Disclaimer: I do not own any concept used in this fanfic. It was written for absolutely no profit whatsoever, so please do not sue me. On a side note, I would just like to say that this series is going off on a different tangent. My horror has begun to slide into cheap gore, and I don't like that. This fanfic marks the end of the cheap gore, and a return to pure unadulterated horror.

Friday the 13th X - The Voorhies Curse
by Red Warrior

"Friday the 13th, right?" Aisha asked.

"Quick tips," Rocky said. "Jason's the guy in the hockey mask. This is a continually recently renovated summer camp, called Camp Blood."

"You'll survive, if you use any sense at all," Trini added.

"And don't have sex in bunk beds or hammocks," Rocky said. Trini nodded in agreement.

"Simple enough," Kimberly said. "What's his M.O.?"

"He just kills people," Rocky told them. "He uses whatever weapon he has handy, and it's quick and brutal."

"Let me get this straight?" Aisha asked. "We're in a movie, and to get out of the movies, all we have to do is kill this guy who isn't even really real in the first place?"

"He's very real," Zack said. "And if we all die, then we're dead for real, and this movie becomes reality, and everything and everyone is doomed."

A rustling came from behind them. Immediately, the group jumped to their feet and turned around. "What was that?" Aisha asked.

"Three guesses, and the first two don't count," Karen said.

"Let's get out of here!" Jason commanded.

"No," Aisha said, stepping further into the forest trail while the others backed away. "If we kill this thing, we win. We get to go home. Right?"

"You can't kill Jason Voorhies that easily!" Trini said, running up to the Ranger she barely knew.

"I've survived in the wilderness of Africa for over a year, now," Aisha said firmly. "I am a Ninja, master of the environment around me. The problem is you all are already in the wrong mind-set. You're thinking it's reality. I know it's not. It's just a movie. And I've got the remote." Aisha walked a step closer into the woods.

"Please, Aisha," Trini pleaded. "We know how this things works more than you do."

"Trini, trust me," Aisha said. "Come and get me Jason! Where you, Mama's Boy!?" She ran down the trail, spinning in circles and taunting Jason. She crossed her arms over her chest and stood in the center of the trail, several hundred feet from the other Rangers. "You didn't tell me that Jason was a coward!" Aisha called, trying to lure the evil beast from the woods.

"Dammit Aisha!" Rocky shouted. "Stop acting like a fool!"

"I don't think he's even here, Rocky!" Aisha called. She turned to go deeper into the forest, and bumped into a very immovable body. Stepping back a bit, she saw a large, heavy set man in a grey jumpsuit, wearing a hockey mask. The skin he had exposed was rotting and decaying, but despite this, he looked like an unstoppable force. "Oh," Aisha said, stepping another a step back although not shaken in the least. "It's you."

Jason stood perfectly still, his only movement was the rising and falling of his chest with each breath. Aisha stared him down, and for a moment, the other Rangers thought she was actually succeeding. Suddenly, Jason grabbed her roughly by both arms and picked her up from the ground. That brought Aisha out of her brave stupor. She gave a cry of alarm, but quickly wrenched herself from Jason's grasp. Hitting the ground, she rolled onto her back. With a ki-yaah, she planted a foot in Jason's groin. He remained still, making no move. Suddenly, he pulled his right arm out from behind his back, revealing a large rusted machete.

"AISHA!" Kimberly screamed. Aisha gave a cry of her own and scrambled away. She immediately ran off down the trail with Jason close behind.

"We have to help her," Zack said, making a move for the trail.

"It's suicide," Rocky said firmly, holding his shorter, stockier friend back.

Aisha suddenly realized that there were no footsteps behind her. Stopping, she turned around and saw no one. She was suddenly enraged and screamed, "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!" A sickening thwack hit the air, and Aisha had only a second to realize she had just been decapitated.

"NO!" Kimberly and Rocky cried in unison. Jason Voorhies stood, not more than fifty feet from the ex-Rangers plus Karen, holding a blood dripping machete. Aisha's body lay at his feet, and her head was a few feet farther away.

"Let's get out of here!" Karen screamed.

"Come on," Trini said, urging the others to follow her.


