Full Circle
by Cheryl Roberts

"You did... what!?"

Jason nearly spit out his drink when the Red Zeo Ranger dropped his bombshell. The two were hanging out at the Gold Ranger's house, watching a movie.

Tommy smiled; it was a rare day when he could so flabbergast his best friend.

"Kat and I talked, and we both decided that us' just wasn't working, so we split up," he elaborated. Then, his jaunty air faltered a trifle. "Come on, Jase; you and I both know that I never gave Kat the kind of relationship that she wanted or deserved --as much as I thought I could. How could I when I still feel the way I do about Kim?"

Although Jason suspected that Tommy was still hung up on his former girlfriend, this was the first time since The Letter' that the Red Zeo Ranger had actually admitted it.

"If you still love Kim, then why didn't you ever call her and ask her about the letter?" Jason wondered; it was the one question he had always wanted to ask Tommy.

"I know I should have.... Probably would have saved Kat and myself a lot of grief," Tommy sighed. "I guess I really didn't want to hear Kim tell me that she didn't love me anymore, that what we had wasn't real. If I never heard her say it, then I could go on hoping.... But at the same time, I wanted Kim to be happy, even if it was with someone else. I thought by just letting things go, I'd eventually forget... only, I never did."

How could you forget something that strong? Jason wondered privately. He'd always felt that what his two friends had shared was something rare and beautiful --something that most people looked for all their lives. It was the kind of love that you didn't just fall out of or forget about. It was the kind of love he hoped one day to find for himself.

"So, how did Kat take the break-up," he asked, instead of voicing his opinions.

"Like I said, it was a mutual thing; we both realized that we were interested in other people and...."

For a second time, Tommy's words had Jason sputtering in disbelief.

"You both were interested in other...?" Jason gulped, his mind a-whirl. Though he hadn't been there from the outset of Tommy and Katherine's relationship, he would have sworn that Kat's feelings for Tommy were the genuine article... deeper than mere infatuation or affection. He'd always been afraid that one day his best friend's unsettled heart would inadvertently hurt the Pink Zeo Ranger.

"Uh huh. Can you blame her?" Tommy asked pointedly. "She and I realized that we'll always love each other, but we really weren't meant to be together."

That, Jason could understand. "So, who's the lucky fella?"

"I'd rather not say until she's had a chance to talk to him --except that it's not you, buddy."

"Oh." The Gold Ranger wasn't sure whether to be disappointed or not. While Katherine was a wonderful woman --intelligent, attractive, warm and caring-- he had never seriously considered her as anything other than a teammate, friend and Tommy's significant other. Of course, there was Emily in his life now....

"Although," Tommy continued thoughtfully, interrupting Jason's fond musings, "in some ways, my break-up with Kim and my relationship with Kat were good for me."

"How so?" Jason asked, truly interested in why his companion would feel that way in light of how devastated he'd been when this whole soap opera began.

"I don't think I really knew how much Kim meant to me until I lost her. It hurt so much because I cared so much. I never really dated until I met Kim, so I had no idea what things would be like. I didn't realize how special our relationship was... that it was more than just a high school romance...." Tommy blew a stray lock of hair out of his eyes in frustration, unable to find the right words. Abruptly, he shifted the topic. "Do you believe in true love? That there's one special person out there for each of us?"

Tommy's question caught Jason off guard. "Bro, I've seen enough things as a Power Ranger to believe that anything is possible."

"So you don't think I'm an idiot for not being able to let go of Kim --for hoping against hope that she still cares? I never wanted to admit it before, but I'd give anything for Kimberly to take back that letter and say that she still loves me."

"You're not a fool," Jason assured him, "and if I know Kim, she still loves you and wishes with all her heart that she could take that letter back." He bit back a knowing smile.

"Then why hasn't she?"

"She's probably afraid that she hurt you too much for you to forgive her." He saw a flicker in Tommy's eyes that told him that at least at some point such a thing had been true. "Do you really love Kim, Tommy? Enough to forget your hurt and wounded pride? Enough to give her a chance to explain? Enough to forgive her if she asks you to?"

"Yes, I do."

Jason did not doubt the sincerity of his friend's words, and the Gold Ranger felt like jumping for joy. Now, all he had to do was find a way to get the two of them together.

"So, when are you going to call her?" he prompted slyly.

"I'm not sure. Soon, I guess. This has gone on long enough; I don't want to hurt anymore, Jase. And I don't imagine Kim does either."

Jason was ready to dial the number then and there.

"By the way, Bro, when were you going to tell me that Kim bottomed out with the dregs?"

Score another hit for Tommy, and Jason had the decency to look embarrassed. "You know about that?"

"I overheard what you and Billy were talking about the other day, and Kat's heard some things, too. Why didn't you just tell me that Kim had hit the dregs?"

"We didn't mean to keep you in the dark for so long; it's just that she was really self-conscious about it...." And she didn't want to make trouble for you and Kat, he added silently.

"Kim may be my ex, but she's still a friend. If she's hurting, I want to help --Kat, too; we both would have helped."

The Gold Ranger didn't doubt that, but if Tommy and Kat had offered, it would have been as a couple, which would have destroyed Kim. Wisely, he refrained from saying as much. Instead, he found himself asking, "Did knowing about Kim's dregs influence your decision to end things with Kat?"

"Yes and no. Kat and I were already headed in that direction. Besides, there's no guarantee that Kim and I will get back together.... It's been so long, and I never got in touch with her...."

Jason recognized Tommy's doubts for what they were: his way of trying not to get his hopes up. It wouldn't hurt to give him something to cling to. "Tommy, she loved you enough to let you go for --what she thought-- was your own happiness...."

"It'll be rough seeing her again," Tommy pushed on, heedless of his companion's words. "What will I say to her? What will I...?"

"Just tell her the truth and ask the same of her. If you guys are meant to get back together, you will."

"Man, I hope you're right," Tommy sighed, and Jason was thrilled to see something in his best friend's eyes that he hadn't seen since he'd returned home: hope.

Just then, the phone rang.


