Home For The Holidays - Prelude
Now Arriving in Angel Grove... 3 Horny Former Rangers
by Cheryl Roberts

"Trini, Zack, wake up," Jason said, nudging his companions who sat on either side of him. "We're almost home!"

"Huh?" Zack yawned, stirring and finally noticing that the plane was in its final descent.

"Thank goodness; I am so cramped after sitting for 20 hours," Trini muttered, trying to stretch out.

"It'll be good to be home," Jason added. They'd been away far too long at the World Teen Peace Conference in Geneva, it seemed, and now they were coming home for the Christmas holiday.

"I can't wait to see the rest of the gang," Zack declared, practically bouncing in his seat. "I want to try all those combinations that we didn't try at our bon voyage party like Kim promised!"

Jason laughed at his eagerness; however, Trini offered a more subdued reaction.

"Won't the others think it a little odd that we'd be so willing to engage in wild, kinky sex without the Power Hormones driving us?" she wondered.

"They won't after we explain to them what happens after you give up your powers," Jason said. "Besides, even without that complication, they'd still be more than happy to have us join in."

"I hope so!" she added hungrily, squirming in her seat, "Because I am in serious need of some relief here."

"Sorry there wasn't time to take care of you before we left," Jason apologized. "If Zack and I had just figured it out twenty-four hours sooner...."

"Hey, I offered to do you in the john," Zack piped up.

Trini scowled at him. "I am not fucking anybody in an airplane restroom," she asserted. "You know how vocal I get when I'm really aroused. The whole plane would have heard us."

A grin split the former Black Ranger's face. "Yeah, I think the whole plane heard that couple a few rows back when they tried it." He gave his willowy companion a playful wink. "Where do you think I got the idea anyway?"

Please remain seated until the airplane comes to a complete stop....




The former Red Ranger found himself smothered under his parents' effusive greeting, and Zack was met by his folks only slightly less enthusiastically. Trini found herself mobbed by a 5'2" powerhouse in pink.

"Kim!" Trini shrieked, returning the hug fiercely. It was wonderful to see her best friend again (and even better to feel her in her arms!). "It's sooo good to see you!"

"I have missed you so much!" Kim declared, getting a little misty-eyed. As the girls hugged, Trini noticed an African-American girl in yellow standing off to the side, apparently waiting on Kim.

"You remember Aisha, don't you?" Kim asked.

"Of course," Trini said and offered the Yellow Ranger her own hug.

"It's good to see you again," Aisha said.

"Where are my parents?" Trini finally asked.

"They had car trouble," Kim explained, taking the carry-on from her long-time friend. "They called me from the garage and asked if I'd bring you home since they weren't going to have the car done in time to meet you."

"Mom has been after Dad to get that thing fixed for weeks!" Trini laughed. "He is really going to be in for it!"

"Come on; let's go get your luggage then go find your folks," Kim ordered, and the three girls headed off for the baggage claim.

Meanwhile, other reunions were taking place.

The Taylors were trading hugs and jabbering away excitedly when Zack caught sight of a pair of onlookers.

"Mom, Dad, give me a sec, okay?" he asked, then he burst forward and flung his arms around the bespectacled Blue Ranger, literally lifting him up and swinging him around. "Billy, my main brain! You are a sight for sore eyes!"

"It's nice to see you, too, Zack," Billy gasped out when Zack finally set him down.

"Hey, Adam," Zack greeted the bashful Black Ranger, wrapping him in a friendly hug. "Lookin' good, bro. It seems that 'part time job' is agreeing with you."

"It is," Adam responded with a quiet smile.

"How are the fringe benefits?'"

"As awesome as you'd said they'd be."


"Come on, kids; you all can get caught up while we get Zack's luggage," Mr. Taylor suggested, and the quintet headed for the escalator.

While the others had managed to get a word in edgewise in greeting their old friends, Tommy was not having much luck with Jason. Mr. and Mrs. Scott couldn't seem to stop hugging him or stop talking long enough to let their son say anything. The White Ranger could see his best friend searching around and waved to let Jason know that he and Rocky were there. All Jason could do was acknowledge the greeting with a smile before being swept away by his folks.

"Do you think somebody missed their little boy?" Rocky snickered as he watched his hapless predecessor head off down the concourse.

"Mr. and Mrs. Scott have never been away from Jason for so long," Tommy explained, a little disappointed that he didn't get to offer his own greeting; however, he understood Jason's parents' actions. "With their construction business, they've never been away much --not like my dad and all his business trips. They've never been overly protective or anything... Jase used to go to summer camp and stuff, just not for more than a week or two at the most. His folks haven't seen him in months."

"I can see that," Rocky conceded.

"Don't worry; Jase'll find some time for us while he's here," Tommy said confidently. "In the meantime, let's go see if anyone else needs help with their luggage."