"Where are the people?" Kimberly asked as they finally stopped running. They were standing in the midst of several well-kept cabins, next to a beautiful lake. The late afternoon sun was beginning to dip into it, casting beautifully colored lights all across the water's smooth surface. "Probably dead someplace," Rocky said.

"How is Jason ever killed?" Karen asked.

"Just like a normal human, only harder," Trini told them. "Basically."

"I have an idea," Jason suggested. "Rocky, why don't you and Trini stay out here in the open and keep watch? You're both able to defend yourselves and you know what you're doing. The rest of us can go look for weapons. It's gonna be dark soon, and I, for one, don't want to be unarmed."

Trini nodded in agreement. "That sounds good."

"I'll go closer down to the lake," Rocky said. "There's a good view of the woods from the dock. I should be able to see if Jason comes out."

"I'll stay up here," Trini said. "I can see the dock from here, anyhow."

"All right," Kimberly said. "Let's go."


"Man, it's hot," Rocky complained, fanning his t-shirt against his chest. "Forget it." He pulled the sweat stained t-shirt off over his head and dropped it to the dock. _Wish I could go for a swim. Maybe later..._ He stretched his back and neck, trying to revive his stiff muscles. Although his back was fully healed, getting kicked out of the portal after every movie was beginning to take its effect on him. His eyes continually scanned the area around the lake, looking for anything that could suggest Jason's presence. "Nothing," he whispered. Sighing, he sat down on the dock. "When I get home, I am never watching a horror movie again."


"This is actually quite nice," Kimberly said thoughtfully as she and Karen entered the head cabin.

"People were here not to long ago," Karen said. "The beds are all made, there's no dust anywhere. I'd bet there were people here today. Didn't Jason's mother kill people in the first Friday the 13th?"

"Like I would know," Kimberly muttered. "I don't watch horror movies."

"I think I might have seen the first of this series," Karen said, "but I'm pretty sure it wasn't the hockey mask guy in the first movie."

"Here's a butcher knife," Kimberly announced proudly, pulling a large silver knife out of a wooden knife block. "And a meat cleaver!"

"Why aren't there ever guns in horror movies?" Karen asked dejectedly. "You don't have to be just a few feet away to use a gun."

"Horror movies don't make sense," Kimberly said. "They are just idiotic. I don't understand why anybody in their right mind would want to watch them. Like if a woman is running from a bad guy, she'll fall down at least twice. Oh, and if a woman shows her breasts, she's dead. Easy women are expendable."

"I was killed once and I'm not easy," Karen interjected.

"Yeah, well, we've been in the classier horror movies," Kimberly told her. "Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, Hellraiser, Child's Play... If this were a B movie, death equals breasts. Of course, the guy never survives. Ever."


"Very seldom," Kimberly said. "The hero is almost always a woman, and if a guy does survive, rest assured that it's because the woman saved his life."

"Well, they aren't all bad then," Karen mused.


"My God, he's gorgeous," Trini sighed. She couldn't take her eyes off of Rocky. "But, guys like him and girls like me do not mix well." The two couldn't have been more different and still remained members of the same species. She did, however, feel a certain bond with him. They were the only two people of their traveling group who actually knew anything about horror movies. Before she even realized what she was doing, she was walking down the dock toward him.

"Hey Trini," Rocky said, barely casting a glance in her direction.

"Hey," she said. Kneeling beside him, she looked across the lake and asked, "Seen you-know-who yet?"

"Not a sight of him," Rocky muttered. They were silent for a moment, when Rocky broke the silence and asked, "Do you ever wonder if this is making us freaks?"

"What do you mean?"

"I saw one of my best friends get murdered just a few minutes ago," Rocky said. "And now it's like, no big deal."

"That's because you know she isn't dead," Trini told him. "It's all pretend. For now, anyway."

"I guess," Rocky sighed. He turned to look Trini directly in the eyes. She blinked once, and then looked away. She felt his hand on her chin, and he turned her to look at him. Swallowing hard, he bent closer and gave her a noncommittal kiss on the lips. A few moments later, he pulled away, not sure if he should have done or said anything. "Sorry," he muttered hurriedly.

