Just Another Story
by Hikagi

Chapter Four: Close to You
The fall was so long that the two of them thought they were both going to die. Goldar didn't even think to use his wings to stop their fall either. This upset Scorpina as she saw the groud rushing towards them and realized she thought the thought too late. Preparing herself for the fall she wished that Goldar would stop screaming right in her ear. Much to her and his surprise their fall was cushioned by a huge pillow they'd landed on.

"Umph!" grunted Goldar as he landed right on top of Scorpina.

"Oh! Get off of me!" she said loosing her cool and starting to shout. Goldar got off of her as fast as he could and apologized.

"That's okay!" she said lightly touching his face,"Now we just have to work on a way of getting out of here and finding Finster!" she said looking at the room they were in.

They had dropped so long a drop that they could not see the ceiling at all. Looking at the walls around them they noticed some torches and one door with a window that had bars on it. They were obviously in one of the holding cells of the ship. Goldar shook his head and Scorpina realized that they had been trapped. The hole in the floor must have been some sort of trick to catch those that did not belong on the ship.

"Hey wait a minute!" Goldar said taking out his sword. Walking over then to the wooden door he tried to strike it with his sword and was shocked immediately. Cringing and watching him get shocked Scorpina tried to teleport and found that when she reappeared she was right back in the cell. It was no use at all, the room was guarded by a mix of magic and technology that they couldn't hope to overcome. All was lost, they would be caught by Master Vile and then would be in real trouble. Rita and Zedd wouldn't be able to save them.

Going to a corner and crumpling into a small ball on the floor Scorpina softly began to curse herself. She then swore loudly and caught the attention of Goldar who was still trying with the door and was still getting zapped. Finally realizing it wouldn't work Goldar went over to Scorpina who was on the floor now almost in tears. Sitting next to her he put his arm around her and said that it would be alright.

"No it won't!" she screamed,"When Master Vile comes back he won't even tell Rita and Zedd where we are. After they give up looking for us he will take us to his lab and perform weird spells on us! Then after that he'll turn us into one of his stupid monsters and make us bow in service to him! Aaaaaaaaaargh!" she added at the end with a screech. Scorpina was begining to loose her cool behavior.

"Scropina, Finster is still out there. He'll do something, I know it. We may pick on him and say that he is a good for nothing but he'll come through. And you know what? After this I'm going to make sure that when we get out of here we'll go and get married and then pick the planet of your choice to go and trash for a while!" he said trying to cheer her spirit. Evidently it worked and she held him close to her with a look of serenity on her face.

Goldar held her closer and rocked her back and forth to help her calm down. She wasn't the one who was currently shaking though, it was him. Goldar was trying to console his love Scorpina, but at the same time he was trying to console himself.

There was a knock at the door and the two of them jumped simultaniously. A huge guard came in and placed a bowl of food down on the ground. It slopped and made a bubbling sound when it hit and looked like one of Rita's former monsters. Seeing the guard look at the food with a show of dislike and sickness in his face they knew it wasn't so good. So after he left neither of them moved close to see if it was even edible. Huddling close like two scared children, they waited and slowly fell off to sleep.


Finster had been running through the halls for who knows how long. He had avoided many traps and hidden monsters on the way, seeing the clues of their whereabouts easily. It wasn't until the guards at the watch station on the ship saw him that he began to fall into any real danger. For as soon as they had seen him on their cameras they had set off the alarm of an intruder onboard. This brought out ever monster available and considerably slowed down the poor tinkerer who hadn't been prepared for the neverending onslaught.

Finally having his full of all the monsters that kept finding him and attacking him, Finster ran into the nearest room he could and locked the door behind him. Shaking and full of fear he did what he did best in times of crisis and began to read. The book he was reading just happened to be Master Vile's spell book which was quite interesting. Flipping a few pages he came to something that made his face light up and blush with excitement. There was a certain spell on that page that would let him do something that would get them all out of there very fast. It was titled Instant War Machine, and would allow the user to become the best killer he could be in a matter of seconds. The best thing about it was that the spell didn't even need any ingrediants to be cast. Not even bothering to hesitate and ponder the side effects of the spell Finster cast it quickly and lost consciousness.


Goldar and Scorpina had been jolted awake by the noise of the alarm going off and rubbed the sleep from their eyes. Finster must have been seen by the cameras, Goldar thought as he felt a warm and wet substance on his legs. Scorpina had reacted quite violently right after he thought that and he jumped when she grabbed his hair strongly and pulled on it.

The food that had been in the dish had been slowly crawling all over them. It was covering Scorpina fast and was trying to take on Goldar too. Her hands reaching for his hair were the only things that it hadn't consumed of her and it was working on his waste currently. Screaming he took his sword and began to beat at a section of it that looked like eyes. A burping sound escaped the creature and it began to back off of Goldar and Scorpina. Scorpina having her hands and her face loose was now free to cast spells and use her sword. Doing both at the same time she and Goldar managed to strike at the creature until it willed itself off of them. Then seeing it back up and shoot high into the sky the two of them prepared themselves for a fight. Much to their surprise they were interupted by an explosion at the door.

Stepping through it came this creature that was dressed like some sort of Rambo knock off who had a huge subrocket missile launcher on his shoulder. He looked oddly familiar and the two of them squinted as he took aim and fired at the blob of food that had come to life. Trying to turn and face it's new attacker the food was overwhelmed by a shot that erupted from the launcher and tore through it's body. The owner of the weapon was sitting there firing at the blob without abandon and was laughing like a maniac.

"Hit the DECK!" shouted Goldar as he flung himself at Scorpina as a rocket came flying by. The two of them just sat there and watched as more and more missiles flew by and tore through the monster. By the time he was done with his enemy the unknown monster with the launcher had stopped laughing had started swearing frequently. Goldar and Scorpina rose off of the ground and approached him slowly to see who he was.

"Finster?!" shouted Goldar as he looked at him,"What the hell happened?"

Finster just looked at them and frowned with a look of confusion on his face. He didn't know these two at all, and why the hell were they calling him Finster? Shutting down the missile launcher he found that he also couldn't remember the whole rest of his life. It was as if up to twenty minutes ago he did not exist. Mildly confused and trying to remember what was going on he didn't see all the guards running at them from all the new openings to the room.

"Oh nevermind whoever you are! Let's just get out of here!" shouted Scorpina as she grabbed Finster and Goldar promting them to leave the room. The three of them rushed down the hallway and tried to find the nearest exit so that they could get out of the ship.


After their hot night on the town Kai and Kia returned to the castle and teleported directly into the throne room. They were startled by the presence of the horrible looking monster there with their parents and instantly prepared themselves for attack. Zedd and Rita seeing their children's looks of concern and fear for their parents knew what would happen next. Rushing forward they tried to explain who the hideous looking stranger was and managed to calm their children down.

"Ill, you mean that ugly thing is our grandfather?" said Kia in disgust. Kai stiffled a laugh and tried to remain quiet while their grandfather walked over. He was taking his time and summing them up to see what they were made of. Kia and Kai knew it, now if he would give them the chance to show it they most gratefully would.

Rita and Zedd saw the look in their children's eyes and panicked. They knew what they were capable of, as they had just taught them not too long ago. It was also a known fact that the both of them were quite as strong if not stronger than their parents combined. Silently moving back to their throne Rita and Zedd contemplated things while their children and their grandfather stared each other down.

"So these are the little whelps you call children?" he began,"They look like nothing more than some flimsy humans. Are you sure the stork didn't mix up your delivery?"he said grinning,"Look at that golden skin and their fleshy bodies. They are weak, they don't deserve the title that you two have given them. But I will fix that. These things are a disgrace to the family and must be gotten rid of. Starting with you!" he said pointing to Kia and chanting softly.

The ground began to give away beneath Kia and it seemed like fire was erupting all around her. Kai just sat there and looked at his sister with intrest on how she would get out of this. Much expected of her she grabbed a small machine out of her pocket and pushed a button on it. Her clothes fell off and she was revealed to be wearing a leather bikini and some metal attachments were strapped to her. They were on her arms and her legs and there was a rocket jetpack on her back. She looked like some sort of Japanese Sentai show freak, thought Rita. What was Zedd trying to do to their baby? What had he taught her, how to be a leather wearing, rocket pack donning, crazy person?

Suddenly the jet pack switched on and all the fire blew out around her. Flying in front of him over the pit she suddenly pressed a button on the attachment on her arm. From inside of a small compartment of the attachment an electronic whip snaked forth crackling and humming with power. Vile saw this and decided that it was time to make things work for him and he decided to take the nearby Kai as hostage.

Kai seeing no hesitation in his sister's face knew that she would sacrifice him to harm their grandfather. He called forth his magic and teleported to another part of the room. So strong was his magic that Master Vile couldn't keep him from teleporting and was shocked at that. Kai also retaliated by cutting off Master Vile's source of magic and watched as the whip hit him.

Master Vile could do nothing but have spasms as the whip sent jolts of electricty through his body. Much worse for him it had latched itself to his arm and she was whipping him up and down vertically. So strong did those attachements make her, that he was lifted with each whip and then came flying back down at the ground with full force. Unable to call on his magic and trapped like a rat he could only sit there and remain in woe of his decision.

Rita and Zedd were in the background laughing hysterically. They knew that Vile had been beaten and were having a ball with what they saw. They grew even happier when Kai shed his clothing and appeared in his half armor half silken suit ready for battle. Holding a staff that was as long as he was, they both smiled and cheered as he cast another spell. This time not trying to really hurt Vile he cast the spell his mother had tught him that was called Vertigo.

Vile flying through the air and slamming on the ground noticed that he was slowly loosing his sense of balance all together. The ground seemed above him or to the side of him while the air flitted about all over. Both Kia and Kai laughed as they saw what their grandfather had had to eat before all this started.

No one noticed a tired out Scorpina, Goldar and Finster find their way into the throne room. All of them stopped their tired movements and just looked at the scene that was going on before them. Goldar was looking intently when Rito came up and slapped him on the back. Taking out his sword and smacking Rito with it he continued watching with intense curiostiy. Scorpina on the other hand was watching how the children were just playing with Vile. She knew that they had awesome power and could easily take Vile. Slowly coming to realize that if they ever turned on them for any reason....

Finster on the other hand was the only one not watching the fight. He had reverted back to his regular form and hadn't remembered a thing he'd done on the ship after casting the spell. Much to his surprise Scorpina and Goldar filled him in on what he had done. Finster of course could hardly belive this but he really had no choice in the matter since it was already done and past. After entering the throne room he had set to trying to break into the laptop once again but found that he'd left his hacker software on Vile's ship. Cursing to himself for not remembering to bring the software, or remembering what he'd seen on the laptop he went off to his room to hide the book. Not before he took the laptop and left it in plain sight with a note scribbled on it that it was left there by one of his monsters for some reason. Shaking his head wearily as he walked down the hallway Finster slowly looked forward to going to his room so that he could once again start working on the Lionel monster.


The day was bright and clear and Rocky woke up in his bed with a mess as usual. Going into the bathroom and finding time to take a quick shower, he took a shower and nearly went to sleep again. Santiella had wanted to go to the mall today and he was supposed to take her. It would be time to go soon, Rocky scowled at this. His alarm clock hadn't been working and it was causing him to run late. It also meant that he wouldn't have time to get something to eat, he'd have to spend some of his shopping money on food at the mall. Drying himself, Rocky thought about how expensive the mall food was and got upset.

Stepping into his room and putting on some cotton boxers and a soft t-shirt Rocky almost felt ready to go back to bed. He stopped himself though and went to his closet looking for something suitable to wear. Taking out a blue pair of jeans and a dark blue flannel he put those on and headed downstairs. The stairs hardly touched his feet as he flew over them. Dashing into the kitchen he found that his sister was not there waiting for him as she usually was. Turning he saw his mother who came up to him and pointed at the Microwave.

"Baby, the food I cooked for breakfast is in the micro. I'm taking your sisters and your brother out for the day. You have been working hard and you deserve the rest. So you get to do whatever you want with the day! Make sure that the house is in one piece when I get back and don't let anyone in. If you go out and are going to get in late give me a note!" she hastily yelled as she ran out the door. Rocky opened the Microwave and sat at the table where some juice and silverware were set for him. This was going to be a good day he thought to himself.

Finishing off the rather large breakfast that his mother had made for him he began to burp and pat his stomach in glee. His mother knew that he loved to eat. He loved eating so much that there were times when he literally had to be carried away from the table. This luckily was not one of the times though. Rocky put away the dishes as he relfected on this and climbed the stairs to his room. He had left his bed a mess and needed to change the sheets. Completing this in under ten minutes he put on his roller skates and attempted to walk down the stairs.

After his interesting and quite painfull fall down the stairs Rocky found his way to the porch and grabbed his shoes in a duffel he had brought with him. Faced with a smooth surface and no steps to kill him Rocky flung himself out onto the pavement and skated off with the grace of a figure skater. The wind whipped through his short cropped hair and made him gasp in exhiliration. He had neglected to put on his helmet on the way out the door so as he sailed down the street he managed to put it on. The rest of his gear he had put on when he'd gotten his skates out of his room. Lastly taking some shades out of his flannel's pocket Rocky put them on and continued with his skating. He didn't know where he was going but he would be there soon!