"Hey, Jason."

"Billy, what's up?"

"I just got a call from Kimberly. She's wondering if anyone is free to drop by."

"About time. Did she say why it'd been so long?" Jason noticed that Tommy was paying close attention to the one-sided conversation. Tommy mouthed the question Kim?' and Jason nodded his confirmation.

"She wasn't going to until I forced the issue, then she bluntly informed me that she had been intercourse impaired.'"

Jason smiled, hearing the embarrassment in Billy's voice. He recognized the old term the girls had used to tell them that they were on their own with the spikes that particular week.

"You heading down?"

"I was hoping you could go; I'm right in the middle of a series of calculations...."

"Not a problem. Am I clear for a teleport now, or should I wait until later?"

"She said give her a few minutes to dry her hair, otherwise it's clear."

"I'll go," Tommy interrupted.

Jason was not all that surprised by the offer. "You sure?"

"Positive. I was needing a kick in the pants to get myself to talk to her, and all things considered, maybe it'd be better if we had our discussion in person," the Red Ranger decided.

"All right," Jason acquiesced, smiling broadly. "Good luck."

Tommy grinned back. "Don't wait up for me." And he vanished in a flash of red light.

"Was that Tommy?" Billy queried.

"He's on his way to help Kim out," Jason reported.

"He's --what!?"

"Can your calculations wait a few more minutes? Man, have I got something to tell you...!"


Tommy materialized in an unfamiliar bedroom. Kim had described her quarters in the athletes' dorm in an early letter; the place was smaller than he had envisioned. And she has a roommate?

As he looked around, he relaxed, recognizing the touches that were wholly Kim's. He drifted over to the desk; on the shelf were photographs: her father and brother, mom and stepfather, Trini, Aisha... all their friends.... While there wasn't a picture specifically of him, there weren't any unfamiliar faces. Next, he turned to Kim's bed and smiled as he recognized the stuffed dragon prominently displayed among the bears, cats and whatnot. He had won it for her at a carnival not long after they started dating. She always said it was her favorite....

Although Jason and Billy had said that she still cared --that she had never stopped caring-- Tommy was relieved to see evidence that he hadn't been banished from Kim's heart. Suddenly, there was a noise at the door. Unsure if it was Kim or her roommate, he ducked into the alcove behind the door. He wouldn't be seen immediately, and if it wasn't Kim, he could teleport away unnoticed.

Humming to herself, Kimberly entered and set her shower tote and hair dryer on her dresser. She was a bit annoyed at having forgotten her robe, but she didn't bother changing out of her bath towel as she wandered over to her bed and flopped down to wait for whoever was going to answer her call. Billy had all but said it wasn't going to be him.

Probably Jason. She sighed heavily. As much as she enjoyed resuming the intimacies with her friends, she sincerely wished it wasn't necessary. She'd rather be having sex with them because she wanted to, not because she had to.

Stupid power side effects, she groused for the umpteenth time. She picked up her stuffed dragon and buried her face in it, inhaling deeply. It still smelled like him even after all this time. If it hadn't been for those damned side effects, she wouldn't be in the mess she was in now.

Kim felt tears threatening, and she wiped her eyes. She didn't want Jason to catch her crying again. He felt bad enough as it was. She gave a wry sniff. Her long time friend and teammate felt responsible for her break-up with Tommy:

"If I'd only told the others about the dregs sooner, Tommy could have warned you... you guys could have worked something out ahead of time...."

"As you said, Jase, what's done is done; I can't change what happened. I can only go forward and hope...."

Hope for what? For Tommy to break-up with Kat? For him to take her back?

"But that's not gonna happen, is it?" she asked of her stuffed toy. Pipe dreams. There was no way Tommy would hurt Kat --break-up with her-- just because she'd made a mistake. The best she could hope for was a chance to explain and maybe that he'd forgive her someday.

Kim set the keepsake aside and reached over to the night table, opening the drawer and pulling out a photograph. She kept this hidden whenever her roommate was around; Sarah invariably gave her a hard time about it --said she was being ridiculous mooning over some guy.

Sarah just didn't understand. Tommy's not just some guy!' Kim gazed fondly at the picture of her and Tommy holding hands in the park. They'd been so happy then....

Still, there were times when she knew her roommate was right. She knew she was going to have to let go of Tommy one of these days; she couldn't hold onto a faint hope forever. It was just so damn hard....

"Get a grip, Kim," she chided herself, wiping at her eyes as she set the frame back in the drawer. She had to put her thoughts of Tommy aside; she didn't want to embarrass herself again by calling Jason 'Tommy' in a fit of passion like she did the last time. Still, part of her wished that it'd be Tommy teleporting into her room... telling her everything would be all right... making slow, sweet love to her....

"Mmm...." she sighed breathily, indulging the fantasy for a moment. However, reality all too quickly came crashing in, and she restlessly abandoned her bed.

Tommy had seen enough. Part of him wanted to rush forward, take her in his arms, and never let her go. Another part wanted to grab her by the shoulders and shake some sense into her. He waited until Kim got up from her bed and went to stand by the window, her arms wrapped about herself as if warding off a chill. The way the sunlight streaming in the pane backlit his former girlfriend mesmerized Tommy.

"Hello, Beautiful," he said softly.

Kim whirled, her eyes wide with amazement as she stammered out his name. "T-Tommy!?"

For a moment, the two did nothing but stand there staring at each other. She looked better than Tommy remembered. Her petite frame was sleek and firmly muscled, yet that seemed to accentuate her curves. Her warm brown eyes and sweet, expressive face... burnished caramel colored hair falling softly to her shoulders.... She wore no makeup, no jewelry or ornament of any kind... and the sight of her took his breath away. It was an effort to compose himself to speak.

"Jason and Billy were busy. They said you needed help...."