In reply, she pulled him closer and kissed him, hard. She slipped her arms around his shoulders, and Rocky pulled her body tight against his. He rolled onto his back, pulling Trini with him. Suddenly, she broke away. Her body still lay atop his and his arms were wrapped around her back. Their faces were just a few inches apart, and for a moment, neither said anything. "I don't know how far this would have gone," Trini said, "but anything from this point on would probably qualify us as horny teenagers."

"Yeah," Rocky muttered unhappily, sitting up. "It's not worth death."

"Does this mean-?"

"I don't know," Rocky said. "Would you like it to?"

"I don't know. Would you?"

"I've wanted this since Child's Play," Rocky admitted. "You were gorgeous in that military uniform. With your long black hair," he paused, suddenly unable to even find any words to express himself, "you just looked ... exquisite."

Trini smiled and gave Rocky a quick although deep kiss. "Good. Because I feel the same way."

"Well this is wild," Rocky smiled. "Of all people I thought I might find myself involved with, you weren't one of them. I mean, we're so different."

"Opposites attract," Trini said.

"Apparently," Rocky sighed. He started to kiss her again, when a shadow fell across both of them.


Jason, Billy, and Zack yanked their heads toward the open cabin door in unison as Trini's piercing scream tore through the air. "Trini," Zack whispered, running out of the cabin with his newly found machete in hand. Jason and Billy were close behind. Zack ran up to the start of the dock. Trini and Rocky were already dead. Rocky was split open from chest to groin, while Trini had an arrow stabbed through her neck. "Oh my God," Kimberly grunted as she stepped up behind Zack.

Jason, Billy, and Karen walked onto the dock with them. "We're really screwed now," Karen said. "We've just lost our only source of info on Friday the 13th."

"They've told us enough," Billy told them. "We have to kill Jason. Let's make a final stand."

"That sounds good," Zack agreed. "It'll be dark soon. I've seen a few of the Friday movies, and I think I have an idea, but we have to work fast."


Kimberly dropped her shorts and peeled her sweat stained t-shirt off. Beneath, she wore a simple blue one-piece swimsuit, courtesy of one of the ill-fated camp counselors. She stuck her hand into the shower, and once satisfied with the temperature, stepped beneath the water. "This had better not get me killed, Zack," she muttered as she began to bathe herself, still wearing the swimsuit.


Karen traced circles on the ground with the tip of her machete, and then poked at the burning embers in the fire before her. "Sure did get dark quick," Zack complained.

"I hate waiting like this," Billy said. "Why couldn't I have been the bait?"

"You wouldn't have had a chance," Zack told him. "Besides, Jason has no desire to kill a guy in the shower. Just the girl."

Karen suddenly cried out loud and jumped to her feet. "Zack!" she cried. Zack spun around just as the hockey-mask clad killer swung an axe at him. He flipped backwards and caught himself in a hand spring, nimbly regaining his composure and landing on his feet. Good Jason quickly positioned himself between his mother and evil Jason. Suddenly, Kimberly's scream pierced the air as well. Billy jerked his eyes toward the cabin, and then back at Jason, not more than ten feet from him. "Wha?" Without a moment's hesitation, he ran toward his screaming girlfriend.


"NO!" Kimberly screamed. She attempted to fight her surprisingly strong assailant, but she was having no luck. Her killer lashed out with astonishing ferocity, catching her across her neck. With a near-silent gasp, Kimberly's hand flew to her windpipe. Dark red blood flowed out over her hands, and she was unable to take a deep breath. The killer raised the machete for one final blow, and split her chest open. Kimberly sank to her knees, in great pain and rapidly approaching death. Billy burst into the bathroom. His eyes darted across the small room. The curtains to the bathrooms lone window were shaking in the slight breeze that blew in. Kimberly was draped over the edge of the tub with dark maroon blood everywhere. "Kimberly," Billy said sadly, kneeling by her body. He pressed his index and middle fingers against the side of her neck with the intention of taking her pulse. Instead, blood spurted out of her wound at the slight pressure of his fingertips. Tipping his head back, Billy screamed out his frustrations.


"I really wish I had taken up martial arts," Karen groaned as she allowed herself to be ushered behind Zack and her son.

"What on Earth got Kim?" Jason asked fearfully as Billy's angry, frustrated scream filled the air. "Jason's right there!" Jason stood on the other side of the campfire, unmoving and silent.

