Power Rangers Zeo:
A Coed Naked Jungle Adventure
by Cheryl Roberts

Chapter Ten: Tug o' War

"Boy, for a guy who nearly had his guts ripped out, Tommy sure is moving at a good clip," Rocky groused as he and the others tried to match the pace their leader had set. He couldn't even see Tommy on the path ahead of them; the only reason he knew where to go was because Kat was lagging behind somewhat.

They had been traveling for almost a week since the flash flood had washed them away from rhino territory. Kim had continued leading them for a couple of days, but once Tommy felt that he could walk unaided, he had resumed command.

"It's almost as if he's driven to make up for the time we lost," Adam added. They had been walking almost nonstop, pausing only to sleep in the evenings.

"I wish we could stop for a day or so; I'd love to get a better look at these ruins we've been seeing," Tanya said. Her tone sounded a trifle dispirited, and it took the boys a moment to recall that she had lost her parents on an archeological dig.

Since they had entered this particular stretch of the jungle, they had found the remains of walls, buildings, and other signs that someone had tried to settle in the vicinity. They must have been abandoned long ago for the jungle had almost completely reclaimed the structures. The ruins were the only signs that anyone had ever lived on this world.

"I could do without the moodiness," Billy pitched in. Tommy had been uncommonly out of sorts since their escape from the forest fire. His initial crankiness had developed into a sharpness, almost anger, and most of it was directed at Kimberly. Tommy had been exceedingly critical of her. Billy glanced back to where Kim was bringing up the rear. She looked alert as always, but there were shadows in her eyes and a slump to her shoulders. While Kim never said a word in complaint, Tommy's actions were obviously beginning to take their toll on her.

"They say a brush with death can change a person," Adam ventured, trying to be fair to Tommy, but it was difficult. He didn't like the way Tommy was treating Kimberly. It was almost as if he was angry that she had saved his life.

"He's just being a butthead," Tanya snorted.

"If he was a girl, I'd say it was p.m.s.," Rocky griped and was rewarded with a cuff on the arm from Tanya. Kat's crabbiness had been bad enough; now, Tanya was in the same fix, and Rocky had the feeling that Kim would join them soon. He wasn't looking forward to that. He found himself thanking his lucky stars that he'd be away at college when his sisters hit puberty.

"Tommy, would you slow down!" Kat huffed exasperatedly as the others came up to her on the trail.

"Did he leave you behind?" Tanya asked.

"Oh, that man!" Kat said with a stamp of her foot as the others fell in with her.

"I was hoping you might be able to tell us what was bothering him," Billy remarked.

"I have no clue. I've tried talking to him, but it's like he's shut me out," she sighed frustratedly.

"Hey, you guys, what's the hold up!" Tommy called back, his words tinged with impatience.

"Keep your shorts on!" Rocky barked back.

"Um, Rocko, he doesn't have any shorts," Tanya pointed out, stifling a snicker.

The other four quickened their pace, but Billy dropped back to fall in step with Kimberly.

"How are you doing? You've been awfully quiet the past couple of days."

"Not much to say, I guess," she muttered.

"Tommy getting to you?"

"Not really. He's just... I don't know. Maybe Adam's right. Maybe being gutted by the rhino has affected him more than we know."

"I don't buy that."

"Yeah, well...." Kim shrugged helplessly. "Come on, we'd better catch up with the others."

Billy sighed as Kim started jogging up the trail. How could she not be angry with Tommy for the way he was treating her? It was almost as if she was cowed by him. She wouldn't stand up to him... if anything, she backed down whenever Tommy snapped at her. That wasn't Kim's style at all. Well, if Tommy ever called a halt, he was going to have to talk to both of them. Their actions were already seriously dividing the team.

"Billy?" Kim called back to him, and he started into a light jog himself. He wasn't watching the path too closely and tripped over a thick vine, landing with a surprised "oomph."

Muttering under his breath, he attempted to disentangle himself.

"You okay?" Kim queried, noticing his fall and coming back to help. "Hey, guys, wait up!" she called back to the group.

"I'm fine," he grumbled. He noticed that he had landed near a bush sporting a profusion of blossoms in various shades of purple. A strong sense of deja vu settled over him.

"Looks like the vine just reached out and grabbed you," Kim said as she tugged at the coil around Billy's ankle. It was proving difficult to budge. "I think maybe it likes you."

"What's up?" Rocky called out as he and the others back tracked to Kim and Billy's position. He hustled over to help try and undo the knot.

"Anyone tell Tommy that we stopped?" Billy wondered.

"We shouted ahead for him, but he didn't answer. I'm not sure if he heard us or not," Adam replied.

"These flowers are gorgeous," Kat murmured, taking a tentative sniff. "Mm, lovely!"

"Hey, I think I hear running water," Kim said. She abandoned Billy's tangled leg and pushed on through the lush flora. "Well, I'll be...!"

"What is it?" Tanya wondered.

"It's a small stream, and I think... yep, there's the river. We've found it again!" Kim declared triumphantly.

"All right! Fresh water and baths!" Rocky cheered.

Billy finally finished freeing himself and stood up.

"Do you think we can convince Tommy to stop for the rest of the day?" Kat asked hopefully as she pushed through the plants after Kim.

"Aw, let him go," Rocky said dismissively. "He's too busy being cranky to be fun anyway."

The six tramped heedlessly through the bushes and flowers in their eagerness to find fresh water. As Kimberly cleared the last of the impeding vegetation, it was her turn to become tangled in the clinging vines. Unlike Billy, she fell head first into a riot of amethyst blossoms.

"Um, Kim, you might want to pick yourself up before Rocky sees you like this," Kat murmured, her voice tinged with amusement at the indignity of Kimberly's position.

"Yeah that's all I need is for him to...." As Kim attempted to right herself and back out of the bush, she disturbed more of the flowers, brushing against some of such a deep purple hue that they were almost black. The flowers reacted to the intrusion by spraying Kim with a shower of pollen.

"My eyes!" she groaned, staggering backwards, blinded.

"Kim, don't rub... you'll only make it worse," Kat advised.

"What happened?" Billy wondered. As the other four arrived on the scene, Kim backpedaled into a different blooming plant and received as second defensive shower. "Let's get her over to the brook and flush her eyes out."

Even before Billy and Kat could come to her aid, Kim stumbled towards the sound of the stream. Tripping over a rock, she landed face first in the water. She recoiled immediately, screaming in pain as a fiery sensation seared her eyes.

"Easy does it, Kim," Billy murmured soothingly as he helped her sit up.

"What is it?" Tanya queried.

"I believe water adversely reacts with this particular pollen; it would appear...." The words died on Billy's lips. Kim pulled her hands away from her face; her eyes were glazed. She squinted at him through tearing eyes, looking dazed and confused. She tried to get up, but she staggered, disoriented. "Steady there, Kim," Billy advised as he attempted to help her. Suddenly, Kim began to laugh, her merriment tinged with a hysterical edge.

"Kimberly?" Adam ventured, and Billy waved him off. Something wasn't right here. Kim's laughter gave way to sobs, and she all but threw herself into Billy's arms.

"Daddy, why did you stop loving mommy?" she asked plaintively. "If you wouldn't have stopped, you wouldn't have gotten that stupid divorce, and you wouldn't have gone away...." She pushed away from Billy angrily and crashed into Tanya.

"Mom? How come you married that painter and moved to Paris? Why couldn't you stay home with me? You left me to face everything all alone!"

"What's happening?" Kat asked softly.

"I think the pollen is some sort of hallucinogen," Billy murmured. "It would appear it's having the same affect on Kimberly that the leaf had on Tommy. Combined with the emotional strain she has been under, it seems she is lashing out at those she feels are responsible for her turmoil."

"Shouldn't we do something to stop her?" Rocky asked, feeling very uncomfortable listening to Kim's babbling as she tumbled into his arms.

"Let's keep her from running off or hurting herself, but she probably needs to vent," Billy advised.

"I'm not sure...." Kat began uncertainly. Listening to Tommy's ravings had been bad enough. She didn't want to learn what hidden angers Kim had kept bottled up inside.

"I wish I'd never heard of you!" Kim snapped at Rocky as she pushed herself away from him. "You and your damned training center...."

"Coach Schmidt," Adam whispered to Rocky.

"... why'd you have to tell me all those things about how good I was? I was happy until you came along and confused me with all that talk about winning medals. It's because of you I gave up everything that ever meant anything to me!"

Kim tried to run, but the others surrounded her, preventing her escape. Like a trapped animal, she began to fight. Confusion and fear shone in her eyes, and her anger and bitterness grew with each successive outburst. Tears trickled down her cheeks as she turned on Adam.

"Todd, why...?" she pleaded, shaking Adam. "Why'd you have to be so much like him? So warm and caring and nice... you made me feel so good when things went bad... if you hadn't been like him I wouldn't have fallen for you... but you weren't him! He wouldn't have hurt me... why didn't you tell me...?"

She tore herself away from Adam and stumbled into Kat. Kat pushed Kim away, afraid to find out who she would be cast as.

"We should stop this, Billy," Tanya murmured. "I know she needs to get this out of her system, but we shouldn't be seeing this. She wouldn't want us to know...."

"Don't push me away, Tommy," Kim pleaded. "I didn't mean to hurt you! But why didn't you call? Why did you let me think you didn't love me any more?"

Finally, Kim pushed her way past her friends and staggered over to the brook, collapsing as she reached the water's edge. There she knelt, sobbing. The others looked at each other for a moment, hoping that the emotional storm had passed. Billy stepped forward cautiously. Kim raised her head and seemed to be staring at the water. When she spoke, her voice all but dripped with venomous anger.

"YOU!" she rumbled dangerously. "This is all your fault! You had to go chase a stupid dream... you should have stronger... not let the loneliness get to you... if you'd had more faith in your friends.... You gave up the one thing that meant more to you than anything in the world! You wouldn't have hurt Tommy... hurt me... and I wouldn't have to be stuck in this damned jungle loving him and watching him and her together...." Suddenly, Kim drew back her arm and threw a punch. The momentum carried her over the bank and into the water.

For a moment, the others were too stunned to move. However, it soon became obvious that she wasn't moving. Billy and Rocky hurried forward and pulled her head above the water.

"Is she still breathing?" Kat queried.

"She is. I think she's out cold," Rocky answered as he helped Billy get her to dry land.

"Hey, you guys, what are you...?" Tommy demanded as he emerged from the bushes. As his eyes flickered over his teammates, he noticed Kim's limp body. "What's wrong?"

"Be careful around these plants," Billy cautioned. "Unlike the one which sprayed me earlier, these have an adverse affect on humans. Kim is merely unconscious at the moment; it remains to be seen if she has sustained any further damage."


For a moment, Billy glimpsed the concern in Tommy's eyes, but it was quickly replaced by confusion, then annoyance.

"Since we can't travel while Kim's out of it, we'll find a clearing away from these flowers to make camp," Tommy directed curtly. "Rocky, let's go."

Glowering at Tommy's cold tone, Rocky cast Billy a quick glance. Billy nodded minutely, and Rocky got up to follow Tommy across the stream. The others looked after Tommy's retreating figure in astonishment.

"Doesn't he even care?" Adam whispered.

Billy said nothing. The look he had seen in Tommy's eyes went a long way to explaining their leader's mood.

"Adam, why don't you give me a hand with Kim," Billy suggested. The two of them lifted her carefully.

"I don't get it," Kat murmured as she and Tanya gathered up Kim's bow and the supply sack. "I thought she might have been angry with me, but it didn't sound like I was the last person she was lashing out at."

"You weren't," Tanya answered.

"Then who did she see in the water?"



Tommy and Rocky had selected a small peninsula that jutted into the river as their campsite. The fourth side of the small flat was cut off from the rest of the jungle by a wall of thick trees--Tommy couldn't even get his arms around one of the trunks. The sturdy boughs proved a godsend before the end of that first day as river denizens pulled up onto their beach for the evening.

Kim had remained unconscious for the better part of the day. When she finally came to, she had a splitting headache but no memory of her words. Tommy was all for them breaking camp and moving on, but Kim's equilibrium was still off, so the seven were forced to remain where they were. Tommy was the only one who offered any complaint over the delay.

By the second afternoon, Kim was feeling much better. At least she was able to get in and out of the tree without assistance. She clambered down, the roll of skins slung across her back. She surveyed the campsite. Everyone felt the weight of the heat and humidity. There would be no exploring for Adam, Tanya and Rocky. Adam was watching Billy and Tanya as they played checkers--their board etched into the dirt with pebbles and mussel shells for playing pieces. Rocky dozed nearby. Kat and Tommy were rather off by themselves. Kim quickly lowered her gaze when Tommy looked up suddenly.

She settled down by the base of the tree and unrolled the tarp. It was coming along nicely. It was nowhere near big enough to shelter them all, but it would be soon. Kim frowned as she rummaged through the materials. She was nearly out of skins and was running low on cocoon thread. Since she had been incapacitated, no one had gone hunting. They had made do with fruit and fish. Now that she thought of it, she had been the primary hunter for the group, accompanied by whomever happened to volunteer to go with her. Well, she was the one with the archery skills (Kat had admitted to having no skill with the bow when unmorphed). Still, it would have been nice if someone else would have at least tried.