Kim blinked once, then again, unable to find her voice. She'd been wishing, but she honestly never thought.... All she could do was drink in the sight of him. Tommy had changed so much, yet not all. Physically, he was a lot more muscular; his red t-shirt fit him like a second skin, defining his muscular chest. And that sexy hair cascading over his shoulders, framing his face, was longer than hers now! However, his eyes were the same warm pools of chocolate brown framed by lush lashes that she used to lose herself in, and that smile was like a ray of sunshine piercing the shadows of her heart. She knew Tommy was waiting for her to say something, but nothing would come out.

"I hope you don't mind that I came down," he continued.

"N-not at all," Kim gulped out at last. Suddenly, she couldn't meet Tommy's eyes, and she guiltily looked away.

Tommy noted Kim's discomfort --how dull and lifeless her eyes seemed-- and found himself at a loss as to how to proceed. He honestly hadn't thought it'd be so difficult. All he had to do was tell Kim that he knew the truth about what she'd done --that he understood and forgave her... that he loved her-- but the words wouldn't come as the old heartache rose up alongside his love. He was beginning to think that coming here was a big mistake; he wasn't sure he was ready for this. Conversation failed them both until Tommy gave himself a mental shake.

"Jason told me what happened...." he began awkwardly; however, he amended his statement when he saw the angry flash in Kim's eyes. He'd forgotten that she'd asked their friends not to say anything. "Actually, he fessed up after I overheard his and Billy's conversation the other day and confronted him with it. Man, Kim, I wish you guys would have told me what was going on in the first place."

"Y-you do?" Kim floundered, uncertain how to respond. Just how much did Tommy know? Did he know that the dregs had made her break up with him or did he just know that she was needing sex because of them?

"Sure. Whatever else we were... whatever else we may be... we'll always be friends." He smiled shyly. "I'd never turn my back on a friend in need."

Kim felt her bottom lip quiver, and she nearly lost control of her surging emotions. She'd been prepared to deal with Tommy's anger, bitterness or scorn --not his kindness.

"I'm sorry, Tommy," she murmured, tears stinging her eyes. She fought valiantly to hold them back. She was going to do this with some dignity; she didn't want to be a blubbering idiot. "... so very, very sorry. I... I never meant to hurt you."

"Why?" Tommy asked with quiet anguish, his smile fading as he suddenly found his own composure precarious in the face of her bravely checked tears. It was a question he had to ask even though he already pretty much knew.... Before, he had feared hearing her answer to that question, now, he needed to hear her say the words.

"I don't know," she sighed heavily, looking away from those searching eyes. "I thought I knew what I was doing... it made perfect sense at the time.... It was just that our being together was hurting you...."

"Whatever gave you that idea?" he gasped.

"Operation: Fuck Tommy," she answered.

He vividly recalled the time Kat and Tanya jumped him in the park when he was not taking care of his hormonal build-up as he should. "I don't understand."

"That shouldn't have been necessary. Before I left, we talked about you being with the others while I was gone. When they told me that you weren't going to them... it killed me to know that I couldn't be there for you when you needed me... and that because of me, you were refusing their help."

Her words were coming out in a jumble, but the harder she tried to justify her actions to him --to herself-- the more muddled and confused her thoughts became.

"But you were there for me," Tommy insisted. "That little stunt of yours got me straightened out."

"I felt like I was holding you back," she pressed on, as if not hearing him. "When you'd call, you'd always tell me how lonely you were, how much you missed me... how much you missed holding me.... I felt awful. I had to let you go so you could be happy again... so you could find someone else who could be there for you... someone you could hold...."

"Kim, I didn't want anyone else!" Tommy exploded in exasperation. "We loved each other! How could you possibly believe I'd be happy with another woman? Do you have any idea what that letter did to me?"

Immediately, he regretted his harsh outburst when he saw Kim flinch at his impassioned words. He had done the one thing he had promised himself he wasn't going to do: add to her guilt. He could see it reflected in her moist brown orbs.

"I do --now," she answered quietly. "It did the same thing to you that it did to me --ripped a hole in your heart. At least you had Kat and Billy and Jason and the others to help you heal. You didn't have to get over it on your own. You didn't have to deal with your own guilt."

Tommy's thoughts were in a whirl. If Kim knew what she had done to him, how could she believe that breaking up with him would make him happy?

Because she had to.

She had to believe that he was happier without her, otherwise, she'd hurt them both for no reason. In his pain and disillusionment, he had never stopped to consider how difficult writing that letter had to have been for her --even if she truly had found someone else. It just wasn't in Kim's nature to deliberately hurt someone she cared for --even someone she loved like a 'brother.' If he'd have just stopped to think things through sooner....

His anger fled as abruptly as it had flared. All this had happened because Kim had been trying to take care of him. In the beginning when they started dating, they had wanted to 'be true' to each other --or so they thought. That quickly proved to be both unrealistic and dissatisfying. While both wanted something special just for the two of them, neither wanted a relationship at the expense of that which they shared with their friends. But try convincing a couple of teenagers in their first serious relationship of that!

At times in those early days, he had selfishly wanted to keep Kimberly all to himself, but that wasn't what she needed. Yet, Tommy recalled, there were occasions when his head just could not get his heart to understand and accept that. Often, he felt left out because he couldn't experience the spikes with his friends any longer, and it hurt that he couldn't always be the one to help Kim out with hers. And those feelings of hurt and isolation were what Kim had to face when she came down to Florida to train. She had been concerned with his happiness and his needs, her own notwithstanding. It wasn't her fault that she hadn't been thinking clearly at the time, that she'd been under the influence of a force as powerful as any spike without even realizing it.

And not once in the course of her explanation had Kim mentioned the dregs, trying to take full responsibility for her actions.

"Kim...." he sighed, long and low. "I just wish you would have called or something; we could have talked this out."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"Me, too."

For a while, neither of them could think of anything else to say. Tommy noted with some amusement that Kim was pretty much staring at her feet. She hadn't been able to meet his eyes for very long. However, he knew something that would get her attention, and she looked up when he caught her hand and started to massage the back of it with his thumb in a familiar fashion.

"I know we can't undo what's been done, but maybe we could start again," he proposed.

"What do you mean?" she asked uncertainly.