On the moon Kai had gotten bored with his sister and his grandfather's antics. She was still whipping him through the air and having the time of her life. Rita and Zedd had settled down and were eating some popcorn and watching while a few others looked on in the background. Kai felt that things were a little too insane for him so he decided to go to his new room and think things over for a bit. Once he had made it there he looked out toward the Blue Star that was called Earth. Sighing he wished that he was just a normal teen a while and then went to his closet to look for something to wear. He was going to go down to earth and have some more fun.

"DOWN BOY!" he heard off in the distance which was immediately followed by a thud,"DOWN AGAIN I SAY!" he heard as another thud hit. It was still going on! What idiots he thought to himself as he looked through the open closet door. He really couldn't decide what to wear. The humans had an odd sense of fashion and if he made a mistake he would be terribly embarrassed.

Pulling out a black t-shirt and some jeans, Kai slipped into them and teleported himself down to Angel Grove Park. Coming out from behind the trees he was greeted with smiles that were all at once friendly but held with a bit of reservation. Wondring what was going on he went to a nearby fountain and looked in it so as to guess what was making him look so odd. It was his silver hair! Smacking his forhead and realizing that this was Angel Grove and not some seedy club where silver hair was common, he went to the safety of the trees and cast a small spell on his appearance.

Knowing good and well that he loved his hair and would not cut it he made an illusion of a shorter cut that would be more acceptable to the people around him. Then taking time to decide what color his hair would be he finally decided on the color black and walked out into the park again. This time seeing more smiles and non-confused looks than before he went along his way. Kai not really watching where he was going managed to go out into the part of the sidewalk where most of those who were rollerskating went. They all zoomed around him and told him to get out of the way, but he wasn't paying that much attention to them at all. It wasn't until he was slammed into by a large and bulky figure that he realized that maybe he shouldn't have been out in the road.

Rocky hadn't really been looking where he was going either and was part of the reason they both slammed into each other. Landing in a tangled heap on the ground the stranger had managed to have his hand flop right on top of Rocky's crotch. Blushing he pushed the kid off of him and then pulled himself to a a more stable position. Realizing that the kid was still sprawled out on the ground before him Rocky put aside all of his embarrassment and helped to pull him up.

"You got to be more careful walking in the skater's lane!" he said looking the kid over. He was about Rocky's height and just a little thiner. His t-shirt and nicely fitting jeans gave way to what seemed an atheletic build. His face was almost golden and had a familiar look to it. Where had he seen this face before? The boy lastly had a pretty trendy Clooney type hair cut and a small gold hoop in his left ear. His brown eyes bore right through Rocky and made him shiver suddenly. There was something eerie about this kid, but at the same time appealing.

"Oh, why hello my name is Kai." he said offering his hand.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Rocky, you must be new to the area." he said shaking the kid's hand.

"Um... would you well... uh could you show me around?" he asked shuffling his feet.

Rocky just looked at him still wondering. There was something going on, and he was going to get to the bottom of it. Nodding to the other teen he told him to try to keep up and skated off prompting him to follow. Rocky hadn't gone very far when he saw the teen by his side, it seemed as if Kai was going to pass him up even. Putting more speed where it was needed Rocky zoomed off, only to find that Kai was still right on his heels! More surprised than anything Rocky came to an abrupt stop and watched as Kai stopped right next to him hardly even winded.

"Jeez... you are amazing! Come on I know this place where we can rest and talk." Rocky needed the rest more than Kai. He was the one who was breathing like there was no tommorow. Gasping and skating much slower now he and Kai made their way to a part of the park that much of Angel Grove didn't know about or just didn't go to.


Jason awoke in his room that day feeling like the world was on his shoulders. He was in pain and knew that he had done wrong the night before. Beating two perfect strangers and accusing them of pedophillia, then leaving the scene of a crime when he knew he should have been persecuted. At least that way his problems could have come to light. Now it seemed his chance to get help was gone, there was no way he could tell anyone what had happened to him. Going over to his answering machine he saw it glowing rather brightly and unusually. Pressing the button to activate the messages he was shocked when an imgae of Trey popped from the machine and began to talk to him.

"This is Trey of Triforia, I am leaving a message for Jason. Jason I know something is wrong. You have to tell me what is wrong. If you don't things will never get better at all. Please do not be affraid to face what is coming to you. I have been through hard times as well, there have been things that have made me wish I'd never been born. But Jason, please know that I'm here for you! We are two sides of the same coin in a way. Our sharing of the Gold Powers have made us that way. I can feel your pain, just as i'm sure you can feel how concerned I am for you. Please if you want to contact me just use your communicator. I have sent in a special subfrequency for you to be able to contact me at any time. Please Jason, I can't stand to see you in pain...." he said imploringly and then vanished as the image went away.

Jason just lay there on his bed looking up at the ceiling. Did Trey really know what he was going through? Did he? Was there even the smallest possiblity that the Gold Power had allowed them to have some sort of psychic bond? Jason almost got up and activated his communicator. Almost, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. His pain was too real, too embarrassing. What would Trey do when he told him what had happened? Did Trey even know what a pedophile was? There couldn't be anything like that on Triforia. Curling into a little ball Jason sat there and just looked up at the walls.


Rocky had been laughing and joking around with Kai all day. They had decided that his special area was the perfect place to unwind and allow adversities to disappear. Playing around under a huge tree and throwing small berries at each other the two of them grew accustomed to each other's quirks and behavior. Rocky was the playful type who was always ready to escalate the level of play. Kai on the other hand was quite shy and wasn't as open to the world as Rocky was. They were exact opposites, but it seemed that their differences were what made them attract.

Rocky had also seen that Kai was most definatey hiding something. Every time he probed into his life or anything about him Kai would answer ambiguously and then change the subject. Still in a huge state of wonder about the boy, Rocky stopped horseing around and sat down under the tree they were playing under.

"So why don't you tell me all about your family Kai?" asked Rocky.

"Um okay, well my sister she's like my twin. Well actually we are twins! Her name is Kia and she is pretty cool." he said reluctantly.

"And your parents?" Rocky pushed, knowing good and well that he hated questions about his parents.

"My, parents" he said as if he were asking himself about them,"well they are rather wealthy and prefer not to live in town. They sent my sister and I here so that we could live relatively normal lives!" he said loving the lie because it was so beliveable.

"Oh." said Rocky solemly. He's rich, he won't want to hang with me and the guys.

"But you know I would really like it if you showed me around. Would you do that for me tonight? Show me the town? Maybe a good club we can go to...." he said hoping Rocky didn't notice the hunger in his voice. Ahh, that last feast was so long ago, he was ready to feed again. Even now just looking at the young man next to him made his hunger resurge. The hunger for emotional pain, but it seemed that this man didn't have that much pain. Would that be a problem if he ever needed a quick fix?


Once again Kai returned to Stone Canyon on a mission of self gain. He hadn't fed and was rather hungry. Kia would just have to go out and get her own food tonight, he thought licking his lips. Rocky was driving him to town this time, he had managed to get the car from his mother and was free for the night. They had jumped to the possibility to go to the clubs in Stone Canyon. Yet even in his happiness to be with Kai, Kai still sensed his aprehension to going to Stone Canyon. Did he know? Blinking the thought away, Kai just sat back and waited. Things would fall into place. They always did for those who knew magic.

"Alright, this place is called The Hub. It plays a pretty wide variety of music. Most of the time its Dance though. I hope you don't like Country or anything, 'cause they don't play stuff like that here." he said with a wink.

"Don't worry I'm pretty good with Dance. Do you dance?" he asked looking at Rocky as they got out the car.

"Oh yeah! I'm pretty good, not as good as my friend Zack, but I'm good." he said thinking of the guys at the Peace Conference that seemed to never end.

"Well let's get going then!" Kai said putting his arm around Rocky and ushering him inside.

Inside the scene was hot as fire. It was under eighteen night but the club was still packed. There were girls dancing in cages, disco lights waving back and forth, even people dressed up in outrageous outfits too. One woman, at least Kai thought it was, came up to them and started dancing right in front of them. Her pink hair and pink furs swaying to the beat of the music.

"Uh... we have a lot of club kids in Stone Canyon. Hope they don't weird you out or anything...." Rocky said pulling Kai away from the woman.

"Oh no, I've seen weirder things." he said telling the complete truth for once.

"Good, then lets go to the bar and get a drink!" Rocky said unphased by the madness going on around them. As he left Kai noticed that Rocky was already showing hints of wanting to dance. Kai hadn't been around in the world very long but he knew that some people felt an odd sway to music. This Rocky and his friend Zack must have felt it. Hmm... music.

"Bartender give my friend and I some colas!" Rocky said slapping down two dollars on the counter. Kai noticed that the bartender winked and called Rocky by his name. Rocky turning noticed that the money hadn't been taken and he knew the drinks were on the house. Kai figured that Rocky might have been a regular here once, but he didn't know that much about Rocky. Well now was as good a time as ever to get to know him.

"Hey, just where did you get to know the bartender from?" asked Kai as he sipped on his cola.

"Huh? Oh it was from when I used to live in Stone Canyon. He was a senior at my highschool and treated me like his little brother. As a matter of fact he was the one who helped me become a blackbelt in martial arts." Rocky said afably and taking a sip from his soda.

"Really? Wow, I bet the city life was so much better than boring old Angel Grove wasn't it?"

Rocky tensed up a little and looked off into the crowd. "My father had always wanted to move to Angel Grove, away from the dangerous city. Then the impossible happened, he got a promotion and was on his way home from the headquarters-"

"Headquarters?" was Rocky's father a Power Ranger too? Oh, thought Kai, better not let on that I know who he is....

"Yes, my father was a detective working for Stone Canyon. Then he got mugged on the way home and left my mother to raise us all alone. If it hadn't been for the life insurance he had we would probably be in a shelter somewhere now...." Rocky said trailing off.

"That's-" Kai tried but was interupted by the blasting of a new song over the speakers.

Rocky recognized his favortie song instantly. Forgeting the sad mood he was slipping into he ran out to the floor and started to dance. Kai watched as Rocky pulled off some very complicated looking steps and impressed the crowd. Even the busy bartender took some time to look as Rocky showed his stuff.

"Boy if Zack was here he would be jealous...." he said wiping his hands and walking away.

Love me, Love me, say that you love me.... Fool me, Fool me, go on and fool me... the song blasted as Rocky danced. Eventually the opening that he was looking through closed up and Rocky was lost to his sight. Kai sighed and wished that Rocky wouldn't have to go through what he was going to do to the club. An idea popped into his head and Kai nearly laughed out loud at it. It was so simple, get Rocky drunk and then have him leave the club before Kai did his work on it. Checking to see if anyone was looking, Kai saw it was safe and proceeded with his plans. Conjuring up a small vial with dark contents, he poured it into Rocky's drink and waited for him to return.

Just as the song ended Rocky did something he couldn't see and exited the floor with a new group of fans clapping for him. Kai was amazed at how the boy was so alive. Watching he held his breath and waited for Rocky to take a sip of his cola. Just before Rocky could put the cup to his lips though, Kai caught sight of his sister stepping through the door. Not now, not now! He thought to himself wishing Rocky would just take one sip.

"So brother, you slipped out and were planning on having some fun without me?" she said as Rocky took a sip of the cola.

"Uh, hi Kia!" he said thinking to himself yes!

"So... this is you sister... Kia?" Rocky said drunken from the potion already.

"Yes, and uh, aren't you feeling kind of sleepy right now?" asked Kai trying to bide his time.

"Brother what are you doing with him anyway? Didn't you learn to never play with your food?" asked Kia. Much to Kai's relief Rocky had already taken the suggestion and was sleeping leaning on the bar. Just then a small boy ran into Kia and she turned to look at who did it. Kai used his magic to teleport the sleeping Rocky to his car and faced Kia as she turned back with a smile.

"Where...." she began but then said nothing as she felt her brother's energy flare up in front of her.

"Okay, lets get a bite...." he said allowing the evil he'd kept in check to roll forward.

Kia and Kai advanced on the club just as they had the other the night before. Twin beings of terror and destruction they drained the club dry. So much pain and negative emotions flowed through them that they nearly fell to the floor as well from the ecstacy. People tried to run but couldn't get away, others tried to face them, and were shot down by their energy. Kia and Kai were feeding.


Right after Kia teleported away for the moon half drunken from all their feeding, Kai ran outside the club. The street was oddly silent, seeing as how the music had stopped playing when the DJ had passed out. Wiping the sweat off his brow, Kai made his way to the car and saw Rocky sleeping in it peacefully. Good, he thought, the energy drain hadn't hit him. Calling upon his magic once more, Kai teleported them right in front of Rocky's home and stood looking over him.

There was a small amount of pain in him, just enough to catch Kai's attention. Rocky was still hurting over what happened to his father. The knowledge of his pain drew Kai closer and closer to the boy until he nearly was on top of him. With every exhale of breath Kai felt the pain seeping from Rocky's lips. Exhilirated and losing control of himself Kai leaned over and kissed Rocky on his lips. Taking a small amount of his energy and his pain, Kai stood upright and walked away. Teleporting in a flash of light he missed the disgruntled Rocky waking up and holding his head.

