both teens moved silently towards the front door, their senses straining, as if they were facing one of Mondo's monsters. They heard and saw nothing--just a silent, dark house in an equally silent and dark neighborhood. On the porch, Jason stopped Tammy. Whispering, he held out his hand. "Give me your keys." She slipped them to him. As quietly as possible, the Gold Ranger inserted the correct one into the lock. "Be ready to run to the car when I give the word." Tammy was about to protest, but he silenced her with a single look. Jason was all warrior now. The realization sent a strange little thrill down Tammy's spine. She'd seen him like this before, in battle, but never for her.

"You're not dressed for fighting," he breathed. "If there's something wrong, you'll have to try and get the police over here. Okay?" She didn't like it, but he was right. Grudgingly, she nodded. He slipped her a quick, reassuring kiss. "Good. Now, get ready."

All senses alert, the two Rangers held their breaths as Jason slowly turned the key. It took more turns than he'd thought it would. Surprised, he looked back over his shoulder. "It was locked."

"What?" That almost seemed to rule out a burglary. However, they could be wrong. Hearts beating in their throats, Jason and Tammy very, very slowly pushed the door open. Nothing happened.

Taking a deep breath, Jason was about to step forward, when Tammy held him back. She held his eyes for a long moment.

"Be careful."


Moving inside on silent feet, Jason looked around the dark hallway. Nothing moved, or seemed out of the ordinary from earlier that evening, when he'd watched Tammy come down the stairs. Giving her a reassuring nod, he reached for the light switch.

"Here goes nothing." He flicked it on. Both tensed, battle ready.

Nothing happened.

Releasing breaths they hadn't been aware they'd been holding, Tammy carefully stepped forward. Almost immediately, she saw the white envelope tucked into the hallway mirror. Exchanging a look with Jason, she plucked it off with unsteady fingers and unfolded the single sheet of paper within. Scanning the few hastily-scribbled lines, tears began to stream down her cheeks.

"Oh God..."

Tammy's breath came in short gulps; she started to tremble all over. Alarmed, Jason pulled her into his arms. "What?"

She looked up at him; to his surprise, he saw that she was laughing through her tears.

"Jase...this is from my mom. She got a call from the hospital; there was an emergency, and she needed to come in right away. Sh-she also says that she'll probably be gone all night." The tears came faster, despite the laughter. "She....she must have forgotten to leave a light on because it wasn't dark yet!"

All the tension the potential danger had caused left Jason in a rush; he was lightheaded with relief. He hadn't wanted to admit it to Tammy, but he'd been really scared that something had happened to her mom while they were gone; to find out that everything was fine ... he could only imagine how Tammy must feel, now that the adrenaline had stopped flowing. Her laughter and tears made sense now. Realizing that his girlfriend was still shaking, he drew her close. Hugging her to him, he rocked her gently, crooning softly until she calmed down. Wiping the last tears from her face, Tammy hiccuped and looked into his loving dark eyes. Slightly ashamed at how she'd lost it, she tried to make light of the situation.

"What a waste of some perfectly fine worrying!"

Jason shook his head. "Don't."


"You had every right to be scared. I don't even want to think about what I'd've done if this had happened at my house. I know you love your mom, a lot. Don't be ashamed that you cried." He kissed her tenderly on the forehead.

"Oh Jase..." A fresh flood of tears threatened as Tammy buried her face in the broad shoulder, but she managed to ward it off--barely. Drawing a few deep, calming breaths, she finally let go of Jason. Giving him a watery smile, she suddenly sniffed inelegantly. The effect was so ridiculous, that both teens broke into laughter. The last bit of tension left them, and they hugged again.

A clock in the distance struck midnight, and reminded them that the front door was still open. Reluctantly, they released each other and made their way back. Jason was about to kiss Tammy goodnight, when the slightly-lost expression on her face registered. He tenderly put a finger under her chin, lifting it up.

"What is it?"

"Nothing." The answer was too swift, and about as convincing as a cog pretending to be a household appliance.

"Honey, please." The endearment slipped out without his volition, but it felt right. Tammy looked up into Jason's eyes. She saw his honest desire to help, and could refuse it no longer. Her voice still a bit shaky, she gave in.

"W-would you mind staying just a bit longer? I....I feel... " words failed her, but Jason understood. "Of course. Just let me get the car keys, okay?"

She nodded, and watched him as he swiftly parked the car in the driveway, locking and securing it. Seconds later, she was back in his arms, ensconced on the couch in the family room.