This was the moment of truth. All he had to do was come out and say that he loved her, that he forgave her... however, those words wouldn't come. And perhaps it was just as well. Knowing Kim, she'd feel as if she had contributed somehow to his and Kat's break-up, and she'd be leery about catching him on the rebound. He needed to let her know somehow --make her believe-- that things were all right between them before telling her that they could be together again.

"Well, we were friends and teammates before we ever started dating...." he hinted, letting the suggestion hang.

"Friends...." Kim reiterated numbly. Maybe the conversation hadn't gone exactly as she had hoped, but at least Tommy seemed to understand --or at the very least didn't hate her. Friends. It was less than she had hoped for but more than she had expected. "Yeah, I guess so. Thanks, Tommy."

To her surprise, he stepped closer and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. Kim swallowed dryly as the reality of 'just friends' swam before her. How could they be just friends' when a simple hug could reduce her knees to jelly?

"So...." Tommy prompted, and Kim could almost feel the warmth of his smile.


"Someone called Billy and Jason because she was needing a little pick-me-up."

Impossibly, Kim felt herself blushing.

"Is something wrong?" Tommy queried when she said nothing.

"Yes... no... I don't know," she fumbled helplessly. "A-are you sure you want to... help me out?"

"I wouldn't have come if I wasn't."

His tone was so kind... but there was a question she had to ask first, as much as she didn't want to. She couldn't accept his help if it was at the expense of his relationship with his girlfriend. "Does Kat know you're here?"

"Kat's just as willing to help as I am. You don't have to worry. Besides, she thought that we were long overdue for a talk. It's all right. You called because you needed a friend; there's one here for you."

Tommy held her spellbound with his unexpectedly warm gaze. Kim stood before him feeling very small and insecure. She didn't know what to make of the whole situation. He was simply looking at her, his expression somewhat distant, but a tiny smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. Then, as if in slow motion, he leaned in close and kissed her.

Lightly, just the softest brush of his lips against hers.... Kim shivered, tingles racing up and down her spine. The only one who'd ever given her chills like that when he kissed her was Tommy. He didn't even need to use his tongue. Her eyes were closed as he pulled away. She stood there trembling and could still feel Tommy's warmth. He was so near... so very, very near to her. She sensed him moving around behind her and felt his fingers brush the hair from the nape of her neck, his breath warm against her skin. His lips tickled her flesh in a gossamer kiss.

Kim's breath came out in ragged gasps as she was paralyzed by the sensations Tommy stirred in her body and the emotions he stirred in her heart. She felt hot tears gathering in the corners of her eyes as she wished... oh, how she wished....

Tommy's hands glossed over Kim's taut shoulders; she was ramrod straight and board rigid. She was just as scared as he was of this moment. He turned her to face him and smiled when he saw how tightly closed her eyes were. He said nothing as he delicately brushed his finger down the flushed curve of her cheek.

"Open your eyes, Kim," he commanded in a husky whisper. She did so, biting her quivering lower lip. The old nervous habit made him smile even more brightly, and he held her gaze. "Can you do something for me? Can you pretend for a moment that nothing else exists? There's no Kat, Coach Schmidt or Rangers... no side effects or dregs, no Angel Grove or Florida... no letter.... There's only you and me. Here. Now."

Kim nodded slowly, wetting her lips. Then, Tommy cupped her face in his hands, tilting it up so that her eyes met his. She swallowed hard as she gazed up into the softness of those gorgeous velvet pools. Tommy's expression was more serious than she had ever recalled seeing.

"Do you love me?" he asked quietly, the warmth of his voice enveloping her like a downy blanket. Kim closed her eyes and let the sensation wash over her. That was the one question she wished he would not have asked, because she knew that when the moment was over she'd be alone and he'd be with Kat. Briefly, she considering telling him anything but the truth; however, when she opened her eyes and saw those deep brown orbs, glowing with warmth and affection, shining down at her imploringly, she knew she could not lie to him --never again.

When she spoke, it was with certainty, though the sound that came out was barely a breathy whisper. "Yes."

"And there never was anyone else, was there? You never fell out of love with me."

Her gaze never wavered though the tears she'd been fighting to hold back slipped free and trickled slowly down her cheek.


It didn't even occur to her to ask him how he'd figured that out.

Tommy smiled, and it swept over her with all the warmth, hope and promise of a brand new day. Yet, it also confused and flustered her. Why should he look at her so? He reached up and brushed his thumb across her face, wiping away the solitary droplet.

"I'm glad."

Kim blinked in astonishment, but before she could voice even one of the dozens of questions whirling through her mind, Tommy leaned in closer, his eyes fluttering shut as his mouth descended upon hers. Though stunned, it took only a moment for her to surrender to the kisses she so desperately missed.

As the kiss deepened, Tommy's hands slid around to comb through Kim's hair. Then, gently, they trailed down to caress her shoulders and arms, ultimately wrapping themselves around her trembling body, pressing her close. Her arms threaded up around his neck and pulled him deeper into their exchange. His tongue probed lightly at her lips, seeking permission. Her mouth parted, granting him that which he sought, and a new shiver of delight shuddered down her spine. Tommy's wandering hands tugged at her towel, and it puddled to the floor, leaving her naked in his arms.

"You feel so good," Tommy sighed breathily into her ear, nipping lightly at the lobe as he worked his way around her until he stood behind her again. His breath against her neck sent hot/cold tremors shooting through her body. Then, slowly, he began kissing his way down her backbone, his hands skimming lightly along her sides. The soft touch of his mouth had shockwaves rippling up and down her spine. A full-bodied moan burst forth from deep in her throat, and Kim's head dropped back, her burnished locks tickling her electrified flesh, heightening the sensation of Tommy's hands and lips caressing her.

At last he reached the v' at the base of her spine, and Tommy sat back, glossing his hands reverently over the peaches-and-cream globes of Kimberly's bottom. She rewarded his efforts with another intoxicating sigh as he reveled in the silky smoothness of her cheeks. As pleasure shuddered through her, those sweet mounds quivered enticingly. So ripe... so succulent... he just had to have a taste.