"Oh... my head." he moaned as he got out of the car. Then bringing his hand down his face he noticed that his lips were wet. Holding his hand there, Rocky made his way into the house and fell asleep on the couch. Dreaming of his new friend, the boy with those dark eyes who seemed so familiar to him. Who was that boy Kai, wondered Rocky just before he passed out again.

Chapter Five: Dream on Dreamer
Darkness and a chilling cold passed over Zordon who had been lost to the Rangers recently. He was lost in the stream of time and space just as before when Rita had imprisoned him there long ago. Colors and images floated past him giving him glimpses into what could be the future or the past. Beings of untold power passed by him as if he were just a bug in their way. Here Zordon had no power, here he was as insignifigant as a bug. Hugging his robes closely to himself, he wished that he were anywhere but where he was. Zordon tried for the billionth time to look in to the dimension that the Rangers were in, where he should be right now. As with all the other times he was shut out just when he got a good foothold into the dimension. Sighing and sitting back on his robes, Zordon watched the colors and shapes float by with disintrest. How had he found his way to the Rangers dimension after he'd lost the fight to Rita and was imprisoned here in the first place?

Reviewing what had led him up to his fight with Rita, Zordon became lost in thought and reminiscions of the past and things that were once pleasant to him. It began so long ago, with him, Ninjor and Delphine of the Alien Rangers. They had been the only ones in the galaxy who were brave enough to face the oncoming threat of Lokar and his minions. The three of them had formed the Delta Strike tech and found a way to change Lokar into something he would have no power as. A giant head that had been trapped on the moon in one of the darkest places. Little did they know that his legacy of evil power would return to haunt them all. Little did he know that he too would become a giant floating head.

The three of them disbanded though and never would expect that one of his pupils would dare to attack the earth. Especially seeing as how it was in Zordon's area of protection in that section of the universe. Even still Rita was unduanted and challenged Zordon for power. They both had fought for centuries, all through the solar system. From the darkest side of the distant satellite planet Pluto to the searing energy of the Sun and it's solar flares. Eventually Zordon gained the upper hand on Rita, who in turn banished him to the space where he was now. It was not until he tapped into the Morphing Grid that he found a way to partially escape.

The Morphing Grid! One of his Rangers would have the ability to pick him up from where he was at. He hoped silently to himself as he tried to project his astral self through the planes to the Rangers or any other force that may help him. Sitting down appearing to be meditating Zordon tried to find help. A way back to those who needed him. Those who he had left behind in an accident that could have been prevented.


Mr. and Mrs. Sloan had been at the hospital ever since they had heard the news from the doctors the day after Tanya had slipped into a coma. They sat there in her small room that was brightly lit every passing hour and begged that she would come awake for them. It was to no avail though, they didn't know it, but Tanya was lost almost totally to the outside world. She was far from them, away in the recesses of her outback trying to figure out what was happening. The world around her she had known now changed to something else all together.

Tanya sat on the ground and looked at the birds and animals chittering around her. The sun was up high in the sky, as it had been the whole time she was there. She didn't think that odd though and just kept on surveying the area around her. There were a few trees near her and a small babling stream that carried fresh water and a cool breeze near it. There was even a castle in the background where a field of flowers sat and smiled up at the sun with joy and rapture. A small part of Tanya wanted her to go there, to the castle, so after going to the stream for a drink she decided she would take the time and venture there. She promised herself this and got up heading towards the stream thirsting for a cool drink of water.

There in the stream she looked at herslef and realized that she was nothing more than a little child. Barely ten years old, she realized as she still bent down to take a sip. Her hair fell around her face as she looked down at herself wearing her pure white frilly dress. More of the animals came out and started to play around her. She felt like she needed to get back home for a while when she kept looking at her reflection in the water. After a short second the image in the water changed to that of two people standing by a girl in her hospital bed. What were they doing there, and why did that girl look so familiar? All of this passed through her mind until she heard the call of someone from the castle. Looking up, Tanya caught sight of the castle again and the thought of home left her mind quickly along with the vision she had just seen. Her prince was there, he was calling to her with his voice of bells and birdsong. He was a young asian boy, wearing a small crown and a flowing cape. His brown eyes and his little voice called to her. Everything that she needed was there, at the little quaint castle and that was where she was going to go. Heading off towards the beautiful castle with it's shining parapets and golden draw bridge Tanya didn't see fully what was going on. The animals around her were demonic, their fangs dripping with venom, their claws covered in blood. The skin on their bodies either charred from fire or melting away from pestilence. The sky was drapped in clouds and stormed frequently as she made her way under it. After she had gone close enough they even stopped her to give her some glittering bracelets and a necklace that had a long stream of rose petals tied to it. The rope of rose petals lead off to the distant castle and Tanya wondered what or who could have made such a beautiful thing. Then remembering the boy there she assumed it was him and silently let them put it on her.

Off in the distance the trees and flowers were wilting and lost to death and despare. Even the wonderous castle that she was headed towards was nothing like she saw. It was more like a dungeon risen above ground by some quirk of nature. Chains and spikes hung off of it as dark things spawned only in the darkest reagions of the mind looked towards her with hunger in their eyes. Death was about and it was doing it's job with a stealthlike manner. Death was hunting and Tanya was the flightsome prey that it coveted, and like a moth drawn to flame she drew ever closer to her own oblivion.


Zordon saw all of this as he traveled across the Astral Plane. He had no way of contacting Tanya safely. Her natural defenses were up too high and if he were to come to close to her she would rip him to shreds unknowingly. It was all he could do to even come close enough to make sure that it was her even. She was surrounded by the things of her deep subconscious, things made from her own mind. They took on duel forms in his eyes, both having the same purpose, trying to get her to give up on life. Yet to her he knew that they appeared as only one thing. That which was nothing but pure and beautiful, they were using her mind's memories of happiness unfairly, perhaps it was the leftover affects of Mezmiro maybe it was something else. Zordon knew the Astral Plane enough to know that these manifestations were hers and hers alone and that she was too naive to have any control over them. Her own natural defenses to the world and now her own downfall. The creatures around her were trying to lull her into her mind's last frontier. They were trying to get her to never want to go back to the outside ever again, never to see the light of the real world. Perhaps that was why they had two forms to him, in a way they were trying to help her, but in another way they were hurting her. That was the reason they didn't reveal their true appearance to her. In Zordon's eyes they didn't appear as evil or good entirely. For in truth they weren't, but things were definately not going to turn out positive if he didn't do something soon.

Summoning all of his power Zordon tried to contact the one who would be able to save her from herself. Adam Park, her own knight in shining armor. The fake prince that awaited her in the castle right now. He was also on the Astral Plane, lost as well among the folds and images that the mind made allowing the spirit to wander and do as it chose. Adam though was not in the same type of predicament as Tanya was. He was merely under the influence of some medication, the likes of which he would find his way out of alone. Or was he? Tanya and he shared a very close bond, perhaps she had willed him to the Astral Plane unknowingly and had caused him to fall into a coma as well. Still, Zordon wondered, should I send him to Tanya? If I do, then he will also fall into almost the same predicament as she as well. Still mulling the thought over he saw Tanya approaching the fortress which doubled as a castle in her eyes. He had to do something quickly. Unfortunately one of the other dimensional travelers he was trying to avoid managed to spy him out. It rushed towards him with a fury of arms and legs that threw Zordon off balance.

It was his old 'friend' Count Draygon from Edenoi. He was there in all of his glory with his staff held before him and his golden mask hiding his face beneath. His breath was coming in spasms and he looked like he was going to fade away at any moment. Yet Zordon wasn't fooled by his appearance, Count Dragon had one of the most formidable psychic pressences in the Astral Plane and was just playing a game with Zordon.

"So, I finally caught you surfing the dream web eh?" he said advancing on Zordon.

"Draygon, do not test me here, I know my way on the Astral Plane just as well as you..." Zordon warned him with a low tone to his voice. His body and mind being in the Astral Plane at the same time made him loose the normal boom to his voice.

"It doesn't matter, I have been here long enough to know that part of you is trapped here naturally. That is my advantage over you Zordon. You see since you are here physically, that also means that I can harm you physically. Which means that I can kill you!" he said twirling his staff and fireing bolts of energy at Zordon.

Zordon quickly brought up his own counter spell and deflected the attack. Using the last of his stored up energy he teleported himself away from where he was and reappeared on the other side of the Astral Plane. Tanya was the one who would have to come first right now, he couldn't waste any more energy trying to fight off Draygon. Dipping deep into his magical reserves Zordon found Adam drifting through the plane and teleported him to Tanya's unconscious realm of thought. Then looking up with a drained look on his face he saw the smiling mouth of Count Draygon which was the only thing not hidden by his golden mask. He held his hand out and fired a bolt of energy that came hurtling at Zordon.


Adam found himself in a nightmarish world where eveything was reaching and trying to claw viciously at him. He was wearing a very heavy suit of armor that clanked with every step and in his hand was a claymore that held no equal. Walking among the devilish world and seeing things that clawed and snapped at him Adam wondered why he was there in the first place. He didn't have much time to wonder though when he caught sight of a small band of freaks running towards him. They were little children, they were the ones that had tormented him as a child. Yet here they were changed, their small and fragile hands had changed to clawed appendages that ripped and shredded that which came in their way. Their eyes were blood red and glowed with an intensity of hatred for Adam. Before he could react one of them threw itself on him ripping at his armor trying to get at his rendable flesh.

Adam reacted instantly and swung the huge claymore at it. Blood spurted everywhere and he was thrown back from the explosion that happened once the beast was sliced. They blow up when you hit them? Now how am I going to beat them? Throwing his caution to the wind Adam flung himself into the midst of them and managed to slice about five in the group of twenty. Then summing up all the strength he could, he pulled himself away from them and watched as those first five blew up. Just as he had expected a chain reaction started and caused all of them to blow up after the first five. Wiping his claymore in the dead grass below him Adam turned on his heel and saw her.

She was walking ahead as if she were in some sort of a trance. Her hair was beautifully done up in a bun and she wore a dress of pure white. There were strands of hair that blew loose around her face giving her a sort of angelic look. Her hands were chained behind her back brutally and she wore a collar that had spikes on it on her neck. Long cords were pulling at her from a huge fortress looming in front of her. It was Tanya, his love, his princess... And she was in danger! Adam got so mad that he barely noticed the claymore glowing and a fire radiating from it in his hands. He rushed forward and prepared to do battle with anything that stood in his way. She wasn't going to leave him, not again, not when he was so close.

"Tanya!" he screamed as he ran forward and reached for her with his free hand. Adam was stopped though by the ground in front of him shaking. Slowly a pool of blood formed in front of him and seeped deep into the dead and cracked ground that lay before him. A pool of mud fromed from the blood that had been there just seconds before. Then as Adam watched in horror a form began to rise from the mud taking the shape of a human.

Adam reeled in shock as he realized that the creature had taken on his shape and looked exactly like him now. Made from mud, yet now having the apprearance of a normal human being, Adam assumed the worst and prepared himself. Growing quite bold he struck the thing with the sword in his hand and watched as it fixed it's face that had been rearranged by the sword.

"Now Adam, that isn't any way to treat yourself is it?" the clone said smiling at him darkly.


Far away Tommy was on his way to the reservation camp to see his brother. David had invited him over for the day and was going to show him around. It was the first time he would get to really know his brother and not have to worry about some evil coming between them. Almost in the reservation camp now, Tommy stopped to look at the beautiful sight of the trees from his car. Just as he was driving away he felt a stabbing in the back of his neck. The jeep he was driving swayed with him as he tried to reach for his neck and rub the pain away.

"What the?" he said just before he ran over a fallen tree in the middle of the road. Flung from the car with a lightning fast speed Tommy landed hard and hit his head. His car fliped over twice and landed in the same way it had started out, right side up. He lay there for a while until an eagle flew over him and let out a cry. Landing right next to him the eagle let out another cry and this time it's call was met by another form coming from the woods nearby.

A young boy of his late teens was walking towards him wearing a falconing glove. He wore some soft leather breeches and a leather vest to keep himself clothed. His long and braided hair told of his mixed lineage and his unblemished brown skin shouted of what he was. His hair shone brightly in the sun with it's silver strands mixed in and his eyes held a secret knowledge. He was of an old line of Natives from the area, his family being around since all those could ever remember. Whistling once more he called the eagle to him and looked at Tommy as the bird landed on his glove.

Bending down near him to check his vital signs he saw that Tommy was just currently unconscious. Nothing dangerous, just that he was out like a light, and wouldn't be waking any time soon. Sending the bird off again, the teen lifted Tommy into his car and sat in the drivers seat once he was secured. Okay, time to go, he thought to himself as he started the car and drove off to his home. The eagle soared overhead and followed them as they drove to his little home on the reservation. He didn't know who this young man was, nor did Pride who flew above them. Yet he knew that he was a kindred spirit and there was going to be something important about him.

After he'd driven him home the boy got out of the car and went to go speak with his mother. Tommy slowly came to when he heard Pride's low and gutteral call. Where was he? Who had come to his rescue? Holding his head and trying to figue out what had happened Tommy tried to get out of the car. He was stoppped by the cry of Pride who had been watching him closely with a motherly eye.