"How's it coming, Kim?" Adam queried as he drifted over to examine the patchwork of hides. He had done his share of stitching on the canvas and was rather proud of his handiwork.

"Not too badly, but we're running low on the raw materials," she said with a tired sigh.

"How are you feeling?"

"A lot better. I thought about going out after dinner."

"Are you sure you're up to it?"

"Hey, I can get in and out of the tree now," she essayed with a teasing smirk. As if to prove her fitness, Kim quickly scrambled up into the safety of the branches to fetch her bow and small quiver of arrows. She dropped down lightly next to Adam. "See?"

Adam just shook his head.

"Anyone feel like coming with me?" she asked. She looked to her companions; there were no volunteers. "I could use the help, guys. If I find any extra skins to use for the blanket...."

"You aren't going to kill an animal just for its skin, are you?" Tommy asked sharply, his tone filled with disgust.

Kat gasped in disbelief. No one else said a word. For a moment, Kim looked utterly stricken, almost as if she would cry. However, her eyes narrowed, and her nostrils flared. Adam saw fire flash in her eyes and could almost feel the heat of her anger.

"Of course not!" she snapped, absolutely livid. She fixed Tommy with a withering glare. "What kind of heartless bitch do you take me for?" Tommy seemed to flinch at her scathing words; however, she didn't notice. "I'm not even all that fond of hunting. Everyone wants to eat, but no one else is willing to do it. I don't need to kill animals for their hides; we're not the only carnivores in this jungle. The others just don't particularly care what happens to their kill once they've eaten their fill."

"Gross!" Rocky groaned.

"Think you can do better, wiseguy?" Kim lashed out, whirling to glare at him. "Fine. You get dinner tonight!" She threw her bow at him and dropped the quiver. "If anyone wants me, I'm on private time." With that, Kim marched off into the trees, leaving the others staring after her in astonishment.

"Nice going, Tommy," Adam muttered as he started after Kim.

"Where are you going?" Rocky wondered, holding the bow as if he didn't have a clue what to do with it.

"Kim's too upset to be paying attention to our markers. We haven't explored very far because of that quicksand pit we found," Adam reminded him.

"I don't think she'll get that far."

"Look how far aimless wandering took her when Tommy was ripped open." With that parting shot, Adam continued his pursuit of Kimberly.

"P.m.s.--it's gotta be," Rocky muttered under his breath. "Hey!" he protested as Tanya smacked him.

"Why is it when a woman is upset, guys blame it on biology?"

"It wasn't my idea! Kim told me herself that when she gets hers she has hellacious mood swings. If that wasn't a mood swing, I don't know what is!"

Tanya opened her mouth as if to dispute his claim but sighed instead. She walked over and collected the quiver. "Come on, Rocky; you and I will go find dinner. You're liable to hurt yourself with that thing otherwise."

"Cheap shot," Rocky grumbled, but he accept her offer. Both offered Tommy stony looks as they headed off into the trees.

"Speaking of cheap shots," Billy muttered. He could not recall ever feeling so angry with Tommy. "That was uncalled for, Tommy. Kim has been doing the majority of the hunting since she made the bow. You know she's never killed more than we could use."

"I...." Tommy's ire flared briefly as he tried to defend himself, but the anger quickly fled. He hung his head shamefacedly. "You're right. Man, I don't know what made me say that to her... I just... I'm sorry."

"I'm not the one you need to apologize to," Billy said coldly.

"Tommy, what's wrong?" Kat queried, gazing at him imploringly. "You've been like this ever since the flood."

"I don't know. I...." Explanation failed him, and he dropped his head into his hands.

"Tell you what--why don't you go for a swim or something to relax, and I'll take the comb to your hair," Kat suggested. "Maybe you'll feel like talking once you've settled down."

Tommy doubted it, but he allowed Kat to draw him away. He glanced back to see Billy regarding him sternly. As far as the former Blue Ranger was concerned, the matter was not closed. Tommy sighed. He wished they hadn't been forced to stop. If only they could have kept on walking... he wouldn't have had to deal with her....


Kim wasn't in tears, and she wasn't really angry--she was more annoyed at herself for losing her temper. Although, she had to admit that cutting loose like that had felt good; she hadn't realized how much she had been holding in. She didn't understand Tommy's moodiness anymore than the rest of the team. Sometimes it felt like he was going out of his way to hurt her--his words at the camp certainly had. How could he even think she'd do something like that! Maybe it was a delayed reaction to their break up. Perhaps he was lashing out now because he had been unable to do so earlier. If that was the case, she wasn't going to fight him; after all, she deserved it--didn't she? She just wished she wouldn't have let him see how much it hurt.

Throwing the bow at Rocky had been real swift, too. She doubted Rocky knew how to use it. So much for dinner--and for skins. She sighed. What a waste.

As she wandered on, Kim became aware of stone columns draped in thick vines--more ruins. The foliage in this part of the jungle was unusually dense. She could smell dampness and decay all around her, and it was strangely quiet. Not unnaturally so, just.... Kim shivered. Then, something dropped out of a tree, startling her. It was a monkey-like creature with two squirrel-like tails. The animal regarded her with unblinking eyes then lit into her with a vicious harangue of chattering. It scampered up the path then turned as if to see if she was following. Having nothing better to do, she gave in to her curiosity.

The two played follow the leader through the clinging brush. Suddenly, the monkey stopped at the perimeter of a clearing. It chittered something at Kimberly then scrambled up into one of the trees. Kim paused on the ground, watching as the creature worked its way across the clearing via the branches. At one point, it nearly fell, and it desperately fought--twisting and struggling--to regain its purchase. It definitely did not want to touch the ground.

Kim considered abandoning the chase. It had been a while since she had seen any of Adam and Rocky's chalk marks. Still, she wasn't ready to go back to the camp and face everyone after her childish outburst (not that Tommy's remark had been any less childish). Since there was nothing better to do, she found her way up the nearest tree and continued her pursuit. It was tricky, and she would be very tired, sore, and scratched up when she finally returned to her friends.

She had worked her way across the clearing with its thick black soil, and suddenly she realized that her guide as gone. Kim stopped moving, cursing her luck. Where had the little thing gotten to? She had been extremely foolish in following the monkey; she was no doubt beyond shouting distance of camp, and no one knew where she was. She thought about dropping down to the jungle floor when she heard a rustling in the leaves before her. Had the monkey come back to see where she had gotten to...? Then came other sounds: chittering, snarling, and hissing. Something fell from the branches. Glancing down, she saw that it was the monkey; it was dead. However, there was something about the corpse that disturbed her. Kim dropped to the ground and approached it carefully. The monkey's posture--it was as if it had been frozen in mid-stride. Red welts crisscrossed its body, and it stank of... something... foul.

At least it looks like it died quickly, Kim mused. The leaves above her quaked, and she looked up anxiously, backing away. Then, all was quiet again. Kim held her breath as something clambered down the tree trunk. The quadruped was covered with needle-sharp quills. Its fore-claws, easily four inches in length, dug into the tree trunk effortlessly. Its body was covered in red welts similar to those that striped the monkey, and it appeared disoriented, bobbing and weaving drunkenly. The creature found a patch of that odd black loam and rolled in it. Kim noticed that the substance seemed to harden almost immediately. While it had been unsteady before being coated in the mud, afterward it moved with a sort of cat-like grace. What did the mudpack do? Did it have healing properties? The animal had the same odor about it that the monkey had--could its wounds have been poisoned and the mud counteracted the toxin? Kim found herself feeling very anxious about the creature that had inflicted those wounds on the two animals.

Suddenly, something dropped out of the tree--black, heavy, sinuous. It crashed down on Kimberly like a dead weight. She struggled to raise herself up and found herself staring into the face of a massive serpent. Kim screamed.


Where could Kim have gone? She didn't have that much of a head start on me, Adam wondered as he followed the trail of footprints left in the moist earth. It surprised him how quickly she could move, but then, she was pretty angry when she stormed out of camp. I'd be wanting to put as much distance as possible between me and Tommy if he had treated me like that. Actually, he would have punched Tommy's lights out. Judging from what he had seen flash across her face, if Kim had been close enough, she probably would have decked him. It'd have served him right!

Adam had to put thoughts of Tommy's behavior out of his head and concentrate on finding Kimberly. If she was as distracted as he was, there was no telling what she might run into. Adam checked the next marker he came upon; this was as far as he and Rocky had come, and there was still no sign of Kim. At least it appeared that she had stayed on the main trail and hadn't wandered off into any of those quicksand pits they had come across. Fortunately, they were fairly easy to identify: brown goo the consistency of oatmeal. He shuddered at the memory of the animal that had vanished beneath the seemingly harmless mud; he wished he could have helped the poor creature.

Abruptly, Kim's tracks vanished, and Adam pulled up short. It didn't appear as if she had ventured into the clearing. There was not a footprint to be seen in the soil, nor did her prints veer left or right. Adam considered the trees. Kim could have climbed one, and the branches in this section were so close together that it would have been possible to cross the clearing by maneuvering through the interwoven limbs. Why would she have done that?

Cautiously, Adam entered the clearing; the ground near the trees was very spongy. He knelt down to test the dirt. When he pulled his fingers back, they were covered with an oily sheen. Too bad we don't have oil lamps, he mused with a grin.

The grin faded as Kim's blood curdling scream reached his ears.

"Kimberly!" he shouted. It sounded as if the cry came from directly across the clearing. "Hang on; I'm coming." Adam dashed forward without a second thought; however, he hadn't ventured far when he realized that the ground wasn't solid.

Kim's shriek of terror trailed off when she realized that the snake was dead. She laughed nervously, feeling very foolish for overreacting. Then, she heard a familiar voice.

"Adam?" Kim murmured in astonishment; she hadn't thought anyone else was away from the camp. She tried to get out from under the flexible behemoth. "Don't worry, Adam; I'm all right!" she shouted back. No sense in letting him panic.

She turned her attention back to the body pinning her to the ground. The snake was enormous--a good two feet in diameter and probably about 20 feet long, if not more. Its body was covered with razor sharp scales. As she finally wriggled her way out from under the dead weight, she noticed her arms were covered with scratches and did not doubt that her back was well cut up too. She sucked in a sharp breath as the cuts began to burn. She detected a faint trace of the nasty odor that had permeated the dead monkey and had clung to the porcupine-thing. Then, she caught a glimpse of a pair of wicked fangs--poison, it had to be! Kim scooped up a handful of mud and slathered it on her cuts. The burning sensations ceased. Shivering, she gazed at the creature's vacuous face; she noticed a diamond shaped patch of red between its eyes. Sticking out of it was a large quill. Apparently, that red mark was the only unarmored spot on the snake's body. Adam was not going to believe his eyes... good thing it wasn't Rocky out there; as she recalled, he hated snakes.


This time when she heard Adam's cry, there was fear in his voice. Kim scrambled to her feet and raced back the way she had come.

"I'm coming, Adam!" she called out. She pulled up short as she reached the clearing the monkey had feared. Adam was in the midst of the mud-like substance and was sinking rapidly.

"Oh, God!" Kim gasped. She leaped for the nearest branch and pulled herself into the tree; she was going to need a rope or something. Fortunately, vines were plentiful in this section of the jungle. She tugged with all her might and yanked down a lengthy natural rope. As quickly as she could, she crossed the limbs until she was directly above Adam. Making a loop, she dropped it down to Adam. "Put this around you--under your arms."

"Right," he acknowledged and quickly obeyed her directive.

She dropped down, hoping her weight would bring him up, but Adam was stuck fast and losing ground with every second. Kim climbed back up the rope. She just wasn't heavy enough. She crossed the branches, trailing the vine out, using the limbs as a series of pulleys. She dropped down close to the tree trunks to get solid ground under her. She strained as hard as she could without any success. She just didn't have the strength.

"Get the others," Adam urged her.

Kim weighed the options. Camp was pretty far away, and while her efforts weren't getting Adam free, they were keeping him from sinking any faster. She couldn't abandon the rope. Taking a deep breath, she cut loose with a frantic cry. "TOMMY! TOMMY, HELP!"


Tommy reclined against the river bank, still partially submerged in the water. Kat was sitting behind him trying to detangle his hair; however, the brushing wasn't relaxing him as it usually did. His thoughts and feelings were in too much of a turmoil. Why had he accused Kim like that? Why was he sniping at her and being so hard on her? She hadn't done anything he could find fault with--challenged any of his decisions since he resumed command nor shirked any of her duties. She followed orders as well as--or better than--some of the others. It was just something... and it had him on edge. For a while there, they had started to be friends again, but then he had gotten hurt... and she had taken care of him... he should have been grateful. Instead, he was doing his best to push her away.

But why? Billy had all but said that she still cared about him. That should have made him happy, but he found it a very unsettling thought. He knew he still cared about her--more than he was comfortable admitting. Was that it? Was he scared of Kimberly... of getting his hopes up and possibly being hurt a second time? That letter had been like a knife through his heart, and he knew he didn't want to feel that kind of pain again. It was better to keep Kim at a distance than to let her get close....