Kim almost stopped breathing as Tommy planted the first kiss on her soft bottom. Kisses led to playful nips and lavish licks. She eased into a parade-rest stance so that she wouldn't topple over as the Red Ranger swiped his tongue across the underswell of one cheek.

"Mmm," Tommy rumbled in perfect contentment as he savored the delicate flesh of the gymnast's delectable behind. He could cheerfully spend hours nibbling on her ass; however, this taste had whetted his appetite for more. He eased himself up the length of Kim's petite frame then swept her off her feet, scooping her into his arms. She gave a squeak of surprise and clung to him tightly as he carried her the short distance to her bed.

He lay Kimberly down on the comforter, and for a moment, all he could do was drink in the sight of her. He still couldn't believe that he was here with her... that soon he'd have her in his arms again... make love to her... things he'd all but given up except in his most secret dreams.

Kim regarded him with curiosity as she automatically settled back more comfortably against her pillows. He was standing beside the bed just looking at her with an expression of awe. It reminded her of the first time they made love. He looked so amazed, like he couldn't believe he was really with her, that they were really going to be intimate.

"Tommy?" she murmured questioningly when it seemed as if he was going to do nothing more than look.

"Hush," he bid her, laying a silencing finger on her lips as he settled onto the bed beside her. He lightly brushed the hair from her eyes as he smiled into her puzzled expression. He didn't want words right now. The emotions were just too powerful. He wanted his heart and actions to convey what he was feeling. And what he was feeling was akin to the same joyous wonder he felt the first time he had ever seen her naked.

"You are so beautiful," he murmured thickly, his eyes drinking in the intoxicating sight of her, devouring every detail from the graceful swell of her breasts with their delectable, hardened points, down the trembling flat of her abdomen with that teasing bellybutton, to the curve of her hips and the nest of dark curls at the apex of her thighs, and down the shapely lines of her legs.

Kim watched Tommy's exploration of her wonderingly. His face was radiantly aglow. It filled her with joy to know that she could still make him feel thusly. However, her pleasure in Tommy's enjoyment rapidly melted into pleasure at his touch as his fingers traced the outlines of her facial features then descended lower. Her breath hitched in her throat as those questing digits skimmed over her heaving bosom.

His fingers lightly caressing her flesh had her senses swimming in a fiery sea of delight. This was what she'd been needing. She hadn't just been craving physical contact; she'd been yearning for the warmth of Tommy's touch. His caresses had always made her feel so special... like she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

So delicate, so exquisitely tender... the gentle massage excited her passions more than any other stimulus, and her anxieties and fears began to dissipate before the comfort of his touch, the security of his nearness. She sighed in perfect contentment. She could lay here in his arms forever. As she nestled closer, her cheek rubbed against his t-shirt. The coarse fabric startled her as she had been anticipating the satiny feel of soft skin over steel muscle.

She gave a tiny whimper of disappointment and made as if to pull the tee out of his jeans when he stayed her hand. She pouted when he stopped his sinful massage, but her dismay was fleeting as he began removing the concealing garment. However, Tommy took his time in divesting himself of his shirt, making an elaborate show of pulling it off... baring his chest little by little.... He was as bad as Jason! However, as he finally tossed it aside, her eyes lit up with delight as she feasted on the sight of his hard, sculpted chest and arms. Kim stretched out a tentative hand to smooth her fingers over the bronzed ripples of his abdomen. She slowly trailed a trembling digit down to the snap on his pants; teeth tugging anxiously on her bottom lip, she raised hopeful eyes to his.

Eyes locked on hers and a smile curving his lips, Tommy guided Kim's hand in unfastening his pants. She sat up, eager to cast aside the remainder of his clothing, peeling the denim down his hips, pushing it down his long legs.... While he worked himself out of his jeans, Kim repeated the process with his underwear, seized by the frantic desire to free the distension tenting the cotton. When he took over divesting himself of his last stitch of clothing, Kim pressed herself against him, her cheek flush with the smooth, firm flesh of his abdomen. Her arms encircled his hips, one hand gliding around to pet the taut globes of his ass, the other reaching up to stroke his proud cock as it jutted forth, begging for her attention. Lovingly, she caressed his length, and impulsively she placed a kiss on the velvety tip.

That brief taste left her hungry for more. She wanted --needed-- to feel his sex filling her mouth, but as she dipped in to wrap her lips around his throbbing manhood, Tommy's hand in her hair held her back.

A shiver coursed down Tommy's spine as he noted the hungry look in Kim's eyes as he eased her back onto the pillows, and her frustrated pout made him smile. As much as he longed to feel his dick ensconced in her exquisite mouth, he had to wait. Enhanced hormones notwithstanding, when it came to doing Kim, he needed to get her off a couple of times first, otherwise he wouldn't have enough stamina to fully satisfy her. Adam, he was not!

He stood over her for a moment, basking in the heat of her appreciation and desire. It was so difficult to hold back, but at the same time, he could have stood there gazing at her forever. It seemed as if they were held immobile by the spell of the moment. Then, the desire to feel her body next to his won out. His eyes seemed to ask permission, and she gave it with the slightest of nods. Both sighed longingly as he eased into bed and fitted himself next to her, the whole length of his powerful frame pressing against her. For several moments they cuddled close, reveling in the familiar feel of the other's form pressed tightly together.

"You feel awesome," Tommy reiterated thickly, unable to help himself.

"So do you," Kim added.

As they gently stroked each other's face, Kim's fingers at last wandered up to comb through his wealth of luxurious hair. The light in her eyes as she delightedly ran her fingers through his long locks had him pulling her close, holding her tightly, his face buried in her silky tresses.

"I've missed this... I've missed you," he sighed, the words coming unbidden to his lips. He couldn't have stopped them had he tried.

Kim glanced up at him, her eyes full of surprise; however, he forestalled her questions by claiming her sweet mouth in a kiss.