Tommy managed to get out of the car and to his feet without falling from the dizzyness he was feeling. From the inside of the small home two figures approached him and held him up helping him steady himself. Looking out over the distance he noticed that he was on the reservation and that he was being led into someone's home. Then suddenly his sight began to fade slowly until he could see nothing.

"Oh my god! David! David is that you?" he cried out looking for his sight to come back. Reaching froward he moved so oddly that the two were forced to stop and wait for him to calm down. It dawned on them that the fall he had taken had caused him to loose his sight. Once again trying to lead him to their home, they cooed him with soothing words and told him they wouldn't harm him. Begining to understand they were there to help, Tommy went in with them and sat down in a very comfortable chair they led him to.

"My god I'm blind!" Tommy said in horror as the two of his hosts just stood there trying to think of what to do next.


The Parks came to the hospital as soon as they could when they heard the news. Their little Adam had found his way there under mysterious circumstances and then had fallen into a coma. Rushing to his room they found that it was right next to Tanya Sloan's room and were greeted by her parents who were standing outside looking at her.

Mrs. Sloan saw the Parks and just began to cry even more as they drew near. She had come to know them rather well ever since Adam had begun to date their daughter. Rushing forward, the Parks hugged the Sloans and they all looked at each other's worried faces. Mrs. Park took out a tissue and handed the others she had around. Slowly finding the breath to speak she leaned forward and let out a silent prayer to the powers that be.

"We came as soon as we heard." Mr. Park managed.

"Yes, we're so sorry about Tanya." commented Mrs. Park.

"The doctors say that it's possible that they could have been under attack by a monster sent by one of those aliens." choked out Mr. Sloan regretfully.

"God, I hope things look up for them..." began Mrs. Park,"I couldn't stand loosing either of them."

"We waited to look in on Adam before you came. We thought that you might want to go first. Say a few things to him." said Mr. Sloan.

They all stopped and took a deep breath. All of them at the same time, then steeled themselves and went into his room. Where Tanya had a bandage on her head and a look of serenity on her face Adam was nearly the exact opposite. His unconscious face showed signs of stress and pain that caused Mrs. Park to whimper again then run to him and put her hand on his face. He had virtually no physical harm to him yet he appeared to be in more pain than Tanya. Mr. Park put his hand on his son's and tried to make him awaken. Going through all of the steps that a parent did when their child was unconscious. Nothing happened much to their dismay and general understanding. People didn't just wake up when they fell into coma, they woke on their own time.

They all held hands again and hugged each other before they decided to go down to the cafeteria for something to eat. There was no use in letting themselves get sick either, someone had to be around for when the kids woke up. So with a lost look in their eyes they all headed downstairs to make a few phone calls and have something to eat.

"Well we have to tell their friends too!" said Mrs. Sloan out of no where. They all nodded in agreement with her thoughts and watched her as she left for a nearby phone. When she returned they listened to her news with a slightly disinterested ear. Tommy was missing in fact, he had last been seen headed towards the reservation. Kat had been out of town and was not due back till later on that night. Rocky was still out and his parents would tell him as soon as he got in. Lastly Jason was not answering his private phone and she didn't know his mother's line.

Mrs. Sloan looked at her husband who had his arms slumped on the table in front of him. His head was also laying on his arms. He looked like he had when they were trapped on that island. Broken and defeated like he was going to loose the last thing in life he really held valuable. Which in truth was kind of the truth. They had not really been there for Tanya, now there was the chance that they would loose her again. Settling down beside her husband she burried her face in his shoulder and hugged him gently thinking this. The whir and buzzing of the food machines in the background fading away to their sobs and sighs.

Mr. and Mrs. Park never knew what to expect when things came to their son. He was so fragile and beautiful to them. A rare flower that only seemed to bloom once every harvest moon. All of their hopes and dreams for him always seemed to be threatened more often than not. Be it from his sometimes suicidal tendencies, to horricifc happenings like these. They always felt like they had had Adam on borrowed time. It was their silent fear that one day their pride and joy would finally get his light put out. Sitting very close to each other they watched the door hoping for news of some sort that would pertain to Adam and Tanya. Nothing came, and both set of parents fell alseep in the cafeteria emotionally and physically spent.


The blow of Count Draygon was countered by the last of Zordon's strength. He was going to die, right there in the middle of the Astral Plane and there was nothing he could do. Then just as he was looking off into space preparing for the next blast that would kill him he felt Tommy's presance. Tommy, he was one who had command over the spiritual energies of the world around him. Quickly pooling his resources and praying that Tommy wasn't doing something like driving, Zordon tapped into him. He managed to pull some energy from the world around Tommy and recharged himself literally. Count Draygon saw this and began to fire at Zordon once again. This time Zordon was ready and managed to erect a shield and a counterattack that would allow him to drive away Draygon.

"Give it up Zordon!" Draygon shouted increasing the amount of energy he sent from his staff. The yellow light crackled around Zordon and his makeshift sheild. Then suddenly what Draygon least expected happened causing him to fall back and cry out. The shield had actually worked like a magnet that had been flipped on it's other side. The conflicting powers met and then Draygon's own energy flew back at him. That was when he fell back and shouted a swear at the now laughing Zordon.

"You...you! I will be back, and the next time you see me I wont be alone! So you had better be ready, because Zordon I'm going to kill you!" he shouted as he slowly faded away for real. Zordon sighed and knew that he spoke the truth. He had to get out of the Astral Plane before anything else happened. Once he was sure Draygon was gone Zordon tried to contact Tommy telepathicly.

Zordon silently cursed himself and looked on helplessly as Tommy rejected his attempts to contact him. Of course Tommy would reject him, he had no idea of the skills that he held. Powers of the ancients which had been passed down to him by blood and birthright. He wasn't ready and didn't know how to handle his power, that whole time with the arrowhead was a small example of this. Zordon saw what the first attempt to siphon power off of Tommy had done. Then his second attempt had entirely no affect at all, Tommy was rejecting his power. Zordon slowly became scared for his very life, if Tommy didn't come to terms with what power he had he would never escape the Astral Plane. It was then when he felt a familiar feeling.

Zordon had often had images of a future that was uncertain to him. These visions occured at times when he was on the Astral Plane and they didn't always come true. It was part of the reason why he always kind of knew how things would turn out yet didn't know the means by which things would come about. It was part of his power as a wizard. He began to slowly see a new vision which immediately caught all of his attention. One where the forces of Lokar joined with all that was evil around him. Much like the fortold rapture of legend, there might come the time when all the angels, his Rangers, would have to face their devil counters, the monsters that they faced now. The only thing that was so horrifying about it was that they were all working together. It was in this vision where he saw his one hope and his one disappointment, Tommy Oliver.

Zordon knew that Tommy wasn't really cut out to be a Ranger. He was too in between when it came down to things. Too easily swayed to the side of darkness by a small spell or trick of the hand. But then there was his soul which always seemed to wipe itself clear. This was a part of his power, Zordon supposed and continued to try to contact him. Once again the results were rather bad. Zordon decided to stop, he'd left a sort of message in Tommy's mind that would replay itself when he went to sleep.

Zordon hoped that it would be able to be seen by Tommy. He needed to tell the group that he was alright and that there was a traitor to them. One who they would never suspect would ever come to turn on them. One who even Zordon wasn't ready for. After all he had been trapped where he was due to a certain little robot he'd once called his friend. Slipping back into a comfortable postion Zordon tried to let sleep come to him. Yet he couldn't, he was too worried about the team...and the future that loomed in front of him like an angry parent.


Tanya was still trying to make her way to her little dream castle when she finally heard the commotion behind her and turned to see what it was. There little Tanya saw Adam and...Adam! They had been pitched in a fight that had taken a toll on the both of them. One of the Adams had a sword and was beating the hell out of the other who was just using his hands. They both turned to her at the same time and waved at the same time. It was eerie. A part of her wanted to run to the Adams and see what was going on. But then once again she was drawn to the castle as a soft and sweet melody wafted towards her. She was nearly there now, just a few more feet and she would step onto the bridge and then she would be able to walk right in when she wanted.

Adam saw Tanya being pulled off by the chains and links tied to her neck and hands. He screamed for her but when she turned it looked as if she didn't really see him. The Adam in front of him was relentless and didn't seem to be giving up. So they continued fighting until eventually Adam realized what was going on. The manifestation in front of him was from his mind. The more he looked at it the more he realized it. This Adam was the way Adam thought he would be when he got older. He was fat and had zits all over his face. He seemed to ooze looserness even, his evil was quite apparent. Yes Adam thought he would turn against the world when he was little. He felt that since no one loved him there was no reason to try to work with the world. He had pondered a life of self indulgiance. Seeing that this was his view of his future and that it could still come to pass Adam faced the double with a new strength in him.

"I know what you are. You can't hurt me." Adam shouted defiantly. His double just stood there and laughed at him. Adam blushed and finally used his sword in the way that his martial arts master had taught him for emergencies. Summoning all of his inner strength, Adam began to fight the double with renewed courage and strength.

"I am a better person than you. No one will ever push me around again. I'm sure of myself and you can't take that away from me!" he said slashing and hacking the double smartly with the sword,"and now if you'll excuse me I need to go save my woman!" he added with a final strike that felled the monster. Unknown to him, Adam's sword had began glowing even brighter and burned the creature with a fire that was hotter than anything ever felt before. It was the fire of truth, the fire of love and justice.

Running to catch up with Tanya, Adam made it to her in record time. Then before he could do anything she stepped into the castle and vanished. Adam fell forward and pounded the drawbridge with his fists. Tears rolled down his eyes and he knew that he was too late. As he hit the bridge his armor and sword fell away leaving him as he had come. Nearly defenseless and exposed to the hostile enviorment of Tanya's mind.

Adam didn't notice that the inside of the fortress was bekoning to him and waited for him silently. Feeling an odd presence he looked up at the open entryway and walked in. Walking for at least what seemed like an hour he finally came up to the end of the hall and the solitary door that stood there in front of him. It was carved of oak and was huge compared to him. Two dark and rusted handles were situated just at the right height that would allow him to open the huge doors. Doing so Adam was shocked by what he saw in the room in front of him.

There was a very dark background with a curtain that was blood red. It slowly began to lift and what he saw there was what had shocked him so. There on a dias rested a throne, and there on the throne sat what appeared to be Tanya. She had changed though, he hardly recognized her for the way her face looked. She wore a dress that was pure black and traveled down the throne that spread all around her. Broken toys reasted everywhere and there was a low rasping that came from her labored breathing. Adam gasped as her eyes settled on him and turned dark black. She smiled and showed her sharp teeth that were outlined by her painted black lips. Adam stepped back one step and she reached for him smiling.


On the moon Master Vile had gone off to his room after Kia had let him alone. He was broken and beaten by a small human looking devil child. How embarassing, he would be the laughing stock of the galaxy for that. The girl had even gone as far to use her whips to bodily move him around the room and fling him against the floor! Throwing his hands up in the air he headed towards his laptop and typed out the codes for it to open.

Ah, there we go, he thought as he brought up WIN 95. Master Vile didn't use DOS because it was too much technical stuff to learn and he didn't have the time. He was more of a game player type anyway when it came to computers. Finding his way to his hidden planbook Vile looked over his goals for what would make him the most powerful being in the universe.

1. He needed to steal Rita and Zedd's powers.

2. He needed to destroy Lokar and steal his power.

3. He needed to destroy the Rangers... duh.

4. And four, he needed to offer a sacrifice to his god Chaotica.

Stopping to think who would be a good sacrifice for his god, Vile became aware of the fact that twin sacrifices were actually good. They got the attention of the gods and managed to make the sacrificer stand out from the crowd. Ah, but the two of them were much too strong for him all together he thought and rubbed his chin. So he would have to split them up and take them down one by one, and for that he would need help. Taking time to look for his book of spells he realized that it was not with the laptop. As a matter of fact the laptop had made it's way to him under odd circumstances. None of his monsters would ever try to make their way through Zedd's new home. So how did it get to him in the first place? Looking back in his mind's eye, Vile caught a memory of Finster placing his book down on the table near the door. So it was Finster who had done it eh? Well now that changed things all too quickly. Vile sat and retyped his objectives out on the screen before him. Finster... he thought to himself and began to laugh a deep and dark laugh. It was a new day tommorow and things would be looking up for Vile.


Tommy sat in the small hut and looked at the images dance on the wall. He didn't know how he could see them at all but didn't take it for granted that he could. The darkness was overwhelming but it gave him insight to that which he'd never seen before. There was a whole new side to Tommy just waiting to be released. His spiritual feelings kept locked up in the world of civilization and modern machines. The hidden side that he'd feared and worked so hard to repress.

Getting a feel for where he was Tommy knew exactly what his hosts looked like. The older woman was in her late forties and had hair that was roughly brown and silver. Her kind, and thin slit eyes looked on him with a small sense of knowingness. Next to her sat who he presumed to be her son. Tommy had heard of them before, it was all returning to him in his memory. The boy was described to him many times by his brother who knew everyone in the reservation. They were the last true natives that lived as their ancestors had lived so long ago. They were also rumored to have control over a strong hereditary magic that was once so common in the nation not too long ago.