Better to hurt her before she hurts me.

Was that what he was doing to Kim? The thought made Tommy feel sick inside. He closed his eyes, trying to shut out the memory of her stricken expression before she went ballistic. The pain in her eyes... it reminded him of the pain he saw in his own reflection seven months ago....

Tommy's musings were interrupted as the comb hit a snarl and Kat tugged too hard. He winced.

"Kat, why don't you give it up," Tommy sighed impatiently. "It isn't working."

"I'm sorry, Tommy; I...."

Tommy sat up suddenly, catching a faint sound on the breeze. "Hush!" He stood, fully alert, straining his ears. It came again; the timbre and pitch were all too familiar. The cry went straight to his heart, striking a chord deep within him, filling him with dread as it once used to.

"Trouble," he snapped, letting instinct take over as he burst out of the water. Long, swift strides carried him to the edge of the camp.

"Tommy, wait!" Kat called after him, scrambling to her feet in confusion.

"Billy! Kim needs help!"

Tommy disappeared into the trees. Billy dropped down out of the tree and met Kat as she gave chase.

"What is it?" Billy queried.

"I don't know. I didn't hear a thing...."

As the two followed Tommy's trail, they heard the faint but unmistakable yell with its note of utter panic. They poured on the speed.

Tommy hurdled over a line of bushes and burst onto the scene of the emergency. Tanya and Rocky had already arrived; they and Kim were locked in a desperate tug-of-war with Adam who was up to his armpits in goo.

"We can't budge him," Rocky grunted, his tone tinged with determination and fear.

Tommy needed no further explanation; he just grabbed a hold of the vine and added his weight to the contest. Adam moved a little, but then he was pulled down deeper than before.

"Something has my foot!" Adam hollered out; it was all he could do to keep his head above the muck. If it wasn't for Kimberly's vine, he'd have gone under a long time ago. Whatever had him was determined to keep him. He didn't know how much longer he was going to be able to hold onto the rope; he was feeling so tired... kind of woozy....

Billy and Kat arrived on the scene and joined in the rescue effort. Even with all six of them working together they were unable to pull their friend loose.

In the commotion, Kim lost her grip on the rope and slipped into the mire. Frantically, she tried to grab hold of something--a plant, a root... anything--to keep her from winding up in Adam's predicament. Her flailing hand caught hold of a sapling, but instead of pulling herself out, she uprooted the young tree. She nearly panicked; however, she noticed that her own sinking had stopped. There was terra firma under her feet. Apparently there was a ledge close to the rim of the quicksand pit.

"Man, I wish we had one of the spears or something," Tommy panted. "If we could get it out to Adam, maybe he could poke around and loosen whatever has hold of his feet."

"Would this work?" Kim queried, offering him the sapling. It was at least as tall as she was.

"Good going, Kim. Rocky, can you get this out to him?"

"Maybe from above...."

"Go for it."

Rocky scrambled up into the branches. Without his weight, Adam slipped deeper under. Kim slogged back over to the others to help out, and the five managed to pull Adam up a little further.

"Adam, here!" Rocky called out, reaching out to him with the stick. Adam tried reaching for it, but it was too short.

"No good," he groaned.

"Pull the vine as taut as you can!" Rocky called out to the others. "I gotta climb down."

"Whenever you're ready!" Tommy called back.

"Hang on, buddy," Rocky murmured, trying not to let his fear for his best friend get the better of him. He thought they had marked the quicksand pits, but this one was way beyond the territory they had scouted, and the consistency was different. Kim had told him a little of what happened; no doubt when she screamed Adam had been so worried about her that he hadn't paid attention to where he was walking. However, this was not the time to worry about how it happened.

"I'm trying, but I don't know how much longer...."

"Don't give up on me, Adam; damn it, don't you dare!"

Adam was jerked under again but came up quickly, spitting out a mouthful of muck.

"... feels like... being torn in two...." Adam groaned.

Rocky didn't like his tone. It sounded as if he was getting weaker. He lowered himself down the vine quickly. "Try it now."

"... can't let go...."

Rocky understood. Adam was pulling himself up the vine as much as the others were pulling him. If he let go, there was a strong chance he'd go under.

"Let's see if I can't persuade whatever it is to turn you loose." Rocky wrapped his legs around the vine and dropped back. He reached as far as he could with the sapling and started poking and prodding under the mire. "I'm hitting something...."

"We can't possibly pull them both out," Billy muttered as the five struggled to keep the line taut.

"I just hope that vine doesn't break," Tanya added, worriedly glancing at the coil as it strained against the tree limbs.

"I think maybe...."

Kim's sentence was lost to a gasp of pain; it suddenly felt as if her back had been split wide open. The burn of the poisoned wound caused her to lose her grip on the vine, and once again she tumbled into the quagmire. This time, she did not panic and backpedaled to the shallow ledge. She tried to grab onto the tail end of the vine, but she could scarcely raise her arms. She cast a frantic glance towards Adam; how much ground had they lost because she had fallen? Adam went under yet again, and the others almost couldn't pull him back. When he finally resurfaced, he didn't look too good.

Her gaze settled on the churning muck around the Green Ranger. It seemed to simmer around him as Rocky furiously stabbed at whatever was holding Adam down. Suddenly, the bubbling ceased, and the quagmire settled, as motionless as black glass. Then, Kim detected a faint ripple radiating outward from Adam.

"Rocky, clear the vine quick! It's let go!" she shouted. Rocky quickly ditched the sapling and threw himself towards another low hanging bit of vegetation. It was a near thing, but he managed to keep from falling back into the mire himself. The others tugged for all they were worth, and Adam came free. His body hung limply against the vine wrapped about his chest. Rocky hurried over to where he could help haul Adam up.

"I don't think he's breathing!" Rocky yelped.

"Get him down here quick!" Tommy ordered.

"I know mouth to mouth," Kat interjected.

Adam was quickly transferred to their waiting hands and gently laid out. Kat set to work, forcing air into Adam's lungs.

"Peel that stuff off his chest," Kim directed. "It contracts as it hardens." She was busy trying to scrape the ooze off her own chest while everyone else anxiously hovered around Kat and Adam.

"Come on, buddy; you just gotta pull through," Rocky urged, no longer trying to master his fear. Tanya put a consoling hand on his shoulder.

"What happened?" Tommy asked Kim.

"He wasn't that far in when I got here," she explained, her tone almost defensive. "I got the rope around him as quickly as I could; I just didn't have enough weight to budge him."

"Don't feel badly, Kim," Billy said gently, "All seven of us were pulling and still couldn't free Adam. Whatever had him, had him good."

"I wonder what it was," Tommy mused. To Kim, he asked, "What were you doing this far out? I'm surprised I heard you all the way back at camp."

"I got caught up in following this monkey," she confessed, squirming inwardly; Tommy's tone made her feel like she'd been caught doing something wrong. "I'm sorry; I didn't realize how far I had come, and I didn't know Adam had come after me.

"The monkey didn't want to cross the clearing, so I followed it across the branches; I guess Adam couldn't figure out where I had gone. When I screamed...."

"Why did you scream?" Billy queried.

"I got down out of the tree--to check on the monkey--when this black snake fell out of the branches and landed on me. I guess that's what drew Adam's attention, and he ran right into the clearing and...."

Kim's scattered narrative was interrupted as Adam began coughing.

"All right, Kat," Rocky cheered.

Kat sat back, tired but triumphant. Kim moved in to examine Adam for other injuries.

"Why isn't he waking up?" Rocky demanded anxiously.

"As long as he's breathing normally, it won't hurt him to be unconscious," Billy answered, staying back with Tommy so as not to crowd Kim and Adam.

"How are we going to get him back to camp?" Tanya wondered.

"Find some branches; we can pull him along like Billy, Rocky and I did Tommy," Kim recommended. "Adam said that whatever it was had him by the leg. Let's see if I need to immobilize it."

"Man, I'm glad Kat knew how to give mouth to mouth," Tommy sighed, shaking his head. "I can't believe we almost lost Adam because Kim was afraid of a little black snake."

Billy just gaped at Tommy in disbelief. Although his words had been spoken softly, Billy noted that they had not gone unheard by the others.

"This isn't Kim's fault, Tommy," Billy responded tightly. "It was an accident."

"If she hadn't gotten so caught up in watching a stupid animal...."

"Watching stupid animals has helped us out on more than a few occasions."

Tommy squirmed uncomfortably under the intensity of Billy's gaze, and his hand slid across the scar on his stomach.

"Go find some branches to convert into a litter. I'll see if Kim needs some help," Billy directed. He didn't even wait to see if Tommy would follow his orders. As Billy knelt beside Kim, he noticed that her face was set like stone and that her body was rigid.

"Kim, don't listen to him," Billy urged her. "He's just being a... a...." Words failed him, so he opted for Rocky's. "... a butthead."

Kim managed a sad little grin at that.

"Pay him no mind."

"I can't afford to; Adam needs me now."

Billy sighed as Kim mastered her hurt once again. A time would come when she would be unable to put her feelings aside for the team. Then what? "What's the verdict on his legs?"

"The left one looks okay," she reported as she wiped the muck away. She turned her attention to the right leg and stifled as gasp as she cleared away the goo. From his ankle to mid-shin--all the way around--were lacerations... the pattern all too familiar.

"What is it?" Billy queried. Then, to his surprise, Kim bent over and seemed to be sniffing the wound. She sat up quickly, wrinkling her nose, and quickly glopped a handful of the black loam on the injured area.

"Some of these cuts are deep," she muttered. "This mud hardens pretty quickly; it'll help keep pressure on his wound. I can't tell if it's broken or not. We'll just have to be very careful in moving him." She didn't want to say anything about what she suspected, but there was a strong chance that the wounds were poisoned. They had the same odor about them as the dead monkey--not to mention her own cuts. The porcupine had been cut up, but it had lived; she needed to know how the monkey died. Was it from the cuts or had there been some other wound?

While Kim was working on a splint, Tommy, Kat and Tanya returned with branches to make a travois. Once Adam was prepped, the guys carefully transferred him to the boughs. Rocky, Billy and Tommy towed the makeshift litter while Tanya and Kat preceded them, clearing the path so as to spare Adam as much jostling as possible. Kim brought up the rear, trying to keep his leg stable.

At the camp, Rocky helped Kim make Adam comfortable, wrapping him in the beginnings of their tarp. Tanya and Kat worked at getting the water boiled so they could clean the wound.

"Let me get my supply sack and see if we have one of those purple leaves left," Kim said. Tommy had never used all of the final leaf they had harvested, and she had tried to keep it just on the off chance that they might need it again. However, when she tried to climb, she felt a ripping sensation across her back--she had re-opened her wound. With a yelp of pain, she dropped to her knees.

"Kim, what happened to your back?" Billy queried, hurrying over. He gasped as he cleared the hardened mud away. "It's not deep, but you're split open from shoulder blade to shoulder blade." As he probed it, he became aware of a pungent odor emanating from it.

"I ran into a little black snake," she responded wryly and proceeded to tell him about her encounter with the monkey, the porcupine, and the snake. Billy frowned at the conclusion of her tale.

"So, by the odor, you judge that Adam's wounds--as well as your own--may be poisoned," he concluded.

"I need to find out what exactly killed the monkey--to see if there are any puncture wounds. I'm guessing that there's something under the scales that secretes enough poison to weaken the snake's victim then it finishes it off with the fangs."

"You mean you're hoping that's the case," Billy corrected.

"I also need to get more of that black loam; it stops the burning of the wound," Kim continued, dismissing Billy's comment. She couldn't allow herself to consider any other option. "Finding some more of those purple leaves would also be a good idea. If the sap could drain Tommy's infection...."

"... it would most likely drain the poison from your and Adam's wounds," Billy finished for her. "I'll take Tommy and go check out the corpses and get the loam. Kat and Tanya can check the immediate vicinity for the plant. Rocky can stay here to help take care of you and Adam."

For a moment, Kim thought of protesting. She could handle Adam herself, and Rocky could help with searching for the plant. That was the most important thing. However, Billy nodded back to where Adam was stretched out, and she understood. Rocky knelt by Adam's side looking very frightened. Kim knew the feeling. Rocky would do anything to help Adam, but sending him out on a potentially fruitless search would do him no good right now. He'd be better off staying by Adam's side.

"Okay," she agreed.

"Hang in there, Kim; we'll find something to help both of you," Billy assured her.

Kim flashed him a brave smile then looked away. She didn't want Billy to see how scared she was.


"How's he doing?" Rocky murmured as he returned from a trip to the bushes. Camp was eerily quiet with the others out on their errands. He resumed his seat on Adam's left while Kim worked on the right cleaning Adam's cuts. Watching Adam go under those couple of times had really unnerved him, and then discovering that he wasn't breathing... he had become a lifeguard because he had watched a friend drown--it had been a long time ago, and he had always felt he could have done something more to help. Seeing Adam today was like reliving that moment. Rocky wasn't going to be able rest easy until Adam came out of it.

"The same as when you left," Kim answered tiredly.