Had she heard correctly? Had he really just said that he missed her? With Tommy's words singing in her heart, she yielded herself up to a kiss that was at once passionate and tender. His tongue explored the whole of her mouth: tracing the outline of her lips, sensuously dancing with her tongue. He'd delve deep then pull back until his lips just barely touched hers, making her yearn for more, but he wouldn't be guided by either her moans or her hands drawing him closer. There was nothing Kim could do but give herself over to Tommy's lead.

Lips --soft, hot, moist-- kissed their way all over her face and nibbled down to the curve of her neck. Tommy's mouth warmed and excited, sending a thrill shooting throughout her body. Kim moaned softly, encouragingly, wanting more. Already her body moved against his needfully. His own desire pulsed hard between their entwined bodies; even so, he was in no hurry, and Kim found she wanted to savor his lovemaking as long as possible.

A hand cradled the back of his head as Tommy moved lower. Fingers had already paved the way, tantalizing the tender flesh of her breasts. As her lover's hand passed over her bosom in a phantom caress, Kim felt her nipples stiffen into taut peaks, so ripe with desire that she could have sworn they would burst at the slightest touch. She moaned entreatingly, arching towards Tommy needfully.

With a knowing smile, Tommy bent his head to her breast, and Kim uttered a squeak of joyful anticipation; however, it was not his mouth which descended upon her needy mounds but his hair. That silken, mahogany river cascaded over her feverish flesh, brushing across her with whispery delicacy. A sigh of longing escaped her lips as he continued to tease her hardened buds.

"Tommy, please!" she moaned, reaching for his sexy hair, thinking to guide him to her heaving swells. This time, he allowed himself to be led, and Kim felt shivers ripple across her skin as she felt his warm breath break upon her.

Then, for what seemed like an eternity, he paused, his mouth hovering over her turgid nubs. He raised his eyes to hers; she returned his gaze, begging him silently. Holding her anxious glance, he took a very deliberate lick, his tongue barely grazing her torrid flesh.

"Aahhh!" she cried out ecstatically, prompting him to lavish her pebble hard nipple with languid swipes of the tongue. The teasing laps had her writhing in exquisite frustration. In spite of her moans and her hands clenched in his hair, he would not be hurried. Leisurely, he licked his way over to the other tempting peak and resumed his sweet assault.

Tommy had excited her to a fever pitch. Incandescent ripples of pleasure radiated out from those blushing centers to engulf her entire body, and she yearned for more! To her dismay, her lover drew back, favoring her with a look that was at once tender, passionate, and pure deviltry. Kim had no idea what he planned next.

Tommy grinned as he watched Kim. She was always so responsive, and he loved watching the expressions play across her face. As he did so, he idly drew a finger around the perimeter of one flushed areola. Kim's breath came out in a sharp hiss as his circles became tighter, contracting about the rosy bud that begged to be suckled. An enticing invitation, to be sure, but Tommy wanted to play a little longer. He wanted Kim teetering on the brink so that when he finally did put mouth to those oh-so-sensitive breasts, he would send her over the blissful edge.

Kim was all a-quiver as Tommy's fingers explored with rare patience all her soft swells had to offer. He caressed gently, kneaded firmly, and pinched hard. He played her so masterfully that her senses didn't know what to expect next. However, the slow burn he had ignited within her was now rushing through her veins, centering on the core of her womanhood and building to an inferno that threatened to consume her.

As Tommy lightly nipped at the tender flesh, he felt the sharp snap of Kim's hips against him, signaling the strength of her need. All it would take was a touch to send her careening headlong into climactic oblivion. As he at long last closed his mouth over one throbbing nipple, wrapping his tongue lovingly about the stiff protrusion, he cupped his hand against her dripping sex. That unleashed frenzied motion, and with a guttural shout, Kim was lost to her orgasm.

All but sobbing from the sheer intensity of her climax, Kim rode Tommy's hand hard, all the while holding his head fast to the breast he feasted upon. The blissful waves washing over her seemed never-ending --she never wanted them to end!

Tommy grinned as Kim's coiled muscles slowly began to relax. He had always loved the way she writhed beneath him, and her moans were music to his ears. He had hoped that he hadn't forgotten the rhythms of her body; apparently his faulty memory hadn't failed him in that. As Kim's hold on his hair eased up, he glanced up to see the rapturous expression on her face and the trail of wetness glimmering on her flushed cheeks. Her chest heaved as she gulped greedily for air. He loved the way she looked when her passions carried her away, and she had come hard! Finally, her eyes fluttered open, and he could see the fiery glimmer smoldering therein.

Suddenly, Kim caught his face between her hands and pulled him up for a blazing kiss, her tongue probing his mouth hungrily. He could tell that she was swiftly losing it. Her fingers raked through his hair and continued down his back. He knew what she was after... what she wanted to do: she wanted to do to him what he did to her. But that's not what he wanted right now. Still, it was very difficult to pull her hands away.

"Later," he murmured, kissing her one last time before working his way down her throat a second time.

Kim whimpered in frustration. She needed to touch him so badly! And yet, his mouth felt so good... she wanted him to do her again! However, he didn't do more than spare a playful lick at her still-hard nipples. He continued down the valley of her breasts to her trembling abdomen. She giggled as his trailing hair tickled her sensitive tummy. She sighed as he nuzzled his cheek against the flat of her stomach, stroking it lightly. Then, she practically wiggled out of his grasp as he dipped his tongue into the well of her navel, swirling it about.

"Tommy!" she gasped, laughing.

He gave her irresistibly cute bellybutton another playful lick before sparing her and continuing down her body. His hands glided over the curve of her hips and skimmed down her shapely legs. His mouth had already drawn a wet trail to the downy patch of curls at the apex of her legs. Tommy eased back on the bed to give himself more room, then he parted her thighs. Kim moaned beseechingly, eager for what was to come. However, he mischievously drew out his attentions to her legs by kissing his way along the softness of her thighs.

Kim growled impatiently as Tommy wickedly teased her, tickling her with tongue and hair. She could feel her juices flowing again in anticipation of his mouth on her sex, and her hips snapped forward demandingly. Slowly, his hands slid round to cup her bottom, tilting her pelvis just right. She cast her legs up over his shoulders, and her body was poised and ready for the hot, wet invasion of his tongue. She shivered as she felt his breath burst upon her swollen netherlips.