They sat holding each other for a long time, savouring the peace and contentment. After a while, Tammy lifted her head from Jason's shoulder and breathed a soft kiss against his mouth. She sighed blissfully as he responded, teasing her lips open and slipping his tongue inside, to tangle with her own. His kisses always made her feel good, but now, sitting almost across his lap, with his arms around her and a hand burrowed in her hair, it was almost too much. Instinctively, she arched more into him. She felt his smile as he trailed his mouth down her neck, nibbling at the sensitive skin where it met her shoulder. A slight moan escaped her.

Jason, for his part, was drowning in the scent and feel of her. Tammy's lithe body curved against him in all the right places, and he was very much aware of her unbound breasts under the stretchy material of her dress. Her blouse gaped open, and when he looked down, he was treated to the exciting sight of some very nice cleavage. Daringly, he skimmed a hand up from her waist to brush against the outer swell of her breast. He felt more than heard her breath catch, but she didn't object; emboldened, he wandered higher until he was able to smooth a finger across the line where her dress molded to her soft mounds. He lifted his head and looked into the brown pools he loved so much. Her make-up had been washed away by her tears; all that was left was the soft gleam in her eyes that was trusting, yet slightly questioning at the same time. His heart pounding, Jason closed a hand over one sweet globe. He could feel the slight protrusion of her nipple harden against his palm, and squeezed delicately. Her eyes never left his, but her kiss-swollen lips parted on another indrawn breath. He lowered his mouth to hers once more, kissing her more demandingly. Tammy responded. Their tongues danced with each other, licking and tasting soft membranes, and Jason felt himself harden. It had been bad enough controlling his erection while they were dancing; now, it was impossible. Tammy felt too right in his arms, under his lips and hands.

He explored her breasts through the soft fabric, until he thought his cock would burst with wanting her. A last shred of sanity remained, however. Gently, extremely reluctantly, he released her, pulling back. Both were breathing hard, and Tammy looked at him with heavy-lidded eyes. Jason briefly closed his own, lest he be tempted to swoop back in. Instead, he stood, astonished to find his knees knocking slightly against each other. Tammy sat up and looked at him, taking in the rapid rise and fall of his chest. Oh, how she longed for him to hold her again! Before she could ask him to do just that, Jason took a few steps away from the couch, smiling ruefully. She got up as well, closing the distance between them.

"Jason?" Her voice was sultry; it astounded her that she was capable of producing that particular tone. It sent a shiver down the young man's spine.

With an effort, he cleared his throat.

"I think I'd better go."

"Why?" A soft hand caressed his arm through his sleeve, raising goosebumps.

Jason met her eyes. He'd once promised her honesty. Very gently, he took her in his arms and pressed his hips against hers, letting her feel his arousal. Burying his face in her hair, he rasped.

"That's why."

Tammy shuddered at the sensation of the hard ridge of flesh throbbing against her soft belly, but not with revulsion. Twining her arms around his neck and seeking out his mouth with her own, she offered him her own need.

"That's no reason."

Jason was distracted by the whisper-touch of her lips moving against his; it took a few moments for the meaning of her words to register. He stiffened--in more than one place.



Her soft plea made the blood surge in his veins. Instinctively, he pressed her closer to him. Everything in him screamed to say yes, to crush her mouth under his, but some last vestige of restraint held him back.

"Oh, Tammy...." her hips moved against his enticingly, making his head swim. "I...I don't even have protection with me..." He would not risk her, in no way!

"We don't need any; not tonight." The certainty in her voice was unmistakeable. His reason was slowly but surely losing the battle with his desire. Jason sought out the brown eyes once more. They seemed almost black in the darkness, lit with an inner flame he'd never seen before, but longed for in his most private dreams. He made a last-ditch effort.

"A-are you sure?"

Tammy could hear the hope in the deep rumble, and it made her blood sing. Kissing him deeply once more, she took the lead in crossing that last bridge between them.



Tammy's bedroom was bathed in semi-darkness, the light from the street lamp outside casting areas of light and shadow. It was enough for the young man and woman who entered with their hands joined, mouths dry and hearts beating. Both Jason and Tammy knew that the step they were about to take would change them, change forever the way they were looking at each other. From tonight, they would no longer be friends and teammates, simple high school sweethearts, but lovers. Neither looked back. This was where they were meant to go, of that they were sure. Still, it was new territory for both of them. Or was it?