"Why isn't he moving?" Karen asked.

"I wish I knew more about horror movies," Zack complained, holding his axe uncomfortably. The Axe had been his Power Weapon, but he felt so useless against this monster. He felt like he might as well have been trying to defend himself with a toothpick.

"Kimberly's gone," Billy said as he ran up behind Karen. With a scream of alarm, she spun around, ready to attack Billy. Jason and Zack whipped their attentions behind them, just to see Billy with his hands up in a defensive position.

"Dammit!" Zack cursed loudly. Jason had just slipped out of sight, and they no longer had the upper hand.

"Form a circle," Karen instructed. "Everybody watch everybody else's backs."

"Sounds like a plan to me," Billy agreed. The four survivors stood in a close circle, their backs facing inward. All eight eyes scanned the dark woods all about them. Hah hah hah hah shh shh shh shh.

"What the hell was that?" Jason asked.

Hah hah hah hah shh shh shh shh.

"No way," Zack said with a bemused grin spreading across his face. "That's the sound track!"

"What?" Billy asked.

"That's the sound they make in the Friday movies just before Jason kills somebody!" Zack shouted happily, as though he had just made the most amazing discovery. His face dropped, however, when his mind registered what he had just discovered. Zack held his axe tighter, Jason readied himself physically to launch a devastating physical attack if necessary, Karen wrapped both hands around the handle of her machete, and Billy silently wished he hadn't left his meat cleaver in the bathroom next to Kimberly's body.

"The soundtrack stopped," Karen said, straining to hear. The entire world seemed to be dead silent, and the only sounds were their breaths.

"This isn't gonna work," Jason said. "Jason may be dead, but he's not a fool. We're gonna have to split up."

"You really think he's not gonna try and take us if we're all in the same place?" Billy asked.

"I think he's right," Zack said.

"Zack, you stay here," Jason commanded, using his powerful leader voice. "I'll go behind the cabins near the woods, and Billy and Mom, you two go down to the dock."


"I hate this!" Karen shouted angrily. "I feel so out of place here!"

"We all do, Karen," Billy sighed.

"That's not what I mean," Karen said. She paced the length of the dock, pausing occasionally to look in the dark water beneath her. "You all used to be Rangers. I'm not anything here."

"That's not true, Karen," Billy said. "You really saved our butts on that last world."

"You're used to facing death," Karen muttered. "You saved the planet everyday. You're bound to be a little bit used to his. I just got totally yanked out of my ordinary world. How long have we actually been gone?"

"Well, we spent one night in Night of the Living Dead, about two days in Child's Play, and one full day in Hellraiser. That's four days, but I'm pretty sure more time has passed in the real world."

"Sort of what I figured," Karen groaned. "Time feels different in the movies."

"Tell me about it," Billy said. Zack's sudden scream reached the lake. "Zack...."


Zack circled the fire slowly, when suddenly, he heard it. Hah hah hah hah shh shh shh shh.

"All right, Jason," Zack grumbled. "Let's get this over with." He heard rustling leaves to his right, and he spun in that direction. Nothing. The same sound immediately came from his left, but that area, too, was empty. Sighing, he turned his attention to the front. Hah hah hah hah shh shh shh shh.

Suddenly, Jason stepped up beside him. With a cry of alarm, Zack hopped a few steps back. Jason looked up and down the length of Zack's body, silent and still. Zack gave an angry bellow and swung his axe at Jason's chest. With a dull thunk, the blade sank into his chest. Zack's hands were still on the handle, and he pulled back to pull the axe from his chest. Despite the fact that Jason's body was decaying, the axe was firmly ensconced into the tightly packed muscle on his chest. Jason looked down at the axe, and wrapping a hand around the handle, pulled it out of his chest. Zack watched in horrified awe. The dead man lashed out with astonishing speed, and buried the axe in the middle of Zack's forehead before he had a chance to make a move.


Billy stood at the end of the dock, silently cursing Wes Craven for getting him into the mess at hand. "Billy!" Karen screamed suddenly.

Billy turned around to see Jason standing at the foot of the dock. "Dammit! We just trapped ourselves!" Jason was currently weaponless, although he possessed more than enough brute strength to kill any single person with his bare hands.