Something about Kim's tone caught Rocky's attention. He had been so worried about Adam that he had almost forgotten that Billy said that Kim had hurt her back. He noticed that her face had a greyish tinge to it; her brow glistened with sweat, and yet her arms were covered in goose pimples. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just coming down from the adrenaline rush," she said dismissively. Even so, she felt the nausea rising in her throat, and she swallowed it back.

"Come on, buddy," Rocky implored softly, turning back to Adam. "You gotta pull through! I promise, you can use me as a bed warmer whenever you want--even when we get back home--just as long as you don't...."

"He's going to be all right, Rocky," Kim assured him with a kind smile. She knew the two were close, but normally, Rocky wasn't so demonstrative in his feelings. "The cuts aren't deep, and his ankle hasn't started swelling, so I don't think it's broken. We'll know more about that when Adam wakes up. As long as my theory holds up about the poison...."

"Poison? What poison?" Rocky gasped panickedly.

Kim swore silently. She hadn't wanted to mention the venom until she knew for sure about it. She peeled some of the hardened loam away from Adam's shin.

"See the pattern of the cuts?"

"Uh huh."

"They match the marks I saw on some animals who tangled with a snake with razor sharp scales."

"Snake?" Rocky gulped nervously.

"A big one," Kim replied, feeling for him. "I think that's what had hold of Adam under the quicksand. I think the scales are somehow coated with the venom--not a lot, but enough to weaken its victim."

"Is that why Adam could barely hold on at the end?"


"Will the poison kill him?"

"I don't know, but I think not. Billy's checking on that for me. I think the snake would have to bite him to deliver a lethal dose, and I haven't found any puncture wounds. It may just make him sick for a while."

"Kim, you don't look too good...." Rocky remarked suddenly as he noticed that her face had gone sheet white.

The words were scarcely out of his mouth when Kim felt her stomach heave. Scrambling as best she could, Kim managed to make it over to the bushes before she got sick.

"Here," Rocky said, offering her the waterbag. He rested his hand lightly on her shoulder and noticed her injury. Hurt her back... that was an understatement! As he looked more closely, he realized that the cuts on her back fell in the same pattern as the marks on Adam's leg. "Geez, Kim, you've been poisoned, too!"

"I know," she answered weakly. "That's why I think Adam will pull through; I'm not dead yet."

Tommy had not minded when Billy deployed their forces to search for the necessary medical supplies. He didn't know much about first aid, so he was willing to defer to his companion's knowledge. Although he had gone with Billy readily enough, he had done so with a bit of trepidation. He knew he was going to be lectured sooner or later. He might as well get it over with. Tommy kept waiting for the tongue lashing as they started out on the trail, but it never came.

"Kim said she was following a monkey," Billy reiterated thoughtfully. "It stayed on the ground until it came to the clearing, then it took to the trees. Hm, good thing she was paying attention to it, otherwise she'd have wound up in the mire."

"Yeah, she has gotten good at watching the little critters," Tommy said lamely.

"It has proven to be a very useful skill," Billy agreed, "and one we shouldn't take lightly."

Tommy knew where that comment came from. "I know. I... I shouldn't have spouted off about her following the monkey earlier."

"Tommy, I don't know what's going on between you and Kim right now; I suppose it's none of my business, but I can't stand by and watch you tear her apart. She doesn't deserve it--anymore than you deserved the hurt she caused you," Billy said, forestalling a comment from Tommy. "However, she didn't intentionally go out of her way to hurt you the way you're going after her. Is that what this is all about--getting back at her for what she did to you?"

"I don't know," Tommy whispered, hanging his head.

"If it is, you've done a damned good job of it; I've never seen Kim so miserable in all the time I've known her," Billy snapped, letting his anger get the better of him. It was only a momentary lapse. He sighed. "You're not a spiteful person; I don't think I've ever known you to hold a grudge. I just don't understand. If there's a problem, talk to her about it."

Silence overtook the pair as they reached the clearing, which looked so deceptively calm. As Kim and the monkey had earlier, the two took to the trees.

"Be careful up here; while Kim was trailing the monkey, something attacked and killed it.

From her observations, Kim believes that the same sort of creature was playing tug-of-war with Adam," Billy advised.

The two worked their way across carefully. At the far side, when they dropped down, Billy stood for a moment regarding the tree, lost in thought.

"Billy?" Tommy prompted.

"Just paying silent homage to the power of adrenaline and the strength of selfless determination," he answered cryptically. Then, he moved off in search of the bodies Kim had told him of, leaving Tommy to hurry after him. They didn't have to go far.

"Unbelievable," Billy gasped upon seeing the obsidian coils heaped on the ground.

"Oh, man, is it dead?" Tommy gulped.

"Yes." Billy located the head and stared into the face, which was frozen in an evil grin. He cast about in search of the other corpse. "And there's the monkey. The mud Kim needs should be near the roots of this tree." He glanced over his shoulder and noted Tommy was still inspecting the snake. "Be careful of those scales. They are extremely sharp and poisonous."

Tommy drew back quickly. "I've never seen a snake so huge. I'd sure hate to meet a live one."

"I also," Billy concurred.

Tommy stepped over to where Billy was examining the monkey and stumbled over a depression in the soft ground. "It looks like something had been pinned under it."

"Something of the five fingered variety I believe," Billy said nonchalantly.

Even as Billy spoke, Tommy spotted a hand print. He stooped down to measure it against his own hand. There was something disturbingly familiar about the shape of the print. "Billy...." he began, a knot forming in his middle.

"I imagine this is Kim's 'little black snake,'" Billy remarked coolly. "It probably flattened her when it fell on her. That would explain the depth of the prints...." He snuck a peek at Tommy who was looking decidedly pale, "... and the lacerations across her back. No wonder she screamed."

"Her back... you said the scales were poisoned. That means Kim... and Adam...."

Billy decided to take pity on Tommy. In his exclamation, Billy heard further confirmation of his theory about Tommy's recent behavior. "The monkey definitely died from a fast acting toxin. Kim and Adam have the same pattern of lacerations, but they don't have these." Billy showed Tommy a pair of puncture wounds. "Kim wasn't sure if it was the cuts or the bite which killed the little fella."

Tommy relaxed visibly. "What's the mud for?"

"Apparently, it helps reduce the effects of the poison." Billy filled the pouch he had brought. "That should be enough for both of them."

They started back towards the quicksand, each lost in his own thoughts. Just as they were about to take to the trees again, Tommy asked, "How bad is Kim's back?"

"Bad. The cut isn't deep, but it stretches from shoulder blade to shoulder blade. When we were back at camp, she couldn't even raise her arms to be able to climb into the tree."

"Then how was she able to climb these trees and get to Adam?"

"Simple. He needed her to."


Rocky glanced at Adam for the umpteenth time, trying to see if he could see any signs that the poison was working through his system. Thanks to watching Kimberly all evening, he knew what to look for. According to Billy, her body was trying to rid itself of the toxin. Thus far, Adam was still resting quietly. Kim, however, was not. She was still shivering and sweating, and she looked like she had been bled white.

You have to pull through, Kim, Rocky mused. She had to because if she didn't that meant Adam.... He didn't even want to think about it. He was scared for his friend, and he didn't care if the others knew it. He knew on some level that the others wouldn't think anything of it, but he was still glad to see that everyone seemed to understand and sympathize--even Tommy.

Which reminded him... it was time to wake Tommy for his watch.

"Will you guys be okay for a few minutes?" Rocky queried of the invalids. They knew it was risky sleeping on the ground, but there was no way either one could be safely brought into the tree. They pulled the fire as close to the semi-circle of the roots as they dared in the hopes that whatever was pulling up on the beach at night would not venture too close to the fire and that the tree would protect their backs.

Rocky climbed up and surveyed the huddle of bodies with an amused grin. Both Tanya and Kat were all over Billy. He hoped that Billy was the one who woke first; it'd be a shame for him to miss knowing he had slept with two beautiful women in his arms. As funny as the scene was, Rocky was rather surprised that Tommy wasn't in with the others. He noticed that their leader had found a nook off by himself; he didn't appear to be sleeping easily.

Serves him right, Rocky thought uncharitably. How could Tommy be so mean to Kimberly; she wasn't to blame for what happened to Adam. However, Rocky had noticed that Tommy seemed subdued when he and Billy returned from retrieving the special mud, and he had pretty much isolated himself from the rest of the team for the evening.

"Yo, Tommy," Rocky called softly, tugging on his foot. Tommy snapped awake in an instant, looking battle ready. "Take it easy. It's your shift."

"Oh. Okay. Sorry. I was just having this really weird dream," Tommy mumbled, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. As Rocky started climbing back down, Tommy glanced over at the still-sleeping trio. He found it odd that the only thing he felt at seeing Kat cradled in Billy's arms was amusement.

"I hope Billy is the first of them to wake up," Tommy remarked as he dropped to the ground, echoing Rocky's earlier thoughts. The two traded grins--Rocky's more one of surprise than mischief. "Any visitors yet?"

"No, but I'm pretty sure something's out there," Rocky reported as he settled down next to Adam.

"Staying down here?" Tommy queried.

"Don't want to cramp Billy's style," Rocky snickered in spite of himself. Then, he became serious again. "I want to stick close just in case."

"I understand," Tommy assured him. Rocky raised a skeptical eyebrow. "How are they doing?"

Do you really care? Rocky felt like asking, but he curbed his tongue. Tommy sounded genuinely concerned. "So far, Adam hasn't shown any of Kim's symptoms. As for Kim, she's pretty much stayed asleep, but she's starting to get sweaty and restless."

"Thanks, Rocko," Tommy sighed. The Blue Ranger finally settled down, leaving Tommy alone with his troubled thoughts. For a long time he simply sat there watching Kim as she fitfully slept.

"I'm sorry, Kim," Tommy murmured, brushing the hair from her damp brow. "I didn't mean to say all those hurtful things... at least, I don't think I did. I just can't seem to stop myself. I guess I just don't know how to handle this anymore."

Kim moaned softly, and Tommy withdrew his hand. For a moment, it looked as if she might settle back down, but her moaning grew louder, and she curled up on herself. By the sounds she was making, Tommy had a pretty good idea of what was coming. He picked her up and carried her over to the bushes--just in time.

He held her up while she heaved; even if she had been fully awake, she wouldn't have had the strength to support herself. How could she have anything left? She hadn't eaten a thing all evening. He truly hoped they'd find one of those purple plants tomorrow so she wouldn't have to suffer through anymore of this. When she finally finished retching, Tommy realized that Kim was crying.

"Easy does it; let's get you some water," Tommy recommended as he carried her back to the relative safety of the fire.

"... don' wanna be sick no more...." she moaned.

Tommy poured some water into his cupped hand and raised it to her lips. "We'll find one of those leaves and use it to draw the poison out," he promised. However, after having her drink, Kim had fallen asleep again. She huddled close to Tommy's side, shivering. "You just get some rest." Without really thinking, Tommy kissed the top of her head and lightly draped his arm across her shoulders as he settled back to keep watch.

The tender moment had not gone unnoticed. A pair of tear-filled blue eyes had seen it all--from the apology to the kiss. Kat didn't know how to handle this anymore either. She brushed the tears from her cheeks as she slipped back to where Billy and Tanya were intertwined. She didn't feel much like joining them, but she didn't want to be alone either.

As Kat lay down, Billy's arm automatically closed around her, pulling her close. It was almost as if he was trying to console her. As she cried herself to sleep, Kat realized what she had to do. She needed to know what was going on between Tommy and Kimberly. Tommy, however, wasn't talking, so it was time for her and Kimberly to have a little chat.

Chapter Eleven: Fall from Grace

"Kim, can we talk?" Kat ventured hesitantly.

Kat had made the decision to talk to Kimberly three days ago; however, there hadn't been time during the hectic thirty-six hours for anything except survival. They had been forced to abandon camp twice already, the last time pushing them farther from the river and deeper into the ruins. The going had been slower than they would have liked, especially the first day with Adam still out and Kim still shaking off the effects of the poison. They had managed to find one of the plants with the purple leaves and orange blossoms, but it had been fairly well stripped; only one immature leaf had been left behind. However, thanks to some judicious preparations by Billy, they managed to stretch the precious fluid to give some to both patients--although Kimberly had insisted on giving Adam the larger portion, to spare him the unpleasantness of having the poison working itself out of his system. Adam had regained consciousness on the second day (much to Rocky's relief), and both he and Kim were mobile and on the mend.

Although much of the tension of the past few days had been relieved with the pair's recuperation, there was still an uneasy current running through the team, and it pulled most strongly between Tommy and Kim. Tommy was no longer sniping at Kim so much; he was completely avoiding her. As for Kim, she had withdrawn into herself. Even Rocky's antics couldn't draw her out.

The two women were presently searching for another of the healing plants to mend Adam's cuts--some of which were deeper than Kim had initially expected--and Kimberly's back, which was still in dubious condition. Kim had offered to join the search; she had been chafing at being confined to camp for so long, and before anyone could protest, Kat had volunteered to go with her. Reluctantly, the others gave in, and Billy recommended that they take the bow and arrows with them as a precautionary measure.