Tammy released Jason's hand and walked on trembling legs to her dresser. With shaking hands, she took off her earrings and the small choker her mother had lent her earlier. The combs were pulled out of her hair next. Then, she began fumbling with the knot at her waist, opening her blouse and slipping it off her shoulders. Behind her, she could hear the faint sound of rustling cloth as Jason shed his jacket and tie pin. She grasped the edge of the dresser, stepped out of her sandals and drew a shaky breath. Suddenly, two warm hands came to rest on her bare shoulders. She jumped, in spite of herself.

Jason drew her against him, gently stroking her arms. His breath was warm against her temple as he offered her an out.

"You don't have to do this." He wanted her desperately; he was so hard, it felt as if he would burst any moment, but this was her choice, and hers alone. He'd respect any decision she might make, even if it killed him.

Tammy leaned back against his solid strength and closed her eyes. His touch was soothing and exciting her at the same time.

"Yes, I do. I want to do this. I want you."

His warm mouth wandered down to her earlobe, licking gently and sending shivers down her spine.

"And I want you." His deep voice was a sexy growl. "But... anytime you want me to stop, just tell me. No matter when."

She heard the promise in his words, and trusted it immediately. It removed a good portion of her nervousness. Unconsciously, she relaxed.

Jason felt Tammy's back muscles loosen, and his heart rate sped up. He nibbled his way softly downwards, to the sensitive spot where her neck met her shoulder. His hands wandered from her arms round her waist, then moved slowly upwards, until he cupped her breasts. She trembled, but not with fear. Giving her every opportunity to object, he brushed over the soft swells, until he encountered satiny skin. Kissing his way up her neck again, he carefully slid his fingertips inside the stretchy material of her dress, and peeled it down, exposing her quivering globes to his hands and eyes.

Awed at their beauty, he explored, circling around and around, until he brushed against the already hardened tips. Tammy drew in a shuddering breath which turned into a delighted moan as he gently pinched and tugged at the rosy-brown points, shaping them into turgid peaks, throbbing minutely against his palms. Her head turned, bringing her mouth within reach of his, and he claimed her lips, synchronising the gentle thrusting of his tongue with each delicate pinch at her aching nipples. His cock pulsed sympathetically, and he thrust himself against her firm behind.

Tammy's head swam. She'd never dreamed having Jason touch her would feel this good! He seemed to know exactly what to do to bring her to the brink of ecstasy. The thought suddenly made her stiffen.

Jason sensed the change. Lifting his head, he filled his hands with the soft weight once more, warming her creamy skin.

"What's wrong? I'm not hurting you, am I?"

"No...." her voice was a needy whimper, and he chuckled slightly, rubbing gentle circles over her breasts. With an effort, Tammy dragged her eyes open. Breathing hard, she made herself ask, although she wasn't really sure if she wanted to know.

"Have....have you ever done this before?"

Jason's hands stilled. Then, he released her breasts and turned her around. Tilting her head up until she had no choice but to meet his eyes, he gave his answer.

"Yes. A couple of times, in Europe." She tried to look away, but he wouldn't let her. "Tammy, I have. I don't know if Jason has." He spoke his own name as if talking of a stranger, which in a way he was. He didn't like to remind either of them of the fact that he was a visitor in another's body, which just happened to be identical to his own, but had no choice. If she wanted to call a stop here and now...

She studied his dark eyes for a long time. Then, with a tremulous smile, she slid her arms around his neck and smoothed a hand across his cheek, into his short black hair. Kissing him very softly, she crossed the final bridge neither one had wanted to see until now.

"You're Jason. My Jason. Right here, right now. Nothing else matters."

Their lips met and opened. Tongues crept towards each other, twining and dancing, until their universe narrowed down to the passionate exchange. He pushed her dress down her hips and skimmed her panties off. She unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off the broad shoulders. Hands wandered across smooth warm skin, mouths tasted and explored soft and firm contours, until it became too much. They had to separate to breathe, or they would have fainted. Tammy trembled naked in Jason's strong arms, giddy with excitement and arousal. Her womanly core throbbed with the need to be touched, but she didn't know how to ask. Wonderfully warm hands roamed her back from her shoulders down her spine to cup and squeeze her bottom, and she instinctively thrust her hips into the touch. Her mound brushed against the hard distension in Jason's pants, and her eyes flew open. He'd made her feel so good that she'd almost forgotten about his need!