Tommy waited until her moans had just the right note of desperation in them, then he dipped in close, inhaling deeply of the heady aroma of her ready womanhood. The pink folds glistened with a sheen of Kim's nectar; they beckoned enticingly, and Tommy sampled their sweetness with a slow swipe of the tongue.

"Aaahhhh!" Kim sighed long and loud as Tommy's tongue teased her aching sex. Never had it felt so good! Her body arched, thrusting her breasts forward as if in supplication as her hips bore down on Tommy's face. His tongue wetly caressed her flesh, lapping at her thick juices, thrusting into her opening and coaxing her clit out of its hood to worship it with lavish licks.

"Ohhhh, Tommy...." she moaned as he sucked her pleasure pearl between his lips. She felt the prickle of his razor stubble against her highly sensitized netherlips. The sensation liked to drive her wild. She ground her womanhood insistently against his chin. Oh, how she wanted to feel something inside her! As if reading her mind, Tommy slipped a finger into her spasming vagina... then another. Slowly, he pumped them into her oh-so-ready pussy, never once letting up on his mouth's relentless assault.

Tommy would have liked to have pulled back for a moment to savor the look of ecstasy on Kim's face --the way she toyed with her perky breasts, his fingers and judiciously applied thumb to her throbbing button keeping her simmering on the brink as muscles coiled, bracing for a second sweet explosion; however, Kim had locked her legs tight around his head and shoulders, holding him fast. Her hands clutched at his hair, keeping him in place. Not that he wasn't perfectly content to remain where he was! His tongue happily lapped up her sweet, plentiful honey.

However, the way her velvety walls clenched his fingers oh-so-tightly had his dick twitching eagerly to feel that same grip about it. It was becoming so difficult to hold back. Kim's pelvis bucked forward needfully, and she circled her hips hard about the point of his chin. Her moans spiraled out of control, dropping in pitch even as they crescendoed in volume.

At last, Kim gave off a cry that was part joyful shout, part sob of relief as her body went rigid in Tommy's grasp. Delicious wildfire seared her senses for a second time as she writhed through the sensual storm. She was left gasping in its wake. However, Tommy continued to drink of her juices and nosh at her quivering clit, stirring her passions anew.

"Thank you," she gulped out breathlessly. He said nothing as he sat back and wiped the come from his chin. His dark eyes regarded her with a complex array of emotions, but what touched her most deeply at that moment was the tenderness she saw therein. Suddenly, it no longer mattered that she didn't understand why he was doing this for her. She didn't care that this was only for the moment. If a moment was all she could have, then she wanted it with all her heart.

Kimberly surrendered to the truth she knew in her heart --no matter how impossible such a thing was. Although she had spoken the words earlier, she wanted to show Tommy in a way she'd never be able to again that she had meant what she said.

Tommy tried to read the kaleidoscopic emotions playing across Kim's features, and a smile tugged at his lips as he saw the tension and confusion ease from her expression. His heart leapt for joy when she opened her arms to him, inviting him in. Her eyes implored with an intensity he could tell she was afraid to give voice to.

He accepted her offer, his body trembling with his suppressed need as he lay across her. Her arms threaded around him, pulling him close, and as their lips met, Tommy could feel in her kiss the truth of her earlier words: she loved him.

He only hoped she could read his feelings as well.

I want to make love to you.

Make love to me.

Though neither spoke, both had seemingly read the other's mind. Kim's legs parted further, allowing Tommy to more comfortably rest between them. He reluctantly broke their tenderly heated kiss. For a moment, he cupped her cheek and simply stared deep into her eyes. Then, he knelt back to ready himself for her. However, she reached between their bodies as best she could, her fingers just catching his hard, pulsing phallus. Gazes locked together, she guided the head of his organ to her waiting sex.

It took all of Tommy's self control not to ram his cock in the moment the tip parted her slick lips. Kim's hips tilted automatically so that he would have a smooth, easy entrance had he so desired to plunge right in. Neither of them had forgotten the other's rhythm. However, he lowered himself slowly, steadily, inch after inch penetrating the depths of her vagina. Their sighs of joy and longing mingled in harmony, and when at last his shaft rested fully within her, Tommy had the strangest feeling that he had come home at last.

For a while, the two savored being one again, then Tommy ventured his first languid thrust.

Kim cried out as he long-stroked her slow and deep, rediscovering the dormant places within her, bringing her fully back to life. His patient strokes reminded her of old times when they'd made love (as opposed to wild hormone fucks). Yet, there was an elusive new element to their lovemaking, and Kim struggled to identify it. However, that melted before her partner's gentle heat, and her legs came up, encircling his narrow hips as he pumped his shaft deep within her.

Kim's legs around his waist... her hips meeting his... her velvety walls squeezing his pistoning dick... all had Tommy on the verge. But he held back. He only wanted one thing out of their lovemaking: to come with her. Supporting himself with one arm, he let the other hand roam his lover's sweet body, further exciting her passions. In response, her hands came up to excite him in return.

Gradually, the tempo began to quicken. Neither noticed, lost in a haze of touching and tasting. Frenzied kisses. Fleeting caresses. Bodies undulating together. They drew out the moment as long as possible. Tommy had just decided that he could hold back no longer when he felt the telltale coiling of Kim's muscles... heard her escalating moans. He drove into her more forcefully.

"Together," he gasped out.

Kim's face lit up radiantly.

"Together," she echoed.

In that moment, nothing else existed but strong bodies writhing together, hot slick flesh pressed close and pleasure careening our of control.



Then, shouts of rapture as ecstatic wildfire consumed them both. Tommy sent spurt after spurt of creamy jism into the farthest reaches of Kim's womanhood even as she bathed his spasming organ with a rush of hot juice. They clasped each other tight as orgasms shuddered through their bodies, and somehow through the blissful maelstrom, their mouths met and tongues danced, devouring gasps, moans, whimpers and sighs.