"Tommy, are you okay?" said David as he rushed in. He took his brother and thanked the two and they both left for his small apartment in a more civilized area of the reservation. Tommy glanced back at the two and looked at them with blind eyes. He could see everything so clearly now it was almost scary. Hugging his brother closely Tommy fell asleep and tried not to see the image of Zordon who was begging him for help. Tommy just couldn't handle it all, first the going blind. Then the resurgeance of his latent abilities which seemed to be growing stronger and stronger. Holding himself in his sleep Tommy didn't know that his brother had invited the boy over that had saved him as well. They both looked on a distressed Tommy and shook their heads in understanding. The boy had helped David go through the awakening of his powers and now he was there to do the same thing for Tommy. Still there was an element of danger to it all. If Tommy didn't accept the powers that raged through his body there was a chance he could be harbored by an on looking demon. They were always ready to jump bodies during the power awakening process. And it was quite possible that poor Tommy had more than a few demons circling him.


Adam was struggling to breath with every ounce of his being. When Tanya had reached out for him he had unwillingly reached back. It was at that time that her hair, yes her hair had shot forth in thousands of tendrils and yolked him up in the way he was now. A few held his hands and feet in check while some tried to hold his head and eyes facing her. Lastly a strand was also fumbling with his jeans and Adam blushed when it succeeded in undoing his Levis.

"Oh my god," he choked out in gasps,"what are you doing?"

"Haven't you ever heard of asphixiation?" she said smirking. Even her voice was different.

Adam flailed around and tried vainly to escape her clutches. Her hair was choking him tighter and doing things that were unmentionable. Adam then got scared. He got scared for Tanya and not himself. He knew that she was still in there, but she was lost to the darkness and hatred that ran through her. Crying out desperately he tried to tell her about not loosing sight of her good spirit. Tanya ignored him and continued to hold him suspended in the air in front of her.

The toys in the room all around her began to chant and twitch around slightly. They muttered to themselves how the mistress wouldn't have to be alone anymore in her world. They would take him when she was done with him and make him over into their image. Then the mistress would have her own living toy and would always stay with them. Giggling and cackling they all waited for Tanya to finish off the job. All of them cooed and licked their lips when they saw that he was being squeezed so tightly now that blood was starting to come from his nose and ears.

"Tanya... please.." he said reaching forward and begging her once more.

She ignored him and took out a small hair clip from her throne. She struck it against one of her tendrils of hair and the resonating effect traveled down to a group of hairs holding Adam's calf. The vibration dug deep into his skin and caused more of his blood to spill forth from the cut it caused, the toys squealed in delight.

"And now I've grown bored with you. Toys you may have him..." she said striking a cord that led directly towards his neck. Adam watched the hair vibrate and the resonating effect make its way slowly and frighteningly down towards his neck. This was it, he was going to die in the arms of the one he loved. Closing his eyes, Adam always knew that he would be turned on by those he loved and held near. Little did he realize that that was exactly what the toys were waiting for him to understand. Once they got him to give up he was theirs. They all silently cheered as the vibrating hair drew even closer to his neck. Adam silently gave up hope and prepared to die.

Chapter Six: O-Fa-Fu
Jason and his mother were sitting at the table having some pancakes and bacon and eggs for breakfast. It was a sunny morning and Jason planned to go and see Tanya and Adam, whom he'd heard had fallen under some misfortune. The other day after the message from Trey he didn't even move until it was time for him to come up to dinner. Still today was a new day and he decided to place his resurging memories back into the past and continue with his life. Jason had some very good friends that needed him and he really wanted to be there for them. Sighing loudly as the cool morning breeze flowed into the room, he looked down at his plate and began to ravish it.

"Well, well...and here I thought that something was wrong with you!" his mother said looking at him with her half smile she always had,"You know I noticed that you weren't eating as much and I figured something was wrong. But looking at you now I have to say you look as healthy and happy as a tiger in it's element."

Jason looked away from his food and smiled at her with a new feeling in his heart. He was happy and hardly even remembered all the pain that was with him not to long ago. Picking up the glass of milk that was in front of him and getting ready to down it he was surprised when his mother lifted hers too in challenge. Mrs. Scott was a very playful and youthful woman. She enjoyed life to it's fullest and did things that other women her age didn't dare think of doing. One of which being a chugging contest with her nearly adult son.

"Ready?" she said. That pixylike look surging through her eyes threw him off guard.

"Uh, sure!" he said as he pointed at her to start it off and they both chugged the milk down with all their might. Jason nearly choked when he saw his father walk in wearing the blonde wig and she won by a long shot. Turning to look at what had made her son choke, Mrs. Scott nearly jumped out of her seat seeing her husband there with the wig on. He also happened to be wearing some old clothes which was not common for him since he usually wore suits and ties all the time. Rising to put his dishes away Jason missed the odd look that passed between his parents. Turning back again he knew that his father was going to be away for a while.

"Guys, I've been called away by the Bureau again for some buisness out in the small town of Leawood." he said exhaling a deep breath.

"Oh, well then why the disguise?" asked Mrs. Scott interested in her husband's attire.

"Well, there was a reported child molester running around loose over there and we need to go round him up. He goes by the name of Candyman or Candyguy something like that, but we have a hunch that he's Ted Chaney. The reported child molester that escaped way back around when Jason was a boy." he said tossing the Federal info around like it was nothing. "I'm dressed like this to be less conspicuous. You know maybe get him to belive that I'm not a threat to his deviant behavior."

"Deviant? That's plain evil behavior, I hope he gets castrated when he's caught!" his mother said not noticing Jason's sudden loss of color. He left the room quickly and ran then to the bathroom and locked the door. Looking in the mirror, the face he had worked so hard to create was once again lost to what had been there before. All that hard work of repressing those memories and then they were allowed to run free once more. Turning the sink on and splashing some cold water all over his face Jason felt slightly relieved and sat down near the door. It was never going to go away. He would always have some sort of constant reminder of what had been done to him. It was getting late though, he had to go and visit Tanya and Adam and get that out of the way. Going back over to the mirror, Jason physically moved his face into a happy looking mask and walked out of the room to go out into the world.

"Jason, are you going now?" his mother asked just as he was stepping out the door.

"Yes! See you around three okay?" he shouted waving, not even hearing her say that his father had said goodbye and would see him later. Jason knew his father would be back, there was no real danger to him at all. His father took the 'easy' cases that came his way and so far had a spotless record of success at the Bureau. It never dawned on him that one day when he would forget to say goodbye that his father might not be in the condition to ever come back to him.


Tommy was in David's home laying on the pull out couch bed. He was still half asleep and half awake. The manifestation of the power within him causing him to loose his grip on the world. It was at this time that the one of the dopplers that ran free in the Astral Plane decided to get a foothold in the real world. She had known Tommy for a long time and had modeled herself after what she thought was Tommy's every desire in a woman in the real world. She turned herself into Kim, who Tommy still had a small place for in his heart.

Kneeling beside Tommy the youthful stranger that had made his way over to David's home put a wet cloth on his head. He felt the doppler's pressence and had a hunch that it was trying to come to the real world. It would cling to Tommy all through his power's awakening and would then probably escape when the last trial came before Tommy returned to his virtually normal life. David came over to the boy and looked at him with eyes that pleaded and held fear for his brother.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine. He just has a demon circling him. With luck and the right artifacts of postive energy placed around him she will leave." the boy said to him in his native language.

"Are you so sure of this?" David said in english, knowing the boy could easily understand it but had trouble speaking it.

David waited for an answer that didn't come. He tried to make eye contact with the boy and found that the youth would not look at him. Stalking out of the small room and slamming the door he figured the boy was just being mysterious and witholding information. The boy in truth really didn't know if Tommy was going to be okay at all. The sound of tires screeching on the pavement caught the boy's attention and he stood to look in time to see David flying off in Tommy's jeep. Shaking his head the boy went into the kitchen and looked through some of David's things.

His small and youthfull looking frame and face really hid what was the truth about him. He was in his late thirties and had lived among the reservation for a long time. The only reason he didn't really know english was because he never traveled out of the fringes of the reservation for about twenty years. The others on the reservation had just taken him for a teen when he finally did emerge and thought nothing more of him. His mother was in her late eighties and she had done nearly the same thing that he had done. It was the ancient powers of thier people that ran strong through their blood that allowed them to live such long lives. Remembering the time he drew out of David's power he realized that Tommy was going to hold most of the family power they shared. Tommy had a special purpose, even Pride and the boy's mother had seen this when they came in contact with him. Grabbing some more things, the man playing boy went into the small room and began to set things up.

Shutting the blinds and hiding all the natural sunlight he forced all outside distractions out. Taking his time in the dark he set up some incents and mixed together a small concoction of some things he had found in David's kitchen. Bringing a small bag of stones out of his pocket and making a circle on the floor he placed Tommy's body in it and then went around lighting some candles he had set up. Lastly he took the time to light the incents and walk into the perimiter of the circle while he threw some type of powdered mixture into the air. He inhaled the smell of the incents with a deep breath and then exhaled it all onto Tommy's half sleeping frame and watched the youth jump up instantly. The peyote took instant effect on Tommy's almost comatose form.

Tommy awoke to find himself in the middle of a vast and crimson colored prairie. The sun was setting behind him and it gave the ground and sky it's beautiful coloring making the whole place very appealing. Tall thin clumps of grass stood and waved back and forth in the gentle breezes that took their time passing over the prairie. The sound of an eagle's call drew Tommy's attention and he caught sight of the boy who had rescued him earlier walking towards him while his eagle soared overhead. The boy was wearing a full ceremonial outfit and had paint on his face symbolizing his maturity. Tommy looked down at his feet for a second and noticed that he too was dressed as the youth that approached him. Shaking his head and preparing to walk away Tommy was stopped by the youth's hand and turned to look him deep in his eyes.

"You have a power in you, it is very powerful and is holding a war with your body. Part of you is trying to push this power away and that action is causing you to loose your health. Tommy if you don't find a way to confront this power in you it will overwhelm you and then take control of your body on it's own. Your spirit will be lost to the Astral Plane and then the power will be left alone in the world without one to guide it. Then do you know what will happen? Demons will come and wage a war over your body and it's power. And when the victor emerges it will take your body and cause the ruination of the world. Tommy you cannot let that happen..." he said once again in his native tounge. Tommy looked at him realizing that he understood and grabbed his head.

"Oh man..." he said feeling as if he were in a dream.

"Tommy you will have to go through two tests to see if you can claim your power. If you choose not to take these tests what I just described will happen to you. If you take the tests and fail, all that will happen is the loss of your powers, which will be sealed away and passed down to your children's children some day. But if you pass this test, eventually you will gain total control and understanding over your powers. I leave you with the choice." he said waiting for Tommy's decision. He knew that Tommy still was not sure of what was going on and that he might not answer as he was expected to. Holding his breath the youth waited for Tommy's answer with his heart anticipating the worst.


Kat returned home and looked through her messages as her parents spoke to her. She wasn't listening to them totally so she was caught off guard when they mentioned Tanya and Adam. The next thing that ran through her mind was Mezmiro. He was the one who had caused them so much trouble, and he was long gone now. Kat told her parents she was going to go rest for a while and went to her room. There she relaxed a second and thought about Adam and Tanya. Running her hand through her golden tresses she went over to the mirror and looked at herself in evaluation. She did this whenever she got nervous and it seemed natural to her to do so.

Kat saw what she saw everyday, herself and all that she carried with her. Her clothes, her trinkets, her feelings, her essence. It was the same thing everyday and she knew that her life was everything that she wanted it to be. Then an image of Kimberly came to her mind and she saw her image replaced with that of Kim's image. It shook her literally and she placed her hand on the wall supporting the mirror to keep herself still. Kim's hand did the same thing and Kat began to become so weirded out that she nearly fainted. It was when she saw that the image began to speak to her that she lost it completely and fell back in fear. The image then took things further and stepped through the mirror and put it's hands around Kat's throat with a menacing look in it's eyes.

"You...you took my life you sleazy evil whore!" it said with a dark rage emenating from itself. Kim threw back her head as she choked Kat and laughed like a madwoman. Her light brown hair fell away from it's slipnot and came down around her face hiding her eyes from Kat's.

"No," Kat said gasping for air,"things didn't turn out the way you remember them... Kim please!" Kat cried out as Kim continued to strangle her and started to shake her violently. Kat's hair whipped all about and her shirt ripped in response to Kim's onslaught. She was relentless, and as soon as Kat couldn't breathe she took one of her hands and began to slap Kat strongly. She reinforced evey slap with a single word from a very long sentence that she spit out in rage and disgust.

"You... took... my... man... then... you... took... my... life... and... now... you... will... pay!" she said hitting Kat fourteen times in tune with each word she spit out. Kat by this time was begining to black out and lost sight of Kim who was still fighting with her. Before she was gone completely though Kat saw Kim jump off of her and pick up one of Kat's golf clubs that was laying in the corner. She walked back over to Kat with a gentle smile on her face and a serene look all about her light gymnast form. Then she brought the club down on Kat's legs and struck them with such force that the bone split and tore through the surface. Wiping smeared blood off her face Kim turned and walked back through the mirror and left Kat to herself.