"Dear God, he's just like my Jason," Karen sighed unhappily. Indeed, Jason had nearly the same identical stance, wide shoulders, and deep chest that her son possessed. That realization gave her an idea. He suddenly launched himself at Karen, connecting solidly with her stomach and knocking her onto her back. "NO!" Karen screamed angrily. Jason's decomposing hands closed around her throat, and he was a fraction of an inch away from breaking her neck. "Jason! Mother says stop!"

Jason crawled away from Karen suddenly. He knelt on the dock, staring at Karen with blank eyes, wondering if she was, in fact, his mother. "Good boy, Jason," Karen whispered. "Mother will take care of everything." The hulk of a dead man climbed to his feet and looked at the auburn haired woman before him. "You're a good boy, Jason," Karen said.

With an angry bellow, Jason Scott ran at Jason Voorhies. Evil Jason spun around just as good Jason swung the machete, putting all of his weight behind him. Jason Voorhies gave not a cry or grunt as his head was cleanly shorn off. Karen screamed in alarm, but breathed a sigh of relief as Jason's body fell forward, dead still.

"I wonder if the entity jumped to a new movie?" Billy asked. Jason stepped over the corpse before him and joined Billy and Karen at the end of the dock.

"There's no portal," Karen observed. "Maybe we won?"

"If we had won, then we'd be standing on a movie set right now," Billy remarked.

"Maybe we have to wait for dawn?" Jason suggested.

"I'm pretty sure I've seen the first Friday the 13th," Karen said. "And if I'm thinking of the right movie, the sole survivor slept in a canoe on the middle of Crystal Lake, and the cops came at dawn, and the movie was over."

"That sounds like a plan," Jason agreed. He motioned to the canoe at the end of the dock. "Let's do that."


Karen yawned and sat up. She was propped against Billy's body. With a moan, she stretched the sleep out of her sore, twisted muscles. Sleeping in a small wooden row boat was not good for one's back, she discovered. "You guys, wake up," she said. Billy stirred slightly but didn't respond. Karen sighed and leaned back against the edge of the boat. From the appearance of the sun, it was just barely after dawn. They had at least survived the night. That had to count for something, but no white portal appeared to take them to the next movie. A splash of water came from the right side of the boat. With a slight cry, Karen jerked her attention in that direction. Looking at the still water, she chided herself for being startled by a fish. She settled back into a seated position. Suddenly, the boat lurched as a dead body leapt from the lake and onto the side. Before Karen could even scream in response, two powerful arms clamped around her shoulders and pulled her backwards. Her scream suddenly burst forth, but it was too late. She was pulled beneath the murky water of the lake. Water flooded into her open mouth. Karen's arms flailed wildly against her supernatural assailant, but she was having no luck. She was pulled deeper and deeper into the lake.


"No!" Karen screamed, sitting bolt upright in the boat. Billy and Jason both jumped as she woke up screaming.

"Karen?" Billy asked, immediately placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Breathing heavily, she looked all about her. "Sorry," she sighed. "Just a nightmare."

"It's morning and we're still at Crystal Lake," Jason sighed. "Man, this sucks." Karen's eyebrows rose slightly, and he quickly said, "Sorry."

"Let's row to shore," Billy suggested. "Maybe we can find a phone somewhere."


Karen stood in the center of Camp Crystal Lake. "Something is not right here," she muttered to herself, although she had no idea what was wrong. "We killed Jason. We finished the movie. That should mean he either jumped to the next movie, or we get to go home." The next thought was inevitable, and just admitting it to herself sent chills down her spine. _What if you didn't kill Jason?_ "He wasn't on the dock!" Karen screamed suddenly. That was what had been bothering her. Jason's decapitated body hadn't been lying on the dock. She ran to the end of the clearing and cast a glance down at the lake. The dock was bare. Suddenly, a firm hand latched onto her shoulder. Karen screamed and spun around. She found herself staring into the eyes of a middle-aged woman. "You scared me," Karen said, breathing a deep sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry, dear," the kind-looking woman said. "What are you doing at Camp Crystal Lake?"

"Hear of Jason Voorhies?" Karen asked.