Kat observed Kimberly as they walked along. She looked tired, and Kat doubted her back was in any shape for her to be doing any shooting. Several times Kat noticed that Kim seemed to use the bow as a walking stick.

"What about?" Kim asked, flinching inwardly.

"Tommy," Kat said. "I've never seen him like this--so moody. I was wondering if he'd ever been like this before."

"Well... he did sort of withdraw for a while after losing his Green Ranger powers."

Kat sighed frustratedly; Kim was not making this any easier. "It's so unlike him to lash out; I've never known him to be the one to strike first. I can't understand why he would target you."

"Isn't it obvious?" Kim muttered bitterly.

"Because of your break up? That's ridiculous. That was seven months ago...."

"Is it? I wasn't around for him to lash out at then. Maybe he's kept all his feelings inside for so long that he can't hold them back any longer. He's getting back at me now for what I did to him then."

"How can you just let him do that to you? He's been really horrible to you the last couple of days," Kat murmured, her annoyance at both Tommy and Kim coming through. "I couldn't just stand there and take his crap the way you have."

"Tommy just needs to get it out of his system," Kim sighed. "Besides, I probably deserve it for what I did to him anyway."

"No one deserves to be treated like that; it isn't right," Kat said hotly. She was astonished; how could Kim believe such a thing!

"It'll pass, Kat. I'm big enough to take my lumps until then."

Kim retreated again, and Kat sighed. She was hoping she wouldn't have to be the one to pursue it... with a deep breath, she plunged on ahead. "Kim, what happened? Why did you really break up with Tommy? I know how much you loved him; I... I used to be so envious of what the two of you had together. You couldn't have just fallen out of love...."

"Look, I'd rather not talk about it, okay?" Kim snapped, her sudden flare up catching Kat off guard. Kim's tone was harsh, but the anger seemed to be directed more at herself than at anyone else. "What happened... happened, and I can't undo it. All right?"

"I know you still love him...." Kat pursued.

"... and you're worried I'm going to try and take him back."

Kat wanted to deny it, but Kim's sudden thrust hit directly on target, and she found she couldn't. It was a legitimate worry, and yet Kat found herself feeling ashamed of her insecurity. Not once during the weeks they had been tramping through the jungle had Kimberly done anything to try and entice Tommy away from her. She cast a sideways glance at Kim; the former Pink Ranger didn't appear to be angry at the accusation. She seemed almost resigned.

"I guess I can't blame you for feeling like that," Kim replied with a quiet sigh. "I don't want to come between the two of you. I know when I broke up with Tommy I hurt him; I didn't appreciate how much until... well, I know now how he must have felt.

"I don't want to hurt Tommy again; I just want him to be happy. If he's happy with you, I... I wouldn't do anything to get in the way. You're right; I still care--a lot, and if I did something like that, I know I'd lose any chance I have of staying friends with him--I'd at least like to be able to call him friend."

Kim's admission was the last thing Kat had expected, and she didn't know what to say.

"Just one thing, Kat. Don't ever hurt Tommy the way I did."


"She's where?" Tommy exploded when he got back to camp and found Kim and Kat gone.

Adam flinched under the heat of Tommy's sudden anger. Tommy had claimed some private time first thing, so he hadn't been there when Billy initiated the search.

"Kim was tired of hanging around doing nothing, so she went with Kat to look for one of those purple plants," Adam reiterated, unable to understand why Tommy was so upset that Kim had joined the search. Maybe it was just an excuse to pick on her some more.

"She's in no shape to be out there; she's still weak from that venom, and her back could split open again at any time--Billy told her...."

"She also has the most experience in finding those plants," Adam reminded him. "It's not like she's by herself. Kat's with her, and they have the bow in case they run into trouble."

"Knowing Kim, she'll get distracted by some animal, and the two of them will wind up in trouble," Tommy huffed.

"Would you get off Kim's case!" Adam snapped, unable to take it any longer. "Why can't you just leave her alone? She hasn't done anything to deserve the crap you've been giving her. You're making her--and the rest of us--miserable."

Adam's admonition seemed to rattle Tommy. For a moment, there was a crack in the armor he had built around his emotions, but the rigid barrier was swiftly rebuilt.

"I'd better go after them. Which way did they go?" Tommy queried.

Adam's dark eyes grew cold, and he said nothing as he pointed off to the left.


"Kim, look over there!" Kat announced excitedly.

After their brief discussion, the two had hardly spoken. Kat should have been elated that Kim was willing to step aside and let her and Tommy have their relationship--it was what she had always wanted: Tommy, free and clear without the fear that Kim would take him away. However, the only thing she felt was a deep sadness. She thought of Kim's hallucinations when the plants had sprayed her and of Tommy's outburst when he was raving with his fever; the two were still obviously in love. How could they not see it themselves? How much longer could they go on hurting? And how much longer could she pretend that everything was all right between her and Tommy?

Their wanderings had taken them to another section of ruins. A tiny stream meandered through the crumbling wall, pouring over one section like a tiny waterfall. At the top of the wall grew several of the precious healing plants. Kat rushed forward eagerly.

"Kat, wait!" Kim called out, trying to catch Kat's arm but missing. Her hair was practically standing on end; something wasn't right here. It was too quiet--the same as it had been when she had found her monkey-guide dead but a few days earlier. Kim held her bow ready and knocked an arrow into place.

"We'll be able to fix Adam's ankle, your back...." Kat gushed on heedlessly. She reached the low, crumbling wall and started to climb.

"Kat, don't... something's wrong here...." Kim warned. She took her eyes off her companion as she cast around the small clearing. Then, she spotted the nest of large grey eggs, and she heard a rustling in the trees.

"Get out of there now!" Kim shouted, turning back to Kat, but the snake was faster. By the time Kim had whirled around the obsidian reptile had dropped from the trees and wrapped Kat in its coils.

"Kim...!" Kat whimpered, her voice scarcely above a whisper. Her face was pale, and her eyes widened with fear as the creature hissed in her ear. She could feel the scales biting into her skin--the burn of the poison--and could feel the coils tightening around her. All the while, the serpent bobbed and weaved hypnotically about her. Kat tried to close her eyes but found herself paralyzed with fear.

"Don't move, Kat. Don't even breathe," Kim murmured almost as terrified as her companion was. She brought her bow up; one clear shot right between the eyes.... "Hey, you big ugly bastard, over here! Come on; I'm talking to you!" The snake swiveled its head in her direction. Never having seen a live one before, Kim was rather taken aback by the rich azure eyes. For a moment, she was mesmerized by the ripple of colors in the unblinking orbs; however she shook off the spell and cursed silently. Where was the red mark? This is probably the mamma snake trying to protect her nest. Female birds are less colorful than the males, so no doubt the same holds true here. No red mark, but I bet between the eyes is still the most vulnerable spot... please let it be the most vulnerable spot!

The snake had turned its attention back to its prey. Why hasn't it bitten her yet? Kim wondered. Could it be waiting for the scale toxin to take effect? That would buy Kim a little time. She had to get the snake to look back at her.

"Hey, you big ugly mother, look at what I'm doing!" Kim called out. She stooped down and grabbed the nearest stone--a bit of the old ruins--and tossed it at the nest. The serpent hissed angrily in her direction. Kim threw another, hoping to draw the reptile after her. Her second shot narrowly missed an egg. The head darted towards her, but the coils did not release Kat. So much for that idea. Kim raised her bow and fired; the arrow stuck in the side of the nest. That got the snake's attention. All she had to do was keep the snake occupied until she could get an open shot. The first arrow had been well spent. The sinuous behemoth never took its eyes off Kim as she notched a second arrow.

"That's it, you blue-eyed bitch; keep staring at me. Go ahead, give me that cocky smile; we'll see who's smiling when I bury this arrow between those baby blues of yours!" Kim snarled, lining up her next shot.


Tommy shook his head as he continued following Kim and Kat's footprints. How could the girls have gotten so far with Kim still weakened from the poison? His thoughts drifted back to his encounter with Adam; he shouldn't have blown up at him like that. It wasn't Adam's fault Kim was gone.

He wanted to talk to her about what was going on between them--maybe even tell her how he felt. Ever since Billy had told him about the unknowing part he had played in their break up... that Kim still cared.... If she cared, how could she have thought that he would go looking for someone else? Just because his father had said he was out with Kat didn't mean anything--he never went out with Kat alone before the break up; they were always with the others. He never wanted anyone else; he would have waited for Kim as long as it would have taken for her to come back to him.

Tommy sighed. He wanted answers. He needed to know exactly how things stood with Kim and Todd. He needed to know whether there was any hope or if it was all just wishful thinking. It had taken him all morning to convince himself to approach her, and then she wasn't even there...!

His frustration--and concern--grew the longer he had to search for the pair. He couldn't imagine why the two of them would have teamed up. While they hadn't been hostile to each other, they hadn't exactly been buddies, either. There was bound to be some resentment between them. After all, in Kim's eyes, Kat had taken her place on the team then had taken her place as his girlfriend....

"Man, I just hope they're both all right," he sighed, pushing his hair back out of his eyes.

"That's it, you blue-eyed bitch...."

Tommy's blood ran cold at the sound of Kim's voice. He had never heard her so angry before! Her tone positively dripped with venom.

"... when I bury this arrow between those baby blues...!

Oh God, she's flipped. She's going to kill Kat!

Tommy broke into a run, his only thought that of stopping Kim. He knew she couldn't be in her right mind... a delayed reaction to the poison... it had to be! He prayed he could reach the pair before Kim did something she'd regret.

Then, he spied her up ahead, taking aim.


That's it... keep those buggy eyes on me just a little longer.... Kim urged silently; she had the snake's undivided attention. She wouldn't get a better shot. She heard a crashing in the bushes but couldn't let herself get distracted. Kat's life depended on her making the most perfect shot she had ever made. The snake, however, reacted, shifting position. Damn! Kim swore as she adjusted her aim.

Then came Tommy's cry. Kim fired just as Tommy launched himself at her, tackling her.

"What the hell are you doing?" Tommy demanded, pinning her. Kim kicked and struggled to break free of his grip.

"What the hell am I doing...?" she raged. She swung at him with a right back hand; he drew back, avoiding the blow, but it enable Kim to scramble free. "Damn it, Tommy, you had better pray you didn't fuck up my shot...!"

"Why were you trying to kill Kat?" Tommy demanded.

"I wasn't trying to kill Kat; I was trying to kill the stupid snake!"

Shoving Tommy back, Kim rushed across the clearing to Kat. Tommy looked after her and spotted Kat enveloped in the glittering coils.

"Oh, God, what have I done?" he gasped, trying to get to his feet.

Kim's heart was in her throat as she approached; there was no pretense at caution. Either Kat was alive or not. Kim found her with her eyes tightly shut and tears streaming down her cheeks. Looking at the snake, Kim offered silent thanks to whatever forces were looking after them: her arrow had hit dead on target.

"K-Kim?" Kat ventured tremulously, her voice a bare rasp.

"It's all right, Kat; I killed her," Kim said soothingly. As Kat broke down, sobbing in fear and relief, Kim attempted to loosen the snake's coils. Even in death it had not surrendered its prey.

"Is she...?" Tommy queried timidly as he drew near. Kim cast him her most withering glare.

"She's okay--no thanks to you."

"Kim, I'm sorry...."

"Save it," Kim snapped cutting him off. "Just give me a hand with these coils." The silence between the pair was as scorching as a heat shimmer as they worked together to free their ensnared friend. As soon as her body was free of the upper most coils, Kat crumpled forward like a rag doll. Kim caught her and held her while she cried; Tommy finished loosening the coils.

"It's okay now, Kat; it's over. It's all over," Kim crooned, holding Kat and rocking her gently. She did her best to examine the cuts that striped Kat's body. There were fewer than she had expected but more than she and Adam had put together. Only a couple of them were deep. Still, she must have received quite a dose of poison.

"T-Tommy?" Kat stammered as her tears began to subside.

"He's right here," Kim assured her stricken friend. She looked back at Tommy, trying to keep her expression neutral for Kat's sake. His agonized gaze did nothing to quell her anger. Even so, Kim transferred Kat's trembling body to Tommy's waiting arms without comment. Almost as soon as Kat felt his arms close around her, she burst into fresh tears.

"It's all right, Kat," Tommy murmured, stroking her hair. While Kat sobbed, Tommy looked around for Kim. For a moment, he was unable to find her, then he spotted her along the decaying wall, harvesting a leaf. Glancing down at Kat's wounds, he sighed with relief.

"Here," Kim said, her tone without malice as she handed him the frond. "Get them both back to camp. Have Billy cut the sap the way he did for me and Adam. Use whatever you need for Kat; I'll bring back a second leaf for Adam and myself."

"A-aren't you coming back."

"In a bit. I don't have many arrows left; I want to see if I can salvage these two."

"Kim, I...."

"Get this sap on those cuts before the poison starts to work; we have no way of knowing how much is in her system, but I image it's more than what I was infected with."

"All right," Tommy reluctantly agreed in the face of Kim's logic and stern tone. He scooped Kat into his arms and stood up. Kim placed the leaf in Kat's lap.