Kat's mother walked in the room and saw her daughter laying on the bed with her eyes closed. One of her golf clubs rested nearby and she thought she saw a few splatterings of blood there. Stepping closer for a better look she saw nothing and proceeded to try to wake up Kat who was in a deep sleep. Finally waking Kat from her sleep she reminded her that they were going to visit Tanya and Adam at the hospital today. With a haunted look in her eyes Kat watched her mother leave the room and then looked at the mirror. There in it she saw Kim's lovely face smiling at her and winking. Kat quickly got up and tried to leave the room but found that she was limping so badly that she was slowed down considerably. While she was limping her legs felt like they had been through hell, even her throat hurt her. What just happened, she wondered to herself and made her way carefully down the stairs. Looking back at her room and still trying to find out if what she had experienced was real or not.


Archerina was pacing back and forth in the small space ship that had been circling the world for quite a while now. It was her haven and their current area of free space that allowed them to observe things without being observed themselves. It was their strength to stay in hiding, not like they needed to, but it was obvious that there were things to be gained from their secretiveness. Going over to a keyboard near the small computer on her ship she opened a sub frequency to the world and found Clank and Orbis along with the robot that decided to keep itself in the shadows. She had another job for them to do and would need them to get things done quickly. It was going to be a surprise for her dear Gasket and it mustn't go wrong.

"Clank, I have a new job for you to do!" she said in her annoyingly feathery voice,"I need you to go back to the Power Chamber once again..."

"Princess Multiwa-"

"I told you never to call me that!" she snapped.

"Archerina, my lady, we were just at the Power Chamber not more than two days ago. What do you want us to do there now? Do you know how difficult it is to get in there undetected?" Clank said growing impatient. He was starting to wish he had chosen to shut down permenantly on the earth below after Rita and Zedd's attack.

"Yes, I do! But this is very important, I need only a small thing to be done for me. I need you to brake into the Zords holding chambers and upload a virus into them for me. It will keep them from responding to the call of the Rangers when we make our new monster turn big..." she said trying to draw his intrest.

"Hm," said the figure in the background,"I think it can be done my lady, we'll have them inoperative for you within the next few hours. Would you like anything else of us while we are at the Power Chamber?" it said with a courtious manner and a slight bow. Archerina's metal brows lifted with surpirse and pleasure. This little earth bot was quite the charmer. She still didn't even know who it was yet and that made the bot all the more interesting.

"No, no. I really don't need anything else done for me thank you." she said turning off the connection to the earth as Gasket came into the area of the ship she was in. He was just getting up and his gears were squeaking and his bolts were rattling. He was so charismatic even at this time of the morning that she couldn't help but be drawn to him. Rising from her seat she rushed over to him and helped him to a chair and begining to oil his gears and screw in his bolts.

"Ah, Archerina, how are you processing today? Eh? Oh well you look in better condition than I do so it must be real well. So what is on the schedual for us today my dear?" he asked looking down at her glistening metal face.

"Well, the two meteors that we had spotted are most definately Baboo and Squatt returning to the system. I need to know if you want me to blast them out of the sky or let them be. Zordon has been lost to the Astral Plane and I gave an annonymous letter to Draygon so that he would know that. Zedd and Rita have also come up with some children that they created and matured to the age that the Rangers are right now. Well close to that anyhow." she said coking her head to the side and waiting for his reaction.

"About the two idiots, let them be. I looked through some of the ship's history logs and found out that they were virtually harmless and more like a pain to Rita than a help. With any luck they will manage to cause Rita some grief and slow her down. As for Zordon I want you to work with me today on a device that will track him down on the Astral Plane. We can send it to Draygon and have Draygon kill Zordon for us. That will solve us of our giant bald head problem," he said with a wink,"Now as for these 'children' we need more time before we should act. They could be very dangerous to us indeed. Let's just lay low about them for now and finish the device to track Zordon. Alright." he said more as a command than as a suggestion. Archerina didn't even care that he didn't ask her opinion at all anyhow. She liked her men self reliant and strong so that she wouldn't have to waste the fuel being so. Sighing with content she went over to the work table that popped out of the wall and worked with Gasket on the device.


Alpha 7 hadn't been running at her best after the long amount of time that Zordon was gone. Perhaps it was just the thought of being left alone and out in the cold that had made her seem so incompetant. Or maybe it was just the idea that there was something odd going on at the Power Chamber that made her on edge and not able to keep up to skill. Whatever it was she most definately were not ready for the alarm to go off and announce a new monster coming down to Angel Grove.

It was the Lionel, a half man and half lion warrior the likes of which hadn't been seen before. He used no weapons except for his claws and teeth. All of his body was covered with an armor that looked to be inpenitrable. Alpha 7 knew that this was the worst time that a monster could attack them. Keeping a distance between herself and the Rangers she had just found out that Adam and Tanya were in comas in the hospital. Alpha 7 also had found out that Tommy was missing and no scans she tried would make him turn up at all. That left only two Rangers that she would be able to count on for the monster that was coming.

As she waited to act and felt the high pressure of having no experiance in these matters a figure behind her teleported in. She turned to face who it was and looked at him in wonder realizing that Ninjor had reappeared to the Power chamber. He was short and was still basicly the same, with the exception of the fact that he wore a bandana on his head. Alpha 7 ran over to him and began talking at once.

"Calm down you!" he said in his nasal voice and patted her on the head. Then going on to the controls he sent out a message to Kat and Rocky who both answered him as quickly as possible. They confirmed the case of Adam and Tanya and didn't know of Tommy's where abouts. So Ninjor told them to get to the Power Chamber as soon as they could and be prepared to fight. After that he took the time to send a message to Trey to get down to earth as soon as he could. He got the affirmative and waited for the Rangers that remained to make their way to the Power Chamber.

As soon as he walked over to the viewing globe another alarm went off and this time even he began to get worried. There were some intruders in the Power Chamber and if he didn't do anything about it they would reach their destination, which to his eyes didn't look very good at all. Rushing through the automatic doors, Ninjor made his way to the intruders and prepared to take them out. Alpha 7 just looked at him with a feeling of awe and wonder.


At Angel Grove Memorial Rocky, Kat and Jason all heard their communicators go off. They were alone with Adam at the time and both the coma victim's parents were at their respective homes. All of them looked up and listened to Ninjor who told them that there was a monster that had just come down to Angel Grove. Kat and Rocky looked around and they both morphed. Jason looked on and watched them leave. Then looking over at Adam's labored face he wondered what he was going through.

Jason looked out of the window and caught sight of the monster. He was running around chasing cars and barking cats up trees. Oddly enough he looked more like a lion than a dog, but then again all of Rita's monsters were odd like that. Sighing he got up and went into Tanya's room and saw that she was in a calm and uncanny serene state of being. Her peaceful state had a small amount of influence on him and he decided to do one of his TKD patterns in her room. He was halfway through it when Emily finally came into the room and caught him off guard. Jason had been avoiding her for a while now and she was coming to see what would finally become of their relationship.

"Jason, it's now or never, you either tell me what's going on or we're finished." she said standing there crossing her arms and barring the door.


Rocky and Kat made it to the Power chamber in time to see Ninjor on the viewing globe fighting a huge robot with an impressive arsenal. It was firing all types of missiles and attacking ninjor with a merciless fury. Kat gasped and ran towards the door so that she could try to help him. Alpha 7 stood in her way and told her that Ninjor had left specific orders for them to go and face Lionel. Help would be there soon enough and the two of them wouldn't have to face it alone. Rocky, ready to go, looked over his shoulder and saw that Kat was still looking back for Ninjor. Shaking his head he called her, waiting for her to come over and teleport. After deciding that listening to Ninjor's words were more important than her drive to help him she ran over to Rocky and teleported out with him. Just before they left Rocky looked at her face, a trace of fear was over it and he didn't really know what could be troubling her so. Ninjor would most likely have the intruders out of the Power Chamber soon enough on his own. He knew she knew that too, so what was her problem? Usually she was on the ball of things, something was troubling her and it was going to get in the way of her fighting skill. Rocky just inwardly sighed and teleported off with her.

There at the scene of the mayhem and confusion ran the monster that they had been warned of. He was a giant lion looking thing and had some enormous claws. Rita hadn't even bothered to send down any Tegas or Putties to back him up this time either. Rocky and Kat felt oddly insecure and fought off their unassurances to go and fight the monster. They charged at him with their Zeo weapons ready and attacked with all their might.

"HAH, what the hell was that?" it said coming at them slashing them with his claws, "The next time attack me with more feewing...!" the lion roared at them. Then charging at Kat he picked her up and held her over his head easily. She flailed back and forth in his grasp shouting and asking Rocky for help.

"Jeez, even Miss Piggy is a better fighter than you. Do you have to get saved evey other monster we fight?" he shouted running up and slashing at the monster.

With a deftness and ease that defied all possiblities, Rocky jumped up into the air. Slashed at Lionel's arms and then caught Kat as the monster began to drop her. They both landed on the ground and rolled away without a second's notice. The monster responded by opening his maw and proceeding to roar rather loudly. Both Kat and Rocky fell over as the sound passed over them and shook them violently. Unable to stop their loss of footing the two then fell over and were viciously charged at by the monster.


From the fortress on the moon Rita and Zedd were watching the fight with intense intrest. Right by their side stood Scorpina and her new hubby Goldar. They had found the time and gone to get married in some quickstop marraige place off in the next galaxy. Not to far from them stood Kai and Kia who were also paying close attention to the fight. Oddly enough, Master Vile was nowhere to be found and none of the others even realized he was gone.

"Yes! Go monster go!" Rita shouted as the Lionel tore into Rocky and Kat down on the earth.

"Ah, for once Finster has created a monster that will kill some of the Power Rangers." Zedd said.

"D'oh, I don't know about that Zedd, they usually always slip out of tight spots." Goldar said.

"Well then Goldar, since you are so unsure of our monster why don't you and the blushing bride go down to make sure that he wins?" Rita said flinging her hand at them and teleporting the two down there.

"Mother, do you think that was wise?" asked Kai fearing for Rocky's safety secretly.

"Uh, yes. What could happen that would turn the tide?" she said looking to Zedd then to Kia as her daughter stepped forward.

"Mother it would be of yours and father's intrest to know that the ship Pyramidas had just landed on the planet two minutes ago." she said in a montonous voice.

"What, no! Oh god I'm starting to get a headache."

"Why does this always happen?" asked Zedd pouting and slamming his fist down as it turned red.

Kai was snickering in the background, unknown to him his sister was watching him. Evaluating him from a distance, she was preparing to see if she could take him down for being a traitor. She knew something was going on with him and the Rangers. She had remembered that Rocky had suddenly disappeared that night at the club. Kai had alterior motives, and she would find them out and expose him. Then she would be the sole heir to the legacy that her parents and she would create. A legacy of evil, evil that would rock the world on it's axis and the surrounding galaxy with it.


In the damp dark recesses of the Power Chamber, Ninjor was in the most heated battle of his life. There in front of him stood the last remnant of the Machine Empire. Clank and his semi siamese twin like brother Orbis. The robot that he was currently fighting though was now behind him. It was Alpha. Ninjor had never thought that Alpha would come back and attack the Power Chamber. That thought was what was going to cost him his life if he wasn't careful.

Ninjor quickly ran forward pushing Clank out of his way. He then turned to face Alpha who was looking at him menacingly. Alpha held out his arm and grasped it with his hand. A small sleeve opened and lasers began to spill out into the place they were fighting in. Ninjor jumped to the side as one ray sliced his arm. Clank stood there unaffected and just kept watching them fight. Then unnoticed he headed off towards the zord's holding chambers and was lost from sight.

Before Ninjor could react to the slicing of his arm he saw out of the corner of his eye Alpha racing at him. There in his hands formed the hilt of a blade that was made of electricity. It crackled as he raced for Ninjor and then sliced him with the sword. He jumped back and landed facing away from Ninjor with his eyes cast downward. Ninjor got really mad and changed to his more powerful form then. He used a hidden power of his and teleported himself and Alpha out of the Power Chamber. Unrestricted he let loose with his lightning and his own blade as he began to attack Alpha. The two of them fought it out for what seemed like an eternity.

Alpha was using his electric sword to fry Ninjor, while Ninjor just used his own regular sword to fend him off. The both of them were being monitered by Alpha 7, so obsorbed in the fight that she had forgotten about Clank who was still in the basement of the Power Chamber. As the two fought outside, Clank made his way patiently to the holding chamber. It won't be too long now, he thought to himself.

Outside the two warriors braced themselves for the coming storm. They were still in a terrible standoff that bordered on gaining nothing at all. Neither of them was stronger than the other, and they both had equally strong weapons at their disposal. An act of nature was the only thing that stopped their long and tedious standoff. Ninjor felt the air around him begin to crackle. That was when the huge bolt of electricity came and ran through Alpha like he was a huge lightning rod. Ninjor watched in horror as the volts blasted through him making him shake with every passing second. It wasn't until Clank arrived that Ninjor debated putting Alpha out of his misery. It was then that he swung his other half around and let Orbis help Alpha to grow. Ninjor stared in horror realizing that the fight was just begining.