"Rumors have it he died many years ago," the woman said softly. "Drowned while two camp counselors were off ... making love, if you can call it that. And then there are other rumors that he was just brain-damaged from a near-drowning and ran off to hide in the woods, and kills people who come to Crystal Lake. Of course, some say he's been killed many times, but for some reason, Jason Voorhies always comes back for revenge"

"I'll go with the second one," Karen said. "Do you believe in any of the attacks?"

The woman smiled and nodded. "More than you do, I'm sure, my dear." Karen looked the woman over quickly. She seemed vaguely familiar, but she also had a very distinct grandmotherly quality to her. _She seems harmless. And we should be leaving soon..._

"Would you believe me if I said five of my son's friends got whacked by the guy in the hockey mask last night?" Karen asked, crossing her arms around her chest.

"I'd say just two of them were killed by the hockey mask guy," the woman said with a saccharine-sweet smile.

"What does that mean?" Karen asked, a frown crossing her face.


"Dammit," Billy groaned. "The phone lines must be down."

"Maybe we can find a CB radio or something," Jason suggested. "Heck, we can just walk to the nearest town. The killer's dead. Right?"

"I thought so," Billy said thoughtfully. "I just don't get this. We killed Jason. We should either be on our way to the next movie or on a movie set."

"Wait a minute," Jason whispered. "Listen." Two distinct female voices could be heard.


"Five of them are dead," Karen said angrily. "Jason killed them all."

"Jason killed two of them," the woman said. "The two black kids. Jason's mother... killed the rest."

"Oh God, no," Karen groaned, slowly backing away from the woman.

The woman pulled a gleaming machete from behind her back. "Mrs. Voorhies," she said, raising the machete for a fatal strike. "Pleased to make your acquaintance." She swung at Karen just as she dropped to the ground. The machete whipped over her shoulder, shearing off a tuft of red hair. She quickly crawled away and scrambled to her feet.

"JASON! BILLY!" Mrs. Voorhies swung the machete at her again. With a cry, Karen jumped a step back, the machete missing her chest by only a few inches. She put her hands out before her, wishing all the while that she had followed in the footsteps of her son and husband, both of whom were expert black belts. She suddenly tripped, falling on her back. Her attacker smiled at her and raised for the machete above her head. With a banshee scream, Karen rolled away. The eighteen inch blade split the earth where she had just been lying. Karen spotted a garden hoe, and scrambled, nearly on all fours, for her make-shift weapon. Her hands closed around the wooden handle just as Mrs. Voorhies rushed her. She put the hoe up before her, barely blocking a swing from the glistening blade. Wood chips splintered from the handle, but before the woman could swing again, Karen smashed the bare end of the hoe handle against her face. Mrs. Voorhies screamed in anger, giving Karen a chance to run away.

"JASON! BILLY!" Karen ducked behind a tree, holding the hoe as though she were a samurai warrior. Mrs. Voorhies had suddenly disappeared, taking her machete with her. "Where are you, you messed-up bitch," Karen muttered. Hot pain suddenly flared across her neck, and she knew she had her answer. With a chortled grunt, Karen's hands flew to her throat. Hot sticky blood gushed out over them. Turning her entire body, she saw Mrs. Voorhies standing by her with a bleeding machete. Karen looked at her hands, and seeing that she still had the hoe, put all of her strength into a hard swing. The sharp edge of the hoe caught Mrs. Voorhies, square in the center of her face. The woman dropped her knife in surprise, not expecting her nearly decapitated victim to have the strength to attack her. Karen hit her with the hoe again, this time sending her to the ground. With the last of her strength, she picked up the machete and stabbed it through the woman's chest. With that, Karen's life left her.


"Mom!" Jason cried, reaching her just as she collapsed on top of the mysterious woman. Before Billy could say anything in sympathy, a gleaming white wormhole appeared at the feet of the two dead woman. "Come on, Jase," Billy urged. "We gotta go on."


Billy and Jason flew from the portal, landing in the middle of a suburban backyard. As soon as Billy looked up, he realized that the others were crowded around Kimberly's still body. "Kimberly!" he cried, scrambling over to her and kneeling beside her still body. "She got knocked out when she landed," Trini said, motioning to the fist-sized rock beside Kimberly's head.