"Kim...?" Kat began weakly.


"Thank you."

"Be careful," Tommy murmured, unable to meet Kim's eyes. "There might be more of those things out here."

"Get going," was all Kim would say.


"Wait 'til you guys see what Tanya and I found!" Rocky announced as he and the Yellow Ranger returned to the campsite.

"A purple plant?" Billy queried sharply; his own search had proven fruitless, and adding to his frustration was Adam's tale of Tommy's volatile departure.

"I'm afraid not," Tanya answered, casting Adam a heartfelt smile. "Sorry."

"I'm doing all right--just slightly queasy," he responded dismissively.

"Have Kat and Kim reported in?" Tanya wondered.

"Not yet."

"Don't you two want to know what we found?" Rocky interjected excitedly.

"All right, what did you find?" Billy asked obligingly.

"An enormous spider web!"

He's not kidding, either," Tanya confirmed. "This thing is huge. It looked as if someone had thrown a net over the entire clearing."

"What about the spider?" Adam gulped.

"We didn't see it, but the web was torn in places and looked like it hadn't been used in a while," Rocky said.

"We were thinking that we could cut off a couple of strands to use for rope--it was thick enough," Tanya proposed.

"If it's proportionally as strong as Kim's cocoons, that would be ideal," Billy agreed.

"As soon as the others get back, why don't we...."

Rocky's suggestion was lost in the loud crashing coming from the underbrush.

"Billy!" came Tommy's breathless cry. He burst through the vegetation with Kat cradled in his arms.

"What happened?" Billy asked. Adam jumped up from the section of ruins he was sitting on, and he and Billy gently lifted Kat from Tommy, setting her down on the wall.

"She was... attacked by one of those snakes...." Tommy reported between gulps of air. "Kim killed it... sent a leaf...."

Billy took the frond without further ado and went to prepare the salve.

"Hang in there, Kat," Adam murmured, detecting the trembling in her limbs. It seemed to him that she was in shock; she was just staring straight ahead, and the profusion of lacerations filled him with great concern. "Don't worry; the salve will draw out the poison. It doesn't hurt."

"Where's Kim?" Tanya asked.

"... back in the clearing... getting her arrows back...."

"You left her alone knowing there are mambo snakes in the area?" Rocky gasped.

"She told me to see to Kat...." Tommy mumbled in his defense.

Billy set the bowl with the medicine on the ground near Kat's feet. Adam quickly scooped up a handful of the thick fluid and slathered it over the cuts on Kat's right leg. Billy ministered to her left; Tanya joined in, tending to the more sensitive areas.

Kat had said nothing since Tommy had arrived with her; however, the application of the cool substance seemed to snap her out of her trance. Tears welled in the corners of her eyes; however, fear and pain were quickly shoved aside. Her brilliant blue orbs went cold and hard with anger.

"What the hell were you thinking!" she rasped, venting the full force of her fury on Tommy. He flinched, and the others looked up at her in amazement. They had never heard Kat sound so furious before. "You nearly got me killed!"

"Kat, I...." Tommy sputtered helplessly, her words adding to his considerable guilt. "I thought...."

"You thought--what?"

"I heard Kim shouting about a blue-eyed bitch, and...."

"...you thought she was trying to kill Kat," Billy realized, his tone going as cold as Kat's eyes. "You idiot!"

Billy's barb was as shocking as Kat's outburst.

"Kim wouldn't do a thing like that!" Rocky gasped.

"She was trying to kill the snake; if she hadn't shot before you tackled her...."

"Did you accuse Kim to her face?" Tanya asked in disbelief.

"I didn't know!" Tommy protested, his friends' accusations provoking his temper. "All I saw was Kim taking aim and shouting and... what else was I to think?"

"Adam, finish up with Kat," Billy directed, wiping his hands on the grass. "Kim probably needs a friend right now." His frigid departing glare knifed through Tommy.

"Why would Kim want to kill Kat?" Adam wondered.

"She doesn't hate me for taking you away; she hates herself for letting you go!" Kat continued hotly, her tears starting to slip down her cheeks anew.

"I said I was sorry...."

"Sorry doesn't cut it." Kat's voice continued to rise in near hysteria. "Damn it, Tommy, how long are you going to keep punishing her? Hasn't Kim endured enough on this stupid jungle adventure? How can you keep on hurting her like this when you still love her?"

"I don't...."

"Quit lying to yourself! Quit lying to me! We all know how you feel about her...."

Tommy had had enough.

"How do you know how I feel? I don't even know what I'm feeling anymore...."

"Yes you do... you're just too much of a coward to face the truth!" Kat seethed, glaring at him defiantly. She pushed Tanya and Adam away as she rose to her feet. She swayed, experiencing a moment of lightheadedness, but it quickly passed.

"Kat, don't; you should rest," Adam advised.

"I'll be okay. I want to check on Kim; like Billy said, she could use a friend right now." Without a backward glance, Kat marched off into the jungle.

For a moment, Tommy's face was filled with stone-cold fury. However, as he watched Kat disappear into the trees, the stone cracked. Tommy took the seat that Kat had just vacated and buried his face in his hands.

Rocky, Adam and Tanya traded puzzled looks. None of them knew what to say; they were all shocked and angry by Tommy's recent behavior. He had deserved Kat's harsh but truthful words. However, his obvious remorse was unsettling.

"Tommy," Tanya began gently. Although he had brought Kat's hurtful words down on himself, she hated seeing him in such pain. "Don't take Kat's words to heart; she was still frightened by what had happened... surely things couldn't be as bad as she said...."

"No, Tanya, Kat was right," Tommy admitted hoarsely. When he looked up, his eyes were moist as he tried to master his run away emotions. "She was right... about everything!" With that strangled cry, Tommy fled into the jungle himself.


When Billy arrived at the scene of the attack, he found Kimberly standing over one of the massive armored serpents. With one foot braced against the head, she tried with all her might to remove the arrow buried between its eyes.

"Kimberly?" Billy called out quietly, not wanting to startle her.

"I can't get this fucking arrow loose!" she seethed.

"Then leave it," he said reasonably, "we can make more." He came forward and noticed that Kim's hands were covered with scratches from handling the carcass, as was her foot. Billy blew out an exasperated breath. "Look at yourself. Did you enjoy the detoxification process so much that you want to try it again?" Grabbing her by the wrist, Billy led her over to the water; surprisingly, she put up no resistance. He thoroughly washed the cuts in the cool clear water. "Sit, so I can clean the cuts on your foot." Again, Kim obeyed without protest. "Where's the purple plant?"

"Up there," Kim said numbly, gesturing to the vegetation on either side of the small waterfall.

"Stay put."

Billy quickly scaled the remains of the ancient structure and plucked two leaves. Returning to Kim, he set one aside and squeezed a small dollop from the other into his palm. Since he had nothing to prepare the mixture in, he was going to have to estimate the size of the dosage. Kim's body was rigid as he applied the salve to first her hands and foot and then her back. He could tell by her trembling that she would not be able to hold her emotions back for long.

"How's Kat?" Kim queried, staring ahead stonily.

"She's going to be all right, I think. We got the salve on her lacerations fairly quickly."

"Did she and Tommy tell you what happened?"

"Not in great detail."

"Kat spotted the plants up there and just ran ahead," Kim rambled on. "I felt like something was wrong, but I couldn't stop her in time... the snake just dropped out of nowhere. God, Billy, I was so scared... I knew I had to kill that thing before it bit her. I was only going to get one shot at it... then Tommy came charging out of the bushes...."

It was in Kim's rising tone, and Billy braced himself for the inevitable eruption.


From her vantage point in the bushes, Kat flinched at Kim's angry explosion.

Her adrenaline rush had enabled her to reach the fringes of the clearing shortly after Billy had begun treating Kim's cuts. She hadn't meant to stay hidden, but her strength seem to leave her all at once. Kat had wanted to come forward, but she had never seen the former Pink Ranger so furious. In spite of Kimberly's assurances to the contrary, Kat still felt that Kim was probably angry with her; she thought it best to stay out of sight while Kim cut loose.

In her rage, Kim jumped up from her seat and, favoring her injured foot, paced about like a caged tiger.

"I know," Billy responded quietly. He was trying to think of something to say to calm her down, but nothing came to mind.

"How could he think I'd do such a thing?" Kim fumed.

"Perhaps he thought you wanted to be rid of Kat so that you could reclaim your position on the team and recapture his affection."

"That's ridiculous! If I did something like that, I'd lose him for sure! How could he possibly believe I'd stoop so low...?"

"He heard you shouting about a blue-eyed bitch and saw you taking aim; if he thought you resented Kat, it would not be beyond the realm of plausibility for him to jump to the conclusion that you were trying to be rid of a rival--just as you jumped to conclusions about him." Billy added the last statement deliberately.

"What do you mean?"

"Based only on the experience you had with your parent's divorce, you came to the conclusion that Tommy had discarded you in favor of someone else--as your father did to your mother. You had no facts upon which to base that assumption, and you never gave Tommy the opportunity to answer your accusations."

"I tried...." Kim shot back defensively.

"You didn't trust him enough, and he trusted you too much," Billy continued, his frustration with his friends getting the better of him. "He never bothered to call... he took your relationship for granted and assumed that everything was okay. You guys were always so happy together... the only time you ever fought was while under the influence of Rita or Zedd's spells. Your relationship had never been seriously tested, so when it finally was, you both panicked and destroyed one of the strongest bonds between two people I had ever seen!"

"Stop it, Billy... just stop it!" Kim shouted, matching Billy's strident tone. "Why are you yelling at me! Don't you think I know all this already? I know what I did wrong: I sacrificed my friends, my place on the team, and the guy I loved for a worthless gymnastics medal! I'd give anything to undo that!" She turned away as her eyes filled with tears.

"I'm sorry, Kim; I didn't mean to lash out at you like that," Billy apologized, coming forward to put an arm around her shoulder. "I'm just tired of hurting for the both of you. You and Tommy need to sit down and talk this out... he knows some of what happened already, but he really needs to hear it from you."

"What do you mean he already knows...?"

"I couldn't let Tommy go on blaming you for the break up when it was partially his fault, so I told him how you tried to get in touch with him and how you thought that he had found someone else."

"Thanks a lot, Billy," Kim retorted sourly. "Did you also tell him that Todd didn't work out?"

In her hiding place, Kat gasped. Kim and Todd had broken up? Then why had Kim practically given her Tommy?

"No, I didn't have all the facts." Billy sighed, shaking his head. "Kim, it's past time you got this out of your system; it's tearing you up, and you're no good to the rest of us like this. Will you tell me what happened with Todd?" At first he thought she was going to refuse, but then her shoulders slumped in resignation.

"Todd was kind of like everybody's big brother," Kim began haltingly. "He was the senior most member of the men's team--of both teams. I never thought of him as anything else until I started having problems getting a hold of you guys. Todd was so supportive... he was there when I really needed a friend. We'd talk for hours after practice and stuff; I don't know how I would have made it through those rough spots without him.

"Physically, he was built more like you than like Tommy, but he had those same kind of beautiful, expressive eyes. He was very warm and caring and affectionate... just like Tommy. Maybe that was why I was drawn to him.

"Like I told you before, we started spending a lot of time together, and I felt guilty going out with Todd behind Tommy's back. Todd told me that he and I couldn't continue the way we were until I had resolved things with Tommy. I thought Tommy was long gone, and I really didn't want to lose what I had with Todd, so I sent that letter. God, I wish I hadn't."

"I know, Kim. So, what happened? That should have cleared things up for you and Todd."

"It should have, but Todd was never quite the same towards me after that. He always seemed nervous whenever we hugged, and he rarely ever kissed me. I began to see that there were more differences between him and Tommy than similarities.

"Everything went to hell the final day of competition," Kim muttered with a derisive snort. "I had just won the beam gold and went looking for Todd to celebrate, but I couldn't find him."

"Ah, that explains it," Billy said softly, recalling his observations as the camera had caught Kimberly's frown.

"When I did, I found him in another woman's arms--kissing her. I was devastated; I didn't know what to do. Then, she spotted me and smiled. Todd turned sheet white. The woman came over and introduced herself as Lisa and said that Todd had told her so much about me. My confusion seemed to puzzle her. When she looked at Todd and saw his expression, she got angry and said, 'You mean you didn't tell her?'

"Lisa filled me in. She was Todd's fiancée; both were athletes and spent a lot of time apart. They had an understanding that they could see other people as long as the other relationships didn't get physical."

"And he never told you?" Billy gaped.

"After I broke up with Tommy, he didn't have the heart to tell me because...."

"... because you had thrown away your relationship for one that had no future," Billy finished for her.

Kim nodded, wiping at her eyes. "I barely had time to digest that when I was whisked away for the medal ceremony. That should have been my proudest moment--standing there, listening to the national anthem being played for me, but all I could think about was the mess I had made of my life. I felt so empty--hurt, betrayed--and then it hit me: that was exactly how Tommy must have felt when he got my letter. I wasn't in love with Todd like I was with Tommy, and yet I felt completely devastated; how much worse had it been for Tommy when I betrayed him? I wanted to die, Billy, because I knew how Tommy must have felt, and I was the one who made him feel that way!"