Kat and Rocky were nearly down when out of the darkening blue the Gold Ranger showed up. He flashed down in front of them from nowhere and held out his staff in front of him. Kat jumped up and shouted with joy as she brought out her Zeo weapon. Rocky did the same and told Trey that he was glad to see him. Trey just said he was here to help and charged at the monster without abandon. The others followed up his attack and also charged at Lionel.

All three of them combined seemed to grow stronger off of each other. They were more confidant and that was what gave them more determination as they attacked. Lionel this time hardly had the power to drive them off and just backed up. Finding himself in a corner, Lionel was beaten to a pulp by the three and left to stain the rocks. They all let out a sigh of relief and turned to face Goldar and Scorpina who were advancing on them with their swords drawn.

"When did you get here?" asked Kat gasping.

"Just in time to take you out heffer!" shouted Scorpina as she dove at Kat.

Goldar fired energy from his sword at Trey and Rocky and managed to catch them off guard too. They pitched a heated battle with Goldar and found themselves to be evenly matched. Meanwhile Kat was having trouble with Scorpina who was relentless in her attack. She was slashing and punching and doing unthinkable attacks on Kat's frail body. Even morphed Kat was having a bad time with Scorpina. It was then that Scorpina said something that made her very mad.

"You little Aussie slut! Miss Piggy fights better than you!" she said laughing.

"What?" she said going completely still and holding out her shield, "What is it with the Miss. Piggy thing today?" she said. "And why is it that everyone thinks I'm the slut?" she said as her voice grew from a whisper to a shout. Goldar and the other two stopped fighting just to watch Kat. Scorpina even stopped fighting and looked at her. Rocky gulped down hard and was scared to see what was coming next.

"That's it! I'm tired of being blamed for all the bad things that go on. I know you all don't say it to my face but now I have to say something about it. I'm tired of this crap and I have had it up to here. Now I just need to take my frustration out on you!" she said pointing at Scorpina.

It was then that she used her shield as a weapon unlike any other the Rangers had ever seen before. She threw it out as if it were a boomerang and watched as it slashed at Scorpina a few times. Then catching it as it flew back at her she rushed forward and began to attack the still shocked Scorpina with a hidden fury. Rocky and Trey just stood there looking at her amazed as she cried out like a warrior princess and fought hard. Then Goldar decided to leave them and go over to help his wife. He was 'pleasantly' surprised to see that Kat began fighting him too. It went on like this for five minutes until she finally succeded in seriously wounding Scorpina. At that point it had been thundering and a few flashes of lightining had come to pass.

After wounding Scorpina and watching the newlyweds teleport off she looked at Trey and Rocky and teleported away. Both of them just stood there and looked where she had been standing at in shock. She had just fought off two of Rita's best monsters and then just left like it was nothing. All that pent up rage and anger was frightening. Finally gaining some sense the two of them teleported off to the Power Chamber. The storm raged all about them and continued it's assualt.


Tommy had left the young man that he'd met on the prairie behind. He found himself walking aimlessly around and had become lost. The boy had told him this would happen. It was the way of the test and it had always been that way. Eventually the animal that helped to guard him would come forth and show him the way to the first trial. He was so busy noticing this that he failed to see the small eagle land in front of him.

"You young man are late!" he said as he flew off and circled trying to get Tommy to follow him.

"What? Wait a second, I think I need to follow you." he shouted after the bird chasing it.

"I'm late! I'm late! Have to go go go!" it said flying up and up. Then in shock and surprise Tommy found himself getting lighter and lighter. After a while it looked as if he were falling up instead of usually falling down. Trying to hold onto himself for comfort Tommy rode out the fall and waited to get to where ever it was he was going. It was when he pooped up through the clouds and found himself inside a house that he became really scared. Fortuantely for him the eagle was right in front of him mumbling about the time and just flew out the window.

Chasing after it Tommy stepped into a world which was modeled somtime around the eighteen hundreds. Looking down at his feet he saw a dirt road that sprawled out in front of him with dust blowing off it. On the side of the house a pair of brown boots fell over as he turned to look upon them. Grunting he stepped back and ran into what looked to be Cestria.

She was wearing a dress typical of the time and was standing in front of him in a carraige. Her hair shimerred in the light and suddenly she was surrounded by townsfolk that looked like Alpha 5s and Ferbuses. Tommy shrank back from all the people not wanting to be noticed and looked up quickly as she spoke.

"My my what a handsome young man we have here! All dressed in his ceremonial cloths too. Look everyone look!" she said waving her long stemmed cigarette at Tommy. All the people around her began to softly mumble and walk around him looking at his clothes. Tommy just looked on them in confusion and wonder. "Hello and may I ask just who are you?"

"I'm Tommy, from Angel Grove." he said smiling and extending his hand.

"Well Tommy you must be a powerful Shaman to be able to send the Green Ranger out of town." she said not taking his hand and looking at it as if she didn't know what it was.

"I'm no Shaman. I'm just an ordinary guy." he said shrugging.

"Oh, but you are so wrong there Tommy, and look at this!" she said pointing her long stemmed cigarette and picking up the DragonZord Power Coin off the ground. "This was once yours was it not?" she asked innocently. Tommy knew of the pull that coin had on him. Grunting he took it and shoved it in his pocket in his breeches and just looked at her.

"So how do I get to the first test?" he asked her quickly.

"Well. I don't really know-" she began then was cut off by a big explosion.

There in the mist stood the form of Rita Repulsa looking over at them in horror. She walked around Tommy and touched him prompting him to curl up. Then scowling she turned and caught sight of Cestria. Waltzing right over to her she held her fist up at her and shook it menacingly.

"Where is it?"


"Where is my damn power coin?" she shouted angrily.

"That coin doesn't belong to you anymore. This young man has it!" she said pointing to a medallion that had suddenly appeared on Tommy's neck. Tommy, seeing it there tried to take it off but Cestria stopped him with a sharp look in her eyes. Rita didn't see this and was just focusing on the medallion with the coin in it. Reaching for it her hand flew back and she recieved a huge jolt.

"You cannont take it unless it is given to you." Cestria said standing in front of Tommy. "Now you had better leave before I get upset with you." she added and watched Rita go over to where she had apppeared at. All the time she had been there all the Alphas and Ferbuses had gone through their danger routines and were slowly dying down to a low murmur.

"Listen to me you little boy. I will get that coin and your little pretty self too! Hahahahahahahaha" she said as she disappeared in a flash as she began shooting her gun again riding away on her horse. Tommy looked to Cestria who was riding away in the carraige. Her voice echoed over as she left and stuck to his mind.

"Follow the dust covered road." it whispered.

Tommy did just that leaving the village of noise making extra cast members behind. He noted that that was what the sign he passed had called it and found it odd. Shrugging to himself again Tommy followed the dirt road and went on his way towards a small fort where it ended in the distance. He would make it there in the next hour. Then maybe he would get on with the test.

Chapter Seven: Keep it Coming
The sound of the vibrating hair grew closer to Adam as it threatened to take his life. He held his breath and waitied for it to stirke with a brave demeanor. Thinking of how many days he had spent with Tanya and how much joy she had given him, he readied himself for the end. It would strike him in the next few seconds. Looking over the strands at Tanya once again he saw that she wasn't really Tanya at all. The figure before him twisted into an evil and hideous form before him rising from the throne and positioning herself to get a better look at his death.

Fighting with all of his strength Adam focused all of his energy and did the impossible. He formed a white hot Chi blast in the plams of his eagle spread hands and burned away the hairs that held him. As he fell to the floor he heard a horrible scream and looked up in time to see the energy pulse over the demon Tanya. Within seconds she was gone and in her place lay the real Tanya. Just as Adam began to make his way over to the slowly awakening Tanya a little clock on the wall struck twelve.

It was old and rusted and there was a door on it that came down like a draw bridge. Out of it came a small sliding floor and on that floor stood a small doll that looked just like Rita. She had her hands folded over her waist and her head was pointed down. Then suddenly she looked up and began to sing.

"Wake up, dear friends. It's midnight.... Welcome to the club...with....life.....!" she sang out in a high pitched doll voice. Adam knew that something was up, and as he rushed over to the dias to Tanya he didn't notice the toys in the room suddnely coming to life. No longer held back by the power of the evil Tanya they had found a way to come to life on their own. Slowly they began to make their way over to Tanya who was now being gently awakened by Adam.

"Tanya? Tanya?" he said lightly tapping her face.

"Huh.. Adam! I'm so glad you're here!" she said reaching up and hugging him. Then looking behind him she saw the large procession of toys and pointed calling them to his attention. Adam turned and his eyes fell on all of them. There were thousands and they were all headed towards Adam and Tanya quickly. Jumping up from where they sat the two of them instantly fell into a fighting stance and readied themselves.

The nearest doll to them flew up off the ground and flug itself onto Tanya's arm. She screamed and Adam tried to bat the toy away, yet while he was not paying attention all the dolls grouped up and jumped on him. Then another group jumped on Tanya and tried to seperate the two. Slowly they were being pulled away from each other. Tanya saw this and reached out to Adam who was reaching for her. The toys then parted and the small Rita doll made it's way up to them.

"Sleep, sleep." she said to them making them instantly fall under her spell. Yet before they fell away fully the two of them managed to take hold of each other's hand. Rita stopped singing immediately as a whirring sound rushed in the room. It started at the far corner and made it's way to right to where the toys were all piled up on Tanya and Adam. With a crack of lightning and thunder there behind Tanya and Adam stood a girl in her late teens. She wore a dark suit and had her hair swept up behind her in a bun. She looked like Adam but had the coloring and demanor of Tanya.

"Oh no you don't! We're going to need you two to help secure the future." clapping her hands together she emitted an aura much like what Adam had done before and cleared the toys off of Tanya and Adam. Then stepping forward she gently shook the two and drew her hands back as a spark flew at her.

"Whoo, almost forgot! Not too much contact or I could endanger things."

"What? Who are you?" said Tanya waking up.

Adam just woke up and looked at the wave of toys still coming at them. He took Tanya by the hand and pulled her off to the nearest window to them. The girl that had helped them followed them and also made her way to the window. Adam and Tanya made their way out and waited for the girl who was right behind them. She amazingly flipped out of the window and landed perfectly on the ground in a sprint.

"Come on!" she shouted as she ran off in the distance.

Not knowing much else of what to do the two of them ran after this odd girl and kept their hopes up. After they had been running for a long time the three of them stopped out in an open field. Tanya and Adam both hunched over and tried to walk off their cramps while the girl just looked at them. She didn't seem to be physically stressed in any way and her breathing was steady and even. She put her hands on her hips and commented on how the legendary Rangers were supposed to be so strong.

"Legendary Rangers?" Tanya said standing straight and looking the girl in the eyes. "Just who are you anyway? And how did you know how to save us and where to go?" she added.

"Yeah." Adam commented.

"All will be explained in due time. But it must be said now that Mo- er Tanya's mind has been infected with a dark seed. It's in this field and we must find it before sunrise in the real world. If not the toys will find us once again and I may not be able to help you both. So Adam, lets get going. Find the seed."

"Me?" he said pointing to himself.

"Yes you, hurry up!" she said irratated. Then she went on to explain that in the Astral Plane Adam had control over his spiritual martial arts powers and could use them in many different ways. Tanya looked at the girl as if to say what about me? The girl looked at her gently and smiled. She said to Tanya very softly that the best was yet to come. Then looking off into the horizon she saw the sun starting to rise and hurriedly told Adam to call up his power.

After having done this Adam glew and white hot mist rose off his body like steam. The girl stood there and to Tanya's surprise did the same thing as Adam. She closed her eyes and Adam closed his as well. Bringing her hands out in front of her she stretched a little or so it seemed and Adam copied her exactly. Then the energy began to stream forth from their hands and spread into the field before them. Tanya looked at them closely and after a short time the dark seed they had been talking about rose out of the field. Tanya ran forward and was about to touch it when she heard the girl shout out.

"No!" the girl said teleporting next to her and pulling her away. "Now that the seed is exposed we must take it to the realworld and let it ferment to nothingness." she added taking hold of the seed herself.

"But I thought you weren't supposed to touch the seed?" Adam said coming over to the two not glowing anymore. His head was swamped with sweat and Tanya stopped to noticed the small tick in his eye that came when he was working out often. Whatever he had done had taken a toll on him.

"No, niether of you can touch the seed. I can though... it doesn't harm me. Now concentrate on waking up. On the count of three. One...two....three... Wake UP!" she shouted and the two of them looked at her slowly fade as if she were never there. Then their surroundings faded too and the duo found themselves sitting awake in their hospital beds looking at their respective parents.


All the way on the other side of town Jason was sitting in the quietest coffee shop that he knew. He didn't really drink coffee but Emily did, and she was going to need it for what he was about to say. Last night she had asked him for the truth of what was going on. Jason told her that he would tell her, but that it had to be on his terms and where he felt the least threat. Finally deciding on the coffee shop the two of them decided that it was the best place they could go without that much problems arising.

Emily looked up at him. Her golden hair shining brightly in the rising sun made him want to run to her and just hold her. But looking at her face Jason knew that she was in no mood to be held at all. Emily wanted some answers and she was probably going to let all hell break loose.