Kimberly landed hard on the floor of an elevator. "Ow," she complained, quickly sitting up and looking about her. The elevator she was in had black walls, a grimey floor, and a dirty flickering lightbulb on the ceiling. "Where are the others?" The elevator suddenly stopped moving and dinged as the doors slid open. She found herself staring down a long corridor, lined with hot pipes and greasy floor gratings. "A boiler room," she muttered to herself. "This elevator may be ugly, but I ain't leaving it."

Suddenly, an axe chopped through the back wall. She screamed and jumped out of the elevator. The doors promptly slammed shut with such a force that if she had been in them, they would have killed her. "I've already been in this movie!" Kimberly screamed angrily. "And you know what else! I kicked your butt then and I can do it again!"

She slowly began to walk down the frightening catwalk. Steam billowed out around her feet, and the occasional hiss from a loose seal sounded far off. Glancing all about her, she slowly made her way through the darkness. She rounded a corner, and saw it, sitting on a very out of place oak desk. "A computer?" she asked. She stepped up to the desk and read what was on the monitor. "'A computer?' she asked. She stepped up to the desk and read what was on the monitor," Kimberly read.

"No way." Sitting down at the desk, she began to read what was happening to her, and since there was a good deal of text she had yet to experience, what was going to happen to her.

"Kimberly," a dark voice said, popping up from behind the computer desk. Kimberly screamed as she found herself looking into the face of the horribly defigured "New Freddy," last seen in Wes Craven's New Nightmare. "Don't run," Freddy demanded, placing his biomechanical claw, now complete with a fifth razor on his thumb, carefully on top of her hand. "I'm not going to kill you. Yet. I'm not through with you."

"What do you want with me?" Kimberly asked, trying her very best to keep the fear from showing through in her voice.

Freddy crossed to the other side of the desk and stood behind her. "I'm getting stronger," Freddy growled. "I haven't won yet, but I've killed each of you enough times to have learned a few new tricks. I've learned to manipulate your minds, and I've learned to manipulate my own physical boundaries. I can place myself into multiple stories at the same time now, Kimberly." Suddenly, the image on the computer changed. It was no longer a word processing program, but showed an image as though it were a television monitor. The image was of Tommy, Katherine, Adam, and Tanya, standing at the foot of a glowing mountain of rocks. Freddy chuckled slightly and then bellowed, "How sweet! Fresh meat!"

"They're still Rangers!" Kimberly cried back. "You can't get them!"

"They just handed their powers over," Freddy smiled. He pointed his biomechanical right hand at Kimberly and clicked his blades together. "That's where you come in. You were the first to defeat me in the real world, and you are the only one who can help me. I need you, to bring them to me."

"Not a chance in hell," Kimberly snarled bravely.

"But you see, I've gotten stronger. I can make you forget just what exactly is going on. I can put you in the movies, and you won't know it's a movie. Remember Nightmare on Elm Street 3 : Dream Warriors? Nancy returned, didn't she? Well guess what, Kimberly. You're going back to Angel Grove. After all, even Angel Grove... has an Elm Street."

"I'm not selling my friends to you, Krueger," Kimberly said firmly.

"I'm not asking you to," Freddy told her, smiling evilly. "I'm making you. Don't fail me... Nancy." With a flourish of his razors, Kimberly woke up with a start.


"Kimberly!" Billy cried. He attempted to touch her, but his hands just passed through her body. With a faint pink glimmer of light, Kimberly's body completely disappeared. "Kimberly!"

"Kimberly?" Karen asked.

"Kimberly who?" Zack repeated. "Are you okay Billy?"


Kimberly crept out of bed and stared at her mirror. "He's back," she whispered to himself. She thought she had escaped Krueger. She moved out of Angel Grove after the deaths of all her friends, and Billy, and after doing a little research, managed to get her hands on a very experimental drug that kept a person from dreaming. For six years, she had been safe. In that time, she had devoted her life to studying dreams. Especially nightmares. "I'll have to up the dosage," Kimberly sighed to herself. "If I'm going back in Angel Grove, I sure as hell am not letting that bastard in my dreams again."

Staring in the mirror, she sighed heavily. Something was wrong, and it wasn't Krueger. She felt like something was missing. _That can wait,_ she told herself. "I have to stop Freddy first. Again." She immediately began to pack her bags. Destination - Elm Street, Angel Grove, California.