"That explains why you haven't stood up to Tommy; you felt like you deserved his scorn for what you did to him," Billy realized.

"Isn't that why he's being so mean to me?" Kim asked tearfully.

"No." Billy gathered Kim into a protective hug. "He wasn't trying to hurt you; he was trying to keep you from hurting him again by not letting you get close."

"I don't want to hurt him anymore, Billy. I love him!"

"And I think he still loves you. That's why the two of you have to talk."

In the concealing underbrush, Kat wiped the tears from her face; her heart went out to Kimberly. A mistake--the whole thing had been a huge mistake. If Tommy could hear what Kim had told Billy, he'd take Kim back in a second. Yet, Kat prayed with all her might that he would never hear of it; what would become of their relationship? She loved him, too--from the first time she saw him (that's what made complying with Rita's spell so easy at the start); when Kim had abandoned Tommy, she had been so patient and worked so hard to be there for him. Didn't she deserve a chance to be happy with him?

Inexplicably, Kat felt ashamed for being so selfish. Kim was her friend--her first in Angel Grove; after all the horrible things she had done to her, Kim still forgave her and gave her a chance to make amends. Didn't Kim deserve a chance to undo her mistakes? Kat knew that she should tell Tommy what she had overheard. If she really loved him, she would want him to be happy, but could she stand losing him?

Kat forced herself to her feet. She hoped she had enough energy to get back to camp on her own; she didn't want Billy and Kimberly to know she had been there.


Rocky, Tanya and Adam wandered down the path away from the campsite. After the departure of their teammates, none of the three felt like sitting around and waiting for the others to return. By unspoken agreement, they decided to return to the webbed clearing and collect their length of rope. They walked in silence, not knowing what to say about what had happened. Anger had given way to concern; what did it all mean for the team?

As they plodded along, Tanya noticed that Adam appeared to be a little winded. They had treated Adam with the salve left over from Kat's wounds, but it didn't seem to be working very quickly. "Are you okay?" she queried.

"I'm still a little weak, I guess."

"We could slow down," Rocky offered.

"I can keep up," Adam replied. He hated being babied.

"Don't worry; it's not much further," Tanya assured him.

Another lull fell over the trio; finally, Rocky couldn't take it any longer.

"Man, I hope our leaders get their heads together soon," he spat grouchily. "We need to get out of these ruins."

Tanya regarded him with mild surprise; Adam offered him an understanding smile.

"We'll be moving along soon," Adam said.

"Not at the rate those three are getting things worked out," Rocky groused and stomped on ahead.

"What's the matter with Rocky?" Tanya asked softly. "He seems so--edgy."

"Rocky isn't particularly fond of snakes," Adam answered.


"This time, I don't blame him. If I never see another one of those armored things again, it'll be too soon." Both he and Tanya shivered at that. While the two had been talking they hadn't noticed that Rocky had suddenly stopped. Tanya walked right into him.

"Rocky, what's up?" Tanya queried.

Rocky gestured for her and Adam to be quiet. "Stay real still," he instructed them. "Do you feel that?"

"Is the ground shaking?" Adam wondered, feeling the tremor.

"I feel it, too," Tanya added.

"An earthquake?" Adam asked as the vibrations became more pronounced.

"If it is, it's localized. The trees on either side of this path aren't showing any signs of movement," Tanya observed.

"I think we'd better get out of here," Rocky suggested. The three started to hurry back the way they had come.

"Oh my... what is that!" Tanya gasped. Coming down the path toward them was a swell of dirt. They struggled to keep their footing and failed as it rushed at them and surged past, sweeping them along with it.

"It's like there's something moving under the ground," Adam realized. Trying to keep from being separated, he reached out to catch Tanya and Rocky's hands. Tanya caught his flailing hand, but Rocky was carried further away.


"Hang on!"

"Hang on to what?" came Rocky's frantic reply as he was tumbled headlong across the path by the wave of earth. Then, as abruptly as the wild ride had begun; it stopped. Rocky came to a rather ignominious halt. From where they had been tossed, Adam and Tanya burst into laughter upon seeing Rocky up-ended.

"Laugh it up, you two," Rocky snarled as he righted himself. "Let's see how you...." Rocky's words became a cry of surprise as he disappeared into the ground.

"Rocky!" Adam shouted as he and Tanya scrambled over to where their companion had been. They found a perfectly circular hole in the ground at the end of the trail of churned soil. The hole's diameter couldn't have been much more than two feet, and from what they could see of the walls, they had been worn smooth. They peered into the blackness expectantly but could see nothing.

"Rocky!" Adam called out more frantically.

"Hush a moment, I thought I heard something," Tanya advised. The two strained their sense of hearing and were rewarded with the sound of a faint groan. "Rocky, can you hear us?"

"Tanya?" came back the weak reply.

"Are you all right?"

"Head... all woozy...."

"We're going to need that rope," Tanya realized. "Stay here with Rocky, and I'll be right back." Digging in the supply pouch to make sure she had the cutting talon, Tanya hurried off.

"Don't worry, Rocky; we'll have you out in no time," Adam called down to him.

"My shoulder... hurts... oh man!"

Adam wanted to swear; it sounded as if Rocky had dislocated his right shoulder again. A rope was going to do them little good if Rocky couldn't hang on to it. They would need the others; more than likely one of them was going to have to go down after him. Adam considered calling for help, but he wasn't sure his voice would carry far enough.

"Rocky, I've got to go get the others to help...."

"Don't leave me alone!" Rocky called back in a panic.

"Okay, okay, but I've got to do something. Let me try something." Adam hurried up the trail towards camp. "Rocky, can you hear me?" he shouted.

"Yeah," was the faint reply.

"I'm still within earshot; I'm going to try calling for the others. I won't go for them until Tanya comes back, okay?"

" 'Kay."

For once in his life, Adam wished he was a more vocal person. Still, he had to try.



Stupid--stupid--stupid! Tommy raged at himself as he stalked through the underbrush. What had he been thinking... obviously, he hadn't been. In battle, he hated rushing into an attack without analyzing the situation first, and what did he go and do? Kat could have died because of him. If he hadn't jumped to conclusions... he laughed wryly. A short while ago he had wondered why Kim had assumed that, by his silence, he had found someone else, and here he had just assumed that she resented Kat enough to kill her.

Tommy started as a branch caught in his hair; he tugged it out angrily. He recalled the tiny flicker of hope that something might still be there between him and Kim; that flame was cold now. Perhaps he could forgive Kim for the hurt she caused by breaking up with him now that he understood why, but how could Kim forgive him for what happened this morning--for all the things he had done to her of late? How could he forgive himself? There was no reason for it except that he was afraid. Kat was right; he was a coward.

Man, Kim, I wish you had never come back! Seeing you only reminds me of how much I loved you... of how much I still love you... and how much it hurts knowing I'll never be able to have your love again! I wish this damned co-ed naked jungle adventure was over!

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and in that moment, some of his anger began to ebb. In its place he felt a sadness welling up in his heart chokingly. He hoped Billy was able to calm Kim down. But what then? How was he going to face her... and what was he going to say to Kat? He couldn't go on living a lie. He didn't love her... not the way he loved Kimberly. It was time to stop pretending otherwise.

Tommy thought of the faces of his friends when he had fled the clearing--their obvious anger and frigid glares. Well, he deserved their scorn; he had made such a mess of everything. He was supposed to be the leader--the rational, clear headed one. He had let them all down. Kim was proving to be a better leader than he was. How could she just seem to turn off her emotions? He thought he knew: she buried herself in the role of leader; yet, when he tried to take refuge in his role as the Red Ranger, it hadn't worked.


Adam's desperate cry shattered his somber reflections, and without even thinking of it, Tommy buried his pain away to answer the call for help

Kat was all but exhausted by the time she returned to the campsite, but she had barely cleared the vegetation when she heard Adam's shout. She turned to respond to the call and lurched right into Billy who was helping Kimberly along.

"What is it, Kat?" Billy queried, concerned by her pale face and red rimmed eyes.

"You're not in pain, are you?" Kim asked quickly, shaking off her own somberness at seeing Kat's haggard features.

"It's Adam... something's wrong," she said, and with Billy and Kim's help, she led them off in the direction of the cry.

Tanya returned, several lengths of rope-like webbing draped over her shoulders, to find Adam keeping vigil at the edge of the narrow pit.

"I didn't know how much to get since we don't know how deep the hole is," she explained breathlessly. "How is he?"

"His voice seems to be getting weaker," Adam said tensely.

Tommy suddenly burst onto the scene, followed quickly by Billy, Kat and Kim, and explanations were quickly made.

"Adam?" Rocky called up. Concern filled the six faces at the pain in his voice.

"Hang tight, Rocko; we're gonna have a rope down in a jiffy," Tommy shouted back as Billy and the girls started knotting the coils together.

"No... good...."

"He's hurt his shoulder; I don't think he's able to hold onto the rope," Adam related.

" ... don't feel so good... ow!"

"What is it, Rocky?" Adam queried.

"Something... cut my foot. There's something down here with me... sounds like...." There was an unnerving pause, and when Rocky spoke again, his voice was filled with complete panic. "No! Not that! Adam, get me out of here!"

"What is it?" Kat wondered, never having heard Rocky sound so frightened before.

"A snake," Adam murmured.

"I forgot; he's terrified of snakes," Tommy added.

"And from what I can tell from the size of the aperture and the minute scratches on the wall, he's down there with one of our armored friends," Billy surmised.

"If he can't hold the rope, how are we going to get him out of there?" Tanya questioned.

"One of us is going to have to go down there and tie the rope around Rocky," Tommy said. He looked to the others for confirmation; they gave it. His plan made sense.

"But who?" Adam wondered.

"Kimberly," Tommy replied.

"A logical selection, since she is the smallest of us and would have the best chance of maneuvering in the tight spaces," Billy concurred.


The five turned to find Kimberly standing as far from the hole as possible yet unable to look away from the dark gaping mouth. Her eyes were wide, and all the color had drained from her face.

"I can't...." she stammered, her lower lip quivering.

"Why?" Tommy demanded exasperatedly. They needed to get Rocky out of there quickly; they didn't have time for hesitation. "Billy's right; you're the best person for this job."

"Please, Tommy, I can't...."

Tommy stepped closer to her and put his hands on her shoulders. He was astonished to find her trembling violently.?"This doesn't have to do with what happened earlier--does it?" he asked softly.

"No!" she shot back, more vehemently than she intended. Tommy flinched--a reaction that did not go unnoticed by the others.

"Kim, why can't you?" Billy interjected.

"I...." Kim opened her mouth, but nothing would come out. She was just frozen with fear. They couldn't put her down that tiny hole... they just couldn't!

"Kim, you can do this; I know you can," Tommy insisted.

Kim looked pleadingly at Billy, but he only gazed back at her in befuddlement. She swept her gaze over Tanya and Kat; they, too, were anxious and puzzled. She looked lastly at Adam, begging him with her eyes to understand, to save her from this. He met her glance for a moment then looked away.

"Please, Kim," he requested softly, a feeling of queasiness that had nothing to do with his recent poisoning stirring his gut. He didn't know why she was so scared, and he hated to do this to her, but Rocky.... "Rocky needs your help."

"Kim, you have to!" Tommy continued, giving her a little shake. "Don't let Rocky down."

Kim recoiled slightly. He had used the one command that she couldn't refuse; in spite of her own fear, she couldn't let a teammate down. Kim's gaze dropped to the rim of the hole. Come on; Rocky's down there waiting for someone to help him--just as you waited and waited. You can't leave him down there alone.

"A-all right," she agreed woodenly, swallowing back the bile that had risen in her throat.

"That's my girl," Tommy said softly, breathing a sigh of relief.

Kim wrapped her arms about herself as she stood at the edge of the gaping maw; she was oblivious to the preparations going on around her. All she could think about was being five years old again and falling forever... alone, in the dark with no room to move... Billy was talking to her; she was dimly aware that his lips were moving, but she never heard his words. Someone else slipped the rope around her waist.

I can do this. I have to. Rocky needs me.

"Kim, did you hear what I said? We're ready to lower you."

Billy's hand on her shoulder snapped her out of her trance. At his words, Kim paled even further, and her hands quaked so fiercely she nearly dropped the torch she had been given.

"What's wrong?" Billy asked as he helped her regain her grip on the flame-topped stick.

"It doesn't matter," she murmured tightly. "I can't let Rocky down."

Closing her eyes and with a deep breath, Kim sat down on the rim of the hole.

"Don't worry, Kim," Adam said soothingly, "as soon as Rocky is clear, we'll get you right out," Adam assured her.

"We're all set," Billy added, glancing back to the others. Tanya and Kat nodded their readiness, and Tommy was set in the anchor position.

"Let's get this over with," Kim gulped then eased herself over the edge and into the confining darkness.

The rope played out slowly, and Kim clung to that thread for dear life. She wanted to close her eyes, but horror kept them open. She tried to concentrate on keeping the torch away from the rope; she didn't want to accidentally burn her lifeline and send herself plunging into the darkness.