Even after the climactic fires had subsided, the two continued to rock together until the very last ripple of molten joy had calmed. Then they lay side by side, cradled in each other's arms as if they'd never let go, trading wet nips and soothing caresses.

They held each other thusly for a long time, then Tommy finally ventured to break the silence.

"Kim, are you happy?"

By his words and tone, Kim knew that the moment was past, though she wanted to cling to it forever. She regarded his thoughtful expression. It would have been so easy to pretend that he meant had she been happy as they made love, but she knew that wasn't what he was asking. She could have given him an easy 'yes,' but they had just shared a moment of supreme honesty. They had shared what was in their hearts and souls and told each other there was still love between them.

"No," she answered. She knew that response would pain him.... Tommy never liked to see a friend hurting, and even more so when there was nothing he could do to alleviate it. And she knew it would pain her to hear the opposite reply as she asked the expected reciprocal. "Are you?"


Tommy's unexpected answer so startled Kim that she sat up as she gaped at him.

"You're not?"

"Not really."

"But I thought...."

"So did I, but when I took a hard look at myself and was totally honest, I realized I wasn't. It's kind of hard to be when you're missing a piece of your soul."

"What about Kat?" Kim was totally confused. Jason had told her that the two were very happy together, and when she'd seen them at the Youth Center, she'd have sworn the same.

"I love Kat; she means a great deal to me, but I don't love her the way I loved --I love-- you."

His confession left Kimberly speechless. Tommy laid back and pulled Kim on top of him. He smiled as he looked up into her astonished expression.

"Y-you still love me?"

"Couldn't you tell by what we just did? I don't have sex like that with just anyone."

"Yes, I could tell... I think.... I was just too afraid to let myself believe it was true; I thought maybe it was just wishful thinking."

"Believe it." He touched her cheek. "Now that I know it was the dregs that made you write that letter. How can I hold that against you? And even if I hadn't believed the truth of that before, how could I not after what we just shared?" As his hand began to slip down the curve of her face, she nuzzled her cheek into his palm. "So, Beautiful, do you think that maybe we can find something special just for the two of us out of all this?"

Happy tears glistened in her eyes.

"I love you, Tommy," she murmured thickly.

"I know, and I'll always love you."

The joy bubbling up inside Kim burst forth at his words. With a happy squeak, she fell forward, throwing her arms around him and kissing him exuberantly. However, her euphoria was cut short as a disturbing thought crept in.

"W-what about you and Kat?" she asked. "All I've wanted since I mailed that stupid letter was to take it all back and have us back together and for things to be like they used to be, but I don't want to hurt Kat. It wouldn't be right."

"You don't have to worry," Tommy assured her. "With any luck, Kat's having a conversation similar to ours with Rocky right now."

"Kat and Rocky? Really?" she asked wonderingly. "Oh, Tommy, that's so great! Rocky'll be so happy...."

"You mean Rocky likes Kat?" he questioned incredulously.

"Uh huh. Aisha and I noticed a long time ago. He's had it bad for her practically since we first met her."

Tommy laughed, relieved. He had been more worried about how things would work out for Katherine than he had let on.

"It's going to be all right now, isn't it?" Kim murmured anxiously, worrying her lower lip with her teeth.

"Everything's going to be just fine," he replied, his own happiness surging forward. He had the irresistible urge to lift Kim in the air and spin her around in sheer joy. However, since he was flat on his back and she was straddling his middle, that was impractical. Instead, he wrapped his arms around her and rolled over.

"Tommy!" she squeaked in surprise as she suddenly found herself beneath him. He silenced her with a playful kiss. In response, Kim's fingers found his sides, and she tickled him until he shifted off of her to escape and she climbed on top of him.

"I thought you liked it when I was on top," she jibed, an impish grin spreading across her face, and it filled Tommy with delight to see the spark back in her eyes.

"I like when you're laying naked under me, too," he replied, reaching up to pinch one still-hard nipple. "So... is there anything else you'd like to do?"

"Plenty. I'm still really horny."

"Still? You just had three orgasms! You're getting as bad as Rocky!"

"And this is a problem?" she snorted, swatting him playfully. "I've been dying to have your cock in my mouth... unless you really don't want me to blow you...."

"How can I say 'no' to one of your blowjobs?" he asked rhetorically, eyes alight with anticipation.

"Mmm...." she purred as she swung herself around and reached for his rapidly reviving anatomy. However....

Beep. Beep. Beep-Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Oh man," Tommy groaned in complaint.

"Duty calls," Kim sighed regretfully, scrambling off his hips. He leaned over the side of the bed in search of his discarded communicator. It had been kicked over by the desk, and when he reached for it, he overextended himself and toppled off the bed. Kim tried unsuccessfully to stifle a giggle.

"Yes, Zordon?" Tommy asked, doing his best to keep his annoyance out of his voice.

"It's me, Bro," came Jason's voice. His tone sounded strained, and immediately both Kim and Tommy sobered.

"What's up?" the Red Ranger asked, fastening the device about his wrist again.

"Another of Mondo's goons. We held out as long as we could without you, but we really need the MegaZord."

"He's morphin' and on his way," Kim interjected.

"Hey, Kim," Jason greeted her, and then an extended pause followed. "Are you okay now?"

The two traded grins, knowing that their friend was not just asking after her health.

"We're fine, Jason," she assured him with emphasis.

"All right!" the Gold Ranger cheered, catching her meaning.

"We'll tell you about it later. I'll be right there," Tommy assured his best friend as he signed off. He looked apologetically at Kim as he flicked his wrists and summoned his Zeonizers. "I'm sorry...."

"I know. Be careful," she murmured, slipping him a quick kiss. Then she stepped back to allow him to morph.

"Don't worry; I'll be back before you know it," he promised, then he teleported out.

Kim flopped back on her bed, a silly grin plastered on her face. She had no doubt that her boyfriend (oh, it felt so good to say that again!) would be back. He'd be back because he loved her...

... and because he'd forgotten his clothes.