Jason's mouth quirked into a small grin. He kissed her smoky eyes, then lifted her into his arms in one smooth motion and carried her over to her bed. Laying her down on the soft cover, he sat next to her and ran a hand caressingly from her shoulder over her heaving breasts, teasing her nipples back into hardness. Her eyes followed his tanned fngers as they slipped lower, past her bellybutton to the triangle of moist curls. There, he stopped. His palm rested at the apex of her thighs, sending warmth and ... something else she could not yet name into her. All she knew was that she needed to feel his skin against her. That thought fixed firmly in her mind, she reached out a slightly unsteady hand towards his belt buckle. The back of her hand brushed his engorged manhood, and he inhaled sharply as it twitched at the light contact. Strangely enough, his reaction gave her new confidence. Unconsciously licking her lips and arousing him further, she fumbled with the narrow leather strap.

Jason stopped her. Before she could form a protest, he pressed a heated kiss against her palm, then stood. Never losing contact with her smoldering eyes, he shucked his pants and underwear, until he stood next to her bed, naked and fully aroused, his erection bobbing with every shaky breath. His sculpted muscles gleamed in the light filtering through her drapes, and she admired him silently, until the need to touch him overwhelmed the last shred of hesitation. Tammy sat up in one lithe movement, and reached out with only slightly trembling fingers to the jutting phallus, needing to explore it before she surrendered herself to it. It throbbed at her touch. Wrapping her hand around it, she marvelled at the heat and satiny smoothness; it was silk-covered steel, and she couldn't wait to feel it deep inside of her. She slowly sank back to her bed, not releasing him.

Jason followed her willingly, his senses reeling. True, he'd had sex before, but he couldn't recall it feeling so good--but then, he hadn't felt for those girls what he was feeling for Tammy. This was real; more real than anything he could imagine, and he lay back, opening himself to her tentative exploration. He watched her delight as she learned his body's responses; it excited him as nothing else could have done. However, there were things he still had to learn about her. Gathering her close, he rolled them over, so that he could taste her--all of her, from her mouth down.

Leaning up on one elbow, he let his eyes and hands roam her slender body, revelling in the softness of her skin and the firmness of her flesh. She sighed with delight and anticipation, never holding back her responses to him. Just before he lowered her mouth to her quivering breasts, he whispered his own joy into her hair.

"God, you're beautiful!"

Tammy shivered as his hot breath wafted across her. Her eyes closed in bliss as Jason licked oh-so-gently across her aching nipple, wetting the sensitive nub thoroughly. She arched into the caress as he began to suckle; her tits ached with need, and she felt the wetness between her thighs increase. Moaning, she was helpless to do anything but move with his hands and lips; Tammy would have liked to do the same things to Jason, but lacked the experience. Later, she promised herself. He'll teach me, and I'll learn.... Her train of thought was lost as Jason rested his hand on her mound again. This time, however, he didn't stop there; instead, a gentle finger parted her wet petals and slipped inside. Her thighs fell open.

Jason slid his digit carefully into her virgin folds; he hadn't asked, but knew Tammy well enough that it was extremely unlikely she would have given herself to anyone else before. Feeling honored and more than slightly overwhelmed, he concentrated on pleasuring her to the best of his ability. Soon, the Red Ranger was writhing on the soft bed, meeting the slow glide of his finger with needy little thrusts of her hips. Smiling indulgently, he bent towards her heaving breast once more. Sucking an achingly hard nipple into his mouth, he bit gently, capturing the small peak between his teeth and flicking his tongue rapidly over it. At the same time, his finger made contact with her swollen clitoris and mimicked the fast strokes of his tongue. Tammy arched off the bed and screamed as her first partnered climax tore through her.

He rode out her spasms until she collapsed back into his waiting arms, weak as a kitten. Jason just held her, petting her soothingly. Finally, she opened exhausted eyes. "Oh wow!"

Jason chuckled.

"You liked?"


Tammy's moan was all the answer he needed. Now for round two....

Tammy couldn't believe it as her lover tenderly attacked her still-quivering body once more. Every nerve ending seemed electrified, waiting only for the touch of those knowing hands and lips. Abandoning herself to the exquisite sensations, she let him position her as he would, slipping in kisses and fleeting touches when she wasn't too overwhelmed with what Jason was doing to her. Her sex was already throbbing with need, and almost automatically she spread her legs to give his skillful hand better access. It was the sign Jason had been waiting for. He moved to kneel between the trembling limbs, positioning her just right. Kissing his way once more from her pliant mounds down her belly, he inserted a finger into the tight channel of her womanhood, preparing her for his possession. Her head thrashed on the pillow; almost insensate, she bucked her hips and blindly reached for him--any part of his body would do.