I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.... The mantra brought Kim no comfort. Unbidden, the memories returned. She saw the yard so clearly; she, Jimmy, Kenny and Katie were playing ball in Jimmy's backyard. The ball came toward her, and she missed it. She ran after it, even though it had rolled into the vacant lot next door. Her mom had always told her never to go there, but it would be okay. She wasn't going to play there; she was just going to get the ball. There were these orange and white folding things all over the place; the ball had rolled under one. When she scrambled around to reach the ball, she suddenly found herself falling.

It seemed like she had fallen forever; Kim remembered screaming then landing hard at the bottom of a deep hole. She was scared; it was very small and very far down. She didn't know how she was going to get out. She called and called to her friends, but they never came. They had left her all alone, and after a while the hole seemed like it was getting smaller. She had never been so frightened.

After a very long time, a man heard her crying; he wanted to leave and get help, but Kim didn't want him to go. Finally, the firemen came and got her out. They lowered a rope to her, and she hung on as tightly as she could. At the top, Kim saw her mommy and daddy; they had been so happy to see her, but later that night when they thought she was asleep in her bed, they had a fight... they had lots of fights after that....

Don't think about it! You've got to keep it together for Rocky's sake! Still, it was so hard; her insides were so knotted up that she felt like vomiting. However, Rocky probably wouldn't appreciate her being sick all over him. She essayed a wan grin at the mental picture.

"How's it going?" Billy called down.

"So far, so good," she lied. At least her voice hadn't sounded too shaky. "Rocky, can you see me yet?"

"Yeah," he groaned. "Nice view."

Kim had forgotten about that and blushed hotly. Even so, she experienced a moment of great relief; Rocky couldn't be too bad if he was still able to crack jokes. Soon, Kim was looking into Rocky's pale, dirty face. His eyes were sort of glassy, as if he was in shock. Seeing his distress helped her quell her own--for the moment. There was very little room to maneuver. So close....

"Here, hold this while I get this around you," she directed, handing him the light. Rocky was trembling almost as much as she had been, for he nearly dropped the torch. As Kim helped him steady it, she caught a glimpse of obsidian scales glimmering in the flickering light.

"A snake...." Rocky murmured, starting to lose his grip between the pain, shock, and his phobia.

"Hang on for just a little bit longer," Kim urged him as she fumbled with the knot. Her hands just would not cooperate. "Talk to me, Rocko. Are you hurt?"

"My shoulder... popped it out again...." he moaned. "I was fine until I realized this snake was down here with me. I don't know if it's alive or dead, but when I thought of what one of these did to Adam and you and Kat...."

"Don't think about that. We have the salve now, remember? Although, I doubt it'll do much for your shoulder." Once again her fingers failed her. "Blast!"

"Kim, why are your hands shaking so much?" Rocky wondered.

"Sorry 'bout that."

"You look so white... you look as bad as I feel."

"Gee, thanks, and how bad is that?"

"So scared I want to puke."

Kim couldn't argue with that. At last she managed to get the knot made. "There, that should do it!"

"Is it the dark?" Rocky pursued; talking was helping him settle down. Not being alone anymore was helping. Still, he wished it didn't hurt so much so he could enjoy the fact that Kim pressed up against him so close. However, Kim certainly did not look like she was enjoying being down in the dark with him; she looked utterly terrified even though she was trying to hide it. "No, not the dark, otherwise you'd have wigged out in the cave...." A flare-up in his shoulder seemed to clear his mind as he realized the truth. "Claustrophobia!"

"I-it's not so bad... not really," she fibbed.


"As long as I have at least an arm's span of space around me...."

"You should have let someone else do this."

"No one else would have fit down here with you," she responded, managing a brave smile. "Would you have wanted to be this close to Tommy or Adam?"

"I thought I was the one who hid behind jokes," Rocky said quietly.

"Yeah, well... it works so well for you I thought I might try it. Come on; let's get you out of here." Kim took the torch from Rocky, and he wrapped the rope around his left arm. She gave the line a good tug and hollered, "He's secured; haul him up!"

"Hang tight, Kim," Rocky urged her as he started his ascent. "We'll have you out of here in a jiffy."



"Okay... easy does it... Adam, give me a hand here...." Billy directed. Rocky's pale face soon cleared the rim of the hole, and it was apparent that he was furious about something.

"Who was the idiot who had the brilliant idea to send Kim down after me?" he snapped as Billy and Adam helped him out of the hole.

"Tommy. Why?" Adam queried, stunned by Rocky's outburst.

"How cold can you be!" Rocky exclaimed, his anger exploding. He slapped away Kat and Tanya's well meaning assistance as he advanced on Tommy. "Man, if my arm was working I'd belt you one!"

"What'd I do?" Tommy gaped in complete astonishment.

"What the hell were you thinking!" Rocky continued to rage. "You should have known better than to put her down there--even if she was the only who fit."

"What are you talking about?" Tommy was getting tired of everyone getting on his case about Kimberly; his own feelings were hard enough to deal with.

"For God's sake, she's claustrophobic! How could you have...?"

"She's what?" Billy gasped, grabbing Rocky by his good shoulder and spinning him around.

Rocky frowned. The expression on Billy's face.... "I thought you guys knew...."

"Get that rope off him quick," Tommy ordered, grabbing up the rope once again. "We've got to get Kim...."

"Don't bother," a weak voice wafted up from the hole. It was shortly followed by Kim's head. The thought of spending any more time in the bottom of the pit had been too much for her. She had chimney-climbed up the shaft.

"Oh, man, Kim, why didn't you tell us?" Tommy began as he and Billy pulled her up to safety.

"I tried, but nobody would listen!" Kim shouted at him. Even as she lashed out, she retreated again. "It's no big deal; all that matters is that Rocky's safe." However, this time, the emotions wouldn't stay down. Kim broke away from Tommy and Billy, stumbled over to the bushes and was sick.

"Easy does it, Kim," Tommy said gently, coming over to help.

Slapping his hand away, Kim whimpered, "Go away. I did what you wanted... just leave me alone!"

Tommy recoiled as if the brush had been more than a half-hearted swat. "Kim, I'm sorry; I didn't mean...." Tears were streaming down Kim's cheeks as she pulled her knees up to her chest and started rocking back and forth. Her hollow expression as she stared blankly off into the trees unnerved him. Billy came forward and put a restraining hand on Tommy's shoulder.

"Let me," he said quietly.

When Tommy looked into Billy's face, he expected to find some kind of accusation therein; instead, he only found concern and pity.

"Come on, Kim; don't do this," Billy said softly as he tried to get her to uncoil. "Let's get back to camp, okay?"

Suddenly, Kim lunged at Billy, clutching at his shoulders with desperate strength. "Make 'em take it back, Billy! Please... I don't want it anymore!" she implored.

"Take what back?"

"My medal! Tell them to take it back! I want my Power Coin... I want Tommy... I want things to be the way they used to be!"

"I can't, Kim," Billy answered, his throat closing up. He couldn't make himself look into Kim's tear-filled eyes.

"Please! You gotta! I don't want to go to Florida anymore! I want to stay in Angel Grove... everything I love is in Angel Grove. Please... make it like it was... make it stop hurting... I don't want to hurt anymore."

Billy pulled Kim into his arms and held her as tightly as he could. "I wish I could, Kim; I wish I could."

Kim's babbling trailed off into deep sobs as she continued to vent the pain that none of them had known she felt. Billy held her and rocked her like a small child. He looked over Kim's shoulder at Tommy who appeared to be on the verge of tears. A glance back at Kat and Tanya showed that they had already reached that state; Adam and Rocky were both suspiciously wiping at their eyes.

"Why don't you guys head back to camp and see to Rocky's shoulder," Billy recommended.

"Is there anything I...?" Tommy ventured uncertainly.

"Let her get this out of her system; I'll stay with her until she settles down, then you can talk to her. All right?"


"Tommy, this wasn't your fault; I'm as much to blame for this as you--we all are. None of us listened; we were too concerned with Rocky...." Billy sighed instead of finishing his sentence. He could tell his words were falling on deaf ears.

"Help her, Billy," Tommy murmured in a choked whisper, then he took off into the underbrush.

"Tommy, wait!" Kat called after him.

"Let him go, Kat," Billy advised. "He needs to sort his feelings out."

"How can he do that when he doesn't know...."

"Doesn't know what?"

"The whole truth about what happened."

"And you do?" Billy asked skeptically. Kat was probably the last person who should be talking to Tommy right now.

"As much as you do," Kat answered quietly and slipped off to follow the trail of rustling leaves.


Kat found Tommy sitting on a fallen tree, his face buried in his hands and his whole body trembling. He was doing nothing to disguise the fact that he was crying, which startled her. She thought back to all the times she and Tommy had discussed the break up; he had been hurting--deeply--and he had come close to tears on a couple of occasions, but he had never let them go. Kat approached softly, not wanting Tommy to hear and perhaps try and rein his emotions in. She took a seat on the trunk. Slipping her arm around him, she gently guided his head to rest on her own shoulder. She held him for a long, long time.

"I didn't mean to do that to her," Tommy gasped out after a while.

"As Billy said, we were all at fault. None of us knew she was claustrophobic; none of us wanted to listen," Kat assured him.

"I just didn't know what else to do," Tommy continued, not really hearing her. "I only wanted to keep her at a distance--not let her close enough to hurt me. You were right; I was afraid... but I never meant to hurt her! I...."

"You still love her, don't you," Kat said quietly.

Tommy couldn't even meet her eyes as he answered. "Yes."

Although she had known it, it still stabbed at Kat's heart to hear him admit it. "You never really stopped, did you?" she pursued.

"I guess not. God, Kat, I'm sorry...."

"Don't be," she said with a sigh, trying to be brave while all she wanted to do was scream at him and cry... but Tommy was hurting enough without her adding her own misery to his. "I think that on some level I knew it all along; I just hoped that maybe...."

"But it doesn't matter whether I love her or not," Tommy continued bitterly. "She doesn't feel the same way...."

"Yes, she does; you heard her back there. She'd give anything to have you back. She thinks the medal she won--an award most athletes would give anything for!--wasn't worth the sacrifices she made. Tommy, she loves you so much she was willing to silently bear the hell of seeing us together because she believed you were happy with me!"

"But if she still loves me... what about Todd?"

"Tommy, Kim never meant to let you go; it was all a horrible mistake," Kat sighed heavily. It was so hard to continue. She didn't want to be telling Tommy this!

"H-how do you know?"

"I overheard Kim telling Billy when he was with her in the clearing," Kat answered. "Do you know much about what happened?"

"Billy told me that Kim felt that she had already lost me, and so she turned to Todd for support and fell in love with him," Tommy related. "I just don't understand how Kim could think that I would have done something like that to her; if I hadn't had my duty to the team, I would have gone to Florida with her!"

"Billy said something about Kim reacting like that because of her parents' divorce. I think maybe something like that happened to her mom."

"I remember now; Kim told me a little bit about it. While her mom was out of the country with Kim's aunt, her dad started seeing Kim's stepmom," Tommy recalled. Then, understanding dawned. "So when Kim couldn't get a hold of me and my dad told her I was out with you... she thought it was like her father all over again!"

"Even though she thought she'd lost you, she still loved you," Kat continued. "She turned to Todd as a friend, but he reminded her so much of you...."

"What happened to Kim and Todd?"

"He never meant for their relationship to last beyond the Games. He had a fiancée back home; when the Games were over, so was his and Kim's relationship," Kat concluded. "Remember how you once said you wished Kim could know what it felt like to be dumped by someone she cared for and trusted? Well, she does, Tommy. She does."

"Oh, man, Kat...." Tommy sighed; in spite of his overwhelming guilt, he felt hope swelling within him once again. Then, he seemed to consider what he had just learned in light of who had told him. "Kat, why are you telling me this?"

Kat had been hoping he wouldn't ask that.

"Because you need to know the truth. How can you decide on what to do if you don't have all the information?"


"Tommy, please--this is hard enough for me as it is," Kat rasped, starting to lose control of her emotions. "I don't want to do this--I have to! I'd like nothing better than to tell Kim, 'tough luck; you gave him up,' but I can't. If I did that, I'd always be wondering if she might try to take you back or if you might want to go back to her... and that uncertainty is no basis for a relationship.

"We both know what it's like to do things that we wish we hadn't, and we know what it's like to have friends who were willing to give us a second chance. Tommy, if I don't let you go--give you and Kim a second chance--it'll only make us both miserable in the long run. I've been miserable with worry the entire time we've been here in the jungle; I'm tired of feeling like that."

"I'm sorry, Kat; I never meant to hurt you either."

"I know. You tried. We tried. It just didn't work out, that's all."

"I don't know what to say," Tommy murmured, immensely grateful.

"Don't say anything, Tommy. Just one thing...." she ventured hesitantly.


Kat brushed the hair from Tommy's face and pulled him close, crushing his lips to hers, kissing him as she had always wanted to. Tommy responded in his usual fashion--which was to say hardly at all. Kat had hoped to find at least a spark of passion in him for her, but there wasn't. There never had been.

Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six
Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven Part Twelve

E-mail: kittiec@starpower.net