"Um, Emily..." he tried. She just sat there and waited looking at him directly in the eyes. He turned his head away and looked at a huge wall scroll by their table. "Emily when I was a child, I was..." he tried again. This time she was looking at him with more intensity. "Okay here it is Emily, I was molested as a child and now I'm having problems with it." he said to her in one giant breath.

She just sat there looking at him with a poker face. No sad reaciton, no shocked reaction or anything like that. Running his hand through his hair Jason met her gaze and tried to discern her thoughts. What he thought he saw there was not to reassuring. Slowly standing from her seat Emily got up and kept looking him in the eye. Then turned on her heel and left the building. Jason stood as well and threw a ten at the table then ran out the shop after her. He caught up to her and put his hand on her shoulder causing her to stop short.

"Don't!" she said as she peeled his hand off her. "I knew for a long time what was going on with you. Maybe it was because I was a victim myself," she said startling him, "but what I do know is that you didn't tell me right away. That hurt me Jason, and I thought that we were close. It's obvious that you couldn't trust me with your ordeal. So now I'll let you be with yourself as you were before to handle this." she said slowly walking away.

"But Emily what about you? You didn't tell me!" he said falling to his knees as she left.

"I have come to terms with what happened to me. Therefore it wasn't a big thing in my life. But you were and still are in a crisis then you came to me with at the last second. For this I can't forgive you so easily." she said just walking off. Jason got up off his knees and looked after her with an unbeliving look in his eyes.

From deep within his soul a dark feeling rose to meet his consciousness. Once again Jason gave way to the rage that was slowly consuming his mind, body and soul. Seeing his car right next to him he flung himself at it and began hitting and smashing the car with a relentless fury. He kept this up causing more and more visable dents to show up on his car as he hit it. People around him gathered to watch and looked on in horror as the young man completely lost it. Then a small child shouting and pointing at Jason seemed to bring him back to his senses. Fishing his keys out of his pocket he shakily started the car and was on his way.

He didn't know where he was going. He hardly ever knew if he was coming or going these days anyway. What the hell is wrong? Why can't I focus? He was thinking this to himself when he nearly ran his car through the window of the youth center. Ernie was just dumping the garbage and just looked at him with a shocked look.

"Uh Jason are you alright?" he said noticing the boy's striken face.

"Yeah yeah, just leave me the fuck alone!" he shouted as he backed up. Then realizing his blunder Jason just blushed and drove out of the parking lot. Ernie looked after him with a blank face then walked away shaking his head.

"We've all got our problems kid. I hope you can solve yours..."


Up in the lovely blue afternoon sky two falling stars plummeted through space. Viewers down in Angel Grove Park just looked up at the sky and began to make their wishes on cue. Some of them wished for personal gain, others for charity. Then there were the few who wished for something exciting to happen. Something that would spice up the afternoon and make things fun.

It was commonly known that when Rita and her gang were dispensing her putties nearly every day the average Joe could easily fight off the Putties and relive some stress. Many of the citizens of Angel Grove missed those days and were more timid when it came to fighting Cogs or Tengas. Yet now... things were changing. The Cogs were gone and now a few people felt they could take a Tenga or two. The truth was that many of the people of Angel Grove probably could. Rita had not been keeping the Tengas in top condition for fighting when she and Lord Zedd had been deposed. They were weaker and not as smart. Easy prey for the action starved denzins of Angel Grove. Well, they were about to get their fill for a while.

The two shooting stars started to come right at the viewing citizens who in turn stood and prepared to flee. Yet then one of the brave and foolish stopped to confront the oncoming space objects. He was instantly scared out of his wits when they both crashed no more than a foot away from him causing him to fall over. There out of space meteroites, like chicks from an egg came Baboo and Squatt. They looked down on the young man and smiled with glee.

"Look what we got here!" said Baboo.

"Yeah dinner!" said Squatt. As they both advanced on the kid with dark and evil eyes.

"You scum buckets, I don't think so. I've had it up to here with all you alien punks! Get off our planet!" said a little boy coming out of nowhere and facing the two. He was probably about eleven and had a medium length hairstyle with an old look to his eyes. Dropping into a fighting stance he looked at the two monsters and smiled devilishly. Then suddenly shouting and throwing a flurry of kicks and well placed punches at them he had managed to drive them off the other guy who was still there.

"Get out of here!" he shouted back as he held off Baboo and Squatt single handedly. The man not even looking back once fled for his life screaming. The boy looked at the two as he fought them, they weren't really good at fighting and seemed to be stalling for something. Smoothing his hair behind his ears, he kept a careful eye on their body movements and kept pushing them away from the park.

"What is this kid, some sort of mini Power Ranger?" said Baboo under his breath as he tried desperately to keep up with the boy. Squatt was really not helping him anymore, and when he looked closer he saw that Squatt was on the phone. What? What was he doing on the phone for evil's sake? Then suddenly his answer was shown to him and he sighed with relief.

The boy looked up just in time to see about five Tengas drop from the sky and try to crash right into him. Quickly sidestepping and throwing himself out of the way the boy managed to evade their surprise attack and let them all fall on Baboo. Putting his hand on his hip, and smirking the boy said something to Baboo that really upset him.

"You alien freaks. Thought you could take a little kid did ya? No wonder you can't beat the Power Rangers. You can't even beat a little kid. By the way, the name's Justin. Hope you all remember it and are warned, now get off my planet!" he said stepping towards them menacingly. Baboo and Squatt, more chicken than ever took the hint and teleported away leaving the Tengas to fly off on their own.

Justin just looked after them and thought of how things would be if he were with his parents instead of where he was at. Sighing sadly and walking off to the arcade he realized that he wouldn't have a family for a while now. It was hard being an orphan, but he would just have to deal. He always manged to.


Tanya and Adam had finally been released from the hospital very soon after they woke up. Their parents had decided that they would have a huge block barbeque and that all of their friends would be invited. Tanya loved the idea and after getting home made her way over to Adam's with her family and stayed near him the whole time. They had called everyone and everyone answered except for Tommy, whom no one knew anything of where he was at.

After the fire was finally started the people began to drift in to see the two who had recently worried half of Angel Grove to death. There were hundreds of people there and it was a good idea that Adam had also asked Ernie to rent out the Youth Center to hold some people. He being glad that Adam was back in the land of the living had rented it out for free.

Towards the middle of the party their friends showed up one by one to greet them and tell them of what had been going on. Jason was the first to show up, unfortunately he was acting very moody and Tanya went out of her way to keep Adam from staying around him too long. When Adam asked why she just said something about too much negative energy being bad for him.

The second to show was Kat who was actually smoking a cigarette outside before she stepped in. She looked nearly as disheveled as Jason but had a more worried and anxious look on her face. When she came up to Tanya and hugged her, Tanya felt her wince as they made contact and wondered what was wrong. Looking in Kat's eyes she could nearly see it, but then Kat pulled away and went to sit down near Jason who was still in a bad mood. Shrugging Tanya wondered what the hell could have happened while they were gone, Adam though was more intent on seeing to his growing hunger.

Finally the music started playing and Tanya moved over to Adam to dance. He took her up in his arms and danced to the slow music with her gently despite the fact it was a fast song. Laying her head on his shoulder, Tanya sighed and let herself be carried away by his strong frame. Adam who was watching the door, saw Rocky come in with a golden brown youth who had trendy jett black hair that made him look like a Gen X type. Just a little at least, as he thought this he didn't notice that behind him a girl had come up to Tanya and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Both of you, I need to speak with you right now." said the girl from their minds. She was standing there wearing some jeans and a hooded sweater. She also had been wearing some sunglasses that hid her face from many. Pulling the two away from Rocky who was still appraoching them she brought them to a secluded spot. Rocky lost them in the crowd and just sat down with Kai who he had envited to the barbeque.

"Both of you, I have come to warn you of dark power that is stalking the rest of your ranks. I'm only permitted to tell you a few things because if I speak too much... well..." she began. Hessitating and looking away with an intense look of fear in her eyes. She even looked to be shaking, which brought out the sensitive side of Adam.

"Hey hey, don't cry! Just tell us who you are and what you know, then we'll handle it from there." he said trying to give his most convincing smile. Reaching out towards her and taking her shoulder he caught her attention and kept it focused on him and Tanya. Finally she found the strength to talk and told them in cryptic words what they had to prevent.

"First off. Tommy is going through something that will change him almost completely. He will be the same physically but there will be a big mental change. This cannot and should not be prevented in any way. The negative affect of this, is that with his change will come the death of Kat. That must be stopped! It is vital."

"Oh my god, Kat...." Tanya said looking over her shoulder. Turning to look for her, Tanya was stopped by the enigmatic girl.

"No you can't say anything to her. There is more, you must not tell any of the people I mention about what is going on. It could have a horrible effect. Next there is the matter of Jason. He is going to do something that will also wind up causing him to die. Adam, convince him to talk to Trey. He will only avoid this fate if you do that."

"Jason..." said Adam getting that squint in his eyes whenever he concentrated on something.

"Lastly, there is poor Rocky. He is going to be under fire from all directions. Watch who he becomes friends with, they will bring only trouble, and his untimely end. The hard part of it all is that the one who is hurting him, is also in love with him." with that the girl stepped back and said one last thing. "Zordon is also in need of help, but only Tommy can save him. So don't worry about him."

With that she faded away right before their eyes and left them standing all alone. Tanya hugged her sides and felt suddenly cold. Adam unconsiously put his arm around her and lead her back to the barbeque. They stopped halfway when Tanya looked at him and asked him something softly.

"Who was she? Was she who I thought she was?"

"Tanya, do you really have to ask that?" he said with a gentle smile.


Off in another corner Kia was watching Kai with a jealous eye. Her sights focused on him and Rocky who were horsing around and drinking some sodas. Burning with anger and resentment at being left out Kia came up with a most diabolical plan. Tossing her now jett black hair over her shoulder Kia glared at the two with obvious jealousy. A small smile formed on her cold lips and she batted her eyes twice. In the empty cup before her fell two of her eyelashes. She looked down at them and nodded, the first step was already close to being done.

Rocky was sitting next to Kai, who happened to be looking at him with an unexplainable look in his eyes. Rocky nearly blushed and asked what he was looking at but didn't. He was flattered and didn't really mind the attention at all. It was when Kai got up and began to massage his back that Rocky grew anxious. They weren't really well concealed and he didn't want to be seen. Jumping up he backed away from Kai and seeing that no one had noticed grew clam again.

"Don't do that please." he said harshly.

"...oh, ok, I'm sorry." said Kai who looked away awkwardly and shifted his weight on his feet.

It was right then that Kia came over and Kai felt her presence instantly. Oh no, please no, not here, he thought to himself fearfully. Yet there she was looking at him then focusing her gaze on Rocky who had just sat down and was looking around. She sauntered over in her idiotic long stockings that were orange and her velvet brown daisy dukes. Almost smacking his forhead, Kai noticed that she was carrying two cups with her too.

"Hey Rocky!" said a young asian boy that had come up behind him.

"Rocky!" said another girl running over and hugging him as he smiled and greeted them.

"Huh?" was all Kai could get out while he was distracted by so many at once.

"Well now Kai, I see you have taken to hanging out with a lower class of people now? What would ever posses you to do that? Already trying to ruin your stats before the week end is over?" she said maliciously towards her twin. Then she sat down and looked at all the people who were gathered around them.

"Oh guys, let me introduce you all. This is Kai and his sister I presume. I've been hanging with Kai for a while now. He's like, really cool." Rocky said draining his cup then looking around for more. Kia seemed to sense this and handed him one of the cups she was holding. He smiled at her and she watched him gulp it down quickly.

"My what a piece of work you are..." she said in a slightly seductive voice.

"Well, uh Rocky can we um, talk about what has happened with you for a second?" asked Tanya tentatively.

"Sure, Kai I'll be right back." he said throwing Kai and his sister a wink.

As soon as he was gone Kai turned on his sister instantly and gave her an icy look. She coiled back and with a fake look of shock and stress on her face she asked him what was wrong. Then wringing her wrists and grabbing at the pearls that adorned her neck, she got up and rummaged through her purse franticly. Kai just watched her with a wicked look and telepathically spoke to her.

-Kia, don't you have some little children to be scaring?-

-I would, but Baboo and Squatt went out for the night after they got home.-

-What are you up to dear sister? Are you trying to make my life miserable?-

-Hey, I'm not the one who is losing his evil aura. I just think that you need to get into the right step again. So therefore I'm going to be your watcher until you reform.-

-I don't care what you spend your time doing, as long as you don't get in my way...-

-What with that excellent specimen you call Rocky over there?- she said looking in his direction, -He's rather cute you know. Look at that nice firm butt!- she added maliciously and highly bothered Kai who then stood up. The two were glaring at each other as if they were staring in the mirror. No one seemed to notice all the emotions they were going through as if they were talking to each other.

-Stay away from him. Leave him out of this.- he retorted.

-Aw, defensive of your boyfriend? Well, just keep your act together and maybe I wont bother with him. Remember though he is a Ranger. And eventually he will be dealt with.- and with that she actually just teleported out of there in plain sight. No one seemed to notice though and Kai waited for Rocky to return.

"What am I going to do?" he said softly to himself as the barbeque went on.

Part One Part Two Part Three