"Jason...." His name was a long, drawn-out sigh, and he answered it with a heated kiss on her mound, slipping his tongue between the damp folds. Tammy shuddered, and moaned loudly. Jason didn't linger long, though; Tammy's uninhibited response had fired his own arousal, and his need threatened to overcome his control. Promising her and himself a future return, he scooted up until his aching cock rested against her center. Holding himself back with a monumental effort, he softly called out her name.

She opened heavy eyelids.

"Are you ready for me?"

Incapable of speech, she just nodded, trembling with anticipation and desire. She knew that, if she called a halt now, he'd do it; however, she wanted to feel the hot hardness of his shaft to fill the void she sensed within herself. She needed this as much as she needed her next breath. Summoning all the strength she had left, she reached out and trailed soft fingertips along his cheek, across his lips. Jason kissed them tenderly, then grasped his cock and guided the tip to the entrance of her body. He opened her netherlips, pushing in slightly, then stopped one last time. His breath was coming in short gasps, matching her own.

"Tell me if I hurt you...."

"You won't....." her whisper turned into a sigh as he pushed in farther. She rested her hands against his shoulders and closed her eyes, concentrating on the incredible things happening to her body. Tiny thrusts of his hips let Jason's manhood penetrate her further and further, until he met the barrier of her maidenhead. He sought her eyes once more, afraid he'd hurt her when he tore through. Tammy didn't care; all she knew was that she wanted this, more than anything else. Straining to reach his lips, she kissed him, then braced herself against him.

"Make me yours, Jason."

It sent him over the edge. With a muffled shout, he thrust once, sharply, and slid all the way into her. Tammy gasped at the momentary burning pain, but her discomfort faded fast; all she could feel was the incredible sensation of holding the man she loved deep within her body, as tightly joined as they could be. Jason held himself still for long moments, trying to control his racing heart and to give Tammy time to get used to being filled so completely. Soon, though, ancient instincts took over. He ventured a first, shallow stroke, and she gasped again, but the small sound shifted into an ecstatic sigh as he eased himself back into her depths. Strong, slender arms reached around and held on to his back, and he thrust just a little harder the next time. Tammy met his hips with a thrust of her own, causing both to moan delightedly. Soon, the new lovers moved in unison, seeking and finding their rhythm, until he plunged into her deeply with every snap of his loins. Tammy instinctively lifted her legs and wrapped them around the pistoning hips. The new angle brought her clit into contact with his pubic bone, and she wiggled slightly with the added stimulation. Jason started to grunt with every hard thrust. Finally, he fastened his mouth to hers and thrust his tongue between her lips, taking her from up and below. The double stimulation was too much. Tammy could feel the sweet fire gather between her legs once more, and plunged head-on into oblivion, letting herself be consumed by the bright flames to be reborn a woman. Jason felt her inner muscles contract and spasm around his cock, and he finally let go of his control, joining her in the fiery pool with one last thrust, deeper than before. Their cries of fulfillment were swallowed in each other's mouths. He came in a seemingly endless torrent, filling her body with his seed until he was completely drained. Only then did he collapse onto her.

Time passed. The night air cooled their sweat-slick skin, and the only sound was their rapid breathing as they waited for their heartbeats to return to normal. Finally, Jason lifted his head. He was prepared to roll off her, but Tammy wouldn't let him. Rearing up as far as she allowed, he sought out her shining eyes. Meeting her brilliant smile with one of his own, he kissed her soft lips almost reverently, twining his tongue around hers. When they separated, he looked deeply into her brown orbs. There was only one thing left for him to say.

"I love you."

"Love you, too."

No other words were necessary between them. They settled down in each other's arms, caressing each other gently, until his softening manhood slipped out of the delicate sheath. Jason moved over and pulled her into his embrace once more. Tammy pushed one leg between Jason's strong thighs, wrapped her arm across his narrow waist and rested her head on his shoulder. She'd barely remembered to set the alarm so that Jason could leave before her mother got home from the hospital.

The night had surpassed her wildest dreams, and she was deeply grateful that he'd had the patience to make her first time something she'd remember for the rest of her life. Sighing contentedly, she shared a last tender kiss with her lover, then drifted off to sleep.

Jason watched Tammy for a few moments longer, remembering the taste and feel of her. He still missed his own reality, but knew that if he had to stay here, her love would make it all worthwhile. He shifted a bit, getting more comfortable with the warm weight against his side. Closing his eyes and letting the lassitude take him, he failed to recognize the moment of vertigo, accompanied by a cold and hot flash, that claimed his exhausted body.

Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four